HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-03-01, Page 4et, Xiserted At New Low Cash Rates "RD, LOST AND POUND, ETC; Per Word: Wee I Cent Minimuna charge, each inseztipn..... '12t eeeirlita nd Week ra.' Week figure, initial ana abbreviatien counts as one word, 10 Memoriam Notices, Coning Events -I cent pe z word. Minimum. eaeIo s, directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expo:Ater, for 15 cents extra, 04ieti44tt4ttnal will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 4,4tk Seal insertion. eig;ti and Deaths inserted free of charge. ea, Plaices to Creditura, Etc. -Rates on application. •ming Events Tenders Wanted `'.4ton ereal.L. are having a euchre Wed- ., ;March 6th, in the Orange Hall. dy welcome. Admission 464. 9649-1 Wanted a ANTED TO BUY -Bind quarter of aaia"4 PHONE 563-J, Seaforth (evenings). 4649-1 .e'WANTED-Any kind of part-time work, eaa (after 5 and on Saturdays. G. VER - a BERNE. Phone 745-J, Seaforth. 464022 - WORK WANTED -Part time, at home. 31triterieece4 in legal and insurance, book - aa 'Melling and typing. Will pick up and . delieer. Apply Box 601, HURON EX- POSITOR.- 4649%2 WANTED -Baby sitting morning and/ r or afternoons. Will look after children at their home or in own home. MRS, FRED DOZSA, Kling Apt., Main St., Sea - forth. 4649:6 Property For Sale FOR SALE -White frame house on West William St- ; eix rooms and bath; oil furnace. PHONE 5634, Seaforth, eve- nings. 4649-2 FOR SALE--7-room house, red ehitigled. Insulated; hot water with bathroom and extra lot. Apply JOE TRAVAGLIONE. Ord St. 4649-1 FOR SALE -150 -acre farm. Mullett Township. Lot 9, Can. 13, 75 acres culti- vated, remainder in hay and pasture some bush. Apply to JAMES MeCLURE, R.R. 4. Walton, Ont 464914 FOR SALE 150 -Acre Farm in Tuckersmith. 1'85 -Acre Farm in McKillop, on high- way. 50-Aere Farm in Tuckersmith. tAll with good buildings) 100 Acres Cleared Land, ineluding 85 plowed - 50 -Acre Grass Farm. Number of residential properties in Seaforth. HAROLD A CKSON Phone 474 - Seaforth. 4642-2 Farms For Sale TENDERS Township of Hullett Tbe Council of the Township of Mul- lett will receive tenders for the supplying of 900 pounds of Warble Fly Powder, 800 pounds in 15 -pound bags and 100 pounds in 1-poued bags. Powder to comply with the Warble Fly Control Art. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk March 1st, 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk, Londesboro, Ont. PDX SALE -40 -acre farm. Lot 23, Boun- dary Grey and MeKillop. east of Welton. Also good building for henhouse, 24x40: snatched lumber inside and out. Apply to JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 60 r 4, BrUssels. 4649x2 FOR SALE ROP.Wanted _ MORE MONEY in trekker time! You too can enjoy a Teontinuous growing, in- come by supPlYing frienOti andeneighbere with Fareilex Peoduesta. , Write for free details to a'AMII;Fac. laget. 46 Station. 0, Montreal, 4649-1 For Sale • Motor Cars For SRI§ von $ALE—i.en trontUms 2eIloqr Waal, Vela/IMO With radio, front and rear treat! speaker, ou ide sun visor an foe ligats. BILL MOO T: Phone 369-J, 04,94 Poultry FOB SALE -Oil heater with two cir- culating fans and Piping. PHONE 14.9 before Saturday. 4649-1 FOR SALE -New automatic Infra -Red Roto -Broil Rotisaerie. Half Price. PHONE 659 r 11. 4649-1 FOR SALE -A quantity. mixed grain. PAUL DOIG. Phone 662 r 3, Seaforth. 4649-1 FOR SALE -Mason & Rich player Piano, in fair condition. Reasonable. CALL 38 r 11, Dashwood, 4649-2 FOUR BULL CALVES, tulle ed Holsteins. Apply BORDEN R.R. 2, Walton. Phone Dublin accredit- MEHL, 24 r 9. 4649-2 FOR SALE - A (menthe registered Garry oats, Beaver oats. Brant barley and Montcalm barley. Ft T. BOLTON. Phone 840 r 41, Seaforth. 4649x2 FOR SALE- -Garry seed oats, 31.00 a bushel: grown from registered seed. 4644-2 HOWARD ALLAN, Brumfield. Phone 659 r 15 ,Seaforth. 