The Huron Expositor, 1956-09-28, Page 4a77,,,T
`,Akt ' ,
s Inserted
, A t
A New Law
Cash ear Int.
�r�`1 ',�'��N'�, WANTED, LOST AND FOI)ND, ETC. -- Per �Pord:
No N. , ,.?J ) ,4,; 1st Week ............. 1 Leat
x, r ,r ,.f�'ii's"!t.- 2nd week Cent
i. , 3rd Week ................. Cent
11 I ,, � Minimum charge, each insertion.,. 25 Cents
All.'ll .,.' Each figure initial and abbreviation counts as one word.
* 4,Li ,#LTbanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming 13vents--1 cent per word. Minimum,
r "„ « GO c.i,;tts Aer week.
�qq0, riga may be directed to i Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 16 'cents extra,
F.,I.. additional will he charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10
t daRa..of date of final insertion.
,,HC'ixtb.,s, :Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.
s�.ygtion Sales, Notices to Creditors, Eta -Rates on application.
_ --
Coming Events Help Wanted
QU'LL BE DANCING to the "Rhythm- WANTED. -Girl to cleric in store.' GEO.
airesr this Friday night at the Crystal A. SILLS & SONS, Seaforth.
Palace in Mitchell- 4626-2 4627-1
liolding a euchre on )Aonday evening, Oc- HELP WANTED -Woman wanted for
tober 29. 4627-1 light housework, elderly lady preferred;
to work in town for one lady. Apply to
Legion Hall. Hensall, Saturday, Sept. 29, 4627x1
11 9 P.m. J0ackpot $95.00 in 59 calls; '$5.00
added• each weep until won; 14 regular HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -For two
games, 10c a game. No admission. Spon- older people in Stratford, to live in; no
Bored by Hensall Legion, heavy work, laundry sent out;• highest
4627-1 : wages paid. Please write to P.O, BOX
t, Stratford. 4625-3
Lost and Found NEED MORE MONEY?
LOST -New pair of boy's brown ox- Become our
representative M representative in your sur-
on Fair Day, John Street or roundings. Highest commission paid.
vicinity. Size 4-D. MRS. JOHN HOC- Free catalogue and details from
LAND; Market St. 4627-1
Property For - Sale Dept. 4, Station C.
FOR SALE -3 -room solid brick house on
North Main St. Former McNab property.
Apply to WALLACE ROSS, Seaforth.
HOUSE FOR SALE -8 -room house, sin-
gle storey, modern conveniences. In ex-
cellent condition. Near Separate School,
Goderich St. East. Immediate possession.
C. H. ADDICOTT, Seaforth
- - For Rent
- Permanent employment.
Apply in person.
Rosedale Plastics
International Ltd.
FOR RENT -An apartment in-Seaforth;
beatefl,, and private bath. PHONE 485-M.
11I >.
APARTMENT FOR RENT --four rooms,"
�' Experienced
newly decorated ; three-piece bath. DICK'S
Furniture Finis'h,r
j. ,
- ,16j 7_1
Alsb ' one experienced woodworking
FOA RENT -Heated three-room up-
machinist as assistant to our M.illroom
stairs apartment in Egmondville, with
bath, PHONE 668 Seaforth.
'Foreman. and two younger men to learn
I good trade. We
. r 2,
- 4627x2
are expanding and need
good men. Pleasant wurking conditions.,
good wages, very' steady employment, group'
• • ,FOR RENT - Downstairs apartment;
insurance, eta
r.I .
modern kitepen and , bath. Apply BOR-.
DEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2, Seaforth.
James Cole Furniture Co.
y ,
, 46-6.q,
For Sale
FOR SAI. e;- y'v hicy �•:e in good
I condition. MIIoS. H F. BERRY, BrucefiEld.
• of Real Estate and Household Effects. in
, 4627x1
Village of Hensall, SATURDAY, OCT. 6,
1 p.m.. the Estate or the late Mrs. Irene
FOR SALE -One Cub shirt and hat,
Fee. REAL FSTATP Consists of one lot,
in [rood condition. DON CROZIER, R.R.
upon, which is situated a two-storey 8-
i 2, Seaforth. 4627x1
room frame house with basement, bath
room'; town water and hydro: also a gar.
FOR SALE---Dresse,l capons. Apply to
Shelvador frig., automatic defrost; two.
r 14, :Seaforth. 4627x1
� �..
burner electric stove; Thor washing. ma-
cbine; Duo 'Therm oil burner; Clare Jewel
I FOR SALE -Leicester ram, 2 years old.
cook stove; Quebec heater; 9 -piece oak
Apply to A. HOGGARTH, , Phone 657 r 3,
dining room suite; chesterfield; china cab-
Seaforth. 4627-1
inet and writing desk combination: beds;
spring -filled mattresses; ,dressers :. bureau;
FOR SALE -11 'York pigs eight weeks
round table: e5td tables; hall tree; wicker
old. Apply to BILL BENNETT. Phone
rockers ;' .odd chairs ; kitchen table: mir-
254-J. 4627-1
rors ; lamps; clocks; mats; sealers; dish.
es; kitchen utensils;' 200 -gallon oil tank;
FOR SALE -Little Beaver electric ham-
lawn mower; wood; garden tools, and
mer mill with 3 H:P. Leland motor. W.
x �
numerous other articles- Terms - Real
A. HAUGH, Brucefield. 4627x1
Estate: 10% day of sale, balance in 30
,- i.
