HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-09-21, Page 5fp • ART' 1.FORTJLEALL FAIR D,A. TCB, ' F itigy Evening,' Septi 21st Seaoirth Community-Centrre Auspices Seaforth Agricultural Society AIR TIME 'SPECIALS;! THURSDAY = FRIDAY, -- SATURDAY -Huge Saviiigs on, Winter. Coats, .jackets, Ski Pants,- Pram Suits and Bunting Bags WOOL DRESSES and JUMPERS CORDUROY PANTS NYLON and HARDING WOOL O 4 " THE KIDDIES SHOP Seaforth ELEANOR WILSON DOLENA MCCUAIG (By FRANKLIN C. BRYANS) The initiation ceremonies- at Seaforth Disttict High School last Friday netting might have appear- ed to the casual onlooker, more like an infernal torture, aimed to re- duce the numbers of the unsuSpect ing grade-niners. It was most amusing to see the choir of grade- niners standing on the street cor- ner singing Christmas carols, the more confusing to the passerby who recollected that there must'. be at least 72 shopping days until. Christmas! Other groups could be found fishing down street sewer. grates, but, I think the party was broken up after about half an hour by some "guys in white coats". They didn't catch anything any- way; must have been using the It has to be right : If it's TableRite. We have installed our own IGA Beef Buyer in the heart of Canada's cattle belt and we are now shipping .. into our Markets only the finest grain -fed beef. Remember. only three out of every 10 cattle meet the rigid • specifications of our Beef Buyers'. Only natural aging guarantees you tender beef every time. You save too because every cut is table trimmed; excess fat and bone is removed before weigh- ing. It's just better value. IGA TABLERITE IGA TABLERITE SIRLOIN STEAK RED or BLUE BRAND Ib. 79c IGA TABLERITE STEWING BEEF TENDER Ib. LEAN AND C IGA TABLERITE PRIME RIB ROAST SHORT CUT lb. 5c Tablerite Minced ROUND STEAK lb. 73c Tablerite Pure Pork SAUSAGE 1-1b. Pkg. 43c SPECIAL! MARGENE MARGARINE TEAK FORK By popular demand to complete your Steak Set, a, Perfect match for your Steak Knife. 'GUARANTEED • EBONY STYRENE HANDLE STAINLESS STEEL TINES IN MODERN DESIGN WITH $5.00 PURCHASE SPECIAL! JVEX 16-0Z.3c BOT.. a, SPECIAL! IGA INSTANT CHOCOLATE 2/2 -LB. CTN. 25c SPECIAL! SALADA TEA BAGS. 60 BAG SIZE 73c SPECIAL! ROBIN HOOD WRITE CAKE MIX SPACIAL! MAPLE LEAF LARD CTN. 21c FOR A GOOD CUP OF COFFEE 4 PKGS. $1.00 SUNNY MORN IGA SPIRIT OR BLENDED VINEGAR Plus Deposit 1 -LB. BAG GAL. JUG FRANCO AT4ERICAN BEEF GRAVY IGA ORANGE JUICE, 2 10 -OZ. TINS 48-0Z. TINS 99c 53c 33c 39c 1-1h. 31 r CTN. 32 -OZ. BOT. 23c ORANGES 5 Ib. Bag 59i -- PRUNE 9PRUNE PLUMS Qt. Bskt. 99c ONIONS 1 Os,or 4 CELLO MAC .. APPLES, Pow .35c wrong bait. Meanwhile, back at the school, others in blin,dfolds Were walking tbe plank into tug' Of iced water, Some others were carefully fitted with bathing caps containing eggs, and then patted an the head for A contest was held where a boy! being such good sports. was fed spaghetti by his girl part- ner. The first to "down it"• won. • Someone said the spaghetti tasted flat. I told him to take his com- plaint to Scoins. I hope he knew ' The most gruesome act was one' in which.a heated sharp object was drawn across the victim's upturn - d wrist, promptly followed by a squirt of warm milk into'the vic- tim'„s face. The resulting sensa- tion was inexpressible. The dance following was a suc- cessful one, according to Presi- dent Ron Scoins. The girls have begun valleyball practice and they seem to be keep- ing the gym busy every night. The rugby team, -more respect - folly known as "The Golden Rears," had their first practice in full eOuipment op. Tuesday. The Galden Bears are scheduled to get their first competitive. action in an exhibition game against Mitchell a week from this Wednesday. Question of the we*: Wbo let I the chicken into the dance on Fri- day night? teception (4.4n aid Pn111111; *hen the guests Neujoyed xefresh- IMrs. C. Smith, of Stratford, at the From 7 to 8:30 the guests, par- took of smorgasbord wi.,t/i dinner music on the electric plpe organ. Tile wedding table vvas very at - A SMILE OR Manufacturing in Alberta goes back to establishment of a wool- len mil near Calgary in 1883_ Mary: "Did you have the porch seat painted yesterday%" Mother: "Yes, why do you Mary: "Well, Bill and I sat on it last night and Bill got paint on his trousers." tlx4.4(1 go, 1444100. Charles Friend, Mr. and grs. Geoci;,, AitclreW WhethaM, Mr. And 'NO; liolland, Mr. aod JOU Flynn, Mrs. Mary Carlin, Mrs. 0. J. land Marie Paelady, Miss Monica