4649-1 APPLICATIONS Township of Hullett The Council of the Township of Hul- l -at veil recei‘v applications for a Warble Fly Inspector for the Township of Mul- lett for 1947. Duties to coramence April st Salary to he .854 per hour with .05c eer mile while working in the Township. Inspector to comply with the Warble Fly ontrol Act. Application:5 to be in the hall of the Clerk Marcb lot. 1957. CEO. W. COWAN. Clerk. Londe,:boro, Ont. 4644-2 Farm consisting of 100 acres, choice elay loam, 6 acres bush, 10 acres spring crop, balance in hay and grass; well 'dratted and feneed, cement silo, hydro, abundance of water; bank barn '45 x 80 with new -roof, cement floors, water throughout; double garage; 8 -roomed frame house in good repair: furnace, good cellar: a good young orchard, Apply; GORDON HOGGARTH, R.R. No. 3, Dublin, Ontario, Executor James D, Iloggarth Estate Telephone 11 r 14. Dublin, 4649-2 For Sale FOR SALE- Three ducks. Apply to FRAM: JOHNSTON. Phone 840 r 13. 464951 FOR SALE -Brand new Beatty washer, never used: $115 cash. PHONE 641 r 2, Seaforth. • 4649-tf FOR SALE --Several used television sets at special prices. Apply DUbLIN ELEC- TRJC, Dublin. 4649-tf , TWP. OF HULLETT Tenders For Gravel Tenders will be received by the under- .igneti up to 12 o'clock noon March 1, 1957, to crush and deliver where required, 2.000 cubic yards more Or less; to erush to ae-ineh. All work must he done to the satisfaction of the Road Superintend- ent. Work to be completed by October 15. • 1957. Contractor to strip and maintain Ma A nuerk,ei cheque for 5200 must accom- patty tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE COWAN, Clerk, Londeeboro. LEN C ALI/WELT e Road Superintendent. Londesteno. 4648-2 TENDER for WARBLE FLY SPRAYING POWDER POPULAR EASTER Nov-EL•riEs - "Artificial flowers. ERIC MILNER, Variety Gifts, Seaforth. 4649-tf _v Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of 50 Head of Holstein Cows and Heif- ers; also 7 cubic -foot refrigerator and rangette TUESDAY. MARCH 5, 180 p.m. from Lot 20, Concession 15, Coderich Township, one mile west and a half mile north of Clinton. LORNE TYNDALL, Proprietor Har- old Jackson, Auctioneer. 4649-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE BRAY OHICICS-Dayolti. started. Wide choice, Including Ames InaCrose, plish White Rock& Price list. Agents: MRS, ALEX PATERSON, Brucefield, phones Clinton HU. 2,9832. Seaferth. 659-23; or JOHN PRUIN, R.R. 2, Seafort,h, Phone 846 r ,21. 4646-4 Of Farm Implements and Equipment at Lot No, 9, Concession 4. Tuckersmith Township, 2 miles south of Seaforth and le mile east. on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 139. at 130 p.m., the following: IMPLEMENTS arid EQUIPMENT -Al- lis-Chalmers Model 0 tractor with hydrau- lic pulley and P.T.O.; set of tractor cheins; Fleury -Bissell 2-furrew tractor plow fon rubber) ; John Deere No. 12-A combine with auxiliary motor, scour clean and belt pica -up; 1953 Dodge 0 -ton Pickup truck with van ; McCormick 7 -foot spring tooth cultivator ion rublibr); McCormick 15 -disc power drill; John Deere 10 -inch hammer drill: 75 feet 6-9nc9 rubber drive belt: Pollard 1.,...ton vertical feed mixer: rubber tire wagon (all steel frame and roller beariegs); grain box. 14 feet be 7 feet; 3 -drum steel coller: aluminum box wheelbarrow; Stewart electric clipper; I I.E.L. Super twin chain saw: platform scales: all -steel 8 -compartment hog feed- er apptoximately 400 feet of 4 -inch eave trough: quantity of conductor pipe: 100 - gallon gas tank with pump : Holland eke - tele brooder (500 chick): 6 50 -pound steel hanging *hack feeders; chicken fountains: Jack -All jack ; block and tackle; 4 -sec- tion harrows with draw bar; quantity of ten -test, 4 It. by 8 ft.: forks shovels log- ging chains, and numerous other articles. Terms ---Cash. II. GRANT CHESNEY. Proprietor: Ed- ward W. Elliott. Auctioneer. 