HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-11-09, Page 3jj• 4 • • FALL CLEARAN,C0 laisher Sale Slasher Sale 1952 Chev. De tuke Sedan '1951 Pontiac Coach 1951 Dodge Sedan 1949 Chev. Sedan 1948 Pontiac Coach 1946 Dodge' Sedan NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED You Make the Offer Seaforth Motors Chev. - Olds. Chev. Trucks Open evenings, 8 to JO PHONE 541 patiei't iu• S�t1, W0.00144,i#4,0: ti.41,0444: ::*.iPegtiregilVer4• ia..Wighed..for..thePleOhY-theAr nanyLqorge 110,S$,wim:. wan a, Patietit of Victoria,. IfoisPital,•'•loon- don, having 'undergone a major operation,. returned. M her hO.Me: On Frida.y, . . • The". Institute. Rally will he held at •Cranbreek Monday, Nov. ,9, 1,41 Members are asked to bringa box lunch. Tea will be provided. gold Successful' Fowl Supper Xr„. .0•'#..• • !AIP#Atlerrl, 'roti.!n:000teperit 04.#1 li.000,C1000.710.04,0. "poofqoogo," • • • • , - • ••••,''' • - • • Orgatd*e.'0,11*-0114 • Was 'oA'gapiZed at Sonffil :Har0.0::DiStri9L.111g41:".$0,P911 POteri, IAA Pricl4y,•4134, the •fellov, were elected tO 'office; '.1*nai- deot, Nelson Mcclinchey, genaall vice -present, Geraldine, Parker; Hensallseeretary, Soyee-Randiton; Exeter; sotig-•leader,..MOna Dedar- dine, Grand, Rend. At the meetiog scheduled.' to be held at the school Friday,. Nov. 10., Rev. E. J. Watt - ham, 'of Grand Bend, and Joe Baker, of Wingham, will be the gest speakers. The Women's Association of Goshen United Church, with a membership of thirty, sponsored one of the finest fowl suppers ever held M the district, on Tuesday evening. As the church is a small one and Could not accommodate a large number, only 100 tickets were -sold at $1.50 each. Rev. T. J. Pitt, minister of the church, chair- ed the program. Rev. C. D. Dan- iel, of Hensall, was guest speaker and spoke 'on "Pioneer Work of the Church and the. Responsibili- ties of the Present." 'Miss Doris Johnson, ot. Clinton,. favored with selections on the marimba, with Miss Carol Pepper, of near Sea - forth, accompanying on the piano. Miss 'pepper also contributed two vocal/solos. Mrs, Elgin McKinley favored with a reading. W.I. To Meet The November meeting of lien- sall W.I. will be held in the Legion Hall Wednesday at 8:15 p.m., when special films will be shown and a penny sale held. Member's hus- bands and friends are welcome. Members. are asked to bring art- icles to the penny sale. Hostesses Hensall District Family Escapes Hensell fire department was call- ed to the' scene of a fire .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eve Van der Worp, two and a quarter miles northeast of Hensall, at 6 a.m. Sat- urday morning. ' The fire, which started in the attic, caused hundreds of dollars of damage by fire and smoke in two bedrooms and hall, and lower part by water. Mr. andMrs. Van der Worp and their seven children were sleeping and owe their lives to the fact -that their son. Bill,. 14, was awakened by the cracking of the wires which he thought was a thun- derstorm. The family wa's awak- ened and alarm given. It is pre- sumed the fire was caused by de- fective wiring. Hensall firemen, with Chief Byran Kyle, did great work in saving the house. Mr. Van der Worp is employed with E. L. Mickle & Son on their large poultry farm on No. 4 High- way, north of Hensall. Don't miss one of these outstanding food values. Come in to -day and ,compare our prices, quality, and ser- vice, the!fl you be the judge. IGA MARGARINE WAXED PAPER. IGA EXTRA WHIPPED SALAD DRESSING "Gee, Mum—is it supper time already?" 1.4 IGA WHOLE CANNED CHICKEN Super Dollar Feature IGA EVAPORATED MILK 9 Tall $100 AYLMER TOMATO. CATSUP FIVE ROSES WHITE CAKE. MIXES 2 IGA BEANS „in. PORK 2 IGA CHOICE PEAS 2 IGA,CHOICE _ •DESSERT :PEARS 1 -LB. CTN. 100 - FT. ROLL 27c 25c 33c 1.39 16-0Z. JAR 31/4 -LB. TIN CIGARETTES BREEZE 5;,EO,F,: SERVIETTES ,GA COFFEE 17: JELL.° SALMON ChallengerCohoe BOT. PKGS. 20 -OZ. TINS 15 -OZ. TINS 2 15 -OZ. TINS - 21c 49c . 