HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-10-19, Page 4r. 14 0,4 Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates L.E, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC, Pe r Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2o,i Nireek Cent 3rd Nyeek lh Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as ane word. Garde of Thanks. In 'Memoriam Notices, Corning Ifivent-1 cent per word. BO cents per week, anquiries may be directed to. a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 16 centextra. Fifteen cents •addigena-will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 dun of date of Onal insertion. Births. Marriages and. Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. minirown, Coming Events - RUMMAGE SALE in the Anglican Parish Hall, Saturday, November 10. 4630-1 SLIM BOUCHER of CKNX-TV, is play- ing for the fall season at the Crystal Pal- ace, Mitchell, every FRIay night, 4628-9 STAY YOUNG, GO DANCING at the Goderich Pavilion. every Friday square dance and Rock 'n Roll night with Clar- ence Petrie's Radio Nite Hawks. Sat- urday night is modern dancing to Paul Cross and his orchestra. 4628-9 "SHARE - THE - WEALTH" BINGO — Legion Hall, .:Hensall Saturday, Oct. 20, p.m. JackPot $80.00 in 56 calls: $5.00 added each week until won; 14 regular games, 10c a game. No admission. Spon- sored by Hensall Legion. 4630-1 Help Wanted WOMEN—Without any experience YOU can earn money for your Christmas shopping selling Avon's gift sets. Open- ings in Seaforth and Brussels. Write MRS. M. STOCK, 78 Duchess Ave., Kit- chener, Ont. 4630-2 MALE HELP WANTED—Experienced hardwood breakout man, also one experi- enced Furniture Finisher, and two young- er men to learn good trades. We are ex- panding and need good men. Pleasant working conditions, good wages, very steady employment, group insurance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. 4629-2 MEN or WOMEN 'Anxious to have their own business, we have splendid opportunity for you. No selling experience needed. Write for free catalogue and details to: FAMILEX,. Dept. C, Station C MONTREAL 4630-1 For Rent FOR RENT --A small house in Seaforth. PHONE 654r11. 4630-1 FOR RENT -3 -room apartment. OR- VILLE OKE. Seaforth. 4630-tf FOR RENT — Downstairs apartment; modern kitchen and bath. Apply BOR- DEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2, Seafurth. 4628-tf FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for rent on West William St, Immediate possess- ion: rent reasonable. MRS. ROLAND KENNEDY, Seaforth 4630-1 FOR RENT—In Hensall, 4-large-roona apartment, heated, downstairs: 2 -piece bath, private entrance. Available Nov- ember 1st. Apply to MRS. J. SYIILLIE, phone 12.2-J, Hensall. 4630-1 Property For Sale FOR S A 1.8—Brick 2 -storey dwelling, additional lot and two acres of land: Ex- cellent location. Oil furnace, 3 -piece bathroom, kitchen cupboards, hot or cold water. Will be sold with or without lot and land. Owner will sacrifice. Apply immediately to GERALD GINGERICH, Zurich, Ont.., phone 131 or 34 4629-2 Farms For Sale FOR SALE--100-acre farm in Huron County on county road near school, church, store and mill. Good clay loam land, drained. 44 x 64 bank barn. Frame house and double -deck hen Rouse all in good repair. Apply MRS. JANET McK.AY. R.R. 3, Monkton, Ont. 4628-3 Poultry PULLETS FOR SALE -290 Sussex Red, five months old. W. D. WILSON, phone 658r33, Seaforth, 4630x1 Notices NOTICE—I have a number of 700 pound steers to be fed for the winter by the Pound. ,HAROLD JACKSON, phone 474, _Seaforth. 4630-1 NURSERY STOCK, shrubs, fruit trees, perennials. H. C. Downham Nursery Co. Phone ERIC MILNER, Seaforth 393. 4628-tf RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE. opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 847-R. 4628-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 303. 'ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter, 4628-tf A la NTION, FARMERS — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Callcolleet, collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of 1 Canada Lt. Wanted WANTED— Three or 4 -room self-contaia- ed downstairs apartment. Heated prefer- red, but nut essential. Apply Box 583, I he HURON EXPOSITOR stating location and rent. 4630ne1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the village of