HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-11-09, Page 4, :;,, .., `r., ,::. a ..,'..,.. Is • � ..y . l • 8 , .' ... :. .::., n ,.: , :.., .. .:, °,•,.. -d.., 1 , ;t. V , +a i.. Nati IY •-. }:1r, '$' : .:wW J 4, .., ,. ,..,,:. R 2' 's"iwn n.,l.. ir, . ?$7: }+r L r ,:.r„ .: il`r..., s; .h.,,^�. b. !u 1. ,n�'«:i ,,q,, .. ,,, q w,;' 9. , . ,tk I tt� ..5 ^f y,� ,. , ' .n.;Y ,a :r,.,llf t.. , at` 41 ,_.i�;�: V+.;� 4 4 Pi. r'@, ,i�li9 ,'�t'•'; a ... s �,, , „ '`:,:.. , r. 1 . - ,�, V , j yi y. - -: ,t V1,1 a • r : . t� C w " XPO �r SiTAa " ' . 1I : k n ( t w ..�f , Sha"!! ' MIA,, f2�V'fi A �Ttzv M) ER tl, 95rt. y #' 1> "ear" & : M. . 1 a t Y.,'ti si. .. to ' y� i -t ,t 4d'�p,,�`ati, tiy� 9 "I{`¢w •v:;viy.g..ic, �t i. Viv •,, - c vin i1 b �r 4 - �' ,'1 PS ✓ i Y+ lrg y i .,,......,.,.. ,.. .r ,� y,tk,:, , - . .. n..11 ,,. ,,... .., � �����"�,,.... ], ,. ;x ..- _. , �: ...... ... ,: n �. y... ... vii: r I 1 t M s. an r • � ,.... ,, . a t a a tae , ,.t - ,. ?dud: w .� .. tc n I� h �.. � el P•�f�.!•,e� _. bu a ce . to s .. :. , . ..,. r 1 r #� .I�ospr Wil11a � i . +., .:. .,,.: i. llriana- ..of i'ir: �,: tal> London., iss El n: a,e, r : -. : ,M viva Churchill of To • a� �i p4- . _ _ ar�tu frtrzxt: a' leas, Ix • , ,y, t .—T--..,.,. r..�. LL, tai was a weekend guest wihtp ,her Ap; vwo: weeks�.AtiAg dxpedifl4a �. Acsnserteltl At New Law Cash, ate —<� sister and blather 1n-laiv ,N,. Mr a A,.,! F S --- ----.. ud 71R! ,rte.?,•'7ilFovtOe; �4,GQnipnr 1111­.1,� v . -; Mrs,. E. Sbaddick and B i' iced• t , , -`SAL W L Vel Wa • - S tl.Y•:: eY X.W5*AVsaY, o#. arX WANTED, OST AND FOUND ETC. p nted ITy eiI I R .. Per Word. ilt�anted 1VLi. Earl Snrtt, of St. Marys, Who + ate„d lUir I.liudhurst, f F11nir ' i Jqn ;fit y« a•,,: .. .yf•r let Week Week 1 Cent WA�1T1�,10'.-;A plumber or a tinsmith. WANTED -A boarder. PI;ONE ^ 23ti�`.reeeDtly pill'ellased tTl@ b ttxifUl .. .:i e p :1'�'Ere §LtCCeS&ftl is fr*cls a°a 9r Cent SILLS HARDWAn. 4688-1 Seaforth. 4f38;gi residence former) owned by Mr. 1.II bagging their quota of ducks ri Y �' ii"`:j 4 Minimum charge, each insertion... 25 Cents - - Edmund Geiger, is having it con, 4130'0 MAose.' Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. HELP WANTED --Woman. or girl; live WANT to buy or rent for winter, hand:: in or out, to help in Seaforth home, euttivi box and root Dulper. CHARLES Verted into a nursing home. Mr.a.� Mrs. Toro Kyle, `a re'+ 4 i :, Qarda of, Thanks; In Metyoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent Per word. Minimum, modern conveniences. SIiERW'OOA, R.R. 2, Walton. t 1Vir. an Mrs: Edmund Geiger, are cent bridal •equple; have rented an 60 Dents per week. HURON EXPOSITOR. Apply Box 6811, SI ,h,:: r nF 468414 leaving "this Saturday or Monday agartlriCnt iI 'Dr, James Bell's resi,- ' FSngnfries aluy be directed to a Box No., c/o. The Huron Exp°aitor, for 16 cents extra, - WANTED IMMEDIATELY - House. to take np resideliee in Lo>I}doti, d�ence,. ,south of Hensall, on }�O.--4. .! i EXPERIENCED Furniture Finialrer, al_ keeper for home fn Seaforth; five days q having purchased a ))home on, j8 Con'gratuiations are in order for T t'.l7i. itl'itteen cents additional will be charged if ads is above class are not Paid with{n 30 so one experienced woodworking machinist week. PHONE 283, between 22 p.m. and" �i, days of date of &nal insertion. as assistant to our millroom Fireman, and i p.m„ or after 6. 4683-1 James Street. Residt�nts of this Yll- 'Mrs. 'Mamie Worrell, Of Exeter, Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge one fourth-class engineer, . We are ex- wboQ was O lege For the est 12 ears, the are rtunate having Pending and need good men. Pleasant p y Y "Fifty a Iter Auction Solea. Notices to Creditors, Eta -Rates on application, working conditions, good w going to be very much missed from letter picked. on Faft '� ages. very having Y a Day ']lEi ^� steady employment, group insurance, etc. Tenders Wanted the community. girlie correct answer and ,the - - - JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Mrs. William Kerr and Caro11 O� right number of labels, there#ore Ingersoll. 4633-2 r • Corning Events NotiCeg Exeter; Mrs, George Lefebvre and wlnplllg far herself $3,500, Her I'llTENDERS FOR FUEL Bobby, of Clinton, and Mrs. Maude letter was picked oil Monday of this 1. START YOUR OWN L.O.B.A, intend holding a bake sale, OIL Hadden, of y week. Saturday, ecembex 8th 4633-1 NURSERY STOCK, shrubs, fruit trees, , spent Sunda Mr: and Mrs. Keith Hillier L b perennials. I3. C. Downham Nursery Co. ... with relatives in Barrie. , - On - 1 Phone ERIC MILNER, Seaforth 393. BUSINESS y Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gelder- don,' visited Friday evening with ,: ST. 1FIOMnes ANGLICAN Bazaar and 4632-tf To Seaforth District Hig. Mr. aired Mrs. Laird Hackle and 1.r Tea, on Wednesday, November 21st. 1 land and Ross, of Ridgetown, Visit- "selling consumers' goods to all families School ed with Mr, and Mrs. Sim Rooboh family. RADIO REPAIRS -For alb„ kinds of in your surroundings. Interesting cam- e' WOMEN'S Hospital Auxiliary bridge 'adios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, mission, Free samples with each order. Miss Maja Roobol, nurse -in -train Mr, and Mrs. Don Rigby and WOMEN'S Wednesday, 28th of November. tDposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone Specials with free Products. Monthly Pre. Tenders will be received up to noon, ins at Victoria Hospital, London, Donna,'of Blenheim, spent the . 