- days; sold subject to reserve bid. Chat-
FOR SALE -At $1.00, Cub shirt. Phone
rets -Cash CHARLES FEE, Executor ;
667 r 22. NEIL CROZIER, R.R. 2. Seas.
P L: McNaughton„ Clerk; Ed. Corbett,
forth. 4627x1
Auctioneer. . . 4627-2
FOR SALE-Hohner piano accordion,
would trade for piano. MRS. HARRY
JESSOME, Phone 296, Seaforth,
4627x -
I1 s
NURSERY STOCK, shrubs, fruit trees,
FOR SALE -10 acres of second cut hay.
perennials. H. C. Downham Nursery Co.
11, t!.
Phone E#IC MILNER, Seaforth 393.
Staffa. Phone 43 r 6,.. Dublin.
• ^ 4624-tf
o, G. •
RADIO REPAIRS - For all kinds of
FOR SALE-Quebec'heater with water
'front; also lady's coat, size 38, and man's
opposite Dick House, Seaforth- Phone
coat, size 38. PHONE 325-J.
Liz -R .
FOR SALlr1952 Remington. portable
typewriter, like new; used only 6 months;
forth and district and Dry Gleaning Ser-
$7?•00- Apply Box 577, HURON Ex.
' vice. Phone 393: ERIC MILNER
POSITOR, Seaforth- 4627-2.
b'LOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady
1 _
Cleaners a Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter,
FOR SALE -Man's beige gabardine coat,
size 37, never worn. Can be seen at
i I
SMALL ENGINE service, all in lies,
TION, 4627x1
Clinton, J acabsen, Iron Horse, Power
Products, Briggs and Stratton, etc Auth-
FOR SALE -Ten pigs eight weeks old.
orized Iron Horse and Jacobsen Service,'Apply
JOHN CALWILL, R.R. 1, Bruce-
depot. Lawn mowers sharpened and re-
field. Phone Clinton HU. 2.3204. -
', 4627x1
?97 4 22-8
SALE -International 3 -furrow ace
bo :n plow; good as new. T. P, MOR-.
courteou_s dollvection ._ of all dead' end
RI : Phone 43 r 2; Dublin.
farm animals and hides. Can
collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea.
forth Associated Darling & Co., of
FOR SALF-21r1 MaaaArell Rocket lawn
Canada Lt,
mower, in good condition"'. Apply to
- -
FOR SALE -75 New ssex
pullets, laying. MES, B McLACHLAN.
Every Thursday at 2 p.m." Mill St., Hen-
Phone 651 r 13, Seaforth:'
call. Bring your livestock Always' a good
I 4627-1 ,
market price. HARRY SMITH, Phone' 1'87,
FOR SALE -Cooking stove. and an oil
2-7611, Clinton. 461812
}tester, in .,perfect condition. ADDly to
PETERMALCOLM, West William St.
Phone 674-M, 4626x2
FOR SALFrBarn 13x26 with n
one Jacket heater. GORDON MUIR, Rail-
his big contracts for the bummer are
way St. Phone 374. 4626-2
mostly finished and we are available for -
FOR SALE -'Used G.E. range and need
anF construction or cement work
G,E. refrigerator ; both in excellent condi-
Seaforth Concrete
tion. BOX FURNITURE, Seaforth.
SLABS FOR SALE -Hardwood, $10.00
per load, approximately 2% cords; mixed
wood, $8.00 per load, approximately two
�-, .
cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J.
HUDIE, Phone Clinton HU: $-6655.
FOR. SALE -Oil space heater, large
TATTLE B11�' �'I)Il�TGr
size, Fess burner, used only four months;
21 -inch Admiral Tar, complete with skyline
serial; combination' GurnseF
, ,
gas ra`rige an-
net installed with oil; annex can be used
"where Better Bulls Are UaeW'
for coal or wood also, in new condition.
For inn
artificial inatioa__infdsrnitlda-
'•Strut;5, o'clock or any time on
-or �ervlae tom all breeds of cattle; Phone
Saturday.' . 462
waterloo. Cattle Vieeding AMoo"dd k
et WMN HU 2-8141 hetes E
i o, .
•n'd it $0 aJm we have ill bfti iivari.
e6i6,-:kuv qtr lits at low eget.
rgk, ;
A lmetsl clad garage 21 feet fi0+ 12 feet.
1 i
further information, apply to:
l0 1.V PJ
R. B. Holmes ,
%, >4ra
jy ." i1
y,, p
11 d A7 til c t' iiiYti
- Mona er, .
Seafartix Pttilinc Utility Commission:
,. .
'1'itc,;Towiitl hili df �gCTcerinntth Mpnloi?
. _.
