The Huron Expositor, 1957-03-08, Page 4Si
-Vas vast
NI I :IF '4
.1111 11114
' ltia Man
_Ma,. h. tilite.
At lie* Lo* Cash Rates
„ 00 AND FOUND, ETC. Per Word:
4.0 *O.V0
I Cent
3141 Week Va. Cent
,fird Weele Cent
munfs charge, each insertion.. 25 Cents
fignre, and abbreviation counia as one word.
nics 'Iri Memorisma Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word, Minimum,
Pta wee,
Tiay be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cent° extra.
'nts additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10
de of final insertion.
Hfierlages• and Deaths inserted free of eharge.
NOties to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application.
4Oonu4g Events
te 1Brucefield Young Peo-
lia,r0301. Barahvaper Drive on Saturday,
papers securely ti4e.6350M.2
44..„4.314Killes for pick -u."11
For Rent
FOR RENT—Newly renovated 2 bed-
'''*•qt,IM apartment ; heat and lights suPplied.
AVAllable gt once. Apply J. C. CRICH.
• WORK WANTED—Part time, at home.
Hxperienced in legal and insurance, book -
(keeping and typing. Will pick up and
.4BI/en Apply Box 601, HURON EX-
rOsiron. 4649x2
• Help Wanted
;•• WANTED—Sales clerk and waitress
wanted. Experienced preferred. Apply
J. c. cluck 4650x1
Cf, WANTED—Girl for general housework
tq', In Seaforth home, with all modern con-
veniencea. Live in. Box 604, HURON
4 EXPOSITOR, 4650-2
• HELP WANTED—Girl for receptionist
in Seaforth office. Afternoons only. Ap-
ply giving particulars, to Box 603, HUR-
A WELL KNOWN manufacturer of
finest household necessities and toiletries
has openings in your surroundings. Write
for full details and free catalogue today.
1600 DELORIMIER, Dept. 49, Station C,
Montreal. 4650-1
BRAY CHICKS--Dayold, started. Pul-
lets; Broilers. Wide choice. including
Ames In -Cross, Pikh White Rocks. Ag-
ents: AIRS. ALEX PATERSON, Bruce -
field, Phones Clinton HU. 2-9232, Seaforth
659-23; or JOHN PRUIN, R.R. 2, Sea -
forth, Phone 845 r 21.
Farms For Sale
FARM FOR SALE -50 agree, good build-
ings ; hydro: never -failing water B u pp 1 y
All choice land; on main highway near
Seaforth. Easy terrae. Box 602, HURON
FOR SALE -150 -acre farm, Mullett
Township, Lot 9. Con. 13, 75 acres culti-
• ted, remainder in hay and pasture,
some bush. Apply to JAMES McCLURE,
RR, 4, Walton, Ont. 4649 ?3
FOR SALE -40 -acre farm, Lot 23, Boun-
dary.Grey. and IdeKillop, east of Walton.
Al.eo good building fur henhouse, 24x40;
matchcd lumber insideand out, Apply to
JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 60 r 4,
Cards of Thanks
AIRS. J. L. SMITH wishes •to express
her Msanks to her many frientle who sent
her cards and gifts and who remenabered
hes op the occasion of her 92nd birth -
403'. 4650-
grateful appreciation the many kind ex
nressions of sympathy,
'Property For Sale
FOR RALZ--7-room house, red shingled
insulated; hot water with bathroom and
extra lot, Apply JOE TRAVAGLIONE.
Ord St. 46504.„
SAI,sErWlikite frame, horeatnhWe#
nflagernitic. ea.m PHObilE4 568-J, ;ea° forth er.?e-
I WISH TO EXPRESS my thanks to
the triaily friends who remembered me with
cards and treats while a patient in -Toron-
to General H9spital. Special thanks to
my Toronto friends who visited me.
4610-1 A. C. ROUTLEDGE
wrgli TO THANK my kind friends
and neighbors for their flowers, cards.
treats and visits while I was a patient
in Scott Memorial Hospital and since re-
turning home. Special thanks to Dr.
Brady, Dr. Malkus and the nursing :ARM
WE WISH TO EXPRESS our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our relatives,
neighbors and friends for the kindness,
sympathy and beautify' floral tributes ex-
tended to us during our, sudden bereave-
ment in the loss of a dear husband, father
and grandfather. Special thanks to Rev.
H. Snell. Exeter, and Rev. S. Davidson,
Brucelie(d, ?ernes St. Church W.A. and
Bonthron uneral Home Hensall.
46-50-1 AND FAMILY
Farm consisting, of 100 acres, choice
clay loam, 6 acres bush, 10 acres spring
crop, balance in hay and grass; well
drained and fenced, cement silo, hydro,
abundance of water ; bank barn 45 x 80
with new roof, cement floors, water
throughout; double garage: 8-roomcd
:mime house in good repair; furnace, good
oellar ; a good young orchard. Apply:
R.R. No. 3, Dublin, Ontario,
Executor James D. Hoggarth Estate
Telephone 11 r 14, Dublin.
