HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-10-12, Page 4o,s1 t XPOSITOR, SIAFQ. . mo' Ads, Inserted At New Low Cash • FOR g.N4E, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per 1st Week 1 Cent 2n4 Week % Cent • Ord Week efi Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each (ifs,ure, initial anti abbreviation counts as one word. (lards of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eventa-1 cent Per word. 50 eents per week. Unealries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron...Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date a final inaertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. - Auction, Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Rotes Word: tainiundad, Coming Events SLID,' BOUCHER of CKNX-TV, is play- ing for the fall eeason at the Crystal Pal- ace, Mitchell, every Friday night. 4628-9 C.W.L. BA.ZAAR and HOME BAKING Sale on Saturday, December it. St. James' School Hall. 4629-1 STAY YOUNG, GO DANCING at the Goderich Pavilion, every Friday square ,dance and Rock 'n Roll night with Clar- ence Petrie's Radio Nite Hawks. Sat- eirday night Is modern dancing to Paul Cross and his orchestra. 46e8-9 "SHARE -THE - WEALTH" BINGO - Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday. Oct. 13, 9 p,m. Jackpot $75.00 in 55 calls; $5.00 added each week until won ; 14 regular games, 10c a game. •No admission. Spon - "Bored by 'dense!' Legion. 4629,1 COMING EVENT • A series of pre -natal classes sponsored by the Huron County Health Unit will be- gin Monday. October 15, 1056, at 8.00 p.m. at the branch office of the Health Unit. second floor, Post Office, Seaforth. Please use side entrance. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are in vited to attend on the above date; or: Phone the Public Health Nurse Seafortli 478w between 4 and 5 p.m. 4628-2 Lost and Found FOUND -On Main Street. Seaforth, a pair of sun glasses. Owner may have same by identifying and paying charges. BOX 583, Huron Expositor. 4629-1 = Motor Cars. For Sale CAR FOR SALE -1949 Dodge sedan, low mileage, good conditiop. Apply to MRS. WM, MARTIN, RR 2, -.Kipper', phone Hen - sell 690r13. 46292:2 Personals TRY BEFORE YOU BUY, Beauty Coun- sellor cosmetics. Phone Seaforth 393 - BARBARA L. MILNER. 4628-tf HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), ;Mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 sam- Tee 51.00. Mali - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton. Notices NOTICE -I have a number of 700 ponnd steers to be fed for thb winter by the pound. HAROLD JACKSON; phone 474, Seaforth. 4629-1 NURSERY STOCK. shrubs, fruit trees, perennials. el. C. Downham Nursery Co. Phone ERIC ,MILNER, Seaforth 393. 4628-tf RADIO REPAIRS -- For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 4628-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 893. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4628-ef SMALL ENGINE service, all makes, Clinton, J embalm, Iron Horse, Power Products, Briggs and Stratton, etc Auth- orized Iron Horse and Jacobsen Service depot. Levert rnowers sharpened and re- paired. CROWN HARDWARE. Phone Property For Sale FOR SALE -8 -room solid brick house on North Main St. Former eicNab property. Apply to WALLACE ROSS, Seaforth. 4527-3 .•1•1111.111,011MNIMININI, Farms For Sale FOR SALE -100 -acre farm in Huron Count/ on county road near seltool, church, store and mill. Good clay loam land. drained. 44 x 64 bank barn. Frame house and double -deck hen house all in good repair. Apply MRS. JANET McKAY, R.R. 8, Monkton, Ont. 4628-8 Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 34 cents pound, and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH. Phone collect 1488 J 4 or 1483 J 1, Goderich. 4624x10 , For Sale FOR SALE -Modern home in Seaforth. DENNIS ELECTRIC, Seaforth, 4629-2 FOR SALE -Brick 2 -storey dwelling, additional lot and two acres of land. Ex- FOR. SALE -3 -piece dinette suite. Ap- ..ellent location. Oil furnace, 3 -piece Ply MERVIN NOT, Seaforth. 4629x1 bathroom, kitchen cupboards, hot or cold ' water. Will be sold with or without lot FOR SALE- A girl's winter coat, size and land. Owner will sacrifice. Apply 8. PHONE 832r11. 4629-1 immediately to GERALD GINGERICH, , — Zurich, Ont.. phone 134 or 34 4629-2 FOR SALE -50 ruws of corn. 60 rod ! For -Rent - • .--- long. Apply DOMINIC MURRAY, RR 2, Walton, phone Dublin, 45r9. 4629-1 FOR SALE •A number of Aberdeen - FOR RENT -Furnished rooms for rent Angus cows and calves. J. W. THOMP on West William St, Immediate Possess- SON, Phone S33r31, Seeforth, 4629x1 ion ; rent reasonable. MRS. ROLAND KENNEDY, Seaforth, 4629-1 FOR SALE-- -13 York pig, 10 weeks old. Apply JOHN BROADFOOT. Brueefield, 'OR RENT -, Dowestairs apartment; phone Seaforth 658r31. 4629-1 nadern kitchen and bath. Apply BOR - :EN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2. Seaforth. 4828 -ti FOR SALE Small heater, reasonable. Apply ROBER'P WATSON, Seaforth. 