senoeu. on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. at 1:00 the Estate of the late Wrn. E Poster, Main Street . Chesterfield suite, chesterfield bed. like new ; .day bed.; gate-leg table; 6 dining room chairs, buffet pedestal reed chabh, 2 occasional chairs; 4 small tables; coffee table; 1 what -not; mantel clock ; 2 bed- room suites, springs and mattresses; bed linens; electric lamp; 2 bedroom chairs: electric heater ,• clothes hamper ; vanity and bench: chest of drawers: electric clock scatter mats; 2 axminster rugs; curtains and drapes; pictures; china and kitchen utensils; Coleman 9iI hater ; Sun- shine 4 -burner electric range: General Electric refrigerator; kitchen chairs ; arm chair; hull tree; washing machine; tub arts stand; floor lamps; porch furniture: .22 gauge rifle. Other articles tuo num- erous to mention. TERMS—CASH. SAW LOGS WANTED—Woodlot owners will be paid best cash prices direct by ESTATE OF WILLIAM E. FOSTER mill for goad, sound Hard Maple Saw Bell & Laughton. Solicitors Logs and Standing Timber, T. A. YOUNG, Staf.a, Ont.. phone Dublin 11r3. 4629-4 Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E.P. Chesney, Clerk Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1941 Obey. Coach. Apply w MRS. LEO STEPILENSON, Seaforth. 4630-1 CAR FOR SALE -1949 Dodge sedan. low i.eare, good condition. Apply to MRS. \VA, MARTIN, RR 2, Kippen, phone Hen - 'all 4629x2 • . Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZABETH SMITH All persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Smith, late of the town of Seaforth, in the county of Huron. de- ceased, who died on the 1st day of Septem- ber, 1956, are hereby 'notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2n4 day of November, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims theta received. Dated at Seaforth, this 9th day of Oct- ober, 1956, McCONNEL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario .Solicitors for the Executrices ' 4629-3 Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 3t/. cents pound, and dead cattle at value. If dead, Phone at once. GILBERT BROS, MINK RANCH. Phone collect' 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1, Goderich, 4624x10 Personals • TRY BEFORE YOU BUY, Beauty Coun- sellor cosmetics. Phone Seaforth 393. BARBARA L. MILNER. 4628-tf HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), nailed postoaici in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 01.00. Mail - Order Dept, T-73, THE WOMEN'S HOSPITAL ATJXILI- NOVA-RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. ARY wishes to 'thank all who assisted with the recent Tag Day. Particularly the public school girls who canvassed on the Saturday morning. 4630-1 4630-2 N G AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock Machinery and house- hold effects at lot 18 and 19. con. 3. Tuckersmith twp.. 2 miles west of Eg- mondville on WEDNESDAY,• OCTOBER 24, at 12:30 sharp. CATTLE -2 Jersey cows, carrying sec- ond calf bred June 5 and 10; spotted heifer, 3 yrs. old. due Nov. 6; Holstein cow, 5 years old, bred May 12; Holstein cow, 5 years old bred March 24 ; Holstein cow, three years old, due time of sale: Holstein cow. 3 years old. bred June 7: Holstein cow, 3 years old bred May 18; 3 black cows, fresh in August and rebred: Holstein and Hereford. bred May 11; 9 Shorthorn cows with calves at foot, from 550 to 400 lbs., and rebred: 8 Durham and Hereford steers, 600 to 700 lbs. ; 1 -yr. - old white face heifer; 15 spring calves; 2 calves, 1 month old. PIGS -1 York sow, with pigs at foot. IMPLEMENTS—Fordson major tractor, equipped with 3 -furrow plow and cultiva- tor ; Ford tractor in A-1 condition; Fer- guson mower, 7 -ft. cut; pulley for 'ord tractor ;8 -plate 1 -way disc ; 3 -section drag harrows; 4 sections diamond harrows; 16 - run disc fertilizer drill, like new; Mc- Cormick side rake, on rubber, like new: 7 -ft, M.H. binder, pea harvestor and roller, scuffler; 3 -drum steel roller; Litz grain and corn grinder. new: 120 -ft, drive belt; modern rubber -tired wagon, like new; flat hay rack ; 2.000 Ib. scales: feed cart: bean puller: 1 set of breeching harness, good; '-unit Surge milking machine, 1 year old ; 1 steel water tank, new ; milk pails and other equipment; 1 electric brooder and 4 shelters, new ; hale lifter ; barrels ; feed tronghs and boxes ; chains ; forks; and marlother articles. Quantity of household effects, including cook stove. tables chairs, rockers, chester- field and bed room furniture, No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS —CASH. JAMES BLACK, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, ,Auctioneer. E. ', Chesney, Clerk, 4629-2 Cards of Thanks . -- _ . For Sale MR. TOM HALEY wishes to thank his many friends who remembered him with FOR SALE—Mdern home in Seaforth. cards and gifts during his recent illness. DENNIS ELECTRIC. Seaforth. 