464x2 LEGHORN PULLETS FOR SALE --We have one of the best straine of Leghorns in Canada today. They are bred from Leucosis Resistance, which raeana less culls. more eggs and more hens to sell at the end df the year. Dates available: 12 weeks, April 9: 16 weeks, May 7; ready -to - lay, April 30 and June 10; vaccinattel wormed, delivared. ANDREWS FOUL- TR.Y FARM, R.R. 3. Seaforth. Out Phone 647 r 3 Seethe* 4649x3 Twp. of Tuckersmith AUCTION SALE CLEARING Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmitb for 600 pounds of spray pow- deto use for warble fly control (15 -lb. bags). Tenders' to be sealed. marked "Tender for Spray Powder," and mailed or deliver- ed th reach the Clerk by 4 p.m.. March 5. 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily aecepted.. E. P. CHESNEY. Clerk, Tuckersmith, 4648-2 APPLICATIONS FOR WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR Twp. of Tuckersmith Applications are invited by. the Town- ship of Tuckersmith for a warble fly in- spector to act under the Warble Fly Co. n- trol Act and Amendments thereto. A rate of 90c per hour and allowance of 10c per mile for use of car will be paid. Applications must be seeded. marked "Application" and be in the Clerk's hands by 4 p.m., March 5, 1957. E. P. CHESNEY, • Clerk. • Of Farm Machinery and Household Ef- fects, at Lot 31, Con. 3, Tuckersmith Township, 114 east of Brucefield on Mill Road. or 4 . miles west of Seaforth, on , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 619, at 12 o'clock sharp: MACHINERY -'44' Massey -Harris trac- tor with high arch, adjustable front end, fully equipped with 4 -row beet and bean cultivator. also heat houser: Massey-Har- rie Super '27' 12 -foot combine, fully equip- ped; Massey -Harris P.T.O. 12 -foot ewath- er; International 81/2 -foot stiff tooth cul- tivator; Massey -Harris No. 26 3 -furrow plow; Cockshutt No. 11 fertilizer drill. l3 -run; International 81/2 -ft. double spring tooth cultivator: Massey -Harris: heavy duty 12 -ft. drags: Minneapolis -Moline 8 -ft. dou- ble disc; 1 ton Ebersole "'Wonder" feed and seed raiser, used 3 months: 1951 Chev. 3 -ton truck in A-1 condition, with new tires, new battery, new sills and rack, 14 feet long. 8 feet wide. 4 feet high, with tarp pole and tarpaulin 1815 feet; Mayrath 32 -foot bale elevator, 20 - inch trough: New Idea manure spreader on rubber: 2 rubber tired wagons with grain boxes: New Idea side rake on rub- ber; McKee 2 -wheel windrow. turner: 3 - drum steel roller: 4 -section harrows: ldas- sey-Harris 7 -ft. binder: 4 and 3 section --harrow bars; 2 -wheel trailer with racks; set 2,000 -lb. scales; 1 bag truck; 200 - gallon gas tank w ith pump; 200 -gallon gas tank without pump: stoneboat; quan- tity of ee. and L., -inch plywood, 4x8 feet 4645-2 long; hay fork rope: hay fork: grabble , fork; set 3 sling ropes; block and tackle; dump rake: rubber tired wheelbarrow: 32 -ft. extension ladder: 1 step ladder; 1 large sugar kettle: forks, shovels. chains_ tools. etc. All tinachinere practically new and in A-1 condition. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Kitchen table with 7 boards and chairs; 3 other tables; 3 double beds and springs: 1 single bed land springs: hospital bed and springs: 2 mattresses : 3 dressers and stands: 1 large I chest of drawers: 1 large plywood ward- robe, size 2x5 feet; 3 small wardrobes: I 3 small walnut' tables: electric radio: I magazine rack 2 table lamps: baby bus- s"-; small size "Spencer- heating stove: electric heater: paperboard and tresses large size single burner vas lantern: 1 - gallon oil can : 2 5 -gallon crocks: quilt box ; large size lace table cloth: garb.mre can : 1 -gallon thermos jug: dish; be - 464 8-2 ginnet's wheels for bicycle: wash tub; 2 Pairs wine drapes, 34594: 2 pairs nylon curtains. 72:190: quantity of sealers; other articles too numerous to mention. Terms ' --Cash. No reserve: farm sold - Twp. of Tuckersmith ' MAC CHESNEY, Proprietor : Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4648-2 _ Personals HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpeie in Plain, sealed envelope with price Isst 6 samPles 25c ; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA-RUBF ,e'R CO., Box 91. Hamilton. Notices To Creditors, NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of KATHRINA KOEHLER All persons having claims against the Estate of Kathrina Koehler, late of the Township of Melfillop. in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 205,9 day of September, 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of Mareh, 1957. after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then received. , DATED at Seaforth, this 261)5 day of rebrourY. 