HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-02-22, Page 3t 'I W11 �z� 1.+l iF�t+ I i ( •', , .;; '«[nTf+"'w .r•^�• ,� 'I lm oatl#9i Lt§E 'IT AS IT COM m la RONWILL 1VOl' CItA(7K, $L1(STI l<C, BiIIiS%E oA4 W1tlt1•FitI.Spreads Easily*.',— Greater Penetration 1 -- 7 Year Oua4ptee Cov4q, .1Q11 square. feet far ap ►roal 1paately $5.OQ 1, Used extensively by Canadian Government "MIGHTYPLATE" not recpmmendell for wood or slate roofs For Estimate by Maintenance Specialist, write: 'BOX 600, THE. HURON EXPOSITOR ua SEAFORTH, ONT. 411 Federal Riding, of Huron) r LI A L w' NOATING CON'�B NI��NTION 1( 1 J. Friday, March 1st, at 8:15 p.m. - in the LEGION HALL - CLINTON,- ONT. Guest Speaker: ' HON. WALTER E. HARRIS Minister of Finance — EVERYBODY WELCOME — 1.0 s- M -0.0-T- p di4V� N ........ DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA - 409 Huron Strget, Toronto of F uua rr a++a�+> +hM. ,tea N t r.aar~ fs• Iql ed n t Victoria ;Iospltal, laondon, spent '� as edger in u oar, W ; a %w days last wegk•.W1t11 the fora . P , hicl{ a mer's paren(s, Mr. and Mrs: Sim ded an ion HlhwaY ltoabl►l mile -south of ,,f•Iensallknrd� Miss Gladys Bolter has accepted,afternoon, was taken bib ontbi3 , + a position 'as' bookkeeper and; stem+ a)ribui, ce to Clinton I•Iospital l .4] ogra ,bwr at Thomson's Mill and a brgkgn slioulder and" xnll#rie;S 'tv commenced her !new duti4es, Monday '?pis ear: Ray Cpoper,'of I`ratdter, " of this week. - son oF' Mr. and Mrs, W. •R Cooper, An -organizational meeting of of Kipper}, was riding in, a south the .Recreational Commission fore bound' ear, driven by' Dona. Web-,. 1957 yeas ' held in the Town Hall, sten, 25, of R.R". 3, Exeter, µben it fire when general plans in inter- skidded and rolled over into The ests of recreation for the comrnun- east ditch and came to rest in "a ity were laid. Mrs. S. RaMie Was •field about 75 feet away. Prov", re-elected secretary -treasurer and cial Constable Gerge Mitel e, of Frank Ellwood, chairman for 1957. Exeter, estimate do damage to the Mr. John Passmore attended the car at $1,000, diamond wedding anniversary of Hensall Kinettes Meet Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Campbell on Sunday in London, The affair;" at- Hensall Kinettes entertained tended by some 88 guests, was held members of the Kinsmen Club at Nordon Restaurant on Hamff to a dinner and evening of danc- ton Road, London. Mr. Passmore Ing at Armstrong's restaurant,' is a cousin of Mr. Campbell. Exeter, Tuesday evening. Thirty - .,Rev. Donald Orth, agricultural seven were present. missionary to Japan, who is home Included in the guest list were on furlough, was guest speaker at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .Gettner, of a gathering held' in the United Exeter (Mrs. Gettner is president Church Tuesday evening, speaking of the Exeter Kinette Clug)r and on Japanese life and living, and al- Dr. and Mrs. D. J. McKelvie, of so showed pictures. Rev. C. D, Essex. Entertainment was pro - Daniel was chairman and there ,vided by members of the Kinette was a splendid attendance. Club. Successful Music Pupils The following pupils of Miss Ad1 r. Mrs. `/ol land Greta Lammie were successful in r Y passing the mid -winter examina- tions of the Royal Conservatory of Y11 Music of Toronto, held in London ' VETERAN`S CAB Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland, Goderich, formerly of Hensall dis- trict, observed their golden wed - Under New 'Management ding anniversary at Bayfield. To RAY CHAMBERS, Prop. mark the event, members of their Passengers Insured family and grandchildren held a PHONE 362 family dinner and presented Mr. and Mrs. 