HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-01-04, Page 4r t oSIPPtr „Si� I.+ t. II Abu lte�' �cl 'SiiOPYOUR 161,i1! d; Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates E, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week t,l+ Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. tarda ok Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. - 'j -0111Iniriea may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 16 cents masa. E8fteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Dirtbe. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. "notion Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events ' Help Wanted ORDER OF EASTERN STAR will hold eucbres on January 23rd and February 27th,.in the 1.O.O.F. Hall. 4641-1 GODERICH PAVILION—Dancing every Saturday. Friday, Dec. 28, teen-age re- cord swing with Johnny Brent. Phone Goderich 675, if no answer 419 for New Year's Eve table reservations. 4637-4 For Rent FOR RENT -3 -room apartment. OR- Vtt,t.t:' OKE, Seaforth. 4637-tf FOR RENT — Four bedroom modern apartment, on Goderich Street. Dr, E. A. McMASTER, Seaforth. 4641-1 FOR RENT—A five -room apartment ; modern conveniences. Apply LLOYD LOVELL, Kippen, No. 4 Highway. Phone 678 r 22, Hensall. 4641x2 FOR RENT — One heated new mod- ern apartment, in Seaforth Apartment Building. DR. E. A. McMASTER, Sea - forth. 4641-1 Lost and Found LOST—•Black Cocker Spaniel dog, in the vicinity of Dublin. PHONE 795-M, Seaforth. 4641x1 WOULD THE PARTY who picked up the wrong overshoe at the Women's In- stitute New Year's Eve dance please con- tact DOUG KEYS, in exchange for their own. nc Notices RADIO 'REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE. opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 847-R. 4637-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co„ of Canada Lt. ' 4637-tf HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St.. Hen- sall. Bring your livestock. Always a good market price. HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Hensall; VICTOR HARGREAVES, H13. 2-7511, Clinton. 4637-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” For artificial insemination information or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone the Waterloo. Cattle Breeding Association at CLINTON HU. 2-3441, between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able --top quality at low cost. 4637-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The Township of Tuckersmith Mnniel. pal Dumping Ground, situated one-half mile west of Egmondville, Con. 3, H.R.S., will be open only to ratepayers of the Township of Tuckersmith, on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from the hours of2to6p.m. No wire, car badies or garbage (organic) is to be deposited, and all dumping must be done under the supervision of the in- spector. E. P. CHE3NEY, Clerk, Twp. of Tnckersmith. 4637-tf THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will meet in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1957 at 2:00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations, must be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 12th, 1951. A. H. ERSKINE, Huron County Clerk. 4640-2 TWP. of TUCKERSMITH • .Notice of Nomination • Meeting Anmeetitg of the Electors of the Town- ehib,:of Tuckersmith will be held in the Totdit Hall, Seaforth, on. Wednesday, Janu- ary 9; 1957, for the purpose of nominat- ing candidates for the office of Coun- cillors for 1957 (two to be elected). Nominatigns will be received from the boar of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. In tbe event of more being, nominated than are required to fill the positions, an election will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1957. Polls. Will be Open from 9 a.m. 60 6 p.m., at the following places: P.S.D. No, 1-1Virs, Sheila King's Honce, Fginondville; D.R.o., harry Chesney: P. O., William Cameron. POD. No. 2—SS. No. 8: D.&t.O., Roy 112cGeoch; P.C., William Scoteheler- P.S.D, No. 8--5.5. No. 4:, D.R.O., W. P. Roberts; P.C., George Tarter. P.S D. No. 4—S.S. No. 8: D.R.O., 1Voilid Sillery; P.C., John,Broadfoot. 1 f1, 5. No. 8-81.81. • l dvme Trae 1afr; Glenn lieu i'to, 6- s s..11u. 9 t jCtolti Gomnlell, John W 4bar r s. E. P. Cift- Returning dffi WANTED For office work. stenographer able to take shorthand. l"ulI Time employment. Pleasant working conditions. SEAFORTH SHOES LIMITED Seafortb, Ont. 4641-2 EXPERIENCED Woodworking Machinist to understudy our millroom foreman. Pleasant working conditions, good wages, absolutely steady employment, group in- surance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. 4641-2 1' For Sale FOR SALE—Several used television seta at -special prices, Apply DUBLIN ELEC- TRIC, Dublin. 4637-tf PIGS FOR SALE -31 chunks. Phone 658 r 21, Seafortb. STUART WILSON. 