1957. TENDERS raa SALE --Garry seed oats, grown froth registered seed. Apply to HUBERT Township of Hullett JOLINSON, 15.31, 2. Walton. Phone 45 r 25, Dublin. 4649x21 The Council of the Township of Hal - ORDER YOUR FURNITURE1 ram Dub- lett will receive tenders f or the spraying lin Electric, TV swivel chairs in stock ' "6cattle in the Township of Hallett for big savings. DUBLIN PLFCTRIC Warble Fly at so mach • Per head Per at srray. Work to be done according to the ,harble Fly Control Act under the super- 4649-tf k of the Inspector. Tenders to he in tSte hands of the Clerk. March 1st. 1937. Lowest or any tender not necessarily sic. cepted. FOR SALE -10x12 Colony house, wired Inc hydro; good condition ; also chola box- es and 5,000 bales mixed hay. WALLACE HAUGH. Phone 658 r 23. 4649x1 GEO. W. COWAN. Clerk. Londesbora. Ont. 9'. Carl Hemingway, See ,retary- ieldman, Huron CountY Federa- tion of AgricultureY • Boron County Hog Proue Association held their annual meet - bag February 22 in file Legion ROI, Clinton, and had a good 0044* ance. Albert Bacon acted as chair- man due to President Lobb being somewhat incapacitated from, a bad fall about a week preyiouslY. However, we are glad to reiSort that M. Lobb is recovering nicely, and hope will soon be able to car- ry on as usual. The outstanding feature to me was the unity of purpose display- ed. For the past couple of months I have been hearing rumours of the terrific dissatisfaction with the marketing of hogs. However, a little time and a little patience is a wonderful remedy, and. we would do well to use these two medi- cines in larger doses., ntowith Mr .1'44M46,. vilt.OA WW1 l4t...adtt,M .4004. ..01104. ,16,101, ,Nagler.7Mrs.-Gharles Friend, Aties,. Joseph .::749.010, .and ott.Ociect: the. ose beldat Staff -4 20,22; sponsored by the Women's -Institnote; ' The past week things seemed to he quieting down and the percent: age of hogs from Huron County - arriving at the open market was steadily increasing. When the time of the meeting arrived, it was a large group of well-inform- ed farmers who attended. There were a few questions of a con- structive nature, and the men an- Swering them were well able to supply the information required. The efforts of Bert Lobb and his -directors are to be greatly appre- ciated. They have had a difficult task and have received. much criti- cism simply becluse too many farmers didn't take the trouble to get the facts of the program in the beginning. When meetings are ar- ranged within easy reath, as they were in the hog marketing cam- paign, the farmer, who doesn't bother to attend. can hardly just- ify his lack of knowledge. Eldred Aiken gave a good ex- planation of exactly how the ag- ency operated, telling clearly what it could do and where .its power ended. Too many people had the idea that the marketing agency aer a a hOjler •wM the.;,'..$1NO,' in‘ViSINV " Jet#0.yr.of PeirbiP; 7.101 Mr,a1 4'S , • .11914 suekca* soetat The 'last of #• serlea of propos-, auviweparb,es was holkm St. rattieWs‘Parls11 hall Fay.evo- ninge sponsored by the -Catbtille Wornen'e League. her Were 18 tables , euchre', with Mrs. Joe Ordoo winning the ladies' pr#‘0, an lifr- Joseph Cronin, the gen- tlemenRs. liarburn's orchestra BOP - plied music for dancing, and lunch was served by the radies in charge. • Mr; --and, Mrs. .Jerome. Nicholsow ef .London, Visited' 'with Mr, and Ws. Krauskeipf. • . Mr. ahtv.mrs,-.Wilfred O'Rogrlte were in London. • - Miss Patricia Costello, London; visited with IN/Lr. and Mrs. Pan -Cos- tello. .• Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McDougall BRUCEFIELD The -1.0.0.F. held a very success- ful progressive euchre party in the Ocldfellowe Hall on Thursday evening. Mrs: Lome Wilson re- ceived the. prize for the most games and Mr. L,orne Wilson' for he men. Tickets were gold on a box of chocolates. Mrs. Simon Mc- Kenzie was the lucky winner. , Rev. and Mrs. Davison had as their guests over the weekend, Mr. Robert Davison, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Trever Davison and fam- ily, of Batavia, New York, and a friend, from Australia. Group 4 of the W.A. had a very pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. Goldie and Mrs. Melvin Gra- ham last week. 0 Group 2 of the W.A. will serve refreshments at Mac Chesney's _ sale. Misses Ellen May and Ina Scott, • of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott. . 4649-3 Dies in St. Thomas Mrs. T. B. Baird received word that Miss Edna Bremner, of St. Thomas, passed away on Wednes- day of last week. Miss Bremner's All persons having claims against the Es- father, the late Rev. B. Bremner, was minister in the United Church tate of William J O'Reilly, late of the • Village of Dublin, in the County oPerth, f was going to set the price of hogs.; in Brucefield for a number pf Retired Farmer, deceased, who disci on This was never the aim. All the !years. Miss Bremner was buried by notified th send in full particulars of agency proposes to do and that 1 it has been doing very effectively, etery on Saturday. beside her parents in Baird's cern- the Ilth day of December. 1956, are here - their claims te the undersigned on or -be- The pallbearers fore the 22nd day of March, 1957, after IS to Which date the assets will be distributed, make the hogs available to from Brucefield were T. B. Bird, ' any they plant, large or small, Ross Scott, Wm. McIntosh, Jigeph • having regard only to claims then re- . if ceived. are willing to pay the price McCully, J. K. Cornish, and Dun- ' of the day. The price is set each can Aikenhead, from Seaforth. MCCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for theEetete. FOR SALE -.Quebec heater. medium size, 510.00; Singer portable electric sew- ing machine. 860.00. Both in first-class condition. Aunty MRS. C. LOVETT. Huron St. 4648-0 FOR SALE --Garry seed oat*, grown • from registered seed. Cleaned and treat- • ed; 0,55 a bushel. WILLIAM COLE- MAN, first farm west of Kippen. Phone '674 r 22, Hensel'. 4647-3 GRAIN FOR SALE --,See us for quota- . tions on truck load lots of Western grain. Special price on 7 -ton lots of oats or rabeat, as well as screenings and barley. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP. Phone 9. 4647-4 Notices RADIO REPAIRS - For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite. Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4649-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea-. forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 893. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleanezs, & Lanndeteria Ltd., Exeter. • 1649-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -Sep- tic tetras. cesspools, etc, pumped and Cleaned with sanitary modern equiliment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given ivithent obligation. LOUIS BLARE R.R. 2, Breese's. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4696224 • ,ATTENTION, FARMERS - Promvt, toterteaus detection of all dead and .498ub1etl, farm animal° and hides. "Call Red, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r Sea - Associated with Darling & 0o., of ads. Ltd.44494p eledies labour -with the excentine of pow - GRAVEL TENDER Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to 3:80 p.m.. March 519, 184,. for crushing and hauling approximately 10.000 cubic yards of gravel to township road* in 1957. Contractor to supply all requirements except gravel, which will be supplied by the Township at three locations. Three-quarter inch round screen to be used and contract to be completed by July 1. 