4629x1 FOR RENT -Warm partially furnished apartment, bed, sitting room and kitchen. Suitable for business person or couple. Reasonable. FRANK REYNOLDS, phone 669r33, Seaforth. 4629-1 Wanted BOARDERS WANTED, men preferred. PHONE 566W. 4628-2 WANTED --Room and 'board wanted for young man. PHONE 353. 4629-1 WANTED TO RENT -Space to store 14 -foot boat and trailor. DON MUIR, phone 241-W, Seaforth, 4629-1 WANTED -One or two roomers; all con- eniences ; two blocks east of Main St, Ap- ply MISS L. FAULKNER, George St., Sea - forth. 4629x1 797. 46204 I Manufacturing Division • SAW LOGS WANTED-Woodlot owners will be paid best cash prices direct by mill for goeid, sound Hard Meple Saw Logs and Standing Timber. T. A. YOUNG, Smile, Ont., phone Dublin. MS. 4629-4 . Help Wanted WANTED -Reliable girl or woman for general housework, Duties to commence in a few days, Apply BOX 582, Huron Expositor. . 4629-1. ' WANTED -Housekeeper and companion for eleerly lady in Hensel!. Modern con- ven ienees, II ti s not . • !wee) , tirne • off, wage, can be arranged, MRS. 'WIC PEPPER. liensal.1, phone 77-W. •• 4629.1 M LE HELF wANTED--Experienced hardwund breakout man, also one experi- enced Furniture Finieher, and two young- er men to learn good trades. We are ex- panding and ne• d geed men. Pleasant ring cuneldens, good wages, very steady employment, group insurance. etc. J eXES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, I rerersoll. 4629-2 'Make Money Easily Selling finest eine of household necessi- ties. full er part time. Wherever you may live, write in for free catalogue and details. FAMILEX, .0 Dept. B, Station C. MONTREAL, 4629-1 WANTED Young man with C,ornmercial training. Excellent oportunity for promotion if in- terested in feed business. Apply in own handwriting, Stating qualifications to: ATTENTION, FARMERS - Prompt, Topnotch Feeds Limited courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call SEAFORTH, ONTARIO collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea- w 46291 forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Lt. 4628-tf Tenders Wanted HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St, Hen - salt Bring your livestock. Always a gbod market price. HARRY SMITH. Phone 187, Hensel: VICTOR HARGREAVES, 87J, 24511. Oaten 4628-12 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination information or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone the Waterloo Cattte Breeding Association at CLINTON HU. 2-3441, between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able -top quality at low cost. 4628-tf NOTICE 'Township of Tuckersmith The Townehip of Tnckerstnith Munici- pal Dumping Ground, situated one-half mile west of Egmondville, Con. 3, }I.R.S.. Will be open oaly to ratepayers of the Township, of Tuckersmith, on Wednesday and Saturday' afternoons, from the hours Of 2 to 6 p.m. N., wire, car bodies Or garbage (organic) Is to be deposited, and all dumping must be done under the supervision of the in - "Vector: E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. Twp. of Tnekeramith. 4628-t3 Form 4 The Voters' Lists Act 1961 Section 12 CLERIC'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of Voters'. List Wars' 1,1it 1958 of YILLASE of BENSALL „ ,Piitosty of Huron skaosi *item that 3 have Cora- pliedWthfikiatio$4,'of,,The Vetnna, LIST AOT, and. tlirt6 pOsted'n0 at raSt 'Office at the TO 'HALL, MISALL, On the 4th d 19S6 'the list 1 �i Peremit efit OktItte -Vote itt the Mid nniepaln at Murirdpal elections ithd bn'Ntsch, listi-Penfaing there t�#htodafoi. , ,4iaittieg b ,..tOzgbite atiti 'ging g, the kit TENDER Township of Tuckersmith Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for snowplowing township roads in the winter of 1956-57 V -Type 8 -foot plow to be used and plow and wing to be hydaulically operat- ed on truck rated at fout tons or better. Contractor must supply all labour and equipment required and sueh 'equipment must meet the approval of the Department of Highways. • • • One unit will be contracted for, and no standing time will be allowed. Tenders must state a flat rate per hour and will close, October 13, 1006 at 8 p.m. Tenders( will be accepted subject to the approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario. Lnwest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. Chesney, Clerk Two. of Tuckersmith 4628-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of IRA LEO STEPHENSON All persons having claims against the Eetate pie Ira Leo Stephenson, late of the Town or Sialeiethe theeCettetteeeef Huron, Gentlemen, deceased, who died on the 12th day of July. 