Byrne, Miss Kathleen Stap- tractively decorated and the new- letoxi, Matthew Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dietz. lyweds were attended by Don and Joan Gaffney, who were pinelnhit- Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Dkk ling for Oliver and Betty GaffIleY? Avila continued their honeYmoon trip into Quebec. The bride's Holland., Leo Holland, Glenn Hol- land, Miss Barbara Holland. ' Seaforth-111r. and Mrs. Harvey Leslie, Dr. and Mrs. J. McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mercer; Clin-, ton; Mr. and Mrs. Erie Collins, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tate, Dearborn; Mr. and Mrs. Jean Frappier, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Ilil- debrand, Kitchendr; Mrs: Grant Bailey,' Detroit. Stratford—Mr. and Mrs. L. Dug- gour, Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. M. Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Linkert, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gaunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. McCaugh- erty, Mr. and Mrs. William Gaff- ney„Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaffney, Dr. and Mrs. J. Boyd, Miss Zelma Dempsey, Mrs. Chris Fisher, Miss Angela Regan, Miss Ella Goodwin, Miss Mary McCaffery, G. F. Hol - and Mrs. W. R. Aitcheson, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Allen. Kinkora — Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gaunt, Lawrence Gaunt and fam- ily. Granton; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sieg- ner, Walkerton; Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Harmon, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Broadfoot St..Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reycraft, Glen - Prentice, Byron. • Best wishes and gifts were re- ceived from the following unable to attend: Mr. and Mrs. Jae Gaff- ney, Mr. and Mrs. William Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds, Al- Scholtzhauer, Mr. and Mrs. Vince McCarthy. mother and father also sat at the wedding table. C. Scott acted as toastmaster and'called on Don Gaffney to pro- pose a toast to the bride, which was' replied to by the groom, Mr: Scott then called on Tim ,Regan to_ propose a toast to the bride's mother. The toastmaster then in choice words reviewed his asso- ciation with both the bride and groom. After the cutting of the cake, George Goettler assumed the .duties of photographer. Dancing and refreshments fol- lowed till midnight, •when some of the enthusiastic guests carried the bride and groom arotaid on their shoulders. Mr, and Mrs. Holland will reside in Dublin. Attending were: From Monkton —Mrs.\ Antoinette Gaffney, Thos. Gaffn.ey, Harold Gaffney and Ag- ness Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith,. Morris Smith and friend, Len Gaffney and Mary Stapleton. Mitchell—Mr. and_ Mrs. Don Gaffney, James McMann, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young. 1 Staffa—Bob Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Agar. 1 Mr. arid Mrs. Ken Nichols, Jim 1Martins Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hysen, TWOMr, and Mrs. J. F. Fax, Miss Shir- ley Campbell and friend, Miss Shirley Hewerdine and friend; Miss Jean Morley and friend, Miss Jean Redclick and friend, Miss Helen Cameron and friend. Harry Daw- and Mrs. James Carroll, Mt. and Mrs. Leo Carlin, Mr. and Mrs. Con Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gaffney, Mr. and Mrs.,,John Faw- cett. Toronto—Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hol- land, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Regan, Mr. and Mrs. James Regan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Connor, Miss Mary Gaffney, Mr. and Mrs. Don Heard. • • Dublin — Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bas - ,sett, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kistner, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butters, Mr, and Mrs. William -Stewart, Mr. and On her way to bed, the maid stopped past her mistress's bed- room. "The master's put in -for the night, ma'am:" Her employer Teplied, "He must have come in very quietly. I didn't hear him," ' The maid added, "He ma'am. The police station just COME OUT AND DANCING ENJOY . To the Legionnaires SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th Admission 50c 9:30 to 1 o'clock Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion FA -IR WEEK SPEcIALS Fall and Winter Dresses SPECIAL PRICES: See our Specials on Skirts