HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-12-07, Page 12its 1463A 1"I I ' Jt +1 ;EXPOSITOR, SL''A'Q]Ri;`.itl, ONT.,' DES. Ti G .SHOP YOUR CIa zted Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE,, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week 'MSM Cent Minimum charge. each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. pards of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week, Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above clean are net paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction. Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events CHRISTMAS CONCERT at S.S. No. 4. McKillop, Monday, December 10th, 8:30 p.m.. Good program will be provided.n Everybody welcome. SLIM BOUCHER of CKNX-TV is play- ing for the wintar season at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, every Friday ,night. On Friday, Dec. 14th, the Silver Bar Ranch Band will be your pleasure. 4637-4 Lost and Found Farms For Sale LOST—On Main Street, red Angora lady's glove. Finder please PHONE 238. 4637x1 Cards of Thanks 1 WISH TO THANK all those who visited me, sent treats and cards or helped in any way while I was a patient in Strathroy Hospital, 4637x1 CLAIR HANEY The family of the late Edward Steep wish to express thanks to all the friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sympathy extended to them Personals during their recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes and cards TRY BEFORE YOU BUY, Beauty Conn- of sympathy. 4637-1 sellor cosmetics. Phone Seaforth 898. BARBARA L. MILNER. 4637-tf SINCERE THANKS to the many friends and relatives for messages of sympathy and floral tributes; special thanks to Rev. SUFFERING from Backaches, Rheuma- Daniel, Dr. Malkus, Scott Memorial Hos- xis Pain. Sciatica, Lumbago is over if you pita!, the Bonthron Funeral Home, blood let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask donors from General Coach Works, the your Druggist. 4627.1 kindness extended during the illness and passing of our deur mother, Mary Ann HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), Dalrymple. mailed postpaid in plain, sealed 'envelope 4637-1 DALRYMPLE FAMILY GODERICH PAVILION—Dancing every with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 sem- Saturday ;'Christmas night, December 25, , pies $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, Paul Cross and his orchestra. Friday, I NOVA -RUBBER CO,. Box 91. Hamilton. December 28th, Teen-age record swing with Johnnie Brent. Phone Goderich 675, if no answer 419 for New Year's Eve table reservations. 4637-4 For Rent FOR RENT -3 -room apartment. OR- VILLE OKE, Seaforth. 4637-11 APARTMENT FOR RENT --Self-con- tained; heated. DR. E. A. McMASTER. 4637-1 FOR RENT—Warm, partially furnished apartment; living room, kitchen and bed- room; reasonable. FRANK REYNOLDS. Phone669 r 33, Seaforth. 4636-tf N otices MONEY TO LOAN—$2.500 available on first-class mortgage. Box 588, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4636x3 HAIR STYLING—Permanents, sham- pooing. Apply Mrs. LAWRENCE ZILER, Hensall formerly of Dashwood. Phone 158-3, Hensall. 4637-1 RADIO REPAIRS --= For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite rick House, Seaforth, Phone 841-R. .1637-11 NURSERY STOCK, shrubs. fruit trees, perennials. H. C. Downham Nursery Co. Phone ERIC MILNER, Seaforth 893. 4637-tf Help Wanted HELP WANTED—Girl or woman to help in Seaforth home; five days a week, 10:30 to 7:30. All modern conveniences. Box 587, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4635-ne-2 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth. agent for Brady I Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. 4637-11 ATTENTION, FARMERS — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farzn animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANJREWS. 851 r 11. Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Lt. 4637-11 HENSALL SALES EXPERIENCED woodworking machin- ist as assistant to our millroom foreman. Pleasant working conditions, good wages, absolutely steady employment, group in- surance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. 