Lost and Found
Auction Sales
Of Farm Implements and Equipment at
Lot No, 9, Concession 4, Tuckersmith
Township, 2 miles „atuith of Seaforth and
mile east, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH
13th, at 1:30 p.m., the following:
lis-Chalmers Model C tractor with hydrau-
lic pulley and P.T.O.: set of tractor chains;
Fleury -Bissell 2 -furrow tractor plow (on
rubber); John Deere No. 12-A combine
with auxiliary motor, scour clean and
belt pick-up; 1033 Dodge 1/2 -ton pickup
truelc with van: McCormick 7 -foot spring
' tooth cultivator (on rubber); McCormick
LOST — Wallet, containing valuable 15 -disc power drill ; John Deere 10 -inch
papers. Reward. PHONE 90.
For Sale
hammer drill : 75 feet 6-iff5lr rubber drive
4650-1 belt; Pollard 16 -ton vertical feed mixer;
rubber tire wagon (all Mee) frame and
roller bearings) ; grain box. 14 feet by 7
feet; 3 -drum steel roller; aluminum box
wheelbarrow ; Stewart electric clipper;
I.E.L. Super twin chain saw; platform
WHITE HEADED CALVES for sale. scales ;-- all-steek 8-eompartment hog feed -
Phone 669 r 33. FRANK REYNOLDS, er; app.: oximately 900 feet of 4 -inch eave
Seaforth. 4650-1 trough; quantity of conductor pipe: 100 -
gallon gas tank with pump; Holland elec-
tric brooder (500 chick): 6 50 -pound steel
FOR SALE—Rodney seed oats, $1.00 a hanging
chick feeders; chicken fountains;
bushel. SAM SCOTT, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Jack -All jack ; block and tackle; 4 -sec -
Phone 836 r 11. 9050-2 tion harrows with draw bar; quantity of
ten -test 4 ft. by 8 ft.; forks, shovels, log -
FOR SALE—Mason & Risch player ging chains, and numerous other articles.
piano, in fair condition. Reasonable. Terms—Cash,
CALL 38 r 11, Dashwood. 4649-2
H. GRANT CHESNEY, Proprietor: Ed -
FOR SALE—Used Bendix and used ward W. • Elliott, Auctioneer. 464x2
Beatty ironer. DUBLIN ELECTRIC.
Phone 70 r 2, Dublin. 4650-1 J CLEARING
have one of the, best strains of Leghorns
• In Canada today. They s..e bred from
t Leucosis Resistance, which means less
culls, more egga and more hens to sell at
the end Of the year. Dates available: 12
weeks, April 9; 16 weeks, May 7; ready -to-
• lay, April 30 and June 10; vaccinated,
wormed, delivered. ANDREWS POUL-
, TRY FARM, RR. 3, Seaforth, Ont, Phone
647 r 3 Seaforth, 4699x3
1T. WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheuma-
tic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when RUM-
ACAPS will help you to welcome relief.
Ask your druggist.
24 sam-
4,• plea '$1.00:. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, $ePtember; ,.2 Purebred Hereford cows, 4
and 5 years old, with calves at foot; Pure -
3, NOVA-RUBP4111 CO., Box 91, Hai/Tilton. bred yearling heifer (these calves are
FOR SALE -1 male, 2 female budgies. suitable for 4-11 Calf Clubs): 3 Holstein
together with English chrome cage and :
heifers, 2 years old, bred Hereford, due
:393.stand. Regular $65.00 for 350.00. PHONE
September and October; Ayrshire cow, 7
4650-1 , years old, Hereford cow 4 years uld, due
due in April, bred Hereford;
1-1 16tem X
RADIO REpArrts _ F,,,,. all kind. f FOR SALE—Large size feed 'aidicer, ,-°;
1.,.•, radion, at at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE.
Dick House, Seaforth. Phone nearly new; also 4 good 21 -inch
PHONE 667 r 14, Seaforth. sev cow, 5 years old, due in August, bred tires.' in May, bred Hereford: Durham X Guer -
4650x1 Hereford; Holstein heifer, 2 years old 847-R. (014en) ; 20 yearling Durham X Hereford
4649-tf steers and heifers, 300 to 700 lbs.; 2
forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- Walton. Phone 45 r 23, Dublin.
FOR SA LbuEFl. Regsoi ter jeod HdNasrko Nr ed R.BScotch 2,
4650x1 Holstem heifer calves; Holstein bull calf
DAIRY EQUIPMENT -12 milk cans
11 (froin purebred
. vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER (nearly new) ; 1 strainer; 1 cooling trough,
1 ' 'FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady, PIGS -3 sows, carrying second litter,
11 Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. FOUR BULL CALVES, fully accredit -
due time of sale: sow carrying third lit -
4649 tf ed Holsteins. Apply BORDEN RIEHL,
ter, due time of sale; sow with 10 pigs,
R R 2, Walton. Phone Dublin 24 r 9.
