HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1957-01-04, Page 1, ­_­ "" ..., - 1� -.R i I g-.�-;,.rg p ,,;.".,."',�. ! ;-,, �, , � ,3 . 114re"49 I Z , 9i r - , - ,7 R t. ,�.,, - X, .8,11 -'sym , , Rgg��, ; IN ,.`� -� A . I 5 . ,,, �p '� ,�, 17, �7 . " , �,� P , ��tgt.� , ..1. �` ` "' `1 ", , , . I I., ., ,-. 1 , . Ax � 4, I * I— , ill `�,',,�_'�,�,,.�,.�.� f_15, ,�,�,..'.S�',,,��,f�l�����.,I.i-,�--P�',,,�.,� , , " , 3 I , _ , .. '! , . i , mm g ". , M. �� *Itl` , I "11;.11!11�� I ,,, `,�� t*,'.`.`,,�,�­� ",1,.:, i �­� '7"!,71�,"'. _�­, , ". � . I. I . ��,,,.: �.., �.;­.. , .,,, i. 11 ­�_ ,,i*. 41,�1-110,��.,'�; AMR— I ,�,,r_'. , i� ,& f"'.. 4 - � �!% . , I I'll � I . I --;",�, 1'k�i'11'1�!1'111`,`1i`. � I , ., I . � , , 11 * ,,� �­ �,�.' , ", .,ti"Owi �,�,���'..",-"?"�!"",."."I , ` I 1� , I', I '. _ I I I ,§I,�� , :' �:,�". � . , ,�_,"'4_ � . . .1 I I .1 I �� -,,� -J. 1, 0 1,'-.',�i,F,,i;��,,,�;, J, � 1� ., - W,7�'. 1 � ­ i. , - i , ,, . 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I i� � .4.L � . , � `W . hoe .:,i, -p - — . 1 1.''I.,4.1 1 , "�. �. �,�,: ""4. �-�.. �11.� �, T , '' ._.;,:`, I - i� 1"', , Y, JAW Afff I . 'N "I'll , �_'*X, . - �,, 11 ­ q. � . � , . � . - . . . I . . , I .1� ; ,t.; � ,� . , 9 , 4...'", , . . I . I— � . !;v,�,, 1�1: `7 1 . I .�'ri`11�1 11, � " , 1, I -;111�­ ,;-I .... .... :,:... ''. , _ 7 '.7.-__,."._ _411 _-----y: - � -,T' � ;� ,':�­­!.,,,.'­",�� .1r. ----:,—--...1 , . .­, -, ." .. " I ; , � � , . �.. " 1A ; � "I' 1 ,.; I I ..'�, ­ � I '' z;:. .. � , I ,.I , - �'!, . . " �k �r, . I 11:1 I : ;�, I " � I " "`:,� 3 �) ': � I ._ I , I . I .. . I ,��, lk �� (" ;% , �. . "", f:"� "'21 ii, , ".,: , . .­.. t,,'? 7� �,­. , . I - I.— I I 1. `�q ALI�� 116 Wk. alk, I ii . #.,- ,�, .�,, � ow C . I Idd , ,�r, I ,,,Ok: 11;� , � ... : i � : 1� _V. - I . 11 .. ­A� i�,� I t � I 11� I 1, , , , ,­ . �e �, 4.�,.f, 11 . , i. , , . : . 1; , � � I . . - " i I .11 . 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I ­r�;­ � va .. : iihdi _V " f � ­ 7wr.lme;= �, .... — . ; , �. I [ eefj�'j_ , .", I b I ,� "s 11 . .11',,T�� ,b� R", 1, .. 4-r� Kai .11.1,;'! R �, ....'i'll-10.1 I — � i4� =�- 1,4 � '.0 Was U "I'll I 1, � � . .1111W I . I % I i��., 4 'I',, I" I . I . . . . I ,: ,��­1111 i�,Wm �:1 .... - " "11 �',.�- .1 � 11 . , " ;N1 6�il�� - .- t I 11 O.- I � , .. I I � . , . - � �; 11 "I k 1W - . � I" 'ibi',4e "N , " A - k � � : ': �i" "',41'1'.�-.',."',�te `� , I I I '. " , 0 , � ,� ; I � _ I ��, � � I rM - , �:- .,14 I 113i , .; �,. , �:: , '� , 'I I I . 600 11 LL.."'A , � ,��,,,,,_�,,. "'.. , I , �, , kl; I , , � � - % Aii .,.Aaqo � , I ,I al I'll I ... 11 �.. ��# :1 I I ift"W" "'A _,�_,:. " T '� . 0 , � "M3 . I I Re,qv�i',,rlb " Iq - I , � � 1� F �� A �1'41' S i& .A.M-Ea Z.. Pry, uw�� I 0 a, � � A� 0: I a ex c at a'townOwl-1041 anxi ,i ed 1VW,4,k ,� . 101 . n sm".. C; Q. i I U, rethrrtp4l,?.X�r6 4W� -1, 94 Wm as M, - on, �w 1p" . _ , . I I . I I 'I . , _ � _,, _: le .- . I I 11 � I' ,$Wop Ineeve, iW , �,,',thl,�._only before the. W 'V"04=4jXyV Up= rip 4.. - � I. �. � ­, ::",– ?, , , —, ­ . , 7�� .4-4 -,�t.,UnQ ­ 1-1 .... ort podpwich, but -the . . . . -,.W -111 . I . 7 -1,4" ­', A . 1, '11,�,f 'I I I—— . I � ,� ,ft b ic" I . _ I 1. eei - o", . , other _ . , , — I 'I a , pe ma or: I ; I I I � 'i'Aday will be , election day in I . *-, Doig' said that 'the . : 1""I " , 04 1 * 0'r., � F, couslder�atiq.n,',� Alth Ifig CS', " � fos ,:Was�., I _. n, m 10' C I i . iii, Mr., iv_04 , . , � tu it" , - � L., f"', q ­�,71 0 itb, i ment, � ?�a'n'�o-�--M �,­ �. , ..Q W - ig- nomina- costs b J �' ih�-111 XT -', 150 � " , � er I I '" .:, ." �J . ,�W failed to, 1ju , t I I . �'. �% t: with rear hio -,I,q ,# , k � 0 1 . ,,rged, $4 - " 1:1.'..� ��T � ratepayers go Ueen a difficult year cost of' in .a*.;.. 14e; ,parx, ­ � #*'�,1011 Dm I � A, 0�,, X 0 5 �$ . L, . 1_4 k _ _7r;5mA ping spA, . �040. - ,:� . . = I - , digent patients, w I I. ­ ,.� , .1 , 1p� - , 1, "" ' . 'i 0 - ,,"', I " � 'I , W ; I I'� � , _. e i] e I .�� ro) q , , I I I tions; � I , called an AWs0#h.A.% ", " ild, � Jig 'e4ar%.. $00 11 ` s to elect a reeve, "with th,. e t id �. I _;,or the poll weather against us." He, very high ., JA, 9 P mm - , , �, or- while. - �, �� , ., ..pro , to W 1 .7, , , � _ , f ­,'.'Z ' ' � ,,, 'oiL,, Mr..'J5.01tog'�x,,�+ F _ .W , I , 1. I .-1 ! AM .�, , I .. ._ , , � , ,ed , . I I 4 . t ee so ' 'A �� 11P ,,KXi0,U' ., Ly, . Va* ` Fe, ' t F or 1,11; q-:��`-T­--�,�,i`. 11 � 'L .. . coun- mat . � #Xpla= : 04 191tcliell own. . . . . ol trustees. With felt compelled to offer himself for Mr. Doig, and, Quided to, 090, . , III All membe,ro;,,of last year's ' , , ,_.�, A , I icatiens for council # another year as reeve, and ex- .� enge .. 9 � . I.. , ., � " certain new rel - , , , , � ' I ' � '-hod -wh,ea J.dr. Mills jul .4og,p�. opitnip, kip-, e -,irgg 0 the township I . e t" - ell Were re � d Weir .. . , p y. qua $1 in $7 of c mam eT g ,tur . . I _of ar.46 . , Wbil , '. .o � . . , ; . I _. _1kag 4 �4 ,,�pp -,Cent interest in !f, �11 t u e Wednesday noon, an- plained that he could be wrong on County Heald'i Uni , a ways, under� 8 "I , Is, W ' Zda'64,U , qg �It ;��, - . " a, , -, I P. , , , � wlthdrew;.at; a, Oaifidl . 0 in r . I I 1-1. _&tb. pt reeve, partment.,jol q _,,reg the : t .0 poy 1. * � : a . ,some township affairs, and if hi�, fire from all Iyo to , and qu.Alifi' .. V. , � � ."