and Blouses CAROL LYN SHOP SEAFORTH WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TAG DAY SATURD4Y, SEPTEMBER 29 House-to-house canvass in the morning. Canvassers will be on Main St. during afternoon and evening. The co-operation of the public would lie appreciated. Space contributed in the Service, of thistommunity by John Labatt Limited. Dublin School News THIS YEAR ARE pNy.,, OUR WIIOLE GLAMOROUS ,DISPIAY "111.4, DRAPES. YOU'LL BE CAPTIVATED DV, THE BIG SHOWING OF SMART:, PLAIN' AND PRINTED RAM, CLOTHS, MONKS CLOTHS, GEAZ-"' ED CHINTZ, FLORAL AND Sept - IC DRAPES, PRINTED BENGA. LINES AND NOVELTY MATE* • See them at. the Fair and in: our Drapery Department. Priced Atz: School got started with the elec- tion -of a new Student Council, who are_ just raring to get into action. Election results are. as follows: president, Louis Murray; vice- president, Rosemary Lane; secre- tary, Glenn Butters; treasurer, R.oy McQuaid; Mission president, Cleo Bowman. Ca mpaigning having finished, the election of class representa- tives were: Grade 12, Shirley Hor- an; Grade 11. Donald Klinkhamer; Grade 8', Theresa Shea. All are wishing for fine weather so they can use up the energy they have been saving during the holi- days for'field day, Books have already been order- ed for a Gilbert and Sullivan op- eretta, H.M.S. Pinafore, we plan to stake this fall. • More news next week! Question of the ;week: Joan, what is the International Drill —DUBLIN HIGH SCHOOL • District Weddings CRICH—STEVENS- WALTON—Baskets of white and pink gladioli and pink and white streamers decorated the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens, Wal- ton, when their daUghter, Doris Alberta, exchanged wedding vows with Murray Crich, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crich, of Clinton. The Rev. W, M. Thomas, of Walton, of- ficiated at the double -ring cere- mony on Saturday evening, Sept. 15. Mr. Carman Haines presided at the piano and accompanied Mr. G. W. Turner, Seaforth, who sang, "0 Perfect Love" and "Because." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor -length gown of white nylon over taffeta styled with a full skirt of layers of net, trimmed with applique design of silver beading. She wore a match- ing lace jacket with lily -Point sleeves and a little collar trim- med with silver beading and sequins. A crown of seed pearls and irridescent sequins held her fingertip illusion veil, which was trimmed with sequins. She carried a crescent•of red roses and steph- The matron of honor. Mrs. Ken Rogerson.. Clinton, sister of the bride, wore a waltz -length gown of blue lace and net over taffeta with sequin and pearl trim and a match- ing small hat, studded with se- quins. She carried a crescent of tinted pink mums. Little Karen MacDonald, Blyth, niece of the bride, was her aunt's flower girl, wearing a dress of pink nylon with matching headdress and flowers. Neil MacDonald, of Blyth, was ring -bearer, carrying a white cush- ion with pink streamers, and Ken ,Rogersdn, of nc Linton, was best 'man. A reception followed at the• bride's home, where Mrs. James Armstrong, Mrs. Paul Somers and Elizabeth McGavin Were the wait - The happle , couple left' midst showers of confetti for a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, tbe bride chaos -kg a brown wool. suit' with brown and yellow accessories and a corsage of yellow mums. On their return they will reside in Guests were present from Clin- ton, Seaforth, Londesboro, Blyth and 'Walton, ' SPECIAL JTeAIR OFFER We will make up your Drapes ABSOLUTELY FREE if you purchase the material from us during the Fair, or up .to Saturday, September 29th. You SAVE 3.50 to 4.50 per pair during FAIR WEEK! DRAPERY HARDWARE See us for the newest and best in drapery track, hardwaFe and drapery rods of all types. We carry a big stock at all times. " ,'Ste*art 'Bros; . HELP WANTED Male and Female, for shift work in poultry eviserating work. HOURS: 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 4:30 to 1 a.m. Apply in person to— CANADA PACKERS LIMITED. Clinton, Ont. EXPOSITOR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS — Phone 41 OTICE In co-operation with the Seaforth Fall Fair The Stores will Close on Friday Afternoon, September 21 OPEN TILL 6:30 p.m. Sergeant (to recruit who has come on parade with a button un. Of this? Sun-bathing?" , To Allow Our Staffs to Attend the Fair. Thanking you for your lifitd co.,aperation. MERCHiTS' CQMM Chamber of Contimeree