HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-10-26, Page 8A vo T QAW­4 OOR W .... g g4 .. van, 4,4511 1)uffs, A P-Alll an 311ness of. S A MW-; 7 �F 011paii Cam I-$ J"'Aluir Nursing phell. ister. AP400 "In" of r;,.5 Mrs, Thomas Br s; �� 6 dg The Pouteceog Tabemac%.-Tues� oome, in her 89%year. She had take place,g St. pg, been een fn the mirs ng home since 'c Fawuy, October 28 o Study aq0,'V .30"; YPS c 10 a.14. c 'Meet at April. ;q, church; 10, CHURCH SCHOOL Am., 41140Y The former Rebecca Storey, she Appioximottely 50 ladies ted School, 11 a. feted 11 am. Morning Worship and 7:30 Pla, was born at Winthrop, the dqugh- Miss 41."n 1��iaa whose marriage Worship Se 1C Rev. H. &Ad� ter of the late M�tfi & Mr. Orick Woods wil be an Evening service will be rick, Pastor. Storey, She 'a .and WinthropWinthro and Mrs Joseph iidthdrawa and a joint ser- P event of November 3. A m0cei- vice will be held, in North- Eginondville United Church --lo school and in 1890 was married to latigoas shower was sponsored by a.m., Church School and Bible Thomas Broome, who Predeceased 4de United Church in the Mrs. far Leonard Cronin and Mrs. interests of the Bible Society. Class, special film for the boy.$ her in 1937. She spent most of,her Beatrice Murray and.. was held At and girls; 11 a.m., The Public Wor- life in the Winthrop district, but the home of the prospact*,vq bride, ship of Pod, guest minister, Rev. following the death of her husband A congra* s read F Bramley Keys; 1-1 am., Nurser she moved to Seaforth, atory address wa y by Mrs. Murray and she and Mrs. She is survived by a family of clases; 11:3a am, Junior co ngre- Cronin assisted in ol�exng nam - We Spedalizei in gation; 7 p.m., The annual meet- four sons --and five- daughters - -Mrs.- erous and practigaiL-&jit. ing of the Bible Society in North Thomas Adams, Rose, Egmond- Several Were played and a d1inly All Lines of ville; Jake, Seaforth; Joseph, At- th., spo. side United Church; 7:30 pm' was served by nsors Brucefield Anniversary -Rev. J. wood; Mrs. H. Trapnell, Violet, Semple, Minister. Seaforth; Thomas, Hullett; Albert, and their assi§tents. I INS.URANCE Seaforth; Mrs. Russel Anderson, Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux and Mrs. "Ib Northside United Church -l0 a.m. Betty, Fergus Stapleton in 'Ackron, Ohio NEW COMPOSITE DWELLING Sarnia; Mrs. Wes Agar, x for the weekend. Policy Church School and Adult Bible Cl-, Della, Sarnia; and Mrs. Erwin Mr. and Mrs, Frank Evans and ass; 11 a.m., Laymen's Sunday, Dr- Agar, Anne, Sarnia. She is also J9anne in Mqrriton with Mr, and offers, full fire and liability cover- Paul Brady will speak on the sub- survived by a brother, ph age F Mrs. Bill Evans. A$ 10% below regular rates to ject, "A Layman Looks at the Storey, of Galt, and a sister, rs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ayroe and biimo� owners. Church"; .7 p.m., Community ser- Mary Nicholson, Walton. �he was 0. Kathleen Hamilton with IVIiss'111on- vice auspic For full information, ask us. es of the local branch a member of First Presbyterian ica Byrne. of the Upper Canada Bible Society, Church and funeral services- will Mr. and Mrs, Patrick- Flanagan WATSON & REID with ministers and congregations be conducted by her minister, Rev. of First Presbyterian, St. Thomas' and family, Kitchener', with Mrs. M. A. REED - Proprietor 1) - Glenn Campbell from Box fun- Catherine Feeney. Northside United Churches partici- eral chapel at 2 p.m., on Friday. Mn Neil Stapleton and Mr. Fergus Lw5urance & Real Estate pating; 8:15 p.m., YPU-Rev. B. Interment will follow in Hall, Maitlind- , Kelly, St. Jerome College, Kitchen - Phone 214 Seaforth W. B.A., BD., ST.MMinis- bank cemetery. er, at their homes. ter. Mr. Ted Rowland, Toronto with - - - MISS ANNA BOWLAND Mrs, Winnifred Rowland. The death occurred in the Muir Mr. Tom O'Rourke, Dundas, with PRICED FOR QUICK NORTHSIDE UNITED WKS Nursing home, here, on Monday of Mrs., Win. Ball presided over the Miss Anna Bowland in her 73rd MR. AND MRS. RONALD WILLAN BEUERMANN w mar- Winthrop Group sectional meeting: ifi 'the =absence year. She had been in failing health re SALE rigid recently in St. Peter'! Lutheran Church, Bro.dhagen fihe of Mrs. C. Walden, The poem, for seven years.I bride, the former Elsie Marion Siemon, is a daughter of Mr. and "Meant for Flight" was read and Born in Tavistock, the daughter Mrs, Albert Siemon, RR 2, Walton, and the bridegroom is a* son Has Anniversary One -storey two-bedroom frame hymn 386 sung. Miss Annie Law. of the late Mr. and Mrs. James of Mr. and Mrs. George Beuermann, RR 1,y Dublin. After a wed - dwelling on James Street. Oil rence led in prayer followed by the Bowland, she lived for many years ding trip to the eastern provinces, the couple is residing at RR 1, The repeating of the Mission beating, three-piece bath, fire- Lords Prayer, in Egmondville. Dublin. (Photo by Fowler Bros.) Band Purpose by bresent and form - place. Early possession. The president, Mrs. J. M Scott She is survived by two nieces, er members of the Helping Hand 100 -Acre Farm, without barn �h� com' Mrs. George Dillane and Miss Mary Mission band opened the special welcomed the ladies. The - meeting held on the occasion of the Cultivated. H ` THE WEEK Township of Hullett. Partially munity Friendship Committee re- Johnston, of Hamilton. CONSTANCE NEWS Of� ported 16 house calls. A member of St. Thomas' Angli- 25th birthday of the band. can Church, funeral services will Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Miss Marilyn placer sixth in the class of 14 teams' The worship service was conduct - OTHER PROPERTIES ALSO Group 1 reported 23 calls, and the be conducted by her minister, Rev Taylor and Messers. Harvey Tay- ' Mr. and Mrs. Art Bromley Mt_ ed by Alm. J. R. Holden, assisted LISTED callers for Group 2 are Mrs E C J H James from the G, A, Whit- lor,'Verne Dale and Ross McGreg- cherer, spent last Sunday wnt� Mr. C. Chamberlain and Mrs. Hudson. p by Sharon Somerville, who read the AL A. REED ney Funeral Home, Goderich Street Or spent last Wednesday at Lon- and Mrs. W. J. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. scripture, using Psalm 100. Faye Mrs. A. W. Sillery gave the treas- West REAL ESTATE : Phone 214 urer's report. The budget was giv- on Thursday at 2 p.m. In- don where Marilyn represented Kames Dale returned with them Little used hymn 15 as a responsive/' en by the finance committee and term�nt will follow in Maitland- Huron County in connection with for a few days, prayer. The offering was received, aproved bank cemetery. 