'Volland with wrist watches. Neighbors and friends SEAFORTH • from Hensall and Goderich met later and enjoyed a social hour of cards with them and . presented them with many gifts. Members of their family include `-+ three children: Mrs, Eldon John- ston, Brucefield; Mrs. Lorne Fin- layson, Kippen; Mrs. Louis Tay- lor, Varna; and two sons, Clarence, Hensall, and Bruce, Goderich. RE -VITALIZED CLEANING is Better Than Ever at Buchanan Cleaners MOUNT FOREST More Spots and Stains Removed Free! Marie Fraser's new Garments stay clean longer Will wear longer. Evaporated Milk recipes. Phone 669 r 2 - 'Seaforth Write todav ANDY CALDER Agent PION, and THURS. MORNINGS YEAR AFTER YEAR The mingtes of :th@„last +arc"AivL ivift& DAVID BRUCE LIVINGSTON' seen -follow- and Miss Shirley Bullock- ljii4ea U11" uig ing their marriage in Nile United Church. The bride, the form- flimsT� yaal .x tl, Home assignments were to fin- 1?ots on ;. `k tilt er Gail Esta Godfrey, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. Ralph God- isharm2nts and record I books " :r tr frey, R.R. 3, Auburn and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. rthem e g b NCx , the quiz pxO anga"rif�, g d bing thtthnext meet - William T. Livingston, RA. 2, Seaforth. ing. Roll call will be answered by exclusively' for, On r, ,e "something I learned from this Housewives. Hear. ")�1 ���'� 4 HENSALL GROUPS HOLD MEETINGS „tet„ MY LIVING" an cK Evening Auxiliary Meets offered by Mrs. Drysdale. The de Sell that unnecessary piece of Wingham, every MOn4 4 Mrs. Jack Drysdale presided for votional, with the theme "Prayer", furniture through a Huron Exposi Wedl Lesday and the February meeting of the Eve- was in charge of Mrs, John Heal. for Classified Ad. Phone 41. ning Auxiliary of the United Scripture passages were read by morning at 11:30. y;, Church, held Monday evening. A Mrs, Harvey Keys, with prayer of M, ' minute's silence was observed in fered by Mrs. R. Reaburn, follow- tl,e t memory of the late Mrs. Harry ed with the Lord's Prayer. Next WIND 21 Armstrong, after which prayer was item on the agenda was payment v tiyr^�, t of dices, roll call, minutes, corres-M' M, {, ponaence, collection and contribu- Tornado - Cyclone £irr � tions to birthday box. Mrs. Drys- Dostrict Obituaries dale welcomed Mrs. D' J. McKel- INSURANCE vie of Essex, a former member, A .. Vnu;Q t motion was passed that the lunch R. F'. McKEItCHER It Y be limited to one thing and a bev- •,- o-{ era e. Mrs. R. Broderick volun- Phone 849 r 4 — Seaforth NEWSPAPER MRS. MARY E. IIARKNESS g f� HENSALL. — Mrs. Mary Ellen Band.teereT help with the Mission Representing: ;k i Harkness, a resident of Culross Band. The president asked that The Western Farmers' Weather r members come to the next meet- Insurance Mutual Co. ° Township for the past 55 years, ing with ideas for raising money. Woodstock — Ontario PACKS �a who died Monday, Feb. 11, at Wing- Mrs. J. C. Goddard favored with a (;� ham General Hospital, was born piano solo. Mrs. Northcott, from in Durham, and was the former r Y Mary E. Morton. Her husband, d e o s Florist in Exeter, gave a "- demonstration on floral arrange- -•"+.