4637-2 HELP WANTED—Full-time waitresses, experience preferred but not necessary, and school girls for part-time work, and• also kitchen help, required for new res- taurant opening in Seaforth about Dec. 15th. PHONE 273, Seaforth, or 200, Mit- chell. 4636-2 APPLICATIONS Applications will be received up to De- cember 18, 1956, at the Huron County Federation of Agricultural Office, Box 310, Clinton, Ont., to till the position of Secre- tary -Treasurer and Fieldman for the Hur- on County Federation of Agriculture. Applicants please state age. qualifica- tions, experience and salary expected. Duties to commence January 2. 1957. Lowest appliration not necessarily ac- cepted. For further particulars contact GORDON M. GREIG, Box 310. Clinton. or Phone Clinton 111.1. 2-9642 or Brussels 44 r 5 4037-2 Property For Sale BEAUTIFUL HOME Must' Be Sold I WISH '1'O 'THANK: my friends and neighbors, also the Ladies' Aid. Barbara Kirkman Women's Missionary Society. the McKillop Branch W.M.S., the Choir of First Presbyterian Church, the Rebekah Lodge, Past Noble Grands Club, Drs. Mal- kus. Brady and McMaster, Miss Drone. the nursing staff of Scott Memorial Hos- pital, for all the kindness shown me while a patient in the Hospital; also for cards and letters, flowers, treats, gifts, books and magazines, MRS. MAL.COLM MsKELLAR 40fl37x1 Card of Thanks I wish to thank the elec- tors of Hensall for the fine support given me at the polls on Monday. W.•I1 built I,ri'•: house, ciat, roof. stone , fnUn II tier., modern ronvenienret,: 1 acre Every Thursday at 2 p.rn., Mill St., Hen- ,.,f !and r'ruit. nut and shade trees; gItr- een. 3:H, • your livestock. Mways a good 4 n with rn,:Pi,..•r,!e4 :u•d strawberries, on market pi ;.‘e. HARRY SMiTH, Phone 187, • l'incley Street, ju-t two blocks from main I Hensall; VICTOR HARGREAVES, HU. shopping centre on No. 4 Highway in 2-7511, Clinton. Myth, Apply: 4637-tf Gordon Schwalm finffeemeigspeeematigeemegageseetnemenwe FARM FOR SALE -100 acres, Lot 1, Concession 4, Township of Hullett, con- taining 100 acres. No barn. For further information see JAMES T. SCOTT, Vic- toria St., Seaforth. 4687-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock at Lot 80, Concession 4, Morris Township, 114 north of Brussels, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER llth. at 1:80 p.m.: Six Durham cows due to freshen in March and April, have been band milk- ed; Registered Shorthorn bull, 2 years old; 8 Durham steers rising 2 years old 3 Durham heifers rising 2 years old; 8 steers and heifers; Spring calves ; 8 York chunks, 100 lbs.O SES. 12 black tam, filly and gelding, 1 bay mare, 10 years old, 1700 lbs. (ex- ceptionally good horses); 1 set double harness; Massey -Harris cream separator. Terms—Cash. STEWART McLAUGHLIN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Sale is called on account of 111 health. 4637-1 Births FINNIGAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Finnigan, Egmondville, a son. KINSMAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 1st. to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kinsman, R.R. 2, Kippen, a son. MOREY—At Scott Memorial Hospital,, on December 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morey, Seaforth, a son. NORRLS--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December '3, to Mr and Mrs. Robert Norris, Staffa, a daughter. NIGH—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nigh, Seaforth, a son. CROMARTY The members of the Young Peo- ple's Society enjoyed a bowling party at Exeter on Saturday eve- ning and were the guests of Joy Vivian and George Vivian at their home, when a social hour was spent and lunch served. Mrs. 011ie Haggarth, Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. T. L. Scott attend- ed the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howitt and WATE1tLC)'..) CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Clare or Ida McGowan NOTICE! TOWNSHIP OF TUCR.ERSMITH Dumping grounds will be dosed on December 29, until further notice. E. P. CI-IESNEY, Clerk Tuckersmith Township BOX 12. or Telephone :dl. 8837-2 "Wher. Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination information Wanted or service from all breeds of cattle. Phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association tt'ANTED To 141'Y.. •Chi)d's at CLINTON HU. 2-3441, between 7;30 table and choir ret. in good and 9:30 a.m. We hate all breeds avail- PHONE 0.1 r 11. Duidin. able—top quality at low rust. •163 7 -tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The Township of Tuckersmith Munici- pal Dumping Ground. situated one-half mile west of Eirmondville. Con. 3, H.R.S., will be open only to ratepayers of the Township of Tuckersmith, on Wednesday 1 and Saturday afternoons, from the hours of 2 to 6 p.rn. No wire, car bodies or garbage (organic) is to he deposited, and all dumping must be done under the supervision_ of the in- spector. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Twp. of Tuckersmith, 4637-tf CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List Township of McKillop NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Lot 27, Concession 2, McKillop, on the 24th day of November, 1508, the "'e list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections, and that such list remains there for in- spection. And 1 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the Last day for appeal being the 8th day of December, 1956. DATED this 2415 day of November, 1956. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk of McKillop Township. 4636-2 NOMINATIONS Town of Seaforth A meeting of the Electors of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH on MONDAY, NOVEMSPat 26, 1956 for the purpose of nominating persons for the offices of Mayor, Reeve, six Council. lore, Public School Trustees, and Pubno Utility Comnniasio,ter. Nominations will be from 7:80 p,nn. to 8:80 pm. If a poll be necessary, the same will be held at the following places on WEDN.2SDAY, DE63riIMMER 12, 1966 ffom 9:00 a.ni. to 0 ro-ta. I?,'plrtttg;. Si ii-IMVision ' o: 1 • and t WAR'S Garage. fltlltr 'itb-Dlvi4ioti No. 8 and 4, at t1f(i' Pulite Libtheilti 'ito.. ' slid 9, at, 'r ,>ixait'ru. a4 WANTED play pen, ' condition. 463751 First mortgage of 83,000.00 on 200 -acre farm property with buildings. close to Seaforth. Good interest rate and annual principal payments if required. Apply McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth Telephone 174 4636-2 For Sale FOR SALE-- -.Pair boy's skates ; size • 1. PHONE 2.4.2. Seaforth. 4637-1 FOR SALE —Baby buggy in real good condition. PHONE 134-M. 4637 1 FOR SALE --22 pigs, nine weeks old. JOHN JANMAAT, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4687x1 FLOWERS FOR SALE — Mums and Cyclamens. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE, Seaforth. 46344 FOR SALE—Hammer grain screens, $75.00, Kippen. mill. corn and JOHN DIETZ, 4637x1 FOR SALE—Several used television sets at special prices. Apply DUBLIN ELEC- TRIC, Dublin. 4637:11 FOR SALE --Two Suburbanite snow tires, 760-1.5: used one winter. PHONE 5-W. 4637x1 FOR SALE --- Emgee duplicating ma- chine. HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS LIMITED, Seaforth. 4836-2 OKE'S BILLIARDS—Filrns developed. Camera supplies for all makes, including 8 M.M. colored film. 4637-11 FOR SALE -100 Sussex X Red pullets, laying 100. ; six months old. RUDOLPH MEDEMA, R.R. 2, Walton. Phone Sea - forth 830 r 6. 4637x1 FOR SALE—Four pigs, 94 per cent Landrace breeding. Priced reasonable. PHONE 652 r 8, Seaforth. 4687-1 ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. TV swivel chairs in stock at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC Dublin. - 4687-11 FOR SALE—Used Wingham Classic white enamel coal range. Also used elec- tric washers and refrigerators to clear. DENNIS ELECTRIC, Seaforth. 4686-2 FOR SALE—Boston Bull Terrier pup- pies, well marked. Arrangements can he made to keep until Christmas. Phone 849 r 21. ROSS GORDON, R.R. 1, Sea - forth. 