4629-2 Also special thanks to the doctors at the Clinic and staff of Scott Memorial Hospi- FOR SALE 8 -piece dinette suite. Apply ; tal, Seaforth. and St. Joseph's Ho4s6p3i0.tali MR4630nc13EVIN NOTT, SeaforthLondon. FOR SALE — One white headed calf, MR, and MRS. GEORGE EATON wish Apply to FRANK REYNOLDS, phone 6607.33. Seaforth. 4630-1 the many cards and gifts they received to thank their friends who called and for on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. Special thanks to the Can - FOR SALE— Oven-ready ducks. MRS. adian Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary EARL PAPPLE, Phone 650r22, Seaforth, for their lovely gifts. They were deeply 4630-1 appreciated. Also to Senator W. H. and Mrs. Golding fur their nice letter to us. 4630-1 FOR SALE— New Sunbeam Mirmaster, withjuicer. Won in contest. PHONE 307J. 4630-1 FOR .SALE— Two part -Hereford calves for sale. . Apply to STEWART WILSON. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Roney. Mr. ZION phone 6581-21, Seaforth. 4630-1 and Mrs. Charles Roney and lam- . y attended Monkton anniversary on Sunday and visited Mr. and 1 Mrs. Alf. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and family spent Thanksgiving with FOR SALE—Good used Ratty irons real bargain, DUBLIN ELECTRIC, Ph one 70. Dublin, 4630- FOR SALE—Several used television set at special prices. Apply DUBLIN ELEC TRIC, Dublin, . 4629-1 f her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake, Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, Keith and Bruce, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sheldon, St. Marys. Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and family with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corriveau, Zurich, recently. Miss Gayle Lannin had her ton- sils removed last week- in Strat- ford Hospital. Mrs. George Pepper spent a day last week with her mother Mrs, J. Balfour. FOR SALE -17 pigs, 10 weeks old. Ap- ply J. E. MCLEAN, phone 665r21, Sea - forth. 4630-1 ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. TV swivel chairs in stock at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC Dublin. 4629-tf CLOCK RADIOS. 030.95 and 49.95. Bul- ova clock radios at 069.05. Variety of col- ors. Portables also available. SAV- AUGE'S, Seaforth, 4630 -If FOR SALE -34 rows ensilage corn : 70 rods long also 20 bags of potatoes. ' KEN STEWART, Phone 805r2, Seaforth, 4630-1 FOR SALE—Large quantity of feed turnips, 15c a bushel. Apply GERALD BELL, RR 1. Hensall. phone Hensall 692r3. 4(21-1 FOR SALE— Oil furnace with controls and tank. A bargain for 0175.00. Phone 442 Saturday, between 5 and 6 p.m. MRS. SHEILA KING, Egmondville 4630x1 TV. SPECIAL—Clearing all '56 models at • carload prices. Check here before buying, Terms to suit. DUBLIN ELEC- TRIC, Dublin, 4629-4 4628-tf FOR SALE— Girl's coat, size 12; white sweater, size 32; collapsible suit case: toaster: hot plate. 1 -burner, Apply MRS, R. BOYES, Egmondville, 4630x1 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St., Hen - mall. Bring your livestock- Always a good market price. HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Hensel]; VICTOR HARGREAVES, EU, 24511, Clinton 4628-12 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION • "Where Better Bulls Are used" —For art -molar insemination liffdiniation or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at CLINTON U. 2-3441, between 7:so and 9130 am. We have all breeds avail. able—top quality at low coat. 4628-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Th TotOneble of Tneketeegth Mitelet, • • bet "Derepinst; Ground, iiinotetk, 091e4hitif Zali8indtrille-p.444 :101•?11:1 open ,only 71‘10abililt, Iikekosienbafi, .Oe., 'WetindoitOr• the heti* • . .• 00 .0 *,'.onse .6,444 -em FOR SALE—A number of used wash- ing machines in excellent condition. Real buys. DENNIS ELECTRIC, Seaforth.' 