HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-01-11, Page 13
Ninety -Eighth Year
Whole Number 4642
Cyclone Fund
Is Completed
District residents in McKillop,
Tuckersmith, Hibbert and Gode-
rich Townships, who were victims
of windstorms which swept through
this area in June and July, receiv-
ed pleasant year-end surprises
with the arrival of cheques, repre-
senting shares of the McKillop,
Tuckersmith and Hibbert Cyclone
Following the storms,nerdamage
was assessed by County Assessor
A. Alexander, in conjunction with
township assessors. Total net dam-
age as assessed amounted to $18,-
At a meeting held in Seaforth in
July, steps were taken to solicit
donations to the fund and to ex-
plore other means whereby assist-
ance could be obtained. E. P.
Chesney was named chairman and
A. Y. McLean, secretary of -the
committee. As a result of these
efforts, some $6,000 became avail-
able for. distribution, which permit-
ted payment at a rate in 'excess
of 30 cents on the dollar, the chair-
man said.
Canvassing in McKillop, Tucker -
smith and McKillop was carried
out by the Federation of Agricul-
ture and produced in McKillop.
$512.75. in Tuckersmith $955.75, and
in Hibbert $596.50. In addition.,
there were other individual contri-
butions totalling $700.70. Huron
County granted $700 to the fund
and the Province of Ontario agreed
to pay an amount equal to half
the amount received in donations.
This is estimated at $1,72515.
The committee carried on nego-
tiations with the Canadian Disas-
ter Relief Fund, and in December
were advised that a grant of $1,200
had been approved by that organ-
The fund accounts were audited
by county auditor A. M. Harper,
and Mr. Harper mailed out the
cheques, Mr. Chesney said, in ac-
cordance with a requirement of
the Ontario Department of Muni-
cipal Affairs. Administration costs
•were held to a minimum, he add-
ed, clerical expenses and tele -
tater calls and postage having
donated by members of the
committee. ,Total expenses, in-
cluding audif fees, amounted to
Members of the 'committelt re-
sponsible for the campaie in
addition to Mr. Chesney and Mr.
McLean were: J. E. McQuaid,
Earl Mils and D. Beuermann, of
McKillop; A. Ducharme and M.
Lannin ,of Hibbert, and James
Doig, Tuckersmith. County treas-
urer A. H. Erskine, Goderich, was
Contributions not pre v i o u s l y
Canadian Disaster Relief
Fund $1200.00
George Ducharme, R.R. 3,
E. Donnelly, Dublin
Mac Feeney, R. 2. Dublin
Leo Feeney, R. 2, Dublin
Jack J. Feeney, R.R. 2,
A. George Gray, Dublin
Glen Smith, R. 2. Dublin
Dalton Balfour, R. 2, Du-
blin 1.00
Bill Gray, R. 2, Dublin 1.00
Gray Bros., R. 2, Dublin 1.00
Lorne and Ross Balfour,
R.R. 2, Dublin
Arnold Harris, R. 2, Dublin
David Gray, R. 2. Dublin
Geo. Smale, R. 2, Dublin
The Council of the Northwest
Territories consists of nine mem-
bers; five are appointed, four are
elected. The Council is presided
over by the Commissioner of the
Northwest Territories.
thy Keyes were elected Presi-
dents of the Seaforth Junior
Farmers and Seaforth Junior
Institute last week.
• It was annual meeting night
Thursday when 'Seaforth Junior
Farmers and Junior Institute met
in the Seaforth District High
School and named officers for the
new year.
The Junior Institute meeting op-
ened with the Institute Ode, Mary
Stewart Collect and the Lord's
Prayer. Roll call was answered
with "the meeting I enjoyed most
during the past year." Joan Wil-
son read a poem entitled, "If One
Has Failed" What we should do
and strive to achieve in the com-
ing year 1957. was commented on
by the president, Betty Campbell.
Dorothy Keys conducted several
urers were heard.
Catherine Campbell, president of TAX ARREARS REDUCED TO
the Heron County Junior Institute,
installed the officers for the com-
ing year and outlined the objec-
tives of the Junior Institute, and
stressed the motto of the Junior
Farmers Association, "Self Help
and Community Betterment.