4887-1 FOR SALE --Flowers Roan tbe Mitchell Nursery: potted plants, mums, alalias, poinsettaa, kalanchoe, cyclemons, WAL- LACE ROSS, agent, Seaforth. 4637-1 SLABS FOR SALE Hardwood, 510.00 per load, approximately 21h, cords; mixed wood, 58.00 per load, approxithately 21 cords. Prompt Delivery. FRED 3. HUD - LE, phone Clinton ILLI, 26656. 4681x10 0 TIC TO THE RATEPAYERS .OF THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL To assist in snow plowing of the Streets, all cars and trucks must be taken ,off the streets between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. Your co-operation is requested by the Council of the Village of Hensall. Mrs, John Fisher, o has been a ilatient at Victoria Hospital, Lon - ,don, suffering from a 'fractured 'hip, was taken. by Bonthron am- bulance on Tuesday of this week to the- home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 'Thompson, in Toronto. Hensall Kinsmen held a joint dinner meeting and advertising night at the Kosy Korner Restaur- ant on Thursday evening, and made plans for their annual Christmas tree sale. Ladies' night will be observed Thursday, December 13. 'President L. Tiberio chaired the meeting. A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adkins (nee Marlene Hunter) was held Friday evening in the Town Hall. A purse of money was presented to the couple with Fit. Sgt. Tiberio reading the presenta- tion address, end Neil Taylor mak- ing the presentation. Desjardine orchestra provided music for the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bizzell, of West Virginia. the former Patsy McDonell, of Hensall, and their three children, Susan. Allan and Barbara, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess on Friday and also with Miss M, Ellis, on their way home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Laughton an.d Mr. and Mrs. J. L, McCloy, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Van Laughton, FOR SALE --Cut flowers froth Mitchell Nursery: carnations, commercial Minis, baby mums, Snapdragons in all Colors. WALLACE ROSS Agent, Seaforth' 46571 itol ' SALso-i pact' bto's 6 a / 4105 19, Viol 1io'hr ijalt bo n lft bi}1A3i co n 04ltio bisalt 1 ,, 'Sl,e'a dui Ilttb 914504 'alga !Mont 0.06btW a 1• i in gbo'd otirld`tibtf All gar � A 1 WoiRs Nn, sir Cit hiu S£,y cOft 1p, d'dtt it .4 4 .+i, .rTI 1 cif SHOP AT THE 'FRIENDLY' STO-'E WE RENOVATED FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE SPECIALS TIP-TOP TOMATOES 4 for 99c TIP-TOP PEAS 5 for 99c FARMER'S WIFE MILK, No. 2—Case 7.60 POTATOES -75 -Pound Bag 2.19 PEAMEAL BACK BACON -1 Pound .. 71c COTTAGE TOILET TISSUE -4 for 29c BULK DATES -2 for 25c STORE OPEN WEDNESDAY TILL 6 P.M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TILL 10 P.M. — For Your Christmas Shopping — ODD LINES BOYS' RUBBER WORK BOOTS — WOMEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, size 6; WOMEN'S RUBBER GOLOSHES, high heel. .99c a Pair Children's Low Rubbers 50c Pair FLO - GLAZE PAINTS . -- 1322 COLOURS EXTRAS FOR CASH IBEXx 9ANNELETT BLANKETS (reg.'$5.95) 4.99 PAIR 70STEWARD WASHING MACHINE (reg. $165.00) 139.50 (Christmas orders only) �7 ELECTRIC COFFEE POTS—(Reg. 18.95) 16.95 SUPREME FUTURA PERCOLATOR—. (Reg. 3,50) 6 -cup 2.99 (Reg. 4.25) 9 -cup 3.75 (Reg. 4.95) 12 -cup 4.49 THERMO BOOTS—(Reg. 13.50) 9.95 99 VARIETIES CHRISTMAS CANDY FLANNELETTE I!'OIt CHRISTMAS PYJAMAS (reg. 69c) 99c 2 Yards T SPORTS FLANNEL (reg. 79c) 65c 1 Yard GLAIR HANEY EGMOND "VILLE PHONE 72 WE DELIVER 1 , :li Y,l'f.,11 git) , •Ifedrtrf son, Jack, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gardiner. Mrs. M. Boughton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Alex James and Phillip James, also Mr. and Mrs. Jim Balfour and Mr, and M,rs, Al- bert Hey were in Hensall on Mon- day attending the funeral of the late Mrs, Mary E. Dalrymple. Hold Successful Bazaar The Ladies' Aid and Marion Rit- chie Auxiliary held their bazaar on Friday evening with a good atten- dance. Rev. S. Kerr was