HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-10-05, Page 5'aK
- iah;
aped •a
ofit ,
shl Yaof
.. a tlnent o ort ulture A
i! to . ri! on;ws fi fed .across the
dewyyygate '"an was cut, by tom
P' uyi tiY a t
Theo con ert and programme was
-very s+�ecessf d and a dance , cont
'Bided"they' a ,ents.' `"
--Mr Glenn .Sturgeon who has been
. on , the .staff of- the . Bell Telephone
•Company in Guelph has been trrans-
`:lerred to London, and visited with
1. Mis parents-over-the`weekend
Mr. and, Mrs. Elwood .Epps, Clin-
:ton, accompanied by Tom Castle
.ZTr„ left for Wallaceburg aboard
their yacht for a month's vaeation
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Utter are
visiting in Port; Dover this week.
Wig: Frank V; Martin closed her
cottege, "Boulder -Ledge" and re
turned to Detroit last week.
Mr&...Reg Francis has returned
Thome from Clinton Public Hospital
after undergoing surgery on her
Miss Barbara Sturgeon has also
'the Manufacturers
'Life AssuranCe to.
Wish to announce the
-District ,,Bepresentative
Tor Service and Enquiry
.11ox 4$6 SeafOrth, Ont:
Dr. and Mrs T , R a�owe
ton, • loWa, .:are "t'si his
aunt, Airs g Rarwn;
Mr John g ar r Toronto, f
rnen?ber of an old Bayfield family,
is visiting at the Albion Hotel,
Mr, and' Mrs Fred Teri,
George, spent the weekq Det
trait. ` ,
Eric' Cleave, accompanied by
Douglas Switzer, left last. Satur--
day for Three Hills, Alta. to re
ie sttudeats. _._.
Mr. A. Fethers-tone, London,.
home over the• weekend
Mr. and Mr's. W. _Dunn' and Jan -
,ice; London,.. spent the".Weekend• at
their cote ge. •
Miss Jessie Metcalfe, Detroit,
spent last week end with :het' Moth-
er, Mrs. W. Metcalfe"
Mrs. W. Jowett, Goderich; spent
a week recently with her daughter,
Mrs. LeRoy Potts.
We are pleased- to report that
Mr, Joseph Eckert, who has been
tal is noW conv,alescing at his
erton, spent _several days with Mr.
and M9, _Honry Weftersen and
other fraendijin the vicinity„
visited friends near Milverten on
Mortiston .Mr., and Mrs. Williani
Morgan and Children of Guelph,
were I recent . visitors with . the
Mr. and' Mrs. Lawrence Mess-
ers,chmidt and Arlene, of: Detroit,
attended the funeral of the late
Mrs. Henry Koehler and were ac-
companied home by Mrs. -H. Kleb-
er, vibo will spend some lime in
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Feeney and
children, of St Agatha, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mr. George Weitersen, of Detroit,
was a recent viSilor with his uncle
aad aunt. Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiter-
Harvest Home services will be
held in the Evangelical Church,
Moose Mountain Livestock Assoc.
October 26, 15A6
Save 200 miles of freight haul by buying at
Arcola, in the S.E. corner of Saskatchewan
First _Class Hotel Accomodation_
BLACXMORE, Auctioneer
For information write ecretary
Arcola, Sask.
sae presidents u Murrayt,'ha.�.
a. little. message or the ,studi nts
iie wishes to thank a people fo
that work done Qf�;:e e ' schoe
g ounds and hopes they ke�p up
theirr g effolrts and+.. also fhopes
they practise hard for. field
Ourr seerretary, 1lein�A Butters
When asked how'he'iiked. tris we
replaed that lle wished tone_ b;
treasurer so as he said. "I Can get
rich."' • On• the „Other hand haw»
ever, Qurr treasurer, Roy .McQuaid,'
rreports not= -wealth,_ hu
Rosemary when askedhoW
she likes her unique position as the
only lady, onr: a very masculine eoun-
-cil, ejaculated, "A rose among four
here, , on Sunday, October 14, at
2:30 p.m. Rev. John Huether, of
Morriston, will be the guest speak-
Miss NaneY jacksen spent the
weekend with her Sister Mrs. Nor -
Funeral of Mrs. H. Koehler
The funeral of the late Mrs. Hen-
ry Koehler was held on Sunday,
September 23. Services were
the Evengelical Church, here. Re' v.
H. L. Brox conducted the services,
assisted by Rev. W. A. Durst, of
Kurtzville. „‚ Mrs. Harry Regele
sang a solo, "Near to the Heart of
God." - The floral fributes were
many and beautiful. Burial was
in the. adjoining cemetery.
Pallbearers were: StanleY
Steinalker, Elmer Koehler and
Morley Koehler, of McKillop;
Stanley Koehler, of Kitchener;
Maurice Purvip, of London. The
flowerbearers, were Mayda Heuer -
mann, Betty Doerr, McKillop;
Ruby Steinaker; Stratford; and
Mrs. Riith Stevason, ,of Kitchener.
The name of the late .Wm. F.