464191 OIO'S BILLIARDS—Films developed. Camera supplies for all makes, including 8 M.M. colored film. 4637-tf ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. TV swivel chairs in stock at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC Dublin. 4637-tf FOR SALE -40 -foot mobile home. Can be seen at William MacGregor's, one mile east of Kippen. For further particulars write WILMER MacGREGOR, Mount Hope. 4640-3 FOR SALE—A quantity of Registered Garry oats; also quantity Rodney oats, grown from registered seed. VERN AL- DERDICE. Phone Hensall 684 r 14. 4641x1 FOR SALE—Five York sows, bred six weeks, carrying second litter : also two Registered sows, bred 7 weeks. carrying first litter. Apply WILLIAM BENNETT. Phone 754-J. 4641x1 FOR SALE , TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Five hundred bags of cement. Contact JAMES DOIG, Reeve or IVAN FORSYTH, Councillor. 4638-4 Poultry BRAY CHICKS--Dayold, started, Wide choice, including Ames In -Cross, Pilch White Rocks. Agents: MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Brucefield, Phones: Clinton HU. 2-9232. Seaforth 659-23. or JOHN PRUIN, R.R. 2, Seaforth, Phone ;+ ;5 r 21. 4641-5 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 61.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED For caretaking at S.S. No. 12, McKil- lop Township. Tenders to be received up to January 8th. MRS. WILLIAM CHURCH, Secretary -Treasurer. 4641-1 GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD Will receive tenders for caretakers for each of the Schools until January 7th. Duties to commence February. 1, 1957. J. CARL HEMINGWAY, Sec.-Treas. R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont. 4640-2 GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD Will receive • tenders for 5 cords of dry hard body wood to be delivered to S.S. No. 10, by February 1, 1957. Also ten- ders for about 150 cords of green bard body wood, to be delivered to the various schools by July 1, 1957. Tenders maybefor all or any part of this wood and =St be received by Janu- ary 7, 1967. J. CARL HEMINGWAY, Sec.-Treas. R.R. 8, Brussels, Ont. Phone 25-5, Brussels. 4640-2 GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD Will receive tenders for the position of Secretary -Treasurer until January 7th, 1967. Applications are to be sent to the Chair- man, Mr. John Conley, R.R. 1, Ethel, Ont., stating salary expected and marked "Tender". 6 Present salary: is 6450.00. Duties to commence February 1, 1967. J. CARL HEMINGWAY, Sec.-Treas. 4640-2 For Sale or Rent FOR RENT OR SALE—New three bed - sown brick bungalow ; fully equipped; oil heat. M. A. REID, Seaforth. 4641x1 Wanted WANTED TO BORROW -35,000.00 on first mortgage on two properties valued at 325 000. Apply Box 596, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4641-1 WANTED—A girl 19 years of age wants general housework in town every day. JOSE VERBEENE, George St., Seafortb. 4641x1 WANTED—Will baby sit. days or eve- nings at any own home. MRS. TRAVAGLIONE, Ord Street, Seafortb. 4641x1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM PATR,ICK ATKINSON All persons having claims against the Estate of William Patrick Atkinson late of the Township of Hibbert, in the Coun- ty of Perth. Retired Farmer. deceased, who died on the lst d'ay of November. 1956, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to tlfedersign- ed on or before the 25th day of January, 1957, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. this 31st day of December, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for The Executors. 4641-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER BETHUNE Al] persons having claims against the. Estate of Alexander Bethune. late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Hur- on, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 29th day of October, 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 23th day of January, 1957, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for tbe Executrix. 4641-3 Cards of Thanks I WISH TO THANK all those who so kindly remetnbered me with treats, flowers, rards and visits while a patient in Vic- toria Hospital. London. 4641 JUNE MUNN I WISH TO THANK all my friends for the cards and gifts that I received while a patient in the hospital, also the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hos. pital and the doctors of Seaforth Clinic. ' GORDON McGONIGLE MRS. MARY McQUAID wishes to thank all her friends who sent treats and flowers and visited her while she was in the Hos- pital; also the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital. 4641x1 MY SINCERE THANKS to doctors of Seaforth Clinic, nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital for kindness received while I was a patient there. and also to those who sent flowers, treats and cards. ROBERT McGONIGLE 1 WOULD LIKE to thank all the neigh- bors and friends who called on me and sent cards or helped in any way while 1 was a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. Thanks to the nursing staff, Rev. McLeod and Dr. Gorwill. 