_ p th r I , � sides, was another' .4 ,od for.)p,ourticil,'and Wil. to costt to, the, townW `1 �.' ; 4", tion meeting has.been - -.1-5 - , f4i Went truck --, ,Seg -of iiii a 3 per pt, ,11 q ­ i , I , , jtj�;? ,-1 , i I , , � 6 . . � m* a ! , - I , lWm ftar�, wiQuIrew from the 'on to I*du,- : -A-he .need., � 4. tenance corAC,,, However,, . t for idnegday, January 9, was he wished to be told. In re- major expense; however, Mr. Dol 00iZ I . � ,� , cent, ral In ,9 ' I I.. I ­ . . e � , _Jt I . , I � , I & 7 M ­, -a al tood oo pe c ri kH ' 16nUops 1 St '. " 11', , " . , td� cho e two, more councillors, viewing couqty.affairs, h de t s 1 r e t behind the work - i � Co ... �.e couneff race . - Ta noW..,4# , -b .. The stork paid 'a visit lat . a�, .. �1, i .. . bor - , va*.�A';, 0,44'. , ", %entent b eou made , 'M � rowit - .as ,,, Year's Day to Scott Atom , ,w. , _d � ,,, ,'' ­. Nominatibfis opened at 1 p.m. for higher- costs, a4d tA ,up­� wiAh Blyth, who vvX.,'� " h with the second election, if neces- with the financial side, -having been alue to the their budgets Aws, year;,.,,v. , Ao,,znyw ere , th rear'.,,- My, . , �� " of this group and the v ' . V, �, tall,.is u6be oital, SeafoAl, f6i 1 bi , I a I 4�. chairman of the fmance commit- individual, municipalitiefs, one -ba -y 06mmitt and closed � at 2 p.m. Clerk J.,� M. this time the, board had , on u - � if second .isary and Hosl � sa�y, January 16. if pro _eit . 0� C4 . 11 � _V ' ' ' , arie ab# s whue a . ttl . � ', . idates able to' build r o will be apo . I 1, .Weed, for the election a .rose when tee for the post three years. He of the $80,000 spent by this Unit is tually $590 below the � ti Eckert read the list of candi roximatel; New Year's b , 041, ��'�l , following the, -dosing of nomina- we have done so this e, , os the .same as Seaforth,. said Ueev- another Seaforth VU I Ivan Forsyth qualified for reeve, explained that the county was fore- payable -frorn Toronto, but these Getting' around- to J§wpp `,,� � , � . e , ,!.I,p -' tions. These Were: For- . reeve, are treptendous, he pl ost Beuermaun. I .- Proud parents Of WO � OL ':�,`! ,to, run against the present �reeve, ed through fixed charge§ to main- services still devour the tax dol- fairs, Reeve Doig f I' _ , . baby fbr� 1957. , Daniel Beuerma)a, by William, L., as much as running . as . . G. W_ Montgomery, lRurqn, Coun- 11 �, James Doig, and all four nominees tain a mill rate that. would ac- lar at a rate hard to keep up with. to explain the sp] � � , A son was born to Mr,. andl-k� , � W - I Boyd and :Wm. ,Be]nn0Wies; ', W. ;Children today have a r e u- ty agricultural repr4signtative., ad- ­ "I f4i'schoot trustees also (jualifted. commodate. expenditures Without A wage rake, initiated by the cipal affairs durmig '" 'k. I , ­ " - I ' .1 Peter-, Simpson, R.R. 2, Se � 6 r i I ment, i, - first wa,i�'the EginopOville. scho � Earl, Mills, %r Carl I)alWli - and -cation than we 4114 in � . e,dressed the meeting, thainly �'in � 2.111, �, il Mr. Doig has been reeve for the going into debt.. As chal man, he 0 - c a govern 9 antici . .J111 Councillors, idued. . regard, to the Brucelic a " ­ vm . , he conta t 6:07 p.m. January I.' . Pr utx � � � _� �sis progrank - �past two pated ,,.' Robert McMichael; � . . . terms. Although five asked that the rate be'set at 12 t year, especially with a matter -that hadllie� hangiO P � I . Ehrl Mills, by W. -J. Leemifi and . in answer to a quer rred out throughout the 01mPson is a patient of Dr. �candidates were listed for coun- Mills, although a c6unter mOtiOn regards to help at the county, gaol, ,fire for' many years � Tb'_ 64*"1940 . � .9 . . � Gorwill. Mr. a . nd . Mrs. Si cit. two failed to qualify, while the was given for 11V2 Mills by two At present, the average pay is board hall over $13,000. su .4 �, Campbell Wey; Jerry Doprr, t by to the increased mill rate, Mr. province. He stated 13 townships , I "TUp 1, .pplusX" I Win. Koehler and XbrVin Dick; Eckert. explained it was necessary in the county are already in, and nave one daughter, Betty, *ho.,-, , "XI third. Ivan Forsyth, resigned to .new members, but th� Warden had' $2,000, plus $400 cost of living bon- 'received permission to ex�?0,4 ., �, i tends lx�siness school'in London,' ' I �, Wilson Little,, by Russiell,Dolmage ,in order to pay-lor, the ne,w--shed he hoped the remaining ones would, Earl , ier in the day, at 1 p. `�.F rpri for reeve. taken a stand. behind the chair- us and uniforms supplied. A sub- on capital expenditure. , If a , . ' � 0 fil ' ' -) . -IV- man. s taken it woul 4 and' Allen. Co.mpbell; Herbert W%- 'and bridges. Asked labout.chloride join'by April 1. Mr. Montgomery , , Council (four .to be elected) stantial raise was also requested year debenture wa n it . � IR . rvey Craig and on the .roads, E m pound 1OV2 o -ce git 0 11 .t. ; I . imson, by 1 Ila ;61iik,, felt it should mentioned the fact that the vac- 11"I . ian Forsyth, by Wilmer Broadfoot The 12.mill rate was struck when by the stenographer body at the gather almost $9,000 interest lu 20� 1 �, . born at Clinton Public Q t . .M! I � "r _n,X .i��. Mark Hamilton- William Ryon, by be put on in front of pll places. cinating of .animals will now be I " aiid Syd Gemmell; *Victor Lee, by it was found necessary to levy an November session. years. The alternate plan was .7 Mr. and Mrs. er a . 1, . . .. _ �41 .. Ferg Kelly dnd'Fr�ank Bowman. Hoi�ever, it has been used in cer- paid by- the Government and is . . F Clair Haney and Bert Garrett; extra mill for five years �o pay . Ahead of the Game take council bonds to ... -a A " ,,,, . .., Egmondville. .The ba wa. : I the�,`.