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 19th dee _ofOctober 1956, after Which- ,fate ifie assets vifIrlitedeseributed•-• having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of September, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Execetrbe 46274 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZABETH'SMITH All persons having claims against the Estate of Elirabbth Smith, late tef the town ef Seafortit, Hie count* of Huron, ceitied, who died on theelat day of Septette bee, 1956, are hereby notified to send In 'fullinr.itietthirt Of their define to the Ufldertfg'ited on or before the 2ed dap of tiVectiliet. 1958.: after_ Whielt .ditte the ainiefg dietribOted..liathig ragatil ,iteediteit ' e Bated tet .Seeferti4e thiS 95 asy at Oct- 01rer,1,19561.ao t FOR SALE -Several used television sets at special prices. Apply DUBLIN ELEC- TRIC, Dublin. 4629 -ti FOR SALE --Horse trailer, A-1 condi- tion, 600x16 tires. Priced for quick sale. J. R. BURNS. Seaforth 4628-2 SEED TURNIPS FOR SALE. Apply SIDNEY GEMMELL, phone 650r41, R.R. 4, Seaforth. 4629-1 FOR , SALE -Three Hereford heifers, due soon. GEORGE BERNARD, phone 824r16, Seaforth, R.R. 4, Walton, 4629-1 FOR SALE -75 bags of ,Canada cement. Apply to GEORGE CASE, Phone Seaforth 846r24, R.R. 4, Walton. 4628x2 ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. 'TV swivel chairs in stock at • big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC Dublin. 4629-tf FOR SALE-Girre coat. size 12; girl's jacket. size 12 ; boy's bicycle. all in real good condition. TELEPHONE 324-W. 4629x1. FOR SALE - Hospital bed. coal and wood heater, also oil heater, MRS. J. A. McKENZIE. elareet Street. Seaforth. 4629-1 FOR SALEGirl's coat,. size 12: white sweater, site 32; collapsible suit case: toaster, hot plate. 1 burner. Apply BOX 581, The Huron Expositor.' 4629x1 TV SPECIAL -Clearing all '56 models at carload prices. Check here before buying, Terms to suit. DUBLIN ELEC- TRIC, Dublin. 4629-4 FOR SALE --Frigidaire. Heavy Duty Rangette, space heater. Apply MRS. D. McCUAIG, Scarlet Apts., Church St. • 4629-1 FOR SALE -Cooking stove and an oil heater in perfect condition. Apply to PETER MALCOLM, Veen William St., Phone 574.-M. 462512 FOR SALE -A number of used wash- ing- machines in excellent condition. Real buys. PENN IS ELECTRIC, Seaforth. 4629-2 , FOR SALE -Furnace with hot water ,'oil, hot water tankpipes and taps. and 1 a three pieee bathroom set. Also taps und piping. Piano. All in excellent con- dition, PHONE 682-R. Seaforth. 4629x1 SLABS FOR SALE -Hardwood, $10.00 Per load. approximately 21,4 cords; mixed wood. 88.00 per load, approximately two curds. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton HU. 2-6655. . • 4622-8 FOR SALE- Large cabinet gramaphone and about 80 records in perfect running order, also clothes, size 1-2, sweaters,, skirts, winter jacket all like new, pair black mimes. worn once, size 5. MRS. ROBERT BAKER, Hensel'. 4629-2 APPLES FOR SALE -Choice Macintosh, Spies, Delicious, Kings, Tolman Sweets, and Snow apples. No. 1, 52 bushel; No, 2, 51 bushel in own container. Apply STEWART 'MIDDLETON, Phone HU2- 7525, RR 3, Clinton. 4628-3 FOR SALE -Furnace. used five years, complete with casing, pipes, in good con- dition. Will sell cheap. Also oil furn- ace with controls and tank for 5175. Phone 442, Saturday between 5 and 6 p.m. MRS. SHEILA KING, Egmonceville. 4628x1 Cards of Thanks MR. AND MRS. PERCY SMITH wish to thank their many friends who remem- bered them and were so kind to them on the occasion of their 50th. wedding anni- versary. 4629x1 MRS. GEORGE CONNELL wishes to thenk her friends for cards and treats sent to her while a patient in Scott Mem- aria) Hospital. Also special thanks to Dr. Stapleton and Dr. Munn and the nurses at the hospital. 4629-1 MR. .1. H. CURRAN, of Hamiltien, ac knowledges with sincere thanks the kind - /less of his many friends in Seaforth and vicinity; members df clergy and of the 'Britannia and Masonic Lodge, while he has been a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital following severe injuries suffered in a motor accident on July 13. 4629x1 THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Mary Greenless wish to express their sincere thanks to the relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness te our dear mother. Special thanks to Dr. E. A. McMaster and Dr. Malkus. To the Thamer Nursing Home we extend thanks to eaeh member of the strife with special thanks to Miss Pearl Thamer. We 'with to thank those who sent beautiful floral tributes also to the many friends who sent sympathy cards - - 4629x1 In Memoriam HOLLAND -In loving memory of Ben- edict Holland, who died October 9, 1989. Just when your life was the brightest, Just en your years were best, You were called from this world of - Borrow, To a home of eternal rest. -Alw'ays and lovlegly remembered IM father, mother, brothers and sisters. • 46291 Births BUCHANAN-Mr. and Mee Keith Bach - (nee Awry Clark), ann- '<bunce the birth of their son at Clinton Community Hospital, TM:119day, Oct.. 4.. BENNEWtES-Tri Scott Memorial Hoof- tal on October to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HenneWies, a danghter. NESB11'T-In Scdtt Memorial Hospital, on October 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nes. Me, a a6aG contrirtr--4,4a. and Mrs. Oat+ H. �o lett; (nee Eleanor COokra, Sd. N.), AIM }MOOT tet ,fittneitinee the Meth Of their get, „ O'Cteber 9, 195th tit Western liteniltel. 