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1111L «1�IQV. 23, 1956
ried recently in St. Patrick's R.C, Church. Dublin. The bride,
the former Mary Margaret Stapleton; is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Stapleton, Dublin, and the bridegroom is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. 0. Gaffney, Stratford. (Photo by Fowler Bros.)
Napkins — Coasters — Informals Stationery
Famous Trichologist Will
Demonstrate How To Grow Thicker
Hak .
. . and Guarantees It!
Demonstrat'lbn To Be Held Here
This new method of home treat-
ment for saving and growing
thicker hair will be demonstrat-
ed in Seaforth, Ontario, on Sunday,
November 25.'
These private individual de-
monstrations will be held at the
Commercial Hotel on Sunday ONLY.
London. Ontario.=In an inter-
view here today Wm. L. Keele,
internationally famous trichologist
and director of the Keele Hair
Experts, Ltd., said "There are 18
different Scalp disorders that cause
most men and women to lose hair.
Using common sense, a person
must realize no one tonic or so
called cure-all could correct all the
disorders," he explained,
"The Keele firm. recognizing
that most people are skeptical of
claims that hair can be grown on
balding heads. offer a guarantee,"
Keele said,
Once a person avails himself of
the Keele treatment his skepticism
'immediately disappears, To insure
this, we Offer this guarantee. "If
you are not completely satisfied
with your hair prbogress at the end
of 30 days. your money will be re-
First, the ,Heelehspecialists are
quick to tell hopeless cases that
they cannot be helped. But the
"hopeless" cases are few. Only if
a man is conipletely,"'shiny bald is
Ire in this lost category.
If there is fuzz, ne matter how
light, thin, or colorless, the' Keele
firm can perform wonders,• •
Every one is given a complete,
pr=ivate examination to deternilne
the .condition o phis SCA), and,
dente of his hair trouble:
��yy,yrp is' {fin'
Howick Township Council met in
the clerk's office jonday. All the
members were present and Reeve
H. Gowdy was in the chair. The
minutes of the last regular meet-
ing, special meeting and court of
revision were read and on motion
McMichael and .Allan were
adopted as read.
Moved by Haskin's and Allan,.
that we renew the former policy
No. 734933 with Western Insurance
Co., re robbery insurance, and al-
so the fidelity bond 're treasurer
and tax collector. -
Moved by Allan and Haskins,
that we grant the Fordwich Ceme-
tery Board a grant of $300.
Moved by Haskins and Gibson,
that the road accounts a's approved
be paid.
Moved by Allan and McMichael,
that the following accounts be
County of Huron, hospitalization,
518; Listowel '/e District Fire Area,
truck services, re E. Klinck, $25;
Municipal World, office supplies,
510.25; Gestetner Ltd., office sup-
plies, $32.31; Underwood Ltd., of-
fice supplies, $22.50; A. F. Busby,
heater, $100; Gordon Under-
wood, cleaning drain, $2.80; T. Vit -
tie and J. Stafford, cleaning drain,
$5.60; W. W. Strong, fox bounty, $1;
Carl Douglas, painting shed roof,
$385; W. E. Whitfield, part salary,
$50; H. Dane, balance salary and
selecting jurors, $205; H. Gowdy,
selecting jurors, $5; J. H. Pollock,
-tart salary. etc., $97.72; road ac-
count, transfer, $2,366.30; William
Marriner, relief, re Mrs. I. Wit-
.ner, $34.26; R. H. Carson & Son,
hardware, $8.55; W. E. Whitfield,
postage, and exchange, $520; Ford-
wich Cemetery Board, grants, $300;
Z. W. Wade, premiums, $55. Total,
The regular monthly meeting of
Hay Township Council was held
in the Hay Township Hall, Zurich,
on Monday, Nov. 5, at 1:30 p.m.,
with full attendance. The reeve
called for the reading of the min-
utes of the last regular meeting
and special meetings during the
month of October.
The following motions were pass-
By -Law No. 6, 1956, to authorize
the borrowing of $40,000 for the
construction and equipping two
new classrooms at the Zurich
School in the Hay Township School
Area be given third reading.
That the report of the Engineer
C. P. Corbett. on the Wurm Muni-
cipal Drain be provisionally adopt-
ed, and that the Clerk have suffici-
ent by-laws printed and sent by
registered mail to all parties con-
cerned. Court of revision is to be
set by the Clerk when the by-laws
are completed.