% . Following t:he close of nomina-. tain places in order to take traffic I for all cattle owners, The vaccina- e�, Bert Garrett, by Elliot Layton and for the new court house. Addition- .. Tackersmith received about $31,- and borrow enough to com-0-lete-1 ' _ . ads, it was exi I �lain- I tion is for - all heifer calves from seventh child for the :0 '"ts WhO"Harold Lobb; *Frank Falconer, al grants to hospitals this year al- 700- in road work on the Kippen school, this being the F,�­ --'T, , . . , Eci�it was papsed as off the sidero me to Canada from o a four ��� dons, Mr. . . . � �1','4' chairman .of the mee"g. The -ed.. I four to nine months of age. He ca I i by Howard E. Johns and William so helped raise the rate, Gode- road which was completed this used. I 4 � ,_ vv, f ' I lw - �', I first speaker of the afternoon was Interest rates were referred to I urged the Federation of Agricul- years ago. Rogerson- Mackay Wilson, by H. rich hospital was given $35,OOD for year, while sending up only $30,800 Egmondville Still ""'Dry" '!111',A�,_� lii Mrs. Verbakel is a patient o Lobib and'George C. Henderson. a new addition that was badly this past year, ,�,,,­ `� Reeve Beuermann. In his opening and the'ehairman stated that be! ture of the townships to complete Dr. M. W. Stapleton, Who referrell "I believe Tuck- Another split vote this year was .' i , 1,t�, I remarks Mr. Beuermann assured � read an item recently of a p9s- their petition immediately . Reeve -*Ivan Forsyth, by Stan- needed. while Clinton hospital re- ersmith has been ahead of the the,water situation in Egmoutivilli "!,� � � an I ,!�,q, � her to Dr. Oakes, of Cliutoi�,', when., ley Jackson and Charles McKay; ceived $6,00-0, although they asked game every year since I have Twenty-seVen ratepayers a)Fe in'7' "-,"�:,11,1' - his audievee that he would dwell sibille �4 per cent increase in the I have it seat in as soon as, possible. _' ,; %, � , ; ' it was impossible for him 6,reach, Frank Falconer, by William Pep- for $15.000. Mr. Doig explained been reeve" asserted Mr. Doig. volved, and these win, be required-'. � " " N "; '. mainly Dh the county aspect as near future and- then we would.be I In case of loss from vaccination, ,N . Clinton because of the snowstorm. per and Gregor McGregor; *Jas. that the county considers only beds "We have jood roads in Tucker- to pay for' the s " � . . affectlAg township affairs. � paying IVA per cent interest, which I Mr. Montgomery assured the, meet . ystem. The ea- ' ", . I -_ I .� I I . ,�� Dealing with the general expen- would run into a lot of money. he, ing compensation would be made I Doig, by John R. McKay and Jas. when giving, ,grants to hospitals, smith." 1. gineer was instructed by council' ; , �elz! . - ' ..IF, I �� -ditures, he referred to the County said. There was more interest' as follows: $50 for grades and $100 McIntosh, and does not take into considera- A program is under .considers- to bring in a plan at a figure not , lekit! I Court House, . informing thp meet- paid this year than last year, he for pure breds. Second Break-in; School Trustees (three to be el- tion such things as operating tion to purchase hot mix for the greatly exceeding. $200 per unit I I. "�: �" $. . ,� I i ing that it is completed with the told the meeting. Chairman Eckert thanked Mr ' I _e ed)-*�ames Landsborough, by rooms or any other extra equip- I county, .as this is thought to lower but the figure brought 'in was al� - .� 11 - I I P1, . ., 1. , �. , , , k, , . I 1. , I -1. �. �! ,� " :, .� , .�,_ . I., , ; . � " 4 , � � �_ . . : . :, �,.� , , �. I .1 I . - I ,� I I 01FIj­ � �� I . � exception of minor matters, and I Fire L protection was brought be- Montgomery for his vis! . t and & Hensall Loot Less lcchta,le, J�IcKay and John R. Me- - most double the $5,000 which coun- , _1 .. ", that $500, was being held ba�k fore the meeting when reference information be imparted to the Kay; *Ross Forrest, by Lou Clarke cil expected to spend. � "A' ,: ,. pending their completion, and that was made to a fire in� the town- meeting in regard to the Bruce- A break-in at the Texaco Service and Jno. Sinclair; :eCleave Coombs, ^0% Tenders were called - this, year .. .., .l I" I � I .... I., . . " some surplus furniture is being I shAp in which Seaforth fire brigade losis proqam. .. 'Station, Hensall, operated by Wit- by Norm MacLean and Clair TUCKERSMITH SCHOOL BOARD HEAD for snow plowing, an item th�t�has , . �'. sold. for an amoimt'that will offset - .. .1 " . r leves $7 00 Haney; *Chester. Neil, by Ross been under much criticism. TUL. %, . ism Clement, netted th* ... . this figure.' The fin.0. cost, hie said, *NIN in silver and several packages 'of J. Forrest and Wilson Brog.dfoot. new man has,had much trouble . ", �1.1 I is still within the estimated I cigarettes. Entry was gained by *Qualified. I TELLS RATEPAYERS AREA PROBLEMS with his equipment, but it is, I * ., I ,1 I.. 11 . . ., '4700,000. . I rireGultsi Fra.me Shop breaking glass in a window'in the P.+. . �� .M-* Ross Forrest, chairman of Tuck- into now, Although our board this thought that All difficulties hav,d .,.