HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-12-21, Page 12, 46. owrcm, ONT„ DEC. 21, 1956 PRESTI,, ERI, CHURCH Rev: D. Glenn Campbell Minister NEXT SUNDAY: 11 a.m. "What Christmas Is" 7:00 p.m. Candlelight Service The Young People's Society will take part in this even- ing service, and the new Junior Choir will sing. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate Phone 214 Seaforth PRICED FOR QUICK SALE New brick ranch -type dwelling, ail modern conveniences; oil heat - Jug. Adjoining Seaforth. Low tax- es. Possession arranged. 100 -Acre Farm, without barn, Lot 1, Con. 4, Township of Hullett. Partially cultivated. OTHER PROPERTIES ALSO LISTED M. A. tEID REAL ESTATE : Phone 214 Anna! Meeting Ag . p S.S. No. 12, McKillop WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26 at 2:00 p.m. MRS. WM. CHURCH, Sec.-Treas. SEASON'S GREETINGS ! LEMON'S TAXI PHONES: CECIL 676 DAUB 675 FINA Furnace Fuel Oil Stove Oil Walden - Broadfoot Phone 354 Seaforth W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 Res. 540 MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH CHRISTMAS DANCE Seaforth Colninunity Centre MONDAY, DECEMBER 24th • Dancing 9 to 12 SMITHS ORCHESTRA SPECIAL PRIZES ADMISSION — Single 75c; Couple $1.00 — Everybody Welcome SPONSORED BY SEAFORTH JUNIOR FARMERS „9 .r ..a+ ,.A,.,,rr.r ..K i..A,..A�..N, PRISCILLA 17 jewels 2.diamonds $3975 SENATOR 17 jewels shock resistant unbreakable lifetime mainspring luxury expansion band $3975 Bracelet and watch com- bined in one glamorous ensemble $4950 New miracle of THIN;)TNIN ` Watch design CANADIAN CLIPPER 17 jewels self•winding certified waterproof* shock resistant unbreakable mainspring anti -magnetic radium hands & dial sweep second hand $4950 v:L:i •_:Ya:L:::r:;;S::k:i1:i"::� Prices Include federal tax BULOVA 18 KT GOLD 2-4.4racif 23 jewels 18 kt gold precision adjusted unbreakable mainspring $5950 ((available In 18 kt white or yellow gold) PRESIDENT 17 jewels unbreakable mainspring shock resistant expansion band $5950 (also available with charcoal dial) Other Smart BULOVAS AS low as $29.75 Westfield Watches (a .product of Bulova) from $19.95 up Best Wishes for A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! $AVAUGE'$ ovir Gifts - Fine China TII d: d' w;i A t'd, t6,i) d «d. s1, .1. 7,1, Church Notices Pent,fm0Stal 71'abeinitaele.—Sunday ServLees; •,', 10 a.m., Church Sehogl; 11 a m ,;Worship; 7:30 p.m., Evan- gelistic Service., rev, H. Hendrick, Pastor.; Northside 'United Church.—Mini- ster, Rev, Bruce W. Hall; B.A., B.D., a.m., Church School; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; sermon, "God's Signboard Bethlehem";. nursery and junior congregation; 7 p.m., Evening Worship sermon, "Because God Was Not Content— Christmas"; 8:15 p.m., Y.P.U. Egmondville United Church -:-11 a.m., subject, "The Christmas City"; 7':30 p.m., Vesper Service, featuring Holy Night; subject, "The First Christmas Service." Church School and Nursery and Junior Church at the regular time. WINCHELSEA Miss Donna Gilfillan visited on Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. GiHillan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Glanville, of Staffa, were Saturday evening din- ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton, Hen- sall, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfil- lan, of Exeter, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilfil- lan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe and family, of Thames Road, were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walters and Danny. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilfillan, Grant and Barbara Ann visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilfillan, near Blyth, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Church at Win- throp. Mrs. Horace Delbridge spent Sunday in Exeter with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Delbridge. Mr. Reg Delbridge is in South Huron Hospital. Exeter, We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and girls visited in Stratford on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks. Postal Information. As Monday, Dec, 24, and Monday,., Dee. 31, are being considered this; year as holidays for eivil servants, -the following post'office hour's are. proposed The main door of the post office: will be open from $ a.m. to 6 p.m. for the convenience of boxhold ers. The wickets will be open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. only, for all phas- es of business. All mails will be sorted and despatched as usual, including the rural mail delivery. Please note these dates -24th and 31st December. On Boxing Day, Dec. 26, the post office will be open as usual on Wednesday. That is, the wickets will be open for all phases of busi- ness from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. for gen- eral delivery, parcel delivery and postage sales. Christmas and New Year's will be observed as holi- days, as usual; . mail will be re- ceived and despatched, but there will be no rural delivery. The Christmas rush has reached a climax and the postal staff will endeavour to complete deliveries by Monday, Dec. 24. BRUCEFIELD The many friends of Mr. Alex Paterson will be sorry to learn that he has been transferred from Clinton Hospital to Victoria Hos- pital. London, for further surgery. Master DeWayne Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, be- came ill on Saturday afternoon in Clinton. He was taken to Clinton Hospital and underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis. Mr. McLaughlin, of Montreal, was a weekend guest of Mr. and 1Irs. Ross Scott. Mrs. John McMurtrie, of Hen- sall. spent Thursday with Miss Mary Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie and fancily and friends. of St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie. The Christmas Sunday School concert will be held on Friday, Dec. 21. at 8:30 p.m. THE CHRISTMAS SERVICES ST. THOMAS' CHURCH, SEAFORTH SUNDAY. DECEMBER 23rd 10 a.m.—Carol Singing with Pictures of the Nativity. 11 a.m.—Carol Service: The Christmas Story from the Bible and Hymn Book. 7 p.m.—Christmas Service. CHRISTMAS EVE., DEC. 2-1-11:30 p.m.. Choral Commtmion CHRISTMAS DAY -10:30, a.m., The Holy Communion NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Because of the extent to which our customers are requesting delivery service on small orders. and the resulting strain this places on our delivery facilities, it has become necessary in fair- ness to those customers who do not use delivery service, to introduce a small charge for this service. Commencing January 1 NEXT. a charge of 10 cents will be made for the delivery of each -order. CLEARY'S IGA — Seaforth, Ont.' Va• May the quiet peace of Christmas, Like the music of a song, Be blended in true gladness That lasts the whole year long. SEAFORTH SUPER MARKET "ECliENSWILLER'S" Phone 8 Seaforth :�.'' i µr.' t .,,f t,A i ...i , n ,;r , Y, 4,, le ;rr ;4Y, ,v+ -,u w'i r ,,r , r Iu r w, r,7r1, rlr, -s... Y. . *F . Y,; .. •j... ,S... Y .. Y.., .,.F .. .. Y, .. •h... µ...'5 .. ..'5 ..'5 .. v.... v.. Y.... Y,, .. ,.- •a...' The old-fashioned greeting still holds: MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS, DAY BE MERRY AND BRIGHT ! KEATING'S PHARMACY J. E. KEATING, Phm.B. Phone 28 s Seaforth' d1 .: d ii �d .i d j d d r l; .Er d, .•.d .d, ;tHd•d ;,d; t d •• tr.