+ James Harkness, died several ments, and donated some plants _. years ago. and flowers to the group, The new A� Surviving are four daughters: study book, "East From Burma," - ��;�' Mrs. George Gamble, Teeswater; G Mrs. James Struther, Belmore; was introduced by Mrs. Robert v+ �' a ;:•�„ •;; O, Mrs. John Reid, Hensall; Mrs. Cook. At the conclusion of the David Ireland, Culross Township; closing exercises, luncheon was and six sons, George and Leslie, served by the hostesses, Mrs. Donr0 Joynt, Mrs. J, Corneil and their Culross; Midford and James, of assistants. '. vim' """° ° 'C��` TeesWater; Wilfred, Harriston, and - • = =' Gordon, Hensall. Mrs. R. Boyce, first vice-presi- After resting at the Church Fun- dent, took the chair for the Febru- THE ary meeting of Chiselhurst' Wo- eral Home, Teeswater. funeral ser- • men's Missionary Society, held on Huron Expositor vices were held. Thursday at 2.30 Always Fresh At le Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. R• Kins- man m. by the Rev. T. J. McKinney, — i man was pianist for the meeting. of Knox Presbyterian Church. In �' � p' GOETTLER`S terment was made in TeeswateT' The worship period was con- ?� cemetery. ducted by Mrs, Earl Treffry. Scrip- Red & White Market ture passages were read by Mrs. DUBLIN, ONT. Something to sell? Something. MRS. FRANK JEFFREY Clarence Coleman. Thank -you to buy? Phone 41, Seaforth• r,n%70—AT S Aft— L•r a,; - Tuf- --i— .,,o ,•Hari by thn enrratar�r '''tw'. riage on Tuesday. 5ne was a they get started in religion, con - 49501ST Place 1951 1ST Place = member of St. Peter's Church. tinue on and on, and said more Surviving besides her husband doctors and missionaries are need - : three daughters: Mrs. William ed, A. McGuire, Goderich_ Township; Rev. C. D. Daniel pronounced the ou S y es,Mrs. John Clifford, Detroit; Mrs. benediction, and a brief meeting f .;. Walter Johnston, Windsor; two of the Women's Association was brothers, William Bedard, ot De- held. troit; Edward, Drysdale, and one sister, Mrs. John Gravelle, Gode- rich. Hensall Sale Prices The body rested at the Lodge Funeral Home, Goderich, and Re- Prices at Hensall community quiem High Mass was sung Mon- sale last Thursday were: days at 9 a.m. in St. Peter's, Church Weanling pigs, $.14.85 to $18.00; by the Rev. Father J. P. Gleeson. chunks, $18 to $21.50; feeders, Interment was made in Colborne $28.75 to $39.50; sows, $112 to $125; Roman Catholic cemetery. Holstein cows, $132 to $145; Dur- ham cows, $140 to $160; Holstein calves, $13.50 to $16.50; Durham BRODHAGEN. Brodhagen's old- calves, $19 to $38. Fat cows sold est resident, Gottlieb H. Mueller, as high at $11.50 a pound. died at his home early Thursday A total of 405 pigs and 75 head morning at the age of 94. He had of cattle and calves were sold. been in failing health for the past month, but previously had enjoyed There are more than 14,000 eat - fairly good health. ing places in Canada, . 1952 IST Place 1953 1$T Place � •'0 epsone".. 1.U. seS 1954 1ST Place 1955 IST P............. lace ............ :495em 6 11T Place Chevrolet is famous ,for its winning ways. More people buy Chevrolet than any other Car. There isn't a car on the road can touch Chevrolet's record 1 That's the smoothest, liveliest V8 or 6 you ever put a toe to. Try because no other car has so consistently offered the styling, per- the most copied ride and handling on the road! (Glide -Ride formance and dependability that make Chevrolet an unbeatable suspension, Outrigger rear springs q. Far from resting on their value year after year. laurels, Chevrolet engineers have made this beautiful ride even Again in '57 Chevrolet outclasses them all l Here's a car that better for 19571 r loves to go and looks it !From bumper to bumper it has the sweet Small wonder Chevrolet outsells" them all t More and more good looks and the fine -car luxuries of Body -by -Fisher that put people are taking to Che'vy's winning ways because they're find - fashion and function beautifully together! ing that Chevy's value can't be beat! See your Chevrolet dealer Try it on the road! See how Chevrolet outsteps them all! Try now ...see why,Chevrolet outstyles, outsteps, outsells them all! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CHEVROLET THE MOST MODERN EFFICIENT ENGINES IN THE WORLD >••>�:a3;:;;:;;;.• "based on official national �'"""`��'��"'• registrations supplied by an Independent source C -1667C ;r He was born .m Germany on September 12, 1862, son of 'the late Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty TZ Tj T1T1TyTyTyTyTyTyTyy Ty Ty Ty Ty T1 Ty T' Henry Mueller and the former Car- oline Ahrens. He came to Brod- hagen from Germany when 28 years of age and founded a cab- �•” bier's shop, from which he retired a few years ago. He had•learried his trade in Germany when fifteen years of age. � • `�: TO Help Poultrymen 03ISet LOW Egg Prices He was married to Amelia Bode in 1892 and built the fine white TOPNOTCH GREATLY brick house in Brodhagen where '':': •" ": he has since. resided. Mrs. Mull- .-;'��; '`;,•�'�:>, :'` ler died March 4, 1942, and since REDUCES � then he has made his home here ' �•��-• • • with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. an(rlVIrs. Emanuel Beuermann, He was a member of St. Peter's •` �1 �.:�°": On All Growing and Laying Feeds Church, Brodhagen. and served on ..........z'�::;. the church council for a number of years. He also taught Sunday school for 28 years. Mr. Mueller was an active mem- ,t'tY � •% ber of the Brodhagen Band, in which he played the cornet until 1945. In conjunction with his shop 1 � he also operated the Brodhagen All Our POULTRY FEEDS are post office for ten years. He op- � � �,�,��—'►_\�' °•`' crated a retail shoe store from Packed in NEW SAGS For 1900 to 1913, and also made shoes i—t � %• - ` �T until 1943. For 15 years Nr. Mull- Your PI'OteCtlOri ler was a Perth County constable. 0",} �' � ' •1 Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Emanuel (Alice) Beuermann, who ii r � her father, and two The Most Value For the resided with h grandchildren , Ra000001 y Buermann, with the R.C.A.F., stationed at Ed- Farmer`s Dollar " ' -�`— gar,.Ont., and Wayne Beuermann, at home. He was the last member �- of his family, having been prede- ceased by six brothers, one sister , and his wife. The body rested at his late home, Brodhagen, after 8 p.m. Friday tYtit'iT noon on Sunday, when remov- al was made to St. Peter's Luth- s Sl .�l r r ;�t v Oft:rym 43)) 4' seri ' r exon ^ClTurch, Brodhagen, until the r + '�''• , coriim cement of the service at ` � 3t1 p.m. Burial was made in St. Phone 775 s • Sea�a►w��� ���',� PH,��;� � Meter's Lutheran cemetery Brod- • tir .,,..,•.. 2ageti. itelr. E. �'. �'istsher, of 'Yv !1+ . �,' �° � �T Z°, iT'. �, ii" • � T '1;'.,�,��' AT,�i+Ai��l►�1' ( P ..,..: : ,, :, .; ... 4• .. ,.., . ,. ,, , Brodhagen, officiated, �� • ,..... � � 'e;;, I '. ,. yr - •'. .:, , , '�:� l� � � t � : ,�,: c„ i .. ,.;. •.., -,.,. '�;: ` '•, '• ',. �. �� .,.- 1 r •c. +Xt&( II 4u , 3f �' {I ,� w:, W W )� ,. , ,. .,u.. „. .. .,:..... ,..,,., ,. ....� .i, .; .....,- .. _. .,., ....t. ,. ., -...., ,. '. 1..,. 1„ 15 Ai'. fj 1 :C! 1.•.:, , .,.., ,., f.', ., + ,•, �• .. ,. :. ,.. ,. :... .: .. :,�. ., ,...� +„ .,, ,,,.� ;Y ,.. .. •.+. :..,.. ...ro ax , �' .R E, �I)r: t I. .�.