HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-02-22, Page 6PA Onn, R.R. 1, ref dent #. f, Centralia i artin Feeney, R. A. Hamilton, Ilton McCurdy, R.R. e3 3. Rohde, R.R. 3, ERT xeter, Ont. ` "_. hos. G. Ballantyne, odham; Clayton Harris, Stanley Hocking, Mit- MOB, — W. G. Cochrane, R.EPAR.Y-TREASURER—Ar- racer, Exeter. USBORN'E SITS AS COURT 0 Usborne Council met in regular monthly meeting on Monday af- ternoon with Reeve Clayton Smith presiding and Councillors Harold Hern, Hugh Love Harold Hunter and George Frayne in attendance. The reeve reported securing a discount from the County of $45$.33 on a prepayment of $10,000.00, and the• clerk reported that progress of the Tile Drainage Assistance By - Law had been held up by reason of the Treasury Department re- quiring that it be approved by the Municipal Board. Appointment and Salaries By - Law No, 1, 1957, was amended by raising the auditor's salary to $200 and providing that the hourly �s. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts For 1957 The Town of Seaforth will pay 5% per annum, up to August 31, 1957, on all Prepaid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtain- ed at the Town Clerk's Office, in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON - Treasurer NOTICE! Township of Tuckersmith To facilitate snow removal operations, the public -is requested not to park cars or vehicles on road- sides during the Winter months. And notice .is hereby given that the Township will not be responsible for any damage caused to such vehicles as a result of snow plowing opera- tions. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Township of Tuckersmith 1 F 1101i10:14._ T charge for the eraWler tractor end snowplow be $$.00 to all parties, and Was then given third re.ac ing and finally passed on motiod Hunter and Frayne. By -Law No. 1-A, 1957, provtdj g,, for the payment of $225- per month and mileage allowance of eight;, cents per mile to the road super. intendent on the form prescribed by the Department of Highways, was given third reading, and final ly passed on motion of Hern and.: Love, subject to approval by the Department of Highways. Gravelling tenders closed and were opened at 2 p.m., with twto tenders for consideration as fol- lows: George E. Radford, Blyth, for crushing, hauling and spread-, ing on township roads and lanes, 73c per yard; stockpiling in pit, 45c per yard; Levis Contracting Co. Ltd.. Clinton, 68c on roads ,and 40c stock pile. The 1957 gravelling contract was awarded to Levis Contracting Co. Ltd.. Clinton, at their tender price of 68c per cubic yard on roads, and 40c a yard stock piled, on motion of Hunter and Love. _ Township Auditor T. A. Wise- man made a report on his 1956 audit and reported that all town- ship records were 'in excellent con- dition; that the township had an operating loss for the year of $1,- 780.59; current assets of $38,215.16 and no liabilities current. The re- port was accepted, on motion of Hern and Love. Wurm Drain Repair By -Law No. 5. 1957. was given second and third reading and finally passed on mo- tion of Frayne and Hunter with- out change after council, in court of revision. considered an appeal from Wilbert Selves. owner of Lot W1 29-30, Concession 2. THE TUCKERSMITH TWP. SCHOOL AREA BOARD cordially .invites parents and ratepayers of the School Area to attend the Official Open- ing of the new addition to the EGMOND- VILLE SCHOOL, on Friday, March 1st, 1957 The ceremonies will commence at 2 p.m. in the Egmondville United Church basement, to be followed by the official opening of the new classroom and public inspection of the modern school facilities now provided for the pupils. ROSS J. FORREST, Chairman of the Board. There's always good._...,. listening on CBC Radio CSC RADIO Trans- Canada Matinee • Housekeeping hints • Cooking school • News commentary • Joyce Sullivan sings Next week Reading of the novel "deny Pane written by Mary Wiemstra TRANS -CANADA NETWORK nn, eel A �4 4ylM , ' 1'•ri m -- enr�rl re i,dylr' try el! le , e i r,�, e p ,,.