HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-11-23, Page 4N EKPOS.i oR., SEtAk'0TH, QNT., NOV.,23, 1956 .
ib y"1k, .. xr 4 < .. 11 �1n48 FT!!1�
.. P' t..IAMrs. Robert. Reid4 4,Mu
iMWANTED-Number of medium sizr�+:
- .. cattle for winter feeding. HAROLD OQ]:,E spent ti10 Weekend N!itkl her Son
Z 1)hlAI Phone ii63 r 25, Seaforth, ' 111ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
n 4s. ,. . , 4686-1 Clarence Reid, .ferry and Alla
1_t X' , s: n.
WANTED 't0 FEED -A number of
A ' reception and dance for Mr,
cattle for the winter. Phone 678 r 88, and Mrs. Arthur Parker will be
'ssi$led Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates '�`�" - Saaforth, KEITH KELLY. held, in Hens It Town
4636x1 a Hall Wednes-
r,Y FilR SALE, WANTED: LOST AND FOUND, ETC...-. per Word: . Notice - Fbr Sale day evening.
� N _, -- - • - -- Mrs. Joe Helm and family, of
' 1 Gent Personals
v" ; 2nd Week ...... ; .. •. "' .. •-' •' % Cent , TAKE NOTICE that By -Law Nu. 587 gRttER YOUR Christmas records now Tiverton, were Sunday guests with
Cent for 1958 of the Town of Sea Porth, ropy of Ht DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Phone 70, pub Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid,
,-,,,! - I 3rd week .............. t which is hereurther writtent is a true copy till. 4635-2 tl•RY BEFORE YOU BUY, Beauty Court-
+ ss, MSntmum charge,' each insertion... 26 Cents of a pmpnaed by-law of the �urtwratiun - sureties Pt,.,ne Seaforth 393. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Shorthouse,
Ea. h figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. of the Tuwn of Seaforth which was
't','' given FOR SALE ---Navy blue station wagon BARBARA L. MILNER. accompanied by their daughter � £.. [lards of Thanks. In Mernuriam Notices,, Coming Events --1 Cent per word, Minimtun', its, first and second reading on the 12th coat size 14-16. Also small bicycle. 4632••t,f ghter and
60 cents oer week. day of November, 1956, The Municipal PHONE 654 r 11. 4635-1 son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hales
'' ,y'' Council has agreed to submit such pro- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES fRubber Goods), of St. Catharines, were weekend'
N' . !]ntluirisa may be directed to a Sox No., cio The Huron Expositor, for 16 cents ex4a, guard by-law W the electors for the OKE'S B1LL1A1tDS-Fflma developed. Failed postpaid in plain sealed envelope V1S1tOrS with the fOrmer'S
� �`'Y` 'issuing of 'thirty-seven Thousand Dollars. Camera supplies for all makes, including with price list. 6 samples 28c: 29 sacci_ son anal
1,. I`Ct+.., _. !fifteen .encs u.iditioual will I'e charged if ells in above class are not paid within 30 q M.M. colored film. 4838-tf ales $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T. rn. daughter-in-law, days of date of final insertion. ($37,000.00) of debentures on the credit Mr, and Mrs. Alex
n. - of the Corporation .Sur the purpose of NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hampton. SllOrthOLlSe and family.
Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge constructing additional combined sewers FLOWERS FOR SALE -Mums and
r�' in certx4n streets in the Town of Seaforth. (;:.,amen.. BA.KEIi'S GREENHOUSE, PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, A y
4 Auction Sales. Ntitices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates, on application. part Of hunters, including
Seaforth. 4634-4 Lumbago, can be helped by taking RUMA- Garnet Mousseau, Bert Horton,
1 g; If the assent of the electors its obtained -""-" CAPS. Recommended by thousands of pep. Cam
H w+t " -' ` - "' '- ' -• -- to the By-law the same shall be taken FOR SALE -Two, overcuata, in good thankful users. As your Druggist. y Abell, George Parke'
I W.(oiriln�' Event-; Notices into .unsideratiun by the Council after condition size 40. Box 586, HURON E%-
463.5.1 and Gerald Bell, returned home
the expiration of one munch from the PUSI'I'Olt. 9635x1
date of the first publication.
- - -- from a' unclog expedition at Cht3p-
'(ia"'t KIP I'"N 1'\!!:: ,'!il';ilH ,viii hold NU"1"'.'E .any,.mr ir.trreated in having I FOR SALFr-Yorkshire purebred boar. Auction Sales stole with a deer, allot by Garnet
fri!.,r annual ::n.vrt lu+•dn5. i+ec, lbih. "+at•.:'.i.l uathere,i and Pleated for English This By -Law shall be first published un RUSSELL BOLTON. Phone 8.20 r 41, MOUSseau, manager of the Hensall
.; , 4633-1 -rn,, king. PHONE S7U. 4634_2 the 15th day of November, 1956, I `teaforth, 4534-8 District Co-operative-. The .deer
. CHR'3'!'1IA. Z -I. ARUL r'EItV!CE, Sea- t'C1Ml'LE'1"E LALlKI1ETERi.r1 in era. The cotes for and aUain.a the said B I FOR SALE -Several used television sets , AUCTION SALE weighed 125 pounds.