Officers for 1957 are: past presi-
dent, Betty Campbell; president,
Dorothy Keys; vice-president, Joan
Wilson; second vice-president,
Marion Hemingway; secretary -
treasurer, Catherine Campbell;
district director, Elsie Keys; Insti-
tute directors, Mary Broadfoot,
Betty Alcock, Merle Godkin and
Sandra Doig; press reporter, Cath-
erine Campbell; pianist, Marion
Hemingway; assistant pianist, Bet-
ty Alcock; auditors, Dorothy Keys
and Jean Scott.
The Junior Farmers met and.
elected their officers for the year,'
which are as follows: past presi-
dent. Laverne Godkin; president,
Ken Campbell; first vice-president,
Merton Keyes; second vice-presi-
dent. Bill Strong; secretary, Arn-
old Campbell; treasurer, Bob Par-
sons; directors: McKillop, Elgin I
Schade; Hullett, Charles McGre-
gor; Tuckersmith, Alex Townsend
and Bruce Coleman; Grey and
Morris, Donald Hemingway.
The joint meeting opened with
the Junior Farmer song. Secre-
tary -treasurer Ken Campbell read
the minutes and gave the treas-
urer's report. Elsie Keyes was
elected to the position of secre-
tary-treasureinfor the coming year.
Arthur Bolton, assistant agri-
cultural representative, spoke and
outlined the Mechanic's Club'which
the Seaforth Junior Farmers are
sponsoring. Meetings will be held
on February 7, 21 and 28. The first
two .will be "Electricity On the
Farm" and "Highway and Farni
Square dancing was enjoyed and
lunch was served,
Any young people in the com-
munity, who are interested in Jun-
ior Farmer and Junior Institute
work, are invited to attend the
February meeting in the High
ntests. Re orts from the treas- School on February 5.
James 111141n10$11,:;•:
Name, ColOmMee's
James IVIchatosh was .reseleeted
chairman when •Seafortheleistriet
High School board held its ine
augural meeting Tuesday evening.
F. C. J. Silts is viee-cheirnten,
while M. A. Reid was reappointed
secretary -treasurer.
The board reviewed ctivitie of
the year and. was informed the
surplus on operations was about
the same as at the close ofdthe
previous year. Expenditures u'-
ing the year were about $41500
higher, as a result of increasefr in
salaries and .the construction an
agricultural barn.
The board was told memberof
the department's inspection staff,
E. R. McLellan and E. Guenther,
had visited the school that after-
Committees named are:
Property—C. A. Barber, clirair-
man; F. C. J. Sills. Ed. Dearing.
K. McFarine.
Supply—R. T. Bolton. chairraan;
C. M. Smith, 0. Anderson, C. Mar-
Finance—F. C. J. Sills. chlir-
man; G. McGavin, C. M. Smith,
Executive—J. McIntosh, chair-
man; F. C. 3. Sills, C. A. Barber.
Agricultural—E. Dearing. chair-
man; 0. Anderson, R. T. Bolton,
C. Martin,
Bus—C. Martin. chairman; E.
Dearing, K. McFarlane. 0.. An-
derson and G.McGavin.
Teacher -hoard relations—G. Mc -
Gavin. chairman; 3. McIntosh,F.
C. J. Sills, R. T. Bolton.
I Truancy officer—C. A. Barber.
• The regular meeting of Hensall
Council was held Monday evening
in the council chamber with all
members being present. The Clerk
reported that Councillor James
Sangster had taken his declara-
tion of office prior to the meeting.
I Kloss Van Weiren appeared for
his father, stating that he wished
to rent part of the dump grounds
to pasture cattle, and asked about
drainage at his own property. He
stated he was having trouble with
the Department of Highways. The
road committee is to look into the
matter and contact the Department
of Highways.
E. R. Davis reported concerning
parking trouble on Mill Street, and
was advised to use signs as sug-
gested. He also reported about
toilets in the Hall, stating that he
was going to do some painting on
J. A. Paterson, treasurer, re-
ported the 1956 tax arrears as be-
ing only $1,233.97, less tban three
per cent. The treasurer -tax collec-
tor was instructed to collect tax
arrears, if possible, and return
the tax roll when instructed.