�,' i I I 11- 4 A 4. � . ::: - " , I , Turning to the Coon Home, Mr. Reuermann tol th e ,I, had I - - . . At General'Coach door. This was the second brepk- in' at the station within a weele. I- ., - . Chas. McKay was elected.chair- man of the ratepayers' meeting ersmith School Area Board, 'in re- porting to Tuckersmith ratepayers year was divided concerning the additional room, not so sbriously times now en ne ou . . I ..:: ,", -Tribute was paid to the' clerk,..; � .11 " .. I . E. P. Chesney, by Mr. Doig, who .11, .. tl� '... i ��"! I ..... �,,, two separate accounts :� kept . , in order ___ . , .. I The first time $15 in silver was taken and a carton of cigarettes. which immediately followed �he at the township meeting here Mon- day said: "Being chairman of the as last year, and at all we had the,.utmost co-operation from ' � mentioned that the work of thii ." I " Council wvuld -be able t& judge Total loss suffered by Hensall's es, located on each side Of the The station is situated on No. 4 �Omination meeting. In his open- � school board for the past year, I am inspectors, Mr. Gradine r and 14r. ......... clerk has increa�ed 50 pet, cent . I . ,.,�2 ' � ... �,,, .. :o� ; the farm, situation more accurate - General Coach in a New Year's burning plant, wbre threatened. Highway at the, intersection of 04 " remarks he stated that the ing I attempting to bring you a report Goman, heads of educational de- "I . j,� I job is getting bigge- , ,11 and the r, ev- I �, . �.(�", ly. -In the Home there are 92'resi- Day- bl4ze. tha ted the, frame Firemen, who used three Pump- t F t Highway, Constable E. R. DaVisi township taxes were high, although has on our activities 4of the year. Un- partments in Toronto, and our par - ery year- I .. . ,,�� " ,�, �;fr I ,"I'' Wilbur Keyes asked Mr. Doig if , -and. it' is anticipated the dents, , shop of the pla-not will not be ers to fight the blaze, stayed on d. . of Hensall, investigate � ; the township rate remained the for few derstand that I have written this liament representative in Toronto. '' ,6�4", I any fire protection. would �be gain, ' . cost.to the county should not I known for 6 day or two, William duty at the scene for several hours I same the past years. o ngs, and On account of our new class- .. R ,net ,, . exceed- that of 'the previous year. . C Smith, manager of the company, to ensure all danger from, sparks . I i . � . He asked the candidates to explain. any other member of the board rooms not being ready for Sept. 1, � . �. n ed from a water system in, ftg 11 ­,;�I, - ., I - . 11; yf�� ,�,,, Mr. Doig .. 1;11,,� ,He also pointed out that replace - ment of old beds was being car- said Wedu�sday, afternoon, was eliminated. They were served Loss ',ean4ot. be.. determined un - hot coffee by Mr. and Mrs. Earl 0 0 District Acciden tS ', if pos"'. the re,ason. Re.ei,-� Doig was the first to ma3r feel free to add to or correct . when they a temporary, room had to be lo- cated. Our board had hoped to. ,that.thought mondville. expl ed . .. I , , �,11.i 1 . am, , . � �, I . - . .,.., " . had been given. t9,,,A I - I .. � ­?,�j ,; ried but at, the rate. -of .six pe'r , t 913U. year. Durmg_ _., . . bp ye'ar, the Vo !made; ii 61ps til a full examination has been Bqt:tt, of Queensway Nursing -Home �,�of.,.tllrw-�buildift , -and Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mrs: g,-Mr-Sirhith . I . . I . 11, I ­ .11 . 6 . . . I . � Injure Three I 11 .. S. ntaMS ' �iforth' Ba * any of my statements . have, thiBir turn to 'speak. As in previous years, our sup- rent the church basement, but *this' with the approi did not meet 7al of . 1- It . . . high level syiteni,-buf at present' ;'I� .-`�., , I 1, .. ... I �� ,� ,, the cost was prohibitive " � �, , and had ' ' , 1-1 ., .1 been. left over until spring. A res- ". ,lb were. .,farm showed #(M . said. We have to find out, for in- Howard Smale. 4 plies have been purchased from the church board. As a result. we ..... . would be a. as " 'I', . $27495; eggs, $1'0-61; -hogs, $3,- sux; milk, $4,849.30; cattle. stance; whether the roof structure Plant superintendent Carlisle can be repaired, or will have to Wilkinson said cause of the fire An injured motorist and his '_ Win Over Mitchell Jack Hood in Stratford. This firm has us courteous rented another building and spent some money to put it in shape. Al- �rvoir great,benefit, '17" , : . . � it would reduce insurance, but the � ,� �.'4i . I $888.20; other, farm sales, $277.66.. I .-- A �+.I.f AA1. be replaced. He agreed that earl- was unknown.. On Wednesday the ., I A.- 11 . year-old female passenger strug- ,gled more than 300 yards through . - I given prompt. service at comr,etitive prices, though our inspector. Mr. Goman. .9 .4 4-U Xr 14.0 extra cost was not known. I .11, " +++ .. TP, , , Ivan Forsyth commented on, the . 11 �.­. with gra an yer. . .. . S iest estimates, which placed the dgmaged WUL ng was e ng ex- . Seaforth Bantam hockey team approved c, s. use. . - s accident which happened to the .: " I " another $611.10, . ere, at the mom-- amined with a view to determin- a violent snowstorm for aid after - Two teachers resigned and were Unit stepped in after a pionth' . Ag I I won its first game at home Sat- , The County Library report indi- ent, reasonable. ing the nature of repairs neces.. their car rammed into a concealed replaced by Miss Bannerman. at time and advised us that we must road superintendent, and the sick- ",1.1,1, " - ; " , .I .1. . s culvert early Tuesday. urday night with a 6-2 win over No 5 School., and Mrs, Orland spend more'money or lGok for an- ness of the grader operator, but,,. ""S.i.i, I cated an increased demand for The large concrete structure -a sary. Cleanup of the fire debri ..."... ,;schDol services with 16 new school former church shed, purchased by was under way. Major equipment Charles Proctor, about 30. of Mitchell Bantams in a scheduled Reichert at No. 1 School. Other Gther place. As a result of advice expressed good wishes to both'for ...