DrCh lt,:n,,lit. _- h,Ii l ,,el•L'W ht lc huridio #urth and district still Dry Cltianinu Kr- ,un cth. ill_he th d IA, it t tht• annual elcetiOn l ti RI pedal Prices. Apply ,DUBLIN ELEC.Hensall firemen responded t0 a
ire. Ph, 3u:1 ERIC r1ILN BradyDecember, 1938. _Cuws and Young Cattle, at ' Gentngr Chimney fire at the home of Mr.
au ',-] !cLOR'F.RS, Seaforth. agent for .dy I '-- - I'll -,t
•' __ ' _ 'leaners & Laundeteria Ltd•, Exeter. The Mayr,r or the mem !•OR SALE -Princess Pat coal or wood' ti•`n' 'ru. vine, to Township, 1 mile west• slid Mrs, Alf Smith last Friday
iter of the Cutin• •r F•-^nondville, on WEDNESDAY. DE-
SLlb! H01 i H1:H u;' Ch N\ -TV, is Play. f$3'-tf JI aPI+„icted for that purpu.se by resolu-; .•' v with resemoir. Phone 871 r 2. Sea- I " 1•:Al-CER 5th, at 1 :30 morning, which could have roved'
' . ing for •h, 'a;I ,eas,o, Rt the Crystal h'al- `-_. thou. anuli attend •a the Town Hall on ! ,rth• J. BLACK. 4636-1 ' P.m.: Registered p
u - A'TTENTION, FARMERS - Prompt, the loth ,lav Of necenrb••r 19.16, at the Holstein cow • due December; Holstein disastrous, Owing to a Very high
' ! a.e, ;11.'..,,:. ,•:.r.: Friday i:i.:ht' wurteous collection of all dead and hour Of six o'vin.k in fhe afternoon, for , 10H ' ALF, Sturm -door, standteFd size, I cow, fresh 1 month; black cow due in Wind at the time, EXtensive dam-
,. ..._._1 :rusty; • black cows Joe in March; 2
, llecl.d farm animals And hides. Call the purpose, t re:lucsted to du so, of in `o d ronditiun. Apply MRS. ALEX I -r •,i „in cows due in A 2 age was done• t0 the chimney.
lr" 1 GODFMCI; :,%V!L.'ON laancing .`at. 'ullect• Ell. AKI)REII'S, 851 r 11, Sea. aplointing b5 + iting signed by him, twe i'1�'ri;I:NE, Sparling St. 4835x1 milkims and re -bred• April; black cow:. Y
urday fi. !'oscn> a.d hLs Ure - ',arch. Associated with Darling & Co„ of P•.r•,ms ur'a;t rat the final summing up "-'--..-, 3 urham cows. Mr. Fred Kennings has return
anode Lt, 01 -FR YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- '"tlk'ng, due In May; 5 •Dw•ham heifers. ad home after a pleasant week's
`' Nigh, F� � •n,dr,.wvh ! u•e ],lance of the totes „y the Clerk and ane Pc sun ,tit Electric, CV swivel chairs in stock I
'• Iasimatel Pounds; 15 Hereford
'r,-�- Night ...th ,�.inr 1',s,::char ,, tKN\=P1'. .i 63°-tf D+ attend n, ,stub i,ollime piste on behalf Y'800
- te, r calves, 475 puubds. Terms --Cash. V1SIt spent 11'lth his •sister. Mrs.
4U:•4x3 of the oting.a interested d and desirous "t bis; savings, DUBLI V ELECTRIC I M. W. STAPLETON, Proprietor; Mar Gable. of South River, Ont.,
r promoting, the proposed byhew and a ublin• I682•tf uarold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- and he also spent a week with 1115
' - -' HENSALL SALES like number i un behalf at the per, ney, Clerk, 9(1:15.8
in r CI.
to e t ' , CLOCK RAD
C s eel rt , and RADIOS. 39. 5
d des'r au • $ 9 and 4A.95
desirous s u Bul-
f u ustn
PU g
d s o -i son-in-law, • a• a orn n law
L o c Proposed Clock radios . Mr.
