HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-12-07, Page 13fo! • ,4 A HRISTMS TREES' v ' ".• Order yours' N OW, and have it- de, livered when you want it. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE Phone 356 - Seaforth 4.4 0.iSlOYLAN), TbiS .71Yeek 4a$, brought 'kW back to $bulY and as proof Of thi$, exam tinietables were gi,ven out. This brought a lot Of groans and sighs,, but tct relieve the anxiety, there also came the report, that a skat- ing,party will be held after. exams. .veryone was -back in -high spir- its when we got the. word that our pictures had arrived. This took the life out of some, and gave ad- ditional life to others; so there was quite ,a jam in the hall for a while, but .on the whole they were very good -contrary to the expec- tations of some. Another dampening thing came this week -November reports. Question of the week: Anne, didn't he choke? TENDER DELICIOUS TURKEYS FOR CHRISTMAS Order your Turkey NOW for Christmas Delivery. KEN BEATTIE H.R. 4, Walton PHONE: SEAFORTH 834 r 6 TO THE ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH: Having again been nominated for Council, I solicit your support and, if elected, assure you of my continued interest on your behalf. JAMES T. SCOTT Having been nominated again for Council, I solicit the support of the Electors of Seaforth. During the 10 years in which it has been my pleasure to serve you as a member of Council, I have attempted to serve you conscientiously. If elected, I will continue to do the same. B. F. CHRISTIE • , "". • :4,4'-'114-a.-~-i.,4.k44'; 440 44,44,1,44:Cga-...a.' • " TO THE ELECTORS OF SEM RTHe 4:0 I wish to thank the citizens of Seaforth for the co-operation and support they have extended .' to me in the past. ,.. I-1 Having again been nominated for Council, I qilrcit a continuation of the same support. , , fl HARVEY LESLIE ...,...,..,,," 7,,T, ':, ' - tvv_, , V.airov,,,,,v7,,,o,vw.vp:42.,v,,,, , 4,4 ,mt4, .4373=91681B2M91111331169* TOTHE VOTERS OF SEAFORTH: Vote As You Like, But Vote If I am returned as a member of your Council, I will continue to work for the interests of the electorate. JOHN KELLAR Anougurienza... Watch for a . • Tbis report iitcludeg all games played up to .aiid incittOng those played December 1. .TEAM STANDWG Central Group GP WL T F 9 8 0 1 57 23 17 7 7 0 0 42 18 14 9 6 3 - 0 51 39 12 10 4 5 1 28 36 9 8 1 7 0 24 .42 2 Owen Sound Burlington Watorloo Kitchener Guelph Sarnia Seaforth. St. Marys London Woodstock , Western Group 11 6 5 10 5 5 6 2 4 8 2 6 10 2 8 0 • 46 41 O 45 48 0 22 35 O 35 50 O 42 60- 12 10 4 4 TOP 12 SCORERS Player Team GP G A Pts. Brainard Owen Sound 9 22 9 31 McLlwain Seaforth 10 12 7 19 Belanger Owen Sound 9 10 9 19 Pasquel Owen Sound 9 9 10 19 Pearson Woodstock ,. 10 12 5 17 King Owen Sound 9 2 15 17 Wright Sarnia 11 12 4 16 Geddes London 8 10 5 15 Musselman Waterloo 9 4 11 15 Sararas Waterloo 9 9 5 14 Gretsky Woodstock 10 9 5 14 Frenzel Woodstock 10 3 11 14 Players With Most Minutes in Penalties Player Team Armstrong Owen Sound Capson London 13arratt Woodstock ' Carswell Kitchener Leading Goal Tenders Long Owen Sound 10 Games Olesuich Burlington 4 games Minutes 61 48 42 36 2.50 average 2.50 average Teams With Most Minutes in Penalties Owen Sound 221 minutes London 204 minutes Team With Lowest Number of Minutes in Penalties St. Marys 95 minutes. WALTON NEWS OF THE WEEK Miss Margie Achilles, of London, is ' at presen.t holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Achilles. Mr, Herb Kirkby, who is attend- ing Art College in Toronto, and Mr. Douglas Kirkby, of London, spent the weekend with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkby. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald have returned home after spend- ing a month touring the Western Provinces. Mr, Glen Oliver, of Western Uni- versity, London,' spent the week- end at his home. • Mr. Fred Martin, of Brantford, visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. Miss Wilma Williams and Mr. John McGavin, of Guelph, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MeGavin. