HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-12-14, Page 94, 4 KIPPIN 'NEWS' M. and 'Mrs. Harry Chesney *pent Friday in London. Several cases of measles' have been reported in the district. Mrs. Louis Clarke, Jr., is visit- ing at the borne of her son and daughter -M -law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clarke, in Flint, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson, ac- companied by Mr. It. Thomson; visitedfriends in Goderich Wed- nesday. Rev. and Mrs. McLeod spent Friday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McBride visited a day recently with the former's brother and sister-in-lavi, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur McBride, of Kitchener, also Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter, of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson vis- ited a day last week at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, 11&. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr, of Win- throp. Mr. and Mrs. Vennerman (nee Gerta Binnendyk), of Hamilton, were weekend guests of the lat- THE, ter's parents,'Ti, and. Mrs. 4, Din- nenclyk, Miss Gwynuetb McGowan, Who is with the T.C.A. in Toronto, vi- ited Wednesday and Thursday •of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mer Jones. St. Andrew's Sunday School is holding, their Christmas concert on the evening of Dec. 18. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter, of Guelph, called at their farm a day last week. Mr. Lloyd Dowson and Miss Ella Howson, of near Varna, visited re- cently with their brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and MrS. Elston 1)111Y.M,„ Don't forget the school concert No. 14, Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson and Mr. Robert Thomson visited Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKay and family have moved onto the farm they recently purchased from Mrs. Wm. Martin. p Living Gout LATEX. FABRIC LINED GIVE, YOU LOVELIER HANDS JN ONLY 9 DAYS New way to hand beauty works because it's JIATURE'S WAY! Lotions and creams rnIy attempt to replace naturar oils lo t om puffins. hands in strong soap , eaches and detergents. But Playtex Living Gloves preserVe those precious natural oils and give you 100% sun protection against this drying action. poise of: each maize The i49 • Fabric -lined for comfnw • Mod• of non -allergenic knee • Waterproof • Non -slip surfs.. • Extra -tong turn -bock cuffs prey... drip and 'plan.. • Easywon-ond-off. Never sticky. SIZES: Small and Medium •Reg. Trade Mark K.EATINGIS PHARMACY. • "The Rexall Drug Store" Seaforth Phone 28 es rr rr!r;*> 1 Here in our New Larger Store you will find a host of different distinctive gift ideas. Come in and look around. Let us help you _ in your gift selection. • Ilandsonte TABLE LAMPS In a variety of styles and colors. An ideal gift for the home,' GOV CiiiiVA IL pleasing choice of Fine China. Electrical Appliances Toasters, Irons, K1eqi1 Tea Kettles, Egg sCooko:', Coffee Percolators, Heat- ing Pads, Heaters. A Sensible Gift F or the Lady of the House MELAM 'AC TABLEWARE An unbreakable TriateriAl in pleasing colors— Wine, r ire en Grey, Chartreuse. Order Y,e-ur Set For Chtistmas Now! HILDREN'S SETS *1- reantlliably priced for t iikistritas giving. Just like the Tree Friends Hbnor Mr., Mrs. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. William Sparks moved from the Bronson Line, Stanley Township, to their new borne in Seaforth last Friday. Be - fere departing from that commun- iti. 35 neighbors and friends gath-- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn,, Jr., to spend an eve- ning with them. Mrs. Colin Campbell read an ad- dress, expressing regret -al their leaving the neighborhood, but wishing them every happiness in their new abode. Mrs. Peter Gin- gerich and Fred Watson presented them with a table lamp and cof- fee table as tokens of the best wishes of the group. Mr. Sparks, on behalf of himself and his wife, expressed thanks for the gifts and honor accorded them, and extended a hearty invitation to all to visit them in Seaforth. After an evening of social chat, refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks are resid- ing in the residence on Helen St., which they purchased recently from Clayton Dennis. Howick Council A regular meeting of Howick