4633-1 147 -EL mium. Free catalogue and details on November 15, 19,56, for supplying of fuel weekend with Mr. and Mrs.. Harr :i' i3'''-•' 4632-tf request, , I oil t° Seaforth District High.Schoo2. visited with her parents; Mr, and y' §^•' SLIM BOUCHER of CKNX-Tv, is Play. p Mrs. -Sim Roobol, over the week. Snell: - �i-I;^ ing for the fall season at the Crystal P.al- FAMILEX For further particulars apply to were- end. • Winners at therr Legion bingo ,:; ace, Mitchell, every Friday night. Spe- r tar'y. were: Mrs. Leo Miner; Thomas cial hard -time dance this Friday, with CLERK'S NOTICE Dept. M. Station C, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith' and : Preference may be given to meter equip- Danny have taken up residence in Kyle; Mrs. Fleisehauer; Mrs. Nor- ,, ” cider. 4628-9 MONTREAL 4683.1 Ped truck. Lowest or any tender not an apartment orirned by Mr. -Har> Mali Baird (2); Miss Webb (2); �' Of First Posting Of p ' TURKEY BINGO. Legion Hall, Mit- necessarily accepted. c5 g Monday, Nov, 12, 1956, 8:45 p.m.: r -- .. old Bonthron. Mrs.. Bill Austin (2j; Mrs. T. Brint- sp games turkeys: 3 specials, Amis; 1 Voters List M. A. REM, Mr, and Mrs. Cal Horton and nell (2);, Mrs. C. Wilkinson; Miss 1 special, Auspices door prize. Admission 1956 For Rent Secretary. -Gerald and, Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Sharp; Mrs. A. Foster; Mrs. A. t;1.00. Auspices o£ Canadian Legion 4638-1 Saundereoek Ball Austin 5;,. Branch 12$. 9633-1 MUNICIPALITY OF THE FOR RENT -3 -roam apartment, OR. Faber and Joyce visited with Mr. , , ,Mrs. R. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, in wing- TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT VILLE OKE, Seaforth, .163;-tf and Mrs. S. Roobol on Sunday. Taylor, Jr.; Mrs. Clarence Reid. Deaths Mrs. Wilbert Dillin who has, Jackpot next Saturday is 95 ham United Church, $ p.m., annual meet- COUNTY OF PERTH g' S9 CailS. $ J ing Huron County Temperance Federa- FOR RENT -Two apartments, East been a patient at Scott Memorial + tion. Speaker, Rev. A. Nimmp; film, ••Far NOTICE is hereby given that I have William Street. PHONE 250-R or JAS. ATKINSON-In Seaforth, on Thursday, .HOspltal, Seaforth, With a heart DiCS jn Windsor ' ` From Alone," in color, first showing in cumPlid with Section 9 of the Voters' T, SCOTT, 4633-2 November 1, William Patrick Atkinson, condition, has returned home. Inspector James P. Campbell, 60, .; Western Ontario. Young People, don't Lists 'Act 1951, and that I have posted in his 77th year. Vales this. 4633-1 up at my office, Lot 17, Concession 4, on FOR RENT -An apartment in Seaforth; GRESSWELI -In Pasadena, California, A reception for' Mr. and Mrs. head Of the Windsor city police the 1s1 day of November, x1956: the fiat of beard, with bath. Immediate possession, Emily M. E. Cresswell. Carl Willert, of Zurich, (nee Mar- detective branch since 1946, died I "SHARE - THE - WEALTH" BINGO - all Persons entitle, to vbte in the said Apply to Box 584, HURON EXPOSITOR. WNNELLY-At Dublin, an Thursday, diet Willard), Of Exeter, Will be StIIId8 Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, Nov. 30, Municipality at Municipal Elections, and 4TOx2 November 1, Mary Elisabeth Donnelly, g Y. He was born in Aidbor. that i 9 p.m, Jackpot $95.00 in 59 calls; $5.00 such list remains there for inspec- in her 61st year, // OUgh TOQ{(nShap Elgin County, and added each week until won; o regular tion. 11 HOUSE FOR RENT -Three miles north ve!mi(Eerl9 ColinJosephKennedy, on in hiis - - .attended school' there and at Chat - games, y s gams. No admission. Spon- of Dublin on Main Road. Apply JOHN 78th year. Motor Cars .For' Sale hani, and joined 'Windsor police de . I t cord by Hensall Legion. And I hereby call upon all voters to A, ECKERT, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 37 SPROAT-In Seaforth, on Saturday, Nov. partment in 1929. He had been on c' 4633-1 take immediate proceedings to have any r 19, Dublin, errors or last omissions corrected according to 4633x8 8, Luella Jane,�pbinson, beloved wife of FOR SALE -1950 Austin. Apply to sick leave for the past few months. _ law, the last day for appeal being the 16th William M. Sproat, Tuckeremith,,,.i% her 'HUGH McLACHLAN, Egmondville- . Np day of November, 1956. FOR RENT -Five -room frame house on 74th year. 4638x1 HlS widow is the former Jessie otices James St.: -oil heat, 3 -piece bath. Pos- U-11 d h e , aug ter of the late• Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bell, of Hensall, who surives, with a son, Neil Campbell; of Cedar Springs. Funeral services were held Wednesday: Centralia C.O. Speaks Group Captain L. E. C'am'eron, Commanding Officer of R.C.A.F, Station, Centralia, was guest speak- er at the dinner meeting of zthe Hensall Legion Monday evening, and gave an informative 'talk, on "Training For Aircraft Flying." He was enjoyed) by -the group. President Sam Rannie presided for' the meeting which followed, when Plans were -outlined for the Re-' membrane& Day -service, to be held in the United Church this Sunday morning at 11 aim. 