HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-12-14, Page 10P! AlR<:, ..+•,in..,.tnr•,.. „..,i.m;w,,.y „r'r�4' *PM UPON EXPOSITOR, SEAT+'.Q1tTIL, ONT., DEC. 14, 1956-44i IR, FIRST • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister NEXT SUNDAY: 10 am Church School White Gift Service 11 a.m. "When God Became Man" 7:00 p.m. "Holy Night" We Specialize in All Lines of INSURANCE NEW COMPOSITE DWELLING POLICY offers full fire and liability cover- age at 10% below regular rates to home owners. For full information, ask us. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate Phone 214 Seaforth PRICED FOR QUICK SALE New brick ranch -type dwelling, all modern conveniences: oil heat- ing. Adjoining Seaforth. Low tax - ea. Possession arranged. 190 -Acre Farm. without barn, Lot 1, Con, 4, Township of Hullett. Partially cultivated. OTHER PROPERTIES ALSO LISTE D M. A. RE REAL ESTATE . Phone 214 SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE SKATING Friday 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Saturday AFTERNOON 1:30 to 3:3Q p.m. Industrial Hockey starts at 8:00 o'clock on Monday Evenings Church Notices St. Thomas' Anglican Churdi.- Morning Prayer, 11 a.m.; Even- song, 7 p.m.; Holy Communion the first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. and the third Sunday of the month at 9 a.m. Sunday School ev- ery Sunday morning at 10 a.m.- Rev. .m-Rev. J. H. James, Rector. McKillop Charge. -Service will be held at Duff's Church on Sun- day at 2:30 p.m., with Rev. Bruce Hall, Seaforth, as minister. -Rev. J. R. Holden, Minister, Pentecostal Tabernacle. -Sunday Services: 10 a.m., Church School; 11 a.m., Worship; 7:30 p.m., Evan- gelistic Service: -Rev, H. Kendrlrk,_ Pastor. Egmondville Church. - 11. a.m., Reception of members and Holy Communion; subject, "The Holy Family"; 7:30 p.m., Annual Can- dlelighting Service; 10 a.m., Church School; 10:15, The Minister's Bible Class; 11 a.m., Nursery School; 11:30, Junior Congregation. Northside United Church. -Mini- ster, Rev, Bruce W. Hall, B.A., B.D.• S.T.M.: 10 a.m., All Departments of the Church School; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; sermon topic, "Wonderful!"; Nursery and Jun- ior congregation; 7 p.m., Christmas Choral Service, presented by the Northside Senior Choir; 8:15 p.m., Young People's Union. FINA Furnace Fuel Oil Stove Oil Walden - Broadfoot Phone 354 Seaforth COMPLETE %N. COVERAGE ALL KENDS OF INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 Res. 540, MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH ANNOUNCEMENT The engagement is announced of Barbara Mary Playfair, daughter of Mrs. Playfair and the late Dr. Cecil H. Playfair, C-B.E., to Archie Franklin Hubert, of Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hubert. of Seaforth. The marriage will take place on Thursday, Dec. 27, at 2 o'clock in Melrose United Church, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams, Guelph. announce the engagement of their daughter. Wilma, to John Stewart McGavin, son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon McGavin, McKillop Township, the marriage to take place at Dublin St. United Church. Guelph, December 22, at 4 p,m. LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Dugan;. Col- umbus, Ohio, and Mrs. Irene Dug- an, Detroit,, visited with Mrs. Hel- en Bolton over the weekend. Stan Jackson, Ross Hennigar, Clare Reith and R. W. Campbell, of the Seaforth Co-op, were in To- ronto this week attending the an- nual meeting of the United Co-op- eratives of Ontario. Mrs. Ralph McFadden, with Brenda and Murray, were Sunday guests at the home of Miss Davina Anderson. Dr. and Mrs. Keast, of Sarnia, visited with Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Huras and family, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs. E. C--. Chamber -lake -and - Marion. Mr. Robert Reid, well-known for- mer resident, but now of Hamil- ton, was a recent Seaforth visitor. Mr. Fred Beattie, who has spent several months here, returned to Ottawa Thursday for the winter. Dr. A. R. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, of Guelph, visited here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapman, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. McKercher, McKillop. Mr. Roy Gibb and Mr. R. L. Clarke, of Topnotch Feeds Limited. were in Toronto attending a meet- ing of the Ontario Retail Feed Merchants' Association. Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth, and Mr. Russell Bolton, McKillop, are in Ottawa this week attending the Progressive Conservative con- vention. Mr. Sidney Gemmell has sold his Tuckersmith farm to Mr. Frederick Kleinhaar. who has taken posses- sion. Mr, and Mrs. Gemmell are residing in Egmondville in the residence recently purchased from Mrs. George Hill. Mr. J. R. Sproat. of North Bay. and Mr. Russell Hays., of Detroit. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mr. and Mrs. G. Reitz and Pa- tricia Lynn, of Preston. spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mills, of Port Nelson. were Saturday guests of Mrs. J. G. Mullen. Miss Mary Fowler. of Moore- field, spent the weekend with Miss Marion Chamberlain. HOLD WORK MEETING The C.GI.T. of First Presbyter- ian Church held a work meeting Monday evening with 15 members present. Ellen Gorwill was in the chair and opened the meeting with Call to Worship. The carol, "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing," was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Agnes Carter read the scripture lesson from Luke 2:1-20. Carol Dennis, the secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting. After roll call and collection, there was a short business discussion. It was decided to sing Christmas car- ols to sick and shut-ins on Sunday, Dec. 23. After singing "Silent Night,' the meeting closed with "Taps." A work period followed, when Christmas favors were made, to be given to the shut-ins. ELECT OFFICERS The Northside Couples Club held their Christmas party on Monday evening at the parsonage with 22 members present. Mrs. Thomas Wilbee opened the meeting with an appropriate poem, after which Mrs. Bruce Hall led in prayer, Mrs. Neil Bell and Mrs. Wilbee read the Christmas story from St. Luke 2, and the seasonal spirit was expressed by the singing of several carols. Officers elected were: Honorary presidents, Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Hall; presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bell; vice-presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley; secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Steffen; pub, llcity• Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley; treasurers. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oke; worship committee, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walden, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connell; program committee, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Steffen. Several games and contests were enjoyed. A delicious Christmas lunch was served, The meeting was closed with the singing of "Taps." 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS • Champion Stove and Furnace On DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 138 GIVE 9 v• EJ 1 • WALTON NEWS OF THE WEEK MULLETT FORUM The farm forum met at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. W. Jewitt Monday evening. The questions on the topic. "World Wide Confer- ence," were answered and the members thought it was a bene- fit, Wm. Jewitt gave a report of the banquet held at Blyth. Progressive euchre was played with the winners being: high, Mrs. Frank Riley and Verne Dale; low. Mrs. Ivan Lee and Frank Riley, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, with Mrs. Earl Lawson as hostess. The December meeting of the W.A. of Duff's United Church was held last Thursday afternoon in the church basement with Mrs. F. Walters presiding and Mrs. B. Johnston, secretary. Mrs, Ronald Bennett read the scripture from Luke 2:8-14 and 8:12. Comments, "Let There Be Light," were given by Mrs. Walters. The secretary, Mrs. Bert Johnston, gave the re- port and read a number of thank - you cards, followed with the treas- urer's report by Mrs. A. Coutts. It was decided to send a donation to the McKinnon House in Lon- don. A Vesper service will be spon- sored • by- ' he G:G.i:T: and Y.P-:U. on Sunday evening, Dec, 23. The decorating