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The Huron Expositor, 1956-09-28, Page 7
1, r :rSwr,F, au .. An's PA . au75,,N,:`", -,, e sutfer*di h y 0.44 4", 11 it ate of writing, M ,s Du ran 1Nai, \ ,mS her b, ; ii ,An*yersary ser+rices w II be >fieTd .rn Chrselhnrst .Iinit ed ,Qhttr - Siwdayr i pt, il,,s .P. apd r i'i 71. W rsi 'f r{a ttloal Thjni.st+ r .xvtil1. 64 U.• X"'• Di~ xQtor Moarnei+, T iTy,,n . lea Y F n e t. t . Of homsom t t, sr ; OWes CFe"ift W.il>lttx e t Jade --J, ., C axd, . ' .caaln 1i V. augtl . Dai> P 4 :ter;. e%`9.Clr,, MTS .I .",4T 3, 1, Dennis, 'Matter, pr q *, , - ,. James Donner:, , :s even alit- eieci u .iu _ ___ _ -_M ;) f.0, . , u.,. .:.lav, e. ..., K. „» r.r -* . . 1 a, vu: ouualu 'MA -b- Oq7 asp z ,. s w: ,, •, 'n. , ; ,: , r,. ,r'Wu4aY mg, .. P General' aero nts . amountin to } ..., t t%Y..e,*, Pea r 11. Mar retCohn i ,, of ',WX.9 m rr , . ' i g tenon, D. Buchanan, .red Rf. Ver,. ,. b best art ma le s , :uP,. , ba. to stf s C 1. a . eA>s, P Staffe,.tr, Mrs_ Kcen4p, little boys ... n r . D n r . • fotlovt*mS. af£tcera, conducted by 222.55 were ordered Paid... ,: ql ... sited w.g ly[> a d M...S, .•.o*.. - ; ,, u , } ani 1. resident Nei-` $ Buchanan, M. E. HOPP fi, ?4 . •r##, McCI moot , home- mad,- tr er s Ke r ;fast lima, < ,• 1 f 3Qv..C. 1? Daniel,. . p hT.F.:.,L. ou&., s, Afr mP.. M S S ?c- c ae r.9 , -' .s wheat, 1V,: E. iloR .sl', , Mh,... .. n M.e h c e vice resident p ,::&," j4sogP+?. Mrs. d. Carter, F..MeCly` 'Cl a three" cle su ar s, eke, bio,- sn id il4p : , ; xt+, k o C .n h Y, P ..;., _ urn arki S> a. r... d. Mrs.. 1?e1?al.r Captieroli :' 2s i s 4 , u k o a su ort Storey, Jack. Crpzter, Jo .:., lied. ho a -made eo age. cheese, M., „s Ar . a ., what r.: ,a:, w z. Aiss Qiwen Spencer, secretary, SA:.Yo thin. y.0 c.n pp r y l[ttgi , m tk .... Mrs_ Schenk,. Mrs• Ke ip> Mrs, ,S. a to wj er at R:c M r.. „u , : , : c. foot Mrs. W. Haugh', Ivan ..c, cCl wont Ethel Dennis home r Were tit W s n ,..., they., w No° tA, si .r w -Y_: i Jiis,s:,Jane Horton, treasurer, Miss my daaighter• in the way she $ a ' ,ll •.. Y , McClure. , .,,, • rae o?►, •• mont; barley, M, E. Ffooper, W .inatle lard Mrs. J. Carter, Fred ,. tendpd.Jhe Ieusk,-f.iilrgow wet It ; a ;; t,F 1U:NDAY' . .dory ,Anne Rannie; conveners: costo d t . Miscellariepus—Grandma s birth - e, ott Saturday.. .. ,. : _• Faith and Evangelism, Miss Ger Na, sir, hut accustom her, Keys, Wm. S, D. Storey, J CxVer :•McQIymont.. day ifox, Mrs. J. Kemp; lath towel, cii A salesnggn, w}rc L Miss Teta•,•. Connelly, M}t ell,,. aldme Parker Missions and_ World to the• way I support hex" S. A. Ja nieSon; oats, late., M F;; .,- fudge —Mrs. Norman Carter,• irdw ed 1VIrs; Senap> Mrs need a raiso; If;T doftf, , . , , t t9 V k i Fa. a Ros C en- Giiz*ton: gu°g visited, with Mr, and 11Grs W11fre I 5 Q t• Outlook, M•ss y s; ttrz Hooper, Mae Scott D, Buchanan; Staffers; linea towel embroiaexed