4 weeks old; 2 Tarnworth sows, bred 4
Mc tanks, cesspools, etc, pumped and
weeks; 2 York sows, bred 4 weeks; York
cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. FOR SALE—Boy's sport jacket, light hog'
,,, fill work guaranteed. Estimates give, gray, size 14, in excellent condition. HORSE, FEED and MISCELLANEOUS
',,e' without obligation. LOULS BLAKE, R.R. PHONE SEAFORTH 338. --General purpose horse, 10 years old;
6., set of breeching harness; approximately
.4 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. ' 45‘,.. s' ` 40 tons mixed hay; approximately 600
APPLES FOR SALE—Good firm well-
bushels mixed grain; 2 electric .brooders;
2 electric 'fencers; 200 -gallon gas tank
and pump; stock trailer; 6 steel pig
troughs, and numerous other articles. '
No reserve as farm is sold. Terms, cash.
• GAYDON NEAL, Proprietor,
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer,
FOR SALE—Nordheiner piano in good Of Farm Stock, Hay, Grain and Dairy
condition. Apply to GERALD HORTON, E,quipment, at Lot No. :30, Concession 5,
R.R. 5, Clinton. Phone HU. 2-9148. Mullett Township, 3 miles north of Clin-
4650-1 ton, on the Base Line, on TUESDAY.
MARCH 19th, at 1:30 P.m:
FOR SALE --Rodney oats. teAts 41 lbs. 50 Head of Registered and Grade Cattle
per bushel; good for seed; 80r out of the including: Holstein ' cows, 7 years old,
bin. J. A. PETRIE, Seaforth. Phone calf at foot; Holstein cow, 3 years old,
195-R. 4650x1
freshened 2 months; Purbred Holstein
FOR SALE—A quantity Montcalm bar- cow, 3 years old, freshened 3 months;
Ivy, suitable for seed. PEARSON CHAR-
TERS, R.R. 3, Kh3pen. Phone Hensel'
(479 r 21. 4650x1
FOR SALE—Several used television sets,
used washing machines and used refricows, 4 years old, bred Hereford and due
ELECTRIC.' Phone 70 r 2, Dublin.
Purebred Holstein cow, 3 years old, fresh-
ened 5 weeks; Holstein cow, 3 years old,
freshened 6 weeks; 4 Holstein cows, 3
years old, bred Holstein and due May 4.
May 15, April 20 and July 24; 4 Holstein
HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods/. April 2, April 18, March 19, April 3: Hol -
mailed postpaie in plain, sealed envelope erators, at special prices. Apply DUBLIN stein cow, 3 years old, bred Hereford, due
,!i. witkprice List 6 samples 25c ; 4649-0
• wrrENT/024, FARmERs _ prompt colored Spies, 32.00 bushel in your own
f courteous collection of all dead and containers. STEWART MIDDLETON.
•. disabled farm animala and hides. Call Clinton HU. 2-7525. 4650-3
, etillect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, $ea-
* •forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of
,•Canada Ltd.
FOR SALE — A quantity registered
Garry oats, Beaver oats. Brant barley and
Montcalm barley. R T. BOLTON. Phone
840 r 41, Seaforth. 4649x2
IFOR SALE—Brand new Beatty washer,
never used; 3115 cash. PHONE 841 r 2,
Seaforth Seed Cleaning Plant open for
Spring business. Phone:
ELECTOR CHESNEY 298 1 Artificial flowers. ERIC MILNER, Variety
or SEAFORTH LUA1BER 47 ' Gifts, Seaforth.
4650-2 4649-tf
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
For artificial hummination Information
• or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone
't the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association
at CLINTON HU. 2-8441, between 7:30
'4 hble-.-top quality at low cost.
and 0:80 We have all breeds avail..
Notices To Creditors
i-..soi the Estate of IFIATIIIAINA KOEHLER
; " .. All persons having claima against the
.,, :i.-:
rii.1, Eatate erf Eathrina Koehler, Tate of. the
,. ',Pownallip of McKillop,th
in e County of
ii. Huron Widow., deeeased, who died on the
;'.,)0th limy of Septeriber, 1956, are hereby
;',r.trionitifiett to send in full particidars of their
1.41aitas to the undersigned on or before
e 22n& day of March, 1957, after which
date the :meets will be distributed, having
i,i regard Witt' to clabuir thenreceived.
_DATED at Seaforth, thie 26th day of
).;) Febniarg, 1251. ,
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitors for the tstate
4114'.4i.„,1814.01. Of. WILLMAI4i
ereees aalhtat the Va.