�i�;'; � rooms applying for service this the company two years ago -is lo- lost in the fire included four are Clinton, and.Leona Taylor, of Stan- game. . ,, .1 . teachers were rehired with a * in - . - ,',,- 2 * mi of the inspector, all pupils went a sp . fan. it was pointed out that a cated ley Township, had to make their Seaforth oAned the scoring crease in salary. One addi OnA take their place. Nineteen .� �., �; . I - --on Queen Street, two blocks welders. early in the first period at 2:14, back to the one room. . fifty- ­....". was being instituted, west of the company's main plant. to Miss Taylor's farm. teacher was hired for the extra During the past two or three six was a peculiar year, said Mr. ��1111 _7 ". . ' I Forsyth , but. there had been m � or I e � ...." I . . . . . . ; new method Mr. Wilkinson said the fire would own way with a goal by Wm. Pinder the oom at Egmondville. . in that the book truck will now Construction of a General Mobile have ".little effect" on production home 4fter the accident in which ist going to T. Dick. H. Dale r years we have started a program I ­ . ,serve individual schools ratlker Home commenced in the building. since this is the off-season. jjT4 the man suffered a broken arm and ass e bit Alter being without a music to improve our school properties construction than in many years,. ­� r made it 2-0 at 7:14 with a nic � than bulk packages to the area'sec- Fram�s were constincted and ten men who worked in the- shop the girl a possible fractured neck. The largest bridge in the township- ,6.1��'�� . stickhandling. unassisted, and supervisor for one year, I am hap- with oil furnaces and pressure sys- _ ill retary.i . I � . said. Their car struck a culvert bur- Of py to say that we have engage during the silm, I ::` . chassis assembled, then moved to will not be out of work; he d the tems, but at this time I would like had been replaced . � .: -L I Traffic Increases the main plant for further con- � led in snow, on a rural Stanley just a little over a minute later, services of Mrs. MacKinnon of to o . .. If, Reporting on the road agenda�j he , I Township road, just west of No. 4 at 8:55. H. Dale again scored,'with .. .oint out to the Egmondville mer. .� I.." � ' . : :::::,:. struction processes. 1. Highway, about 4 a.m. Although a assist going to Pindey and T. Dick, Clinton. ratepayers that during the past Tax Roll Up, Arrears Up- � � , , said vehicular traffic- and axle Tb� fire, discovered at 4 a -in, by Brothers Win New to make it 3-0. McCaughlin scored Once again the matter of, an ad- year this program was completely Tuckersmith has the highe9t tax 1 . I � "I'll, � loads were increasing tremendousT Mrs. William Shepherd, resident of .. . I Clinton doctor, Dr. IF. Newland, ditional classroom at Egm,ondviUe curtailed in favor of the additional roll in history, but at present the I __ � - . , " � succeeded in reaching the farm Mitchell's first goal at 9:22. Har current tax arrears, after Decem- . 1� I ly and the outlook was a continua- a neighboring house completely 0 house to provide medical aid. the vey Dale scored his third goal for came. ,1p for discussion. This mat- room. Last year the rumour got . � . . � 11 tion for the next 10 y6ars. The gutted the interior �f the btruc- Car At Dublin the hat trick. unassisted, at 14:45 ter was brought to a head at the around that the board was going her 15, is $19,088.41, while the ar- 1� I problem therefore was to provide ture. Mrs. Shepher . d was awaken- � injured pair, could not be removed he end of the fi t period. April meeting; when a delegation to close No. .5. School. I want jZ� rears prior to 1956,.are $10.85IA9. . _..__..� I a wear' surface. The report A capacity crowd filled St, Pat- to Clinton Hospital until a snow at t rs Rising taxes are getting beyond the , .; ing ed by the reflection of flames on 14-20 of 10 or 12 persons from Egmond- assure you that this is . not the . �K � s , as the window 6f he rick's parish hall, Dublin, Friday plow had cleared the road. Penalties -McLaughlin at ., . aj I r bedroopi. The ville appeared at the meeting Two case. In my opinion, bility of the ratepayers to pay. went on to � that pavement. 4 No. 5 School a �111.1 . been adequate for many years for � Shepherd gaf � age, located. only six evening for their annual Christmas Condition of the two was de- for Mitchell. joint meetings with Council fol- is going to be one of the key Taxes are up $20 on an average , ''� .� all county roads and is still'ade- feet fropi. the damaged shop was social, planned by the ladies of scribed as "not serious." The teams battled hard until lowed coon afterwards. and con. schools in the area. With, the 100 -acre farm over last year. The . . 