can count me,#q ;[ , ship, Charles Mickle Leadership ~ much- _ 4th, J. •A: Jamieson;. Louis Coyne; Y. Mrs. . taffeh, Mrs. Selienk; guest Krauskopf, :BacT'`.came .the folio k . >Fufl infartnalion (rant .ag Ms P, , Betty and Mary'spent so m h _ Home Economics rS ins Mary Purcell, ,of ,Taro. to ,,., . and Training, Miss Marion Pe Crozier; 5th, R. McMillan; :ti: &.. ,M e, two, three, four,!,. P• time shopping on their-Junelt. hour E, Bread—Loaf white bread, Ethel towel; cross-stitch„ ,Mrs. Schopk, visited with Mr. and Mrs.: Wroaitpr: ►: Per; Recreation and' Culture, Ross. MCKercher; oats, early, M. Mrs. Steffen; tea towel;: any work scut n;igl;ct, w np,; rtlin " Y, x + y , that Betty was afraid they .#o..uld , ., " Kercher; social committee, Misses , Hooper, W. Keys; white bea!gs, W, Dennis, brown bread, E. .Dennis, Carpenter. • be late getting back to the' office.• Mrs, S. McClure,: Mrs.: Staffen, Mrs, - - ° ,. , S. . Storey, M. S. Hooper Ivan MrSIA .J. Carter, Mrs: McMillan; Beth Goddard, Betty Parker, Joyce .They hurried into a- restaurant, but Kemp. Hongred' Prior To Departure In Canada the Voisan g of 7aki " 4, McClymont• bale first cut .,fray, fruit bread, yeast, Mrs. Storey; New Gatiadlan Section —Large T -4.s6 Whittaker, Dorothy Parker, Faye Mary who was. already 50 pounds Mrs. J:' Carter buns, plain white,. Mrs. John Krauskopf was hos and re -stocking has become".;:. Ross, Geraldine Parker. The groups Wm. S..D..Storey: Mrs, Sam Storey, crochet doiley,. Mrs. S. Bruinsma overweight; insisted upon ordering. D B h f ld rho ed ha Mrs G Papple E Dennis Mrs-. J. + tess at a progressive euchre party proven I -, - for. *-res g,' # ' w will meet alternately every other, four super -special hamburgers. "Just uc anon, to pP Y, M. E, Hopper; ensilage.eorn, Mrs:. Cantor; collection buns, Mrs. S. child's dress, Mrs. S. Brumsm .. honoring Haney Special, Mrs. 1VIc- Mrs Delmar ,fishing >n lakes where coarse fl. Thursday 6ev 'over from •such 1 . •.; :., ,, .. Sunday for their meetings. ?" for you. Betty asked. ' "You're going to e.ath those all W. Haugh, 1<. McClymont, Ken, Storey, E. Dennis, Mrs. J. Carter. Clair y'. pe Leod, Bruee Keyes, Mrs. J. Keys; on ing at ben home, have taken sp prior to her departure to London cies as • trout , ' "I wouldn't say f was bad when alone?" "Nope," "I'm Stewart, D. Buchanan, J. Crozier; husking corn; R. E. McMillan, W. Coleman, Cakes—Angel. cake, Mrs. W. E. Dennis, Mrs. Pap 'winner Section, most points, New Canadian ' Mrs. D. Bruisma; Simp _ %: I was a kid but nit folks' left said any, going , „Hau home when I was six years; old!' to have potato chips with them. h, M. E, .Hooper, L' 'McC le g '' P mont, D. Buchanan, .J. Crozier. Papple, Bake, Root and Vegetables chocolate layer cake,rs. G. ' ' soak§ears Mrs. ,Carter; white layer r cMillan Mrs. Carter, M s. M , . Mrs. Ltd. Special, winner most points in Section 0, Mrs: J. Kemp , S,EAFORTH MON l"T I O ,{ ._ ' ` Vin:. ` ' Mrs. G. Papple; sponge cake, Crafts - '' .., '. : ,yL. 9101" -1 f r on Debentureus Red tomatoes, Mrs, W. Haugh, Canter, Thus. Aldington; Spanish onions layer Mrs. G. Papple; banana Mrs, G. Papple, Mrs. Etched aluminum tray, Mrs. S. , OPEN DAILY. . _.