• LOCAL B'R1EF Mrs Margaret Lamont spent the Past •.;i A: Weeks at the: home of her sou end' daughter-in-law, Mr, ai4 Mrs. li:arvey Ilan/out, Delhi, *r. Paul Dunn and `lye. ss Bar- bara Dunn,, of . Brandon,, Manitoba, were weekend visitors with Mrs. N. Dunn.. Mr. anMrs. William Dale, Miss Marie Scott and Donald McKenz;,e, of Willowdale,, were weekend guests of ;Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc- Kenzie. Miss Nellie Lamont arrived home from Orillia to spend the Christ- mas.. holidays with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Lamont. - Cpl. Gavin Gemmell, of R.C.A.F. Station, Chatham, N.B., is a visi- tor at the home of his sister, Mrs. Victor Lee, and Mr. Lee id Tuck- ersmith. Mrs. Keith M. McLean is a patient in Stratford General Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Elliott moved to Kitchener over the weekend. Mr. Elliott is on the staff of the CN.R. there. Mrs. J. J. Pollard is spending Christmas with her son in Strat- ford. Mrs. W. D. Smith is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson and family were •in Markdale Thurs_ day attending the funeral of the former's nephew, Stanley Smart, who died as. the result of a tractor accident. Miss Sheila McFadden, Stratford Teachers' College. spent the week- end with. Miss Davina Andrews. Mr. Kenneth Larone, Toronto, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Larone. Leading Seaman Lorne Goudie, of the R.C.N., Ottawa. is .visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Goudie. 'Hockey, Hapn's (> W. ' , !reall) with op games away during the balance of this months T find very little to report... One point would like to, clear up is fiat many reported to us that our clock was moved ahead iome,10 or 12 seconds during the final minutes of the game, l have been advised that the clock re- fused to start once during the last two minutes, and the clock was moved ahead to take care of the time. lost before the referee's at- tention was drawn to the fact that the clock was not going. I am sorry if some thought that we were trying to steal time from the game. bttt this was not the case. Charles Reeves deserves a great deal of credit in the way he handles the clock. Also Burlington or any vis- iting club also have a representa- tive in the box at all times. The following is a statement of our account to date: Ticket sales to date $ 2,495.00 Vena's release 75.00 Donations 45.25 Gate recei is 485.05 Turkey rece1D.ts 260.50 $3,360.80 Expenses to date last week $2,949.72 Lunches 32,00 Travelling (players) 52.00 Equipment (Juniors) 50.00 Equipment (Minors) 40.37 Board 90.00 Coaching 30.00 Draw prize 100.00 $ 3,344.09 Balance on hand $ 16.71 There were 340,524 hockey pucks manufactured in Canada in 1950. REGENT THEATRE — $EAFORTH THURSDAY, FRIDAY,and SATURDAY" AW DGE RORY CALHOUN ' YVONNE DE CARLO On the Oregon frontier they staked their claims for land and money too. He lived by the power of the loaded gun until it was fired at him. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "GLASS SLIPPERS" LESLIE. CARRON MICHAEL WILDING A screenful of romance, music, spectacle in radiant color. You took Leslie Carron to your hearts as `Lill'. Now you will fall in love all over again! MATINEE BOXING DAY, DEC. 26th THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "TIMBERJACK" STERLING HAYDEN VERA RALSTON NEW YEAR'S DAY Susan Hayward "WITH A SONG IN MY HEART" Rory Calhoun MATINEE NEW YEAR'S DAY -2:30 P.M, IT PAYS TO SHOP - At This Store ! — Down through the years — A GOOD PLACE TO BUY WILLIS SHOE STORE The LITTLE Store with the BIG Values — SEAFORTH WALTON NEWS OF THE WEEK A very successful Christmas concert was held in the Commun- ity Hall, Walton, on Tuesday, Dec. 11th, under the auspices of two McKillop Schools, S.S. No. 7 and S.S. No. 12. Ralph McNichol act - '•ed as chairman for the evening. The program consisted of drills, Nativity scene. old-fashioned danc- es and an operetta. The hall was very attractively decorated and a well -lighted Christmas tree add- ed greatly to the Christmas atmos- phere. The teachers. Miss Jessie Little and Mr. G. Willis, deserve great credit for their joint per- formance. Lunch was served by members of both school sections. Dancing to the music of Wilbee's orchestra was