committee is as fol- lows: Mrs. T. McCreath, Mrs. W. M. Thomas, Mrs, F. Kirkby and Mrs. H. Smalldon. A report of the fall meeting of the W.A. at Goshen was given by Mrs. F. Walters and Mrs. G. Love. Slate of officers for 1957 are as follows: past president, Mrs. F. Walters; president, Mrs. Gordon McGavin; 1st vice-president. Mrs. Ken McDonald; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Nelson Reid; 3rd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Bert Johnston; secre- tary, Mrs. Ronald Bennett; treas- urer, Mrs. Andrew Coutts; pian- ists, Mrs. Jack Bryans and Mrs, W. Turnbull; flower committee, Mrs. Harold Smalldon, Mrs, Herb Travis and Mrs. Robert McMich- ael; manse committee, Mrs. Nel- son Reid. Mrs. Harold Sellers, Mrs, Silas Johnston and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull; kitchen committee, Mrs. Ken McDonald. Mrs. James Mc- Donald, AIrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs. Norman Schade, Mrs, Doug Fras- er; supper committee. Mrs. F. Walters; Community Friendship secretary. Mrs. Walter Broadfoot; Stewardship. Mrs. H. B. Kirkby; Christian Education, Mrs. George Love. McKILLOP FORUM S,S. No. 2, McKillop, Farm For- um met this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. The radio broadcast. concerning the Dominion Agricultural Conference, was discussed. In answer to ques- tion one, as to the value of the Con- ference in the opinion of the for- ums. the different provinces did. meet and review their views and opinions. and were told that Brje tain would have fewer dollars to spend on Canadian goods this year, but nothing in a concrete way was done to aid agriculture. In re- gards to question $ as to the om- issions which the Conference may have made. we say that the plight that agriculture finds itself. due to the cost price squeeze. was dealt with all too lightly. and as the condition of agriculture con- tinues to deteriorate. the omission is just that much more serious. During the recreation period euchre was played, winners being: ladies, Mrs. Sam McClure. Mrs. T. M. McMillan and Mrs. Secord Mc - Brien; gents. Nelson McClure, Al- vin Dodds and Jimmie Palin. Next week's meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son McClure. W. Turnbull; second trice -president, Mrs. D. Watson; third vice-presi- dent, Mrs. E. Mitchell; treasurer, Mrs. R. Achilles; sekretary, Mrs. R. McMichael; press secretary, Mrs. T. Dundas; supply secretary, Mrs. C. Martin ; Community Friendship, Mrs; W. Broadfoot; Christian Fellowship, Mrs. C. Rit- chie; Missionary Monthly secre- tary, Mrs, T. Dundas; Stewardship secretary, Mrs. H. B. Kirkby; lit- erature secretary, Mrs. N. Schade; Mission Band superintendents, Mrs. Art McCall, Mrs,. T. Dundas; Baby Band superintendents, Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. R. Bennett; C,G.I T., Mrs. T. McCreath, Miss E. Mar- tini. auditors, Mrs. J. McDonald, I s. J. -Smith:- .T It was decided to set aside the collection in each, group for one month of the year to be used in sending bales. The Walton group was in charge of the devotional period. The top- ics for discussion were on South East Africa and Korea, "Conversa- tion on Philippines and Indo China." Those taking part were Mrs. F. Kirkby, Mrs, W. Broadfoot and Mrs. T. Dundas. A vote of thanks was moved to. Mrs. Mc- Michael on the completion of her terns as president. Mission Band The December meeting of the Mission Band of Duff's United Church was held Sunday morning in the church basement with a good attendance. Joan Hamilton presided over the meeting and Shirley Bolger presided at the piano. The devotional period was followed with the minutes of the last meeting by Marian Turnbull. Mrs. Art McCall expressed her appreciation on the way each don- ated to the bale, taking the small- er articles valued at approximate- ly eight dollars and sending them to Miss Wella Kernen. Korea, and the large articles were sent in the W.M.S. bale. Mite boxes were handed in and Barbara Turnbull was appointed pianist for January. Mrs. A. McCall spoke of a Nativ- ity Scene she had seen in Hamil- ton and then told a ,in story entitled. "Nancy Pat." The scripture was read by Joan Ham- ilton from St. Luke 2:8-12. The