< '".:;„ '. . Bruce ,cake R. °' ” y . a `Y . from see , 4ack, Crozier f1 , J. Keys; onions from Dutch sets, Papple, Carter; chiffon cake, Mrs. G. Mrs. J. Carter; dark fruit McClure, Mrs. Elva Ellis,. Mrs. ; Hillebrecht; etched aluminum, 3 T. P'ry& c I .,..., . > ° ri•; ? : and Guaran -.e Mrs. ,W. Haugh,, Mrs. W.. Coleman; 'cake, Mrs. J. Carter, Rita Orr; articles, S. McClure, Mrs. M. ,, _. F.. I Thos. Aldington; cucnm- onion sets, light fruit cake, Mrs. J. Carter; .Mrs. Hillebrecht, Mrs.. Ellis; copper TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIIALS -. Wit; ,. ' ' ' Certificates Trust Cert hers, pickling, T. Aldington, Mrs. Jas. Keys; butter beans, M. E. date nut loaf, Rita Orr, Mrs. Mrs. J. Carter. tooled, any article, Mrs. E. Ellis; costume jewellery; Mrs. H. Johns, -EnquQ, Are Invited . . . . S. McClure, " . r ' , ... a '' Elooper, T. Aldington- white beans; Candy—Maple cream, Mrs. A. Mrs. Storey, Gordon Johns; ladies' ' Telephone Numbers: a ' ' f Mrs. W. Haugh, M, E. Hooper; Pe Jamieson table carrots, short, Bruce Keys, T. Y E. chocolate 'fudge, Mrs. Nott, Mrs, S. Store Mrs. A. handbag, tooled Mrs. A. Clark , , Mrs. Bert Garrett .wallet, leather, ; Exeter 41 Clinton X620 . Seaforth,578 =, ,. ., f; r s g , . ` : , Aldir on; table carrots; 'ion Mrs. gt g, Jamieson; , as'orted candy, six.var- 'Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. T. Barton; — r n , .:?- u< ,;r: W. Haugh, ,Mrs: J. R. Thompson; ieties, Mrs. W. Haugh, T. Storey; Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs, S. home-made dipped choco- gloves, leather, Mrs. A. Clark; , handbag, felt, Mrs, Barton, Mrs. • :: ,y :>s pickling -beets, Aldington; turn blood beets T. P chocolates., Mrs.. S. Storey. D. Schenk. ' "' > - ►:PROFESSIONAL i , • <• Aldington, Mrs. W. Haugh; cucumi Cookies—White, Mrs. J. Carter, Specials—Winner- most points ,in ,il« < bees, ripe or green, T. R- Thomp- Bruce Keys;, uncooked 'cookies, B. metal crafts, Milner Special, Mrs. for 3.4peppers, son,.F. McClymont; table parsnips, Keys, T. Aldington, F. McClymont; best cocoanut Mrs: Carter, Mrs. S. Storey; macaroons, Mrs. J. Car- Elva E•' ; winner most points in• leather -crafts, Mrs, J. F. Scott' •- r' ECTO :!' e 11 Elgin Nott; sweet corn, ter, • Mrs. Storey, B. Keys; plate special, Mrs. Arthur Clark. ss F. McClymont, Mrs. W. Coleman1. {•Y° , small cakes, B, Keys, Mrs. Storey• Asters, variety, Mrs. W. Haugh; — N field corn, J. Crozier, Mrs.. W. Cole- pies—Pumpkin pie, Mrs. G: Pap Floral Exhibit i . ;. 1. I man; winter radish, 'Mrs. w. AUCTIfiNEERS MU' DI1 . 