,c k ::;1; „rat,, llmiptnd'.. Grounds 'dittidtai enL.hsiP
h .... ... . ... ...r ,
-� �iiile; wpbt of. iiaviti a , h.Sr
a 1Con.. H,
-r:. . Ettlrt $,
1, +�
yy , >w/zn� �, dpeti.�btl19' i..((.,a�+� [�y' ,� tba•:-
! f',, t...' .lY.! .1.5 .. ., "7, hr. �r--.Y..,
Ca>i'ds, a£ T3talr�•
' r ,1.fl trio J r�," i . t`' �1 1� 1 �itd e i
1. -:1.. ..I
" 1" ,'"i 1rr, tT 4'd ' i'I �.
y. - lir ver 1Gu - - -
.:S,r',;::�..�,. ,a ,.,.. 'xc,w.r N :.:, .",<' N:," .}M,. •�! c 'au^iA✓, .::.Rl i'4. -i L.x. AY;41
.. .. ,,'. "4 I 11,.i,,,., ,u- '�� n&%"'i',,'�a 7 fy ,„ l+ s•': ,; ,r4• �t±i :.. "" lf-dein. • .. _'.": , . �J, ,:,G, 4, 14FI:4 i .. .:i ._1,Aiq.,,:: ,i#ltf$i!r P, S9A .
11 -
e,8all . 11P e $ : X,
11 7
R. . _,! s a ,.--Eobll : , son of . r 1 e le q the fain f>,dtii.'a-,di a�
ny ../�.�. . i ,"r 1 t a ... < ,. Y �nA, a S ..a.. Xad ,s. it of
Wa Jit ste> a o s a lin 1: .' a "o t
,,and tlie... W ... B ue a. h d r. to abl. t d
+� sin ... 917 to a a s A }3 Qtr a lid lxn .
,; �e r r IIx w., :Yi. >V� rl t e
.. .. •e•t',V -':.:Q t „rM, e ' ' iii '�' .i 'ed. a, C :r ` lID
.. Y; ... �k5 . ., l r . _ cl.,.
. w'. P . ,M ; rs e. auk dhRt a ed't a fp?teral iri , I•ucicbow' on
l? A. tF e
Wa>nitd . _ aryey. Co e: a T 4, u e �l!rii , d , r . t°';.
%, r ,n, illi', ... 1 yds, fi d p bli sehggl dash Wednesday.. Thursday of the late William J. the Sep�er>{)la�e, u>t�. 9d
'K, M , a M ,, ,, "
�,- r G .r..iff r e e o as 1 1 a r,. e
t�tk g. Ist .it,. e. w aYui in th ' c oral a d Lockli t un le of r. Orr. Vet Ar d Circ w ._ �d
'. , ., , , - P $ e s di?, y, i ar., o M n$- , a. a ,
ANTED'1O. HUY-G d home provide D'EL-Ati`ScOTt -Memorial Hospital;, on , . „
' J3ay„�field s oldest ort eq,�Mr: 'lie sill tri .. a d. u a e o lr t- orld War the ho , of . rs. s-,!? ..,
f° qo se t. 2s t° f y RPS. u o.. .task In his,. ><an f rile F s We M . „t3',,„. Vie_
ed r Puppy.. Gallie preferably. PHONE o Mt and Mrs• Dalton Dii1% I+1a�•nn 1
318-w, Brodha mr, a daughter. ',.-.,.. )7r,7e S, cllarrtnan,''. of., , ay. field ;right- temple,', Mrs, Poth and- Mrs' funeral as underk•aus ices of the President, M s.,_ Mary' -f1 ,1. (. .,.�..,,�,,.�.y..�
4627x1 R .. , . , �I,r'*!,!!!*r
FIs.QHER=At scoff iliemor;al aesupt” ;Trgstees,; }Ifi A Lucy Woods,. Mrs. Paiker rendered first: aid \ ._s. Le inn. Mr LocllhartP ,led ver opened the meei t .: ,, :;.
WANTED—Used fires oil ' Sogt. 24 to. Mr. and Nice Bah• g Y t, t
rata. old aramun;- D ,Colin;.;+;.Carnpb�ell; -Mrs. Alma' Bas- 1?gth.rushed Ino' to Gunton Publle st.10only. 582, ' Mastex;..Let-,,;e� `�°�Apf91t
Fischer. R R. a, _�y'alton, a da' 'later; m Mr and Mrs, Ron Ta for OfC Thee ,' 'Minutes and.:.:gi ,calls,
tion, muzzle loading guns, old, pistols and �$ 8ett. Secretary ".'Of b. ;e Agrlcul'tpral' Hospital, where he receive edi. - . . y fl -
revolve .: -I-AN J.. HAUGH, - $race- ' 'Y -Mr. pnd Mrs -..,I __ Feel -.a. Sea- t� .