1�� f Twenty-fogr Girl Injured 8:45 of the second period, when � . I qx�at�bfor many roads in the coun- badly scorched, E, Bell resides in the Altar Society. trary to last year, we received the crowded conditions in No. 9 School county rate is up one inil�; the: , '., ''I , -, 19, of Tucker- Robinson scored on a pass from i school area, I mill. caused by the ... I �, ,ty ey will not, however, with- the other,,adjacent house. tables of progressive euchre were Ruth McLarnon itchell Cook to make the score 4-2 for support of Council. provided that I feel that the day is coming that . .1 stand traffic now experienced on in play, Mrs. Michael Nagle win- smith, was treated by a M . addition in Egmondville; Sea- - , � Firemen from Hensall, under inor injuries after a Seaforth, with no further scoring we could borrow money from coun- students from No. 9 will have to new � . . many of the county roads, and the Chief B. Kyle, and from Exeter .ning the ladies' prize: Louis Ma- doctor for m ell against our share of clergy re- be directed to No. 5. If this should forth District High School, I mill, . I I . I only answer is hot mix pavement fought the bl�Zie for more than a� loney, the gentleman's, and the three -car collision early Sunday on during the period, I -serve monies At this time I happen, I hope that the ratepayers caused by the new, barn and in� . ... . I on these sections of roads. hour in bitter cold, stormy wea- lucky chair by Gilbert Murray. Highway 8, about seven miles west � Penalties -Mitchell. W. Neel at I co-operate Creased salaries; South Huron Dis- '.1 ; Music for dancing was supplied by of Stratford, She was a passenger I trict High School, 2 mills for new . . I Concluding his remarks, Reeve 8:09; Mitchell. Stapleton at 10:00'.wOu"i like to thank Mr. Chesney, of these two sections . . ther before bringing it under con-. Trap- Mitchell. E4ison at 14:32. on the board's bebaLf, for going to with the, wishes of the board. I. Beuermann asked for continued trol, For a time neighboring hous- the Blue Star Rangers orchestra. in a car driven.by William Both goalkeepers ded Toronto on his own and makine In June, the children from Grade addition; Clinton District Colleg& I 11 I . . . were ca ate. 1.1 mill; S.S. No, 10, 6.2 mills. ' 1�: � support, having served, nine years - Lunch Was served by the ladies in ifell, 25, of Seaforth. - ", arrangementi for us to receiv-e four up to eight were taken on . ,� , as reeve. lie told the meeting that . barge, According to-,,-infDr.mation given upon t vesiour loan within a week's ti Township rates over the years . 1 2 0 in the third period. but finally at to me, the usual bus trip and this year . I the township would only be able,Sewing, Circle '.The highlight of the evening was O.P.P. officers; the Trapnell car It took several months agree we visited Greenfield Village and have been as follows: 1952, 105 A . I I I was in collision with the rear of 9:46 Ken MeLlwain carried the I ,,�. .. I � to construct five new bridges this the drawing for a 1957 car. One a � car which had stopped on the puck in. took his shot. and Bill i on a ptan that suited both the De- the Ford Museum. At Christmas mills; '53, 10.5 mills; 154 10 mills; ,; . I !�, .� ,I ,coming year, as council could not Get Instructions thousand tickets were sold during . Partmert of Education and our- the board provided treats for all '55. 10 mills; '56, 10 mi'lls. . . - - go over their 80, per cent allot- the last two months. At 1 o'clock highway. Mit_ I Muir bang6d in the rebound which .ielves. and a4 a resu:t construc- si.:aool children and pre-school chil- There are three things a council .", i, l came right out in front. At 14.04 must do each year, Mr. Forsyth , ", ' . ( . ment. The fifth meeting of the Seaforth Miss Turner, of Brucefield, drew Police said Ivan Gill, 43, of led the � tiort did not g'et started until Sep. I dren up to 25 cents per child. �.,, Mr. Earl Mills, second nonvinee Sewing Circle was held at the the last ticket in the bowl, John chell, halted his car when lights Tom Love. unassisted. en� Itember, We accepted the tenderl, in closing I yviould like to pay pointed out. A council must keep .. I.. '.. failed and dro "' ' thi�---_hDulder I scoring for Seaforth and the game i�; . I I , � , for reeve, spoke to the meeting, home of Suane Haugh on Satur- and Stephen Connelly, sons of Mr. ' ' �, I of lie !V��=dolph M,,'r'q'ua dt to make the final score 6-2 for Sea -'of ,John Lansink. of Seaforth. at a I the highest tribute to Our secre. roads and bridges in a good state �.­,, r( intimating tfiat although he had day. The meeting was opened by and Mrs. Michael Connelly, Born- r,t over $21.000. As a result tary-treasurer, Mr. Robert.s, for of repair; they must show a cur- . �. 1 23 , of Ztae'h�t, .ai� forth over Mitchell Lions Ban, i Price tw" I his fine work. not just this year. rent surplus at the end of a year's .. nothing against Mr. Betterman, he ing "O Chnada" and repeat- holm, held the lucky ticket. I . 1 this project ha 4 dragged over o � .1 � , after Ion s g ing . ion, and they must strike a %bought it was tim6l 9 in the 4-H Pledge. The roll call Rev. Father Vincent Eckert, of if Gill needed any help and his tams nalties---Seaforth, G. F�anni-!years. but I am happy to report but for the rnan� years that he operat ..'� . .. years of set -vice, to step down and was answered by a good sugges- Rochester, New York' visited with car was struck by the Trapnell! Pe, -e ha;z been with t)ie board, mill rate sufficient to cover the it "-, � I I let new blood represent the town- tibn for the recqd book. , I car. . gan 0:24, Mitchell. Cook. 1:15: Sea -i that i' is almost reativ to mot . - year's operation. 1A ,� .� 9bip. "Council can not afford .to Mrs, Whyte eave in*tructions his mother, Mrs, Theresa Eckert. Damage to the Trapnell car was forth, Lamont. 10:03; Seaforth, J , Should Lower Mill Rate ". 1. - 1 E�d i must Oroduce for the for understitching a collar and Mr. and Mrs. John Yrappier and $500; to Marquard, $100, and to the Dick� 10:55. Barring unforseen catastrophies I ­; I� " ,c11T I�j t and make for -,a bet� joining bias s;tripping. Fontlels Susanne, Kitchener, a4d Mr, and Gill car about $10. 1 Referees -Charles Reeves U N IV V I - Forsyth went on, the 19�i A and 'RS WSE 8-3- li I Jack MeLlwain. . 