The Huron Expositor, 1957-01-25, Page 4itissified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates' FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st, Week 1 Cent 2nd Week tkiCent 3rd Week 1/2 Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events-- 1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. EnguAriee may be directed to Box Nu., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. hurt s, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Credltt rs. Etc. - Rates on application. For Sale For Rent FOR SALE- Sump humps. -pr ial $4,, FOR RENT--S-room apartment. OR. at DUBLIN ELECTRIC, Dublin. VILLE UE.E, Seaforth. 4641-1f 4644.2 - ... '------ ---- 1•UR RENT - Four -room furui,hed RELIGIOUS t.,l"1'S. COSI UMW Jewellery, ape); t elect riru.l; e.Iuipped; pri.ate oil paintings. ERIC MILNER. Main St., Seaforth. 4642-tf • FOR SALE—Several used television sets at special prices. Apply DUBLIN ELEC- TRIC, Dublin. FOR SALE—Brand new Beatty washer never used: $115 cash. PHONE 841 r 1=. Seaforth. 4645-tf FOR SALE- used Bendtx • utomatic washer, good condition ; reasonable. DUB- LIN ELECTRIC, Dublin. - 4644^2 FOR SALE- Four used 'tea. 600816. and one used battery PHONF 8-!:3 Sea - forth. 1614-1 FOR SALE --A number of doable ! trrn- er oil brooders. MAC CHESNEY. Phone 668 r 16, Seaforth. 1644.1 -New Junior rest crib mat- tress, 24x48; regular $24.92, fur $16 00. DUBLIN an .61C'I'RIC. Phone 70 r 2, Dub- lin. 4643-' ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. TV swivel chairs in stock at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC Dublin. 4641-tf set tlee :,,,d prit nt, cath. Heated. A.:ut- t.l,;,• 1't; L A;,,,;; ;.\ME:,S RF.I,i.\' operation and consideration of all t,c,�rt•t• 44t. N.. :e;t'urth. it' IIN,: matters that would be coming up! during 1957. The council members all gave a short but. appropriate reply. The reeve then. called for the reading of the minutes. and upon motilin by Alex Mousseau and Oscar • Klapp. th, _ e were adopted. At this time some correspond- ence was read and a motion. was pa -4 -ed by E. J. Willert and L. Greb. that the meeting adjourn un- •— i OFFICIALS AND REPRESENTATIVES ARE APPONTED BY HAY COUNCIL The inaugural meeting of Hay Township Council was held in the; Hay Township Hall, Zurich, Mon- day. Rev..K. Zorn, of Dashwood, was present and gave an inspiring address to the council members, assessor G. Armstrong, road sup- erintendent and Clerk -Treasurer H. W Brokenshire. He stressed the need of serious and fair considera- tion of all matters that would be brought before the council during the year. Mr Becker. the reeve.; thanked the officiating clergyman. and then gave a fitting address to the council. as.king them for co - Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER v. ith -n,.1 .her tna1.d. as sn•retary 10 1'rt..,!,•,; c:' :I -known manufacturer, 1±,.•n rt Vire, r :ease nt working condition;. v .e•! ., 'Id in ter,: Mg duties. employee Lon.. t.; • etc. 'lop salary to experienced girl. 1:it.,IlY Mite full details in first let- ter :o 14 , ,99, IIURUN EXPOSITOR. Rea.' ,rth. Out. -1611-: til 1:30 pm FOR SALE FOR SALE 7 young sows, four months old, pure bred York ; also 1 cow, two months fresh. NICK VAN VUUG'r. Phone 451 r 14, Seafurth. 4644x2 1 iter Cars For Sale FUR SALE 14;44 Chev. Coach. di; Os i'oe. cwai running order. YIIONI•. 7.1-•I. :seseorth 4644x1 FUI1 4.\1.1•: 141' I`udg, _'-von^'1'r^4ck .tith is pnod rur.nine condi- tion: a! n .' . uY •,i Ped riccheat, Jur• I•:r,'k .ale. Apply 1 NIES. DONALD M'KE1I :IIS. l'h.me Lu 1 7. Bru-,els. 4611.1 FOR SALE-- 16 pigs seven weeks old. Auction Sales Apply ,1 OSEPH NOLAN, z it „ Colo:Wein. Phone 94 r 22, Dublin. - --- 4611x1 1 CHAIN SAWS—Models H.C. ami J.B. 1 See these and dependable used soar at - ROBERT GLEN'S I,E.L. SALES & SER- VICE. Phone Clinton 111.1. 2-9292 (day 1, ' ui High fl -ode H,-istein Cows and Heifers HU. 2-9509 might). 