Lost and la'ound P ,still •.1 w a las at Ss9.9 -and
ll cry Thursday v . p.m., Mill St., Hen. p by-law. 5. Variety of col• Mrs. Lloyd ,alt. Sting your livestock. , Always a good j urs. Portables also available, SAV• y Redden and family, of
LOS'!-fn-,�eaf,•rth �,val!et cumaining market price. HARRY S1fITH, Phone 187.1 arty te;,an[ desiring w ante shall, out 'IUGE'S, Seaforth. (1(182-tf AUCTION SALE St. Catharines,
large .•',m ,•r money. Hvwau•d. Pur it,- 'leusttil 1'iCTOR HARGREAVES, HU, later than the tenth day before the clay, -
format.,n. oe nios 1:4, Sward. -7',11 Clinton 183_-i. "'Pointid fur taking th. vote, file with; FOR SALE Wingham Classic cook Estate Auction Raleof Pro
the Clerk a deaarati,m tts uruvided by A-1 condikiun, Apple DENNIS Petty. Lot 88. ���`��'���
I' 463,-1 the Municiaal Aar, R,S.G, 1950, Chapter 1,LF.C'TR1C. Phone 467, Seaforth, r,'nlinlock Survel, Town of Seaforth '!ks'
LOST - Anyone who mi,k,.l•in;iy u,ok a WATERLOO _s,3. Section 276131. 4635.2 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3o, at 11 a.m,
boy's rubber trout• size :l, 'r.,n, the Arena 'ATTLE BREEDIl�G Mr, W. L, Ham, of Guelph, visit-
xhree ,,eels ta„u. please Thune i•'. fiNU1V, Any desirin',t to appoint a; OR SALE -Man's beige gabardine coat, p
nominee t.' lute on its hehalf shall file; sive :3, : good'as new. May be seen at On this property is said to be a Rix- A With Airs. C. H. Ham and Miss
:U2 -Si'. 4G3u-1 ASSOCIATI�:v c'!th the chrk, not late:• than the Lente, t: '1' 1 ,E S EGG GRAI)ING sTA- frame house with basement an
data' br(ln•e rite day aPUuinted fur [akin, .1,!lUN-�I DALE' turd u: f e past Week.
'rr d 'n. wan during S t
n th
"Where B tree t ox
.-._-.,... _ e R ills
_.._. .. .-.. .._ Are Ue
Mrs; W. D a
to • , Sw n. o
t r f Hamilton,
ere. am ,' ri
aP1x mime
nt m ,v r'
For artificial insemination information c urn(: of ", SLABS FOR SALE -Hardwood, $10.00 ms -30 % down, balance in 30 days. and l4ZrS. Bert Mullin and SOri,
I•rsun to cute s its nominee kind on its' u
Motor Cars For Sale r service from al) breeds of cattle, Phone behalf, per load, approximately 2U, •cords-; mixed +ale fs subjept to a reserve bid. 'lichard, of StraVord, spent Thurs-
he waterloo Cattle Breeding Association i ' Wood. $8.00 per load, approximately 2y, ,TATE OF 'THP TATE MARGARET flay With Mriss Swan and Mrs. C.
FOR 3ALF- )hide! 'A' Ford Sedan. four it CLINTON HU. "•3441, between 7:30 IIATED this 1:ith day of November, � 'ru'ds. Prompt Delivery. FRED J. HUD -
new t:•' .:A?tEs SLOAN. Lot 30, Con, ad 9:30 a.m. We have all breeds avail. , 1936. IE. phone Clinton HU. 2-66,55. 4631x10 E. PHILIPS Ham:'
7. M,,M!;rp. 46:35x1 III, top quality at low cost. I _
., 4A3'-' tf + PUIi SAL Used Bvndix guaranteed.
WM. LITTLE. A. W. SILLERY, Execu- Miss Ellie Beattie, of London, vis-
�_ I D. It. 1'i'1LS0_v, was; Alvin W, Sillery, Solicitor for the d ill Mrs. C. H. Ham and
_.-_..... _.._ _....._ - r, asunat+let also combination Purpose gas
1 e with
Clerk-, •,rd ";r, •tove.with look -in (1.1,11•, DUBLIN F:state; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Mary Swan on Monday.
Help 'Wanted COURT OF REVISION .. ELECTRIC. Phone 70, hublin. 163'x'- . Mr, and Mrs, Russell Zurbrig, of
HELL' WANTED- Gia; ur „uman to I v q *T 587
VUR RALE --Boy's hockey skates, 6 to j �T Wingham, spent the weekend with
help i1: Ss,-ro% r -h horn.•: if •, days a week. . I BY-LAW -Lri�V 1v 0. i , s1., 0: girl's white skates axe 6, $4.06: AUCTION SALE her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John A.
29,40 '•:ire k!I m,nivrn Conveniences.. TO�V11 of Seaforth n �+ •'it -!'R skates, size 5, $2,(1(1, Apply to . McLawan.
s Bux ?i!.'F:O\ E3:'r'USITOR. FOR 1956 F:!':.\STH PAPPLJ✓. Phone 839 r 13, Auction Sale of Household Effects in Miffs Ella Beattie, London, spent
46311- ' The Court of Revision for the Assess- : S':nftirth• 4635-1 the Tuwn Of Seaforth, West William St., r
_ nc-: Monday with her cousins. Mrs. C.
men( Roll o!' .,:',ti for the lbwn of Sea OF THE - n SATURDAY. NOVEMBER '29th, at
( WAN'TEI, U ,rapist ano' choir lender forth will melt in the Town Hall, Sea i FUR S,4w: -•Freeman loathe tri fit Ford, 14o I).m.• Mcclary cook stove: electric �anl and 112158 Mary Swan.