1957. under the supervision and to the satisfaction of township road super- intendent. Tenders must be gelled, marked "Ten- der" and mailed or delivered to reach the Clerk by 3:30 P.m . March 5, 1957. Lowest or any tender not necesearily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Tuckersmith. 4648-2 TENDER for WARBLE FLY SPRAYING Twp. of Tuckersmith Tenders are invited be the Township of Tockersmith Inc spraying cattJe for warble tly control in 1957. Tender to state a flat rate per head per spree' rind work to be done under the supervision and at the direction of an iltsPectOr appointed by the township. Tenderer to supply all requirements, 00- TRI1400 RRDINO TION nc's4o. troor ttlipatititt tither:006n allAgtedivof oral% nape "ItIti,..latepaii* Atm:dation 1U 844L heMfilen • 4ifiii$44141:006:AiiitiiP. der, which will be sunnhed by the Town- ship. Tenderev mast also state insurance coverage. Tenders must be tealed, therked "Tender For Warble Fir SPraYinfr and mallet. or delivered to reach the Clerk hy 4 pen., Match 5, 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily asteptett E. Y. CIEESHEY, (nark, Tnek4varaitb. 4648-2 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM J. O'REILLY HENSALL • .• - A bonspiel will 'he held Wednes- day under the ,auspices of. lElensall Curling Club.' Entries to date in - chide: 9 a.m., draw: Bowman, of Wingham. vs.'F/Lt. Cummings, R CAF. 'Aylmer; Cpl. Moir, R.C. A.F., Aylmer, vs. Sam Rennie, Hen- sall; 14A. Gammage, R.CA.F., Cen- tralia, vs-. F/14. Camphell, R.C.A.F., Aylmer; F/Sgt. Leger, R.C.A.F., Aylnter, vs. Bell, Hensall; 11 a.m., not completed up to date. The club is expecting a fevit more entries for this'ilraw. The Legion Ladies' Aux -4 iliary are serving a turkey dinner at night. ' —Mrs. Donald McLeod, of Calgary, Alta., the forfner Addie Bell, of Hensall, flew here from the West to attend the funeral of her broth- er, the late William Bell, and is spending a few weeks with her mece, Mrs. C. Joynt. DATED at Seaforth, this 26February, 1957. day by the buyers bidding for de- th day of livery of hogs in exactly the same Seaforth, Ontario, way that you farmers set the price McCONNELL & HAYS, Solicitors for the Estate. of the cows at your neighbor's auc- 46494 tion sale. The fees . you pay are used to finance the selling agency in much the same way that the community sales barns are fin- anced. Cards of Thanks MRS. THOMAS SOtac..Err wishes to Jim Jacklin, as fieldman for the thank her many friends who sent par& Ontario Federation of Agriculture, *Hai Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, gave a characteristically forceful while she was a patient in Scott Mena- ilgradyata.a9x d Dr. Malkus and to the nurs- address and certainly gave a very 4641 clear picture of the need for unity among all branches of agriculture. There are some 80 different groups bound together in the Federation of Agriculture of Ontario, repre- senting under 14 per cent of the population, thus the need for unity is essential or, as the late Agnes MacPhail said many years ago to the farmers of that day, "United we stick—divided we're stuck." (See also Page 6) I WISH To THANK my neighbors and friends for their treats, cards and visits to me while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill and the nursing staff. 464901 JOSEPEt M. DOYLE THE FAMILY of the late Magdeline Gingeficb wish to express their thanks and appreciation to tbeir relatives and friends for the kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes during their re- cent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. aluir's Nursing Home and Dr. Gorwill. 464901 lain O'REILLY famile of the late Mrs. William' O'Reilly wish to express thanks to all the friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy ex- tended to them. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton and all the nurses at Scott Memorial Hospital. Also for the beauti- ful floral tributes and cards of sympathy. 