chair- man. A short program, consisting of solos by Carol Ann Dow and Mrs. Bob Hulley; a piano instru- mental by Joyce Kerslake, and a reading by Mrs. G. Carey, was en- joyed. The bazaar was then de- clared open. Lunch was served by the committee in charge, Canada has the most extensive fishing grounds of any country in tbe world. CHRISTMAS TURKEYS We have available high quality (road -breasted Bronze Turkeys for Christmas and New Years. Place your or- der early. WE DELIVER CAMPBELL EYRE Phone 670 r 13 : Hensall Enter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, Listowel; • Mrs. Catherine Hedden is a pat- ient in South Huron Hospital, Hate - ter, having been admitted Monday evening of this week in the inter- ests of her health. , ;Thrifty Kippenettes met at the hone of the leader, Mrs. W. J. F. Bell, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bell demonstrated shirring and told about stay stitching. The girls are doing this kind of stitching on their project, "Pyjamas." Roll call at the December 8th meeting is "a pattern alteration I have learned to make," For the home assignment, the girls will work on garment and record book. Mrs. Percy Webster, of Hensall, was the lucky winner of the Chri�is�t- mas cake in a draw Saturday night at Drysdale's Hardware. The tick- et was drawn by Reeve Norman Jones. The project was sponsored by Hensall Kinettes, and the cake was made by Mrs. William Cald- well, of Kippen. Members of the club were pleased with the results of this draw. Proceeds are for ser- vice work. At the last meeting of the club, held' at the home of Mrs. Frank Ellwood, the group donated $10.00 to the Red Shield campaign and $25 to Hungarian Relief, i-' SR, TA■■■gip■■ P A^ IT9 9 NOTICE-! POLIOMYELITIS INOCULATION; Pre -School children from Hibbert Township will receive their second inoculation December 7th, 1956 AT DUBLIN SCHOOL at 9 a.m. and AT STAFFA HALL at 10 a.m. DR. M. W. STAPLETON . M.O.11., Hibbert Township Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1956 CHEV. BEL AIRE SEDAN, POWER GLIDE, fully equipped $900 below list 1955 CHEV. POWER GLIDE SEDAN 1995p 1955 CHEV. SEDAN a $1095 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN 1995 fully equipped 1954 CHEV, POWER GLIDE DE LUXE COACH 1495 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1095 1952 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE POWER 1395 GLIDE—Fully equipped Q} 8A95 1951 PLYMOUTH' SEDAN 1950 CHEV. COACH 1950 FORD COACH 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS ................. 1948 CHEV. SEDAN — TRUCKS — 1951 MERCURY 3 -TON DUM 11349 CIiEV. 1/2 -TON PICKUP 1949 CHEV, 3/4 -TON PICKUP 750 495 450 450 1100 450 300 405 1949 G.M.C. ONE -TON PANEL A Written Guarantee for 60 days on 411 1.47(f0 Model Cars—Many other Models to choose bum. BRUSSELS —' PHONE 73-X — "The Home of Better Used Cars" ONTARIO RS OPEN EVERY EVENING •m y.. Medical science continues to advance well beyond the far- sighted concept of even the most optimistic predictions of a fedv years ago. Electricity makes much of that progress possible. Today, doctors use electricity in a variety of ways, from diagnosis to treat - 56 ment. Specialized lighting and electrical aids to surgery make possible intricate operations un- dreamed of half a century ago. The Xray, perhaps electricity's great- est single contribution to medicine, >S 4 has itself assisted in saving thousands of lives. n XSrt•.�"�•iu Axv ' •"'7.I1 tom. FAMILY`, ASSURES YOUR Electricity's role in medicine is certain to become increasingly fano portant and its potentialitiiss greater as more electronic adtlo come into general use. It is another important way in which elect the. silent co-worker in so +r • gar projects, is continually being r to help provide higher staff of hTalth, living and prospect)/ for us alb Ontario Hydro will continuo sit provide adequate supplies ofpoiisec to meet the needs of our holy homes, farms and industries. •;.alxM4tt',.:.v2rtkut4.4Fr,..<;,"': "Y'i tt, ..r,k 'r'i , ELECTRICAL FUTURE ,4 • bt 5lit:tifl• }