Township Council was held in the clerk's office Monday. All mem- bers were present and Reeve H. Gowdy was in the chair. Moved by Haskins and Allan: That we give the Lakelet Ceme- tey Board a grant of $50. Allan and Haskins: That we give the Gorrie Santa Claus Fund a grant of $20. Gibson and McMichael: That we authorize the reeve pro- claim Wednesday, Dec. 26. Boxing Day, as a holiday in the'Township of Howick. Haskins and McMich- ael: That we .appoint T. J. Schae- fer to the Listowel District High School Board; Wrn, F. Campbell to the Norwell District High School Board. and Thos. V, Edgar to the Wingham District High School Board. McMichael and Gibson: That the road accounts as approv- ed be paid. Haskins and McMich- ael, that the following accounts be paid: County of Huron, tax deeds and tax sale purchase, $247.40; A. H. Erskine, tax collection charges. $118.43; John Lane, rebate of tax- es, $77.52; Grainger Bros., rebate of taxes, $51,11; Lindsay Brown, sheep killed by dogs. $20; Harris - ton Review, printing Remembrance Day programs'. $18; Fordwich Po- lice Village, grant, re Louisa St. surfacing, $300; M. Greenley and E. Schaus, repairs to Greenley Drain, $45.48; Kreller Drain, al- lowance re damages. bridges. etc., $675; Bob Kreller, repairs to Ma- hood Drain, $5; Wilfred Brown. fox bounty, $1; John Hupfer, fox boun- ty, ti.; John Johnston, fox bounty, $1; .lite F, Fingland, revision of Voters' lists. $12,80; Gordo Com- munity Hall. rent for nomination, $7; Marriner's Auto Supply, $33.34; Deller's Tile Ltd.. tile for McMich- ael Drain. $540; McMichael Drain, allowances re damages, commis- sioner's fees, by-laws and clerk's fees, $125; Merkley Drain. by-law and commissioner's fees. $190; H. Gowdy, fees and mileage, $178; Art Gibson, fees and mileage, $145; Mel. Allan, fees and milage. $147; Ivan Haskins, fees and mileage, $157.50; Harvey McMichael, fees and mileage, $144; R. H. Carson & Son, supplies, $11.75; G. King & Son, repairs to office. $5,45; Joe Kerr,'refund re gravel tender de- posit, $400; Road Account, trans- fer, $2,611.23. Moved by McMichael and Gib- son that we do now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15 at 1 o'clock. — — 1 1 1 . . Detarations Electric Lighting Dectirative Bulbs Room Decorations Yule Table Pieces Tinsel - Roping - Snow The perfect decorations to brighten up your Christmas Tree! STAFFEN'S PLUMBING & HEATING Electrical Applialices, Sales and Service S'rOAF ONO 4q ; • tr SURPRISE! The branches come off, too! This Christmas tree looks as if it came straight from the forest but, instead, it is made of plastic. New in Canada this year, it is sold in a package of molded parts which can be assembled twig -by -twig and branch -by - branch to form a six-foot tree. Fitted with a heavy base. it is easy to erect and can be used again year after year. There's no fire hazard with this modern version of a Christmas tradition and, of course. it does not shed its polytheme needles! VARNA MISSIONARY GROUP NAMES MRS. ANSON COLEMAN Varna United Cliurch W.M.S. met at the parsonage on Dec. 6 for its annual meeting. Front Road West group had charge of the de-. votional part of the meeting, led by Mrs. Lee McConnell. The Christmas order of service was followed with the singing of car- ols and prayer by several mem- bers. Readings were given by Mrs. Perce Johnston and Mrs. Lee McConnell, and a musical sel- ection by Mrs. Hill. The. president, Mrs. Anson Cole- man, conducted the business of the meeting. The roll call was an- swered by a Christmas thought. It was decided to send Miss Black a donation toward a stretcher for the hospital at Bela Coola. It was decided to send Christmas cards and boxes to shut-ins. There ,were 22 calls to shut-ins last month. Rev. Mr. Pitt took charge of the election of officers which resulted as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. T. J. Pitt; president, Mrs. An- son Colernan; first vice president, Mrs. Watson Webster; second vice- president, MrS, r erce Johnston; third vice-president, Mr§. Robert Taylor; fourth vice -presided, Mrs. George Stephenson; secretary, MN. Gordon Johnston; treasurer, Mrs. George Reid; corresponding sec., Mrs, Sherlock Keyes; Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs. lalys Steph- enson; supply Sec., Mrs. Ralph Stephenson; Temperance sec., Mrs. Fred McClymont; Christian Stew- ardship sec., Mrs. Lyle Hill; or- ganists, Miss Rachel Johnston. Mrs. Pitt; expense sec., Mrs. Bill McAsh; Community Friendship sec., Mrs. George Reid, Mrs. Chas. Reid, Mrs. Harold Dowson. Mrs. Sherlock Keyes, Mrs. Wm. Mc - Ash, Mrs. Pitt, Mrs. Lee McCon- nell, Mrs. R. Stephenson. Mrs. G. Coleman; Baby Band sec., Mrs. Lee McConnell, Mrs. E. McClin- chey, Mrs, G. Johnston; Mission Band sec., Mrs. Wm. McAsh, Mrs. Robert Taylor; Mission Band or- ganist, Mrs. L. Hill; lunch com- mittee. Mrs. L. Taylor, Mrs. R Hayter, Mrs. Wm. McAsh, Mrs. R. Stephenson. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the Parr Line group and a social hour enjoyed by all. Al•ar•Pi' i*Cl• key px:1110, pariih ban, *4 St. COltilltal4 The f011OWM were winneral Frank Willtarns,:. Ross Mecliare, Joe Eraifsbelif; Mn1 L. Malone, Mary Lon "C•n$,Tne., CTorclowMoxian, Verna ;Almon, George Leerdlardt, Ted IliglatlYi Emmett Malone, Jno, L. Malone, 41/Lary Cronin, Norval Elliot. Speeiii games of $1.5 each were won by Mrs. Louis G'Reilly, William Austin and Mrs. Edward Byers. Mrs. Fergus Kelly was the winner of the door prize, a large turkey. ' Morris School Holds Concert The annual Christmas concert of S.S. No. 11, Morris, was held in the Community Hall, Walton, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 4, under the direction of the nfusic teacher, Mrs. Moffatt, and the teacher of the school, Mrs. R. Griffiths. Mr. Torrance Dundas acted as chair- man for the following numbers: "God Save the Queen," recita- tion, Larry Walters; Welcome Chorus, "Welcome Christmas"; A Christmas Exercise; Mother Goose Land; Junior recitations by Linda Travis, Sheila Flood, Carol Short - reed, Mary Bewley, Sherril Craig; Rhythm Band, "London Bridge," "Pop Goes the Weasel," "Marine Hymn"; junior recitations, Helen Searle, Wenda Humphries, Carol Wilbee. Janet Shortreed, Douglas Pollard; junior chorus, "Who is Coming?" "Calling Santa"; piano solo, Jean Shortreed; play, "Touch- ed in the Head"; Highland Fling, Pauline, Shirley and John Thamer, accompanied by Miss Audrey De - bus; play, "Christmas Conspir- acy"; senior girls' chorus, "Angels We Have Heard," "Christmas in Killarney," "Christmas"; play, "A Gift For Santa"; recitations, Billy McNichol, Larry Bolger, Anne Blake, Shirley Thamer ; play, "Trouble in Santa Claus Land"; "Meeting For Christmas"; square dance; trio. "Christmas Candle"; play. "Davy Takes the Cake"; closing chorus, "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." For a century cotton manufac- ture has been an industry of ma- jor importance in Canada and to- day is still the largest segment'of the Canadian primary textile in- dustry. • . 411PR rett was MOO Vino Ntl5s Iwt.abie.t•to telteAts. Oroleut„,t igalje for Achi0v*too- po 'ottr#.0.;§7t; ziyA .cussed. P,RP fgt. NOW ,. CHOICE SELECTIONS 1 CHRISTMAS CARD SPECIAL Choose your Christmas Greeting Cards from our distinctive selection, and let us charge. AS LOW AS $20 imprint your name at no extra 59 for 25 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 41 Seaforth „ „ ' - • 'f? FURNITURE FORME HOME THIS, OUR 11th CHRISTMAS IN SEAFORTH, IS BEING MARKED BY OUTSTANDING GIFT BUYS! \ZIVEHER A REGISTER DIAMOND RING - Ar Choose a Bluebird—th• betrothal ringlike ( moan happiness for two. l'ho diamond creations / that she will prise above all others K.M.W4r,141'p 711•••••••7 1 A GIFT FOR HER: Boshart Cedar Chests Beautiful Airfoam Pillows Personal and Clock Radios Appliances GIFTS FOR THE HOME: ilOstess Chairs Beautiful New Table and Floor Lamps Bedroom and Living Room Suites Chrome Furniture Coffee and End Tables (Light or Dark Finish) GIFTS FOR THE PRIDE AND JOY: Cribs and Play Pens — in finest finishes High Chairs, Doll Strollers, Doll Carriages ALL AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES WEEKLY TERMS • 'Formes gladly arranged to sub yogi conviaisncs. FOR THAT SPECIAL GIFT: BIG SCREEN TV Phillips - Sparton - Philco - Sylvania Record Players - Combination 'Radio-Phonos We Service Everything We Sell . A. WHITNEY A. WESTCOTT tinceivu218 tveatg. Arraliged PHONE: Seaforth 119 S This' ore will remain open Wednesday aft e7coo,ft, „,, tIrita8 4.) ..t41 d ,4 '' 4.:4.P 4 ;,44,..44. 4 .44 -4 41 FUNERAL ant) AMBULANCE SERVICE '4* Saturday -014 oft 112.4.144, .4(1'4,112i.ii.44‘.V.A44,414.44't Y. A,