classes then assembled in their various classrooms. Morris and Grey Groups HARLOCK Miss Lois Roe. Stratford. visited over the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bernard and daughters. Irma and Shirley. of Brussels, visited Monday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. John Me, - Ewing and family. Several children r e c e i v e d awards on Sunday for their per- fect attendance all summer at the Burns' Church Sunday School. Harlock School will hold their annual Christmas concert Tues- day evening. Dec. 18. in the school. The concert will be in charge of. the teacher, Miss Edna Martin. and the pupils of the school. The Burns-Londesboro Y.P.U. held, their regular meeting on Sun- day evening in the Sunday school- room in Londesboro Church with 31 members present. The sing- song was led by Jane McCool. Harry Lear took charge of the business. The Faith and Evangel- ism Commission was in charge of the worship service under Gloria Allen. Barry Pipe had charge of recreation. Lunch was served and the meeting closed with Taps. 55c to $5.00 - All Xmas Wrapped SMILES 'n CHUCKLES $1.25 $2.50 $5.00 Yardley & Tussy Christmas Stocks At Their Best Now! Brownie Holiday Flash Outfit -11445 Hawkeye Camera Flash Outfit 15.95 Bulls Eye Flash Outfit - 23.25 Duraflex Flash Outfit m - 26.75 s, 1. 25, in Christmas s of 20 EAST McKILLOP Mr. Henry Weiterson observed his 86th birthday December 11. A celebration of this occasion was held on Sunday at his home •with a family gathering, including his son, Mr, Leslie Weiterson, Mrs. Weiterson and -Ralph. of Bornholm; Miss Grace Weiterson, of Strat- ford, his daughter; Mrs. Carl Eis- ler and Mr. Eisler, Bruce and Car- olyn. of Logan. and Hugh Eisler. of Hamilton. Mr. Weiterson is not enjoying the best of health. but still enjoy% a friendly visit, Puipls of McKillop Evangelical Church are practising a Christmas concert, to be held Dec. 21. at 8 o'clock. Mr, Maurice Purvis, of London. visited on Sunday with Mr. Man.uel Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapple. Wayne and Julie. of Kippen. visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock. Miss. Mary Jackson. Seaforth. and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McMich- ael and children. of Blyth, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Eggert. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fisher. of Fullarton. were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Gordon Coghlin at Trowbridge last Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler at- tended the funeral of Mr. Henry Schrader at Mitchell on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Golightly, of Monkton, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Koehler. rl 5,4 The 8th of Morris and 16th of. Grey group met at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull with 17 pres- ent. Mrs. Andrew Turnbull con- ducted the devotional part. open- ing with prayer and the hymn. "Silent Night. Holy Night" The scripture was taken from Luke 2. verses 1-20. "Changes Are Every- where" was the title of the topic given by Mrs. Douglas Fraser. The minutes were read by Mrs, Alvin McDonald and the roll call- ed. Mrs. Bert Johnston led in the business discussion and the follow- ing officers were elected for 1957: president, Mrs. Wm. Flood; assist- ant president, Mrs. Harold Bolger; secretary. Mrs. Alvin McDonald; treasurers: W.M.S.. Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. W.A., Mrs. Jack Bryans. Nine boxes were reported sent to the sick during the year, Carol singing closed the meeting, led by Mrs. A'. Turnbull. A social half- hour followed, after which a de- licious Lunch was served by Mrs, Ed. Bryans, Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs. Everett Perdue and the hos- tess, W.M.S. Meeting The W.M.S. meeting was held with Mrs. R. McMichael. the presi- dent, in charge. She told a very interesting story of Christmas by Mrs.,, Childs entitled, "What Child is This?" The roll call was an- swered with a Christmas hymn, and minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Frank Kirkby, followed with the treasurer's re- port by Mrs. R. Achilles. The report of the nominating committee was given as follows: honorary president, Mrs, E. Bry- ans; past president, Mrs. R. Mc- Michael; president. Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald; first vice-president, Mrs, maismismanagemmongor LEMON'S TAXI and PARCEL SERVICE MI Pnesengers Insured PHONES: CECIL DAVE 676 675 25th Anniversary Of Ordination OBITU #►R „ MRS. CHARLES SCHEPTER Requiem High Mass for Mrs. Charles Schefter, 66, who died in Bruce County Hospital at Walker- ton, was sung Monday at 9 a.m. in Sacred Heart Church and inter- ment made in Calvary cemetery, She was the former Mary Netzkeof Mildmay, and had liv- ed in Walkerton since her mar- riage. Her husband died many years ago. She was a member of Sacred Heart Church. Surviving are three sons, Charles and Harold. Walkerton; Norval, Hanover, and four daughters, Mrs. William Hampson, Walkerton; Mrs, Roy-Raymon and Mrs.; Aguis; Toronto, and Mrs. John MacDon- ald. Hamilton; three brothers, David, of Seaforth; George, Mild- may, and Ed., of Selbourne, A. L. STONE A. L. Stone; since 1919 a well - loved citizen of Norwich and since then the C.N.R. 'agent, died in the Woodstock General Hospital about 10 o'clock Wednesday evening, Nov, 28. Mr. Stone had been in poor health for about two years and on Tuesday he suffered a ser- ies of severe heart attacks from which he failed to recover. His sud- den passing comes as a severe blow to his family and his host of friends to whom he had endeared himself by many acts of kindness. Mr. Stone was a quiet man, ac- customed to going his steady, un- ruffled way. He could always see the best in others and spoke only well of them., He was a loving hus- band and kindly father who had bound his family to him by his unfailing thoughtfulness and love through the years and the void he leaves in their lives will only be filled by a cherished memory that will not fade. When he was a younger man he was a good member of the soccer team and, when younger too. he managed a girls' softball team for several years. His interest in a good game of ball never waned and Al. would be seen sitting on his favorite bench in the Play- grounds Park watching closely and encouraging the teams during lo- cal games. He was a member of the United Church and had been an honored elder for several years. He was also a member of Britannia Lodge No, 170, A.F. and A.M. at Seaforth, Mr. Stone was born at Hawks- ville- Waterloo County, in March. 1894. He was brought up in that area and joined the C.N.R. in Tavi- stock in 1913. Between then and the time he went to Norwich. in 1919. he served for short spells at Stratford and Seaforth, In his work he was co-operative and was lov- ed by all the trainmen, the sec- tion workers and C.N.R, officials. He was looking forward to retire- ment within a few years time. , He is survived by his widow. the former Suse Hudson, of Seaforth; two sons, Donald and Jim, both of Brampton; five grandchildren, three brothers and three sisters, Harvey Stone, Crossfield, Alta.; Hazel ,Stone, Listowel; Lovell Stone. Buffalo, Alta.; Mrs. Maud Hillier, Tennesee; Mrs. Belva Dav- ey. Burketon, and Mrs. Della Ed- wards, Milverton. The body rested at the Arn & Son funeral residence. Norwich, and the funeral was held there a 2:30 o'clock on Saturday after noon. The Rev. J. G. Cruiksha was in charge and interment wa In in the Norwich cemetery. • Father John F. McConnell, of Maryknoll. N.Y., observed the 25th anniversary of his ordination to ' sthood on Saturday. . He is thepriesthood Y a son of Mrs. David McConnell, Seaforth. and the late David Mc- Connell, long-time Dublin Postmas- ter. Father McConnell was born Cromarty in 1909. attending ele- mentary and high school in Dublin and Stratford. He then studied at St. Peter's Seminary and received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario. Father McConnell joined Mary - knoll in September, 1928. Two years later he was assigned tp Rome to continue his studies and was ordained there on December. 8. 