5 years pie, Mrs. S. McClure, Mrs. Car- Cosmos, display, Mrs., W. Haugh, -. . ter cherry pie, lattice, DB'. M W . S't-API:E'1 N a. . I . . Haugh, F, McClymont; sunflower Mrs., G. EDWARD W, ELL>(OTT heads, Mrs. W. Coleman G. Adams Mrs. Elgin Nott; Calendula din- Phgatclan and Surgeon Papple, Mrs. J. Carter, .Ethel Den- , ' Licensed Aactiiotieer / - ( best novelty in vegetables, M, E. nis; lemon pie, Mrs_ S. McClure, Play, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs. E. Nott; phone,.90 : Seaforth Hooper, el Aldington; cauliflower, Mrs. a Carter, Mrs. . Papple; Dahlias, 3 blooms, -different, Mrs. Correspondence promptly an- If no answer, c4 59 1r _ R. Dalrymple; Dahlias, 7 blooms, swered. Immediate arrangemet4ts y 440 for sad two' yearn -• different, Mrs. R. Dalrymple, T. can be made fur sale dates by JOHN.' A. ^GOBWIl1.L $A:, M D T. Aldington; .red cabbage, I! . Mc; raisin pie, ,Mrs. 'J. Carter, Mrs G. t ._.....-- --L.""'"..., Clymon fall cabbage, Mrs- W. Papple; apple pie, Mrs, J. Carter, Clinton, Charges: .. Playadeian 'and Surgeon - Haugh, T. Aldington; •winter cab- Mr. A. Jamieson, Mrs. G, Papple. Pi - ate 455J, fief guaraa p n r dington; Glade, 3 spikes, differ Phoning, bage, .T Aldington, F. McClymont; Tarts—Butter tarts, fruit, Mrs, ent, Mrs. W. Haugh, Glads, 7 moder and sa action ho es: Office '5-W, Res. 5-T white or yellow onions, Mrs. W. J. Carter, Mrs. G: Papple; Mrs. S. spikes, different, Mrs. 'W: Haugh; teed. Seaforthr t v: Haugh; muskmelons, R. E. Me- torey; jam tarts, B. Keys, Mrs. Glade, 3 named varieties with • . i. i c:, Millan, Mrs. J. Keys; citrons, strip- Carter, Mrs. G. Papple; tea bis- PE$CY C, WRIGHT : JOHN is Gt1DDABD M,D. ; , . name Mrs. W. Haugh, 2nej;- Gail- ' 1' ERIE Wa0M6eAiE aruwrnusr ed, F. McClymont Mrs. W. Cole- larc5ia 12 blooms, Mrs. W. Hau h Licensed Aacialoneer Physician and Surgeon cults, B, Keys, Mrs. 'J. Carter, E• Marigolds, African, Mrs. W. g CROMARTY Phone 110. Hensall ;' CORPORATIONI MORTGAGE mail; vegetable marrow, Mrs. W. Dennis; biscuits whole wheat, Mrs. M - arigolds, A f r'i a a•n, Mrs.. W. Livestock and farm sales a s Haugh, F. McClymont; pie pump- Carter, Mrs. , Storey; -doughnuts SEAFORTH CLINIC kins, No Name, F. MaClYmont ; Mrs. S. Storey; wheat- germ muf' Haugh; Marigolds, French, Mrs. cialty. For a better auction sale, •Y. W. Haugh, Mrs. J. R. Thompson; call the. WRIGHT Auctioneer. Telephone 26' -• HEAD OFFICE LONDON, ONT. - table squash, F.. McClymont, Mrs. fins, Rita Orr, E. Denns, Mrs. S. W.. Haugh; Hubbard squash; Elgin Storey; sandwiches, six varieties, Larkspur' display, Mrs. Haugh, 2nd; phone Hensall 690. r 22, E- McMASTEIi, SA, M D. , District Representatives : F. G. Bonthron HeIlsall • Watson & ' Reid Seaforth y g p P 'Mrs. S. storey; gingerbread, Mrs. blooms, 3 colors, Mrs: J. Inteh- l.i. ' , , Nott F, McCl wont largest um ones, 3 . . ENliiiS O . . - . e, M`rs: Carter;' school ` 2nd; eley 'nae ' , .. ; G. Papel Thompson, 2 Phlox,'` di