Koehler, of Stratford, who died in
June 1956, who was her son and
had been ommitted in the obituary.
An optimist is a man who sends
his young grandson on an urgent
of Mitchell, woUld -be better
:so the next best thing todo leaye
the players' names, iningentibned.-
Coach F. A, Deb§on, pointed 'ant
cautiouaness shown by students to
qpitiog genie: 'It 9hoiddiA, bo
necessary to remind 'the fans thafr
• a cheer from the sideline§ in A -
/nighty big boost te the p" iyit Bo
let 4ve BON §Uppor at the
" Doug Eckenswiller'' scored. our
only six points by completing a
long forward pass in the end xone,
The convert attemPt *as stopped
On the other hand Mitchell was,
able to stop Seaforth defence to
score four touchdowns, three con-
verts, a rouge and a safety touch.
Mitchell is in a different league.
so Seaforth can still prove its
worth when the series starts on
The elimination practices of the
girls' volleyball team resulted in
Anne Charters, Gene Nixon, Violet
Rakewick, Frances Menheere Mar-
lene Cooper, Marjorie Papple, Faye
Love, Mary Elliot, Grace Doig,
Yvonne Pollard, Corrine Smith.
Senior Girls—Ruth Teall, Nora
Reynolds, Ruth Sills, Sally Nott,
Barbara Boyd, Faye Ross, Marilyn
Taylor, Isobel Lyddiat, Beatrice
Siemon, Joy Montgomery, , Yvonne
Christmas cards, school sweaters
The Golden Links 1Vlission Band
will hold their regular meeting a
week earlier this month. and all
members are iSked to remember
this change, Sunday . October 7, at
1 o'clock.
A successful sale • of shrubs and
miscellaneous articles was held
last Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Verne Dale under the
auspices of the Cons,tance WA.' ,
Mr: William Dale spent the latter
part of last week through Southern
Ontario on an inspectors tour of all
breeds of horses and Shetland po-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Carnohan
"and Miss Myrtle Carnohan, Wayne,
Mich., spent Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ephriarri Clarke before they
take- up their new residence in
Homestead, Florida.
Mr. and 1VIrs., Wilmer Glousher
and Stewart visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter, Blyth.
Several from the section attended
the 121st Anniversary Services ,at
at Egmondville United Church on
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Brinkworth
and Donna 'of the RCAF station,
Hamilton, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Glousher on Tuesday
of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Warren and family of London.
Mrs. Verne Dale and Mr. Murray
Dale spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Webster, of St. Helens.
Don't wait until those cold winds start
blowing, now is the film! to
prepare your home.
Let us.shtkr yon,how you can enjoy a warmer
home this white*. and make big saivings on fuel
Insitiation Is The Answer
Ball -Macaulay Ltd.
tAFORTH—Ph.one /87 HU. 2.
A44, neltn ,7401;
woe, local laIrs.. have been taking
their toil. ,The,Mcgillop and Bins_
norm off for students of those areas
MYrile Knelt Pang two sel
eetiens on the Focus programme
Of.,.11011N4-T,V. Next morning the
think that she waS"tbv eaUse of his
TV- set breaking clown; Someone
else suggested that be sees what
happens when he noes on TV.
Marion Hemingway- fid Lavern -0
to New York and Washington; thru
the 444 Club. It is quite a coinci-
dence, that they have been very
geed friends for some tinie.
Question of the Week: There are
a ...nuniber of "Questions" from
known sources, and jUst as many
Answers from unknown sources,
hoWever, someone insisted on ask-
ing Tina why she is so_interested
in Norris' orchestra.
District Weddings
St. COLUMBAN—Pastel' shades
of gladioli decorated St. Colum -
ban ,Roman Catholic Church Sat-
urday last for the wedding of Mary
Lou, McQuaid and Matthew Isaac
Denomrne. The bride is the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tames E. Mc-
Quaid McKillop, and the groom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Denomme, Hay Township. .
Rev. J. McCowell 'officiated. Mrs.
Vincent Lane played traditional
wedding ninsic and the soloitt was
Miss 'Rosemary Lane.
Given in mariage by her father,
the ' bride •chose a Princess style
gown with nylon net "over satin
skirt, extending into a slight train.
The bodice was lace over satin
with a net yolk and featuring lily -
point sleeves. Her fingertip veil
was held in -place by a tiara of
pearls. She earied a white Prayer
Book, crested with roses and steph-
ltegina Bowan. was maid of hon-
or, wearing a waltz -length gown
of deep gold crystalette and match-
ing headdress and carried a nose-
gay of bronze baby mums and
yellow roses.
Miss Letita Ducharme and Miss
Helen Horan were bridesmaides,
Wearing identical wallz-leagth
gowns of cinnamon crystalette and
matching headdress and carried
nosegays of bronze baby mums
and yellow roses.
Flowergirl, Karen McQuaid,
wore a pink nylon gown and car-
ried a nosegays of baby mums and
roses. Gerard Grenier was ring
Mr. Alfred Denomme, brother of
the groom was best man and And-
rew Ducharme was also an atten-
dant. Ushers were Roy McQuaid
and Matthew Ducharme.