Council requested the Minister
of Highways to transfer $1,000.00
from construction to maintenance
in the Road and Street Expendi-
ture By -Laws Nos. 5 and 5-A, 1956,
and also petitioned the minister
for the statutory grant under the
Highway Improvement Act of the
expenditures made under the Act
in 1956.
Council approved the sale of the
old Bowling Club property, being
lot 219, Moir's Survey, in the Vil-
lage of Hensall, to the Bank of
Montreal for the sum of $500, and
empowered the Reeve and Clerk
to execute necessary documents.
Council joined the Association of
Rural Municipalities, and donated
the sum of $10 to the St. John Am-
bulance Society. The Clerk is to
order eight copies of the Munici-
Firemen Re-elect
Chief J. F. Scott
Seaforth firemen, holding ' their
annual meeting Tuesday evening,
again named John F. Scott as
Chief. Frank Case is foreman,
and J. C. Crich, assistant foreman.
The treasurer is M. E. Clarke,
while F. C. J. Sills is secretary.
The meeting discussed arran:ge-
ments for a ladies' night that it
is planned to hold in February. In
charge is Norman Scoins.
Refreshments were served.
• ,54444.
pal World and necessary supplies.
Bills and accounts approved in-
cluded: C. Reid, snowplowing
streets, $27; Franklin Press, print-
ing debentures, $106.15; E. Fink.
repairs Hall, $3.27; Association of
Assessing Officers, membership,
$10; Association of Rural Munici-
palities, membership, $5; J. A.
Paterson, premium on bond, $20;
Bell Telephone. services $12.40.
miscellaneous. $6.55 ; Drysdale
Hardware, supplies, Hall, $725; J.
Bengough, supplies and repairs
$19.05, Streets $12.80; Hensel:: dP.
U. C., Hydro and water, Hall,
$30.83; E. R. Davis, salary, $213.16;
Receiver General, income tax,
$350; C. Kipfer, postage, $5; re-
lief, $10; D. Sangster, repairs, Fire
Dept., $3.75; • L. Hay, trucking,
$9; St. John Ambulance, grant,
$10. Total. $514.71.
J. Henderson and J. Sangster
were named as members of the
Park Board, and L. Luker and G.
Schwalm were appointed from the
council on the Recreational Com-
The Clerk was instructed to con-
tact the following organizations
regarding their appointment of a
member on the Recreational Com-
mittee: Kinsmen, Legion, Wo-
men's Auxiliary, and ask -for an
early reply. The Clerk was also
instructed to thank the Exeter Fire
Brigade for their help at the re-
cent fire at General Coach Works.
Robert Campbell
Has Leg Fractured
Kicked by a sick bull while he
was doing chores Thursday eve-
ning, Robert W. Campbell, well-
known McKillop farmer. had his
right leg fractured. Mr. Campbell
is president of Seaforth Agricul-
tural Society and of the Seaforth
Farmers Co-operative.
SPONSORBD by the combined Fnrm Forums of Hibbert Town,
gram o
ship, the eighth annual adult ed. utchaeti,rOndopnrmottip Hall atites:lieffaa 14(i)orske_
sibitletaigrobee ingot iiiiieel:adektidagliefelfil:iistidiaudae4mSahna.teodeanitildinrS,,Adiaid Carey,
• • •
A. H. Daynaed, Staffa; John Butson, Staffa; Philip James, Staffa;
Calvin Christie Roys. Subjects discussed by the workshop range
Over a wide fid. On Monday Dr, David Ivor, of the University of
Western Oiltarinj considered with the worshop the merits of variotts
TUCKERSMITH electors on
Monday voted in a new reeve.
Here Reeve James Doig (top
right) is shown extending con-
gratulations and best wishes
to Reeve -Elect Ivan Forsyth.
Cleave Coombs (below) was
elected to the Tuckersmith
School Area Board in his first
try for public office.