It and' WiDF NG' T 2 play, Mrs. .Haugh; Snapdragon, Auctioneers P. L.:RBADY MD_ ° :- i . lunch, Mrs. G. Papple; 1Mrs. Car- + Y, , . lay, Mrs. S. McClure, Mrs. r Reis erican Surgeon r I. Woods—LoafHaugZt s, E School of Au tionee a . Licensed Telephone 'S5 ,%, ter. d . . . to., I . "AV L . Special: Lake of H - - Zinnias, 5 bloom rs. Nott, Mrs.J. R, Thomp'son;, Zin on, ,Perth an Waterloo. white bread, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. T. nias, baby, 5 , blooms, Mrs. S. Mc- Huron, DR. R. MALSUS McMillan; layer cake, Mrs. Carter, Capable of handling all types of Telephone W Ethel'' Dennis; pie, Mrs, Carter, Clore, Mrs, E. Nott; African via- sales—large or small: y let single, Mrs. E. Nott -, Elgin EVENING : Tues$ay, Thursday ,7, Mrs. G. Papple, DON DENNIS, A.R. 1, Walton and Saturday only, 7-9. pm. 1p Nott; African Violet, collection, Special:. Gorman, Eckert—Chili Phone Seaforth 843 r 11 Appointments may be . made. Mrs. E. Nott Mrs. R. Dalrymple Walton PPo 11 ®. sauce, Mrs, A'. Jamieson: ROY WILDFONG, R.R. 2, _ African Violet, double, in bloom, . Special: Canada Packers—Pies, Phone Seaforth 831 r 5 I Mrs. J,' Carter, Bruce Keys,:Ethel Mrs. ft. Dalrymple, Mrs. E. Nott; - CHIROPRACTIC Dennis; cakes, Bruce Keys, Mrs:, African Violet, collection, Mrs. R. t - . I G. Papple, Mrs. Carter. . Dalrymple; Begonias, two flower- ACCOUNTING Magic Baking Powder single lay- mg varieties, Mrs. Haugh; Coleus D. H.. McINNES er cake competition—Single layer (foliage), Mrs. 'J: Carter, Mrs. Chiropractic Foot Correction a . cake, frosted, Mrs. G. Papple, Mos• jl k - 11 11 I 0 Haugh; Cactus collection, Mrs. W. RONALD G. Accountant COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL .HOTEL Haugh; corsage, Mrs. J. R., Thome- Public Accountant x T. McMillan, Mrs. Jt Carter. Monday, . Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. Special: Winner most points, son, Mrs. E. Nott; floral arrange- CLINTON ONTARIO 11 . meat for church, Mrs. E. Nott, Office: Phones: — " •11 Bonanza Trades .Alloryanee donated by Topnotch Flour Mill— Mrs. )'laugh; single house plant in Royal Bank • Office 561,Res.455 VETER:INAIZY ' % ICollection •of plain baking, Mrs. J. bloom, Mrs. R. Nott, 2nd; dried I .. Carter, Mrs. T. McMillan, Ethel winter bouget,. Mrs. Haugh; table A. M. HARPER D. J. MCKELVIE, D.V.M ix different ways of ecru- Chartered Aceonntant ob reals ought to come in and cheek =because your present car is at its peak value right n9w. Dennis;D apples, Mrs. a Papple, Mrs. J. bouquet, low; Mrs. R. Dalrymple, Veterinary Surgeon ; y g g pp 55 South St. Telephone And because—with Buick so popular in every community Mrs. J. R. Thompson; table boo- Goderieh $43 H' NSALL, ONT. PHONE " yon today's, low Buick prices—and the Carter, Bruce Keys; six different in the country—our bigger sales volume permits us to quet, tall, •. Mrs, Haugh; modern bonanza Abu ou •can make on the car ways of serving 'potatoes, Mrs, G. Licensed Municipal Auditor. TURNBULL & BRYANS ,, y ' - make you an even better trade-in allowance. floral arrangement, .Mrs. E. Nott; P r that's'rai-ta raves clear across the nation. Papple. • Lithonia, display, Mrs. Haugh, 2nd; - $' Judge—Margaret J. Strang. VETERINARff CLINIC 1. 