IOf 4MiliitettOr4:10611rijiii the
ounty a Pert-,,,
tiederefed, who, die&
tifettl1i,41it*rif.'1140005ber, I0g6, are heit,,,
Abliera lit fall particulate Of'
hfM". ta,fflte, ,thidersiknett no *37 htei'
22frid.lilaY Of ',Afttreit, 121i aft&
tJ14oitoto-*Ill 66: diti
• • .; • •
••/t4Y:401,,,;P:' • •
FOR SALE—Rodney oats, timothy seed,
flax seed, cob corn, baled hay. JOHN
W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone
833 r 31. 4650-tf
FOR SALE—Garry seed oats, grown
from registered seed. Apply to HUBERT
JOHNSON, R.R. 2, Walton. Phone 46 r
25, Dublin. 4649x2
HAY FOR SALE—A quantity of baled
hay, alfalfa and timothy, second cut. Ap-
ply to HARRY JOHNSTON, R.R. 1, Dub-
lin. Phone 840 r 23, Seaforth,
lin Electric. TV awivel chairs in stock
at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC
FOR SALE --Choice of two 4 -year-old
Holstein cows, due to freshen within one
week; quiet and easy to milk. G. EL-
LIOTT, Brucefield. Phone 659 r 11. Sea -
forth. 4650-1
FOR SALE—Quebec, heater, medium
size, 310.00; Singer portable electric sew-
ing machine, 460.00. Both in first-class
condition. Apply MRS. C. LOVETT,
Huron St. 4648-3
FOR SALE,—Garry seed oats, grown
from registered seed; cleaned and treated;
31.55 a bushel. WILLIAM COLEMAN,
first farm west of Kronen, Phone 674 r
22, Hensel]. 4650x1.
GRAIN FOR ,SALE—See us for quota-
tions on truck road lots of Western grain.
Special price on 7 -ton lots of oats or
wheat, as well as screenings and barley.
FOR SALE -1 used General Electric re-
frigerator, 7Y2 ft. ; 1 used Coffield electric
waaher ; 1 used 4 -burner electric stove
(Stinshine), all in good shape, about five
,SON, Hensel!. Phone 675 - 14, Herman.
4650 71
Of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household
Effecta will be offered for sale at Lot 3,
Con. 1, Stanley Township, 1 mile north a
Kippen, on No. 4 Highway, on FRIDAY,
MARCH 8th, at 12 o'clock:
CATTLE -9 cows ranging from 3 to 7
Years old, supposed to be in calf, all Pas-
ture bred; 9 Spring calves; 1 Fall calf; 7
steers rising 2 years old: 2 steer calves
rising 1 year old.
IMPLEMENTS— '60' Oliver row crop
tractor with -power lift and ocuffler; Mc-,
Cordlick-Deering standard tractor W-4;
7 -foot stiff tooth cultivator; 4 -section drag
harrows: 12 -foot steel drum roller; Mc-
Cormick -Deering 15 -disc fertilizer seed
drill, 3 years old; 4 sections of harrows;
McCormick -Deering 2 -furrow tractor plow;
McCormick - Deering manure spreader,
tractor drawn; McCormick -Deering 6 -foot
mower; Massey -Harris side rake; new
bale elevator, 32 feet long1,a New Holland
baler (used 1 year); 1VLcCormick-Deering
combine with motor, grain blower with
pipes; grain grinder: rubber tired wag-
on with flat rack and grain box; 6400t
Maasey-Harris binder; trailer with stock
rack; gravel box: cement mixer; circular
saw; root pithier; fiat rack for wagon; 34.
foot vofoden gate; set sleighs; cream sep-
arator; name jack; ,1/2 11.P. motor; 14
H.P. motor; fanning mill and screens;
set 2,000-11,. scales; belts; ]umber; planks:
steel water trough; barrels; 2 wheelbar-
rows; number 3x6 rafters; chains, forks,
shovels; 3 rolls new barb wire; 'vise;
sling ropes; 4 -foot land roller; 13 -inch
tile; 6 rolls arm* fence; steel p.oets; ex-
tension ladder; chicken broodef; few tons
baled hay; set double harness ; horse col-
lars; 400 bushels Rodney oats, grown from
Registered seed; 50 bushels Montcalm bar-
ley, suitable for seed; alfalfa seed.
POULT3IY-175 laying hens.
4 -burner electric attive; Frigidaire Cold
Wall refrigerator; day bed ; kitchen
chairs ; dining room chairs; dresses -s;
lamps; beds; gray rug 12x12; mauve rag
7x12; rug 7x9: 2 rugs 9x12; scatter mats;
Morris piano and bench; R.C.A. Victor
radio; laundry tubs; sealers; kitchen cab-
inet; drop leaf table;' other articles too
numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. No
reserve; farm sold.
JOHN L. HENDERSON. Proprietor;
Harold Jackson. Auctioneer; 16. P. Ches-
ney, Clerk, 4648-2
FOR SALE—,, quantity of Garry oats,
grown - from registered Seed; quantity of
• baled hay; I elect* i'oocur, 1,54,,earupg;
ity, and 1 A-Ohairtiers 60 cOm ,
ettoipood,• Aimy to HAROLDPRYCE,
11.11. 1,, Pho2ne 840 t .
rap, 'contbination door; 2
panelled doersk,a`Sed; all ,2/ 10,/ x Cr td!r;
7..footbrint tiatitte cultivator with a three.
Paint of toOd'notatook 111.
I v' P,Atteed,
far JO *IOW ' Sh,ltra
HART—In Seaforth, on Wednesday, Feb.
27,- John Walker Hart, in his '57th year.
LOWERZ—In Seaforth, on Thursday, Feb.