464.4x3' at Hemet II wades Barn. on TUESDAY. JAN. .1911. at 1 :30 p.m.: COM PI.I:YI'E DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE FOR SALE -10 tons timothy and alfalfa hay, got no rain; also Hereford bull 4 years old, weighs 2.000 lbs.; also fine Hereford cows, springing. DAN Mc- HINNON, Box 65, Brussels, Ont. Tele- phone 68. 4644-1 Wanted WORK WANTED—Woman wishes work, baby sitting; capable of taking full charge. PHONE 152, Seaforth. 4643-2 Poultry BRAY • CHICKS—Dayold, started. Wide choice, including Ames In -Cross. Pilch White Rocks. Agents: MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Brucefield, Phones: Clinton HU. 2-9232, Seaforth 659-2a, or JOHN PRUIN, R.R. 2, Seaforth, Phone 645 r 21. 4641-5 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). Dialled postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c ; 24 sam- ples 61.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton. Notices NOTICE—Paperhanging and painting ' Snnworthy wallpapers. DOUG DAL- TON, North Main St. 464x3 RADIO REPAIRS' — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-11. 46.41-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS. Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4642-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of .Canada Lt. 4011•tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination information or service from all breeds of cattle. Phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at CLINTON' HU. 2-3441, between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m, We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at low cost. 4641-tf ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Ushorne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company win be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar. on Monday, February 4, 1957. at 2 p.m.. for the purpose of, receiving the reports of the Directors' and Auditors for the past year, for the election of two. Director= for a three-year term. election of 'Auditors. and any other business that may be in the interests of the Damn= >. ,The Directors whose term of office ex- pires are Martin Feeney and Barri Coates., both of whom are eligible for re -election - MARTIN FEE'iEY • President ARTHUR FRASER Secretary -Treasurer - 41444 Tenders Wanted GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD win receive tenders until February 11, 1957, about 20 cords of cedar to the dif- ferent schools in the Township. not later than July 1, 1957. NORMAN S. HOOVER, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 8, Brussels, Ont. 4648-8 20 Holstein cows. fresh and due to fresh,ro in February and March: 6 Hol- stein heifers, 2 years old, fresh and dur to freshen shortly. Number of open Halttein heifers. Terms --Cash, COLIN RELORE. Proprietor: Harold Jackson, A net ionet-r. 4844-1 CI FARING AUCTION SALE • of Property. Household Effects Lind An- tiques. of the laze George Brat; v and the late Edythe E. Must+. from their late residence. at the Village of Varna, on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 211d. at 1:30 p,m., consisting of: HOUSEHOLD EP- FECTS--Philcu 21 -inch television with aerial: 6 -piece oak dining room suite; 8 beds; 3 dressers ; 3 inner sprint!' mt•:tress- es ; set oral linoleum rugs sevt. gal trunks 1 large wall mirror: radio ; 1111,11 n cabinet; Westinghouse washing; machine; Westing- house combination eleetric and coal range; oak secretary; drophead sewing machine; 2 step -ladders: Lawn Boy power lawn mower: lawn mower; garden tools; quantity of bedding, dishes; sealers: cook- ing utensils. ANTIQUES. -Marble top table: 'cherry drop-leaf table: Duncan Fife style table; cherry cupboard: cherry hall rack walnut chest of drawers: wal- nut bed; bar -room chair: 2 cane rock- ing chairs; dishes, and numerous other articles. PROPERTY- Approximately• 116 acres of land on which is situated an B- room frame house with lnsul brick sid- ing: a full basement; an oil furnace ntearly newt ; hardwood floors through- out: a 2 -piece bath and hard and soft water under pressure. On this property is also a 2 -car garage and a bank barn, approximately 40x40. Terms on House- hold Effects. Etc.