11 I You ought,to Come in and see what's to be arrangement, Thanksgiving dining ' J. U. Turnbull, U,V.M. Needlecraft table, Mrs. Sam Starer. INSURANCE had- in the'best Buick yet: walloping new Quilts — Pieced quilt, cotton, Special—Winner of most points, W. 05R. Brya: ' D.V.M. . V8 `power. A new "sense of direction' Bonanza Buy bound, Mrs. Kemp; quilt, cotton, by Roberts Glad Service, -Guelph, THE MC$ILLOP Phone 105 Seaforth handling and stability. A sweet and, steady J applique, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Barton; Mrs. W. Haugh. ' necv ride. Afresh new beauty inside and ' quilt, +, best best' quilting, Mrs. Kemp, . Judge --Eric Milner, Seaforth. MUTUAL FIRE OPTO1ViE'RIST Buick rices start right next to those of the smaller cars. Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Barton; quilt, INSURANCE CO. p a .JOHN E. LONGSTAFF out. And the spectacular "performance of gut those Buick dollars buy you a whole of a lot more child's, nursery design, ,Mrs: Y y Kemp, Mrs. Jim Keys; bedspread, Optometrist ;? today,W advanced. liew Variable Pitch automobile—more room, more power thrill, more styling ty, more solidi: quilted, Mrs. T. Barton; afghan, HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Out. Phone 791 Seaforth ' ]pynaflbw,. where you experience swift 'new freshgess, more ride stability, y of structure— • crocheted, Mrs. Sn, McClure, Mrs. , Eyes examined -, Glasses Fitted getaway- response even before you switch <;,h the Best Buick Yet:• R. Orr; mat hooked, rages, Mrs. T. MAIN• OFFICE, SEAFORTH „ . • Barton; mat, hooked, wool yarn, OFFICERS: Office Hours: Seaforth, daily, the patch, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. R. Orr, Mrs., Q . President - Wm. F. Alexander, except }Monday, 9 a.m. 5:30 p.m.; ,. 1. And,.Y:ou ought come in just to see why Bo ma ,Riie e Barton. Walton - Wednesday, 9, a.m.-12:30 p11n.; y;. 1.tadvly-'is^a great "time to buy a Buick—with Living Room Furnishings—Satin Viee-Pres. - Robert, Archibal$, Thursday evenings by appointment ti easier -to -fake rices than you ma find cushion, complete, Mrs. Kemp ; Seaforth only •:> p y y A Buick always resells high. But ihe'56 Buick will bring Mrs'. Sam McClure, Mrs. M; Staf Manager and Sec.-Treas. - M. A. Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m.