field. `, hone 658 ; 23, $eafoxtti. forth, are -hap to, announce• AtlJe'*lir- iSQCiety and' Carl,''liueston were; cal. attention, It required a lo'e'al Varna, (nee Joyce Forbes), were lowed, alsa,businesg. Wats
4627x1. rival of their chosen daughter ^M,a:,; arnong -the guest' speakers.. Mr. J. 'anesthetic • before closing the honored at a receptign -held for service', pxe, #reed sled:
Margaret,, age 6 months. Stirling sang several " songs. Mr. wound. Bobby lost considerable them .at Varna. Town Jliall oil Fri- by Mrs. Sadie Hoy Wlty; -
NI6H-At Scott Memorial Hosapitgl, pn
- Sept. 24, to Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Ni l,, .Fairbairn will be. in the Agricul- blood`,. as b.'e had ruptured a vein, 'day, which was ' largely., attended, '"Stewardship,"; '• wets . •,ve1 I.t�.,1
Wanted Egmnndvill°• a son ;r total -Park on Thursday afternoon, 'R,onald Path, who has been' The couple were made the pres- Ing. Mrs, Henrietta:1 ,rowi�llfe'+iI
o C Sept ,-At Scott lues Mri a or tai, Ba field's Centennial Day) to in- lowed with the, Imperial Olt' .Co,, entatign of a purse' -of money. The ed with a beautiful sola, `fI , t Hit
on Sept •22, to Mr. and Mrs, Norman Y P p al
OLD HORSES wANTE6 at 8 cents O'Connor, R.R. 2, Dublin, a Son. I , terview the people, and a rebroad- Sarnia, for the vacation,' returned presentation address was read by Not Promised," aceompgv e�•
Pound, and dead cattle at value. If dead, SIEMON-At Scott Memorial Frgspital, :on ,cast will take lace Thursda ' eve- w days' Bill Dowson, apd presentation by Mrs. Edith' $e11. �• >'-vilorsh> ". ,* i
phone at once. GLLBERT BROS, MINK Sept. 21, to Mr, and Mrs. Kennetg '$ie P Y to. London, a#ter' a fe da S visit a , ,r.,
RANCH. Phone collect 1483 J 4 or mon, R.R. 1, Bornholm, a daughter:' Il1llg' With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson.' Norris orch- vice' was closed- w��1'proyer, ir>/
1483 J 1, Goderich. 4624x10 SMITH- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on A play entitled, -"Our` "Furst Hun- LeRoy Poth. - He. s' entering J11is estra provided music for the dance. Rev. D. Ma'cDonald... Rev;" 'Jfao,
Sept. 1, to Mr, and Mrs.ugh Russell Smith, dred," written by Miss Lucy fourth year in business administra- The affair was much enjoyed. Donald gave on intetestutg-fail�:of!
R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter.
SPEERS -Rev. and Mrs. George sneers, Woods, and directed by Mrs. Out- tion course at the University of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLennan, jus recent trip. W .1s. >d;e
Tenders Want' Saskatoon, (nee Ethelwyn Daniel), an_ erbridge, will be held in the Town Western Ontario: Of Whiiilipeg, are visiting Mr. and Scotland...A delleious' lunelit"`was
pounce the birth ,of their son, Daniel Hall , ursda• evening,
Arthur, in the General Hospital, 8 Its- Y g, followed Mr. Bob 'Thofnpson, of Detroit, Mrs. W: ,Allan. served under the `,e ... ersI
toon, Sept. 10, .1956, A grandeoir^10r by a- dance to conclude the Cen-. spent the weekend at his parents' Hensall will revert back to Stan- -Mrs. Sadie Hqy. ,
TENDERS WANTED Rev, and Mrs. G. D. Daniel, Hensall, telmial Fair. cottage. .. - dard Time Saturday, .Sept, 29, at �--I
Tenders will be received by the under- HARL Bayfjteld Baptist Church held a Mr. Glen Sturgeon, Guelph, was midnight. Mr. Mrs. J. .C. Muir
signed until 3 o'clock in the afternoon of speciall service,,Sunday evening on home over the weekend. .Cottages Are Looted
Thursday, October 4, 1956, for the con- the'second anniversary'of'the dedi- Mr. and Mrs. Percy'Weston re- Thieves entered five cottages ov- Married 2 Years, _
floors ire of concrete footings, walls and • Master Paul Watt, who is a puAil turned home last week after a er the weekend at Turnbull's -
floon retluired for a building to be erect- a_t Harloek School, had the mise cation of the lot and sod -turning M1•, and Mrs. John C. Uir tA'M
ed at the rear of the Town Han, sea- ceremony. Dean, Harris, of the much-needed vacation. They went Grove, two miles north of Grand
forth: fortune on Saturday to get ,three London Bible' Institute, was 'guest. around Georgian Bay, visited the Bend, Highway 21, taking articles be at home to their. ratives.,and
of his fingers on his right had Shrine at Midland and the tic- valued 'at hundreds of dollars. En- friends on Wednesday, 'Oct, :3, from
Plans and specifications and further in- badly crushed in the fanning mill. tures ue St. 'James' Anglican try was ained b smashing doors 8 to 10 p.m. on the occasion of'
formation may be obtained from the un- At r S q g Y g �' g
aersigned, present he is in Scott Menlo.- p • ',Church • at Penetang- Mrs. ,Robert of the cottages. Four were own-
, their 25th wedding anniversary_
ial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr.y Mrs. �". Siileth Blair had charge ' of then drug ed by Americans, and the fifth b Mr. and Mrs. Muir were marriejf
R. B. Holmes Messrs. Ernest Marne and john store during their 'absence. Harold Sonthron, of Hensall, -fun- in 1931 by the ,$ev. Lane; of Norifi-
Manager, McEwing spent Tuesday in Wal- To Hold Open:House Mrs. John Sturgeon, Sri, .return= eras director, who reported 'the side United Church, and since thm