—Cash. Terms on Pro- perty ---10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 days, and sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Note—The pro- perty will be offered for sale at 8 p.m. JEAN ELLIOTT, Executrix, and HAR- OLD ELLIOTT. Executor, of the Estate of Edithe E. Mossop and George Beatty : Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer, 4614-2 Cards of Thanks MRS, THOMAS OLIVER and Fraser Oliver wish to acknowledge with thanks the many expressions of sympathy and floral tributes received on the occasion of their recent bereavement. 4644x1 3 WISH TO THANK my friends and neighbors who remembered me with cards, treats and visits while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital; also the doc- tors of the Seaforth Clinic. the hospital staff and nurses. 4644x1 ARTHUR MURPHY I WISH TO THANK my many friends and neighbors for visiting me while a patient in \'ktoria Hospital and since re- turning home; also for the many cards and treats. They were deeply appreciat- ed, 4614-1 LOIS McLELLAN WE WISH TO EXPRESS our apprecia- tion to all those who contributed ir any way to the McKillop, Tuckersmith and Hibbert Cyclone Fund, and who through their contributions made possible the gen- erous assistance which we have received from the fund. MR. and MRS. ALEX PEPPER AND FAMILY 4644x1 GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD. Will receive tenders for abort 140 cords 04 green hard body wood to be delivered tb the dfffereht schools in the Township dot 7atpt• thati Jely 1, 1957. 'Tended must be received by the Secre- LYE any member of the bbard not i11{'Bi Huai February 11, 1957. NORMAN a HOOVEB, See.otaat., yo. 2 B'* t8Bgo, O'nt. -.-<�''. , 46404 In Memoriam WATSON—In loving memory of our dear mother. Mrs. Annie Watson, who t•a=sed array January 27, 1943. in depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well: And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep, 4044x1 —THE FAMILY Births Those present were guests of Reeve V. L. Becker at the Dornin- ion Hotel, Zurich, for dinner. At 1:30 the .meeting was again resum- ed in the ball, and the following motions. in addition to moves pro- viding for annual requirements, were passed: That we give a grant of $20 to the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association for 1957; that we give a grant of $10 to the Salvation Army for 1957; that we purchase a power maintainer from the Dominion TO ad Jlachiner; Co. if they will supply' it at price 7u,t- ad in December. 1156 That Geo. Armstrong be re-ap- p::inted assessor for 1957 for Hay ''t'wnship at $600 salary -,'.4,1 $300 car a'io'\::i!oe postage to be ex- tra ",',tat i] W Brolkeushire be st. t a, delegate to the Ontario As- :Zt,ciation of Rural Municipalities convention in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. ori Foo. 25 and 25. That the following appointments bo made for the Tow:lship of H for 1957: school alttoidanco offi- cer, Bruce J. Klopp; stock valua- tor. Bert Klopp; pun:i.lkeeper-. J F. I7 ram, Laird Jacabe, bldg Turnbull. Alvin 1i'alpn--r, Leonard :Verner, Edwin Regier. Roy Gin- gerich. Harold Finlay, Herbert Cornforth, Allan Crerar, William Watson •, fenceviewers, Percy Campbell, Lloyd Hendrick Karl Haberer; road superintendent. Jas. Mass's; Hay Township Community Centre, same as 1956; Hay Twp.. Reeve V. L, Becker. Deputy Reeve Oscar Klopp; Federation of Agri- culture. Delbert Geiger; Hay Twp, School Area, Ray Fisher; Zurich Police. Village, Mired Schilbe; Zurich Lions Club, Ferd. Haberer; Zurich Agricultural Society, Arn- old :Verner. Sr.; Hockey Club, Robert McKinley; ZL;ich Cham- ber of Commerce, Wei. 1-iugill; Ausable River