4-H club work at the London Area Messers. Charles McGregor and by Frances Blanchard, Margaret sent- Eileen Dolmage. Women's Institute Convention. Th'�'; Bob Lawson, of Clintoh, repre. Alexander, -Elaine Somerville and Nomination committee were: MRS. MORTON ELLIOTT topic on which Marilyn spoke was ed the Seaforth Tractor Club at Mrs. Ball, Miss R. Fennell, Mrs. R. The death occurred in Scott Mem- "What Shall I Wear." A guest book, especially prepared LEMON TAXI the OAC, Guelph, last Friday and for the Occasion, was in charge of Savaugo and Mrs. H. Snell. It was orial Hospital, here, on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and placed second in the Inter-Provin- Tom Holden, who saw that the and PARCEL SERVICE decided to send a kit of clothing Mrs, Morton Elliott, of Stanley Mr. and, Mrs. Borden Brown at- tial competition. AU Pamengers Insured to Korea, and clothes to come in township in her 75th year. The tended the -banquet of guests signed the book to commem- PHiDNES: the Huron Several from here attended the CZML DAVN November meeting. Mrs. Leem- former Lillian Morrison, Of Mc- Presbytery' Laymen's Association Several from services an Sunday orate the day. mg gave a reading on Korea .and Killop township) she was mar- held last Wednesday at the Wing- last. One of the guest speakers for the 676 675 described the conditions of that ried January 26, 1904 at Varna, ham United Church. Miss Joyce Jewitt, of Thorn_ afternoon was Miss Margaret Jack - country. Sectional meeting re- and since then had resided in Stan - son, of Auburn, who is the secretary ports were given by Mrs. Siltery ley, Mr. John Jewitt, and Miss Aud- dale, spent the weekend with her for the Mission Bands of the Huron rey Godkin last Friday represented parents, Mr. Mrs. Win. Jewitt. Presbytery, Miss Jackson told an • and. Miss Fennel. Mrs. Lawson Her husband, Morton Elliott, the Seafo,th Swine Club as a team Mr. and Mrs. Carl Addison, of gave a very interesting and in- Varna, survives together , with in interestitig story about "Jimmy formative talk and the meeting three sons, Harold and Roy.' the Provincial later -Club compe- Huntsville, and Mrs. Margaret Ad- Stand -By", who was Dr. Grenfell's tan- tition at the OAC, Guelph, and dison and Grace, of Clinton, visited closed with prayer.'ley, Alvin, Collingwood; two daugh- - I - "man" in Labrador. Miss Sybil ters, Mrs. Fred Heard, Stratford; a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Courtipe, of Clinton, was also pre - Mrs. John Ferguson, Carson; an LOCAL BRIEFS George Addison, RED CROSS NOTE Mr and Mrs. Charles Dexter sent, and told of,be'r work as a three brothers, Percy Morrison, in missionary in Japan. Seyeral,Jap- The Red Cross has planned a Oregon; Alfred, North Dakota Dr. Donald J. Munn left by air vished Sunday with Mri. Florence anese articles which she isplayed quilting at the library on October George, Buffalo, for London, England, on, Saturday, Woods, of Listowel, and attended were examined by the children! 25 and 26 when it is expected all She was a member of to resume Post -graduate training.. the 99th anniversary and rededi keen e C the Angli- - with k n int rest. A piano §elec- interested in helping will be pre'! can Church, Dayfield, Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Snider, 'Mr. cation' services at the Presbyter. tion by Eileen Smith, songs by Lin - 4• L --Tc I sent. and Mrs. Harold Esweiker, of Kit- ian Church there. Mr. Keith Bar- da Somerville and Joan Boyd, and Resting at the Whitney Funeral cherier, spent Sunday with Mrs. her was soloist for both services.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson visit- other items on the programme. ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Home, where services were con- Mary Hildebrand and Gord and a reading by Tom Holden, were W, _E'. SOUTHGATE ducted 2 p.m. Sunday by the Rev. Light - Allis Hildebrand. rs. ed Sunday with Mr. and ME Phone 334 Res, 540 W. Outerbridge, of Bayfield Angli- A skit called "The Little Light - Mrs. Wes Agar and her daugh- F. Warren and 'daughters, of Lon- bearers", under the direction of B I -N, G 0 in Bayfield Cemetery. MAIN'ST. -SEAFORTH can Church. Interment was made ter Donna, and Wm. Musgrove, don, and attended the Rowntree Mrs. Dodds welcomed .the former' Sarnia, were in town Sundayeven ' On. Memorial Church there. leaders and members who were St. Columban Parish Hall MRS. CHARLES THORN ing. � Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown, present. The fjowdr's on the com- The many friends in Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson Joyce and Elaine, visited Sunday mun ion in memory of -,with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lam- leaders who had passed on. Cor - district were sorry to learn of the and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Agar, Sar table were Thursday, October 25, death of Mrs. Charles Thorn, Lon- nia, spent Tuesday evening , with ont, of Elmwood. sages were presented to the visit - 9:00 P.M. don, the former Helen Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. If. -Trapnell. Misses Mary White' and Janet ing leaders and to the speakers. Heffernan and niece of Mr. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Evon Hoffman,and McGregor. of Teachers' College, The Sunday School room was at - Admission 50c Heffernan, former Seafdrth resi- Florence, of Burlington, spent the and Miss Helen MeLlwain, of School tractively decorated for the tea Furnace Fuel Oil dent. Mrs. Thorn had been in fail- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy of nursing, all at Stratford, spent hour with green and Yellow stream - Lawson, Goderich Street West. weekend Stove Oil LUNCH COUNTER ing health for the past year. the at their paternal ers in the Mission Band colors. Born in Hensall, in 1907, she was The residm6e of Mr. Clayton homes. The birthday cake was placed on• the daughter of the late Lawrence Dennis, Louisa Street, was- sold Mrs, William Dale and daugh- the table in the centre of the room Walden - Broadfoot Heffernan and the late Elizabeth this week to Mr. and Mrs. W. Sp- ters visited Sunday with Mr. and with tall lighted white tapers on Wall. Mrs. Thorn came to Seat arks, of Bayfield Who obtains pos- Mrs. T. McMichael of Goderich. either side. Members of the CGIT forth to live with her aufit and ession December. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, of served a delicious Phone 354 Seaforth uncle at an early age and attended Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays-, De. Auburn, called Sunday on Mr. and thanks 0 lunch. The f the 4ormer leaders and Seaforth High School before •ago- tr0it,- Spent the weekend with Mrs. Mrs. George Leitch. members was expressed by Mrs. ing to London some 25 years ago, R. S. Hays and Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mrs. Percy Spencer, of Detroit, Nichol, of Stratford, the former Reception & Dance Shortly aft6r goinj to London, she Mrs. Win. Drover, North Alain and Mrs. Gladys Currie, of Wind- Helen Blanchard, Wind - for married Mr. Charles Thorn and has Street, suffered painful injurleg-. and sor, spent the 'weekend with Mr. OR SALE Mr. and Mrs. James Allen resided until the time of her'death is confined to her home as a re- and Mrs. Luther Saunders. F at 12 Wharneliffe. Rd., N., London. suit of a fall while picking apples Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke SEAFORTH DoWt Miss This One Mrs. Thorn was of a friendly dis- at the home of her