Seaforth 'Public Utility Commission. laceburg, where a demonstration " ed' home' Monday . after a three loss of a mantel radio valued at have resided in' Seaforth_
4627-2 of sugar beet harvesting equip- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith, of weks' visit with her brother, who $15. J. 0. Buckeridge, Birming-
ment was being held. Seaforth, formerly of the 5th con- underwent surgery in St. Thomas ham, Mich., had stolen from his
DRAIN TENDERS The W.M.S. and WA. of Burns', cession of McKillop, will celebrate 'Memorial Hospital, cottage,, binoculars, raincoats, ra- •
United Church held their Septem- their golden wedding anniversary 'Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner and dro,. electric clock and fire extin-
WANTED her Ineeting at the home of Mrs, on Oct: 10, 'The occasion will be Mr, and Mrs. M. Merner spent the guisher'. Losses at the other three " -
TOWNSHIP OF, HIBBERT William Bell. Groups 1 and 3 marked by a family gathering and weekend in Toronto, where they • cottages were not determined un-'
were hostesses to Group •2, who by holding open house at the home a guests at a wedding. til owners arrive to take inven- SERVICES '
Drain tenders win be received by the were the' winners of the .copper of their daughter, Mrs. Carl Dal- Miss Berthena:• Sturgeon, who tory. OPP. G: `Mitchell, of Exeter, ,,; ,:. -:.,:
undersigned until 8:00 p.m., MONDAY, contest. Mrs. Ed. Bell sang a ton, Railway St., on Oct. 6, be- underwent surgery in Clinton Pub• investigated. ,' ; . 4 0
OCTOBER 1, Lsss. lovely solo. The hostesses served tween the hours of 2 t6 4 in the lie Hospital, is improving nicely, Mr. Thomas Jolly, of Exeter, was Cklse�hur �,
(1) On Staffs Drain, for excavation of a delicious hot supper. aftern'OOn, and 7 to 9 in the eve- Mrs. Agnes Murray is still .- a pleasantly surprised when mem ' I � ''
yard lineal feet approximately (s70 cubic Everyone was sorry to hear that. ning. Relatives, friends and ac. patient. in Victoria Hospital, Lon- hers of his family met at his home . UNITED CHURCH'
yards) open drain. L Mrs. Russell MacBeth, . London, • quaintances are asked to accept don. Her neighbors• ,wish her a on Monday evening, Sept. 24, to• r.
r,)_on Raiiise9' DTa,n, °rn '-crotnarry, had, the" misfortulie �ta'' fall and this as an invitation to drop 'in speedy recovery. honor 'him on the occasion,of his Sunday, 5e(5.�stars-;30
880 lineal feet 10 -inch tile, 260 lineal ,feet bi�ak her hip on. Monday and is and talk over old times.. Miss Sylvia' Cooper, London, was birthday. It also marked,nineteen : , r'y ,�„„,,;;.;.
8 -inch tile, 965 lineal feet 6 -inch tile. now convalescing In Scott Mem- . the
pest of her
aunt, M
g n Mrs. Jack
,Plans and Specifications may b6" seen oris] Hospital, Seaforth. Ever one , �' " years to the day ,that Mr, and ' 3 p.m. arid.:'? 30 pm; l��`)
P Y .. Fraser, over the weekend, Mrs, Jolly and family 'moved from i •M1 K9
at Clerk's office, Lowest or any tender hopes Irma will not have to be '������ Misses Mildred Fraser, Barbara the West to take up residence in Guest. Speaker' .•-,
not necessarily accepted. Marked cheque away from her home too long. Lit -
for 10�rr of the amount of tender meat Bassett, Marion Makins, Ethel Exeter, in 1937. Mr. Jolly was Rev. Dr. �Vietor',;"Mooney,, ''1 annf�
accompany each tender, tle Jimmie MacBeth is at present Rally Day services were ,held Blair and Bob and Bill Parker, of presented with a nylon tricot shirt The Treasurer 'oi [7tlited:'%Gilmerbi
staying with his grandparehts, Mr. Sunday morning in St.' Andrew's London, were at their- respective and a lovely birthday cake made of"Canadai
Roy Burchill, land Mrs. George Watt, United Church with Rev. N. Mc- homes over the ,weekend. by his daughter, Mrs. Cecil•Kipfer, '
Clerk: Hibbert, The pupils -of Harlock School Leod in charge, Special music was Mrs. Gordon Stewart, Dale... and of Hensall, was served with deli- Soloist: Miss 'Fa a Ross
R.R. 2, Dublin, Ontario. 'have a h'Oliday on Friday as„ Miss Y
4szs-2 provided by the junior .members Sherry' Lee and Robbie Irwin, of cious refreshments. Crokinole and Special the Qhoinr.:
Martin will -be away attending the of the Sunday School, with Mrs. Kincardine, spent last Thursday scrabble formed a recreational per -
teachers' convention. .Harold Jones at the organ. The at her parents' home" ' iod. Members of the family. at-
Man from this district attend- Scripture reading was given by Mr. and Mrs. John Bo es and
Notices To Creditors y Boy
es the, anniversary services of; Master David Cooper, and Miss Janet spent Sunday with Mr. and
Constance United Church, -which' Pat Lovell lead a stotX of'the life Mrs. Byrd- Sturgeon. `". '
NOTICE to CREDITORS were held last Sunday. of the children in Korea. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirkham spent
There will be church and Sun- Mrs. Edith Warwick, of Sudbury, 'S�inday with the lady=s' parents, t
In the Estate of IRA LEO STEPHENSON day School services in ,Burns' is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr: and Mrs, E. Heard. ��'� .� �L
United Church _ .