28, Susan Praiser, widew of the -late
Alexander Lowery, In her 73r5 year.
MILLER -sari London, ' ori Wednesday,
hinrch 0, ltiPt, ivio„Jcisepli fon0s.
till eatherlife Willitons, in her 74th
Stoat' 8tig at .W. Mend' Furifiral
„ *Mk fisttb• gbtroOlit. mitt Moat
0'4•, 'at; ,, sr;
FOR RALF-7-Big.-rootn frame house,
bathroom and basement ; newly .Painted;
new furnace; one block from Main Street.,
May be seen Saturdays only by appoint,%
ment. Possession May 15th. AWAY to
H. G. AIEIR, Phone 78, Dominion Bank
Bldg. 405073
For Sale or Rent
Goderieh Street West, 3/5 acre of land;.
1531 storey white stucco house, 42/ x 48';
kitchen, Alining room, living, roorn, 4 bed-
rooms with ample closets, 3 -piece bath;
oil heated, with hot water system. Burn, .
garage 42? x 48/ in good, repair. See 1
this splendid home. It is priced to sell.
Immediate possession arranged.
your date for inspection. W. J. SCOTT,
Box 142, Seaforth P.O. Phone 336 or
833 r 21. 465022
In Memoriam
KNIGHT -10 loving memory of Norman
Knight,' who passed away two years ago,
March 8.
He wished none a last farewell,
Nor even said good-bye;
He.had gone before we knew,
And only God knew why.
Asleep in God's beautiful garden,
Away from all sorrow and pain,
Some day when life's journey is ended,
We shall be together again.
—Lovingly remembered by Wife and
Family. _4650-1
HANEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on
Marcia 1, to Mr, and Mrs. Clair Haney,
Egmondville, a son.
HARBURN--At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on Feb. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Harburn, R.R. 2, Dublin, a daughter.
MeNICMOL—At Scott Merriorial Hospital,
on March 4, to Mr. and Airs. Ralph
McNichol, R.R. 4, Walton, a son,
NESBITT—At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on March 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Nesbitt, RR. 2, Elyth, a son,
The regular meeting of the Sea -
'forth Women's Institute .will be
held in S.D.H.S. March 12 at 8:30.
, Community Activities and Public
!Relations is the theme of the meet-
' ing, and Mrs. Harold Hugill and
Mrs. Jas. Doig are in charge. Roll
call is My most treasured pos-
session."; motto, -"In youth we
learn, in age we understand." Men
• are invited to attend and all are
asked to bring sandwiches, unless
otherwise contacted. Achievement
Day for 4-H Homemaking Clubs is
being held Saturday in S.D.H.S.
• Mr. and Mrs. George Watt spent
last Wednesday in London. Mr.
Watt attended the Middlesex Seed
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Thomas Neilans, a patient in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, has
not been so well. Everyone wish-
es her a speedy recovery.
Sympathy is extended to the
Leiper and Hamilton families in
the passing of their aunt Miss
Agnes Hamilton, of Clinton,. Miss
Hamilton was a former Hullett
resident,- having spent her life on
the farm • where Mr. David AO-
derson now resides. Miss Hamil-
ton was buried Monday in Burns'
cemetery, Hullett.
There are six young people from
Burns' Church attending the com-
mencement classes presently be-
ing held in the Londesboro United
Church, under the leadership of
the minister, Rev. J. T. White.
Misses Mary Lou and Lois Roe,
of New Hamburg and Stratford re-
spectively, spent the weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes-
ley Roe, Dianne and Joyce.
Mrs. John Hesselwood, Sr., Blyth,
has been helping out at the home
of Mr. James Neilans.
Mr. George Watt, accompanied
by several of the executive of the
Blyth Fair Board, attended the
57th annual convention of ,the On-
tario Agricultural Societies held in
the King Edward Hotel, Toronto,
last Thursday.
The regular meeting of Burns'-
Londesboro Y.P.U. was held Sun-
day evening 'in the basement of
Londesboro Church with 27 mem-
bers in attendance. The sing -song
was led by Gail Lear, The stew:
ardship and training commission
under the leadership of Gordon
Howatt, was in charge of worship.
The scripture was read by Ross
Carter. Mervin Penfound led in
prayer. Jane McCool gave the
topic. A film on "The Life of
Stephen" was shown, Donald. Hem-
ingway, Brussels, spoke on the Y.
P. U. Conference that was held
this past weekend at London. Re-
creation was in charge of June
ViairAv16041,po. .A
440.#4,-(Actvt.); •
and, ,MAta,!4:40: SOO'. a*
, and Mra. JaMPO. ANASTOWan,
Ofertk left 144-ilgaek104i:*leve:
Weeks' vacation, M Elorida.
Mrs. George `PMItriey, Wilketten;
sPent the weekend with her 10$11^.
er, Mrs. W. H. Fewer.