���,1ell.ly„ N2' Petition for statutory grant un- der the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act on an , expendi- ture on roads in 1956 of $41,715.03, was signed by the reeve and clerk after resolution authorizing them to do so was passed on motion of Hunter and Love. Fidelity bonds of the treasurer and tai collector were deemed ad- equate and usual place of storage was judged as being proper on agreement of council. On motion of Hunter and Frayne, council resolved to pay an addi- tional 50 cents bounty on all foxes destroyed in the township during 1957. Assessment court of revision for 1957 was set up by the reeve and council subscribing to the oath of office. Tax rebates of $2 dog tax to G, McFalls and $77.40 drain tax to W. Hunkin were confirmed and ownership changes: Lot 25, Con. 5, E. J. Pym to John Pym; Lot 13. Con. 2. Wilson Morley, to. Wie- chert Knip; Part Lot 14, Con. 1, George Wright, to H.E.P.C. of On- tario; Part Elia Lot 10. Con? 8, W. Batten, to Douglas Stephen, were made and court adjourned on motion of Hunter and Love, Warble fly spraying contract was awarded to Fred Harburn, of Dublin, at the same prices as in 1956, namely, 9 cents per head per spray, and his bond of $75 was accepted, on motion of Hern and Love. Supply of warble fly powder was also awarded to Fred Harburn at $7.65 per 15 -pound bale, and 69c per pound package, on motion of Frayne and Hunter. Allen Fletcher was reappointed warble fly inspector for 1957 at 90 cents per hour and mileage at 8 cents, on motion of Frayne and Hunter. The road superintendent's report was accepted and road accounts to a total voucher of $3175.94 passed for payment, on motion of Love and Hern. The treasurer reported receipt of $157.88 in accounts receivable from the Road Superintendent. Current accounts in the amount of $859.29 were passed for payment on motion of ,Hern and Love. City of London resolution, re- gardidg necessity for additional flood control measures on Upper Thames River, was supported on motion of Hunter and Frayne. Councillors Love and Hunter and the Treasurer and the Clerk were appointed as representatives to at- tend the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities in Toronto on February 25-26. Kirkton Public Library grant of $40 was made on motion of Hern and Frayne. Woodham School deficit of $77.16 was ordered to be paid on motion of Hunter and Frayne, South Hur- on District High School annual re- port for 1956 was discussed by the council, McKILLOP FEDERATION .OF AGRICULTURE held its an- nual meeting in S.D.H.S. Wednesday evening. Shawn here are Gil- bert Smith (left), who was elected President. and Alvin Dodds, re-elected as Secretary -Treasurer. MUST PRESENT UNITED FRONT,: McKILLOP F. OF A. IS ADVISED" Necessity of farmers speaking with one voice was stressed by Gordon Greig when he addressed the annual meeting of McKillop Township Federation of Agricul- ture in S.D.H.S. Wednesday night. Mr. Greig. from Bluevale, is the former secretary-fieldman of the Huron Federation. Mr. Greig .traced the history of the Federation in Huron County. What lies ahead, he said, depends on farm organizations. All units, he said. should join to- gether as an organization. Point- ing out that there were critics of the F. of A. who say the organiza- tion is dead, Mr. Greig contended that the last three years have proved it is not dead ..and that it will last a long time. Success, he emphasized, depends to a large de- gree on the work within the town- ships. Gordon Scott introduced Mr. Greig to the meeting, and Robert McMillan thanked him. Alvin Dodds, secretary -treasurer, reviewing • the activities of the group, indicated that 'last year was a successful one. Mr. Dodds re- ported a balance at the end of the financial year, which ends each November. amounting to $926. County Federation President Douglas McNeil spoke to the Bath= ering and told of the meetings in Toronto with other county repres- entatives. He pointed out that the Federation is expa'hding rapidly in the North and is 'getting well 'or- ganized. They are working on a membership basis rather than the assessment levy. Mr. McNeil commended the various media on the splendid job of informing the public in the matter of farm af- fairs. Bert Lobb, president of the Hur- on County Hog Producers' Associa- tion, remarked that progress is being made, with 60 to 9Q per cent having signed to ship_ to the open market. Gilbert Smith, acting president, informed the meeting that town- ship committees have the canvass well under way. Secretary-fieldman Carl Hem- ingway stressed the fact that com- petition of other products had to be met by "advertising our pro- ducts". The -aim is to get more hogs on the open market, since the farmer