'Ten dollars was voted- to th1e, Beck Memorial Sanatorium, axed nominations were held. Dinner was catered by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, SEAFORTH WITO MEET The regular meeting of the,Sea- forth Woolen's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs, Eldin Kerr on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 13, at 2 o'clock, Co -hostess is Mrs. Ross Gordon. At this meeting there will Pe constructive. criticism of the W. London Area'' Convention. Re- ports. will be given by Mrs. J. 1-jil- lebrecht : and Mrs. Gordan Papple, federated representa.tives,. Girls are reminded of the Huron County Raily to be held Nov. 19 at Cran- brook. The first WJ. euchre will be held in the Community Centre Nov. 13. This will be the only one before. Christmas. Lunch commit- tee for regular meeting will be vmg ought we give Mrs'. E. Whitmore, Mrs. E. Papple ASSOCIATION FOR SALE -A quantity 5 cob corn. To them no longer •with us, • STUART WILSON. Phone 65$ r 21, 'Sea- But in our hearts aril] hues, and Mrs. G. McKenzie, "Where Better Bulls Are Used" forth` 4633.1 -Ever remembered by son, Harold For ,artificial insemination Information one FOR SALE -Beatty washer, used only daughter-in-law, Margery, and grand. ; / Or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone one year. Phone 654 r 33. J. PATRICK. daughter, Helen. 4633-1 the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association ' 4633x1 �C C at CLINTON HU. 2-3441, between 7:30 ! A ®RTH ;Sz and 9:80 fi,m. We have all breeds avail- FO11 SALE -9 Shorthorn calves. cows-. - Carly' of Thanks i 1 I n able -top quality at low coat quality, • around . Pounds: also 2 cows : C�1�tMUNITY 4638•tf i •Yearling bull. E. SPARKS. Phone Clinton, Hunter 2-9294. ti 4633-1 I WISH TO THANK everyone who sent ,3• . cards, ,flowers and treats while I was a NOTICE ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- patient in St. Joseph's Hospital in Lon- CN��R� Township of Tuckersmith ]fn Electric. S. swivel chairs in stook don. `M at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC , 4633x1 JANNY VAN VLIET Dublin i g38,tf O ., The Township of Tuckeramith Municl- I WISH TO THANK my neighbors and r;. Dna Dumping Ground, situated one-half FOR SALE -•A cutter knife for a on friends who sent me cards and treats mile west of Egmondville, Con. 8, H.R•S„ tractor, in good condition. Apply to .. ~n 5 K A T' RG •.`d, CADARET, Muir Nursing game, Jarvis during sp recent Inness in Scott Mem- ov11i Township apes only to ratepayers of the St., Seaforth. doctors, Hospital; also thanks to nurses and ':.i andSaturday of Tuckersmith, o Wednesday 4633x2 doctors, It was greatly appreciated. yf+' and Saturday afternoons, from the hours 4633x1 E. S. MoBRMN 1 L Fried Nov 9 �r of 2 to 6 P.M.FOR SALE -25 choice Yorkshire pigs, I - e . 10 weeks old. STANLEY JACKSON, r^ ;r.`is Friday, i I WISH TO TAKE this opportunity to .{: si;i§' ' N, wire car bodies or garbage (organic Kipper• Phone Seaforth 672 r 5. I thank all my friends who have remem- 8:00 10:00 p,m' 3 M to, be deposited, and all dumping mast - 4883x1 bered me by letter .and visits since I have O A� be done under the supervision of the in- been confined to bed; also for the many r ways Beer I ryeetor. FOR SALE -Used Case corn picker with cards, received on my 91st birthday. Your wf3 s SGtr11'dgyi Nov. l O husking bed; working good., Apply OR- thoughtfulness was most appreciated. VILLE WORKMAN, d 4683x1 JAMES McFADZEAN ;; E. P. CHESNEX, . ,LV, Ki pen Phone 677 r 11, Hensall. 4636-2 ) 4 s '' Twp. otCTuakersmitp w:E WOULD LIKE TO THANK all our ° [ AF`T'ERNOON 9832-tf FOR 9ALE-New York dressed or oven neighbors g ra n a friends d ere de w ho helped ed us With road, t e d a p e i���r%� h e h Butter `1 r MRS, utte P WL r I FRED COLE- <`':.:;:i%�'. day of our fire, o the Tuckersmith Fire ;s::.'>;":;:;#:;:;:; :;;,;,r 11't0 3::fl.11.IIL. r MAN, Phone 652 t 14, Seaforth: � •%%"%%: •• CLERKS NOTICE ' B'rigade for answering our call, and to ��••:::::#;• �G',"� 'I ' 4633x1 all the men and ladies who have so kindly .:;.. CLOCK RADIOS, $39.95 and 49,96. Bul- helped since. A sincere thank -you to all. r: `<,>. :r'r>s::^ :% i Of First Posting of ova clock radios at $69,95. Variety of col- ART and MARY FINLAY50N " k,cy{; y; 8:00110 10:00 TLm: r ore. Portables also available. SAV- 4633-1 %." Voters List AUGE'S, Seaforth. 4632-tf MR. AND MRS. WESLEY VENNER Il + FOR SALE -Portable typewriter, Rem- and family wish to thank her many friends VOTERS LIST 1956, TOWN OF ingtoii, with tape in new condition. Ap- and neighbors who remembered her with1. . SEAFORTH, COUNTY OF HURON Ply Marilyn Mousseau, Kippen. phone cards, treats and flowers and kind deeds i ' Hensall 694 r 5. 463a-1 towards her family while' a patient in ' NOTICE is hereby given that I have Clinton Public Hospital and Victoria Hoe. complied with Section' 9 of The Voters' :FOR SALE -Two -wheel steel frame pita), London, Special thanks to the Lists Act, 1951, and that I have posted trailer, 4 feet by 6 feet; spare" wheel and nursing staff of both hospitals, At. God- `, Up at. any office at the Town Hall, on the tire. PHONE 388-W, Seaforth, dared, Dr, Toogood and Dr. Rounthrup. btu day of November, 1968, the list of all 4633x2 4633.1 ,y. x . Detsons entitled is vote is the said that MERE WORDS are inadequate to ex- r x icipuiity at municipal elections, and that FOR SALE -Dining room suite; 8 chairs press my gratitude to the many friends, r suchr list remains there for inspection. and large table and buffet. In very good y tom' condition. Price $80.00. WILLIAM LEE, neighbors and relatives who so kindly i .' And. I hereby call upon all voters to Rosy Corners, Hensall. 