'Toronto, 'LEAN-Itr? Clinton ddrbintirittP°. Hoag.. 26, ed'.1112 *ad Mts. tooth,. irtatiatitat,raii h. * Siker idt atiffdta 6 ,44$24 ' • ' ' .442241. id •••,, = Poultry troll SALE -400 Rhode Island Red and light Sussex pullets, laying, Apply RUS- SELL FERGUSON, Phone 680r22, Hensall. ,4629-1 Auction Sale The Grey. Bruce Hereford - Breeders - Are holding their , ANNUAL AUTUMN SALE• of 14 bulls and 20 females at the MARK - DALE SKATING ARENA, on Friday, Octuber 19, 1956 at 2 p.m. ' All bulls are eligible for 250/6 Premium up tie 572-00 9628-2 AUCTION SALE Of feeder cattle at lot 29. con. 9, Mie '<Woe township, at ALLAN CAMPBELL'S Farm, 1 mile west of Winthrop on THURS- DAY, OCTOBER 18, at 1 pen. 30 Durham and Hereford steers, 600 to 700 lbs; 20 Durham and Hereford heif- ers. 500 to 700 lbs.: 2 Holstein cows. springers; 2 Durham cows, bred. PIGS - Number of York chuncks and weiners. . Terms -CASK Harold Jaekeon. Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4629.1 .AUCTION SALE. Of Real Estate in the Village of Hensel', SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, e p.m. Real Estate consists of Lot 96, Wilson Survey, Brock Street. Upon this lot is situated a four -room, frame house with insula stone siding: bathroom built-in cupboards, town water, and hydro. This house has just recently been built and buyer can have immediate posseesion TERMS --10i day of sale, balance in BO days. Sold subeect to reserve. bid. JIM SANGSTER. Proprietor Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 962S-2 The Grey Bruce Huron Aberdeen Angus Breeders Are holding their ANNUAL AUTUMN SALE Of 9 bulls and 21 females at WALKERTON SALES ARENA on Thursday, October 18th, 1956 All Sires offered are eligible for 25te premium, up to 575.00. . 4628-2 The Grey Bruce Sheep . Breeders Are holding the Annual sale of 40 ,Pure bred rams and 60 pure bred ewes of Ox- ford. Shropshire, Leicester. Suffolk, Hampshire, Southdown breeding at KEADY SALES ARENA On Saturday. Oct.ober 13, 1956 Government graders wil, grade aii rams at the sale. 4629.2 DISPERSAL SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS On THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, at 1 o clock, lot 3. con. 10, Stanley; 3 miles north of Zurieh. • The herd of Clarence Parke and son. consisting of: 4 bulls, one year old; 10 one -year-old heifers; 2 two-year-old heif- ers, sills open 8 cows with calves at side; 10 cows due to calve. CLARENCE PARICE and Son, Zurich Proprietors W. .S. O'Neill, Auctioneer 9629-1 16th ANNUAL SALE OF REGISTERED ' HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell for STUTT BROS. ' .° 2 miles north-east of Forest; 28 miles north-east, of Sarnia; one quarter mile east of Highway No. 21 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 34 HEAD 18 BULLS AROUND 1 YEAR OLD 12 BRED HEIFERS . 4 OPEN HEIFERS Herd fully accredited. Bulls blood test- ed. Heifers Calfhood Vaccinated. All are eligible for American Registration. • Sale at 1 p,rn. Catalogue on Request • W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneer 4628-2 JayBee Hereford Farms Third production sale of registered Hereford cattle to be held at the farm, 3 miles east of Kippen, or 5 miles south of Seafortle on Tuesday, October 16, at 1:30 p.m. 89 HEAD -6 yearling bulls (12 to 20 months of age), 7 bred 2 -year-old heifers, 13 3 -year-old (calves by side and bred again). 'STANLEY JACKSON, Proprietor W. S. O'Neil, Percy Wright, Edward Elliott, Auctioneers, R. J. Etherington, Clerk. 4628-2 AUCTION Of Machinery and Farm Stock. At Lot 25, Con. 4, HRS Tuckeremith, 3% west a Seaforth and 2 miles smith,. on Fri- day, October 12, at 1 p.m. , mannrear--22.- CrtiZtor— plow. M.H. fertilizer 11 hoe drill, spring tooth harrow, roller, harrows, rubber tired wagon, wagon and box, Manure spreader, binder, M.H. side rake, mower, bay loader, 6 horsepower INC coal oil engine, cream separator, Delaval venot grindei, sleighs. 54 loads chopped hat Other articles too =Onerous .to, mention. A few household effects. Horses -2 aged horses,. 1 Clyde mare, 8 years old. Cattle--HOlittelle cow due time of sale. 2 "'obtain cows, 5, yearn old, milking Well and rebred. Farm* cow, Holstein heifer'bred. Jersey cow recenthe freeh. 2 Durham coWs with calves at foot, 2 Durham heifers, with carves at foot and rebind. 2 Duthara WV. fers bred. 1 black with calf at foot. ,Her., eford heifer With calf at foot. Durbara towe calf at foot. 2 dUal-purnose Ilt4fera due to fres&n in Oct. and Jan, jersey heifer 1 year old. Number of calves. • gg rove of ntangolds and tan:tips, 40 rod loom Scene basking corn. 6 'drain. of gorshuns. Parit1:-100 acres, large . bank barn and Strliw, shed. garage. 