1.for M,!:i!le Prosbyre:•ian Churcn. Bros• fur; h. :.t p.zs:., on 'Ch'araday, De.ember TOWN OF SEAFORTH tractor, new: Renfro•,• ,lectriv crvant seP-I ninvette4 2-hurner hot plate; dropleaf Mrs, A. Patterson visited Sunda
sets, '•'a:• further information, write to 8• 1!l '8. I Parator with motor, good condition. Ap- I tnl•lc; kitchen chairs: extension table; day with her mother. MCS. Bert Shol-
GPORGE F.;_LiUTT, Sea. -Tress., Brcasels, l By, g ply MRS. JOSEPH MELADY. Phone ._ b:d: West,ncrhuusc Frigidaire; dinabling room
Ont. 45:,5.2 D. H. 1P(L30\, I a Irw to nuthorire the issuing of r d, Dublin. 4633x] o•aensiun table; 4 alining room chafes.: dice. 1n Brimsley.
, el Clc•-k d,•'i-itw•vs fur $37.0Q0.0o for the construe-'
-, rl:vrtthna(1 Singer sewing machine; glass Visitors with Rev. and Mrs. DaV-
' '. ""' 4635-2 tern of an extension S the sewerage sys-' FOR SALE -Girl's 3 -Piece snow suit, ,! 1'ovoard: studio couch; number small
v; tem of the 'Pawn of Seafa•th. size 5 years; also S -Piece snow =tit, three. +,, 1SUn Over the Weekend Were, their`
� OIN A PROGRESSIVE tti.!ts: occasional chtttr.; sectional book.
' :cors' Rize: pair brown uvvrboots. Rize fl, I ,•,a, 2 furnished I"drooma. including beds, son, Robert. Toronto; Trevor and
( 03IPA Y TWP. of TUCKERSMITH 'I'll) REAS the Department of Health for girl. Priced reasonably, Apply to d-,•ssors, spring-ifllrd ,mattr,:ssca: ,,hest Of Mrs. Davison and -children. Batav-
I1' .,f .tae 19e+,in;e tit' Ontario did by its Cor. h1 RS. ED. BRADY, Coleman St., Seaforth.
tifi9ate dat„d the Nth day of March, 1956. iraarrs: wardrobe; scatter roars; uloCk; is,. N.Y., and Miss Jean leans, Of
;' 1� aV;,ru,'e the eoostivicetion of additional 4835x1 ''':tin": R••atty washing machine tiilS(e
with .'•0 ;arae:red pr,•+lu:;s. No dull CLERK'S 1`1r0TICF never; step lander: dishes; kitchen utI% gales,
f season wi;h "n:• fire. The bust way to c^ !Aned .sews, together with the neces- FOR SALR. Cheap, 500 -chick Warner '1:: tither articles tot) numerous to m.n- Mrs, H. Bert
)` make int :• tn-g n-mv and establish >'ry, Private drain connections thereto in electric brooder: 2 -bushel capacity hang- ti ,it. 'Perms -.Cash. MISS ROSA SIMP- y Entel'tainEd the
YOUR OWN ,,.%mass, Wri;e fur details the t,,rllutving streets: ing feeders: 1 'L4-fwbt extension ladder; SUN, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auc- members and Home Helpers of
&, and fre': CA:a,"t•ve, Of First Posting 0f •2 679x15 tires and tu),es: 7 set of 2:,U-ln, ; tiuneer; E. P. Cheyne:' clerk. Group 1 With 29 In attendance. Mrs.'
a a On Gudurii•h Street from Ann Street Platform scales. All to good condition.
Voters' List to the 'Right-of-way west of Main E. H. CLOSE- Phone 186, Seaforth. 4635.1 Davison opened the meeting With'
FAi1'II .tion Street, i 4635-1 _- -- a Christmas message and prayer.'
�e/1t. F', Station C. NOTICE f= hereby' ui,en that I have! rbi On West Street from Goderieh FOR SALE --2 Hereford bulls, 1 year: Cards of Thanks - Roll call was responded to by the,
hi U'-dTREdL Loin; Act tv,th l I :. ,,; rhe Voters, :.treet to James Street, and 9 months old; I Hereford heifer ris_ ; name Of a favorite flower. Mrs.