daughter, Mrs, visited Saturday with Mrs. J. Pap - Community Centre position and made friends where Practically new, one -floor home Ken Williams. ineau, of Strathroy, and called on OR ever she went and the many floral Mr. Clair Henay, who was Major- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke of London I an garage. Nicely Friday, October 26 tributes and spiritual bouquets ed during a Thanksgiving day race Mr. and Mrs. Wilber I Jewitt and landscaped. Possession in 30 days. marked the esteem in which she meet in Strathroy and since then family, and Mrs. George Leitch Priced for a quick sale. EVERYBODY WELCOME, was held by all who knew her. She has been a patient in Strathroy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. CALL was a member of St, Joseph's Hospital, was returned to his home Irvin' Elligson and family, of Lis - Church. London, a member of the in Egmondville by Box ambulance towel. W. C. OKE Catholic Women's League, Society 0 on Monday. Five vertebrae f his for the Propogation of the Faith spine were fractured and he is in Phone 458 Altar Society and League of the a full-length cast. rOFFICE In the QUEEN'S HOTEL Sacred Heart. Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes and Miss Turkey Supper Besides her husband, Charles Mary Geddes spent the weekend Thorn, she leaves two sons, Edward in London with Mr, and Mrs. Stew - and Lawrence Thorn, both at home, art Geddes. two sisters, Mrs, Kenneth (Evelyn) Guests at the home of Mr. and Duff's United Haines, London, and Mrs. Louis Mrs. Ernest Adams on Sunday af- (Lillian) Gilboe, of Merlin. ternoon included Mrs. Annie Hen-! ChurchThe remains rested at the E, C. derson and daughter, Gladys, of and FUEL OIL LI , Walton Killingsworth funeral home until Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. John Wm Saturday morning, when, Requiem Gorbutt, of Wingham. - M. Hart' High Mass was celebrated at 9 am Rev. Dr. J. Semple will prbach Phone 784 Seaforth Tues., Oct'•30th at St. Joseph's Church Interment the anniversary services at Mount - was made in the family plot in St. Fprest on Sunday and lectur4 on James' cemetery, with Rev. E, P Monday night at the cDnAregatfbnal 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Weber conducting the services a' dinner. t the graveside. Mr. and Mrs. John Kellar: re- yS FRESH Adults $1.50; Children $1. Pallbearers were Charles Hav- turned Sunday from'Chicago where Available at Under 6, free ey, Fred Clark, Vin Crissy, Frank they attended a cQnvention*�,and BAZAAR Ward, Erle Taylor and Dick Dal- visited friends and relatives. ves. Mrs. CLEARY'S ton. IGA R. C. Bonnett, Mrs, Kellar's 44ou- And BAKE SALE L�fGOOD PROGRAMME sin of Clarksburg W. Va., act,-bm- SLFAFORTU Saturday, October 27 Ponied them from Detroit for a EGMONDVILLE visit, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dale', of Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Semple IN MILNER'S VACANT STORE and family, bf Kitchener, were Sarnia, were Visitors over the *eek Doors open at a p1h. guests on Sunday with the former's end with the former's parents,,�,Ili, parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. S Auspices; of Eginoifilville WA -SHOP INDEPENDENTLY Semple and Mrs, Lorne Dale. D Y- & SAVE.. at manse, Mr. And Mrs. 016ndening, of 1)e, trolt; - -were ... Sunday' Recent visitors with Mrs. J. S Miss A Wallace;-,of.North Malfi St, Special Feature Watson and Miss Alice Watson m were Mr. and Mrs. d. Manning r. and Mrs. John 1fotbam','jr.,' Robin Hood Cake' Mix .............. 