1,SEAFORTH JU'"1^ Mr. .1. n , I . str riger council" he­cOn* were then m#de. The home assign- Mrs. Ed. Holland, Toropto, Visited On Saturday afternoon a truck, . council should be able to lower the ' that , t with Mr. and Mrs. George HOI- driven by Jake Parent, R,R, .3. SEAFORTH-Goal, D. Tremeer: 1 ,^ 1 L il tended. Mr. - mills felt -he merit is to Work -on pyjamas and Flanjli_ tax rate by one mill for three i municipality dould be run at bn6 � land. Wheatley, skidded into the rear of i d., K, Lamont; r.d., G. AME MARRED BY PENALTIES "I rebord book, and also to make a U K U reason: 1952 assessment was $2j- �O.?. � imill less, and if he stood for reeve sa mple of uuderstitching. " I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans and a car driven by Milne R. Rennie. gan; centre, T. Dick; r.w.. H. Date: , Waterloo. Musselman 523,075, wh I th 1957 assessment . A, I I it would'be 6A this basis- ' I Lunch. Was' served and Mrs. "Joan were in London with Mr. and of Seafort'h. near Kippen. Both I.W., W. Pinder; alternates, J.1 Seaforth Baldwins were pushed14:04: 8, le e ... .. , I 1, . Discuss Road Work . Haugh wa§ thanked for her hospi- Mrs. John Cleary. were proceeding north on High- Patterson, G. Brown. T. Love, .T., off their winning .streak by Wa- I (Dahmer). 6:12: 9, Seafortb, Me- is $2,618.300, an increase due to . l . AIrs. John Nagle and Bernadette way No. 4. Dick, B. Muir, K. McLlwain. T . terloo Siskins Thursday night when I Llwain (Pigeon, J. Thompson), new buildings in Harpurbey, Eg- 11", " I . , , , Councillor Jerry Doerr made tality. The riext meeting is. �o be . I 11, . " � reference to -:a gummary 6f, the 'hefd 6n, Saturday, San. 12; at the were in Chatham and Winidsor - Varlpy, W, Marshall, Stacey. 1thE Siskins overran the locals 8-3,17:50; 10, Waterloo, Litzgus (Brim- mondville and Brucefield, as well 11�'1111 " 141, , th Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dant- I MITCHELL—Goal, MeNaught: I , Don Pigeon. Jack MeLlwain and': mer), 8:11. as small addi Pris on, different '�,-`;4i` � read re wi I ,.-i 01 - V,'Ir , port. A new thidd had been home of Mrs. V� L, Wh�te, Ernie Smith accounted for the i Penalties—Musselman 1:34. C. farms. . " . d,, Rolph; r.d., S. Ahrens; centre. �1'., �.: . V� . zer, . �,;, . � ;..'tl built to housethe municipal macti- In 1955 the R,C.A.F; Statiog�',,, v ',�-,�i - - Miss Ann MacAleer, Detroit, vis- New Year's Dance It. Niel; r.w., K, Wairen; l.w., F. three Seaforth goals, while the rhompson 1:34. Mikol 8:53, Brim- : 1j.: �'�,,". r, alternates. Elli " �' li� � � inery at ..a cost of $6,479.28; mach ' ott: Lenn6n, Siskin goals were aa single tries. I mer 9:14, Ronalds 11:26, Lockridge Clinton, living ,quarters' were �4Z� -'i;�,, I . ited with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cook; - . e�- - . , �','�, ..�4 �, 11he, $5,188.40, tnowet, tractor and. a d and 14-si �i&ar's gr' t 'A' i� ,�. �"" " ��'�5 � Brussels Man , Well Patronized Ellison, Boyd, McCaughlin, Ches- Over 500 people were on hand, (minor nd misconduct) 11:26, sesse an � S ,,�� . 'rastintenance: $3,122,20-, snow re- � . Ryan. . ; r� I If" ii c 1� Mir. and Mrs. James Morrison, sell, Robinson, Stapleton. to see this rough game in which Brimmer (major and minor) 12,24, received recently, while the .. � � , - ,,-,,� �� $8,557,75; ,culverts, steel , "' `;," , , , 1q;;4 1 1 I, moval, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mor- A large crowd wa; on hand for 22 penalties were handed out Geisel 13:24, Griffin 14:56. grant of $3,475.02 is yet to c , "' , 1, I ".".. ,.� . 1 1 , �. , and r6pairs, $7,97.79; resurfacing, . I The booster draw prize was won - and will be added revenue. , "..'' ... , ,396.64', new . bridg0t, .$6A96 10' Name'.d Secretary rison, Windsor, and Miss Mbry the New Years Eve dance. spon- Third Period -11. Waterloo, Mer . �`­,,I,i�,,, " I � ", 1 $11 1 .1 � . .. ) . Morrison, London, visited with Mr. $ored by the Seaforth Women's Sect Gathers For by J. E. Keating. cer 8:42. per cent of the bridge contra'.. -, .fi�,' , � I "I ,Al I 1-1-11 . .. I ice I steel, $0,821ATI , new , - RLOO—Goal. Baird.: de- also retrievable, . ;.1; ­ � . �. �,6.,!; medt aCni � � WATE Penalties—McClo I I I . ��7,008, and. othdi . , � and Mrs. James Morrison. Institute. Spot dances were won y 5:58, Hodgins Mr. Forsyth reporting on I'll �� ;,; ;�, , I 0 Mr. and' Mrs, Pat ood.9,, of by Mrs. Oliver Wright and Larry Goderich As, ,,, 41 .cement culvert, 1 H4;r o.n F. of A . sembly fence. Kurschinski, Mikol. Cairns, 8:57, Pigeon (major and minor) ,.. ,�.'11.1 , Ib st"It items, ,for a total' -of ' ) Heinrich, (match misco bridges, mentioned that,an e I 1; ,_ . , . :, . - ­ F , "I ; '04,11. 1 ',�&&;�' Itemi - -year-old, Georgetown, we�'e gue:9 of Mr. Fisher, and Marjorie Pethick and Geisel; forwards, M1C- 10: 23, Lockridge n �!. ".."4., � 13. � , $AOX .. I I I hgway, 46 1 ughlin, Brimmer, Mercer, Sar- duct) 10:23, Ronald 12:38, Br ed culvert bad been, 1)ut,: , 1� 11 " ".'o i .11 . v-bert williamMn and Wilson, 1$iffi��r, RR. 3, Brussels, has been and Mrs, Fergus Horan. , Neil MeGavin. Thirty-five Jehovah's Witnesses La im- ..'� 1",4, :,� ., , s �� ; i�o_,,':�., '. �: , . ; .1 . DWI L , y a The W a olding a euchr usselman. Ronalds, Dahm- mer 14:01, Musse place of the bridge on, L '. I IA#1604spoke briefly, -foil i6d' 6" bik§d by the Huron County Fetters- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrne, M r- J. re h e from the Clinton and Seaforth aras M Iman 16:25. Saw- �,:% , . 