Conservation 4uth- ority. Wm. Har' 'n; caretaker of Hall, Mrs, Fa::ny Bender; relief administrator. Reeve V. L. Beck- er. H. W. Brokenshire; court of revision. Council M:mbers, V. L. Becker. Alex Mousseau, Oscar Klopp. L. Greb. E. J. Willert; Clerk - Treasurer. H. W. Brokenshire. and that a by-law be drawn, up con- firming the appointments to be presented at later meeting. The following rates of pay were set for the various positions and for hourly labor, and that a by- law be drawn up confirming the same: one man. 70c per hour; road superintendent's two helpers, 85c per hour; one man and team, light work, $1 per hour; patrolmen, 75c per hour; snowplow helper, 85c per hour; power mower operator, 85c per hour; grader operator, $1 per hour; truck operator on snow plow, $1 per hour; team and mow- er. $1.50 per hour; selection of jurors, reeve $6, assessor $6, clerk $10; fenceviewers, $3.50 per trip, plus mileage allowed; tractor on grader or pulling brush, $1.50 per hour; tractor hauling brush' or snow fences, $1 per hour; school attendance officer.' $2.50 per call, plus mileage; stock valuator, $3 per trip, plus mileage Deputy Re- turning Officer, $6• per day; poll clerks, $5 per day; Reeve, -salary, $175. car allowance $50; Deputy Reeve and Councillors, salary, $125, plus mileage $25; all council members for all extra meetings, $3 and car allowance, $2; Clerk - Treasurer for extra meetings, $3.50; caretaker of hall, $250; mile- age to be allowed is 71f c per mile for every mile travelled, and that a by-law be drawn up confirming rates set. Accounts were ordered paid as per vouchers presented: General accounts — H. W. Brokenshire, $184.50; Datars & O'Brien, $2.75; Hensall District Co-op. Inc., $34.34; MacMillans, $5; Gestetner Co. Ltd. $7; Exeter Times -Advocate, $1.65; Treasurer, County of Huron, $36; V. L. Becker, $1.60; Robert Row- cliffe, $10.77; Robert Thomson, Jr„ $9.67; Treasurer Hay Municipal Telephone System, $6,000. Roads—James Masse, $258.85; Peter Masse. $162.18; Don Dietrich, $120.96; Louis Ayotte, $94.85; Maur- ice Masse. 864.28; Bank of Mont- real, 86.07; International Harves- ter Co.. $39.39; Sheridan Equip- ment Co.. $232.16; V. L. Becker, $1.80; F. C. Kalbfleisch Ltd., $39.30; Thiel Transport, $53,50; Treasurer Huron Co.. $35; Edward Fuels, $58.48; Department of Highways, $28,60; Wm, Siebert, 810.56; Mrs. Lerina Rose. $14470; Desjardine Auto Supply, $32.40; Hensall Mo- tor Sales, $42.56. Meet Needs Or g (Continued from Page 1) Capital expenditures were $3,- 780 70. including a loan repaid of 1 81.871.85. There were 124 members paid in advance for 1957. At the 1956 lair there were 2.924 entries. Prize! money offered totalled $ while $3,798.90 was awarded and paid. Name Officers The meeting named a nominat- ing committee of J. M. Scott. Rus- sell Bolton and Oliver Anderson. The report of the committee pro- vided for the following officers: directors—J. W. Crich. E. Whit- more find Joseph Devereaux for Tuckersmith, R. E• Holmes. Fred Snow. from Seaforth; 0. Wright and 0. Anderson for Hullett; L. Wheatley. Rev. Campbell and Robt. McMillan, for McKillop, and from Hibbert, Filmer Chappel and Ted Melady. Associate directors — Andrew Moore, W. Coleman, K. Sharp. Wilf. Scott, J. F. Scott. J. B. Hogg, Laverne Godkin, Bob Broadfoot. Harold Pryce, C. Reith, Allister Broadfoot. Ernie Ross. Robert Tyndall, Robert Patrick, Ken Stew- art..Irwin Trewartha, Gordon Pap - 1 ple, A. Ducharme, Jim McGregor, I Ken Campbell and J. M. Scott. The report was adopted. subject to an amendment transferring J. M. Scott from associate to regular director. George Wheatley expressed ap- preciation to the ladies of Eg- mondville Church. and Mrs. E. Durst replied. BELL—At Western Hospital, Toronto, on .ianuary 21, to Mr. and Mrs. David Bell, Toronto, a daughter • Victoria. HOUSTON- -At Scott Memorial Hospital. on January 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Rae Houston, R.R. 