1% stare, btlOk. ,hatisee Afford subject to reserve bRI. . tenet .-a,,libatiate oufil. your, .10* dottin. lirdsille.e.80 &Va.( 00.11, Vititrideor Olthinalt.,Vierk • Haat Jtakski, Atictioaeo . , !, -462t4, r, AUCtiOjk AUCTION SAIM Of household effeata and other itelTA the village of Hensall, VVZONIRSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1 P.M. Household Effects-Kroehler davenport; youth bed and cheat of drawers.' light maple ;dressing table; small table; dining room drop-leaf extension table; oil space heater; enamel cook stove; rocking chows: kitchen chrome set, table and four cbairs: kitchen cuPboerd with enamel covering: four chrorne chairs ; typewriter; shelves: sealers; kitchen qtensila; garden hbsee garden tools; hand garden celtivator: gal -9 vanized pig trough; veterinary supplies; and other articles. Everything will be sold as proprietor is leaving town. DR. D. .1 McKELVIE, Proprietor Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer P L McNaughton, Clerk 46291 AUCTION SALE Of Household Furnishings, at the resi- dence of Mrs. Nellie Watson village of Londeshoro, adjacent to United Church. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1956, at 1 pan., sharp. Offered for sale are the 691. lowing effects: Kelvinator Refrigerator; Beatty Washer • cook stove, Beach; 2 electric hot plate s ; electric tea kettle; 3- piece wine chesterfield suite, excellent condition: 85piece dining room 'suite; 5 rugs, with underpads, various sizes from 9 x 10ee to 9 x 12: woollen mats: floor lamps, rockers, end tables and odd chairs; mantel radio: vacuum cleaner; 4 bedroom suites with springs and mattresses; grey baby buggy. English style; stair carpets and rode, in A-1 condition; draperies, sissorted shades; wash stand; other articles too numerous to ention, 11 many including garden toolpelawn mower, dish es, etc.; also a quantity of wood and coal. Offered for sale subject to reserve bid 6 -room cottage, asphalt siding, with hard and soft water inside, toside plumbing and equipped with hydro; Duo -Therm oil burner, used only 5 months; oil piped in from outside tank containing 40 gallons „of oil; shed, 18 x 30; and a moderate sized lot • Terms a sale as follows: CASH on chattels. on property. 10 per cent. down, -balance 30 days. MRS. NELLIE W-ATSON, ProPritress Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. AucillinALE Of farrn, farm stock and implements, to bei held at the premises, .lot 26, con. 15, Grey twp., one and one querter miles west of Moncrieff, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, at 1 o'clock EST. Included in the sale are six head of grade Holstein cows ranging in age from 2 to 7 years, all bred'Angus due in March. Four head of reg. Shorthorn sows, pasture bred to a reg.' Shorthorn herd sire: 10 head of stocker heifers, 500 to 600 lbs.; 20 York chuncks; Implements, McCormick Model el tractor; McD. 13 - run power drill: McD, side delivery rake: Mel). 7 -ft. binder: Mere 8 -ft. double disc; McD. 15 -run power drill; McD. side deli- very rake: McD. 7-61. binder; McD. 8 -ft, double disc: McD. drop head rope loader; McD. 3 -furrow plow; 5 section McD. dia- mond harrows; Deering horse mower John Deere 7 -ft. power mower; Coekshutt No. 6, tractor spreader on rubber; 2 rubber tired wagons and racks: 2,000 lb. scales; Ldttle Beaver hammermill; Massey Harris root pulper: 10 x 12 colony house; De. Laval 600 lb. cap. creaan separator; pig troughs, milk cans, strainer and many other email items. Feed -2,000 bales of mixed hay, 5 tons of mixed grain, 20 tons of Ajax oats; 21 bu. of Reg. Ajax oats for seed. The farm. consisting of 100 acres of improved land in a good farming district, situated only one mile from church, school and store. Will be offered foe sale subject to reserve bid. the 'buildings all in good repair and well situated, include a 44 x 64 bank barn, some cement stabline and litter carrier; double -deck 20 x 30 hen house, ship lap siding; comfortable 6 -room house, insul brick siding. TERMS on the farm will be announced sale day, TERMS en all tither items are cash. There will be no reserve. DUNC. McKAY, Proprietor. Dennis and Wilfong. Auctioneers A. W, Corby, Clerk ' 46291 AUCICLEARINGSALE of Farm Stock, Machinery and, house- hold effects at lot 18 and 19, eon. 8, Tuekersmith twp., 2 miles west of Eg- mondville on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, at 12:30 sharp. CATTLE ---2 Jersey cows, carrying sec- ond calf bred June 5 and 10; spotted heifer, 3 yrs. old, due Nov. 6; Holeeein cow, 5 years old, bred May 12; Holstein cow, 5' years old, bred'M'arch 24; Holstein cow, three years old, due time of sale; Holstein cow, 8 years old, bred June 7; Holstein cow, 3 years old, 'bred May 18; 3 black cows, fresh in August and rebred; Holstein and Hereford, bred May 11; 9 Shorthorn cows with calves at foot, from 350 to 400 lbs., and rebred ;, 8 Durham and Hereford