Mr. and Mrs. Lem Seeking,. of
'Clinton, have -.moved onto Mr. Nor-
rith Sillery's house in the village,'
•Mr. Suehring is empleyed. at, 11,
Dalrymple & Son's prat. We
welcome Mr. and Mrs. uelirieg
tothe village.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Baird spent
Tuesday in London, guests of- Mr.
and Mrs. Mac Aikenhead. -
The friends of Brucefield and
community extend their most
heartfelt sympathy at this time to
Mrs. Alvin McBride, Stewart and
Donna, in he tragic death of Mr.
Mcl3ride. '
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple
attended the funeral of Mrs. Dal-
rymple's aunt, Mrs. Jones, of
Peterboro, on Thursday of last
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalrymple
attended the funeral of Mrs. Dal-
rymple's cousin, Miss Hamilton, of
Clinton, on Monday.
BUY your diamond at 25% dis-
count at SAVAUGE'S March Sale,
Seaforth.—( Advt.).
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ryan and sons,
of Weston, visited with Mrs. Cath-
erine Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane and
daughter, London, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. William Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flana-
gan and Miss Rose Marie Feeney,
Kitchener, were guests of Mrs.
Catherine Feeney.
Mr, and Mrs, Tom Holland, of
Windsor, visited with Mr. Matt Mur-
Mr. and Mrs, Lennie Cronin and
children, Stratford, visited with
IVIrs. Elizabeth Cronin.
Miss Phyllis Butters, London,
spent the weekend' with MT. and
Mrs. Tom Butters.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benn„ of
Kitchener, Were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Evans.
Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Dillon,
St. Thomas, Mrs. William Duffy,
Woodstock, and Misses Madely
and Dorothy Dillon. Stratford; vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dil-
Guild Makes Quilt
The February meeting of St.
Mary's Guild was held at the home
of Mrs. Charles Friend with 16
ladies present. -The meeting op-
ened with a hymn, followed by
prayer by Mrs. Friend. The scrip-
ture was read by Mrs. James.
Business of the meeting was dis-
cussett A quilt was completed,
and the meeting closed .with a
lunch served by the hostess and
her helpers.
Hold Bingo Party
Members of the Altar Society of
St. Patrick's parish, Dublin., held
a bingo party and social evening
in the parish hall Friday night,
Janies J. Krauskopf and Clayton
to -ay called off the numbers. The
bingo winners were: Miss Theresa
Ryan, Miss Margaret Flanagan,
Mrs. Walter Carpenter. Louis
Kramers, Mrs, Hugh Kelly, Louis
Ayotte, James McQuaid, Mrs. Mar-
tin Klinkhamer, William Feeney,
Charles Price, Fred Eckert, Mrs.
James McQuaid. Special prizes
were won by Mrs. John Murphy
and Clem Krauskopf. Miss Mar,
garet Flanagan won a share -the -
wealth prize. Music for dancing
was supplied by the.Blue Rangers -
orchestra. A .lunch was served.
W.I. Meets
The sixtieth anniversary of the
founding of the Women's Institute
was celebrated at the February
meeting of Dublin Institute. held
at the home of Mrs. William. Stew-
art. Seventeen members were pre-
sent and one visitor answered' the
roll call by telling of something
seen or heard on radio or televi-
sion of the anniversary.
"Citizenship and Education" Was
the topic taken by Mrs. Tom But-
ters. Igrs,, George Robinson gave
a Summary of the bus trip taken
to Torento. Mrs. A. Looby gave a
report on the millinery course held
at Staffa. Mrs. Joe Looby receiv-
ed the prize for the most. 'novel
patch put on the travelling apron.
Mrs. Thomas Molyneaux gave an
interesting reading, "The Rural
Home." A humorous skit. "Mrs.
Institute of 1957 and Mrs. Insti-
tute of 1897," was given by Mrs.
Harold Pethick , and Mrs. Fergus
Stapleton. '
Mrs. Reuben Aikens offered her
home for the March meeting. Dur-
ing the social lour a delicious
lunch was served, including a dec-
orated anniversary cake.
The Hospital Auxiliary will meet
at the nurses' residence on Tues-
day, March 12, at 8:15, p.m.
To 'Make Good Dividends!
Men's Winter Overcoats
At One -Half Price -
Men's, Women's, Girls' and Boys'
Lined Jeans, also Men's and Boys"
Winter Jackets — less 25%
These you will find at --1-
Phone '16 •Ramat
s 447 ' )44. SI414 4
.10 4.tle 1x"a .04fe#0, M. and
.01m. ilq,4dcrSPA‘ an .fanaily-
:•Mr. and los, Ernest Prit spent
.lest Friday .oro&
^ Rarbara • S.chwebn, daeghtee of
Mr. and Mrs. Cordeh 5*-AT*1#1.,.1Aas
yeturned, .from St. Joseph's 15.0spi-
tal, London, where ,she. underwent
.eye surgery. .
.AmPpeo -East W.L sponsored a
successful. hake sale 04 Saturday
afternoon, 'whiCh was held* Drys -
dale's Hardware. .
Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Appleton and
Mrs. Herb Blatchford, of Exeter,
spent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Jinks.