4688-2 remembered me with cards, flowers, fruit, take• immediate proceedings, to have any treats and visited me while a patient at y. k' ' omissions or errors coreebted acedrding t6 FARMERS, NEED GRAINY See us for VJctoria Hospital, London, and for eats u 6 ' dnw„ the last day fat• appeid being the special bulk prices, delivered to your barn. sent in since returning home, Special ` Ice cream and crunchy almonds top r ✓, 19tlnAhy of November 19611. TOPNOTCH FEED$ LIMITED. Phone thanks to the nursing staff and doctors these gay Christmas Lt ht- v sF- : W' ' . 16, Seaforth, 4632-1 of the hospital and to Dr. Goddard. Thank $ Ups. $Ut tb0 . V ' DATED this 6th day of Novem'fi0r, 1950. YOU, real flavour is baked right in. It's 46x3 t ALMA HESS •i Clerk of TLSOSeaforth.FOR SALE-te. apace heater and small - butter--frCilH crdamer�+ butter -1 nd(ng - D. $, WILSON, electric rangette. PETER MALOOLM, 1. West William St., Seaforth. Phone 674- Its I17atbltlCgg 3V01 4iiYICh11IgWlth7tg ' , 46aa-a M� 46aax1 Personals ``, : • Yom. natur$Ia Alwass Remember, For all' y a ,� _ . $ $h r r FOR SALE 18 chunks of Plga: some - ✓ Your festtvd bakitig and right through the �t • �� �4k` "??• u '` maple and elm tape; registerod Hereford TRY BEFORE YO,U BUY, Beauty Conn- f Y. Better' with. Butter' H'v* n Coon . s rl STOP registered Hereford cow Apply senor cosmetics. Phone Seaforth 898. / �� FREE I Marib'Frasek's "Merry (�'llristmae* Finest Used; , Car Mar�(e1' J° ' STEPFIEN MURRAY , R.R. 2, Walton. BARBARA L. TVIILNER. u ,e Phone Dublin 46 r a. 4633-1 4632-tf 0) - recipes for cookies and candy. Also . 1956 C`ftV $EY,.1 AlRF• SEDAN, POWER GLIDE' her new FOR SAL SUFFERING Butter $ ,. SALE -Place your PEKING f oOklet , ce r seedier with from ,8 y t Mrs ackachea /' • ' Rheumn- '.f111�7 y tri d ..., ' Gordan Papple for oven- tic Pain, sciatic ' ' •„••••••••^•• x950 C � , DD ready ducks and a, Lumbago ie over if you •• • ;,, c ';. HEV. G'OACH ,M. •. have Sour delivery when You wish, let AUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask - 2 Press half this iaixttire , r•,"airy ­­•'•+•+••„•.,.• :'• t bat 55.^C'iV; ” Eb '� PHONE 8x9 r 18, S@aforth. Your Druggist. 4688 i;: :;r. f in a tom of a w6 t l r." 9 S AN „••„ • , �'��/x�.1��nr 1950 FORD COACH ..........I.. ” �`L;!' X¢'i.: i but •' ::E:i i .,e•;itr.,a q.y . „,a.n..... ....,,.Y ea: „Y M .......in. 4683-t .:r% v''% feredli° 5##•yr„^ •K;,, 1 y�rz sq. cake tile•` spread :. ••:.., s., i45�t ' A SEDAN ,Ix HYGIENIC SUPPL S (Rubber Goode "�": %::' • :':<:`' With 2 I `rr " : `r'>' .;,.;: . oy i'- f .. FA mai] ) r. C. W11018 Cranue q sn R RSI If you dire equipped to ed postpaid' In plain, sealed T::;•`r' b(lpCd �'$l/ Go DD envelope ,r.•%;:. :t sauce ad s rink a c! r :' £/ '`” :.•.••.• .. 2--1948 PO ' handle feed in bulk. wfth rice list r}i % P t With ;y>,, PI'YtIAC �) 1 see tf9 P 8 sam. ors cial les'2 b"'• s`,'.._''•. xaf 1951 a ---i..._.....1_1 Pe D bc: sL4 es ''"r,: ,...,[ ,r... �"il.'V 3 I'C1 F. - rices lea ,0 m` , /<,. s� .,r tsp, grated Orange find and ;'•r< �'. :.s;:7r':s'<!•"�`%:t,.l4s::. •.:. r V�,I4,'�,' i,:`r1;r�13�.'... a P delivered to o yy P Sl 0. ,!: .. •rr t your bin. TbPNOTCH Mail -Order Dept. T 78. ri.,,s.....,:., rK-0 �:.:.l k.:?• !c c^ .:!� /�(�}} "- T$ r+ �y y �y y� �p �� FEEDS TyIMI ED. Phone lb Seaf rth NOVA•RVBRER CO. Box ,.Ar,,,;, shredded COCa6Ut a :. •;u<;u .tf••>•• #:; 1' '16= COACH' ......,.,.:o.....,.,;,+„•.,, ..485 ' ,� ±�1�TING Vl' .HW Ee01Y 43x3 1 9t, Hamilton. wlld.<:.3: �r ';•: y;., ,.,. rt rroryy V. .,<: ” o - •— --..� -- - '-'�-,�-+'r t L '�� : nw� .. r, a Jr1 +ULta'� F.11 1 COUNTY ITY COtrNCIi I �� r xM �#� D Ll k 4 1" %.TON p l „ , FOR SALE-Tivo Pure ,bred Hereford t Mrx•2 , c, rolled oats,, ^ 1,. * 1iVi'Al� to F' j�+$[Ip..„„,,, y 19 S 1 , 1'16 a sifted all•pdi ose , :< a Tai �xtur ; Hak , sat* g5�' G' V. C' �. E ..- , }I :: c abs bulla, ages. IO months and I year; hers Irthii rD, •s:. :.: meat mi tux 9 g _ i.. ,,1'% x n, a r t @. ak0g5 e t i 3 0 F. k4., 194 .r e I~rlf orl Con tion ,r.<:;«.`.. 9 � iity r+icil taiii � :s: ,^ ... , ldli et full trout V aN, R.R., s/4 braW CAEV. t1l y A t AR n Su a UD Y THUR F r r .< IN. :�� � �=Tt?N B C:,•l�iJt'1�1 pI ' , :, 1'lDotirlttii fiiiutfibdxs Garet Ifr 4 for 40=45 mttlu Cutit'to' 0 t pti ;aa li ,: ” i7YY CK[Tlp .„. ;a?a , a1lSftr Gact� LA2$ON, R.Ra: IBiDpen, Out, ATitHNSON� Jd1r I too. 50 6 acid V4 is :;5 ::< fy. 11 i :'. -it •••.. a ., bed n ,and Edna Atkinson, a;;; sr squargss$riYewar' oY id A T11f11�'r , V t S fit,,. a u : 4632x2 nee Pettk pp u ,. .. r'r ”. ( e are ha a lair It itFR'/ c, hutterwrth :: ;. 40, r� .• 19 i. ,. 49 Ci,.a . __,P, `. `' .k-, .x;:' i, DDY to. YfnOnn'Ce the {<;,::;., Ir:;i'" Make ttad'd1eS ll't0 ill `.. - 4&064„,,`j• .s .,. ..g.:,.., .,..�, - �r `riiQ - uirtlt of the e' asf blenddC or k e r, :: , ::,r! {1i1.. olix ..,.. „v,..>q.r •' „ x -prok lr cit .at.St. Levis, .Quebec mV S, ;:•: :.Lar r..., > ..,” ,1, eb+laasrrnra�wl.r a Y.w:.a .. „....