1 q and Tuckersmith botilidliry 14 N*,',`,', :, " "PA I Aidti of Agriculture to succeed dOr- garet Anne avid Bobbie, of Hamil- and dance on January 11. Coln- areas spent the weekend at Gode. er, kcCloy. Litzgus. yer 16:25. Mikol 16:57. 11 ­0�. p,�;, ,��_ 4. I 4'ain A. Ryan,, who intimated , . . -1 �%­ 1, t , ", .. ,','�Zl - " 4 will, east -M, M , havale, as - ton, visited with Miss Monica mittees in charge are. tabld and rich for their three-day semi -an- SEAFORTH—Goal. German; de- cost of only $420,85' to,'tffifie ' .1 . I,. ".1 ..��, , ." — h. . .. ,.�, that it was felt that. op� don Greig,, BI secretary ­­. -i'm h. , ­, " I � s or was pttt� og I . Jr � '' � 1. 11'.4, � � re;*se -------- _ V. 001. heldnian. Mt. Hemingway's ap- Byrne,. chairs Mrs. Harold Hugill and nuall circuit asisembly. They gath. fence, Hod -gin , Lockridge, Sawyer, ship. A new flo , . ' ' bridge on ,cook's id4roh% "' -z,, , ,, I 1. CS.B., of Mrs , Mrs, ered with representatives from C Thompson; forwards. MeLlwain, a `�'­ I 'id liethie.k' , � � , 10�ltoeutlh as -uncertain Whethdk' pointment btesithe effective J%knu� Rev. Arthur Loohy, lorne Carter, lunch, � , g 1� "':, I � Hougton exas, visited his moth- Wilfred Coleman, Mrs. E. Camer- seven other congregations, which Pigeon, J. Thompson. Griffin, Rob- Passes First Year steel from the"didmolight . 96 � , , , �,,�., "Ap'_ . ,""11, " 111-1 � he would stana''Or not""but if hiblaily�j, 1957, ? ins n. H t n, Babensee. Olive bridge. �, ,."I, ." 1.11, '_.% . . ' � . . i � didn't he would for certai r Greig) who ,,resigned aft�r er Mrs. ,M. Looby. / on;,,pundheirs, Mrs. Jack McLean.. included Kitchener, Waterloo, El- o augh o " C.A. Examinations Tribute was I cl '*, ! 11_e�� 1, " '0 , I � Al rvie'e, Will i6911tintle kiss Anne Deunome and Mr. Mrs. Earl Papple, Mrs, L. Strong mira, Stratford, Gait, Mitchell and First Period -1. Waterloo. Sax- Pal : t.w OIASSON ,­ ".., ,,�,.�,�,, ; i I k " ,. . � M 0 , , �141'1 V", I *y6a,r . "O. z years, sdi aras. 1:51: 2. Waterloo. Mikol (Mus- W. P. Robett's,b A � - 1� �1 I.."o I 11 , , , , he �statedt �Eaifl'Mvs as 4, , Mi 4 coaheil ittornittee. told of 1h-e.';9f`e , -Wo,tking. wit4 the federatIOU iihtll and,Mrs. Pat O'Rourke, of bundes, and Mra. S. Papple; dishwashers, Goderich. ..� 0 (# Opll'�1;3 .!,t!51�i'T-�, 5 , 4 - JH 7 � 11.1��P t , . ,�. 1 6 aterloo. Willia,m Aleock, son of Mr. and, his fin e� ,. ,�t,. 1% " bti6poo obb'" -d ­ 16,ft''s . . -Janual"r 15, � I 1, -h Mr .m. Claytob .Mrs. James Doig and Mrs. James W :17; 3, W I I i 4MN , �,'.! 1 � . ,- Ariqited Wit - and M ile . utpro as composed of selman. Sararas). , exp ' - se diernonstrations, - Musselman (Litzgus), 9:52; 4, Wa� Mrs. SOML Alcock, R.R, 3, Brussels, I there are law ap ,. .t;, , ,At -Y. . . ikenhead, Those in charge are ,!ra m pan ��o .j,r affiitrg wh -oft 11 4nd:40d -of a , :. ,� -, ."M I � Rd' coufi�jo ,J�.jeg6ftt 9kiei9ty., of the Gidy Lo6b 1 d of t6vidat" . �, ". . ;,I I thip Sehdol A gh 20V . Mr� , ,.� Vise, Phyllis Buttersi of 'London, rg, Jack McLean and Mrs, Earl tomings and an bducational class terloo, Saratas, (Musselman), 10.43; has towpldtdd,hir� first yeat - ., - t'h� � I .,j6Wn &V d' , , jr, r ,, q! k VA'gtl# td ork , .�.. !. ,..A 1! � Fluingwia-Y. ls"�.a,��, litters, papplie. - 31 * 6 Wa- 9 course -M4 i� I g�,j ':41 yp",�M,T , it I *&g a4 J$IL � �. stmet, �,�, 4&661: afid-9f, drid-Urg, Rboald B in p0lid speaking, all designed to 5, Seaforth, Pigeon, 16 001 I ,,, __ "'. -4541 '.. , 'tt''S, , � blic Aerloo, Mercer (Brimtr � " gad - f 141 i, '' .1. -­­ "?, t , t df� of 84biltigyffie vi *Wd ' Rh mt. ,.-Please note the change of thig aid the Wittitgqg& in their t & e vih, ro Ift? .O . 'm 11 '. I—. 11"4 P" ,f I - .: , � . 9:05. G41sbI ;J lattlat, 9 , 06d,ithti-volk OVA Ad' Mr% , 'L.'OAJ,L� Boup %, ,,:,,:t� � .� � , I ,&t& 0 e Seaforth Women's th-10rehobing ao-6 'tart Bible,, Penalties — Mikol '? U, 61, And Sind,& that ", b ,q _ying out J , ,, " I . V , t 10; _, � _ �, D *;,A __ __ I Sh i ' t ,12.40, DAtfier 13:57, . Lockridgo, I ... _ # � rivalwal, ,��" Ta'"11, � ,Y�Xm`mt tt.,_�'.. 140WARF 1"ellw_114 "in �itl Will be liel& �boftlbffl ift daily fivi . , �, � . �, ,4 . 1. . -_ " A", I , , '4 Werl?"WIM. i ""A I - 15 t(t�;ttf6,4,i�0(i,tit,�§,�,l6L49ty Was - H�� X.1644: �' , . I , Hit' I ­ � I . .41d � A . , ,,, io , , �, ,!F��K �0111 Jan 1643 - - , AM& ,0,-,.�...���-.11,ff�3,11.1i"'���- 6 �'690nsd I *1 .1 �", Croz1er,,NARy,, , ��,..'�: , ,� I " -IN � S eftod , Seafqth ti , ( 0, ,S____1 I r " , " 1, , , I . 4 I 'r."I """ I .. , 4 " W,4 , - , - - " , , � " �,, I ,W� , , _,:_ .", :, 'k6nd-V —7 , Smi , f", � 6, anti6d on- � "" - I , - " , . i�:�,41U:1�6,,..� �3 t & 11 - "I � : ,�, , 04481 iARM,,,A`,.?'9$o% ONV_,11.7111�` I I I � - �16d_,,, q "; � ,��,��,j.;.,�;�!,r�;�-,,�,�:��,,. . . - .i _�;P,, " '' . I., � I . ,1Z � . ,,, � -,,�:"i"',,�, ,� , -� ; It ", ., , - I _ , , 1, ; -� - g , I . I f ' �.: f A . izo � _,v i 4 i� ,,;,�': I �N i ii �, t �� �: 7��i"i"";L"",i�;����4,"�!.,',,��,,,�',, 'i1i "; - ,,-,,I�.' ,,,J� ! , . M. " �' ���,l�IL'i,�rltg4i��",.'tA.,—.",�,.�,�i.,z–,�,..,,,,, �,, llil,�'�Ik�',,�.' ',. � ., .�,,� �� .�, 1 4,., 1� I � , ... t , ii��. 7777 1, -,�,,�g- , ; A F - � � 'i, � �. ,,� , i�: _L'i. _,.;�, ,,:�',�Z_"L� � � -, ,­­". ",;, � ;,'4.��;J,'JW�JW�JZ,,ft� 1, rf;�g &I -1 _­­ .... .... . _.., ­ "", '. !�� .�,,p I.J I .111.��.,: 1,,��_V,i.,,' p I I.. ... � Rill ... I ,4 " .!� ,. wi%'),g, 1� I_ . ... ,1 I., � "AR 11,". MI.,. MI.,. A�_ 11 9_�41919�0#" ... I .Y. ..,..-..".-t-,-., I �."L�"..�..�.-I�'��'I'll""Il.' ­_ -111 1-__ . ­­­ I