HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-09-28, Page 6Exeter-Hensall W.C.T.U.
Hears Story on Film
Exeter-Hensall Branch of the
Women's Christian Temperance
Union met at the home of Mrs.
C. W. Down, Exeter, Tuesday eve-
ning. Mrs. Herman Powe conduct-
ed the worship; Mrs, W. C. Pearce
told the story of the film, "The
Seventeen," and Mrs. R. Shapton
Was soloist.
A display of temperance posters,
made by children in the May con-
test. were on display at Exeter
Fair last week. .The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs.
W. J. Pubus, October 16.
Outstanding Livestock Show — 4-H Club Show
1,000 Reserved Seats for Afternoon Grandsfand. 75c. Rush seats 50c
Send cheque or money order to MEL. ROME, Sec., Teeswater.
In the Arena, Oct. 3rd, 8:30 p.m.
Canada's most Popular Television Show, with Cliff McKay and
Monique Cadieux — 2 -Hour Stage, Show — Dancing till 11100 a.m.
Eight •Musicians. Admission $1.25. Children under 12, 50c.
AAWA*All. AAAVARAKAARAPR4.041,,,,`" • ,,}4,01
• ,., •
kWaitgrikkallige:ShitgattXraltS„ , "
Huron Expositor:
19* deals„ with this same trend, and
adds the following bit of grass,
!Wits logic in ,commenting on the
: An item In tbe,nelvS
Saying that, according
Aternational Federation of
qttitural PrOducers,.
ppm. around the world .are
ti.p horses and changing to
ors,at the rate of nearly 500, -
::tractors each year"; also, that
1954,. farmers, not counting
se in Russia, were using ato
tai of , 7,100,000! tractors — about
two-tbirds of these being in Can-
ada 0,11f1 the United States," made
interesting reading.
One of your farm contemporaries
Mrs. Ed: Little shared a $100
prize at the bingo held in Clinton
Friday. Hensall was well repres-
ented at the monster bingo.
The Women's Missionary Society
Chiselhurst United Church 'Met
in the church for their September
meeting. President Mrs. E a r 1
Kinsman chaired the meeting;
Mrs. Percy Harris conducted the
devotional, and Mrs. Robert Boyce
gave a splendid report of the W.
• M. S. School for Leaders at Alma
College, St. Thomas, recently,
Which she attended.
The group will entertain as their
guests the W.M.S. of Thames Road
United Church and the Evening
Auxiliary of Hensall United Church
dn Wednesday, Oct. 10. The Wo-
men's Association' held a brief
meeting with Mrs. Jack Brintnell,
President, in charge, and made
plans for a bake sale in October.
above global revolution along the
farm front: "The fact that dur-
ing the past 20 odd years, more
than -30,000,000 horses and ponies
have bowed to progress and van-
ished from the fields and barns of
these two countries (United States
and -Canada) has undoubtedly play-
ed a central role in producing to-
day's abundance. It has released
more than 50.million acres for the
production of food crops for direct
human consumption — which, in
earlier years, were sown to ."feed"
for horse -and -mule power".
To judge by front-page referenc-
es to North America's "surplus
food headache"—a situation which
is getting special prominence in
the electoral battle in the United
States—apparently too many folk
approach this problem with mere-
ly .a market , or money viewpoint.
In my humble opinion, tie sig-
nificance of today's nutritional
abundance goes much deeper than
the purely material problem in-
volved. If our Moscrow friends (!)
had our food and fiber stocks in-
stead of us, yes, THAT would be
something to worry about. As I
see it, merely stockpiling our plen-
ty is not enough; indeed, it hurts
us at home and ahroad—and not
only in terms of the pocketbook.
Needless to say that a mere five
per cent of the varidus nations'
expenditures on their 'military es-
tablishments' would, buy up every
scrap of so-called 'surplus food' in
this 'Vale of Tears'.
't • Heavy Horses
ClYdesdales—Brood mare )lith
foal, Charles Halliday, lst and 3rd,
Aubrey Toll; foal Of 1956, C. Halli-
day, ,lst„ and 2nd A. Toll; fiu.i! or
gelding, 2 years,,Auhrey Toll; filly
or. gelding, 1 year, Aubrey Toll. -
Percheron or Belgian — Brood
mare with foal, Drake Stock Farms
1st, 3rd and 5th, D. A. Bannerman
2nd, L. Elliott & Son 4th; foal of
1956, Drake Stock Farm lst, 2nd
and 4th, 0. A. Bannerman 3rd; fil-
ly or gelding, 2 years; Wm. E. Har-
rison; filly or gelding, 1 year, W. E.
