HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-12-14, Page 3CAB U, dQr NeW hianagemelt RAY 4"RAMBHS; PM. . a.SSengers Insured � b2 ,I r sE4'OTT illnamaramooplinyorallallorogillilllepos ,RECEPTION For Bir. and Mrs. Alf. Ross Friday, Dec. 14 'Hensall Town Hall NORRIS ORCHESTRA - Everybody Welcome - Ladies please bring Lunch agyarisennyaiwirmarrmarlalImallarrom 1111.11.."1111114651111111.111bIRIS' TURKEYS We have available high quality Broad -breasted Bronze Turkeys for Christmas and New Years, Place your or- der early. WE DELIVER CAMPBELL EYRE Phone 670 r 13 : Hensall manarmwammweaulrawmameasowam Trk BT.MN! UR• Tae, ,annual my;eeting of the Stan- ley T4wn.Sbip Federation of Agri- culture win held ,the Township Hall, Varna, Friday with President Alex McBeath in the chair. The meeting took the foirn of a social get-together. During the early part of the evening, progressive euchre W"as enjoyed, prizes going to Vic. - tor Taylor and Hugh Hendricks, and Mrs. Gordon Hill and Mrs. Jack Taylor for the ladies. Min- utes of the last annual and th,e treasurer's report were given by George Reid, secretary -treasurer. Douglas McNeil, Goderich, Coun- ty President, spoke briefly on coun- ty levels, and introduced the guest speaker, Clayton Bender, of Gow- anstown, zone director, Mr. Ben- der gave an interesting and in- formative talk on the work of the Federation and the Commodity Groups, their achievements and aims. He said that we can make resolutions, but unless we are will- ing to work hard to make them effective, they will accomplish lit- tle, He urged all members to be- come better acquainted with the work of the Federation, and to back the directors in the job they are trying to do. A period of dis- cussion followed who everyone was given the privile'ge of asking ques- tions and have them discussed. Anson McKinley ably thanked the 4 r .4 •r r( speaker. Alfred Warrene•r, Hay- field, repotred for the Hog Pro- ducers. Mr. McNeil conducted the elec- tion of officers. On motion of Al- vin Rau and Anson McKinley, of- ficers of 1956 were re-elected, with the exception of SS. No. 4-E, where Ken Seotchilier has resigned ow- ing to ill health; Edwin Dunn was chosen to take his place. The business part oft the meet- ing was interspersed with musical numbers by Grant Jones and Jas. Love; readings by Haien Hen- dricks, Exeter, and Scotch dances by Misses Edwards and Fox, ac- companied by the bagpipes Mr. McBeath moved a vote of thanks to the entertainers, and af- ter the National Anthem all en- joyed lunch. The officers for 1957 are: Presi- dent, Alex McBeath; vice-presi- dent, Elmer Hayter; secretary - treasurer, George L. Reid; direc- tors: No, 1 Separate, Leon Bedard; No. 4-W, Jack Scotchmer; No. 4-E, Edwin Dunn; No. 3, Elgin Porter; No. 9, Clarence Parke; No. 5, Bert McBride; No. 13, Bruce Keys; No. 7, Ward Forrest; No. 5, Harvey Hayter; No• 10, Jack Taylor; No. 1. Bill Hanley; No. 14, Wilmer Jones. --RN III NI pif ®ma EMI -Me-11161 r- enLIS enAILA SIMI®-NIB ' &UARANTEE HIE Ili r r THERE IS A TABLE - RITE CUT TO SUIT YOUR BULGET "1 AI5LGn11 c "TABLERITE" YOU SELECTI; dip HERE IS,WHAT0 YOU3tBUY WHEN YOU VET, YOURt,TURItEY FROMi'16,q;:. The 16A Turkey you select hat heed ,pectolly bred to give you more meat. tender, full-breusled with plump, meaty leg, and th•ghs, Tht, meant that you