That the Clerk turn over to the
Hay Township Federation of Agri-
culture all the material from the
Department of Agriculture regard-
ing the Brucellosis Control Act, for
their consideration.
That we pay the fire• mainten-
ance fee of $125 to Dashwood, Zur-
ich and Hensall for 1956.
Accounts for Hay Township roads
and Hay Township general ac-
counts were passed as per vouch-
ers presented:
Township Roads — Donald Die-
trich, $177.12; Jas. Masse, $278.30;
Louis Ayotte, $110.23; Harold Camp-
bell, $23.25; J. W. Haberer, $4629;
Wm. Watson, $6.25; R. , Jenni-
son, $84.20; J. A. Rydall, Pig; John-
ston Patterson, $56; Pearson Mo-
tor Sales, $2.13; Sheridan Equip -
no appointment is necessary. Af-
ter the examination he is told,the
required length of treatment and
how much it will cost.
After starting treatment, he -
makes regular reports to the
Keele firm in London. and a tri-
chologist will return to check
his progress periodically.
To spread the opportunity of
normal, healthy hair to the
thousands who are desperately
looking for help, the Keele firm
is sending specialists to various
cities to conduct examinations
and start home treatment.
"We have no cure-all for slick
shiny baldness," Keele empha-
sized, "If there's fuzz, the root is
still capable of creating hair and
we can perform what seems to be
a miracle."
There is one thing Keele wants
to be certain every mane and wo-
man knows. If a recession ap-
pears at the temples or a spot be-
gins to, show up on the crown of
the head, there' is something wrong
and it should be given immediate
"If clients follow our directions
during treatment, and after they
finish the course, there is no rea-
son why they will not have their
Bair all the rest of their lives,"
Keele said. "Our firm is definite-
ly behind this treatment. It all
depends on the individual client's
faithful observation of a few simple
Eft worries you call Trichologist
Benny A. I,,eggio at the Commer-
Cial Hotel in Seaforth, Ontario, on
Sunday ONLY, November 25, 12
noon to ll p.in. The public is In-
VOW ;do not` need, an•appoint-
Ikea Tit , exatnirtations are prl•
dile d;11' r l .rt be em-
baiIitS.etLL' Ykyj i#ga in any
ett4lind *Mien are
ment Co„ $4.39; S. F. Lawrason,
Co. Ltd., --$25.35; Desjardine Auto
Supply, 13.85; Receiver General of
Canajla, $30.95; Norman Masse,
$18.90; Peter Masse, $210.50; Mat-
thew Denomme, $25.50; Wm. Wat-
son, $22.13; Treasurer, County of
Huron, $210; London Free Presse
$15.75; Klopp's Garage, $237.99;,
Dashwood Planing Mills, $44.06;
Prosper's Garagep $5.95"; Harry
McAdams, 139.50; Thiel Transport,
$2.50; F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, $55;
Geo. F. Elliott Construction Ltd.,
$51. {
Genera Accounts — Mrs. Anna
Dougall, $927; Treasurer Zurich
Agricultural Society, $28; V. L.
Becker, $14.85; Datars & O'Brien,
$7.08; J. W. Haberer, insurance,
$20; C. P. Corbett, Wurm Drain,
$75; Zurich Police Village, $125;
A. G. Hess. $4; Treasurer Town
of Exeter, $9,727.68; Alex Mousseau
$10; Wm. Siebert, postage, $55; H.
W. Brokenshire, $259,16; George
Armstrong, $6; Gestetner Co. Ltd.,
$59.66; Bank of Montreal, $18; Cor-
poratioiii of the Village of Hensall,
5125; Police Village of Dashwood,
$125; Treasurer South Huron D.H.
S., $6.622.18; Treasurer Hensall
Legion, $13.50.
The meeting adjourned to meet
again on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 1:30
First Church CGIT
Has Meeting
The C.I.G.T. of First Presbyter-
ian Church met Monday evening
with the president, Mary Ellen Gor-
will, in the chair, who opened the
meeting with Call to' Worship- The
hymn, "Let Us With a Gladsome
Mind," was sung, followed by the
Lord's Prayere in unison. Th
Scripture was read by Marlene
Carter from Matthew 6:1-4, Carol
Dennis, the secretary, read the
minutes of the last meeting. The
roll was called by Margaret El-
liott. Betty Jean Andrews gave
the treasurer's report. A service
of dedication for jingle boxes was
conducted by Mrs. Keith Sharp.