steers, 600 to 700 lbs.: 1-yre old white face heifer; 15 spring calves; 2 calves, 1 month old. PIGS -1 York sow, with pigs at foot. IMPLEMENTS-Fordson major tractor,. equipped with 3 -furrow plow and cultiva- tor; Ford tractor in A-1 condition; Fer- guson mower, 7 -ft. cut: pulley for Ford tractor ;8 -plate 1 -way disc; 3 -section drag harrows: 4 sections diamond harrows; 16 - run disc fertilizer drill, like new; Mc- Cormick side rake, on rubber, like new; 7 -ft. M.H. binder, pea harvester and reeler, muffler; 3 -drum steel roller; Litz grain and corn grinder, new; 120 -ft., skive belt; modern rubber -tired wagon, like new; flat hay rack; 2.000 .11,. scales; feed cart; bean puller.: 1 set of breeching harnese, good: 2 -unit Surge milking machine, 1 year old; 1 steel water tank, new; milk pails and other equipment; I electric brooder and 4 shelters, new; bale lifter; barrels; feed troughs and boxes; chains; ferks, and many other articles. Quantity of household effects, including cook stove, tables, chairs, rockers, chester- field and bed room furniture. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS -CASH. JAMES BLACK, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4629-2 Lots of Insects, 80,000 Kinds in Canada -- About 80909- differentltinds of in- sects liVe in Canada, according to a recent census made in -the Cana- dian National Collection of Insects at Ottawa. In making this esti- thate, G. P. Holland, 'Chief of the Insect Systematics and Biological Control 'Unit, Canada DePartment of Agridulture, ,and, head curatOr. Of the National Insect Collection added that "new ono?: are being discovered every day." This means that there are about Unite as Many kindt of insects .% Canada alone as there are differ- ent kinds of animals, birds and fish combine& in the entire world. Noalk Were „building his ark to- day.-thiS Bine for a pair of 'each of the living creatures et, Canada Unly—Alie wad& have bitty& d room softie 500 tet iong and 160 feet Wide ,Jut to Provide ech pair With One. agnate •foot ^Of On* atm a olgAleak '' 5reqdre -tad& tote. It G14044. ''**1;04Y Inoknnig, Oete.her40,414, , ANNOUNCEIVIENr Mr. -,atid WS, Leonard Hunter, Clintq11- WiSh, to announce the en-, •gagernent of theiir youngest daugh- ter,Agnes Marlene to Mr. Jack Albert Adkina, on of Me. and Mrs. Henry Adtins, flensall. The wed- ing will take place the latter part of October in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, • Ontario. Dr. Mclielvie Ideaves Dr. D.. J. McKelvie, who has practised in ilensall for the Past five years is leaving on October 18 for Essex where he will go into partnership with Dr. G. S. Brown, VS. Past president of the Kins- men Club and on the executive of the Hensall Legion, he was a mem- ber of different organizations. Mrs. McKelvie Was a past presi- dent of the Legion Ladies' Auxili- ary, past president of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church and memberlof the Kinette\Club. Kinette Charter Night Charter night of the Henson Kinette Club was held at the New Commercial Hotel, Hensall, Tues- day when District Kinette conven- or, Lois Peckitt, Chatham, installed the °Mars. President; Mrs. Harold Knight; vice-president, Mrs. Jack Heal; secretary, Mrs. Jack Dryadale; treasurer, Mrs. Angus McLean; registrar, Mrs. Wm. Mickle. She also addressed the group speaking on the history of the Kinette Club. Mrs. Robert Pryde, 'Exeter, fav. ore d with piano solos. Kinettes Mrs. D. J. McKelvie, Mrs. William Mickle, Mrs. Donald Joynt and Mrs. J. Clarke did a dance number accompanied at the piano by Dr. D, J. McKelvie. Exeter Kinette Club were in at- tendanee and their president, Mrs. Ralph Genttner extended congrat- ulations from the Exeter club. Mrs. Mrs. McKelvie was presented with a gift by MTS. W. Mickle. Miss Betty Mickle, B.Sc.N., Tor- onto, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mick - le and family. Miss Margaret Mousseau return - ,ed home from a pleasant trip by CPR train from Montreal, Three Rivers, Cap De La Madeleine and Quebec.mr.and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, of Thamesville, spent Thanksgiving with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Greer, London, were Thanksgiving visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. Bonthron. The Misses Vera and Lela Welsh, Toronto, were Thanksgiving guests with Miss A. Consitt. Mrs. J. Bonthron was visited re- _ cen: ih her ,:siAter,, AlOrtnen' Peppley,,, anover, er brother, 10.;00h., Youaghled, of „Bandit* Miss Itlarie Willdeet,.69e4t Thanksgiving with her aunt and uncle, Mr. 