+r. 4 IIS YA , ,i+Y. S9 o f1LABS FfIIi .t L0- #Ardwaud Fo96 p_ »<F, with it6, Cream:..tdfIsrus Mr t . - � :, ig , $ Stmday, Ootdber 28, 1956, Btdther sit lobduro it crumbs . t:,.r,,,:.,. ,r ....,,,. . �,.,•, , � r, . ;" � et',. p'; Ar lona aD roxtmatbt 21; far Y almdhdrfibl f13m09 , -+. r ' p s Yr aoras : ,fritted Brian dna 13orsb fbnrth : • " r r' ! i , 94J °1l': u� e',',''e .': p. v, grandson for ,, , . ,; as ,�y',pl l.'w,. G.M.'a,, her r.n d 4. .aG' Od 8:06 er' 1 tYa' a r T r '?r>;`1W7 .CS ,i t ''"L.tt' ,�.•' r,s',�,, ,1i ,, y (%}yL'i°'k111r1. �AI�T: r +• ,d, r p (Y r 1i'y oxitlta Y Mr, ate 1 tfei/ .UL ... tel / d Nt s, Rudy 1'etzltm ,,.,. ,,, 9 q of.Heiveall. V. wr w<..,Mi i oi+olri?i f "}fitfitt ne. ,Ctikdh. larbfh t @ v - .:. i :: �i y D t} .i F3 ED .V #iiri� SROvon r .SAto N(@marlat :Hoalittal nil .. _ C"OAGI i , W*4 fil k * ',::ia °r� b rDAtttY Foaas 501#1, a 1x..,.33 e. ui e r Ob da ,....„.. :4I1YiI.;COiliit v.11> ttrlit Glffifgfr 26646. I6$1ct10 ItPbvetKGer '1 fb bI i f� illr .,1 a 1i f II Of>i6 01� : . r. „ Rtld ,Mfrs, : if. r.%t t e.,.. Cit%11I a? Ii a. 0 'btitN'it`, 7 s F rows R, ,,OrIL�d �y 'av �' 6 r t R•r Hlubli d. ti A. , : : _ /. aD , .,:, a : r .. ,,,,., _,,•,,.,' n :>Y , >. „.: .. . :dd i# 'tef. i. � 11 �7 0... x ii ,... x i' g4. x.stw eYs43 .. sAteatt% :, r1.dr u...i..:Y".” ,5x7-.:6:, m;..?i"suRlhi�i a�'4.:..m xb�dl .rule» ` ,..., ... :,,� , . ., d�Idhlithtli .. HO :k .s 4• war" •r '^?h. yr i,r'�,�k2 ;ta :tr Izif'"e'�~<4 >'� $�M•i + n St taw." e A � k C •" Auspcees- Z'Orich , >o . `b u . . . a.1', - AVXP0" ,A A1� 1114M; ` . i. . T Ur$ 14lIY .ill h p, 8:30 p.m. - 1 . Shag Thomas vs. ,Lionel Baillargon: One fall, 30 minutes ' , 1. . Timothy Geohagen vs. 'Ski Hi -Lee - ' ' One fall, 30 minutes • r MAIN EVENT -- TAG TEAM MATCH - Poe and Mike Gallagher ' vs. Joe and . up' Brunettie " . ' ` (DominionTag Cbamps) -- P. out of 3 falls . •', ' d ldren under 6, FR.V ADMISSION $1.00, No reserved seats. Children a + LAST MATCH OF THE SEASON - V , Come one, come all. Proceeds for Community Service. Work. , � . , for Carefree N WATCH WESTINGHOUSE 1 , I 1 I , , I Now you can enjoy all the great engineering advancements of Westing- ' . house in a low price television set! , You can enjoy television perform= ance that is second to none! PerforXn- . ance that will keep its .high standard over the years with an absolute ' mini- mum of servicing! . . Come in today — easy terms on. all Westinghouse Television Sets. . . for Carefree TV see- ' . rr �F I -- , 0 �BI . � .. 0 ura ' i rI. e HOUSE FURNISHINGS . ' FLOOR COVERINGS , , ' t, U.. . .. . ,�. .I' FLOOR SANDING ) - WESTINGHOUSE APPLIAbTCEl3 Phone 43 ._ . � Seafort/h 7 l 4 DATED this 1st day of November, 1956, session immediately. Apply M. A. REID. NOTICE -custom whitewashing. Ap- n, �e��{(aea.3�aaeal Phone 214, Seaforth 4633-1 ply to LOUIS MALONEY. Phone 64 r 10, ROY BURCHILL, _--,- Dublin. 4632x2 Clerk of the 'township of Hibbert. 4683-1 FOR RENT -Warm, partially furnished apartment, bed -sitting room and kitchen. Suitable for business person or couple. COMPLETE in Sea- forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser• ct and Dry Cleaning IJM�w Reasonable, FRANK REYNOLDS. Phone vice. Phone 398. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Livestock Wanted 669 r $3, Seaforth. 4633-tf Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. , Exeter. Y HOUSE FOR SALT -Main Street, Hen - � 468 -tf OLD HORSES WANTED at 8 cents Pound, and dead cattle at value. If dead, sail; frame, 6 bedrooms, 3 closets, large living room, kitchen with built-in eup- boards, town water, 2 -piece bath, garage, ATTENTION, FARMERS - Prompt, courteous. collection of • all dead and Phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH. Phone '- lots, Plus 10 feet. MRS. ALLAN TOWNSEND, disabled farm animala and hides. Call collect 1483 J 4 or 1483J 1, Goderich, Hensall Phone 141-J. eolIect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea. ,forth, Associated with Darling & Co., of 4624x10 ` 4632-2 Canada Lt. -----' ---- -- -_ - .-_ 4632.tf Farms For Sale _ Notices To Creditors NOTICE -Anyone interested in etching, " copper and brass tooling. I have a stock. FOR SALE :AND RENT -100 acres 0f Of trays and supplies on hand at retail Prices. Would take level land: drilled well, windmill; no buildings; for NOTICE to CREDITORS also classes for eve- ping instructiun before Christmas. MRS, sale. One hundred acres. of land for' rent, One to be rioughed. ELVA ELLIS. Staforth, Phone 222-J eve. ARCHLE Sa1ITH, R.R. 5, Seaforth. In the Estate of FREDERICK ECKERT aings: 4633-1 4632x3 All Persons having claims against the -•• Estate of Frederick Eckert: late of the HENSALL SALES For Sale of of edeceas dined about PertVillah d. who on or the Every Thursday at 2 P.M., Affil St„ Hen- 23rd day of July, 19,56, are hereby noti- es]]. Bring your livestock. Al Ys a good FOR SALE -Silent oil burner, PHONE fled to send them in to the undersigned 1. market Pelee. HARRY SMITH: Phone 187, 260 7. 4633-i an or before the 4th day of December, Hensall: VICTOR. HARGREAVES, -HU, 1946, after which date the assets will be 2-7511, Clinton 4682-tf FOR SALE -Terrier pups. PHONE distributed, having regard only to claims -. 224-R, Seaforth. 