1931. In 1935 he Was recalled to the United States to teach at the Mary - knoll College, Clark Summit, Pa, He returned to Rome in May. 1938. to take the degree of Licentiate of Sacred Scripture at the Angeli- co, continuing his studies thereaf- ter at the Biblidal Institute for the doctorate of Sacred Scripture. He is now serving as Professor of Scripture at the Maryknoll Ma- jor Seminary, and is recognized as one of the leading scholars in. scripture study. He has three sisters; Sister M. St. David, Chatham; Sister M. Janet, a Maryknoll Sister, Hono- lula; Mrs, H. I. Dingeman, De- troit, and 'two brothers, Joseph and Patrick McConnell, Seaforth. Canada's "1955 total of 1,382 tuber- colnsis deaths registered a new low. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt an Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley attend ed the Farm Forum banquet a Blyth last Thursday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dale, Laure and Wilma; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Jewitt. John and Dennis, and Mr and Mrs, Wilbur Jewitt, Ronni and Garry, and Mrs. W. L.'•Why were among the ones who attend ed the 4-H Club Achievemen night in Exeter last Friday eve ning. Mr. Lee, Sr., of Chatham, is vis itin'g with his son and daughter -in law. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley had din ner and spent Friday evening wit Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid„ Walto Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods an Mrs. Mac Turner, of Toronto, spen the weekend at the home of M and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lee spe Saturday at London. The school concert will be hel in the Sunday school room We nesday, Dec. 19, The Y.P.U. of Constance Unite Church are holding a social ev ning at the home of Mr. and Mr Frank Riley on Friday evening. and Plitt 0114 . yy ��Hart 1,44 t aCiL[t7 J SEAFORTH THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY " SEVEN MEN FROM NOW " RANDOLPH SCOTT / GAIL RUSSELL Seven men were marked for death by ,a man who dedicated, his life to vengqeance. He thought that his gun and a search for seven outlaws were enough to fill his life until he met a beautiful woman. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY " THE PRICE OF ,FEAR " MERLE OBERON LEX BARKER Merle Oberon, as the beautiful deceiver, who loved and lost -Fate brought them together, but justice kept then apart -was it fear that kept her from revealing her love? - _--TIWRSDAY;FRlDAY-and--SATURDAY "RAW EDGE" RORY CALHOUN YVONNE IDE CARLO COMING --a 'THE GLASS SLIPPERS" JUST IN , Another Shipment of WARM LINED RUBBER FOOTWEAR For Every Member of the Family No Better Values Anywhere! WILLIS SHOE STORE The LITTLE Store with the BIG -Values - SEAFORTH TO Thursday DE.. -1113th Junior 'B' O.II.A. J, y1, Burlington vs. Seaforth Put our Juniors up against Farmer and you will see' one of the best . Game called at SEAFORTH BOOSTER DRAW Admission 50c NEXT WEEK, THURSDAY, DEC. t S d'1 m e >z r. nt d- f '''' ,.• N t - "' N.:^. L., 1', r .':6�k y 4 i..WR: Juniors McFadden's Burlington team games of the season! 8:30 p.m. ARENA FOR $100.00 Students 25c it 20 -Owen Sound at Seaforth Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime - NOTICE! Town of Seaforth . 1' ',q r' t PARKING 1 ;} co facilitate snow removal, NO PARKING on the Streets of this Municipality will be l' t allowed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, , a Section 43, Subsection 9. t • Notice is Hereby Given ' d that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parkedvehicles as the result of snow removal operations. i! .rid 1 alt I ., (j f A' 1 1 n3f I n,i 1 't ' ,e' .r„ I .rn° 1 .rH 1 .fi' ma• 1 1,4 (pr,' 1 .++Y If - f_ " .rX >^,.. PRE'.- CHRISTMAS SPECIALS WEEK -END BURNS' LARD, 2 lbs. 45c BUTTER, lb. 60c i' DEL MAR MARGARINE -2 lbs. 59c Canadian Beauty PASTRY FLOUR -Q lbs. 49c Tree Sweet PURE ORANGE JUICE -48 oz. 43c ORANGE or GRAPEFRUIT JUICE -48 oz. 38c PEANUTS -2 lbs. MIXED NUTS lbs. 55c 89 CANDY -ib. 35c -2 CHRISTMAS MIX WHITE FLANNELETTE, 49c yd. -10 yds. $4.50 CLAIR HANEY MEP'S CHOICE -Mince Roebliiig's idea of a festive itg to Roebling ehegof the'. Iroi"k ,.' hct booktes a meat tartlets and turtlovets, ,fid Christmas cookies axd Chef E additiWl to the trh4itlotral Chris mas a d NOW "Ste its du tldiC fatladdy. '; �A��lbu�e �. +jjd{�',t Htiyiktiy�' 44t Md eat' pp ix` c st�y#t ',Stag` , tlfdl i� ili„YN:R�s'Oi Manfred P ON EGMONDVILL: WE 1jELI`'VER A