this Sunday. Mrs. Elston Dowson. — ". i •
All persons having claims against the BAR$ARA KIRKMAN MEETS ?i*,.. `"t,
Several from here were at ,the, 1� '"('r-�,
Estate n Ira Leo Stephenson, • late of .Sunday guests of Mr. and. Mrs. ..fie t �C CO= �
the Town of Seaforth, in the county of trousseau tea which was held for Norman D'ickert and' Merle were: -The Barbara' Kirkman Auxiliary ,--� i
Huron, Gentlemen, deceased, •whb died on Miss Gail Manning, bride -elect of of First Presbyterian Church held k
the 12th day of July, 1966, are hereby Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dicert, of Har- their Se tember meeting Tues �'•'
this month, at the home of her g day (•' a '
notified to. sena in full .,part;cnlarS of Aston, and Mr:"'rand� Mrs. Delmar P
their claims to the undersigned on or be. parents, Mr. and Mrs.: Wm. Man- evening with Mrs. Keith Sha 1
fore tate 19th day of October, 1956, after ning; last Saturday. - Diekert, of 'Clifford.' -�'� ANAIYS
presiding, The,, opening. hymn, ' � HHG
which date the assets will be distributed, "-Mr. Gerald Parsons, of Thames .� +•�•
having regard only to claims rheas re_ Mr. and Mrs. Gradyn Neil, of Jesus My Lord, God, My All,"
ceived, -Summerhill, and Mrs. Geo. Knox, ville, visited over the weekend with was followed ,.,by prayer by .Mrs. c;.'"4.,
Toronto visited with Mr. and M his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Archie FERTILIZER _-
rs. Shat Mrs. line
DATED at Seaforth, this 29th say of Parsons. P .'E r Ri�rers read -��r<i ,
September, 1956. Ernest `Knox and ,family on Sun- the minutes of the previous meet- .
day. ` Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stokes and in and called the.roll. roll. Mi 'r;>'%s::
MCCONNELL fi HAYS, Carr g SS N. r Y•'. j: '�•'::i:•:. ,.-
- Seaforth, Ontario p w y, of London, visited Sunday Jeffery gave"''the' Treasurers • re- ' .>,>.;.:;:, .<.:%;r.•`<;: , A„ � _- - .
Solicitors for the Executrix. H. & S. School Association with their father, Mr. Robt.'Thom- port. An, 'enjoyable 'trio was sung ' 1.
�'^ °�` tv t' wh
4sz7-3 son. by Alice Ann and Gene Nixon and :.:;:,.z-. '•a. • v ■
Mears br. P: L. Brady Mr. and Mrs: Arnold Gacks rtes "�'
to Libbie ,Habkirk, accompanied. ;;� t:n
The Home and School As and family, of Guelph, were recent Mrs. J. Cardno 'entitled "H a -I
socia- ave' ° x � : „
In Memoriam visitors in Kinpen and the sur- Thine Own Wa " �0_0p?
tion commenced their fall term on Y• i .:
" Tuesday in the Public School audi- rounding neighborhood. Mrs. D-. G. Campbell gave high- `
INGS-In- loving memory of ed dear Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schnell, of lights of ,tie Presbyterian Ral
husband, Alfred Ings, who passed away tOI1Um.' Mrs. John Patterson, the ly °
.three years iago, September 27, 1953. president, was in the chair and Camrose, Alta., are visiting, the at Blyth. Mrs:"J. Murray took up Here are. FIVE
Those we love we never lose, welcomed the many parents and latter's mother, Mrs. Robert Me- the collection. A short -business /�5 ���
Fpr always they will be friends. present.. Bride. discussion followed. On October 15 Po6d Reasons
Ever near and dear, The graduation class of 30 pupils - Mrs. Edith Warwick, of Sudbury, the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary r '
In loving memory,, were the special guests of the eve- is• the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elston is invited to put on the program ,
-Sadly missed' by his wife, Laura. ning. Dr. P. L. Brady gave an in- Dowson' and Mrs'. Wander: in Goderich at Knox Presbyterian * Guaranteed free-flowing at application time.