4683x1 then received, NOTICE OKWS BILLIARDS -Films developed. DATED at Seaforth, Ont„ this 5tb day Camera supplies for all makes, including of . November, 1956, Pollomyllitis .8 M -M. colored film, 4633-tf ALY1N W. SILLERY, Inoculations FOR SALE -Several used television sets Seaforth, Ont„ at special Prices. Apply DUBLIN ELEC. Solicitor for the Estate. for Pre-school children, aged 6 months to. TRIC,' Dublin, 4631•tf 4633-3 6 years, in Hibbert Township FOR SALE -Choice bunch of good strong York chunks. ALVIN DODDS. In Hilibert Township, will be started Friday, Phone 833 r 14, Seaforth. 4633x1 Memoriam ,,, November 9th, at 9' a -m., at the Dublin School, and 10 a.m. at Staffs Hall. FOR, SALE -Good building lof, -G0! x BELL -In loving memory of dear 4883-1 . centrally IogAtd. LUELLA 'M. BURKE. 4683x1 a father, Albert Bell, who passed away October 29, 1931, and a dear mother, Effie WATERLOO FOR SALE -Doll's play toys. MAR- GARET ANN STAPLETON. Phone agoJan,November8, Passed who 955away one year CATTLE BREEDING - 256, Seaforth,. 4633-1 This day we do remember, - A lo- th e , aug ter of the late• Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bell, of Hensall, who surives, with a son, Neil Campbell; of Cedar Springs. Funeral services were held Wednesday: Centralia C.O. Speaks Group Captain L. E. C'am'eron, Commanding Officer of R.C.A.F, Station, Centralia, was guest speak- er at the dinner meeting of zthe Hensall Legion Monday evening, and gave an informative 'talk, on "Training For Aircraft Flying." He was enjoyed) by -the group. President Sam Rannie presided for' the meeting which followed, when Plans were -outlined for the Re-' membrane& Day -service, to be held in the United Church this Sunday morning at 11 aim. 'Ten dollars was voted- to th1e, Beck Memorial Sanatorium, axed nominations were held. Dinner was catered by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, SEAFORTH WITO MEET The regular meeting of the,Sea- forth Woolen's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs, Eldin Kerr on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 13, at 2 o'clock, Co -hostess is Mrs. Ross Gordon. At this meeting there will Pe constructive. criticism of the W. London Area'' Convention. Re- ports. will be given by Mrs. J. 1-jil- lebrecht : and Mrs. Gordan Papple, federated representa.tives,. Girls are reminded of the Huron County Raily to be held Nov. 19 at Cran- brook. The first WJ. euchre will be held in the Community Centre Nov. 13. This will be the only one before. Christmas. Lunch commit- tee for regular meeting will be vmg ought we give Mrs'. E. Whitmore, Mrs. E. Papple ASSOCIATION FOR SALE -A quantity 5 cob corn. To them no longer •with us, • STUART WILSON. Phone 65$ r 21, 'Sea- But in our hearts aril] hues, and Mrs. G. McKenzie, "Where Better Bulls Are Used" forth` 4633.1 -Ever remembered by son, Harold For ,artificial insemination Information one FOR SALE -Beatty washer, used only daughter-in-law, Margery, and grand. ; / Or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone one year. Phone 654 r 33. J. PATRICK. daughter, Helen. 4633-1 the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association ' 4633x1 �C C at CLINTON HU. 2-3441, between 7:30 ! A ®RTH ;Sz and 9:80 fi,m. We have all breeds avail- FO11 SALE -9 Shorthorn calves. cows-. - Carly' of Thanks i 1 I n able -top quality at low coat quality, • around . Pounds: also 2 cows : C�1�tMUNITY 4638•tf i •Yearling bull. E. SPARKS. Phone Clinton, Hunter 2-9294. ti 4633-1 I WISH TO THANK everyone who sent ,3• . cards, ,flowers and treats while I was a NOTICE ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- patient in St. Joseph's Hospital in Lon- CN��R� Township of Tuckersmith ]fn Electric. S. swivel chairs in stook don. `M at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC , 4633x1 JANNY VAN VLIET Dublin i g38,tf O ., The Township of Tuckeramith Municl- I WISH TO THANK my neighbors and r;. Dna Dumping Ground, situated one-half FOR SALE -•A cutter knife for a on friends who sent me cards and treats mile west of Egmondville, Con. 8, H.R•S„ tractor, in good condition. Apply to .. ~n 5 K A T' RG •.`d, CADARET, Muir Nursing game, Jarvis during sp recent Inness in Scott Mem- ov11i Township apes only to ratepayers of the St., Seaforth. doctors, Hospital; also thanks to nurses and ':.i andSaturday of Tuckersmith, o Wednesday 4633x2 doctors, It was greatly appreciated. yf+' and Saturday afternoons, from the hours 4633x1 E. S. MoBRMN 1 L Fried Nov 9 �r of 2 to 6 P.M.FOR SALE -25 choice Yorkshire pigs, I - e . 10 weeks old. STANLEY JACKSON, r^ ;r.`is Friday, i I WISH TO TAKE this opportunity to .{: si;i§' ' N, wire car bodies or garbage (organic Kipper• Phone Seaforth 672 r 5. I thank all my friends who have remem- 8:00 10:00 p,m' 3 M to, be deposited, and all dumping mast - 4883x1 bered me by letter .and visits since I have O A� be done under the supervision of the in- been confined to bed; also for the many r ways Beer I ryeetor. FOR SALE -Used Case corn picker with cards, received on my 91st birthday. Your wf3 s SGtr11'dgyi Nov. l O husking bed; working good., Apply OR- thoughtfulness was most appreciated. VILLE WORKMAN, d 4683x1 JAMES McFADZEAN ;; E. P. CHESNEX, . ,LV, Ki pen Phone 677 r 11, Hensall. 