Hensall Council
Organizes For '57
The inaugural meeting of the
1955 Hensall Council was held
Monday morning at 11 a.m. in the
council chamber with all mem-
bers present, except Councillor
James Sangster. All members of
council present. took their declara-
tion of office before James A. Pat-
erson. justice of the peace.
Reeve Norman H. Jones asked
Rev. C. Daniels to address the
council and offer a prayer for
their guidance. and thanked him
for the able manner that he spoke
to council.
The reeve and treasurer were
authorized to pay the School Board
any n.ecessary money for the er-
ection of the new building.
The reeve suggested the follow-
ing committees: Road. Luker and
Schwalm; Property,. A. Hender-
son and the other councillor. and
this was approved.
Mrs. E. Norminton was appoint-
ed a, member of the Library Board
for the years 1957-58-59.
The Vote In Tuckersmith
James Doig
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
37 45 32 • 23 21 41 — 199
Ivan Forsyth 84 71 42 42 45 61 — 345
Cleave Coombs 86 75 35 13 24 45 — 279
Ross Forrest 63 59 50 13 54 68 — 307
Jas. Landsborough • 23 52 45 12 12 47 — 191
Chester Neil 63 61 44 12 28 57 — 265
• Seaforth Juniors defeated Wood- ' son) 1:05; 2. Seaforth Mca.vain
stock Warriors 8-6 in Woodstock
Tuesday night, despite a four -goal
third -period rally by Woodstock.
Jack McLlwain was the big gun
for the winners with a goal and
three assists. Parker for the los-
ers had two goals and a like
number of assists.
SEAFORH—Goal. Verhove; de-
fence. Sawyer, C. Thompson. Lock -
ridge, Hodgins; forwards, Smith, J.
Thompson. McLlwain, Griffin. Pid-
geon. Houghton, Boyes. Robinson,
Babinsee, Oliver.
WOODSTOCK — Goal. Kennedy ;
defence, Hart, Ames, Barrett, Mc-
Millan.. Hanzel; forwards, Parker,
Loveday Pearson, Erison, Gretiky.
Mathewson, Nicholson, Witty, Har-
Firt Period — 1, Seaforth, J,
Thompson (111cIdevain, C. Thomp-
Ron Muir Stars
With Cornwall
Ron Muir, who formerly played
with Seaforth Baldwins and Brock-
ville Hornets. is now playing with
Cornwall "Chevies" who are in.H
second place in the Eastern Divi-
sion of the Senior "A" 0.A.
Ron scored the hat trick in Belle-
ville on Friday night, and in the
three week -end games scored four
goals and two assists. This is
Ron's first year in Senior "A" com-
pany. He is employed by the On-
tario Hydro. surveying in Corn-
Plan Burns' Night
Program Jan. 28
Kellar Cable
Installs Exchange
Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kel-
lar were guests at the official op-
ening and banquet of The New
Union Telephone Company's new
unattended dial exchange office at
Moorefield. Mr. Ross McEwing is
managing director.
The dial equipment is a product
of the Etelco Company of England,
and supplied by The Pye Company
of Canada. and the cable plant in-
stallation was done by Kellar Cable
Construction of Scaierth.
The annual Burns' Night cele.
bration of the Seaforth Lions Club
is planned this year for Monday.
January 28, club president J. Scott
Cluff said this week.
In an election in whchbt
those eligible 'OW •PArts
smith voters, Monday‘.els
new reeve and returiied:tw.
.3 et or the nae r townshipab e „r so school
5:12; 3, Seaforth, Griffin (Smith.
Houghton) 17:25; 4, Woodstock,
Loveday (Parker) 17:50; 5. Sea -
forth, Boyes (Oliver) 18:37; 6,
Woodstock, Erison (Mathewson),
Penalties—Barratt 5,48, Ames
6.42, Lockridge 10.41, Sawyer 13,58.
Second. Period -7, Seaforth, J.
Thompson (McLlwain) :35; 8, Sea -
forth, Lockridge (MeLiwain, Lock -
ridge) 10:58.
Penalties—McMillan .145, Pidg-
eon 1.52, Ames 922. Babinsee 11.51.
Smith 17.07,
Third Period — 9, Seaforth.
