HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-09-21, Page 4'�: i j " ;Gl ;'
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' = --- Q ; '3XV f, sgell 44, 1z 'wliegg, the '' 0 o
{ 314isfoed Ads: �Ins'erted. A�t New. ” , . � �?�s A. � C . I .' � ]r '.
r�6san j.Q , a -h . D — . M. C Asti , wifo ha been a r• and Mr
&Fred >3eer, and also
prld'c $e # 2t►":,
liar patient ill_ Clsnton >yubhe Hosgltal ttendod the Beerr'Lee wedding at y% �..
,ju�, 1,, ',: :;]E Q4 SALE, WAM MD, LOST AND VOW -Ml, ETC. , P*r word: J: roperty For Sale - .S Rev. Brltge 11all,
y, since, la t March with a fractured kr' ,' Lues, '"
' 1, RC�MARTIf hip; returwed to her home on Mon- Mrs Jarvjs HfzjCtaR }' k4 fa
1�i1J1 l Int week .......... . ............ >' seat. R' o has r Mr. and Mrs. 'Bob Bell Hensall 1X.' a.m. aid 7Q l►,a3.
s 2nd week A PAY-FOR-ITSE iceHOME, plus a Mrs. Everett Kel'slalee�, aeCOm- day of this week, beep's patient in Victoria Ho . ital (nee Marlene Richardson) Stan¢;Isd Tipt
�Aft � 6i Cent livable income ata price that will amaze allied b t5P E
itV ' r ,. F 3rd week • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • +' 7fa Oeat you. Ow n yr will sacrifice. Phone OLIN- P y her Parents, Mr,; and Miss 1VI'i.na McEwan; of London, London, with a. fraeturect ankle, lDesiarditte Orchestra
¢ j Minimum charge,' sash iasertiott,;. 25 teats TroN. HU. ss4o. Mrs. Ken Drake; o€ Staffs, Special music in the, ..evening by
„,, '; Each fixure, initial and abbreviation cogtlte as one woad 4626x1 a lend- formerly of Hensall, was one, of has returned bolile. EVERYBODY WELCOME group .from Zurich. Zadies'
��' I i� 11prds of Thanks, In n4emariam Noricea, carnia$ ea —I @eat Per word. >lxit„>n,,;� ed the Patterson -Fleming wedding the lucky winners in a draw for Mr, and Mrs. P. P1�1'lllps, Tor'on- Ladies Blease provide Lunch from Grand Be>}d in tile: tnar ng.
if so cents per week, On Wednesday evening in $t.,Cuth- two Gars at Western Fair, Lou- to, were weekend gud�sts with Mr:
I4lr"u �+h' aaiziee may be directed m a Box No., c/o The attzoa Exuoaitor, for 1s cents extra, Poultry pelt's Anglican Church in fioron- don, Saturday night. Mina, who and Mrs. Fred Bger, and attended
heard the good news over televi- the Beer-- — -- 5 1.-•
htrlit(4hu',, Z'`ifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class aro not paid within 10 .Mrs. E, iNloore, Mrs. G. lain cion Saturday night, went to the hill on SatnrdayA
uptial$ at Pa;k- 1)` days of date of final insertion. FOR SALE --73 Red •Rock pullets, al- g, Y g \ - . - ...
"1r, most six months old. laying, GEORGE Mrs. F. Allen, Mrs. S. • Scott,' Mrs. 'Fair and drove the car, home. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes and
3 firths, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. CASE. Phone 846 r 24, seufarth. Houghton, Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs., Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Shaddic�c at- Mrs. Annie Richardson are s
'� 11Auction Sales, Nptices to Creditors, Fta-II"ates on aDDlicatioa. 4626-1 pend-
F. Harburn and Mrs. M. Lalnand tended the Beer -Lee wedding at Ing a week in Hamilton.
d FOR SALE- Red Sussex pullets, attended the 70t14 anniversary of Parkhill Saturday, Sept. 15. A car driven by Laverne Hamil-
_-. _sass_._.—.._.___ _ , _-..-.-__._._._ starting , to lay. Free delivery. Apply the Women's
,t itIissionary Society Mr, William Hyde, 92, won first ton, 17> of R.R-. 1, Helisall, smash-
ROY BRUS., Londesboro. Phmre Blyth
Corning Events � help Wanted 28 r s. 4626x1 of Knox Church at St. Mars on in his class of over 60, and third ed a telephone pole on Highway 4,
1( Wednesday. Y
J !