Harrison, ,Drake Stock Farm 2nd
and 3rd.
WagOn glass—Brood mare with
foal, T. Elliott & Son, W, Harrison;
foal of 1956, 0. A. Bannerman, T.
Elliott & Son, W. Harrison; filly or
gelding, 1 year, W. E. Harrison 1st
and, 2nd,
Harness Class — Light draught
team in harness, Chas. Halliday, A.
Toll 2nd and 3rd; wagon team in
harness. Ken Brown, Bert McBride,
John Fitch, 0. A. Bannerman, E.
Renwick; Percheron or Belgian'
team in harness., E. M. Pritchard
1st and 2nd, O. A. BannermanS1V.
E. Harrison, Drake -Stock Farm;
heavy draught team in harness, C.
Halliday 1st and 3rd, Aubrey Toll
2nd; single wagon horse in harness,
Bert McBride, Ken Brown, E. Ren-
of Canada, Limited
of Canada, Limited
I. O. O. F.
Wednesday, October 10th
Those wishing to have their papers and
magazines collected for the Cancer, Polio
and Tuberdulosis
HICK'S 'GARAGE Brodhagon
E. HAASE Winthrop
ED. ANDREWS Seaforth
yrTOR LEE Seaforth
• DAVID McLEAN Seaforth
tliod.se-40-house-crthiras-s in -the
. Canvassers will be on Main St.
during afternoon and evening.
The ,.co-ipperation of ,the public
lima he eiprecieled.
pace,cotitrt4 thco
it the
d and
per, W.
Turnbull; heifer, 1 yeal. old, W.
Pepper 1st and 2nd, R.' Pepper, J.
Peck, W. Turnbull; heifer calf, sen-
ior, J. Peck 1st• and 5th, W. Pepper
2nd and 3rd, W. Turnbull 4th; heif-
er calf, junior, Dr. Stapleton, W.
Pepper 2nd and 4th, R. Pepper 3rd,
J. Peck 5th; champion female, • W.
Pepper; herd, 1 male, 3 females,
W. Pepper, J. Peck 2nd and 4th,
R. Pepper -3rd, W. Turnbull 5th;
three animals, get of one sire, W.
Pepper, J. Peck 2nd and 3rd, R.
Pepper, W. Turnbull.
Aberdeen-Angus—Bull. 2 years
and over, R. Doan; bull calf; sen-
ior, Harvey Campbell, Listowel;
bull calf, junior, H. Campbell, R.
Doan; champion bull, R. Doan,
Tborndale; cow, 3 years old, H.
Campbell; heifer, 2 .years old, R.
Doan, H. Campbell;, heifer, 1 year
old, H. Campbell, R. Doan; heifer
calf, senior, H. Campbell'; R. Dan;'
heifer calf, junior, R. Doan, H.
Campbell 2nd, 3rd and 4th; cham-
pion female, H. Campbell; herd, 1
male and 3 ferriales, H. Campbell
fery. Harold Hern. Hugh Love and .lst and 3rd, R. Doan 2nd; three an -
Harold Hunter in attendance. • Min-
utes of the last regular meeting,
held on August 13. were adopted
as printed. on motion of Hern and
Rowcliffe Municipal Dramn. report -
from Engineer C. P. Corbett was
read for provisional adoption at
8 o'clock. Mr. Long, representing
the Ontario Department of 'High-.
ways, one of the assessed parties,
was present and asked the Coun-
cil to have that part of the drain
adjacent to Highway No. 4, install-
ed at least 65 feet back from the
centre of the highway, so that the
drain would be clear from any fu-
ture work that might be done. on
the highway. Council agreed to
his request. and the .Rowcliffe
Municipal DraM report was pro-
visionally adopted on motion of
Hunter and .Hern:
Court of revision' on the Row-
cliffe draM was set for the next
regular meeting, to be held on
October 6. at, 2:30 p.m., and Coun-
cil instructed the clerk should .have
the Roweliffe drain by-laws print-
ed and served on the interested
ratepayers by registered mail, on
motion of Love and Jeffery.
Council instructed that tenders
for the construction of the Row-
cliffe Dram should be advertised
and to close at 3 p,m, on Oct. 6.