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver have received word of the arrival of their granddaughter in Miller Hos- pital. St. Paul, Minnesota, th e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell (Mavis Oliver). Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon, who arrived here last week from Ham- ilton. have taken up residence in the Hoy apartment, Mr. Gordon is employed on the C.P.R. section. Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Broadfoot arrived home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- derson, Seaforth. We welcome Mrs. Ethel Ennis back to the village after spending the last two months with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cunningham, Ethel. Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie and Larry spent the weekend with Mrs. Ethel Ennis, The following teachers were teaching in the surrounding coun- try schools last week: Miss Mona Clark with Mr. G. Willis, MeKil- lop; Miss Marilyn Bolger with Mrs. Wm. Ireland. Morris; Mr. Murray Kirkby at Ethel; Miss Elizabeth McGavin with Mrs. Ken Rogerson, Tuckersmith, and Miss Olene Dun- das with Mrs. Kay, Tuckersmith. GREAT NEW CO-OP CHICK STARTER In the meantime, use any of the following High Quality Co-op Laying Mashes: 17% Complete Lay Mash 18% Lay Mash 18% High Energy Lay Mash 20% High Energy Lay Mash 24% Booster Pellets 20% Stimulator Krums with Special Anti -Biotic and Vitamin .Content All Co-op Feeds Available in Pellets or Krums Our Mashes are made with Krumbled Premix - No waste, no "fines" but with all the advantages of a mash program. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Eggs and Poultry. Peed and Fertilizer PHONE 9 PHONE 13 Miss June Hackwell and Miss Venda Watson, nurses-in-itraining at Stratford General Hospital, vis- ited with their parentsover the weekend. Mr. Stewart McLaughlin, Brus- sels, is at present convalescing at the home of his sister and bro- ther-in-law, :.fr. and Mrs. Art Mc- Call. The December meeting •of the Mission Band of Duff's United Church will be held in the school room on Sunday morning next at 11 a.m. Sunday, School Elects Officers 1. The annual meeting of the Sun- day School of Dul's United Church was held in the basement on Fri- day evening. Mrs. W. C. Hackwell was appointed - secretary for the evening. Officers and teachers for the coining year are as follows: superintendent, Martin Baan; sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs. Nelson Reid; leachers, Mrs. Jack Bryans, Mrs, Walter Bewley, Mrs. Frank Kirk- by, Miss Audrey. Hackwell, Mrs, Wesley Hackwell, Mrs. Robert Mc- Michael, Mrs, Frank WalterS, Mrs. James Smith, Mrs, Nelson Reid and Rev. W. M. Thomas. The Christmas concert will be held on Friday evening, Dec, 21. It was decided to purchase duplex envelopes for next year. Promo- tions were discussed, and plans were made to give diplomas or a prize for the most perfect attend- ance. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. George Gilfillan and sons, of near Blyth, visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gil- fillan. Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Morgan and sons were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Finkbeiner and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and daughters visited in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan and Randy, of Exeter. were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilfillan. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford and Mrs. Harry Ford motored to Kit- chener on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford. RED CROSS TO MEET A meeting of the Red Cross So- ciety will be held in the Library rooms on Friday afternoon, Dec. 7, at 3 p.m. EUCHRE & DANCE Towiri Hall, Hensall Friday, Dec. 7th 8:30 p.m. MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA Good Prizes Lucky Lunch Prize Ladies please provide lunch ADMISSION 50 CENTS Sponsored by Hippen East Women's Institute EUCHRE & DANCE Friday, Dec. 7th at 8:30 pm. WINTHROP HALL MUSIC BY CACTUS MAC and Local Talent Admission - 50 Cents Ladies Please Bring Lunch Sponsored by Farmers' Union XMAS CONCERT Variety Program Walton Community Hall Tuesday, Dec. llth S.S. NO. 7 - SS. NO. 12 8:30 LtInth to be served and banding to fellow by Wilbee's Orchestra. Every Department in. our Store is "brim -full" of smart, sensible gifts of "things t selections in every line is wide and varied, and w hat's more, we Gift Box every iteM free of t LOVELY HOUSE COATS Chenilles, quilted satins and all - wool flannels, in plain shades or plaids. FINE SHIRTS Forsyth, Arrow, Van Hensen; plain shades, whites, stripes and checks. 3.95 to 5.95 5.95 to 25.00 New narrow shapes, popular neater patterns. Hundred to choose from. Nylons, Crepes or Cottons in white, navy and pastel shade. Sizes 14 to 22. Gift Boxed. SPECIAL SHIRTS - $2.98 2.98 to 7.95 • .,,k4 ,It-'18?•vttt.tt, DRESSING GOWNS• Rayon or all -wool flannel dress- ing gowns, in plains, stripes, checks or paisleys. All sizes. 10.50 to 27.50 Broadcloth pyjamas, flannelette pyjamas or knitted ski type, in plains, stripes, paisleys and novelties. Sizes S, M, L, OS. GIVE HANDBAGS Smart English leathers, plas- tics or fabric Handbags, in new shapes to please her. Neat or novel designs in smart gift umbrellas with new novel handle': also fold -up styles a9 sketched. 2.95 to 10.95 3.95 to 5.95 MEN'S SLACKS All -wools, wool blends and syn- thetics, in a wide range of shades. Sizes 30 tc3 44. 6.95. to 16.95 GIFT BELTS Hickok and Paris makes, in solid leather belts; tongue or initial slide buckles. All colors. GLOVES 1.50 to 3.5 4 Regular seamed or seamless style Nylons. in all grades, shades and qualities. 1.35 to 1.95 SPECIAL HOSE - 98c Imported chamoisette and fine kid gloves. in twenty popular, shades. , 1.75 to 3.95 HAT CERTIFICATES Give him a Biltmore or Stetson Hat "Gift Certificate." You pay for the hat; he'll choose it lat- er. GIFT SLIPS 44, SPORT SHIRTS Doeskins, spuns, gabardines, in plains, checks, plaids or new "Ivy League" stripes. Sizes S, M, L, OS. 2.95 to 6.95 ENGLISH VIYELLA - $12.95 6.50 to 8.95 Pullovers or Cardigans in short and long sleeves, in Orlons or Botany Wools. Big range of shades. 4.95 to 9.95 Nylons, Nyrons and Nylon Satins. tailored and lace trimmed. GIFT BOXED STEWART B OS. THE BUSY CHRISTMAS STORE 2.95 to 7.95 ', .0 • .A• • `t., • .0. 4,4 4t.4.4.r.%(.41.4t4(-4(.4 .4(41-4( "(.4(.4( onY wv`It ( I eiv I ,Itt* I .,TV I ( ' -4•4I 4 ' 44,4" ,T4:-1 4r-44' 4 4r-,' rf;;;:' 4,?'' 7'4'r4 ri r..4 CHRISTMAS CHICKENS THEY'RE REALLY GOOD ! 7 to 8 Pounds - New York Dressed Place order by FRIDAY NOON for SATURDAY DELIVERY each week till New Years. HENDERSON'S STARTED CHICKS Phone Collect 645 J 1 NOTICE! Township of Tuckersmith - To facilitate snow removal,operations, the public is requested not to park 6.rs or vehicles on road- sides during the Winter months. And notice is hereby given that the Township will not be responsible for any damage caused to such vehicle§ as a result of snow plowing opera- tions. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Township of Tuckersmith 1 otit e.4.) e e ,s, ,, ,,,, Slasher Sale Slasher Sale: 1953 Chev. Bel Air Sedan -Radio 1953 Pontiac De Luxe Sedan 1951 Pontiac Coach 1951 Dodge Sedan 1950 Ford Coach 1949 Chev. Sedan 1948 Pontiac Coach 1946 Dodge Sedan NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED You Make the Offer Seaforth Motors Chev. - Olds. Chev. Trucks Open evenings, 8 to 10 PHONE 541 ;;;--vit .414, 7,4 titi-4C'46 _ • 444 •44,..tti".4Z,e44Pi.4.4.V4:4'.4ttt