-5 30 .it next year—and-witii the fine trade-in allow- you even more. money when you trade it because it fen; embroidered cushion, Mrs.. Reid, Seaforth p.m. (Above Hawkins' and Jacob's , Y' Y Staffers, needlepoint cushion, Mrs. 4i U auees. that our,volume selling of this year- carries today's new. Variable Pitch D naflow*. It's the a Hardware.) j 4,, most dvdnced transmission yet developed—and the ed, Mss. Kemp, Mrs, Staffen; tat Y DIRECTORS: Y _ ahCad Buick, permits, us to make. P # only *ne thot breaks with the past to bring you the ted doiley, Mrs. David Schenk, E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L, • LEGAL ;: o m On s 'right"now for a `look and a switch -pitch performance and gas savings of the modem Mrs. R. Orr, Mrs. J. Kemp; troch- 3 Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leon- . f _," , , lade and a•t i'!k. You ll lie real glad,you did. plane's variable pitch propellers. eted doiley, Mrs. Steffen, Mrs. hardt, Bornholm; Robert Arehi- Schenk, Mrs. S. McClure. ' bald Seaforth; John H. McEwing, A. W. S'ILLERY 5!u •Neuiadvanced VwriablePitch Dyna,Jlow is the only _ Dining Room Furnishings—Em- Bly ; William S. Alexander, Wal garter, Solicitor, Eta. +t , ton; Harvey Fuller. Goderich• J. ." jloto Buick builds today It as standard on broidered tea cloth, Mrs. S. Mc- • Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 + 1.roaster, Super• and Centum—optional at ' . Ur)43a1dWS E, Pepper, Brue field; Allister SEAFORTH ONTA'l IO } Clure, Mrs. Staffen,- Mrs. Barton; ' modest extra"on,the Special. ' bridge cloth, white, Mrs. Staffen, Broadfo0t, Seaforth. ,,,, 1. , Mrs. Kemp; place mats and run- ( urr„© AGENTS: McCONNELL '& RAwYYS R , er, feM> Mr las Eh to Mrs. St ffffen; D oWilliam Lplueter, B a d n; • 'Barristers, ,Solicitors,cCONNELL a d_ ._w ," er, ru rodh a ICS D. M Buick Specutl _..... _ __ . c tre i . _.., _ • The -United Nations •Estimates Selwyn Banker; Brussels;' Eric_ _ , • SEAF{aRTI3; 161 PT ._... -i : ___-_.. -__ _ . __1.__ ----1--.--- <: r 6 -passenger 4 -Door Riviera Q -_ . „,:.Mrs m eClu , .Mrs. Dal `, - S ry►ele;acenttepiece, tatted, Mrs. that 150 million families in Munroe, Seaforth. Telephone.174 k a n•;. buffet set, crochet, Mrs. underdeveloped areas lack 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O Cf O O O O Q .O'.0 O•: ` ; t' l Kemp, Mrs. Steffen; buffet set, em- adequafe housing. O O O O' broidered, Mrs.. Steffen, .;Mrs. Me- O O O - Oa a One answer is a frameless, W. J. CLEARY J. A. BURKE : . , Clure:, O O Fnnerai Director 0 orth Ont. <,,, O • Seaf 1........... ' is s — ow build -iv -yourself bounce deer , pedroom Furn' hing Pill byil y designed O aitd Ambulance Service O' "'" slip, embroidered Mrs. Steffen; Canadians ofCanadianalum- O LICENSED EMBALMER O _ ,Rr ` : ,, 11,: Mrs.. S pKe embx deredart eoared, loom. It needs no foundation; is O and FUNERAI<, DIRECTOR O O DUBLIN o day Calls., i';. a< r ll ., O• ,, __ .. s ,,::<:: >' Ori, Mrs. J. Kemp, Mrs. © t ,t 7 r low noxi -corrosive and verminproof; O Night or Day Calls — 335 O O n r 111D Mrs, R. Phone a 43 10 'fir r Barton- pillow slip, cross-stitch, R. i;.So lightweight that it is packed O O O O O O O <S fi ©O46 I ,"; _ Mrs. Steffen;. inbartonseasilycatriedbyplane, O O i> O O O C? O b O1. :...... ! Ort, p, monogramed; jeco or even burro. O O q ©<? O:O p . „ O Mrs. Se'henk, lll :.' she t and pillow sli t 3 feces O O Q O O „yr.'