4629-2 POR. SALE—Large cabinet gramaphone and about 80 records in perfect running order, also girl's clothes, size 12, sweaters, skirts, winter jaCket all like new, pair black pumps, worn once, size 5. MRS. ROBERT BAKER, Hensall. • 4629-2 FOR SALE—Boys' tube skates, size 3; brown shoes, size 5; station wagon coat, brown gabardine pants and jacket, cub stun 8E5a xtrawso KiTit T2 in excellent condition. MRS. J. McLEAN, phone 665, 21, Seaforth. 4630-1 APPLES FOR SALE—Choiee Macintosh, Spies, Delicious, Kings, Tolman Sweets, and Snow apples. No. 1, 82 bushel: No. 2, $1 bushel in own container, Apply STEWART MIDDLETON, Phone 11112- 7525, RR 8, Clinton. 4628-3 Births De10/443---In Scott Memorial Tiobpitel, 00 October 12, to Mr. and Mrs. George Ile- ong, Seafortil a son. lotandra Marine Hos- rdotierich, oe Octolier 7, to Mr. and: M86, T. B. Melidy, a detgliter, 32441.,ER—M Stott MetiOrial Hoetsitat, October i6pti end Atre, TbatieelkNtil- pydr, ratOw Sebtortb„ e, 4. still ' s..4„ !SW LS -4n Scott Ni*Oniket4r i sober t,04,b2r: .i5k1 ,4; n. south, " Mls 104'r448 CONSTANCE The regular meeting of the Con- stance WA and WMS was held last Wednesday afternoon in the church basement. The WA was presided over by the president, Mrs. Verne Dale. while Mrs. George McLlwain acted as secretary in the abscence of Mrs, Frank Riley. The minutes were read atm] busi- ness transacted. The WA will be holding a bake sale and' bazaar in' Seaforth on November 3. The WMS was presided over by Mrs. Dave Williams, acting presi- dent. She opened the meeting by a hymn followed by the Lord's Prayer.. Another hymn was sung accompanied by Mrs. W. L. Whyte. Scripture was read by Mrs. ,Ross McGregor from the thirteenth chapter of Corinthians. The minutes were read and busi- ness transacted. Everyone is to remepher thefall thankAffering, meeting to be held' at the home of Mrs. Earl Lawson on Wednesday, October 24. The Christian Steward- ship paper was given by Mrs. Bor- den Brown. The report of the sec- tional meeting was given by Mrs. Verne Dale. Topic was "The Chal- lenge of a new day and let your light so shine" and'waS well pre- pared by ,the delegates of the sec- tional 'meeting at 'Brucefield by Mrs. Frank Riley and Mrs. Verne Dale. The study book was given by Mrs. W. L. Whyte after a hydro was Sang the meeting closed with the benediation. ' Mr, and Mrs: Herman Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. Roy AchroYd, of 'New Liskeard, siteht £ evtr days ast week withMtlkatid Mrs. Eph- lam, Clarke arid, '• f.trid Tht.e ESI, •I k•O Wood Clatorrttieri d>rin. many r'ineimte, .Lh .at ivork,„ , . elativeo pstfelehd§ 1,p the vie- HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Casey Hudsok and family, of Goderich, --visited rela- tives and friends in the village o Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. McKelvi Robert and Ann, left for their ne home in Essex, on Thursday an the well wishes of tikir many fr ends go with them. • Anniversary services will be held ; at St. Andrew's Church on Sunday e, at 11 a.m. and 730 p.m. Guest w speaker will be Rev. R. A. Brookes d B. Th., Bluevale. Guests during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell and Mr. ✓ and Mrs. Leonard Lovell Included e Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lovell and Mr , and Mrs. Robert Ballantyne, o n Chatham; Mr. Byron Elliott, Ken Bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Evon Arnold , and son Davie. of Louisville, Mr - and Mrs. Lyle Weaver, Tupperville 11 and Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Tup- perville. d • Mrs. Hill and Shildon, of Eng - land is spending the winter months , at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aik. enhead. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford,White- man. spent Saturday visiting with Mrs. Hinsdale and Miss White - Mr. and Mrs. Alf Moffatt were called to the bedside of her brother, Mr. Jack Hayter, Howell, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore their and Lorne, of London, visited Sun- day with parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore, the latter re- turning with them. Mr. and Mrs. Long accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. McLeod visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. Al- bert Keyes and his sister Miss Pearl Keyes, of Exeter. Mrs, Doig, who had the misfor- tune to fracture her hip, is report- ed as improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Arnol Gackstetter, of Guelph, called on friends and neighbors on Monday. Joseph Hay -ter Passes Joseph Henry Hayter, 80. a life - ng resident of Varna, died sud- enly in Clinton Community Hos- ital on Wednesday night following heart attack. He had worked on ednesday as usual at the Cook Tiling Company. Hensall, where e was a crop buyer. His wife redeceased him in 1947. Surviv- g are six sons, William. Varna; loyd, Clandeboye; Gordon, Pon - ac, Mich.; Elgin.' London; and ussell, Varna, with who: he had made his home, and three daugh- ters, Mrs. Marion Routozn, New York; Mrs. Alfred Moffatt. Kip - pen; and Mrs. Cecil Dowson, Var- suntjay gs1' Iltrilfred hicie(led 41,i)4 Tars. Lerne Seifert and tVY9 dugh ters, of Forclwich, alsq Mrs. John Oihson, of Wroxeter, Communion ,service at St. And- rew's United Church was well at- tended. The minister, Rev. N. Mc- Leod, chose as his subject "The Highest Grade of Thanksgiving," Special music was rendered by the choir. •,` A' special meeting of the Par Line Farm Forum was held at th home of the president and his wife Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan, whe plans were outlined for a bus tour of the Royal Winter.Sair, Toronto in November. The grortp will char ter a bus and 35 members wi attend. Mr. and Mrs, Robert McLean ha as their guests this week the lat ter's cousins. Mrs. Vera Gatenby, of Sceptre, Sask.. and Mrs. Ella McNiven, of New Orleans. f t "tahI. Poem& by Edgar Guest were read by Mrs, Elkton Allen. Mrs. *PIC •A neightairly act 'Wee' tile call met, for their meeting in the WoPmer"eInsStitUtaeskilletS itra ,Vi't:4411 baL Miring the business period when Mrs, Ross Smale presided, Mrs. Gerald Agar was appointed ,dele.- rate to attend the WI convention in London, and to send a dotiatien( to the Blind., A bus trip to the Royal Winter Fair was discusse, and left with the convenors to con- tact members wishing to. go. Mrs, Cecil Bowman reviewed current events. Household hints were offered by Mrs. Walter O'Bri- en. Mrs. Moore,contrihuted a solo accompanied by Mrs. LloYd Sors- a a •W. Glanville presided for the pro- . gram and gave the topic on "Com- naiuonin,, tsyActivities and Public, Re- 11ti - • na. The body rested at the Bon- thron Funeral Chapel where the 'service was conducted on Satur- day afternoon by Rev. T. J. Pitt. 1 Interment was in Bayfield cem- etery. Mrs. Thomas Tybus, of Winnipeg, returned home since visiting a week with her nieces, Mrs. Stewart Pepper and Mrs. Ernest Whip - house and other relatives. Mr. Shaver, who has been spend- ing the summer months in Minden, is visiting at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde. Miss Shirley Alderdice, teacher in training at Stratford, visited over the weekend with her aunt and „uncle, Mr. and/Mrs. Verne Alder - dice. Arnold Circle Meet The Thanksgiving meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church was held in the schoolroom of the church Monday evening with the ladies of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church and Carmel Church Senior WMS as guests, President Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt chaired the meeting and extended a cordial welcome to the guests and opened the meeting with • the sing- ing of "Oh Jesus I Have Promised" followed by the roll call. Mrs. Wm. Fuss favoured with a solo "Bless This House", accom- panied by Mrs. Albert Shirray. The worship service prepared and conducted by Mrs. Robert Simp- son had as a theme, "Let us come before His presence with Thanks- giving." The Scripture was read by Mrs. Gordon Troyer and prayers were repeated by Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mrs. Wm'. Brown, Mrs. Harry Hoy and Mrs, Gordon Schwalm. Following the singing of a hymn, Mrs. Harry Snell read a Thanks- giving poem and the worship ser- vice was closed with' prayer by Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. J. Bonthron 10 d a favored with a solo, "Living for h Jesus", accompanied by Mrs. Mal- P colm Dougall. Mrs. Stewart Bell in introduced the guest speaker. Mrs. L J. F. Scott, of Seaforth, who gave ti a very inspiring address on "Shar- R Mg our many blessings." The speaker was thanked by, Mrs. Brown, A quartette composed of Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs, A. Kerslake, Mrs -Harry Hoy and Miss Hannah Murray. sang "Cleanse Me". Rev. D. MacDonald closed the meeting with prayer and a social hour was spent with the guests. ' ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Turner's United Churh Tuckersmith SUNDAY, OCT. 21st at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. REV. W. M. THOMAS, Walton Guest Minister Special music by the choir EVERYBODY WELCOME Anniversary Services St. Andrew's - United Church KIPPEN SUNDAY, OCT. 21st 11 a.m.