4635-1 '••1st Art and that 1 nu.r,po..t,.d up at my I ing 8 years, due end of December. Ail ; MRS, BRUCE WALTERS and daughters James McNaughton gave a read -I
or; ve at 'I'uckersmit`• one rhe kith (lay of' 1c) On James Street from West Street registered and accredited. Also one York I wish to thank ail ,c•hn sent flowers. Cards a
I Nu,.mber•, lu;'o, th,• 11..• „fall Pers°nR en- in„ and Mrs. Alton Johnston, Sea-
• to Wilson Street. sow carrying' third litter, due first of and treats to them. Special thanks to Dr.
.1I r tit:,•'] t , ,'ute :r. raid :lunicipality at December. ELGIN NO'IT. Phone S4 i r ; Gurwili, nurses and staff of Scott Mem• forth, played two Sele�tlOnS On the
AIXY �)zLTN I \lunieipal Electiurs. ;, : ;hal such list 'tit On Wilson Street from James Street 5, Sctaforth, 463,,,1 i,rial Hospital. 4636x1 mOUth OrFan, Several contests wee
11'.(iV' j remains there for in=I-vtiun. t° 200r northerly. - p -
would . r ,, h:o.e the high e4,rntnt:R and! '•nd 1 hervi,y cn'.1 u;'•4a all voters to I -^ - i WE WISH TO THANK all those who conducted. Touch -and -take table
AND WHEREAS the CorPuration bas called on us, sent presents and cards on was well Patronized, after which a
'. freedom tit k •a!esman, tart hrsitate to; to:u immediate pr„r�edLr.q� ra have any received plans and specifications and re-' For Rent the occasion of am• fiftieth wedding anni- dainty 1U11C W$S SCCV
I crr,•rs ,r nmis,Ainnr e(,r:e•ted according to cummendntirmR from Graham Reid & , ed by the
.+ make x• .•hist.: +. rr:e ;ho; ,r nut have' lk,v the ;est day for kppca! being the A uciatcK, Limited, Consulting Engineer., FOR RENT -3 -room apartment. OR.ersary�lR�tWas AND thIRPS ARrHIated• ilOsteSS, aSSlted by MCS, Jean .5111-
- an apr.:-ade ie; :„ of w,rk. ' .;,-th day of Nuternbrr. :la:,d, ARCHIE KERR
I VILLE OKE, ,Seaforth. 16 f? tf 4635x1 Clair. Mrs. Ron Paterson, Mrs. Vic -
I DATED this lath :!ay of November, AND WHEREAS the total coat of - p I for Hargreaves. Mrs. Gordon El -
After •omp:•-'in_• .,ur Aptitude Test, we lUi1i• the said work is now estimated to be: POR RENT --A artment, 4 ruurns, and; f WISH TO THANK my neighbors and
3371000100• I hath. LLOYD LOVELL, Kipper. No, 4 friends who remembered me with cards, licit and Mrs, _Alton Johnston,
can d,:i,:irc;y t.;j yra it you should or Highway. 48$.1x2 flowers and treats. Special thanks to the _
sbaubi ret .••,•er ';,e sellinz f e.)d. if you ( E. P. lark. EX, AND WHEREAS the Council of the nursing staff sod Dr. Gorwill, while a.
J Clerk. I Corporation of the Toren of Seaforth has . TO RENT --Garage on Goderirh ��l �,p �Q
h " ta" `t " a't"""ns 4636-2 screed to submit to the electors a By-law E. J. BOX. Phone 758-J, Seaforth, treet. Patient in Scutt it¢moria] Hospital. lfd i �9i1�U iEL�EA
'' Pru +osin • ' 463ai-1 MRS. MAC CHESNEY Pd� N
1 tv the issuing of Thirty-seven ' 4635-11
WE WILL PAY YOU NOMINATIONS thousand dollars (387,000.00) of deben-. I t WISH ,I'D EXPRESS my sincere Mr. and Mrs, Harry Armstrong
11 A , C res upon the credit of the Corporation FOR RENT -Oil heated 4 -room apart- thanks anti aPPre:ciettion for the many and Janice visited Wednesday eve-
, t fur the Purpose of constructing the said anent. A❑ conveniences. DR, E. A. Me- acts of kindness. messages of sympathy
additional sewers and private drain con- MASTER, Seaforth. k6,35C ane floral ,but
receive from kind Hing with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bat-
M50.(O A WEEK .Town of Seaforth nections. friends and neighbors during my sad be- ten. S'. I FOR RENT 4 -room apartment; water 1'eavement. A special thanks to Dr. Mr, Fred Walters, Mr. C. Vance
T T A meeting of the Electors of the Town THEREFORE the Municipal Council and lights; freshly decorated. PHONE Stapleton and to those who helped at
WliILE ilEARNINr of Seaforth will be held in the of the Corporation of the Town of $ea. 66-J, 4635x1 home. and Mr. G, Prance spent several
f' I to enacts as follows: - (MRS.) EVELYN DE PAPE days deer hunting the past week.