Miss Betty ,Mielde, of Toronto,
'spent the Weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Tdrs. •Mickle
and fannly.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan at-
tended the KeyS-McWilliams wed-
ding at Rodney last Saturday.
...Mr. and .Mrs. James .Harkness
and family, of Teeswater, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Reid and faintly.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLeao, of
Hamilton, and Miss Ruth McLean,
of Exeter, were guests last Sun-
day veith 'Mr. John Passmore.
Mrs. Stewart McQueen, who un-
derwent an operation at Scott
Memorial 'Hospital, Seaforth, has
returned home.
Mrs. Harvey Hyde, R.R. 2, Hen-
sall, who recently had the misfor-
tune to fracture a bone in her
ankle when she slipped and fell on
Some ice outside the door of her
home, is progressing nicely.
Entertain Uncles and Aunts
Mr: and Mrs. William Cann, of
BUY your diamond at 25% dis-
count at SAVAUGE'S March Sale,
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and
Eleanor visited last Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corriveau in
Zurich. -
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton visit-
ed in Exeter with her sister, Mrs
Norman Stanlake, and Mr. Stan -
A good crowd of women from
Zion attended the cooking school
in Mitchell last week. Some were
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Don-
na and Barry, visited her mother,
Mrs. J. Malcolm, recently.
We are sorry to report Mrs.
Mary Whetham is a patient- in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
We wish Mrs. Whetham a quick
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Perrin vis-
ited with Mrs. Rena Stacey and
Mowet recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm
and sons visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Sheldon, St. Marys, on
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker re-
ceived the sad news of the death
of their uncle, Mr. Adam Pounder,
who passed away in Vancouver,
Mrs. George Graham visited ov-
er the weekend, with Mrs. J. Mal-
Opens Tenders
For Road Work
Tuckersmith Municipal Council
met in the Town Hall, Seaforth,
March 5, at 1 p.m. All members
were present and Reeve Ivan For-
syth presided.
Tenders for crushing and hauling
gravel were opened_ and Lavis
Contracting Company, Clinton, was
awarded the contract at 73c per
cubic yard, subject to the approv-
al of the Department of Highways
of Ontario. Other bidders were:
Geo. X. Elliott, Clinton, 75c per
cubic yard; Jos. Kerr, Wingham,
72c per cubic yard. Tenders for
spraying cattle for Warble fly con-
trol was awarded to Hubert Coop-
er, Exeter, at 10c per head per
spray. Peter E. Maloney, Seaforth,
also tendered at 12c per head per
spray. Tenders for supplying pow-
der for warble fly control were
opened from J. R. Engeland, Mil-
verton, $725 per 15 -lb. bag; J. W.
Crich, Clinton, $7.50; ubert CoOp-
er, Eketer, $7.10; Borden Brown,
Seaforth, $6.90; W. C. Lovett, Lon-
desboro, $7.50; W. G. Thompson &
Sons, Hensall, $725; John Aiding -
ton, Varna, $7. The tender was
awarded to Bordn Brown, Seaforth,
at $6.90.
A li ti f
pp ca ons or inspector under
the Warble Fly Control Act were
received from Sidney, Gemmell,
EgmondVille; Wilmer Biroadfoot,
,Kippen, and Charles Eyre, Kippen.
Wilmer Broadfoot was appointed
as inspectce
Court of revision on the Row-
cliffe Drain heard tut -appeal from
Harry Faber, and his assessment
of $120 was reduced to $80. By -
Law No. 4, 1951, appropriating $40,-
000 for.road expenditure, was 'giv-
en its required readings and pass-
Compensation policy covering
workmtn, councillors, firemen And
officials was renewed throUgh M.
A. Reid, agent, and premium of
$155.92 ordered paid. Insurance tin
the tkuck and township shed was
also renewed.
Complaint was received free;
Vellenga Bros. on the Broadfbot
Mtnoieipal rirain. Council eras Of
the opinion that contact Would' be
made with Other interested parties
on the drab before *Weeding
with a cleaii-out. Did*, ROSS, x,
Eng., discitssed tentative 'plans fOr
ponstraetion Of a neW bridge at
lot 25-26, L.R.S.
Aceotinta .paseed ineluded: Fox
bount, $10; printing and adverta-
•volt; grants, $1,5';‘, soul*,
; convention experise„ t9Sf roadgy,
224.14,1AM? Mid 40*.atie_e
13946' Preeet740#4.0
e f4:
COS 04tertained at OW
o their nneli and attnts. fowl
S.IIPP-S_I:t W4,01.4 't.1)0 trinirlqa wap
Sery•pu, 4ttdieneg the auair was,
4T. Oi, PasSitigre, Of liensell. A
reeregionakperied 'of cards' round-
ed out a mast delightful evening:
Will *Oct
The March, ineethig of the Hen -
sail Women's lestitute will be held
Wednesday in de Legion Hall
when the guest sneaker will be W
P. Roberts, secretary -treasurer of
Tuckerenlitb school, area, who Will
speak on "Education," Mrs. R.