- and 7:30 p.m. Rev. R. A. Brookes, B.Th., Bluevale SPECIAL MUSIC Everyone Welcome BROWNIES' DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to the Community Park Box Office opens 7:30 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT 8:00 Children under 12 in cars—FREE Thurs. & Fri. — Oct. 18 and 19 "RUN FOR COVER" (Color) James Cagney John Derek Vivica Lindfors (Two Cartoons) Sat. & Mon. — Oct. 20 and 22 "Destination Gobi" (Colour) Richard Widmark Judy Dan (Two Cartoons) -• •Tiles,•••&•Wed-.- — Oet 23 and -24 "Never Too Young" (Colour) Dean Martin Jerry Lewis (Two Cartoons) Every Tuesday Night until end of season is $ Night. One Dollar admits a carload Thurs. & Fri. --- Oct 25 and 26 "Kid From Left Field" Dan Dailey Ann Bancroft, (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY, Oct. 21 66$11V111.4," Dirk' llogarie°1411- gonad Sinde'li (Vie Carbeinit0 15 Miss Mary Jacksotti, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Pep- per. Mrs. N. Long returned home on Saturday since having had a pleas- ant visit in Toronto. RECEPTION AND DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Rdbert Caldwell (nee Eudora Hyde) Town Hall, Hensall FRIDAY, OCT. 19th DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Provide Lunch EVERYBODY WELCOME WEEK -ENV SAVINGS Holly Peas, Fancy-20.oz. 2/43 Green Wax Beans, choice -20 oz., 2/39 Tip” Top Beans with Pork -20 oi. .o. •2/33 Shirriff's Caramel Topping —9 oz. .29 Burn's Cooked Ham -11/) lb. Tin 1.69 Delmar Margarine 2/57 "Canatogs", Men's Sport Shirts 3.49 Tex -Made Ibex Blankets -70 x90 5.95 CLAIR HANEY PHONE 72, EGMONDVILLE For Prompt, Courteous Service 4k1 NO; 4144 ?aY# g&MOX,41011e.4111 Mi;s. C. Hinton,: PhiselhOst, were ThlIrsday visitwith Mrs. C. GilMani M. and Mrs. Harold Deallara, afs Sarnia, were Friday visitorsWith Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten and helped with the sae. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks and babe pf _London visited over the weekend 'with Mr, and Mrs. F. 4 , . • Wafters. Miss DonnaGiaillaei $.r; loia,e4 on the, vr..eekeint atInot9loMe. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gllanil:Grant and Barbara .Arm, wereA•StlikdaY and 1VIrs, Newman. Baker Otinday, visitors 'Wit11, Wfrs, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon visitors with WA .(111d Mr*. 9 '411 Horton Mr. were Ford Ford, Attention — All Mothers -of Hensall • and Distekk public meeting will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER to form a Figure Skating Club All interested meet , Monday, October 22, 8 p.m. ANNIP-amnP^miNP-iinsP-s-inam+maprizersa ta,TITITITITITITITY TyT Tj, Tj, Tj Tj, T 5. It's New! It's Here! Topnotch Steer Fattener With Diethylstilbestrol • MORE GAIN * LESS FEED • MORE PROFIT Two pound of Topnotch Steer Fattener per head, per day balances your grain with re- gard to protein, minerals and vitamins, and, suppliers the recommended amount of stilbes- -trol for the most efficient gains. FOR FULL DETAILS ENQUIRE AT.... 10PNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED The Most Value For the Farmers' Dollar SEAFORTH • PHONE 15 Tj, Tj, TIT4,T,L Tj, T ,LTJ,TitTerT Tj, Tj, Less Washday Work No Washday Weather Worries ESTI CLOTHES DRYER N Built for beauty — 'and better drying re- sults! Features the Handy Shelf -Like Door for -easy and' conyenient loading and unload- ing . . birect Air Flow- System blows the warm air through tumbling clothes which means faster dr3rmg at a YOWL' op- erating expense. • 0 OUSE A Westinghouse Automatic Dryer ends StOoping, lugging and days upon days id toil throughout the year. Low Down Payment' . ,,, • -;• v Easy Terms notion Ftitensini44 Loon :4Ntaxo r Photte 15 34855 1 • , moon COVERINGS netrononst,0114Airns 4eatOtit ' ')'5),110 :',1410.4.k4t:Ol° ;414, 1.0:4 4 • is Is 1 •