An application to the Council
for a tile drainage loan under the
1Tile Drainage AM was discussed
by the Council. H. E. Bellman, en-
gineering fieldman with the On-
tario Department of Agriculture,
discussed the necessary procedure
in having a by-law passed to make
loans under the Tile Drainage Act
available to ratepayers in the
township. On Motion of Hunter
and Love, Council moved to con-
sider a tile. drainage by-law for
$200.000 at a meeting to be held on
Oct. 6.. and instructed that the re-
quired advertising should be done,
By-law No. 6, confirming assess-
ment of $2,681,250 for taxation pur-
poses in 1956, was passed on mo-
tion of Love and Hern. By-law No.
7, proyiding for the levying of tax
rates, the collection of same by
December 14, and imposing a pen-
.alty- for non-payment, was passed,
on motion of Hunter and Hern.
The reeve. and clerk were auth-
orized to sign application for in-
terim road subsidy from the On-
tario Department of Highways on
a • total expenditure to date for
road purposes of $22,01021, on mo-
tion of Love and Hunter. •
Orr-motion'-of-liunter • •and•Hertic
the reeve and clerk were authoriz-
ed to sign the agreement with the
Ausable River Conservation Auth-
n•ritg„,for the construction of the
Mordlion dam on concession road
2 and 3, opposite lot 19.
The road ,superintendent's report
along with road accounts, amount-
ing to a total voucher of $3,100.13;
for payment, Was passed on Motion
..of Bern and,Lotte...
Council instructed that a by-
law providing for nomination meet-
ing on the last Monday' in Novem-
ber and election, if netessary, on
the first Monday in December, be
prepared for passing at the October
R. D. Etherington interviewed
Connell regarding his claim for
damages to a:heifer by warble fly
spraying, the ',sprayer operator's
insurance tompany having refused
to•make any settleinentofthe claim.
Council took no action.
The treasurer reported receipt,
of 050.85 in accounts receivable
from the ,road, superlittendent and
$1,$S1,1 in other rectilits, includ-
ing the warble fly grant of $3127.:
,Ourren0 atcodlitsin the arnount
•$5,135.20, were passed for pay
.ritenChn ifibtionk.ot Love and Hern..
t4 ibottirlitre unailitnouSlY,
ea' ; coliiiCil .adjetirlied
Meet again in 'regular :session on,
soother nAt DOC 6, instead
BREWERS, Ceit4C,E. 1828
Of ArdrithlY, Which ialle,dir ThankS.gfii £l'
Usborne Council
Usborne Council met in regular
monthly session on,Monday even-
ing with Reeve Clayton Smith pre-
siding and Councillors Harold Jef-
wick, 0. A. Bannernian; fellOtOrae
tandem hitched, C. Hallidast:.A.
Pritchard and A. L. Larantle- 2nd,.
B. McBride and X. PrOWIt 1rd, J•
Fitch and Eldon Renwick 4th, A.
Toll 5th.
Specials—Township special, best
three horses, C. Halliday,
W. Harrison, Drake Stock;,.Fartn,
E. M. Pritchard, K. Brown; best
handled colt, 0. A. Bannerman,, Bill
Elliott, Roy, Elliott; best heavy
horse on grounds, Bert McBride.
Judge—Hugh 'terry:
Beef Cattle •
• Butchers' Cattle—Steer or heifer,
over 1 year, W. Strong, Dublin; H.
Rundle, Exeter; W. Coates, Centra-
lia; baby beef, 1 year and. under,
B.NQuillan, Lucknow; G. Wallis, A.
Hicknell, F. Andrew, R. Ipntoul;
Shorthorns—Bull, 2 years and ov-
er, W. Turnbull, W. Pepper, R. Pep-
per; bull, 1 year old, W. Turnbull,
J. Peck, R. Pepper; bull calf, sen-
ior. R. Pepper, W. Turnbull, K.
McFarlane; - bull calf, junior, J.
Peck, Dr. M. W. Stapleton, W. Pep-
per, R. Pepper, W. Turnbull; cham-
pion bull, W. , Turnbull; cow, 3
years old, W. Pepper, K. 1V1cFar-
lane 2nd and 4th, J. Peck
5th; heifer, 2 years old,
lst, 2nd and 3rd, R. P
imals, get of one sire, H.• Camp-
bell, 1st and 3rd. R. Doan, 2rid.