Elie will cement en the mottp,
"Politeness is like an air cushion,
there might be nothing in it, but
it eases up the jolts." The roll call
is a notable Canadian. Hostesses
are Mrs. E. Norininton and Mrs.
A. Orr, 'and progra mconveners,
Mrs. T. Sherritt and Miss Ellis.
Hear R.C.A.F. Chaplain
_Flt./Lt. McLean, Chaplain at
R.C.A.F, Station, Centralia, was
guest speaker at the dinner meet-
ing of the Hensel]. Legion Mon-
day evening, and gave a most
interesting and informative talk
on his work as peace -time chap-
lain in the R.C.A.F. The group
endorsed a resolution to have ,one
of the schools for retarded chil-
dren located in this area. An
invitation was accepted to be
'guests of the Legion Ladies! Aux-
iliary at a turkey banquet, to be
held. March 27. Legion, members
wishing- to attend are asked to
contact P. L. McNaughton by
Thursday, March 21. President
S. G. Rennie chaired the meet-
ing, and t,he Ladies' Auxiliary
catered' for the dinner.
To Hold Rummage Sale
Hensall Kinettes are holding a
'rummage sale in the Town Hall
here Saturday, March 30. Dona-
tions of articles will be appreciat-
ed and will be picked up by the
Kinettes, or may be left at the
Hall the previous Friday evening.
Donors are asked to please phone
Mrs. Jim Clark at 84, so that art-
icles may be picked up.
Newlyweds Presented
The Town Hall here was packed
to capacity Friday for a reception
for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Love (nee
Pat Tuckey). The young couple
were presented with a well-filled
purse of money. Henry Geyer
read the address, and Gordon Cole-
man presented the gift. Desjar-
dine's orchestra provided music
for the dance. The affair was ar-
ranged by Glen Weido and Gordon
The Sweet Adelines of Toronto
sang in Massey Hall, Toronto, Sat-
urday, March 2. Mrs. J. L. Mc -
Cloy (nee Ruth Hess) is a member
of the group.
he Igoe.
fordlfeflige, ai0404.1.v
tl* '
liappybOt0ik0.. . 0000400,4
'6104er; **4.,,t,744*"pzc
her Oda. SAtetr, :4004
ovtartiq$ xpflormA,. 00,0* -
their OtOth-',Iatithday.s*..
always eelObrated--Ois.,RI:m*-..
mit tOgetheraad' 40aPttg,..t.helt
yeare arr very 'active Oilit'.'''alC1911'
tug good, health,. Titese..ladies :•nrn
daughters of tee late Mr. and 'WS,
.Dav MclJwain, PnlneetWeSt.
Wawanosh ''farniers, and' :Wed, in
the Auburn Area, alJ, thOP
Mr. maPhie.„whoS.:, Matdeit
name was 'ilfefiW.Oin:,. mar-
ried the late
'job,' MePbee"sxty-
two yeas age, but sinee.hWde.ath
in 1935 has resided With her Sen,
Clifford. Besides these twin lad-
ies, another sister, Mrs, John Tif-
of.Goderich, who was a1� pre.
sent for the .occaaion, are the only
survivors of a family, of 12, of
which there were two *other sets
of twins. Miss , Martie
makes her hontettiow in Oederich
, with her sister, Mrs. Tiffin.. •
Mrs. 11,4Phee has a family of
'four sons and one daughter: Dav-
id, Of Vermilion, Alberta; .Thomas,
West Wawauosh: Mrs: (.Dr.),, John
E. Jaeksen, Orillia; CliffOrd, i1H1 the '•
homestead, and Ralph, 'of ' London;
12 grandchildren and 26 great-
grandchildren_ Another 'daughter.
Myrtle, Mrs. J. Cassidy, passed
away 20 Years ago.
For the occasion the ladies wore
identical' gowns of figured navy
taffeta, trimmed with ibiriestone
Many cards and .gifts were re-
ceived by the celebrants,- also a
big bouquet of .red roses . from
grandchildren. in Vancouver, and
large baskets of fruit and several
Dutch gardens in full bloom.
A beautifully decorated birthday
cake was the centre of . attraction
for the buffet huielmon, which was
served under the convenership of
the hostess, Mrs. Clifford, McPhee,
assisted by Mrs. Ross McPhee,
Mrs. Calmer Straughan and. Miss
Vera Tiffin, both of Goderich; Mrs.
Stuart Taylor, Nile-, Mrs. . Harty
Watson, Mrs... Ernest Bogie and
great-granddaughters, Barbara and
Nancy Taylor_
Many relatives and 'friends call-
ed on these honored ladies during
the afternoon and evening to ex-
tend congratulations, among, .thein
a grandson, Mr. Clifford Cassidy,
and Mrs. Cassidy, of Camrose, Al-
The best wishes of this commun-
ity go to these ladies on this
happy event.
Any local farmers wishing us to quote prices and
so forth on SILO WORK this Spring, please get
in touch with us at once, as orders are coming in
fast these days.
Three Miles West of Seaforth on Highway 8 — PHONE 667 - 13
Feed Them
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
EGGS and,
444.:: 41,