Houghton (Smith) 3:15: 10, Wood-
stock, Pearson (Parker, Loveday)
3:23; 11, Woodstock. Parker (Pear-
son) 9:20; 12, Woodstock, Gretsky
(McMillan) 14:23; 13, Woodstock.
Parker 15:33; 14. Seaforth, Griffin
Penalties—Boyes 5.46.
In the election for
cillor Ivan Forsyth was ;,Sit.
over Reeve James Doig ,w*
seeking his fourth terra.: The
was: Forsyth 345, Doig
Trustee Ross Forrpst headed
poll in the election for 'schen'
tees. with 307 votes. He had
chairman of the 1956 board4
in the vote was Cleve CO'
who polled 279 votes in his
election. Third member .tc
elected was Chester Neil eh
The fourth candidate Was.
Landsborough, who polled 1911e
Nominatee For Councit:'
Made necessary when only
candidates qualified for Co
a second nomination Wednesday'
afternoon resulted in five Cant14*4
dates being nominated fortwol'
As the time for accepting -nom-
inations closed, Elgin Thompson
and Arthur Varley qualified. Ale
though candidateshave until 1
Thursday night to qualify, it the d
time of going to press there lade de
been no further qualifications. It •.e
was the opinion of many attending.
the nominations that Mr. Thomp-
son and Mr. Varley would be elect-
ed by acclamation.
For a short meeting, attended;
by about 40 ratepayers, which101-
lowed nominations, Ex -Reeve Chas.
MacKay was named chairman.
Each of the candidates spoke brief-
ly, as also did Reeve -elect Ivan
Forsyth and former reeve D. A.
Five Nominated
*Elgin Thompson, by Robert D.
Elgie and Lorne E. Hay. -
*Arthur Varley, by Wilmer
Broadfoot and Wilfred Tremeer.
Louis Clark, Jr., by Joseph E.
McLellan and Robert J. McGregor.
Harold Lobb, by Mac Wilson -mid
Elliott Layton.
Robert McGregor, by Alex Mc-
Gregor and John Broadfoot.
Milverton 10, Seaforth 2
Seaforth Bantams lost a 10-2 de-
cision to a well-balanced Milver-
ton Bantam team in the first
meeting between the two teams.
Seaforth missed a big chance to
tie the score in the first period at
one -all. when T. Dick was tripped
by J. Toman and failed to score
on a penalty shot awarded to him.
Seaforthheld the Milverton
team fairly well in check until the
end of the second period. with the
score 4-1 in favor of Milverton.
1 Hewever, in the third period, Mil-
. verton broke out in a rash of
goals, scoring six goals to one r
• Seaforth.
' Bundscho and Toman both made
the hat trick of three goals apiece
to lead the Milverton team
J. SEAFORTH—Goal. D. Tretneer;
xtmann Heads defence, T Lamont, G. Flannigan;
centre, T. Dick: wings, H. Dale, W
Pinder; alternates, J. Dick. W.
Teall, T. Love, J. Patterson, B.
Muir. S. Brown, W. Marshall, J.
Varley. K. Stacey, K. McLlwain;
R. Beuerman, goal.
MILVERTON—Goal, B. Harron;
defence, K. Henry, L. Dowd; cen-
tre, G. Brundscho; wings, J. To -
man, D. Maybury; alternates. B.
Harron, R. Coghlin, K. Denstedt,
L Ferguson, G. Raycraft, K. Mc-
Kenzie, M. Kerr, G. Warth, L. Sip-
pel; J. Inglis. goal.
First Period—Milverton, Bunds-
cho (Ferguson) 7130; Milverton,
Harron (Denstedt) 1327.
Penalties—T. Dick at 295 for
tripping; 3. Toman at 10.53 for
tripping; T. Dick at 15,15 for trip-
Second Period—Milverton. Bun-
dscho (Toman) 23:10; Seaforth, T.
Dick, unassisted, 25:17; Milverton,
Doud, unassisted, 29:30.