TOWN HALL, SEAFORTT; POR RENT -Heated three -from upstairs ! 4835x1 Mrs. Stan Martin., Of Whitby,
You !ase rmhir,,; to lose by taking this 11) Debenture. shalt be issued t° the apartment, in Egrriondville, ,with oath, !
test, an'f t• arr,,unt of $37,000.00 on the credit .of the PRUNE 668 r 2, Seaforth. i MR. EMMERSON SMITH and family visited the past week With Mr,
mold change your whole life, in °n Curporstion for the purpose of construct- wish to express their very sincere thanks and Mrs, Fred Walters and daugh-�
as we truce n'.rn•: men earning well in MONDAY, NOVEMBER ^_6, 1966 ink combined sewers and the necessary 4635.2.
to the relatives and friends ,'or the many lets.
exres.F •,f $10,000 Per Year. I j Private drain connections thereto in the HOUSE FOR RENT -Three miles north acts of kindness during our loss of a dear
(, I'for the purpose of numinatin,; persons for 'streeta hereinbefore specified; the .aid of Dublin on Main Road. Apply JOHN wife and mother, Special thanks to the Mr.' and Mrs. Newton Clarke at-
the offices of Mayor, Recce, six Council- debentures shall bear interest at a rate A. ECKERT, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 87 Rev. Donald MacDonald. Mr. Harofd Bon• tended anniversary services In
Our +r,ipuiatinn is that ynv must ; lora. i'unlic Scharr! Trustees, and Public no exceeding five 1111 per centum per r 19, Dublin, 4638x$ thron and also to Dr. McMaster and Dr. James Street Church, Exeter, and
he mar: led and own a car. Utility Commissioner, annum and shall be repayable in twenty Malkus, We wish to thank those who
j equal annual installments, FOR RENT -Five -room heated apart- sent beautiful floral tributes, and to the were dinner guests with Mr, and
Nominations will be from 7:30 p.m. toI I ment,with private bath, Immediate poll- many friends who extended their sympa- Mrs. Charlie Fisher.
fS i 8:30 P.M.121 Of the total capital cost there shall . Aession HARVEY McLLWA1N, North thy. 4636x1
Apply Friday Evening he assessed, levied and collected at cbe Main St. 4636x1 Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and
I same time and in the game manner as family were Sunday visitors with
i:�,.. NOI EM BI:R 23, 4 p.m, If a poll be necessary, the same will be municipal taxes from all the rateable FOR RENT -Heated apartment; private In Memoriam Mr. a d Mrs. Property of the Corporation 60% of the I bath and private entrance. Avafla•ble first � Henry �'inkbelrier.
t held at the following places on +I Debenture payment required to meet tilts
part Of December. ANGUS :YIacLEAN, BROOMS-•-Tn loving memory of our
°, . "i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1.2, 1956 Capital cost, The balance of the capital ! North Main St. 46$6-1 darling son and brother, Bobby, who was Births
SAMPLE ROOM from 9;00 a.m, m n p.m, east shall be raised by the imposition of accidentally killed eight years ago, Nov. 1slrthS
the sewer este apeoified in Paragraph 5(s,) FOR RENT -11 -room house, furnished, 22, 194.8, age 5 Years and 7 months.
Bedford Hotel Polling Sub -Division tin, 1 and 2, at' If
and Icl of BY -law No, .56s For 1956 in Hensall, from December 1, 1956, to
Tesll's Gnrage. of the Town Of Seaforth. Mas' 7, 1957. Phone 217-W. MRS. . The evening star shines o'er the grave KNoember O,tntonMr. Puend Mrs Hospital,
°':' GODEfttCH, ONT. GRACE HA957, Henaalt.
31 The By-law shall be submitted for r_ Of the one'we loved and could not save; Keyes (nee Nora Eyre), Varna, a son.
? 4635x1 Pulling sub -Division No, 3 and 4, at the assent of the duly qualified electara at 463.1 The call was sudden, the shuck severe, LAING- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing, R.
t the Public Library. I To part with the one we loved so deaf. R. 1, Cromarty, announce the birth' of
,t' :e .---.___--.._.__.___.. __ _ the annual election on the 12th day of FOR RENT -Warm partially furnished Sweet little flower of heavenly 1I III a daughter (Lorraine Elizabeth) on
Polling Sub -Division ?711, 5 and 6, at December, 1A56• apartment, bed -sitting room and kitchen, He was too fair to bloom on earth, Wednesday, November 7, 1956, at Strati•
k. � Notices .To Creditors M. E. Clarke's Garage. suitable for business person or couple.