enjoyed by all at- tending. Bride -Elect Showered A shower in honor of Miss Edna Martin, bride of this month, was held in the school room of Duff's United Church on Wednesday eve- ning, December 12. A large number of ladies from the surrounding vi- cinity attended, showing the high esteem in which the bride -elect is held. On arriving Miss Martin was seated in a decorated chair along with her mother and other rela- tives. As the guests assembled, they signed their name in the bride's book which was in charge of Miss Isabel McCall. A 'bride's quiz contest was conducted by Miss Audrey Hackwell and Miss Marilyn Johnston, which proved to be very entertaining. As the bride • opened the gifts, Mrs. Ross McCall entered the names in' the bride's book. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received. A very tasty lunch was served by the ladies. Mrs. Margaret Humphries has returned home after spending two weeks at the home of her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rutledge, London. A Christmas concert will be held in the school room of the church on Friday evening, Dec. 21, under the auspices of the Sunday School. A Vesper Service will be held in the auditorium of Duff's United Church on Sunday evening, Dec, 23, by the C.G.I.T. and Y.P.U., un- der the direction of Mrs. Ted Mc- Creath. Christmas Party A very pleasant evening was held last Thursday in the church base- ment on the occasion of the Christ- mas party when the losing side of the copper contest entertained the winning side. A very bounteous supper was enjoyed by all mem- bers of the Walton group. The tables were decorated with place Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth ' fr fit She'll love you for this magnificent Betio SUL6VA DIAMOND i' LA PETITE WATCRLD'S TINIEST 23 JEWEL H FASHIONED IN DIAMONDS 2 diamonds, precision' adjusted, unbreakable mainspring $5950 Convenient Credit i7'ernts J. A. VVESTCOTT !'eweller P110/410 218 : SE F'dl 'u',NIC. cards of marshmallow snowmen and Christmas novelties. The winning side attended in. hard -time costumes which added greatly to the evening's entertain- ment. Mrs, Ronald Bennett was the prize winner, having as the judges Mrs. H. B. Kirkby and Mrs. Jack Gordon, A lucky chair prize was won by Mrs, Hilda Sellers. Mrs. Frank Walters was in charge of the following program: Carol singing with Mrs. H. Travis accompanying at the piano; stor- ies, Mrs. W. M. Thomas; Christ- mas reading. Mrs, W. C. Hackwell; piano solo, Mrs. D. Ennis. The exchange of gifts was a highlight of the evening and when opened were displayed by the re- cipient. The program was brought to a close with a pie-eatin.g con- test. which was won by Mrs. R. Bennett and Mrs. D. Ennis. At the conclusion of the evening, 15 boxes were packed for shut-ins in the Walton group. Fruit, candy, cookies, etc., had been donated by the group members. WILLIS DUNDAS Champion Stove and Furnace 011 DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 138 W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 458• Seaforth NOTICE! The Seaforth Legion Saturday Morning Hockey will start Saturday; December 27th ANY BOYS FROM 5 TO. 15 WISHING TO PLAY, PLEASE BE AT COMMUN- ' ITY CENTRE AT 8:00 AM,, SHARP Everyone playing -does so at own risk. J. EISLER, Jr., Sports Officer Canadian Legion, Seaforth, Branch 15h TONIGHT Thursday E . 2Oth Junior `B' O.H.A. HOC KEY Owen Sound vs. Seaforth Juniors Game called at 8:30 p.m. SEAFORTH ARENA BOOSTER DRAW FOR $100.00 Admission 50c Students 25c NEXT WEEK, THURSDAY, DEC. 27—Waterloo at Seaforth fr(pi%I- , Ni l ,aF r+ ei Ai. We appreciate the good -will and friendship that exists between M our patrons and - our- selves. It it with this relationship in mind that we take ,pleasurein extending thefull- est measure of Yuletide blessings. ROWCLIFFE MOTORS e Phone 261 Seaforth eik ti Nt.iltt' ,(I,^;.d .b)r't wd ,ir11 :>a