”, —YOU'Ll, BE DANCING to the Rhythm- HOUSEKEEPER FOR sA y In the grand championship at Wes- half a mile south of Hensall, S,un. _,\
0 SEEEEPER WANTED -For two L?< -75 Roek hens. one year
sires" this friday night at the Crystal alder people in Stratford, to live in: no old- DON CR1CH, R. R. 3, Seaforth, Mrs. M. Houghton- accompame�l tern Fair, m the fiddling contest. day evening, after running into the
"<t': Palace in Mitchell. 4626-2 hex{y work, laundry sent out: highest Phone Clinton lie, 2-x252. by Mr. and Mrs. Lin McKellar vii Harvest Home services Were ob- east ditch and striking a mailbox.
', , avagra paid. Please sent
to P.O.
O 9626.1 ited her grandson, Billie, in $trat- served in St. Paul's Anglican Damage was $300. He was travel- Ep.
t "SHARE -THE -WEALTH" BINGO - ? 1. Scraxford, n
Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday. Sept. 22, — ford Hospital on Sunday, who un- Church last Sunday evening. The ling north on the highway When -
41� 9. p.m. Jackpot $90.00 in 53 calls; $5.00 "-'-'--""""'" derwent an a p 1953 CHI SEDAN
atdded each 'week until wan : 14 regular appendix operation on church was lovely, decorated with the accident occurred. PC. John
' , garner, lOc n game. No admission. Spon-
SILO MAN WANTED Auction Sales Friday, A speedy recovery is hop- grain, vegetables, fruit and flow- Forde, of Exeter, investigated. 1952 CHEV. SEDAN
sored by Hensall Legion. j ed for him. ers. Rev. N, D. Knox, rector of
4626-1 350.00 per week, wet or dry, with board CLEARING --------�-• the church', delivered a very ap- Has 91st Birthday 195], MONARCH SEDAN
llv,`.. aunt \4'urkman's Compensation paid. Mrs. Annie Richardson celebrat-
-- — ,AUCTION SALE TUCICERSMITH propriate discourse. Mrs. R. H.
!r you are active and of soda charas- Middleton was at the organ con- ed her 91st birthday last Friday at 7951 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN
Lost and Found ' sole. the home of her daughter and son- p
:�,g; ter. arrangements can be made for steady 70 head of Registered and Grade Hol- Turner's W.A. 1950 CHEV. SEDAN Wltl� Radio "I.
1n-IaW, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Nakes
l ' LUST OR MISLAID -Fall coat, blue- steins, also feeder steers, for George A. The first fall meeting of Turn- F/O. Ralph D, an8 Mrs. McAr- ' . ,
Watt. Lot 6. Concession 1•t, Hullett Town- t a TV art
,`. green color, wool material; large black Apply- ship, five miles east of Blyth, on T'HURs- ers W.A. was held ltl the church thur._,and infant son, Ralph, Tren- a party, and received many
DAY, SEPTEW- BER 27th, at l p.m.. eon- basement on Wednesda evening, ton, spent the weekend with the fridnds and .neighbors, including 1947 FORD COACH
'y`', button fastener. Phone. 599-W or 213. Jonathan Hugill y 1953 MERCURY /2 -TON PICKUP
' MRS. ARNOLD WESTCOTT, f silting of 17 Registered cows and heifers, Sept. 12, with Mrs. Ed. Layton and letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Glazier, who is 89, and Mrs. 1
} a 4626-I I Phone 667 r 13, Seaforth 6 grade cows, 5 Holstein steers, 14 Angus Mrs. Mery - Donald -Parke, 84. A lovely birth -
HU. 2-9822, Clinton, heifers and steers one year old ; IO Angus Mervyn Falconer as hostess- �'
1' 4626-tf steers, 10-1'2 hundred pounds ; 19 Hereford es. Mrs. Elmer Townsend _ day cake made b
• •° For Rent steers averaging coo redSb BRI�CEFIELD Dougall' and topped with 91 can
11" g pounds. PIGS -one ed. The roll call was answered by PP
l.; - - sow with litter five weeks old ; 1 sow due
FOR RENT -An apartment in Seaforth: START A PERMANENT Oct. a; 1, saw due Oct, s; I sow due in naming an Old Testament she � dieply Sectional Mee 1 wasserved to the guests on '
heated, and private bath. PRUNE 4S6_M, ovember : 1 York hog. MACHrNERY- herd. Thank -you notes were read
h ting the menu,
', 4626 McCormick -Deering plow, 2 -furrow ace from Mrs. Wm. Rogerson, Mr. Wm. ssilsuary Auxil- Presentation To Bride
{ r bottom: 1 Woods milker, 2 units: Stewart The et on 's Mi l
1. FOR RENT -Three-room apartment, '� ear -Round Business electric cattle cliopexs: electric deharner; Falconer !rid Ralph Whitmore. Lary met On Tuesday in ills SCh00l Complimenting M1S5 Lacellla Motors
l:: downstairs: unheated. Immediate posses- woods 5 -gallon electric water heater; t),4 Mrs. Gregor McGregor read the room of the church with a good Lee, a bride of last Saturday, Mr§.''Seaforth
'-:, siom PHONE 250-R. You begin earning good money the first horse electric motor, Heavy rluty: Mccor- Scripture; Mrs, Erlin Whitmore led attendance, Mrs. 'H. Dalrymple Glenn Deitz: was hostess at her
!4, 4624•tf da Y. b`fsictly your awn bass. Every house set scales
tering lc _ e gssol;ne engine- ' and Mrs. W. Fotheringham had Home for a presentation in her L
in your territory s set scales and crate for weighing pigs,; in prayer, and Mrs. Frank Falcon- ChQp, Olds.