33c' 31c CTN. OF 200 2.99 ,GT. PKG. 2 pKGS. 1 -LB. BAG 3 PKGS. 73/4 OZ. TIN 77c 33c 99c 29c 41c 1 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 7 -LB. BAG 33c IGA QUALITY FRESH FOODS "TABLERITE" BONLESS it ESS ROUND S'TEA o _r ROAST lb. 69c (Tablerite' - sirloin , .,'‘',.. •, ,, . . Porterhouse, Wing 'lb 691C STE.AICS T,abletite Rindless , 1 . SIDE BACON . ' 1-1b. aAhlUerSite Pelt Flat Ppikk-gglb. . lat SAGE ' tgU .. - P POTATOES • 10 lbs. 33c P.E.I. 'POTATOES • • • • 50-1b. Bag 1.29 EMPEROR GRAPES 2 lbs. 25c McINTOSII _ APPLES 6 -qt. Basket 75c CELERYSTALKS • • • • 2 for 29c v— .• • Telephone Round -up Mr414,4' ' Were hotiore4ep, Rae 20tb, yersarY of :PIM Illarrtage 111.9.1- ` day evening; When. theY were guests at the home of Mr. and IlArs. Albert Rensmore, Mitchell, along with, over 20 relatives and close friends. Mrs. Robinson` AS the former Dorothy Stacey„daugb- ter of Mrs. Rena Stacey, Ribbert Township; and the late Mr. StacOY. Mr. Robinson is the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Henry Robinson. Winners at :euchre' were Miss Belle Robinson, Mrs. Jack Stacey, Mowat Stacey and William Sebben. After a lunch, Mrs. Ebner Klein- feldt,- Dublin, read an address of good wishes, and Jack Stacey pre- sented the honored couple with a wall mirror. Friends attended from Stratford, Dublin, Zion, Mitchell and district. • Every parent knows how easily a two -gun cowboy can lose track of time — especially around mealtime. But she also knows it's a simple matter to round him up by telephone. And any vague feeling of anxiety about where he is or what he is doing is quickly dispelled by that eager voice at the other end of the line. Yes, the telephone is a convenience and a comfort, all day long. It means fewer meals grown cold because youngsters -or hus- band are late getting home. It means more security when you're alone at night. It Means more things done with less time and effort. Yet this endlessly useful servant works for you for just a few cents a day. THE BELL TELEPHONE co!. OF CAMDA 44 P1.4,,, larger 'Oeiltres- ,•;di atOff' tb,e (101004 *014o0401,1*. 8 'VP3,4(7,Stt 11419rallM g;.rQ,4.:P;r10-47141.W.' very orderly Oust 'alt40:401,0%Ititg:$, qabiligrtk :did-- their, ,Ilegt,',-:„to•, wi* sortie strength was sheyve,hr the professionals ,L,104-.A10111•WaVi' Pel'aetekee -M.Later eerelnea:" leg, and a. got pregreel waS ieYed by tite ondrecla of sp.ector- : tOr§ .IP*44•P'. 1/erald' Hensall Kids Have Hallowe'en Frolic Children of Hensall and district enjoyed a Hallowe'en party in the Town Hall Wednesday evening, sponsored by the I.O.O.F. and Am- ber Rebekah Lodges, with P. L. McNaughton' as master of cere- monies. Films in charge of Jack Drysdale were shown. Winners were: character, under six, John Joynt, Bradley Mous- seau; comic, under six, Dotty: Kip- fer, Janice Bonthron; character, six to 10, Barry Mousseau, Brian Bonthron, Joyce' Flynn, Catherine McLean; comic, 6 to 10, Suzanne Rannie and Nancy Kyle, first; Cathy Scene, second; character, 11 and over, Bobby Mickle, Carol Brown; comic, 11 and over, Steve Kyle, Leo Tilierio. Judg'es. were Mrs. Inez McEw- an, Mrs. W. R. Bell and Mrs. E. R. Shaddick. It is estimated that for every Canadian employed in the mining industry. four others are employed in related or supply industries. VETERAN'S CAB Under New Management RAY CHAMBERS, Prop. Passengers Insured PHONE 362 SEAFORTH „..,741ara,10,-.44144,41...14,511,4-0 EirstAF"'F--- li!eef and Dairy CONCENTRATE CASH, SALE We will allow $5.00 per ton discount on all Cash Pur. chases of Dairy and Beef Concentrates until November, 30, 1956. This also applies on Beef Concentrates containing Stilbestral " QUALITY COUNTS" Seaforth Farmers to MI operativa innanNETMENTIMINIMINIEMBIL =.• . • • Economy in handling materials and modern production methods, made possible by our brand new plant, means we can give better service and higher value on your building material requirements. COME IN OR PHONE US AT 47. Lumber Shingles Cement Insulation Trim Flooring Sash and Mill Work Paint Wallboard Plywood SEAFORT H LUMBER LT PHONE 4/ • SEAFORTH West of Seaforth Farmers Co-op, on Railway Street