'and' Mrs. C. L. Jinita, • Mr. and Mrs. ErnesP Appleton, Exeter, were recent visit:in. with Mr. and MTS. C. L. Jinks. Marks 78th Birthday Monday was Thanksgiving Day la more ways than one for John Passmore, ,of liensall, when his family held a surprise party for him at Armstrong's Restaurant, Exeter, in honor of his 78th birth- day, A turkey dinner was served with all the trinimings. Attending the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. William McLean and son William, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd John Passmore and family, Ann, Judy and Mary Fran- ces, of Delhi; Rev, Robert Pass- more, Mrs. Passmore, Robert John and Ann, of Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder. Ken, Jean, Cathy and John, of Hamilton; Mr. an Mrs. Ken Passmore, Laird John and Janet/Marie, of Aylmer; Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Ron and Norma, Hens all. -Mr. Passmore was the recipient of lovely gifts from the family, in- cluding a birthday cake flanked at each side with candles, which was served at the dinner. In the evehing at the *home of Mr. Passmore, Janet Marie, in- fant daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Ken Passmore, of Aylmer, received the rites of baptism in a ceremony performed by her uncle, Rev. R. Passmore, of Owen Sound. lion insects are stored in the Cana- dian National Insect Collection. "As a means to enable Canada to cope with the enormpus problem of-' segrating and identifying all these different insects, Mr. Holland stat- ed: "This relatively young collec- tion has already attained status as one of the most important in the Americas. Its tremendous value as a source of authoritative refer- ences makes it one of our great national assets." This summer some 1,500' entom- ologists. who attended the tenth International Congress in ' Mon- treal in August, during one of the Congress excursions, visited Ot- tawa to see this collection and to meet' the scientists who conduct research on the classification of Canadian insects. The Canadian National Insect collection is housed in the Science Service Building located on the Central Experimental Farm. The present staff includes about 20 re- search officers -assisted by techni- cians, stenqgraphers and clerks. tv. It Their We differs from that of other offi ers of the Entomology Division ho undertake projects on practical insect control in a di- rect manner. "A fundamental objective of our work," Mr. Holland asserted,, "is to make available the ultimate knowledge of the entire insect life of Canada, so that species may be recognized when required, and to provide information on their dis- tribution and habits." , This is an important objective since the primary basis ler study of any entomological problem , is proper segregation of the species of insects concerned. I cceP Hindi The seetibnal 744404g A vction qf thiron PreAnrgerigV.NP boldat, Centralia 'WeduesdayfAmb morning and alterneon 'essie` The churches were well io rermn ed. Mrs. W. 11. Love,'OrRIA :A* president of the soutbsectio .!ehair: ed the meeting. ItePoils of Ali or- ganizations were -subnutted. Mrs. J. H. Childs, of London Conference branch, guest speaker i addressed the meeting, choosing for her theme, "The We* of a Missionary Society", dividing the audience in- to four groups with a leader for each group, who were given a list of questions relating to the work pf the Dominion Board, Presbyterials, and the organizations in onr chur- ches. Mrs. W. McVittie, Blyth, president of Huron Presbyterial, gave the presidents message, and. Mrs. Tiffin,' Wingham, candidate secretary of Huron Presbyterial, submitted a report of the School for Leaders at Alma College, St. Thom- as. Hensall United Church WMS ex- tended the invitation to hold the 1957 sectional meeting there. A trio from Grand Bend sang, and dinner was served by the ladies of the church. Mrs. Len Purdy, Hensel Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg and fam- ily, of Centralia, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deitz of ,Brodhagen. Mrs. Deitz is a neice of Mrs. Purdy. KIPPEN NEWS OF THE WEEK • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stogdill, Tor- ' pids, Mich., was called home owing onto, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. to an accident suffered by his Elston Dowson, Mrs. Stogdill,' who mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig, when she is a sister of Mr. Dowson, also vis- fractured her hip in a fall at her ited with her brother Mr. Lloyd home, Mr. Doig and his sister, Dowson, of Varna, .iJanet, returned to Graad Rapids Mr. Taylor, Stratford. was a on Sunday. Thanksgiving guest with his grand Miss Louise Hyde, of -London mother, Mrs. Alice Dinsdale. !Bible Institute, and Miss Jean Mrs, Lydia Doig, 83, Kippen, was Hyde, on the staff of the Oshawa taken by Bonthron ambulance to General Hospital, spent Thanks - Victoria Hospital. London, Friday, giving with their parents, Mr. ,find suffering with a fractured hip, re- Mrs. Alex Hyde. suit of a foil when she slipped and , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hyde, Wind - fell in her home. At date of writ- ' sor, , spent the weekend with the ing--she was resting corafortably. former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren visit- Alex Hyde. ed over the weekend with' Mr. and Mrs, Tom Smith, of Hamilton. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd d Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert Lovell, Sunday, were: Mr. an Mrs. Henry ,Prout, Mr. and Mrs. and 371erle visited with Mr. an,d Mr's. Jack Dickert, o Harriston. Steve Lovell and son, John, Mr. a Mr. John Doig, of Grand Ra- nd Mrs. Tom Henry and son, • John, all of Chatham. Mrs. Leonard Lovell and son Further contributions received by David Bradley, are spending a few the Tuckersmith. McKillop and days with Mrs. Lovell's parents and Hibbert Cyclone fund 'include: ' atended the funeral of her uncle, Lloyd Sorsdahl. Crom'arty ....,..2121.... Mr. Pete Wilcox op Tuesday. Archie McKellar. Cromarty .,.. 3.T....: The October meeting,of the Mis- Robt. Laing, Cromarty Lou sionary Society of St. Andrews Alex Gardiner. Cromarty 5.00 United Church, Kippen, was held Eldon Allan. Cromarty 5:000 at the home of Mrs, Robert Elgie m 10 James Miller. Cro arty ... with Mrs. W. J. McLean as co - John Wallace. Cromarty 1.00 hostess. Mrs. Emmerson Ander- Mervin Dow, Cromarty 2.00 son, president, chaired the meet - :John •Longstaff, Seaforth 10.00 ing, which opened with.The singing of "My Faith Looks 'Up to Thee". I Mrs. Joe. McLellan read sacred . I passages and led in prayer. Min - Mr. Glen Swan has returned utes of the September meeting were home from the west where he had read and approved. Margie Elgie been employed repairing 'trailers and Sharon McBride favored with. by General Coaph 'Works, of Hen- , two piano duets. ,Mrs. John Sin- sall. olair gave a short article -ori Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Knox. of Thanksgiving. Dirs. Ross Love Sarnia, are guests at the home submitted very interesting and in - of Mr... and Mrs. Lorne Wilson for , formative highlights of the Huron Thanksgiving. 'Presbyterial Sectional meeting held Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce spent at Centralia, the weekend with friends at Wind- 1 The topic on "Korea" was given sor. I by Mrs. Russell Consitt, as an in - Miss Ina and Ellen Mae Scott,1troduetion to the new study book. London. spent Thanksgiving with Nominating committee appointed Mr., Ross and Wm. Scott. for officers were Mts. Ross Love, Mrs. Elsie Forrest, of London, Mrs. J. McLellan and Mrs. Stuart spent the weekend. with Mrs: A. Pepper; programme committee, McQueen and Margaret. I Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mrs. John A. Miss Katherine McGregor, of, Cooper and Mrs. Bruce 'McGregor. Wingham, is visiting with Mr. and 1, The president extended courtesy Mrs. John McGregor, Stanley. 1 remarks to those taking part in Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, of the programme and Mrs. Elgie for York, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, the use of her home for this meet - Leamington, spent • Thanksgiving ing. Following singing of a hymn, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Anderson closed the meeting Edgrar and Mrs. T. . 1 with prayer. Lunch was served m A. Anderson, of by Cirle A. A meeting of the WA, Torontp, were guests at the home presided over by. the president, of Mrs. Anderson's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones followed. Plans Mrs. A. Paterson over the weekend. were outlined for the annual bazaar Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson and to be held November 17. Mrs. Stackhouse spent Sunday with The WA of St. Andrews United Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Neale and Church held a very successful bake family, Glencoe. Johnston, . sale at Drysdale's Hardware, Hen- Mrs.ohnston, Seaforth, salt, on Saturday, Sept. 6, and real - spent the weekend with her cousin, ized $43. Incharge of the sale Were Mrs. Frank McGregor.. Mrs. R. McGregor, Mrs. R. Klee, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffatt, Mr.- Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. Bruce Mc - and Mrs. Simon McKenzie visited Gregor, Mrs. John Sinclair, Mrs. with Mrs. Peter Moffatt and Janie N. McLeod. Mrs. Harold Jones is Moffatt, Seaforth, on Sunday. president of the society. BRUCEFIELD • Huron County's finest Mei Car Market 2-1955 CHEV. SEDANS 1895 '• 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN fully equipped 1954 CariV. POWER GLIDE bE LUXE COACH 1953 PON'FIAC SEDAN 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 12 CHV. coNvErrietz POWER 1395 GLIDE—Fully equipped- . ....... ,,, I A NUMBER. OF 1951 CHEV. SEDANS ogn Your choiee, ... • u uu . • 4, .1895 1'495 1295 1095 LS 011,13. lima Taft -0114: Thorie.at setter trout pars!" 2-1948 PoivriAc sznAws - • — TRUCKS — 1951 iTUDEBAKER ,PICIIITP--A 45° 1949 CHEV. .3i -TON PICKUP ••• 450 4 450 • 1949 CHEV. %-TON, PICKUP A Written' Guarantee for 60 days on oll „Leto Model Cara -Many other Modelalo *home fro*: , in / 300 MOT ONTARIO OP* Mk* livittobra` • •