12, Brussels, a daughter. LANDSISOROUGH—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 22, to Mr. and Mrs. James Landsborough, R.R. 3, Sea - forth, a son. LUI3BERS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Lam- bert Lubbers, Seaforth, a son, McQUAID-- At Scott Memorial Hospital. on January 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McQuaid, RR. 5. Seaforth. a son. MUEGGE—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on .lanuary 18, to Mr. 9.141 Mrs. Gordon Muegge, Seaforth, a daughter. HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. John H. McEwing. Mr, and Mrs. James McEwing and Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. Tuckersmith. and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd, Harriston, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Alex McEwing, Seaforth, in honor of her birthday. There were no church services last Sunday afternoon at Burns' Church due to the bad weather. Miss Mary Lou Roe. New Ham- burg, and Miss Lois Roe. Strat- ford. were home over the weekend visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe, Dianne and Joyce. An area meeting for Area 'C' was held in Londesboro United Church, with a goodly number in attendance from the Young Peo- ple's Union in Area 'C'. Y.P.U. Meets The regular Y.P.U. meeting of Burns'-Londesboro was held last Sunday evening in the Sunday schoolroom of Londesboro Church with twenty-six members in at- tendance. Marguerite Lyon, con- vener of Faith and Evangelism, was in charge of the worship. Mr., Mrs, Webster Married 51 Years Mr. and Mrs. Lorne S. Webster, who were married on January 24, 1906, will quietly observe the 51st anniversary of their wedding at their home on West Street on Thursday. Mr. Webster retired as mail courier last year, after carrying the mail from Seaforth post office for 26 yea1+'s. Hold Reception For Bride -Elect Miss Betty McLarnon, who on Saturday was married to Mr. Wil- liam Bennett. was honored recent- ly at a shower. arranged by Mrs. Da -..e MacLean and Mrs Keith MacLean. assisted by Mrs. John Smith. The home was prettily decorat- ed for the occasion which was at- tended by 30 guests. Many beauti- ful gifts were presented to the bride. and were carried in by Ann Smith, Linda Reid and Gordie and Lynn MacLean. Lunch was served. An enjoyable evening was held at the home of Mrs. Wilmer Broad - foot, Kippen. on Tuesday evening, when a miscellaneous shower was held for Miss Betty McLarnon, bride -elect on Sunday. The evening was spent playing bingo. contests and other games, conducted by Mrs. George Varley and Mrs. John Smith. Readings were given by Mrs. Charles Eyre and Mrs. W. Broadfoot. The bride -elect was seated in a decorated chair and Miss ,Carol Varley and June McLachlan car- ried in the well -laden basket of gifts. Mrs, Arthur Varley read the address The bride-to-be receiv- ed many lovely and useful gifts, and thanked the guests in a few well-chosen words. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Three games were played in the Industrial League Monday night, with the following results: General Coach 10 Winthrop 1 Seaforth Shoes 5 St. Columban 3 Main Street 5 Topnotch 5 Latitudinally, Ne W f o u n dland, newest of Canada's provinces, is in the same parillel as. France. i ,1• ', , t. 4. � �;t J a„i;,�•a�'ai�'ir� 4tr� , sx,�is.h'Fsl"hca Mrs. Campbell Speaks At Hensall { Are Honored Friends and neighbors of con- cession 6 and 7, Tuckersmith, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Gemmell to compliment them on their move to their new home in Eglnondville. Cards were played during the evening, after which gifts were presented by John McLachlan and iliIl Taylor. The following address was read by Arthur Varley: "'Ea Mr and Mrs. Geln;nell: We just couldn't let this occasion go by without good-bye to the farm and, 'good-bye' to the farm, and 'hello' to Egmondville. Somehow the line just won't seem the