4636-2 ) 4 s '' Twp. otCTuakersmitp w:E WOULD LIKE TO THANK all our ° [ AF`T'ERNOON 9832-tf FOR 9ALE-New York dressed or oven neighbors g ra n a friends d ere de w ho helped ed us With road, t e d a p e i���r%� h e h Butter `1 r MRS, utte P WL r I FRED COLE- <`':.:;:i%�'. day of our fire, o the Tuckersmith Fire ;s::.'>;":;:;#:;:;:; :;;,;,r 11't0 3::fl.11.IIL. r MAN, Phone 652 t 14, Seaforth: � •%%"%%: •• CLERKS NOTICE ' B'rigade for answering our call, and to ��••:::::#;• �G',"� 'I ' 4633x1 all the men and ladies who have so kindly .:;.. CLOCK RADIOS, $39.95 and 49,96. Bul- helped since. A sincere thank -you to all. r: `<,>. :r'r>s::^ :% i Of First Posting of ova clock radios at $69,95. Variety of col- ART and MARY FINLAY50N " k,cy{; y; 8:00110 10:00 TLm: r ore. Portables also available. SAV- 4633-1 %." Voters List AUGE'S, Seaforth. 4632-tf MR. AND MRS. WESLEY VENNER Il + FOR SALE -Portable typewriter, Rem- and family wish to thank her many friends VOTERS LIST 1956, TOWN OF ingtoii, with tape in new condition. Ap- and neighbors who remembered her with1. . SEAFORTH, COUNTY OF HURON Ply Marilyn Mousseau, Kippen. phone cards, treats and flowers and kind deeds i ' Hensall 694 r 5. 463a-1 towards her family while' a patient in ' NOTICE is hereby given that I have Clinton Public Hospital and Victoria Hoe. complied with Section' 9 of The Voters' :FOR SALE -Two -wheel steel frame pita), London, Special thanks to the Lists Act, 1951, and that I have posted trailer, 4 feet by 6 feet; spare" wheel and nursing staff of both hospitals, At. God- `, Up at. any office at the Town Hall, on the tire. PHONE 388-W, Seaforth, dared, Dr, Toogood and Dr. Rounthrup. btu day of November, 1968, the list of all 4633x2 4633.1 ,y. x . Detsons entitled is vote is the said that MERE WORDS are inadequate to ex- r x icipuiity at municipal elections, and that FOR SALE -Dining room suite; 8 chairs press my gratitude to the many friends, r suchr list remains there for inspection. and large table and buffet. In very good y tom' condition. Price $80.00. WILLIAM LEE, neighbors and relatives who so kindly i .' And. I hereby call upon all voters to Rosy Corners, Hensall. 4688-2 remembered me with cards, flowers, fruit, take• immediate proceedings, to have any treats and visited me while a patient at y. k' ' omissions or errors coreebted acedrding t6 FARMERS, NEED GRAINY See us for VJctoria Hospital, London, and for eats u 6 ' dnw„ the last day fat• appeid being the special bulk prices, delivered to your barn. sent in since returning home, Special ` Ice cream and crunchy almonds top r ✓, 19tlnAhy of November 19611. TOPNOTCH FEED$ LIMITED. Phone thanks to the nursing staff and doctors these gay Christmas Lt ht- v sF- : W' ' . 16, Seaforth, 4632-1 of the hospital and to Dr. Goddard. Thank $ Ups. $Ut tb0 . V ' DATED this 6th day of Novem'fi0r, 1950. YOU, real flavour is baked right in. It's 46x3 t ALMA HESS •i Clerk of TLSOSeaforth.FOR SALE-te. apace heater and small - butter--frCilH crdamer�+ butter -1 nd(ng - D. $, WILSON, electric rangette. PETER MALOOLM, 1. West William St., Seaforth. Phone 674- Its I17atbltlCgg 3V01 4iiYICh11IgWlth7tg ' , 46aa-a M� 46aax1 Personals ``, : • Yom. natur$Ia Alwass Remember, For all' y a ,� _ . $ $h r r FOR SALE 18 chunks of Plga: some - ✓ Your festtvd bakitig and right through the �t • �� �4k` "??• u '` maple and elm tape; registerod Hereford TRY BEFORE YO,U BUY, Beauty Conn- f Y. Better' with. Butter' H'v* n Coon . s rl STOP registered Hereford cow Apply senor cosmetics. Phone Seaforth 898. / �� FREE I Marib'Frasek's "Merry (�'llristmae* Finest Used; , Car Mar�(e1' J° ' STEPFIEN MURRAY , R.R. 2, Walton. BARBARA L. TVIILNER. u ,e Phone Dublin 46 r a. 4633-1 4632-tf 0) - recipes for cookies and candy. Also . 1956 C`ftV $EY,.1 AlRF• SEDAN, POWER GLIDE' her new FOR SAL SUFFERING Butter $ ,. SALE -Place your PEKING f oOklet , ce r seedier with from ,8 y t Mrs ackachea /' • ' Rheumn- '.f111�7 y tri d ..., ' Gordan Papple for oven- tic Pain, sciatic ' ' •„••••••••^•• x950 C � , DD ready ducks and a, Lumbago ie over if you •• • ;,, c ';. HEV. G'OACH ,M. •. have Sour delivery when You wish, let AUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask - 2 Press half this iaixttire , r•,"airy ­­•'•+•+••„•.,.• :'• t bat 55.^C'iV; ” Eb '� PHONE 8x9 r 18, S@aforth. Your Druggist. 4688 i;: :;r. f in a tom of a w6 t l r." 9 S AN „••„ • , �'��/x�.1��nr 1950 FORD COACH ..........I.. ” �`L;!' X¢'i.: i but •' ::E:i i .,e•;itr.,a q.y . „,a.n..... ....,,.Y ea: „Y M .......in. 4683-t .:r% v''% feredli° 5##•yr„^ •K;,, 1 y�rz sq. cake tile•` spread :. ••:.., s., i45�t ' A SEDAN ,Ix HYGIENIC SUPPL S (Rubber Goode "�": %::' • :':<:`' With 2 I `rr " : `r'>' .;,.;: . oy i'- f .. FA mai] ) r. C. W11018 Cranue q sn R RSI If you dire equipped to ed postpaid' In plain, sealed T::;•`r' b(lpCd �'$l/ Go DD envelope ,r.•%;:. :t sauce ad s rink a c! r :' £/ '`” :.•.••.• .. 2--1948 PO ' handle feed in bulk. wfth rice list r}i % P t With ;y>,, PI'YtIAC �) 1 see tf9 P 8 sam. ors cial les'2 b"'• s`,'.._''•. xaf 1951 a ---i..._.....1_1 Pe D bc: sL4 es ''"r,: ,...,[ ,r... �"il.'V 3 I'C1 F. - rices lea ,0 m` , /<,. s� .,r tsp, grated Orange find and ;'•r< �'. :.s;:7r':s'<!•"�`%:t,.l4s::. •.:. r V�,I4,'�,' i,:`r1;r�13�.'... a P delivered to o yy P Sl 0. ,!: .. •rr t your bin. TbPNOTCH Mail -Order Dept. T 78. ri.,,s.....,:., rK-0 �:.:.l k.:?