4627x1 . spiring talk, to the students,. which Mr. and Mrs..Elzar Mousseau at- Church. * Less than one-half as much, moisture sa reg0llat .
was enjoyed by all. 14Iiss Corinne tended the funeral of Mrs. Mous- T)>g .meeting was' turned over to
LAMONT-In memory of Mrs. Donald Smith and Miss Bonnie Wieglund 'seau's grandmother, the late 'Mrs. Mrs. Scott Alabkirk, who read .the fertilizers. •
Lamont, who passed away September 27. favored with piano numbers. Mrs. Brown, of Greenway, on Mbnday, poem, "My Creed" The,, hymn, ' '
Is54, W. Henderson was "mother of the Sept. 17. "Jesus .Shall Reign Whereler the ' ' * Semi -granular texture — at regular 'price.
This day 'brings back sad' memories month". Mr. D. W. Widdis, the I A pleasant surprise was given Sun," Was, sung.. Mrs. C, -Reith '
Of a loved one gone to rest; new Grade IV teacher, was intro- Mrs. Robert McBride by her fain- read the Scripture. and Miss Min- - '* Moist economnical pea° ?>mt of -plant food.
But those who think 'of YOU today duced by the principal, Mr. John ily on Sunday last, the occasion be- pie. Habkirk read the Glad Tidings IIit food niltri�llt,e readily available.
Are the ones who loved you best, ' Talbot. . ing.her 84th birthday. Among those .Prayer. .
madly missed and ever remembered by Following the presentation of presents were her seven sons, two The topic: "What is the Church- . . . I •
Mrs. Margaret Lamont and Family -4627-1 pins by the president, the stu- daughters, and their families, in- Doing in•••a Revolutionary World," C�_� FERTI'LIZ R `
dents were entertained by D. Mor- eluding great-grandchildren, A was ably taken by Mrs. D. G.
ton with games. Mrs. J. C. Crich happy event was the placing of two. Campbell, Mrs K. Sharp, Mrs. L.
Personals and Wm. Campbell were in charge' birthday cakes on the table, •one Hemberger,'Mrs. Frank Smale and Blended To Do a JOB -
of court whist played by the adults. a gift' from the family, the other Mrs. - S. Habkirk. "The Church
TRY BEFORE YOU BUY,- Beauty Coun- The executive provided a lovely from the grandchildren. On Satur- must `fulfil its calling, to manifest "Not To Meet a Prie#
sellor cosmetics. Phone Seaforth 393. lunch, whicth was served- by the day -many neighbors and friends the 'Kingdom of God among. men;
BARBARA L. MILNER' social committee, Mrs. J. C. Mac- called and presented Mrs. McBride, the Churelf must seek .to be the
4624-- Lennan' and Mrs. Angus MacLean. with many' beautiful flowers and kind of coriimunity which ,God'
HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), -, _All present were -invited to the.\ cards. .. _._ _ ... ..„___ ...- rhes' -the, -world to become. -We Seaforth _,,LL�!
withd postpaid'., in .pla;ni Sealed 24 sm- Mr. and M'rs. Robert Baker of mus never be content with words - with1.
Price puce list 6 samples aled en same October meeting when all class '1.
Plea $1.00. Mail-order Dept. T- 7s, rooms should be open for inspec- • Hensall, visited Sunday with Mics. alone, but through the life service •
NOVA -RUBBER co.,' Box 'sl, Hamilton., tion, with Mr. 0. Gardiner, school Amelia McClymont. aild sacrifice of ' each member, Farmers Co - o.perative
inspector, as the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schnell, of thus we will testify both by deed •'
Mrs. BosweIrs room won the Cathrosg, Alta., who- have been and word to the hope which Jesus Eggs and Pgnitry Feed and Fertilizer
Deaths attendange prize for the evening. visiting Mrs. Robert McBride; re-' Christ • ha's brought to the' world.” ,
g 'turned to their home on Wednes-
DIEGEItAt Scott Memorial Hospital, on The �meetin closed with "The dray of this week. „The meeting 'closed by singing, PHONE 13 PHON}''i, g � "
Sept. , 23, infant daughter of Mn• ana queen. Xhe pianist for the even- Jesus., the Very Thought of Thee, - - h
Mrs. Dalton Nagel. ing was Mrs. John Cardno- and player by Mrs. Habkirk,_ '� 1
, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Manley %I R,,
E SATURDAY SERVICE and family, "of Stratford, dud Mr, . fir;,,
and Mrs. Robert Duffy and family, ,
of Hampstead, i11
A 'very im
impressive ps visited with Mr
P graduation Purpose. and .Mrs. William. Duffy. • , ,
service was held in the auditorium Mrs. McCreath spoke briefly and ,Mr. - George Scott, Mrs. lobi' .. .
of Duff's United Church on Satur- introduced Mrs. E. ,Toll, of Win-. ,Gordon and Mrs. Howard New=
day evening' when the 'following throp, counsellor for girls' work is Marr; and 'son, 'of- Sarnia, visited.
young ladies graduated from the Huron Presbytery, who
Canadian Girls in Tra' presented with. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Dillon.• r cy
ming: Miss- the certificates to the gitis. The' -- b r. and Mrs. Ed. McGrath, of . t"
es June Hackwell, Elizabeth I Me- dedication prayer 'was' offered. by IldtAon, visited' with friends in `y
Gavin, Claire Hack -well, Mary Den- Rev. W. M. Thomas, after which 'town.
nis, Doris Johnston and Ruth. Wal- all joined 'in singing, "Take _My , Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskapf, . ` •--`
tars. %ifs and Let It Be." vkwe, and Bobbie, -were in Lon- hu -' a.