(4 ) The vote shall be taken at those Reasonable. FRANK REYNOLDS. Phone -Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, Sisters LAWRENCE- General
ene alMHospand Mra. Hilliard
5' 0 Seaforth, November 13, 1956, places appointed by By-law No, 586 for 869 r 33, Seaforth. 4 hone and Brothers.
and the Deputy Returning Officers, 4635x1 Lawrence (nee Wanda Ruweliffe), of
NOTICE to CREDITORS D. H, WILSON, as appointer) by By-law No. 586 for 1956, Hensal), are happy to announce the
I Town Clerk. I shall preside at the various polling places birth of a son in Clinton Public Has-
4:r . In the Estate of FREDERICK ECKERT 4634 and shall take the vote under this By-law, Pftal on Notembur 19.
MALONEY-To Mr, and Mrs. John J.
Ili (fil A copy of this proposed Bylaw Maloney, at Scott Mbmoriai Hospital, on
All ycrsuns baring claims against the PROCLAMATION .shall be November 19,, a son (Daniel John),
p;, ti, Estate 'If F^ndw•ick Eckert. !Ate of the published Once a week for threeAvoid
C::. iI Village of Dublin, in the County of I successive weeks to The Huron Expositor
Perth,deceased, who .lied on Or shout the toll Th¢ Seaforth News, ne,vapapera pub-
4 -3rd da Ot .Jul 1911 Township of Hallett hahed In the Town of Seaforth, together
;$ Y R 6. are herehy noti- I with a notice signed by the Clerk stating
j rind to Aend them in to the undersigned
I on or before the 4th day of December, jI that the Copy is a true copy of the pro -
1956, niter which date the assets wig be The annual meeting Of the ratepayers of I posed Sy -law, '
.yxA distributed, having regard only to Claims the Township Df Hallett will be heli to worr� `
,8 then received. the Tal The notice enol! also state that, ��
if the assent of the electors is obtained .
DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 5th day Community Hall. Londesboro on the by-law submitted, that it will
p,;, rf Nv,.'mher, lAb6. he taker: into ronsidexation by the
1': d FRIDAY,,. NOVEMBER 23. 1956 Council, after the expiration of one
t• ' - month from the data of the first pvly A Beatty Automatic Clothes Dryer eliminates
yvp,v ALVFN W. SFLT,F,RY, The Clerk will .be in the Community liaption.
Seaforth, Ont,. Hall, Londesboro, from 1 to 2 p.m., to
.';� Solicitor for the F,atate. thl The notice .bap also (.tate the wet weather wash worries. No matter whether
4688-8 receive Nominations for Reeve and Coun- date of the first
': cillors to hold office for the year lAfi7. publlcatfon Of'the by. rain, snow Or sleet, your Washing COT11eS out dry,
r' t Notices"'-"`- When proposed candidate is not present, ,
his nomination paper shall not be valid acl The notice shall also state that
'. ' unless there is tta bed h the votes will b k ready to iron
cry 15`17 I .I ,Q i r
1,k o-ar
We also have Limed Jeans for
all the family.
Welcom to
Beef Meeting
You ,are invited to inspect the hottest thing in
cattle feeding business:
Come and see the latest facts and figures on
Hormone Feeding of Cattle. .
New beef supplement prices will be announced
at meeting.
TIME -8:15 p.m.
ATE- Friday® November 23rd
'LACE --Legion Hell, Hensall
PHONES 205 - 103 - HENSALL, ,ONT.
. f, �
i;'., t'l ,
.. 1i
- ____
- _ II
Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only.
Allenford ,.,...,.$4.75 Hanover $4.30 Palmerston ....$3,40
, Brussels ......,,,, 4.30 Harriston ........ 3.75 Southampton .. 5.90
Chesley ............ 4.75 Ingersoll ........ 3.70 Sarnia .... 6.55
Clinton 4.75 Kincardine •
•••••••••••• 5.85 Stratford .......... 3.45
Elora ................ 2.45 Kitchener ....... 2.45 Strathroy ....... 520
Fergus .............. 2.45 Listowel .......... 3.60 Walkerton .:.... 4.60
Georgetown .... 1.20 Mitchell ............ 4.09 Watford ....... -,... 5.75
Goderich ....... - 5.05 Paisley ..r......... 520 Wingham ....... 4.75
-Guelph ............ 1.90 Owen Sound .... 4.75 Wyoming ........ 620
. Brampton ...... ,85
e c t atetn evidence e ta en at the annual Huron CountX's Finest
satisfactory to the Returning Officer that election.
�i`i NURSERY STOCK, shrubs, fruit trees, he consents to be sn nominated. . '
r perennials. H. C. Downham 'Nursery Co, rd) The notice snail also state the ?'
` Phone ERIC MILNER, Seaforth 893. Hale and lace for the appointment of � � Car „wsnn
A meeting of the Electors will be held nl D F� /.`r' y,.