4649-1 Miller sincere riends cards, during loss of father. ated. FAMILY of the• late Frederick H. of Walton, wish to express their thanks to relatives, neighbors and for sympathy, floral tributes and and all who helped in any way their recent bereavement in the a dear husband, father and grand - Everything was deeply appreci- 464640e WE WISH TO EXPRESS our grateful thanks and appreciation to our relatives. neighbors and friends for the kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes ex- tended to es during our recent bereave- ment in the loss of our dear son. Jim- naie. Special thanks to the Rev. Dr. J. Semple, Mr. G. A. Whitney and -to the men who helped with our farm -work. LLOYD and GLADYS HANEY 4649x1 I WISH TO EX_PRESS my sincere tharlkS and appreciation to relatives, neighbors and friends for the kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes ex- tended to me during my recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to the staff of Scott Mernorial Hospital and to Miss Timmer and her staff; to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. Dr. McMaster, Mr. .1. C. Corn- ish and bearers, and all tbose who belied in anY way 464643 MRS: WM. J. ELDER, NEW -- Goodyear Suburbanite - SNOW TIRES AT COST To Reduce Inventory 670 x 15 and_ 750 x 14 Casings SEAFORTH MOTORS Chev. - Olds - Chew. Trucks Open evenings —8 to 1.4 Phone 541 ktia, .e .111.ade lit Sectforth CROMARTY The family of Mr. and Mrs. Dave - Gardiner visited on Monday and celebrated with Mr. Gardiner on his 78th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harburn have left on a honeymoon trip to Florida. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ferg McKellar and two sons spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Lin McKellar and family. Mrs. M. Houghton. accompanied by Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, of Frg- mondville, attended the funeral of Thomas Leeming at Walton on Friday. Mr. aigt Mrs. Jim Ramsay, Patsy and SIM' .a. accompanied by Mr, William Hulley, of Walton. visited on Sunday with Mrs. Macintosh in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell and Margaret Jean visited in Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Russell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Sii_pte. of Science Hill, visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. D. Gardiner. Mr. Sam McCurdy is a patient in Stratford Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family and Frank Houghton, of Centralia R.CA.F., spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Hough- ton and attended the Uniac-Kemp wedding reception in Mitchell. Mr. Frank Stagg was also a guest at the. reception. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Lamont, of In Memoriam WINCHELSEA Winchelsea euchre party was held in the school on Monday night - with Jack Coward and Phil Hens as hosts. Prizes went to Colin Gil - men's high; Mrs. Bill Wal- ters, ladies' high; Mrs. Ken Hem, Ione hands, and Mrs,, C. Gilfillan, low. Mrs. Walters, of London, is visit- ing with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. The W.M.S. and WA. met Wed, nesday at the home of Mrs. BM Walters with a good attendance. Mrs. Walters' and Mrs. Hern's group had a very successful sale. Mr. and Mrs. BM Walter's and Danny were Saturday evening visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe and family, of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner and family, of Cromarty, were Sat- urday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks ald Laurie, of Stratford, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Wicks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and daughters.' WILTON-In loving 'memory of a dear =either and sister, Mrs. Pearl Wilton. who passed teeny one year ago, March 1. 1956. The pearly gates wexe opened. A gentle voice tea "Come"; And with unspoken farewells, She quietly entered home. e -Ever renenibered by Daughters, Skit- ters and Brothers. 