4641-1 AIRS. HARRY CHESNEY I WISH TO THANK all my friends and neighbors who remembered me with flowers, eards and treats while a patient in Stratford Hospital. Special thanks to Rev, Dr. Semple and all those who vis- ited me, both in the Hospital and since returning home. Your gifts and good wishes, were all greatly appreciated. 4641x1 BERNARD NOTT THE FAMILY of the late Aldea Aubin wish to express their sincere thanks to their rnatiy friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness, gifts and flor- al tributes. Special thanks to Father Weber and to the nurses of Scott ptem- orial Hospital, Dr. Stapleton and Richard Box. MR. AND MRS. ALEXANDER AUBIN AND FAMILY MR, AND MRS. CHARLES EGGERT wish to express their gratitude to those who so• kindly assisted them during their unfortunate incident, and to Rev. Fisher far his kind words. Mrs. Eggert wishes to say a warm thank you to her friends, and neighbors for their kindness during her stay in Scott Memorial Hospital, in sending flowers, -cards, gifts, letters and by their visits; Rev. Brox, Dr. Stapleton, the nursing staff and to each and every- one who made her stay in hospital more pleasant. The Christmas greetings were rppreciated very much. ne Births KNYESHAW—Ernest and Elizabeth Knee- sbaw (nee Howes), 315 Fairview Ave., London, wish to announce the arrival on December 28, of their chosen son, William Martin 1 Billie), four months old. A brother for Brenda. NOBLE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Noble, a daughter. RUSHCALL- At Trenton Hospital, on De- cember .20, to Flt./Lt. and Mrs. L. J, Rushcall, a daughter—Catherine Ann. SISIPSON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simpson, a son. WHITMORE—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on December 31, to Mr. aand Mrs. Erlin Whitmore, a daughter—Sharon Winona. Applying for his citizenship pa- pers. Gino was doing all right un- til he came to the question about the Canadian flag. "What is it." asked the Judge, "that you always see flying over the courthouse?" "PeejinsI" confidently replied Gino. CONGRATULATIONS to QUEEN'S GRILL on the opening of their New and Modern Restaurant FRANK KLING PLUMBING - HEATING Phone 19 Seaforth BRUCEFIELD Mr. James McDonald is spend- ing the holiday season with his family in. Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge and daughter spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdge and al- so attended the funeral of Mrs. Burdge's father, the late S. C. Hey. Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baird, who celebrated their 25th,, wedding an- niversary last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie and. family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffatt and John spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Simon McKen- zie. Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, of York, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, of Leamington, and Miss Louise Allen, Hamilton, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen and Mary. Miss 'Elizabeth Scott spent a few days and enjoyed Christmas with Miss M. Swan and Mrs. Ham. Mr. Robert Davison, Toronto, and friend spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. Davison. Mrs. Charles Merril visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson. The C.G.I.T. with their leader, Mrs. Wm. Scott, took charge of the service in the Brucefield Unit- ed Church Sunday evening. Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson spent Christmas in London with Mr. and Mrs. El- wood Stackhouse. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. L. Jarvis to the village. They are occupying Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson's home while they are spending three months in Florida. Mrs. H. Berry received the sad news that Mrs. Wilson Berry, of Victoria, B.C., had passed away on Saturday. Mrs. Berry had been in the hospital for three months, hav- ing underwent a brain operation. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott had as their guests on New Year's, Mr. and Mrs. G. Griffith and family, of Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Smith and Eleanor, of Bluevale, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. V. Hargreaves spent the holiday with Mrs. Har- graves' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, in Ingersoll. Mrs. George Elliott spent the holidays with her cousin. Miss Beckey Griffith, Stratford. More than 90 per cent of British Columbia's vast soft fruit growing industry is concentrated in the Okanagan Valley. Ids r eassomommimpumillim MRS M McElitf;i CLINTON Mrs Murray `,- Ewan, 77, who, died in Clinten Hos- pital Monday night, was the form- er Elizabeth E. Ross, of Mount Forest, and had lived in Clinton since her marriage in 1907. She was a member of Wesley - Willis United Church. Surviving besides her .husband are three sons; Ross, Clinton; Frank and Harry, publishers of the Clinton News -Record; ' 'two brothers, John Ross, Orillia; Dav- id, Ferndale, Michigan, add two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Cammidge, Swift Current, and Mrs. Elsie Twitchell, Windsor. Resting at the Ball and Mulch funeral home, Clinton, services will be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. by the Rev. H. C. Wilson. Inter- ment will be made in Clinton ceme- tery. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Rochus Faber en- tertained Friday evening at a din- ner. The following were present: Mrs. Faber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bean, of Hensall; Mr. Faber's par- ents. Mr. and "Mrs. Stoffer Faber, of near Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Coleman, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Faber and fam- ily, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Faber and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Faber, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. John Faber and daughter, Hensall; Miss Marilyn Mousseau. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Mich- ael and Joan, of Ancaster, spent New Year's with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Miss Hazel Slavin, of London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slavin for the Christmas holi- days. ` Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie and family, of Wingham, were New Year's guests of Mrs. Robert Mc- Bride and Lorne. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of Caro, Mich., accompanied by Mrs. Love's father,. Mr, Robert Cooper, spent New Year's Day with rela- tives. . Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones included: Mrs. Pearl Love, Jimmie and Wayne, of Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride, Donnie and Hugh, of Zw- ich, and on Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Shipman, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Little and daughters, Marcia and Cheryl, of Hensall, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. Mr. and Mrs. R. Faber spent Monday in London. "Did I tell you about my grand- children?" "No; and I certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness." ' CONGRATULATIONS to QUEEN'S GRILL on the opening of their New Modern Restaurant. GEO. A. SILLS & SONS HARDWARE Plumbing - Heating - _Quality Service PHONE 56 — SEAFORTH CONGRATULATIONS to QUEEN'S GRILL on th opening of your Modern Restaurant We are happy to have been chosen contractor for the job. JOSEPH T. HUGILL CONTRACTOR Seaforth Phone 388-J CONGRATULATIONS to QUEEN'S GRILL SEAFORTH on the opening of their New Modern Restaurant. SPARLING'S HARDWARE SHELF and GENERAL HARDWARE B.H. Paints — General Electric Appliances Clare Jewel Gas Ranges PROPANE GAS DISTRIBUTOR PHONE 24 : BL3T'0 x� Grhal� 'm lit Christrnas,. »ith i� gr s **,1 i-'. aw, 4flrs Lorne Scott, at Cuelph,. Mr, and Mas. Basil Edward& (pent the holjday with relatives in Clinton. Mr. and Aars. WiIUain Si thi spent New Year's in Marlette, Mich. Congratulations to QUEEN'S GRILL on the opening of their Modern Restaurant. JOHN F. SCOTT Painting : Decorating i4 From Now Until January 14th GOODWIN'S Are Giving a Discount ,of 20" PER CENT on everything in the store including: TIP TOP TAILORS MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS, OVERCOATS RUBBER and CLOTH OVERSHOES W. OR GOODWIN PHONE 16 HENSALL Et'POSITOR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS — Phone 41 , CONGRATULATIONS to OUEEN'S GRILL on ,the opening of their New, Modern Restaurant The Queen's Grill features FULL FOUNTAIN SERVICE using Borden's Ice (ream "Ask for LADY BORDEN" NOW OPEN The New Queen's Grill "The Homelike Place To Eat" Open Daily 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS from noon till 8 p.m. SPECIAL THIS SUNDAY Grilled Beef Tenderloin Steak Mushroom Sauce Southern Fried Chicken - Apple Jelly Broiled Tendersweet Ham Steak Pineapple Ring' Roast Half Young Chicken Sage Dressing - - 1110 Ell $L50 $1.25 $1.25 $1.50 Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1956 CHEIV. BEL AIRE SEDAN, POWER GLIDE, 1950 CHEV. SEDAN 750 %fully equipped $900 below list g 1955 CHEV. POWER GLIDE SEDAN 19961948 PONTIAC SEDAN 3 1956 FORD SEDAN 1895 v _ TRUCES ,^ 95 fully equipped 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN 1195 1951 MERCURY 3 -TON DUMP 995 fully equipped .. 1954 CHEV. POWER GLIDE 1495 1951 FORD ONE -TON •PICKJP 4g51951 CHEV, DELUXE COACH 85� O 1949 CHEV. n./4 -TON PICKUP fully equipped c �1949 G.M.C. ONE TON PANEL 495 300 A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars—Many other Models to choose fromB:RUSSEL.S 'i-IVI OT'0 R$' 'BRUSSELS — . ONTARIO "PHONE 13-X ' 'Home of Better Used Car's" OPEN ESE T EVENING is ' DE LUXE COACH 2-1950 PLYMOUTH SEDANS Of� a ! , 1y 1!.