same without you, but times do change and we do wish you both years and years of life's richest blessing in your new home. It's the thoughtful folks, the kind- ly folks, The neighborly folks like you, Who make this world a happier place 3y all they saa and do. Angels \+'ao write in --The Book of Life." • 'I:1ve them listed in "God's Who's 1'; ho." he tuuughtful folks, the kindly e r,cin.:bcrly folks like you. And so, as w -e pass along our 'est wishes, we ask you to accept t"e gifts. and may they bring ry happy memories of your ilends from the farm. Signed on Jehalf of your Friends and Neigh - )ors. After Mr. and Mrs. Gemmell had ::...i'ked their friends, a dainty lunch was served. A1I enjoyed a heppy evening. Seaforth Loses In Overtime London. Lou Ball; made a big gain in their drive to hold a play- off spot in the Junior "B" 0,H.A, ?lig Ten League Thursday night, grabbing off a close 5-3 overtime win over the Seaforth Juniors at Seaforth Community Arena. The Lou Balls were forced to come from behind in the opening period when the Baldwins took a- 2-1 lead. Frank Haughton and Dave Babensee scored for Seaforth before Harry Barnes potted an un- assisted marker. at 18:02 for Lon - 1 Gerry Thompson's solo effort knotted the score in the second period. The Lou Ball centre's goal was the only one of that session. Dick Dyer gave London a 3-2 lead early in the third frame, but Jack McLlwain's goal with 11 sec- onds remaining 'on a/penalty shot again tied it up. The penalty shot was awarded when a London de- fenceman grabbed the puck in the London goal area while Seaforth was pressing in on London Goalie Jim Eggett. Bob Geddes scored what pro ed to be the winner at the two -min- ute mark of the overtime. Roly Kaufman sewed it up. scoring in- to an empty net at 9:26 when a Seaforth power play fizzled: Peter Simpson Will Represent Holstein Breeders Directors of the Huron County Holstein Breeders. meeting in Clinton Thursday afternoon. ap- pointed Peter Simpson, Seaforth. as their representative to the Hur- on County Federation of Agricul- ture. Members decided to support the 4-H Holstein Calf Clubs in Huron County again this year. The fol- lowing dates were set for future activities: barn meeting at Bisset Brothers. Goderich, March 12th; spring meeting. Clinton. April 4; bus tour, Niagara and district, May 30; annual banquet, Blyth. Oct. 23; annual meeting, Clinton. Nov. 7. Gordon Innes, Woodstock. was chosen as judge for the Black -and - White Show to be held in conjunc- tion with the Blyth Fall Fair in September. Edwin Bell, Blyth, president of the group. was in charge of the meeting. Secretary is Hume Clut- ton, Goderich. Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, of Sea - forth, addressed members of the Hensall Arnold Circle at their meeting Monday evening, held at Carmel Chprch manse, for which Mrs. Donald MacDonald was hos- tess. Mrs. Campbell gave an in- spiring message of "Stewardship." Reports of 1956 were submitted and the financial reports disclos- ed that the group had over -reach- ed their allocation. The theme of the worship per- iod, "Life's Highways," was con- ducted by Mrs, William Brown, with Scripture passages read by Mrs. Harold Bell, and prayer of- fered by Rev. D. MacDonald. Ex- cerpts from The Record and Glad Tidings were read by Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Four new members were admit- ted into membership, and the meeting was chaired by the new ptesident, Mrs. A. Orr. Luncheon was served by the committee, com- posed of Mts. Harold Bell, Mrs. Glenn Deitz, and Mrs. D. MacDon- ald. Nineteen *ere present at the meeting. a"w14..,J,.tgd 4 ; First Ciiur Are Installed Officers for 1957 were installed by Rev, D. Glenn Campbell dur- ing the January meeting of the Women's Missionary Society, held Tuesday afternoon in First Pres- byterian Church. ' After, the installation, Rev. Campbell told the life story of John Geddes, pianeer missionary to the New Hebrides, of whom it was said: "When he entered the field there were no Christians them and when he Left, in 1872, there were no heathens".' The president, Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, presided. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Belle Campbell, and_ Mrs. D. Ritchie led in prayer. During the business period the treasurer. Mrs. J. Mc- Gregor, gave tier annual report, which showed an increase in the givings during 1956. Christmas cards will be sent to missionar- ies, and members are asked to . eave them at the church, Officers installed were: honor- ary president, Mrs. James Kerr; president. Mrs. D. Glenn Camp- bell; vice-presidents, Mrs. J. L. Bell, Mrs. D. Ritchie; secretary, Miss Jesie Fraser; treasurer, Mrs. John McGregor; group leaders: Mrs. J. Mac'Iavish, Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Miss M. Gray; Home Helpers. Mrs. H. R. Scatt; Wel- c•lme and Welfare, Mrs, F. Wigg; Glad Tidings, Mrs. W. E. Butt; supply, Mrs. H. McLachlan; lib- rary and literature. Miss B. Camp- bell; social, Mrs. W. Drover and Mrs. J. Gordon; flower and gift. Mrs. G. D. Ferguson; pianist, Mrs. E. Geddes; press, Miss B. Camp- bell; C.Gl:T., Mrs. R. Kerslake and Mrs. K. Sharp; Explorers, Mrs. C. Reith and Mrs. D. Stewart; C.O.C., Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, Mrs, E. Rivers and Miss Jessie Fraser. CROMARTY The Misses Anita and Alice Sorsdahl visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Kendrick at Exeter on Sat- urday evening. Mrs. T. L, Scott. Mrs. T. Laing, Airs. Harper and Mrs. Lamond at- tended the Pretby-t"vial annual meeting of the Women's. Mission- ary Society in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker enter- tained a number of their friends on Wednesday evening. Mrs. William Binning and two sons, of Mitchell, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKel- lar. Mr. Lloyd Sorsdahl attended the Dairymen's convention in Hamil- ton on Thursday. Evening Auxiliary Meets The Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Andrew McLachlan on Tuesday evening with Mrs, Lorne Elliott presiding. Mrs. Robert Laing read. the Scripture lesson, followed with prayer by the president. The roll call was answered with a verse on 'Hope', Mrs. Calder McKaig introduced the new study book, The topic was given by Mrs. G. Carey. SEAFORTII W.I, EUCHRE & DANCE Community Centre, Seaforth Friday, Feb. 1-8:30. p.m. MANN'S ORCHESTRA Admission —50 Cents Ladies please bring sandwiches. Remember the Valentince Dance February 15th Always Fresh At GOETTLER'S Red & White Market DUBLIN, ONT. SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO by CNR LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM: Allenford $4,75 Guelph 190 Paisley 5.20 Brampton .85 Hanover $4.30 Palmerston .,..$3.40 Brussels 430 Harriston 3.75 Southampton .. Chesley 4,75 Ingersoll 3,70 Sarnia Clinton 4.75 Kincardine .... 5,85 Stratford 3.45 Elora 2.45 Kitchener 2.45 Strathroy .......• 520 Fergus 2.45 Listowel 3.60 Walkerton 4.60 Georgetown .... 120 Mitchell 4.00 Watford 5.75 Goderich 5.05 Owen Sound .... 415 Wingham ........ 64.7520in Corresponding Fares from IntermeWyomdiagte Points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS r. tititalAttoiadaitedacai ?'fir r '.-:�t-r4r�.+•il"1ua �.i s,.;l,:� Mr. and lulixs, Dotlghls''ISangster and Sandra. of London, spent the week -end with Mrs. Minnie Sang- ster and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sang- ster. ' Mr. Richard Taylor, Sr., was taken by Bonthron's ambulance on Monday afternoon to Clinton Hos- pital, having suffered a stroke. Hensall Kinettes met at the home of Mrs. Ross Jinks Tuesday evening. They decided to have a rummage sale in the Town Hall the end of March; also made final plans for Men's Night, February 32. to be held in the form of a Valentine party at Armstrong's Restaurant, Exeter. Mrs. Don Joynt won thelucky