•::;;;f?s::F ?%^:ii' t;••<:r::: :..:... _.'i+,;,,,y;r,.'•: ..u• Mrs. Steffen V2 try set, pieces,. ., . ..;.$.»mvru.; ..:..:.:.:..:; M ,Q Oil O O O O O O ' S' , .11.111ALM The Colombian government O, fib"? +•k 1., ,r, fvyirt.V, u. ,{l% nu:.. <''t;:':iC'«'i:•..+'i:;.'•ii iiwii:' t•i>.. !r,., :. li 'ci O.; .,.ark. M, ri .:.,;:.:n:< :;,;> em Mts. Schenk Mrs. O711 ,qY. :"i ,; ,.,, !d .. v7;. ,i..,. a i$ .nY:,..... •:.:,.r::•:;b: •: •:.: :.:....:•r. ..a;, ••,. ..:.. n,, ::.:, ..:... :> Mrs. K P, , .O ry , , n,: , ::..,:: ,., .,. v :,::,• k ...:......:'::r,..},:<>>< a .>.::.:..,. ::n,,...: -. ,ce ::........... o'dcxed 3200 of .them tD B '&`' , ' i a w . . , :.. : ;.,.: , > .>s:;: h• o Mrs. has r ( . A. W JITNEY- tl , :...m.:a :,;. .. <;>.:.,:: >.::::.:.":. `Steffen folic in cos i0 ,_.., k. ak ::.::.. . t,•.,. .v ::mow 1 . ;:.::: ''>' lie e t e shorter a of rare: .. ..» , ; ,mow as r:>: ••. chenk. help re v h g ,: €r. St en Mrs. Ke 1Mrsr S O^ ,r p, :::> ' F exal 0 .Y"' t oath mericau Fu 'rd , ..r7 ; ; : : «:`ta: a Wool— housi"n in the S A . o h t ,.:, ..<: a`d . Cr c 8 4 r; Knittin n • % + w::::::.fi,... x N m." a -Season Cornfort in your; I;adies' knit gloves, Mrs, J. Keys; ' country. So it's not surprising >It° •Bi1 C " Gitdei icht .' 'gea%tlirTi r r .. SnioY A _ with genuine ladies' knit mitts, fancy, Mrs. with aluminum travelling so far C Litiettsdinitiilate>r ;' , AMlfill:ANL1; ST RtrT t new 8ultk GENBRAL a rnen's knit mitts fancy,11 X "IrstabXe lion"ilei :Usi s t +' r ,, ,;, „ .-I. Y{ONIWO doing so touch, that Alcan O I kl110fp :ant a 'teful alt tii0ll ' ra vin s UCL ty of Mb CORS I{ mp attd ,9 e , „ dfGAloo,o Mrs, . McOlure, men's fine sox, • w t' •. ? t itl is.a ain increas{h its st>3eltin set ell'„ . °^ a" :, ,ter + ,. d i1S Schenk 1VLrs. KempF A&' fancy, IVtrs. i , AR-449Jb iyt, byy Y,yr v' r k.: X i . . ,,,.' .. Y.. 6 6 O ,+ « i,t3 ;RS` .t'tY 16 I,• ,bV 9 r li'CJ ! I 11 . _.... :.. oil m b th - ucbec adYl; 1 e,. .., H, rx ,cr '•m, mv , .3 :y.0 , ., ".wr..+,&l,viSrs it y(I' , tk,, Futrr ...; WOrk Sf37i., 1IrS. Garret, Mrs. Cal Y 4 , 116 t 0 11 me s O « OtthN:oth, Ali100A1 t31 ' . ,: s iS r M yg y _ r,i , I z ,sem „ .N'a„'ARt..'!Dr„ 1 , f , itiT„f!.iti,r• ,ib.A H.NP'MJAI': 1 r x Nh r i 4 d J r ` . I.. I " 7., 14 4 Y r5:?Wtir:f"h4(R.'f, .X ; ;c.... ,i:,:.. • 'Y: .,ur ,,1,:ii.:. ....fie l ,,,, ,w, irk11 Kemp girl's pullover 'svc Wirt. , . Key's•; babVs s'et It J Kern Mrs•- 'ece s Mrs, , Pi Kemp, £nn;. ffi h 1.4. 4+dt. dr6ehet. 3 t iTcltish Colittil>iia+ "' 0 1pll 66ilh , O Tefthd '' A ,t,l'MM, M COMPANY OF fit;.. $ t: - 5M , 4 . , . 1 r ta I OMAUA LTD. fLC Ni , . ., ... .,. ,.r,.,.• . 3. N_,ai ;:rh.' ,Hx -_, „AO",:a.;4r .X ._y'.&'.4.,9—A.:. .,.,.n,,,.