• !c c^ .:!� /�(�}} "- T$ r+ �y y �y y� �p �� FEEDS TyIMI ED. Phone lb Seaf rth NOVA•RVBRER CO. Box ,.Ar,,,;, shredded COCa6Ut a :. •;u<;u .tf••>•• #:; 1' '16= COACH' ......,.,.:o.....,.,;,+„•.,, ..485 ' ,� ±�1�TING Vl' .HW Ee01Y 43x3 1 9t, Hamilton. wlld.<:.3: �r ';•: y;., ,.,. rt rroryy V. .,<: ” o - •— --..� -- - '-'�-,�-+'r t L '�� : nw� .. r, a Jr1 +ULta'� F.11 1 COUNTY ITY COtrNCIi I �� r xM �#� D Ll k 4 1" %.TON p l „ , FOR SALE-Tivo Pure ,bred Hereford t Mrx•2 , c, rolled oats,, ^ 1,. * 1iVi'Al� to F' j�+$[Ip..„„,,, y 19 S 1 , 1'16 a sifted all•pdi ose , :< a Tai �xtur ; Hak , sat* g5�' G' V. C' �. E ..- , }I :: c abs bulla, ages. IO months and I year; hers Irthii rD, •s:. :.: meat mi tux 9 g _ i.. ,,1'% x n, a r t @. ak0g5 e t i 3 0 F. k4., 194 .r e I~rlf orl Con tion ,r.<:;«.`.. 9 � iity r+icil taiii � :s: ,^ ... , ldli et full trout V aN, R.R., s/4 braW CAEV. t1l y A t AR n Su a UD Y THUR F r r .< IN. :�� � �=Tt?N B C:,•l�iJt'1�1 pI ' , :, 1'lDotirlttii fiiiutfibdxs Garet Ifr 4 for 40=45 mttlu Cutit'to' 0 t pti ;aa li ,: ” i7YY CK[Tlp .„. ;a?a , a1lSftr Gact� LA2$ON, R.Ra: IBiDpen, Out, ATitHNSON� Jd1r I too. 50 6 acid V4 is :;5 ::< fy. 11 i :'. -it •••.. a ., bed n ,and Edna Atkinson, a;;; sr squargss$riYewar' oY id A T11f11�'r , V t S fit,,. a u : 4632x2 nee Pettk pp u ,. .. r'r ”. ( e are ha a lair It itFR'/ c, hutterwrth :: ;. 40, r� .• 19 i. ,. 49 Ci,.a . __,P, `. `' .k-, .x;:' i, DDY to. YfnOnn'Ce the {<;,::;., Ir:;i'" Make ttad'd1eS ll't0 ill `.. - 4&064„,,`j• .s .,. ..g.:,.., .,..�, - �r `riiQ - uirtlt of the e' asf blenddC or k e r, :: , ::,r! {1i1.. olix ..,.. „v,..>q.r •' „ x -prok lr cit .at.St. Levis, .Quebec mV S, ;:•: :.Lar r..., > ..,” ,1, eb+laasrrnra�wl.r a Y.w:.a .. „....+r. 4 IIS YA , ,i+Y. S9 o f1LABS FfIIi .t L0- #Ardwaud Fo96 p_ »<F, with it6, Cream:..tdfIsrus Mr t . - � :, ig , $ Stmday, Ootdber 28, 1956, Btdther sit lobduro it crumbs . t:,.r,,,:.,. ,r ....,,,. . �,.,•, , � r, . ;" � et',. p'; Ar lona aD roxtmatbt 21; far Y almdhdrfibl f13m09 , -+. r ' p s Yr aoras : ,fritted Brian dna 13orsb fbnrth : • " r r' ! i , 94J °1l': u� e',',''e .': p. v, grandson for ,, , . ,; as ,�y',pl l.'w,. G.M.'a,, her r.n d 4. .aG' Od 8:06 er' 1 tYa' a r T r '?r>;`1W7 .CS ,i t ''"L.tt' ,�.•' r,s',�,, ,1i ,, y (%}yL'i°'k111r1. �AI�T: r +• ,d, r p (Y r 1i'y oxitlta Y Mr, ate 1 tfei/ .UL ... tel / d Nt s, Rudy 1'etzltm ,,.,. ,,, 9 q of.Heiveall. V. wr w<..,Mi i oi+olri?i f "}fitfitt ne. ,Ctikdh. larbfh t @ v - .:. i :: �i y D t} .i F3 ED .V #iiri� SROvon r .SAto N(@marlat :Hoalittal nil .. _ C"OAGI i , W*4 fil k * ',::ia °r� b rDAtttY Foaas 501#1, a 1x..,.33 e. ui e r Ob da ,....„.. :4I1YiI.;COiliit v.11> ttrlit Glffifgfr 26646. I6$1ct10 ItPbvetKGer '1 fb bI i f� illr .,1 a 1i f II Of>i6 01� : . r. „ Rtld ,Mfrs, : if. r.%t t e.,.. Cit%11I a? Ii a. 0 'btitN'it`, 7 s F rows R, ,,OrIL�d �y 'av �' 6 r t R•r Hlubli d. ti A. , : : _ /. aD , .,:, a : r .. ,,,,., _,,•,,.,' n :>Y , >. „.: .. . :dd i# 'tef. i. � 11 �7 0... x ii ,... x i' g4. x.stw eYs43 .. sAteatt% :, r1.dr u...i..:Y".” ,5x7-.:6:, m;..?i"suRlhi�i a�'4.:..m xb�dl .rule» ` ,..., ... :,,� , . ., d�Idhlithtli .. HO :k .s 4• war" •r '^?h. yr i,r'�,�k2 ;ta :tr Izif'"e'�~<4 >'� $�M•i + n St taw." e A � k C •" Auspcees- Z'Orich , >o . `b u . . . a.1', - AVXP0" ,A A1� 1114M; ` . i. . T Ur$ 14lIY .ill h p, 8:30 p.m. - 1 . Shag Thomas vs. ,Lionel Baillargon: One fall, 30 minutes ' , 1. . Timothy Geohagen vs. 'Ski Hi -Lee - ' ' One fall, 30 minutes • r MAIN EVENT -- TAG TEAM MATCH - Poe and Mike Gallagher ' vs. Joe and . up' Brunettie " . ' ` (DominionTag Cbamps) -- P. out of 3 falls . •', ' d ldren under 6, FR.V ADMISSION $1.00, No reserved seats. Children a + LAST MATCH OF THE SEASON - V , Come one, come all. Proceeds for Community Service. Work. , � . , for Carefree N WATCH WESTINGHOUSE 1 , I 1 I , , I Now you can enjoy all the great engineering advancements of Westing- ' . house in a low price television set! , You can enjoy television perform= ance that is second to none! PerforXn- . ance that will keep its .high standard over the years with an absolute ' mini- mum of servicing! . . Come in today — easy terms on. all Westinghouse Television Sets. . . for Carefree TV see- ' . rr �F I -- , 0 �BI . � .. 0 ura ' i rI. e HOUSE FURNISHINGS . ' FLOOR COVERINGS , , ' t, U.. . .. . ,�. .I' FLOOR SANDING ) - WESTINGHOUSE APPLIAbTCEl3 Phone 43 ._ . � Seafort/h 7 l 4 °8 s'w t. '"`, t " ;`• i�' kY 1'.k .:Y• ',1',. b a' n, �e��{(aea.3�aaeal 11 x w P t � r , t, y.. I.., I�4, j�j� 1\,,� r ! ' s:'y "� .. .. .r,,. ., n, ..... , .,,. aw a ,.,.. pl.. i ...: ..:.. Y .: , n , .r .. i. t -.::: . . 4:..� t.., b' '�. '..i .. ,..1 �., ... ,.. ...,: ,,..., :.,:.,. 1 :. L... .. .... 1.... : , -,..V 1!t. :.. .. ,.....,.. a .. �, L. ,y.. I. ,� , .7 ,. ,f, (i r.. ., -t ,5.,.. ., r' ,:-r ..,.. .; ;: ':,.-_, in: ., .. .. .. .S .. .. � LR.�. ,. .i ., .. 1:a. wa., k ,. .. 5z, .6 i l.,.r -. ,... ,, ., e . .. r ,d a: ,. ....'�!..... . .. _ r .. .. r. 1� i .. ,. .:. k ,. ��r.�i <<,.t,... ,,.... ,<._ , ... _ . �,. � , ,, �_ .._: .. .......,. :. , , , I�,.is�...y..y 10 MR .,,,,., d:L. .a 'r. A 1 ,1. t'?, A, '] :1 d :. ).. .. +Q' ., Y. , t ..5 C •1 'i„ . .. ,.....i. 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