�.: .,t .IU 1, fl .k. .. �.•�.,. ., -.. I.. :,.-.,. ,., „ .. ,�. r � .. , , h�. ,.. ..,. , ,. t ,r4 ...J. ... l i r• .a) f .ff� :a,,,,, +,1. . r,,...,�,t , ° , A � 1 ��'' K�( ����� ` !! { a-.� ri 'i. kr• , 5 ,hr i3 �Ys „(. � �\a, �.' w.; , 7i, -.{• da o' . a, ix t.,..w ,.a f rr't.u�wfOWh.fi� 7rtitY , (..�m`'i'UY Glh,.a".``., �,rk .•{y.Y,„(.i Z �•rf'. r ,;,:, r, t'.;�Y.?;r u,,..., ,„,r, ,v. ,• r .. -. .y. a!•r. „-7 �.. .v .,,... ,..,•k,; n:• , „.: �,...:,: e4, •w ilii ;r He was born .m Germany on September 12, 1862, son of 'the late Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty TZ Tj T1T1TyTyTyTyTyTyTyy Ty Ty Ty Ty T1 Ty T' Henry Mueller and the former Car- oline Ahrens. He came to Brod- hagen from Germany when 28 years of age and founded a cab- �•” bier's shop, from which he retired a few years ago. He had•learried his trade in Germany when fifteen years of age. � • `�: TO Help Poultrymen 03ISet LOW Egg Prices He was married to Amelia Bode in 1892 and built the fine white TOPNOTCH GREATLY brick house in Brodhagen where '':': •" ": he has since. resided. Mrs. Mull- .-;'��; '`;,•�'�:>, :'` ler died March 4, 1942, and since REDUCES � then he has made his home here ' �•��-• • • with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. an(rlVIrs. Emanuel Beuermann, He was a member of St. Peter's •` �1 �.:�°": On All Growing and Laying Feeds Church, Brodhagen. and served on ..........z'�::;. the church council for a number of years. He also taught Sunday school for 28 years. Mr. Mueller was an active mem- ,t'tY � •% ber of the Brodhagen Band, in which he played the cornet until 1945. In conjunction with his shop 1 � he also operated the Brodhagen All Our POULTRY FEEDS are post office for ten years. He op- � � �,�,��—'►_\�' °•`' crated a retail shoe store from Packed in NEW SAGS For 1900 to 1913, and also made shoes i—t � %• - ` �T until 1943. For 15 years Nr. Mull- Your PI'OteCtlOri ler was a Perth County constable. 0",} �' � ' •1 Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Emanuel (Alice) Beuermann, who ii r � her father, and two The Most Value For the resided with h grandchildren , Ra000001 y Buermann, with the R.C.A.F., stationed at Ed- Farmer`s Dollar " ' -�`— gar,.Ont., and Wayne Beuermann, at home. He was the last member �- of his family, having been prede- ceased by six brothers, one sister , and his wife. The body rested at his late home, Brodhagen, after 8 p.m. Friday tYtit'iT noon on Sunday, when remov- al was made to St. Peter's Luth- s Sl .�l r r ;�t v Oft:rym 43)) 4' seri ' r exon ^ClTurch, Brodhagen, until the r + '�''• , coriim cement of the service at ` � 3t1 p.m. Burial was made in St. Phone 775 s • Sea�a►w��� ���',� PH,��;� � Meter's Lutheran cemetery Brod- • tir .,,..,•.. 2ageti. itelr. E. �'. �'istsher, of 'Yv !1+ . �,' �° � �T Z°, iT'. �, ii" • � T '1;'.,�,��' AT,�i+Ai��l►�1' ( P ..,..: : ,, :, .; ... 4• .. ,.., . ,. ,, , Brodhagen, officiated, �� • ,..... � � 'e;;, I '. ,. yr - •'. .:, , , '�:� l� � � t � : ,�,: c„ i .. ,.;. •.., -,.,. '�;: ` '•, '• ',. �. �� .,.- 1 r •c. +Xt&( II 4u , 3f �' {I ,� w:, W W )� ,. , ,. .,u.. „. .. .,:..... ,..,,., ,. ....� .i, .; .....,- .. _. .,., ....t. ,. ., -...., ,. '. 1..,. 1„ 15 Ai'. fj 1 :C! 1.•.:, , .,.., ,., f.', ., + ,•, �• .. ,. :. ,.. ,. :... .: .. :,�. ., ,...� +„ .,, ,,,.� ;Y ,.. .. •.+. :..,.. ...ro ax , �' .R E, �I)r: t I. .�.�.: .,t .IU 1, fl .k. .. �.•�.,. ., -.. I.. :,.-.,. ,., „ .. ,�. r � .. , , h�. ,.. ..,. , ,. t ,r4 ...J. ... l i r• .a) f .ff� :a,,,,, +,1. . r,,...,�,t , ° , A � 1 ��'' K�( ����� ` !! { a-.