draw prize. Mrs. Harold night, president of the club, chaired lthe meeting. Attended Funeral Mrs, John Richardson and sons, Ross and Wesley, attended the fun- eral of the late George M. Rich- ardson in St. Thomas on Tuesday. Mr. Richardson, 75, a retired let- ter carrier, died Sunday in St. Thomas—Elgin General Hospital af- ter a long illness.He was born in Stanley Township, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson, pioneer farmers of that area. Mr. llichardson went to St. Thomas 55 years ago and worked as a fire- man on the Grand Trunk Railway before taking a position with the postal services as a letter carrier. -le retired in 1955 after 36 years' :ervices. He was an active mem- ber of Central United Church, St. David's Lodge, No. 302 A F. and A.M., and Elgin Lodge, No. 32, I.O.O.F. He is survived' by his widow, two sons. three sisters and RECEPTION For .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Soldan Hensall Town Hall Friday, Jan, 25th DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch Everybody Welcome! a broth, r, John Ricl>tardaon, et Hensall. BRUCEFIELD The annual congregational meet- ing of Brucefield United Church will be held on Thursday night at 8:30. A full attendance IS, re- quested. Mrs. William Smith, of Exeter, is visiting for a few days with herr sister, Mrs. A. Hohner. Mrs. Williams, of London, spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jervis, in the village. Little Brenda Ann Hargreaves had her tonsils removed in Clin- ton Hospital on Monday. EE.L..tar. o N-E;',EiR Buy the chainsaw that's tight enough ... yet tough enough to do the job!... 'AMY l�Y 2 REL PIONEER iIOi+t°EL HC TEST IT AT: Robert Glen Clinton ANNUAL MEETING Tockersinith Federation Agriculture SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday, Jan. 30th — 8:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Semple, Egmondville, guest speaker Elmer and Jed—Ozark Mountain Boys of CKNX—will be the entertainers. Ladies please bring lunch. Special invitation to all Tuckersmith farmers and their wives. JANUARY THAW! All prices "melted" down on these 'Quality Cars'. We're pricing these Cars to move out fast! Hurry While the Selection is Good '57 PONTIAC COACH DELUXE PATHFINDER—New '56 CHEV. 210 COACH Radio; tinted glass. '55 STUDEBAKER COMMAND- ER SEDAN V-8—Overdrive, radio. '55 CHEV. 210 SEDAN V-8— Radio, etc. '55 DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN Like new. '54 FORD CUSTOMLINE SE- DAN—Extras; none better. '54 DE SOTO SEDAN—Automa- tic; two-tone; tinted glass. '54 BUICK SEDAN—Automatic; one owner. '53 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN —A real gem: '53 PONTIAC SEDAN• — Two- tone. '53 BUICK SUPER HARDTOP N-8—Radio; white shoes; • automatic; tinted glass. '53 MONARCH SEDAN, AUTO- MATIC—Radio; a landlord car. '53 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN— Radio. '52 ,CHEV. COACH—One own- er; 26,320 miles. See it. '52 CHEV. SEDAN—One own- er; 32,000 miles, Showroom condition. '52' DODGE SEDAN — Thor- oughly reconditioned. '51 STUDEBAKER COACH — Radio, etc. '51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN '50 OLDS CLUB COUPE — 27,- 000 'miles; one owner. '50 METEOR COACH '49 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN '49 DODGE SEDAN — Original finish; like new. OLDER CARS AT YOUR PRICE ! '50 DODGE SEDAN '49 DODGE COACH '49 METEOR SEDAN '49 FORD COACH (2) '49 MERCURY SEDANS '49 STUDEBAKER SEDAN '47 DODGE COACH '47 NASH SEDAN '53 STUDEBAKER ONE -HALF TON PICKUP, with a re- movable plywood box. After You Have Shopped Around, Then See Us! Road Test Our Cars, Compare Them and Price Them !' i,--..seem .- , BOB COOK MOTOR SALES LOCATED NEXT TO C.N.R. TRACKS Salesmen Phones: Res., Bob Cook 188; Bligbton Ferg 159-W Mike Quinlan 65 Phone HENSALL 178 — We'll Come Down (Seaforth Representative) MEL. CLARKE, Reliance Service Station Phone 146, Seaforth ti; ;;Y S;;:t., t,. a,;t..w