Dual -Purpose Shorthorns—Bull, 2
years and over, John Keyes; best
cow in milk, Filmer Chappel, J.
Keyes; dry cow. due 8 weeks. Fil-
mer Channel, J. Keyes; heifer, 2
years old, J. Keyes 1st and 2nd, Fil-
mer Chappel; heifer, 2 years old,
in milk, F. Channel; heifer, 1 year
old, Keyes, F. Chappel; heifer
calf under 1 year, J. Keyes; herd,
3 females and 1 bull, J. Keyes. Spe-
cial, Nicholson File Co., winner of
most pbints, John Keyes, Varna,
Bnik, • r9,94,' roo,ow'Afig.riFlw
rear, n00,0ert! ,
%I1k Brqs.,•
Steeper ; gink.eBresi;.. pan, rant ,Ott:
3 ewes, 1340. .Steep-
er. lb& all . ether. ,
prizee in thiS class„
SnatlidevEmire ..Br4. took.
this class.
Lincolns Aged ram, A. D.
Steeper,. A. W. -Barrett 2nd and, Ord;
shearling rata, A D. Steeper, A.
W. Barrett; rain, lamb, under one
year,.. A, D. Steeper ist and 2nd,
A. W. Barrett; ev.ve, lambar in
1956, A. D. Steeper, A. W. Barrett;
shearling ewe, A. D. Steeper 1st
and 2nd, A. W. Bartlett; ewe lamb,
A. D. Steeper lst and 2nd, A. W.
Barrett. A. I. Steeper took all
other prizes in this class.
' Leicester—Aged 'ram, Wm. R.
Pepper took all prizes in this class.
Oxfords—Aged ran,,, Emke Bros
1st and 2nd; shearling ram, Emke
Bros. 1st and 2nd, Dan Dearing;
ram lamb, 1 year, Emke Bros. 1st
and ,2fid, 'D.- Dearing; ewe,. lam,bed
in 1956, ,Emke Bros, 1st and 2nd,
D. Dearing; shearling ewe, Emke
Bros. 1st and 2nd, D. Dearing; ewe
lamb, Emke Bros. lst and 2nd, D.
Dearing; pen, ram and 3 ewes,
Emke Bros., D. Dearing; best ewe
and best ram; Einke Bros.
Dorset Borned—P. E. Dearing
took all prizes in this class. •
'Cheviot—Robert Brown, -Thames-
ford, took all prizes in this class.
Pen three market lambs—Emke
Bros., P. E. Dearing, Don Dearing.
Hampshire—Emke Bros. took all
prizes- in this' class,
Judge—Ephriam Snell.
Yorkshire—Bar, over 2 years,
W. Turnbull, R. Waechter; boar;
over 1 year and under 2, W. Turn-
bull, Robt, McMillan, R. Waechterr
C. Bacon; boar,dover 6 months and
under 1 year, C. Bacon, W. Turn-
bull, J. Powell, W. Turnbull, R. Mc-
Millan; board under 6 months, W.
Turnbull lst and 2nd, C. Bacon;
sow, over 2 years, R. Weechter 1st
and 2nd, W. Turnbull- 3rd and 4th;
sow over 18 months and under 2
years, C. Bacon, W. Turnbull nd
and 4th, Robt. McMillan; sow, ov-
er 1 year and under 18, months, R:
Waechter 1st and 3rd, Wm. Turn-
bull 2ndand 5th, Robt. McMillan
4th; sow 6 months and under 1
year, Lorne Carter, J. Broadfoot,
E. McMillan, 'W. Turnbull, C. Bac-
on; R. Waechter, W. Turnbull; sow
under 6 months, Barry Watson, W.
Turnbull, 2nd and 3rd, No. sa, W.
Turnbull, C. Bacon, 6th,' 7th, 8th,
senior herd, boar and 2 sows, R.
Waechter .1st and 2nd, W. Turn-
bull; junior herd, boar and 2 sows,
W. Turnbull, C. Bacon, R. McMil-
Tamworth—Boar, 2 years, and
over, Bert French, Palmerston;
boar, 1 year and under 2, James',
Hart, Gadshill; G: Douglas, Mit-'
chell, B. French. James Hart, B.
French; boar, over 6 months and
4.1,K1F,r If04t; 411470PeNat
G..ketrglaiOnior morgt,44,
B,.Freach; G.