� ri 'i. kr• , 5 ,hr i3 �Ys „(. � �\a, �.' w.; , 7i, -.{• da o' . a, ix t.,..w ,.a f rr't.u�wfOWh.fi� 7rtitY , (..�m`'i'UY Glh,.a".``., �,rk .•{y.Y,„(.i Z �•rf'. r ,;,:, r, t'.;�Y.?;r u,,..., ,„,r, ,v. ,• r .. -. .y. a!•r. „-7 �.. .v .,,... ,..,•k,; n:• , „.: �,...:,: e4, •w ;r He was born .m Germany on September 12, 1862, son of 'the late Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty TZ Tj T1T1TyTyTyTyTyTyTyy Ty Ty Ty Ty T1 Ty T' Henry Mueller and the former Car- oline Ahrens. He came to Brod- hagen from Germany when 28 years of age and founded a cab- �•” bier's shop, from which he retired a few years ago. He had•learried his trade in Germany when fifteen years of age. � • `�: TO Help Poultrymen 03ISet LOW Egg Prices He was married to Amelia Bode in 1892 and built the fine white TOPNOTCH GREATLY brick house in Brodhagen where '':': •" ": he has since. resided. Mrs. Mull- .-;'��; '`;,•�'�:>, :'` ler died March 4, 1942, and since REDUCES � then he has made his home here ' �•��-• • • with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. an(rlVIrs. Emanuel Beuermann, He was a member of St. Peter's •` �1 �.:�°": On All Growing and Laying Feeds Church, Brodhagen. and served on ..........z'�::;. the church council for a number of years. He also taught Sunday school for 28 years. Mr. Mueller was an active mem- ,t'tY � •% ber of the Brodhagen Band, in which he played the cornet until 1945. In conjunction with his shop 1 � he also operated the Brodhagen All Our POULTRY FEEDS are post office for ten years. He op- � � �,�,��—'►_\�' °•`' crated a retail shoe store from Packed in NEW SAGS For 1900 to 1913, and also made shoes i—t � %• - ` �T until 1943. For 15 years Nr. Mull- Your PI'OteCtlOri ler was a Perth County constable. 0",} �' � ' •1 Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Emanuel (Alice) Beuermann, who ii r � her father, and two The Most Value For the resided with h grandchildren , Ra000001 y Buermann, with the R.C.A.F., stationed at Ed- Farmer`s Dollar " ' -�`— gar,.Ont., and Wayne Beuermann, at home. He was the last member �- of his family, having been prede- ceased by six brothers, one sister , and his wife. The body rested at his late home, Brodhagen, after 8 p.m. Friday tYtit'iT noon on Sunday, when remov- al was made to St. Peter's Luth- s Sl .�l r r ;�t v Oft:rym 43)) 4' seri ' r exon ^ClTurch, Brodhagen, until the r + '�''• , coriim cement of the service at ` � 3t1 p.m. Burial was made in St. Phone 775 s • Sea�a►w��� ���',� PH,��;� � Meter's Lutheran cemetery Brod- • tir .,,..,•.. 2ageti. itelr. E. �'. �'istsher, of 'Yv !1+ . �,' �° � �T Z°, iT'. �, ii" • � T '1;'.,�,��' AT,�i+Ai��l►�1' ( P ..,..: : ,, :, .; ... 4• .. ,.., . ,. ,, , Brodhagen, officiated, �� • ,..... � � 'e;;, I '. ,. yr - •'. .:, , , '�:� l� � � t � : ,�,: c„ i .. ,.;. •.., -,.,. '�;: ` '•, '• ',. �. �� .,.- 1 r •c. +Xt&( II 4u , 3f �' {I ,� w:, W W )� ,. , ,. .,u.. „. .. .,:..... ,..,,., ,. ....� .i, .; .....,- .. _. .,., ....t. ,. ., -...., ,. '. 1..,. 1„ 15 Ai'. fj 1 :C! 1.•.:, , .,.., ,., f.', ., + ,•, �• .. ,. :. ,.. ,. :... .: .. :,�. ., ,...� +„ .,, ,,,.� ;Y ,.. .. •.+. :..,.. ...ro ax , �' .R E, �I)r: t I. .�.�.: .,t .IU 1, fl .k. .. �.•�.,. ., -.. I.. :,.-.,. ,., „ .. ,�. r � .. , , h�. ,.. ..,. , ,. t ,r4 ...J. ... l i r• .a) f .ff� :a,,,,, +,1. . r,,...,�,t , ° , A � 1 ��'' K�( ����� ` !! { a-.� ri 'i. kr• , 5 ,hr i3 �Ys „(. � �\a, �.' w.; , 7i, -.{• da o' . a, ix t.,..w ,.a f rr't.u�wfOWh.fi� 7rtitY , (..�m`'i'UY Glh,.a".``., �,rk .•{y.Y,„(.i Z