Beau '
tlfill bouquets of guestspeaker mss introduced the lion. '
q gladioli Rev. Tito
formed a lovely setting for the for the evening, Dr. ','' Mr:' Clayton Looby has sold itis . .
servide.' Miss Audrey Hackwell J. Semple, of Egmondville United ° Mr. William Strath, of, -
was organist for the evening, play- Church, who is a newcomer to this Brussels. Mr.- and 'Mrs, Looby /� •
in an organ prelude as theArnold's HUI'o,,-._titQl
g g P girls district. Dr. 'Semple gave astir- leave moved into' Ed, _Ald s_, ..S..._ -Finest -USod qr.-_....-_
I 1.M�ket
took :their• -places in the choir. The ring address- �n Tire` Searc - - or- • om `ung-—ffieir e -W home is built. _ .:W l ,,5 ' • . <- ,
graduating class entered from the Happiness, challenging the gradu- " � CAEV SLD.4- �1:;8fb5 '
rear of the church, down the cen- ates to a rich life of doing good is ••,.. �.«Y
.• 2-79A8 PON�1�fAC S>i"bAN$ .. a1�111r
tre aisle, wearing the usual C.G, contrast to an empty' life of seek- 195$ PONM SEAMI R
I.T. uniforms and corsages:; ing 'fame, fortune, pleasure, etc. �' - 181.
The leader, Mrs. Ted McCreath• fully equipped•' ...:.................. -.1",.,..,., 'u� .
Mrs. Ernie Toll follobved,,the girls' need of frill -time workers m the 1VCrs. Lilly Pes. Alb. H. deo and - ti TBUCBf9 +•• �' ,r'',
Special emphasis was made on the Mr. and Mr
ones and daughter, ; 1454 CHEF. POWER GLIDE r ,: t
P chug h. ' bE LUXE COACii' 1495 1951 STfJDEBAB 1#`' %.Von: pi . ` ,.
as they took ifleAM
tr Laces lot the ' '.vain, of Toronto, visited Thurs-
front of the church.. The assistant' MiGs Martin. thanked Dr. Sem le 'day' x!ith MrS: James ,Malcolm. , . ,;I '"� `"
leader, s p
Miss Edna Martin, ,presid- far his very informative and. in, ", r. and. 19lf A:lJX honey and I ' � �r
Pd for the service. The Call to spiring address after whi h r t�ltarles vlslte ',in. LucTkntaw ,and, 1952 CBEV. DE LT71(t$ 51 DAN ...".............. 1949 C$EV. .
t a
}lsii-TON •XIG�LiP .. ...: _,,,»,;,. a1�''
Worshipwas 'followed with Hymn er was offered. "I Need'.l'hee Ew .W.169hain on 'uu'ildaY�, - i9u2. C1I'EV. ; CO1V'itETt'PIRDF; 'PbRjf'R I - , 11
358, Jsus Calls Us O'er the Ta- e H .',, '' ,
Yr -
wars sung . 'brl Mek, Ar William and : LilyE- 13
dry b - a � a l; ilia s O � ,1949
Yr don iii ...r: �� ..
nk le � . ' ....... Cl�`V "
Y b Fuify � PPed � a✓
malt .......: ,
after which «�'
1110 Scripture J '
� trio ` m '"�"�
lesson was read from St. Jo ' Po of Misses fl { $ni.W of Burford, vis#t0d W1th :Mr. 1 . A 1VVMBER; t31+ 1951 CHZV. S EDANS
LLLL 15•
Turnbull, bu MarilynJohnston,, d B rk r on Sutiid
ahnstan an Wis., e a A
rilyn Iia �D
th y
.-Y � ,.• Crila�I.r
� lee �
7 2 .� ode Il�
7 b a ''it ur o e $ d
the 'leader . , ,�, ' .. a hoi a ...... "
Y The girls .arine Buchanan Ruth An Ennis r acid Mrs. G�tenYi' Pe • ..,:. • :� ,....•....... a I X111.
I oiler slid '' I lVfodel Carr-14tfti tint t M6d01e Ub refw, EII+eNYI.,
choir rehdored the anth0ml, "Hill- forma >Ioegy •aad',Shiriernsn►air :£stil131y Gild YVJiP; aid 11fr8 . irGftlgeI
top of Prayer.,, Tile d0tVice closed With the sing. ftg r' , .vlslted• k! :Wa*ertila, stn,
;.. ry
A verV':,1olic,'bine vale'dfeMry was ..tier ;.c ty...c,.r. oleo, cuff, -i ,r,r.. ,..,., ._ ,R,% WI- .. .
It ... ertn w„ 7i.e Y.: ;,,{ A097X1 ''6u+'ctascaawa 'L0JM4u;u ti11d ,. ,V-, tri �.eaening
11 -
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