4632-tf in the Community Hall, Londesboro, at 2 Persons to attendant the polling places Market
h� ' p.m., Friday, November 23rd, to hear pro- and at the final summing up of votes 1
RADIO REPAkRB - Fo'r all kinds of by the Clerk. 1
e posed candidates, and in case more than 1950 �i,V, COACH ?'rte
r radios, at TERRY'S RADIO STRPhone the required Hamner of candidate to fin 1956 CHEV. BEL AIRE SEDAN, POWER GLIDE (iF�
, opposite Dick 8bvae, Seaforth. •Phone the offices are gnminatad, and a vote de- a e) The notice shall also state that
lu 147-R manded, a Poll %11 be held on any tenant desiring to vote shall, not . - .. fully equipped bel. �r 1950 FORD COAeg , .... • ."'• """'"""
4632-tf later than the tenth day before the day "l' 4 �`� " •"••••.••....•••........••••• •..•
MONDAY, DFXrTvjBER 3, 1A56 appointed for taking the vote, file with ' _ I 1 - a '
NOTICE. [ wf11 be calling on the ileo from' 9,a„m. until A p.m., at the following cite Clerk a dectaration as provided by 1955 CHEV. POWER GLIDE SEDAN........ 2-]ggR pOuC Z3MDAN8
py Ale [p the Seaforth diistrict In the 'ne'sr places sub section 8 of Section 276 of The - -
i' future. ein t Check
Your products now and Municipal Act, R.$,O, 1950, Chapter y�
..1 make a list of all you need. DAM Poll 1. Forester's Hall, Kin'burn; Se- 243' Automa'tie $catty '
1955 CHEM. SEDAN ................................•.......-. $1895
f' n RRELLER, Rarwl¢Igh Dealer. � 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN CHEV SE
mrd McBrien, D.R.O.: Ephriam Clark, Poll DRYER
v E R 885` 194$
d886at Clerk. ffl The notice shalt also state that iF 1 iL �Ltll equipped 1'Y47Y•••.»•,••••.••.••••••••••..•.•..•••..••••••�.•
. any Corporation desiring to appoint nDQ�i(�l .�
7� y„ .......................................... -
m I Poli 8. U. Leo S.S.Poll fi ; Bert nominee to vote Dirt its behalf shall Reg. 299,50 1954 CHEV, POWER, GLIDE
ft Poll 2. School HnaQ�'"
Beacom, D.R.O. Leo Watt, Poll Clerk. file with the Clerk not later than the DE LUXE COACH 14"E 1951 MERCURY 8 -TON DUM
NOTICE Hovae, U.3S, No, tenth day before the day Appointed for Pre -Christmas Special.. """'' '
�, Townshl Of Taekersmith 2 , .loseph Flynn, D A, : Bernard Tiilhe, takinsr the vote, an appointment in • ' . """"""""' '
, I Poll Clerk. writing of a person to vote as its • 1952 CH.M DE LUXE SEDAN 1 O0 1949 CHE
7-66 r Poll No, 4. CD»�rntYnity Iia11. :1 code:- nominee and nn its behalf. , 19u2 CHEV. COIWERZBLE POWER
'I 11*101 shill of Ztti)'91(tiA od' Mittli6t• boyo ; Joseph Shaddick, D.R.O. ; Len Shob. 1395 V TON P>
vl" pal ikaittpin(f Gktltkri8r blttfdt¢ii' dit*"httltt Clerk. (6) The copy of the BY-IAW and the `'�' GLIDZ-#u1iy equipped 1949 CHEV .•.........
r4 d;t'd'wilT' taxa. a. Iff's's., �Y4-TixN iPIGi'$TJg -
"� mild WLs&t af• , brtsdk, Poll
Cleric's Notice, as set forth in the pieced- i' r ,
r " Pall No. 6. Community Batt, Summer- ' rrLl�' v ...
vruIt' ire olletYt att•I to fiittilitty�5 pi ids fns( Par tstapha, "altAll Ile flint Dubllshed r' . `]951 FLYMOi3T'.SEDANY'
'Td'iffnshili Am
o� 1~uci3LYtiCig ,1YtyirAbgiy 1)111, LDhrlam Sgs1l, D.R.O.; Yvan Heg-I off Thu day, the 18th day of November, 1949 G.M.C. ONE-
,. , IMd4�8 tvlFda irlk $lt :. '<tha librotrEr ,'itnrtitr Poll. Glrerlty x96s. ' '4N PAN
D'� • - poll Not. G. Comenilhity Hall, 110 1956. l A W lyI y:�� .............. I—.
A ,f11", batn ; J! ¢ � flitabl took. MR.O, ; r. PID.;
w "' f H};``a Pinile, 4. ilEA35 a first soil second tithe thig 12th �e19 b SIM»
t 96, aleft ,, day of Nboembet, 1956,
' 1�o1f,,,•,j
a �.a t� - �� it q .. �'',`oreo ' d 1f-•J�tt' L71..,
{� �,y ritfe1>[ GI'IAIi'aritee� E d0 4s, all iaill ode! Cars•llzat�yr It.►uci
�::., ya DENNIS
n r t' .1,
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