Lynda Dobson led in prayer. The
collection was taken up by Betty
Jean Andrews. who distributed the
jingle boxes,
Mrs. Reg Kerslake gave a read-
ing about Miss Agnes Gollan, at
present on furlough from Nigeria,
who is to be the speaker at the
C.G.I,T. Rally, to be held in Sea -
forth November 21, at a 6:30 sup-
per meeting.
The closing hymn was "0 Mas-
ter, Let Me Walk With Thee," fol-
lowed by benediction and Taps.
All the girls stayed for practice
of the C.G.I.T. song.
Usborne Council met in regular
monthly session on Monday after-
noon with Reeve Clayton Smith
presiding and Councillors Harold
Jeffery, Harold Hern, Hugh Love
and Harold Hunter in attendance.
Minutes of the last regular meet-
ing on October 6 were approved as
printed, on motion of Love and
Hunter. Minutes of a special meet-
ing, held on October 6, for the plir-
Moisture in the form of rain and
snow has made • plowing and the
husking of coirn somewhat easier.
The cold weather and snow early
last week made for a rush to Stable
livestock; however, most beef cat-
tle are still on pasture.
Thirty-five 4-H Club members
from Huron County showed their
calves ins the Queen's Guineas
Competition last Thursday.
With continued fine weather, fall
work on the farms is being rapidly
completed. The harvesting of the
turnip and sugar beet crop is al-
most oder with good average yields
of turnips and slightly below nor-,
mal yields of sugar beetstibeing re -
pm' '
Fall plowing is well under way
and fall wheat has made excellent
Considerable grain corn remains
to be picked as farmers are' wait-
ing for the moisture content to
The Centralia Weather Office re-
ports a monthly mean temperatur
of 53.3 degrees F. for October with
only .74 inches of rainfall, which is,
somewhat or a %%Cord ,it► both; re-.
speets for the Month Of October.
pose of considering a by-law to as-
sist in tile drainage under the Tile
Drainage Act, were approved .as
printed on motion of Jeffery and
The clerk advised that the requir-
ed advertising of the by-law pass-
ed under the Tile and Drainage
Act, had been cgmplied with and
that Nov..14 would be the last day
:in which notice of application to
have the by-law quashed could be
Win. J. Routly was appointed in-
spector of work performed under
the Tile Drainage Act, on motion
of Hern and Love. Tile drainage in-
spector is to be paid at 'the rate
of one cent per .rod• of drain in-
spected, plus mileage at township
rate of 8 cents per mile, on motion
of Hunter and Jeffery.
An application for a loan under
the tile drainage by-law. Council
'agreed to consider applicatioia of
D. L. Kernick, on lot West Half of
6, N.T.R.. as soon as procedure in
bringing by-law into force was com-
A supplementary road appropria-
tion by-law, No. 3A, 1956, fqr an
additional $3,000, was passed sub-
ject to approval of the Department
of Highways, on motion of Jef-
fery and Love.
Department of Highways audi-
tor's report on road expenditures
for the year 1955 was accepted, on
motion of Jeffery and Hern.
The Wurm drain report from the
Township of Hay for a work of re-
pair on the open portion of the
drain with an assessment of $471.50
on roads and lands in the Town-
ship of Usborne, was accepted on
motion of Hern and Hunter, and
Council directed that regular pro-
cedure be started.
Court of revision on assessment,
adjourned on February 1.3, was re-
opened at 3 p,m. to deal with the
1956 assessment. There being no
appeals, the 1956. assessment roll
was certified at a total taxable as-
sessment of $2,690,200 and the court
was formally closed on motion.of
Hunter and Love.
Completion certificates on the
Anderson Extension and Rowcl,iffe
drains were filed by C. P. Corbett,
and council instructed that the con-
tractors be paid in full and that
the treasurer make application for
the provincial grants on motion of
Jeffery and hunter.
Moved by Jeffery and seconded
by Love, that application be made
to the Department ' of Highways
for permission to transfer $8,000
from construction of bridges and
culverts, to road construction.
Nomination and election by-law,
setting the date of the nomina-
tion on Nov. 26 and election, if
necessary, on December 3, and ap-
pointing the necessary officials to
be in charge, was given three read-
ings and By -Law No. 11, 1956, was
finally passed.