Y potential customer.
HOUSE FOR RENT --Four rooms, bath, UCenings ;n Your surroundings. Free '2 milk carts: 3 gtiik cans: 1 set breech- er took the devotions. Mrs. Howard charge of the devotions on the honor, when some 30 friends and
. Hot water ; north of Beechwood School. catalogue and details on request. ing harness : 13 acres of silo corn, and „
Johns ably took the topic, "The theme, "Destined To Be Solis. neighbors gathered for the event. Chev. Trucks
Apply LEO RYAN. 206 Wright Ave., other articles too numerous to mention. United Church Stand on The Bible readin
Weston, Ont. " 4625-2 FAMILEX Terms -Cash. GEORGE A. WATT, Pro Gam- g, Ephesians, chap The house decorations were in coi-
prietor; - George Powell, Clerk: Harold bling." A 1, verses 3 to 14 and 16 to 23, with or setiemes of
FOR RENT - Downstairs apartment; Dept, 3. Station C, Jackson and George Nesbitt, Auctioneers. P� and white IV� •, '•.
modern kitchen and bath. Apply BOR. MONTREAL 4626-1 During the business period plans questions. on these passages, were streamers, augmented with varied
DEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2, Seaforth- 4626_1 - were completed for the baking answered by Mrs. T. B.'Baird, Mrs. colored balloons, while the guest OPEN EVENINGS' . PHONE 54:1
4s24-tf sale to be held in the council Sham- W. J. McBeath, Mi's, L, Wilson and eljair was decorated in traditional .
CLEARING ber, Clinton, on Oct. 6, at 2:30 Miss 'E. Bowe
�'� FOR RENT -•Apartment for rent, heat- p.m. Y• pink and white. Lucellla was pre- ed; thro>e°piece bath: modern kitchen; Experienced AUCTION SALE` A motion -was made for the ladies Mrs..Davison took the chair for sented; with a trilight lamp and
private, entrance :'tpply to CLAYTON , Furniture Finisher of Registered Red Pol] Cattle, 30 head. to investigate the possibility,the business gifts, the
of period. After the coffee table and, other
RoszEL, Hensall. Phone so -J. 1 full having the lobby and basement reading of the minutes, the roll BToe'sentation address being read,by
11 46:.6- Y accredited, also Machinery, Hay and a '
Also one 'experienced woodworking Household Effects, at Lot 29. Concession 1, floor painted before anniversary call was answereft with a verse Miss Marilyn Erb, and presenta-
31. FOR RENT machinist as assistant to' our Millroom East Wawanosh Township, half mile east Sunday Oct. 21. The meeting cies- on `Service'. A thank -you card tion of gifts made by Mrs. Deitz
Foreman. and two younger men to learn of Village of Auburn, on WEDNESDAY, FOR SALE
SEPTEMBER 26th, at 1 e.d with the benediction. Lunch was was read from Mrs. H. Ta " - - - —
' good trade. We are expanding and peed P -m,: Interna- Taylor and and Mrs. Grant Smith. A recrea-
. Nice home with three-piece bath, hot I good men. Pleasant .w+orking, conditions,. tional M' tractor: Interna•tiona.l 3 -furrow -Served by the hostesses.' Keethle. Plans were made.for the tional period of contests and games
and cold water on tap. Three miles west'. good wages, very steady employment, group plow, ace. bottom; Goodison double disc - Sectional meeting to be held here were enjoyed. Delicious luncheon �'r
R Seaforth, 5 miles from Cltntna, on insurance, eta dike new); International side delivery October 4. The following 1 New Idea Coal and Wood Gravity Furnace,
�'� $ighway S. This is, a lovely setup, fully i rake; 31.-H. hay loader: International u- IleliSall W.I. Meets g commit- was served. Arranging the affair ,
furnished. If you are particular, see this I 'disc fertilizer drill; New Idea power tee was appointed to look after the were Mrs. Jack Tinney, Mrs; Deitz • 22 -inch (used)
one. James Cole Furniture Co. tnuiver (nearly nec•1; M. -H. manure) The Set dinner Mr:s. L, Wilson. Mrs. E. and Mrs. Grant Smith., The pars
INGERSOLL. spreader; Intern3ttiana7 31 , ft, cultivator:! September meeting of the ,Allen, Mrs. F. Rathwell. 'Mrs. R. Ing staff at Clinton Hospital also
`' PHONE 667 r 13, SEAFORTH walking Plow: rubber tired wagon and ' Hensall Women's Institute was1. Clare .Heela Coal and Wood Gravity Furnace,
ls2s-z Scott and Mrs. G. Henderson. Fin- held a re
or CLINTON HU. 2.9822 hay rack: clean sleighs and Bat rack.; De !head in the Legion rooms, chaired presentation of her, she '
Jonathan Hugill _ Laval cream separator with moxor: power , b al arrangements fQr ,the Thankof being 20=111C11 (used)
-�` - `---� - cattle clippers; set platform stales; [and Y the president. Mrs. A. W. Shir- g on the staff.