0:,..F.Tose,41 so*
J. Htirt, 4thi.
5P3; foe4c.k,240 and, Ardi seW.1
year, and' 0.40 2. Years. DOng,
lea 1st nd rd, T. Hart, B', Frettch;..
Sow, over 'S "mentlik. and under one
Year,. B.Freneb. 1st and 3rd, J.
Hart 2nd and 6th, G. Douglas, 401
and 5thi • sow 'Limier 6 months, J.
Hart, G. Douglas, B. 'reqh, G.
Douglas, .1. }art. G. Douglas, B.
French; Seidel, herd, boar and 2
sow, J. Hart, G. Douglas, Bert
French; junior herd, 'boar and 2'
sows, B. French, G. Douglas, Jas.
Hart. -
Judge—A. H. Warner.
Berkshire—Bert French took all
prizes i,n this class.
Best 'bacon type. 'boar, Hoggart
& Dalton special—Win, Turnbull;
best pen of bacon type bogs; Pio-
neer Pig Starter, Robt, McMillan.
, Dairy Cattle •
Ayrshires—Bull, 1 year and ov-
er, Wilfred Barnes', E. Ilowett;
bull calf, under 1 year, M. Lobb &
Son, Edgar Howett & Skins; cham-
pion male, W, Barnes; best cow,
W. Barnes, Lobb -&--Sons 2nd and
hrd, E. Howett 4th and 5th; heif-
er, 2' years old, M. Lobb" 1st and
5th, W. Barnes 2nd and 3rd, E.
Howett 4th; yearling heifer, E.
Howett, Bev: Nott. W. Barnes, Lobb
& Sons 5th and 6th.; heifer calf„ W.
Barnes 1st and 2nd, E. Howett 3rd,
4th and 5th; junior heifer ‚calf, E.
Nott, Howett '& Son 2nd and 5th,
W. Barnes, Lobb & Sons' 3rd and
5th; champion • female, Lobb &
Sons; herd, bull -and 3 females, W.
Barnes, Lobb & Sons, E- Howett.
Jerseys—Bull, 2' years and over,
Lorne Carter, John Powell; bull, 1
year old, Irwin Trewartha; bull
calf, under 1 year, L. Carter, I.
Trewartha; champion male, L.
Carter; cow, 3 years and over in
milk, I. Trewartha 1st and 2nd,.L.
Carter 3rd and 4th; do cow, any
age, L. Carter 1st a,nd 2nd. 1. Tre-
wartha; 'heifer, 2 years old, 'L. Car-
ter 1st and 3rd, I. Trewartha;
heifer yearlin, senior, L. Carter 1st
and 4th, L Trewartha 2nd andrd;.
heifer yearling, junior: L. Carter
1st and 4th, J Trewartha 2nd and
3rd; heifer calf, senior. L. 'Carter
1st and 2nd; heifer calf, junior,•L.
Carter, lst and 3rd, I. Trewartha
2nd and 4th; champion female, L.
Carter; herd, bull and 3 females,
L. Carter,I. Trewartha,
Holsteins—Coiv, 3 years and over
in milk, Wm. Boyd; dry cow, W.
Boyd lst and 2nd; heifer yearling,
junior, W. Boyd lst and 2nd; hei-
fer calf, W. Boyd, John Boyd, W.
Boyd; heifer calf, junior, Betty
Storey, J. Boyd; champion female,
Wm. Boyd.
Judge—W. C. F. Oestricher. '
Shropshiredown (pure bred)4
Aged 1 n fir; Enike-Brot; rcsteti-
er, 'Archie Barrett; shearling ram,
Dogs Suffering From Poisoning
Several residents have reported
a poisoning epidemic of pets, Prin.:.
cipallydogs. During the past week
(Jr so several dogs haVe had to be
treated for poisoning and in one
instance a sMall dog was report,.
-edly 'fousird—tead at or near the
school grounds. Danger of setting
poisoning out for animals of any'
description, be they household pent
or wild life, might easily go beyond,
its intended purpose, as it is -not-
inipossible for a child to pick it up
as easily as an animal, and the re -
stilts might well be disastrou--
Blyth Standard.