wants to sell to the SLIGHTLY INSANE? Another blast from a very well known Toronto column- ist—"If you were selling a pro- fitable commodity, would you not think it paradoxical, or ev- en slightly insane, to warn cus- tomers against it?" Thus he writes about one aspect of the liqubr policy of the Manitoba Government. It has set aside $50,000 for adver- tising that points out the dan- ger of indulgence. He quotes the head of the advertising committee of six appointed by the government—"Our aim Into reach the broadest possible audience with factual and un- biased material that will at- tract and hold reader interest." "Slightly insane?" Most sens- ible, surely, on all counts. "A profitable commodity?" To the trade, assuredly. To the Government? No! In On- tario, indulgence in liquor costs the province two and a half times as much as the liquor tax teeeeived. This ecoe nomic and social cost of indul- gence, in terms of extra po-- Iice and court costs, and so- cial services, is staggering, to say nothing of the awful cost of human misery' entailed Well done, Matlitobat— XAdvt•,), highest bidder. Stanley Hillen reported on the 'McKillop 4-H Grain—Club. There were 30 members last year, and 90 per cent of these completed projects. Members decided to sponsor the grain club again for 1957. Arthur Bolton. Huron County as- sistant agricultural representative, spoke briefly and commended the McKillop F. of A. on their suc- cessful year. He pointed out that McKillop has come in under the Brucellosis program. Mr, Bolton conducted the .elec- tion of officers. ,They are: presi- dent, Gilbert Smith; vice-president, James Keys; secretary -treasurer, Alvin Dodds. Directors named previous to the meeting are: Gor- dan Papple, Leslie Pryce, William Storey, Murray Dennis, William Somerville, Gordon Elliott, Jas. Keys, eElmer Koehler, Fergus Kelly and Francis Ificknell. Gilbert Smith was named to the Hog Producers' Co-operative Board, with James Keys as. alter- nate. .e. Hullett Council The February meeting of Hul- lett Council was held in the Com- munity Hall, Londesboro, 'at 1:30 p.m. The reeve and all members of council were present. The min- utes of the inaugural meeting of January 14 were read. T. Leiper and A. Young: That we make a grant of $200 to the Hullett Township Community Hall Board. T. Leiper and George Brown: That the Clerk call for applications for a warble fly inspector for the Township of Hullett at 85c per hour and 5c per mile travelling ex- penses in township on duty; inspec- tor to comply with the Warble Fly Act; applications to be in the hands of the Clerk March 1, A. Young and T. Leiper: That the clerk call for tenders for the spraying of the cattle in the Town- ship of Hullett for warble fly at so much per head per spray; ten- ders to be in the hands of the Clerk March 1. E. Hesk and Geo. Brown: That we advertise for tenders for 900 pounds warble fly powder, 800 pounds in 15 -pound bags and 100 pounds in 1 -pound bags; tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk Mar, 1. Gee. Brown and A. Young: That we advertise for gravel tenders for 1957, for approximately 12,000 yards, more or less, gravel to be crushed to 3/4 -inch and spread to the approval of the road superin- tendent; tenders to be accompan- ied by marked cheque for $200 and in the hands of the road superin- tendent by March 1. A. Young and Geo. Brawn: That we pay $35 expenses for each at- tending the Good Roads and Rural Municipalities Convention. Geo. Brown and- E. Hesk: That we appoint Mrs. Stan Lyon, of the Women's Institute, Percy Gibbings of the Federation of Agriculture, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, James Snell and William Govier, to represent 'the ratepayers to the Hullett Township Community Hall Board. T. Leiper and E. Hesk: That the accounts as approved be pass- ed and ordered paid. Accounts . approved were: SU Plies, $31.20; salaries, $140; gran $g 60; administration, $720; roe' acid bridges, $,948 52. G �u, \Cµ{,�F\R J.