will get more good eating for your money The IGA Turkey you select will be the biggest turkey value ... the best eating of our lowest prices . Lha lowest price in years. Shop and sore a1 IGA. Sirloin Steak ib. 69c TABLERITE BONELESS STEWING BEEF TABLERITE PURE PORK SAUSAGE TABLERITE SIDE BACON LB. 1 -LB. PKG. 1 -LB. PKG. 49c 47c 79c IGA UMINUM FOALILWRAP OGILVE WHITE CAKE MIX TOMATO SOUP 3 WESTON CANDY SPECIAL JELLY BELLS Radii SPECIAL FRENCH CREAMS WESTON CANDY SPRC CHOCOLATES OCEAN SPRAY SAUCE OR CRANBERRY JELLY MARGrENE 1 MARGARINE LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE UBBY'S FRUIT COCKTAIL IGA FANCY MIXED NUBS 1 -LB. 2,LB. 49cCEBAGLLO 93c BLEACHED RAISINS 15 -OZ. 25c PKG. 25 -FT. ROLL PKG. 10 -OZ. TINS 1 -LB. BAG 1 -LB. BAG 1 -LB. BAG 15 -OZ. TIN 1 -LB. CTN. 48 -OZ. TIN 28 -OZ. TIN 27c 31c 33c 33c 39c 45c 23c 35c 33c 45c The 16A Turkey you select wdi be young , • . Ila•orlul and in the Prime of condition b0000,e it ho. been ,elected to meet (GA's own high•quollty ,peoocohon, hon, among ?Mo finest flock, grown. 52 - - - J The MA Turkey you select will require the teat, amont of work before ooking become n ho, been tc eatihcolly plucked with on improved method winch inserts ctooner bird, then $.pertly cleaned and hand.mspae'ed fol you 9 ORDER YO TURKEY TODAY: FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TURKEY ORDER FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AT YOUR NEAREST IGA FOOD STORE • FRUITS and SUNKIST ORANGES --110's SUNKIST ORANGES -144's RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT -96's CRISP LARGE HEAD LETTUCE MITCHELL'S. APPLE JUICE 10 TI20�-OZ. {�$1 NS STOKELY FANCY HONEY POD PEAS 21512 3 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 2ic PKG. - VEGETABLES RECIPE ON EVERY BAG CRANBERRIES -Pound CALIFORNIA BUNCH CARROTS ai; ',n* Starts With the Warpn,Itata earn aigu now entefiing. its fourth weelr, Hur- on Junior Farmers • expect shortly to be in a• position to assess re- sults.. In. the Meantime, the she- tial committee heading ten cam- paign is pressing fqr a continued across the county participation, ; ' The Huron County campaign has; been organized and headed by the following committees: Co-ordination Committee: Larry Wheatley, R.R. 2, Dublin; Earl Mc- Spadden, R.R. 1, Seaforth; Ross Smith, R.R. 1, Ethel; Betty Camp- bell, R,R. 1, Dublin, secretary - treasurer. Phone and Publicity Committee: Larry Wheatley; Stan Johns, R.R. 3, Seaforth; John Pym, R.R. 3, Ex- eter; Dave Dinsmore, R.R. 1, Gor- rie; 'Jim Bowman, R.R. 5, Brus- sels; Frank Alton, R.R. 7, Luck - now. Farm Meeting Committee: Earl McSpadden; George Turner, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Tom Easton, R.R. 3, Exeter; Murray Gaunt, R.R. 1, Lucknow; Ron McMichael, Wroxe- ter; Boyd Taylor, R.R. 3, Walton., 43c 33c 10 / 49c 23c 23c 2 / 25c TILE TRE The stt enjoyed a ban0., . ,dl New • ,Caaraereiat lot ; • :den; Wednesday'' eveLOng.,,fsL0 edr'h theatre paw . lialtilllitiliiI0011,0111100 71.01.001111 Di,str 'Ct W ' c. in � si • t?.. III11111i1IIll{IIlI11IlI1.lIl$IIIlU1111Il,H IHI SQf.04.117- 411Th . HENSALJ. - ' collet but. pretty: wedding was. solemnized at' Hen- sall United Church manse, Satur- day, Dec. 8, at 3; pun, wham Rev.. C. D. Daniel united; MI rmasrriate Gloria Swanson White, of Seaforth, daughter of Mir. and Mrs. Eugene