4649x1 "Fren:ganli,:14;;iv Friday, Murch r; . For Mr". atid Mrs. TWO 4.0/0 (blee Pat Titekey, Ifee$611). Music by Desierdale 0*ebtstrA Ladies pllease previde-Lunell r EVEAYPODY WtriCOME BUY U.K. TRACTORS International Harvester Co. of Canada plans to purchase "a large quantity' of tractors from Interna- tional Harvester of Great Britain for sale in Canada. , The announcement made by R. B. Bradley, President, says sub- stantial shipments will be arriving within the next few days.-Advt.). Town Hall, Hensail Tuesday, March 5 DON ROBERTSON and His Ranch Boys,. Admission Mc Sponsored by RENSALL FIRENLEN HOME BAKE SALE Drysdale's Hardware HENSALL Saturday, March 2-: 3 to 5 p.m, Sponsored by Kippen East Women's Institute ewaroeealiroew.eisioaaioo`aeije...emerafteeerenieen. YOUTH FOR CHRIST SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd -- 8:80 pin. CLINTON LEGION HALL Come and enjoy singing, instrumental, vocal selections and DAVE BEEK1VIAN, Youth Speaker. — This is your invitation — London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chessell and son, John, of Mitchell, were guests at Anita Sorsdahl's birthday party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. Miss Ina Scott visite,d over the weekend with Miss Dorothy Taylor at the home of Mr:' and Mrs. Gar-, net Taylor, of Staffa. Nancy Allen, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen, is un- dergoing treatment in Stratford Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace, De- borah and Margaret Atm, and Mrs. George Wallace visited at Carling- ford with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace and family on Sunday. Miss Anita Sorsdahl and Mrs. M. Houghton were guests at Unniac and Kemp wedding and reception in 'Mitchell on Saturday. When the Farmer Retires As you get older it will become more difficult for yogi' to put in a regular day's work on the farm. By careful planning now you can be sure you will be able to take things easy when this time arrives. For information about the Retiremept Income plan that will give you and your wife the security and leisure yoti will want in the future, call JOHN A. CARDNO Seaf orth, Ontario MANUFAETURERS df...A.c. LIFE co NIP A NV 341-65 4 TO 2 NIHON CANADIANS Canada's First Bank BANK OF MONTREAL -WORKING WITH CANADrANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 Hensel Brandi: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager' Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and Friday _ • Y.-- ‘ee Births .1014M -74r. and lare, Joneseeleolidoti (nee Mary Little), formerly, of Ilensall, are pleased to announce the 'birth of twin daughters at Vietarie Hospital, London, February 8. 1957- McNAB--Mr and Mrs. Jack McNeie, Toe rotate, Wish to announce the birth of a tam) Peter .Afeltander, on Tuesday. Feb. 6, en Torontei Hospital. REID--aAt Scdtt Mernorial itatipttal, on Feb. 25. to Mr, and Mrs. Watson Reid, n.n., 1, Meth, 0601. YOUNG -At spat Itottlorial Hospital, on Fete 22, th Mr. Amy MYW. Frank Young, Egtrinadville, a dadghter, • Deaths LHEidthlin Walton, on WedneadaY, Fehr/tali 204 •Thornas Lagraim. in lila MAII1105. DIME OUT IN ONE! Huron- County's Finist Used Car Market Acf1X4‘141 t 1956 CtieW. BEL AIRE SEDAN,_POWER GLIDE, fully equipped 1956 PONTIAC SEDAN 2195 fully equipped 1956 CHEV, HARDTOP SEDPN 2395 fully equipped 1956 MEV, SEDAN 2100 fully equipped 1955 elia:V. POWER GLIDE SEDAN 1956 FORD SEDAN fony equipped 1955 PCiNTIAC SEDAN fully equipPed ' 1954 CHV, POWER GLIDE DE LUXE COACH 1953 MEV. SEDAN $900 below Hst 1953 CHEV, COACH 1095 1952 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON.....-„. 1195 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 0.95 1995 150 1950 elm. SEDAN 1895' 1895 1948 ,PCINTIA6 SEDAN 1495 1095- 1953 A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all LOA Model TRIICIB 396. CHEIT. 1/2 -,TON PICKUP' .. ...... .. . 795 Cars-,4VIany other \Models to choose trot IIRUSSELS ONTARIO MOTORS .,,P, ONE VOt ..$611110;40,01nt gal* itsea. Met.JSSEIS awls svoinvo 21 is 40