�fi ¢,.' �",p(S�,p ,pp ,tee 11QtIIe' Oaf M A: I~•eQl"PIY'+Q.. : 1s , W Uiam1. i oe 1�f0mpd hptt ,opettG4 then ecu WIt# llbxt prayers Allow ,; ))It Hymmn 72,. The two Scripture lessons were read. by Mrs *ills. and: Ms. rad* Dennis- An Interest,ing gnu - 044 Stewardsirp reaOng was giv- en by Mrs. Leeming, The topic for the daY Was in charge of Mrs. R. 3. Holden and .eves entitled,' "Conversations on 'Hong Kong .and Formosa!' Mrs. .Malden showed some Chinese keep- sakes that, had • belonged to her., fai ily and which were quite, in: teresting. • Mrs. Charles Boyd, Mrs. Ross Leeming, and Mrs. Stanley Hilten assisted with 'the topic. The World 'Day of Prayer -meet- ing is to be held at Bethel Church with Winthrop and Duff's societies as guests. Hymn 325 was sung arid the meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Roe. The W.A. meeting opened with Ethel Dennis presiding. , She gave a short re'adin'g, followed by the minutes of the Past meeting and roll call. It was decided to have a social evening at No. 9 School Friday evening, at which Miss Jean Mills will show pictures of her recent trip to England and Europe. Hymn 377 was sung, followed by the bene- diction. , Huron Leaders Club Names Officers John Strong, of Gorrie, Friday was elected ' president of Huron County 4-H Club Leaders' Associa- tion at the annual meeting in Clin- ton. Mr, Strong succeeds Robert Al- lan, of Brucefield, who retires af- ter one year. Other officers elected include: Anson McKinley, Zurich, vice-presi- dent; Maurice Hallahan, Blyth, secretary -treasurer; eight direc- tors: James Coultes, Belgrave; Ir- vine Trewartha. Seaforth; Arnold Alton, Lucknow; Lorne Hackett, Lucknow; John Jackson, Wingham; Robert McKinley, Zurich; R. N._ Alexander. Londesboro; William Dougall, Exeter. Stanley F. of A. Names Delegates Clarence Parke was host for the first meeting of Stanley Township Federation of Agriculture, chaired by the president, Alex McBeath, Appointments made by'the meet- ing are as follows: Mrs. Alex Mc - Beath, lady director; George L. Reid, secretary -treasurer; Elgin McKinley to the Huron County TB Association; Allan Armstrong, to the Cream Producers; Anson McKinley. to the Beef Producers; Les- Armstrong, to the Wheat Pro- ducers; Bob McKinley, to the Poul- try Producers; Elgin Porter, to the Hog Producers, with Jack Taylor, alternative. The directors were asked to check the mailing list of the Rural Co-operator. A resolution is to be sent to the next county meeting, asking for a floor price of 35 cents per dozen on eggs to the producer. Pass Accounts Accounts passed for payment at Seaforth Council meeting last Mon- day included: Seaforth Public School, advance, $3,000; Mrs. H. Bolton, wages, $6; A, Miller, wages, $21; S. Ha'bkirk, account, $381.82; W. E. Southgate, account, $166.90; Treasurer of On- tario, account, $721.90; D. H. Wil- son, salary, $250; H. Maloney, sal- ary, $220.84; A. Price, salary, $187.50; A. Bushie, salary, $142,50; J. Cummings, salary, $20; Receiv- er General of Canada, account, $10; Aniy Horne, wages, $43,20; ' The Municipal World, account,,- $27; re- lief, $15; W. Dundas, account, $23.58; County of Huron, indigent, $55.77; Canadian National Rail- ways, account, $5; W. M. Hart, ac- count, $1L65; Seaforth Motors, ac- count, $3.00; Boyes' Farm Supply, account, $10.70; Supertest Petro- leum Corp-, account, $12.55; John Bach, account, $64.51; George H. Miller, account, $6,50; G. & W. V. Smith, account, $11,77; H. Maloney, account, $32:50; A. Price, account, $15; C. Coombs, account, $2.74; A. Gilbert Motors,. account, $20; Mrs. H. Bolton, ' wages, $2.00; A. -Miller, account, $34.00; Aiken's Leather Goods, account, $8,50; J. T. Hugill, account, $1,200.00; M. E. Clarke, account, $164.51; H. McLiwain, ac- count, $55; Bell Telephone Co., ac- count, $69.56; Public Utility Com-, mission, account, $143.9L YOU CAN DEPEND ON When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and weeks, back- ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often (ollew. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimu- late kidneys to norma duty. You feel better—sleep better, work better. Get Dodd'e at any drug store. You can depend m Dadd's 50 PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES :Town cif Seaforth PAR K'IN.G ro facilitate snow removal, NO PARKING , on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be --strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection 9. Notice is Hereby Given that the Municipality will, not be responsible 'for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result ' of snow removal. operations. — USE — FIRE CHIEF CHEMICAL CHIMNEY GLEANERS To eliminate soot and scale from your stoves and pipes. For use in oil, coal and wood -fired units. For Sale at: SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP HANEY'S GENERAL STORE Egmondville N. W. DICKERT, Kippen PATERSON'S GENERAL STORE Bracefield NIeCLINCHEY'S General STORE Varna NEED RUBBER STAMPS? TsHE /HURON EXPOSITOR h , ail!.. • ,� . F.