Bayfield ' Sept. 26 27
Brussels , Sept. 2728'
Dungannon Sept. 27
Durhath Sept. kti 20
Fordwich , Sept. 28, 20,,,
gars:wok ......... ..... . Ott. 5N 0
Kirkton Sept. 27 28 , •
Palmerston 1,5
TetaWafAr Ott. I, ,3
Vottetiiitto,.on .... gebt. git
(itoyal stglt,,..,Ntly. MT
'fix* Mow, Brklii �t 9*
Poultry (Adult)
Nevi Hampshire, (c and cr) Cliff
Pepper, (h and p) C. Pepper lst
and 2nd. Rhode Island Red, (c &
h). M. Crich, C. Pepper, (cr) J.
Douglas, M. Crich, (p) C. Pepper,
M. Crich. Barred Plymouth Rock,
(c) J. Douglas, C. Pepper, (h).. J.
Donglas, M. Crich, (cr and p) M.
Crieh, C. Pepper_ White •Rocks,
(c, h, cr and p) J. Douglas, C.
Pepper. White Leghorns, S.C., (c)
J. Douglas, (h, er & p) G. Douglas
1st and 2nd. Light Sussex, (h, cr.
& p), C. Pepper, lst and 2nd. Orli-
ingtons,, cr, & p) C. Pep-
per lst and 2nd; Anconas, c) C.
Pepper, (h, cr'&' p) C. Pepper, lst
and 2nd. White Wyandottes, (c,
b, cr & p) -J. Douglas, C. ,Pepper.
Brown Leghorns, Utility, (c, b, cr
& p) J. Douglas. Leghorns, A.O.V.
(c) C. Pepper, (h) C. Pepper lst
and 2nd, (p) C. Pepper, 1st and
2nd. Jersey Giants, A.V., (c) C.
Pepper, G. Douglas, (h) G. Doug-
las lst and 2nd, (cr) G. Douglas,
C. Pepper, (p) C. Pepper 1st and
2nd. Minorcas, A.V., (c, h & p),
C. Pepper 1st and 2nd, (cr) C. Pep-
per, J. Douglas.,
Toulouse Geese—(old • goose, old
gander); W. Howatt.
,Utility Pens—New Hampshire,
C. Pepper; Rhode Island Red, J.
D. Douglas; Barred Plymouth
Rock, J. D. Douglas, C. Pepper;
White Rocks, J. 11. Douglas, C.
Pepper; Light Sussex, C. Pepper;
.White Leghorns, C. Pepper, Cross
Breeds, Heavy and Light, W. How-
OId? Get Pep, Vim
Feel Full of Vigor; Years Younger
in, exhausted. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets.
Often lleeded after 40 by body old, rim- ,
down because lacidngiron,• increases vim,
vigor, vitality.Thbusands feel full of put,
years younger. Quit being' old ''AGetqac-
guainte,i" size costs little. Be wise, get pep,
new health quick thrifty way, Try,Pstrez
today. At all drawls -U.
Go4TYLE.AF thifiE
TRUCKS, fl *ET -A.14 SIP.N§,
137 Pallinerstfflio;ft' : -
Phone 70. Goder441.Opt..
.^ •
„ • .
Sat., Sep$. 29, 2:05 p.m. D.S.T. Sun., Sept, 30, 2:00p.m. n.s.T.
Detroit at Cleveland Detroit at Cleveland
cpj!ad!o dia19130__
.411111010 WW1&
Clean Up and. Save !
Salvage :Drie
For the convenience of those in the surrounding dis-
trict -who wish to co-operate, collection depots have
been established aSfollows: '
BEECHWOOD. Carlin's Store
DUBLIN William- Stapleton
CONSTANCE Borden Brown Store
WINTHROP A. Dolmage Store
KIPPEN Kyle's Store
CROMARTY Chopping Mill
STAFFA Sadler's Store.
BRUCEFIELD Paterson's Store
-- Auspices --
•-• • ••••• •-•
, ' ! -..,... ,,,,,,.............,,t,okm.,‘%.:;:ge,;,,,,,..,
East, West . . .. across the ranA, whereVer,ctirs eitb. gaked, (*livery sh et
anct highway, you see .more Phevrafeht thartantotiihnt 'car ... because
far mare people give Chevrafeilharosny other tail And the ,prefarehielet,chevitokii
is grow ing ever ieater. Because r$44**rilii-Aiii;iie rieophiare tiNtOiiititg-7::.
There's No Vi;i10:071.ike Ch**,
• A Ottnitat Neat (AU*
C. 20t6111
./li.M" NW MIP. 0.. . . ,
AWPMEridniniag=11...r '
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