Smith, of Nowa Scotia, and Earl Ralph Soldan, son 4 Mr" and Mrs. William Soldan, of Hensall. The bride was dressed in a grey suit with pink corsage. The attendants were Miss Don- elda J. Nicholson, of •S;eaforth, and Leonard Clark, of Hensall. A reception was held at the home of the groyne"s parents. Upon their return from their wedding trip spent in the United States, Mr. ,and Mrs. Sol'dan will' reside in Seaforth, where the bride is on the staff of Scott Memorial Hos- pital. Dealer Contact and Display Com- mittee: Ross Smith, R.R. 1, Ethel; Lavern Godkin, R.R. 2, Walton; Murray Dawson, R.R. 1, Hensall; Ivan McClymont, R.R. 1, Varna; Raymond Neil, R.R. 1, Wroxeter; Lorne Hackett, R.R. 7, Lucknow. Hensall Legion Ready For Xmas At the annual Christmas meet- ing of Hensall Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary, held Tuesday in the Legion Hall, the members agreed to 'send a war veteran in Westminster Hos- pital a Christmas parcel. and also send Christmas boxes to service- men overseas from Hensall. In charge of packing are Mrs. S. Ran- nie, Mrs. Ron Mock. Mrs. Byran Kyle and Mrs. E. •Shaddick. A motion was passed to donate Christmas boxes to sick and shut- in members of the Legion and Lad- ies' Auxiliary. Members are ask- ed to leave all donations at the Legion Hall Friday, Dec. 21, in the evening. An electric clock was donated to the kitchen by eleven members of the auxiliary. Nomination.s were held and elec- tions and installation will be held at the January meeting. Mrs. Wm. Brown won the mystery prize. The hall was beautifully decorated in Christmas motif, enhanced with a lovely j}luminated tree from which members exchanged gifts. Mrs. S. Rannie and Mrs. E. R. Davis were the decorating committee. Winners of euchre were: ladies, Mrs. Wes. Venner; men,. Mrs. J. Drysdale; crokinole, Mrs. William Brown. /Entertainment committee were Mrs. J. Henderson and Mrs. L. Baynham: President Mrs. Dav- is chaired the meeting. Delicious refreshments were served. b4r," Ern' S1xaddi'e . who leas 'heap i eopfaned tolis lloasie with illegsst is nnproyiog lime x Weekend viaitora With IYIr, a Mra. Sim Roobol were: Miss Mw Roobol and Miss Donna McRoir erts, nurses*in-training at Victo ai Hospital, London. Mr. John Hazelwood has been admitted to the Queensway Nurs- ing Home. here. Miss Minnie McIntyre, of St,. Marys, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burtt at the Queensway Nursing Home. Mr. Stanley Bean, of St. Marys; visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs: Frank Bean last week: Mr. William Kerr, of Barrie, vis- ited with his wife and family over the weekend. Messrs. Harold Hedden, Dres- den; Vernon, Russell and Orville Hedden, St. Catharines, and Mrs. Ruth Carter, of Clinton, visited their mother, Mrs. Catherine Hed- den, who is ill in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, and also spent the day with Mr. Herb Hedden and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse. ; a of i Canada, Limit* Investor& Mutual;_ of CaiFada, LimitetF iI EXPOSITOR W,ANT/A D& BRING RESULTS -,- Phoney.;? l✓�3,;..••,,Wi .EI ,ems �1's ;r 1 ,,r .tr b I)b'':?KJ.,y.r sa:.