Municipal liability insurance and
non -owned automobile insurance
was renewed through W. H. Hodg-
son at a premium of $180.62 to
roads and bridges account and
$152.43 to general account, on mo-
tion of Jeffery and Love.
Emerson Penhale was retained
for snow work operations at a fee
of $285 for three winter months,
beginning Dec. 15, on motion of
Jeffery and Hern. Snow plowing
tenders for truck and plow were
opened and were as follows: Wil-
son Allen), $6 per hour and $5 per
day standing time; Elam Shantz,
$5.75 per hour and $100 per month
standing time for December, Jan-
uary and February. Contract was
awarded to Elam Shantz, Zurich,
at his tender price on motion Of
Hunter and Jeffery. •
Correspondence from the Mid -
Western Development Association
was filed. Road superintendent's
report -leas accepted and road ac-
counts to a total voucher of $9,-
64727, were passed on motion of
Hern and Love.
Treasurer reported. receipt of
$307.83 from the road superintend-
ent and receipt of $9,647.82 to gen-
eral account, including interim road
subsidy of $8,893,50; balance of
cash os of Oct. 31, $3,898.68.
Tax collector repocted'mailing of
tax notices almost completed and
$501 in 1956 taxes collected out of
a total roll of $110,464.27.
Current accounts in the amount
of $4,002.81, including salaries for
the year and payments in full to
drain• contractors, were passed for
payment on motion of Hunter and
Date of next regular council
meeting was set for December 8,
by agreement of council.
All motions were unanimously
carried and council adjourned on
motion of Hunter and Hern.
Is Better Than Ever
Buchanan Cleaners
t4nre 'Spots and Stains Removed
Garments stay clean longer
Will wear longer.
'hone 669 r 2, •- Seaforth
Messrs J'alnes MCEwi>#g, Watson
Reid and .Art Colson left. on Saint*
day with some other hunters from
Londesboto and Clinton; to spend
a week to ten days hunting in the
Bracebridge area.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rae and
family visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. George Pethiick, Winthrop.
Mrs. George Cartgr . spent Sun-
day at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Watson Reid:
Miss Marjorie Bickell and Miss
Ilma Freeman, Toronto, and Mrs.
George Hills, 9Egmondville, spent
the , weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
George Smith.
The Y.P.U. of Burns-Londesboro
United Churches.. •cancelled' their
regular meeting on Sunday even-
ing in favor of accepting an invi-
tation to the Y.P.U. meeting of
Belgrave United Church. Around
22 young people attended the meet-
ing and heard Stanley MacDonald,
of Clinton, speak on his week at
National Y.P.U. Camp, held this
summer at Ryerson.
Insurance . Agency
Handling all lines
Fire Auto Wind
and representing the Crown
Life Insurance Company
Insurance -Agency
Office at the Residence
North Main St., Seaforth
Tc)dcry s t/ --ie day they go on dosp/ay!
This year,
the Accent's on Oldsmobile
the car • tht puts the accent on you!
Just look! It's the completely new Oldsmobile for '57! The car with the styling that
spotlights you .. , the car with the features that.benefit you ... NEW PROFILE—
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ride•NEW TWIN -STRUT R EAR WINDOW—an exciting new accent in smart style
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COUNTER DIVE—bringing you new precision handling and smooth, on -the -level
stops • STRUT -MOUNTED INSTRUMENTS—for easily accessible controls • 17
In every model you'll find the new styling values—the new engineering values that
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Unmistakably the accent's ori' luxury in the
.;tarftre 98 Series. Available in four
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Power Steering, Pedal -Ease Power Brakes
and many other extra -value features are
standard equipment.
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Osis eop-r-&,E ao,.i
Oldsmobile introduces a brilliant new combina-
tion of hardtop glamour and rugged utility to
station wagon design! Shown above, the Super
88 Fiesta. Two other 4 -Door Fiestas are avail -
ab le
vail•able in the Golden Rocker 88 Series. ,
new slant on an Olds idea for style and
Safety! Over 10% more glass area gives
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reflection of_Oids styling leadership and
your, own good taste. This distinctive
adirent' styling is mirrored inside, too,
in §matt new Tech -Style Interiors!
NEW Hi+LOW BUMPER ... functional and
handsome, tool A double bumper com-
pletely frames the new recessed grille and
parking fights ... gives twice the pro-
tection of an, ordinary bumper.,
wider, with a lower centre of gravity.
Wider chassis and spring base mean
greater stability, flatter cdrnermg and
more all-round comfort for you.