%3k''i fl^�9!i `SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO by CNR LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL APRIL 13) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM: Allenford ..,...,,$4,75Guelph 1.90 'Palmerston Brampton 85 Hanover , Brussels Chesley Clinton Elora 4.80 Fergus 2.45 Listowel 3.60 Walkerton Georgetdtvn .... 1.20 Mitchell 4,00 Watford 5.75 Goderieh 5.05 Owen Sound ..,- 415 Winggbam 4 5 Wy'dmnin$ Corresponding Fares from Intermediate Points $430 Paisley 5.20 4.30 Harriston 3.75 Southampton .. 5.90 4.75 Ingersoll • 3.70 Sarnia ' 6.55 4.75. Kincardine .... 5.85 Stratford 3.4546,. 2.45 Kitchener 2.45 Stratbroy 520 Ull itIFORMATIOtt FROM AGEI'IS SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & ' Son ALL TYPES ' OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries Are Invited Telephone Numbers: EXETER 41 CLINTON 1620 SEAFORTH 573 BiJ:S1NESS'AND PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for' sale dates: by Phoning 455-J, Clinton. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. PERCY C. WRIGHT Licensed Auctioneer CROMARTY - Livestock and farm sales a spe- cialty. For a better auction sale, call the WRIGHT Auctioneer. Phone Hensel). 690 r 22. DENNIS and WILDFONG Auctioneers Graduates •of Reisch American School of Auctioneering. Licensed in Huron, Perth and Waterloo. Capable of handling all types of sales—large or small: - DON DENNIS, R.R. 1, Walton Phone Seaforth 843 r 11 ROY WILDFONG, R.R. 2, 'Walton Phone Seaforth 831 r 5 VETERINARY TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M. ' W. R. Bryans, D.V.M. Phone. 105 Seaforth INSURANCE The McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS: President - Wm. F. Alexander Walton Vice -Pres. - Robert Archibald, Seaforth Manager and Sec.-Treas. - M. A. --Reid, Seaforth DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; Robert Archi- bald, Seaforth; Jahn H. McEwing, Blyth; William S. Alexander, Wel- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderieh; J. E. Pepper, Brueefield; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. AGENTS: William Leiper, Jr,, Londes- boro; J, F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON, Physician and Surgeon' Phone 90 : Seaforth If no answer, call 59 JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth JOHN C. GODDARD; M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 - Hensel]. SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, BA., M.D. Internest Telephone 27 t P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 55 DR. E. MALKUS Telephone 26 EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm. Appointments may be made. CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 79,1 Seaforth Eyes examined — Glasses Fitted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH Office Hours: Seaforth, daily', except Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m,-12:30 p.m:.; Thursday evenings by appointment only. Clinton: Monday, 9 a,m.-5:80 p.m. • (Above Hawkins' &, Jacob's. Hardware.) ACCOUNTING A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor. LEGAL A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Ete. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO McCONNELL .& $AYS Banisters, Solicitors, Ete. P. D. McCONNELL D. I. STEWART SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 00000000000 0' W. J: CLEARY o O Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls — 335 O O ' O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • *******000 BOX O Funeral Service O R. S. BOX 0 O Lieefised Enilialmer O O Prompte;lnd careful attention O O Hospital lied O 0 FLOWERSAOR ALL 0 0 ()maims 0 O Phones: O O Res. 595-W . ...:Mere 43 . b O 0'000 '©O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE O O Funeral Director O O - and Ambulance Service O 0 DUBLIN : ONT. 0 O Night or Day Calls: 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \G. A. WHITNEY' 0' Funeral Home O Goderich .St, W., Seaforth O AMBULANCE . SERVICE. 0 Adjustable 'hospital beds O - for rent O FLOWERS FOR EVERY 'O OCCASION • d Telephone: Day or Night lie 0 Residence 45 O O *0 O0000 {i4fp x; i'. :a • 4 4 Y 9 4 • e