Penalties—Marshall. at 22;25 for
tripping; Henry at 25:34 for tripping; Bundscho at 27:24 for trip-
ping. •
Third Period—Milverton, May-
bury (Bundscho) 32;38; Milverton,
Bundscho, unassisted, 33:09; Sea -
forth, J. Dick, unassisted, 3855;
Milverton, Toman, (Bundscho) at
39:80; Milverton, Denstedt (Henry)
41:02; Milverton, 'Tertian (Henry,
Referees—Charies Reeves and
Don Merton.
Winthrop Y.P.S.
Approximately 45 attended the
annual meeting of Winthrop Young
People's Union held Friday even-
ing in Cavan Church. which took
the form of a pot -luck banquet.
Stan McDonald, President Of
Huron Presbytery YP.U., was the
guest speaker, and told of his ex-
perience as a delegate to the Na-
tional Council held at St. Thomas
the past summer. He was intro-
duced by the president and chair-
man, Larry Wheatley. and thank-
ed on behalf of the young people
by Laverne Godkin.
• Officers for the coming year are:
Leader, Mrs. E. Toll; past presi-
dent, Larry Wheatley; president,
Jim Axtmann; vice-president, Lav-
erne Godkin; secs and press
secretary. Dianne Bolton; treasur-
er, Dick Holden; pianist': Margaret
Boyd; assistant pianist. Jean Hil-
]en; Stewardship and Training,
Sandra Doig, Larry Wheatley; Cit-
izenship and Community Service,
Earl McSpadden, Eleanor Christen-
sen; Mission and World Outreach,
Arnold Campbell and Jane Somer-
ville; lunch committee, Marjorie
Smith. Catherine Campbell, Mar-
jorie Boyd, Grace Doig, Mary
Dennis, Jean Hillen.
The next meeting will be Sunday
evening in Cavan Church. All
young people are urged to attend.
Planned as a ktlies' night. the
committee in charge is arranging
a special program. Tickets, lim-
ited M 200. will be available to
the public, he said.
. ' • • • • • *
. .
Huron Council
Meets Next Week
When County Council convenet
next Tuesday afternoon at Gode
rich, five new members will be
welcomed by cotmcil. One of the
1956 council members, Ernest C.
Fisher, of Goderich, will repre-
sent that town as reeve, formerly'.
serving as deputy reeve.
The new members are: J.. M.
Donnelly, deputy reeve of Gode-
rich; Reeve George McCutcheon,
of Brussels; Reeve George Hutch-
inson, of Grey; Reeve Ivan For-
syth, of Tuckersmith, who succeeds
James Doig who was finance chair-
man at last year's sitting.
Oscar Klopp is the fifth new
mart. being the new deputy reeve
for the Township of Hay.
The wardenship for the county
sowenxstpeiiepted to be between CeeiL
Blake, reeve of Aqhfield, and
Reeve Harold Gowdy, of Howick
William Morritt
Cecil Blake
Brussels ... George McCutcheon •
Clinton Burton Stanley
Clinton (Deputy) N. W. Trewartha
Colborne John Kernighan
Exeter . William McKenzie ,
Exeter (Deputy) . C. Mawhinney
E. C. Fisher
Goderich (Deputy) J. W. Deeves
Grey ... George Hutchinson
fhal.: (Deputy) , W. L.. Becker
Oscar Klopp
N. H. Jones
R. Harold Gowdy -
Howick (Deputy) Arthur Gibson
Hullett William Jewitt,
Bailie Parrott
McKillop .... Dan Beuermana
Seaforth Norman Scoins
Stanley Harvey Coleman
Stephen ... John Mortisey,,o
Stephen (Deputy) Gordon RatZ
Tuckersmith IvanJF.PvisorUs
Usborne Clayton S '
Wawanosh E Orval
Wawanosh W. J. R. D'
WinghamWihaRoy '
Wingham (Deputy) .. Joserilr'.
Juniors Compete
hi Toronto
Huron County 1:814.0 Fw
and Junior Instidia.
competed in Ontario eompetiti
in Toronto Saturday,
The Huron County choir of
voices. under the dieetjon
M. POug198
part; laebeenlsk
in the,
the oedlialOtt of
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the qua
George : „
in Doris. Johnsto
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