Following dinner at Hillcrest
Tea Room, Mitchell, a reception
was held at the hbme of the bride's;
parents, the bride's mother receiv-.
ing wearing a wool dress of peri-
winkle blue with black and white
accessories, and a ‚corsage of red
For travelling the bride chose a
suit of grey mohair with black and
beige accessories and a corsage
of red roses.
They will reside on the groom's
farM in Hay Township.
Guests .attended from .Windsor,
London, Stratford, Whitby, Zur-
ich. Dundas, Georgetown, Dublin,
and Seaforth.
Organize for Jr. 'W
(Continued .from Page 1)
ity project if it is to become a
succesi. To this end, we propose
to publish each week not only a re-
port -on what has taken place -dim-
ing.the week in hockey, but also a
financial report on money taken in'
and tow and whore it has been
We, of course, understand many
may- diSagree with our manage-
ment, but We sincerely intend to
are best suited for the purpose on
Next week we will report -on mon-
ey received, on our' draw tickets
ourlirip to New Hamburg' on Wed-
neteleY ,When our soaton schedule
will be drawn up ,and On a proposed
trip,- to St. Catharines, Chicago.
beelmY te view' players if
ou..liegotiations... with. Cbteago are
Stratford. •
Have just been handed a cheque
for 00 hy. .faithful fan for our
first ,siit ticket sale. •
Anyone knoiving the Whereabouts
of Prospective Jaitior• '"R" Play -
please ask Ahern to .dhnie..to our
scho01, as, 'we „are planing to use
just •tis many renal or near Ionia
boys As is postible and gill have
a contending/OM,
FolloWing al Meeting with the.
arena. cOmmisSinn it has beta del
so .that tirattlega'n30:been". it tg
eicoectet,thic.t Mums, tog tre-
Mrs. 003 1$.utters,-Mis, StePle4
Mr. Clayton'•Looby has .sold -bis
ome to Mr. IrVilliarn Wrath,: of
tools. Mr. and ec X4110bY'
ho la built.
Mrs. James 'Curtin and'
family attended Children's Day at
the Ford plant at Oakv.illf SttudaY,
Mr, krs. Don MacIta"e and
family -An Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Armitage,
of Stratford, have rented the apart-
ment in the Looby block vacated,
by Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Denomme and
'Anne, Dundas, with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Looby.
With the new Motor, Vekcle
Service starting from Stratford to
Goderich, Mr. Frank Burns com-
pleted 24 years of service convey-
ing the mail 'from -the Dublin Post
Office to the CN.R. Station at Dub -
Mrs. David Crawford, Toronto,
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'ReMey.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butters
are Celebrating their 25th weddink
anniversary at their residence 011
Saturday, October 13. They will
be at home to their friends from 3
to 5 and from 7 to 9.
' jair:cati:nriico0;01: j'uw.rd..0t.eu:: all it "'
Dior 'Blue
Mid -Grays
Styled by "Locash",
son" and “POPtalle 17' lit
straight line, flare -backs; and
fitted styles in.nntrintmed
Persian Lamb triMmed.
FROM, 29.95
Mr, and Mrs. Mundel and John,
of,filuevale, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Knox and family on
Mrs. Lewis Lane and daughter, of
London, visited at the home of Mrs.
Lane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Middegaal for a few days last
mrs. Frank MacGregor has re-
turned after taking a month's trip
to Winnipeg and coming horne by
Chicago and visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson Duerrs Chicago.
The North -Huron Plowing Match
is being held on Friday at the farm
of Arthur Colson.
The third meeting of the Burns'-
Londesboro Y.P.U. was held in the
basement of the Londesboro church
with 23 members present. Jane
McCeol led a sing song and then
the meting was turned over to
Gloria Allen and Barbara Pickett
who were in charge of the worship
service. A business period was
conducted and the meeting closed
with "Taps".
Several from the district attend-
ed the Lear -Manning wedding
which took place last Saturday in
Londesbora United Church.
Misses Lois and Mary Lou Roe,
Lois Anne Somerville and Beth Mc -
Ewing attended the 32nd London
Conference Y.P.0 convention on
SundaLin. St. John's Church, Strat-
Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter and fam-
ily visited w,ith Mr. and Mrs. Wat-
son Reid on Sunday. -
There will•be Sunday School and
church services at Burns' Church
this Sunday. World Wide Com-
munion is to be observed during
the church service. All members
are urged to atend.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe, Dianne
and Joyce spent Sunday in St.
Featured in felts, velvets, vel-
ours and shags in the widest im-
aginable range of newest fall
sha des.
Our prices are lower than
you'll find anywhere.
4.95 to 7.95
To the Legionnaires
9:30 to 1 o'clock Admission 50c
Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion
Order Them Through
For Carefree T V
Now you cart enjoy the trouble-free
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And Westinghouse televisioli
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Come in today easy terms on this, and
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ACAULCO..,- 249.95
Base Free — Terms to suit
• PHONE 70-172
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