2/49 ------------- and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark and Miss Madelyn Hotham wertip Roman Meal muffin mix 91i"; and family of Mufrbank. Galt over- the weekend afted�iy, Sunday visitors with Mr, and rs with plastic dishrra, each ........ .49 M the wedding of her sister, Sunday visitors wero Mr. and Geraldine Reilly, of Glendale, B A AAR xfr Aylmer Catsup, 11 oz. .......... . Mrs, to Mr. j 11if.' •enewid.:, . 1O Detroit. Mrs, Hotham was mdtkdu ..... 2/.39 Grant Houston, Ayton, Mrs,John Louis, Wal N. Schne'Wrls Lard Watson and Mr. Charles 'Vera;Auspices of Ladies Aid of- ...................... 21.39 Stephens, 0 , of Exeter. , Of honor at her sister's weddifift First Presbyterian Ch gelmar"Margarine • ............... �-2/.55 Miss Frances Houston is spend_ while Miss radelyn attendoq,�,,.h,�,, urch ti 0". MA Pa60116 Pace Tissue ..................... 2/.39 ingda week with friends in Br,ut- a flowergirl, or 'ng 6f,. I Mr-AnifAirs. Don M o Ntltto6s� 10 PLOUIldig .......... ...... .29 M, ma, spent the weekend here. Saturday -NOV. I r. and Mrs. Andrew Houston dyf 3rd' eg P1. spent a recent weekend with friends Mr. W. T; TOAll afid Ur $P, Ap, 1. A. 5 IN., .45 jm� in Detroit, Baldwin were in Toronto tior-, -Cleaner for Waxed Mon- In 'the churc4, ach 61 room, day. 0 and MiS. Will Scotchmeer Uve returned from a pleao4nt Mrs.. John Currie', who sdthe ,dale of hdille4ha6 .59 , &6nths fto moved "to 64g, L in Q ;;:.their 06ft4d-laW -and 09. & 0 t * W , atw 1r14&*JgW., -1 gUtery Mr. And Mra.: JAIL%ft, 1h thwil wiI&O" I Ry., U odlic e, aftd "t k",4,Jft"� 41t, �414* , with spent i le* d M;,�, o"777, S, II0. f0ftftAb I'M 19, 10e6k. `kMft that h afid ' um& &t& i 946 f: alid MA Lorne �Rld'dk' d , *, . 11' 1 r Al j)r' A, -1, 1 -.4 :,�, , , , , 4 1 b T, oil 460* 10 'gbl& t6 rottleft bAft yduhgl 'At � *dffil 6,*t 0 L Is ,r1, 1 ,_y:; 1 - 777. 77' ' " t!jtf ��­ ��'�VXFk! 7.. AWYWJ�N 0 # 4.. -0 n CI 'aid, T'. 'A�411 j W; 'D 4rel ti a k to $omeft�, vf­W.1;9949,�� w4f I -Qmet* 10, buy?,:, Ph h 564forth. Tliq 9 41, with Jig erconom 41 to?, REGENT THE,,,'A'-- ]RE-ISEA FSTH "A 'PRWA.Vr- *­AURDAY STAR' NTHEVV JOHN AGAR XAME VAN DOREN Five minutes wereall he needed bdt five guns' were betting -the­trine---Would-run--� '�--stands-aloiae-and-def-ias-t-he- fury of a town'gone mad, MONDAY, TUESDAY a44 WEDNESDAY "DESPERATE HOURS" - Adult itUMPHREY BOGART 1FR9DERICK MARCH, Joseph Hayes, susp'enseful novel- and Broadway stage hit I reaches the screen in all- its melodramatic power. The best play of the year becomes the year's outstanding picture, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "RAWHIDE YEARS" TONY CURTIS COLLEEN MILLER COming'- "ROSE TATTOO" - Adult SPECIALS. 11110 FOOTWEAR FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY - LOAFERS For Growing Girls 4"'),.95 A PAIR MEN'S BROWN KIP BLUCHER OXFORDS $4.95 30 PAIRS MEN'S RUBBER OVER -BOOTS (Dome Fastener at top) REGULAR $7.45 SALE. PRICE VA 95 WILLIS SHOE' � STORE. The LITTLE Store with the BIG Values - SEAFORTH ANNOUNCING THE 'OPENING OF A NEW GENERAL. INSURANCE AGENCY Handling all lines FIRE - AUTO -WIND - LIABILITY and. representing The CrownY6' Insurance Company MacDonald InsurancelAgency, 11 Phone 254-W SEAFORTH Office at the residence, North Main St., Seaforth OUR CUSTOM MILLING HOURS are Monday through. Saturday 8:60 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Closed -Wednesday Oter. noon at 12:30 There will be abso- Work. Wednesday afternoons or even-.. inn's O'N'E. IIVW