•�.. Special CHRISTMAS SAVINGS ON G.E. APPLIANCES IRON (No. F-80) Special 9.95 STEAM IRON (No. F-90) Special 16.95 - KETTLE (No. K-42) Special 10.95 'OP -UP TOASTER (No. T-31) ... Specia1121.95 MIXETTE (No. M-3) FRY PAN (No. S-1) .. . POLISHER (No. CS -12) t Special 15.95 Special 19.95 Special 39.95 BOX FURNITURE HOUSE FURNISHINGS FLOOR SANDING Phone 43 FLOOR COVERINGS WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES Seaforth Kippen W.I. Has Successful Euchre The euchre and dance, sponsored by Kippen East Women's Institute, held Friday evening in Hensall Town Hall, was very successful and largely attended, with twen- ty-three tables in play for the euchre. Winners were: ladies, Mrs. Chas. Eyre, Kippen; Mrs. Carl McClin- chey,. Mrs. Rapson, Hensall; gents, Lorne Luker, Hensall; Wm. Sou- ter, Brucefield; Ross Broadfoot, Kippen; lucky lunch prize, Mrs. Emmerson Kyle, Kippen. 'Mrs. William Deitz, of Kippen, was the winner of the Christmas cake which was made by Mrs. Verne Alderdice and Mrs. Russell Brock, and decorated by Mrs. C. Eyre. Mrs. James McNaughton was ticket convener. Mrs. W. B. Murdoch. of Brucefield, drew the winning ticket. The Institute members were pleased with the success of this program, which was most gratify- ing. Murdoch orchestra provided music for the dance. The PERFECT GIFT For PPII and the ' Th€lc Family A ROTATOR for your TV SPECIAL $36.95 BOX FURNITURE House Furnishings Floor Coverings Floor Sanding Westinghouse Appliances Phone 43 Seaforth ..,Ok tO ., u n.. ., k...., frees, t%.A IT..,G tri„ t ,a% t .dY t ,.A I ..A t „r c ..,r 13r,.r% Ifdh` lr,. EXTRA' SPECIM.BAKERY TREATS 'FOR' :,:<.; DeIi.cicus Fruit Cake Made Especially For You! The Choicest Fine Grade Nuts and High Quality Fruits have'been mel- lowed and blended to' give the whole, cake a delicate• fragrance and rich • flavor% COME IN AND ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE TO -DAY ! Light or Dark - Per Pound MINCE PIE . Luscious Mince Filling and Crisp Tasty Pastry. 40c EACH' 85c AND WE'RE ALSO MAKING INVITING TASTY SCOTCH SHORTBREAD' Fb'r Your Christmas Table or Holiday Entertaining SCOTCH SHORTBREAD is a Creat you, your friends and family won't want to miss! ALMOND PASTE 80c. Per Pound : MARZIPAN FRUITS -This imported treat is hest the thin,2'SC • for Santa to put in the children's stockings. P'ACKAGE...•..., L SMITH'S BAKERY Phone 437 " Main St. Seaforth YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR 'TASTY HOLIDAY EAK:ING . ,0 -. ' . >,. ,. ,: , ,. . ,. , :fr.t r • tot. t ..r • -`Ta'r'•�..r°i -,� ,�'";Tr:tfn't"rx1..,rtFtrek'I:,ifi�.hgri-t..;fQi Here is a Gift For the Whole Family - A Gift That Means . LESS WASHDAY WORK! NO WASHDAY WEATHER WORRIES • WESTINGHOUSE CLOTHES DRYER 14. Built for beauty - and better drying re- sults! Features the ];Tandy Shelf -Like Door for easy and convenient loading and unload- ing - . Direct Air Flow System blows the warm air through tumbling clothes which means faster drying at a lower operating expense. A Westinghouse Automatic Dryer ends stoop- ing, lifting, lugging and days upon days of toil throughout the year. LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS Box Furniture HOUSE FURNISHINGS FLOOR COVERINGS FLOOR, SANDING WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES Phone 43 i Seaforlh Zbuippy :::"�.r...1 ,.1 • .1'•'+11;"1��.t tiip;ria 1,,•..,f.l I;Y..fi sf. Si, ,�,;;da:"'t ,:;'; �+ y'1 it:'•,t°y J,ilr i. 47' I ., r. ..yrs?,' 1 a'S .'i♦t,' C<et t" u. �,4 a4 t ,t t tae •t 1' . It