For Sale roller; 6 -section harrows and stretchers: ray. An enjoyable piano trio, Miss jfering service, to be held in Octo- Ladies' Aid Hears Travelogue
1`- , , • 46-6-tf two -wheel trailer with stock rack; coal her, are t0 be COnl feted at 'the r 1 Clare Heela Coal and Wood Gravity Furnace,
'- - I brooder stove: Moffat electric Jane Horton. Miss Beth Goddard P Carmel Presbyterian Ladies Aid
Pail (heart and Nelson McClinche next meeting. guests at the home of Mr. 22=1nCh used
'' .Wanted �F03 S,1LE-70 bags of Servs-r: c. App ly ly new): steel stone boat: anvil; pig Y 'play'(C'd,�Were - ( )
to GEORGE CASE. x626_3 crate; chicken crates: Iran kettles: pis 'Mrs. Wm. Henry read an article The meeting heard Miss Betty and Mrs. Fred Bonthron on Mon-
eox;g: horse-drawn caFn stonier; wagon entitled, `'Are You An Active Mem- Ross tell of the time spent at the day evening, when Mrs. Clarence 1 Use
BOARDERS WANTED -Mea preferred. FOR ';ALE --,0 U acro. . alfalfa ha I box grass seeder: electric Fencer; steel v„ 001 for Leaders, Aima College, ' a d Blower for any of the above furnaces
.'PHONE 566-w. 4626-1 Y, j ail drums: snow fence: cedar posts and ber. Miss M. Ellis showed' col- g Reid's group -was in charge. Scrip=
near Sea.`orth. CALL 1 ;6. St.'Marys• Poles: ladder; stock rack ; fannin . mill ; ored slides taken on a trip through i St: Thomas. She was much im- tura) passages were read by Mrs.
96^_6xt bag truck: grain seoop: hay, fork and pressed with.th•e program each da P
_ T cable: 4 heat bulbs: lata•n maw•er, large ;the .West. Mrs, Henry and Miss Y Alelh McGregor and the devotional Space /y
20,000 WANTED �11,",Lll. F'oR S\LE--Caking stove and an oil, ice box; 40 tons baled hay; chains. forks, Greta La'mmie conducted a sing- and the association with the other was taken by Mrs. Archie Hog- Hp•6aters avid Fioor Furn pa,rf:,•t
•�nditlon. Apply to hovels. and other articles too numgrqus song. An evaluation of radio and. Y ng P e• Barth. 141rs. 'Glenn Bell eontribut-
class •.�` securit •; 7 i'L"'rER \:ALro1.Jl. \\'est William St. l u,, mention: also household items. --.1.Terms: For the 1 missionary program, Furnaces
y % interest with television programs was carried ed -with a poem.. Mrs. R. Y. NIS- New and Used
(� .extra. ._ Phone 5-9 ll. 4626:c2 -Cash. Ii. L. STURDY, proprietor; Mrs. James Thomson took the am,
FOR Cg1T' c,,. 4 Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- out by the members divided into #• Laren read a humorous piece of
. 'APPLY BOX 576 ,l'usea television sats ney, cleric. Cataiwg e of cattle .may be. groups. Mg's.'• Hdnry -conducted a chapter of the book. "Holy Habits prose on "The Wedding."
. ••t special prices. Apply DUBLIN ELEC- had by writing H L. STURDY, R.R. No. , of the Spiritual Life. Saying Grace SEE US -FOR EARGAINS !
Huron Expositor TRIC, Dublin,- 4620-1 Clinton. 4626-1 panel discussion on, "Whats my The business part was taken by
I line?"' Lunch was served Ii the Before Meals," Mrs. W. Scott in- Mrs. M. Doll allresident, and
4626-1 I FOR SALE 32 chunk". LOU ROW- _
P y troduced the new stud book,
! LAND. Phl,ne 22 r 13. !)L-1in. n and Y the minutes were ad by the sec-. -
9s2sx1 BiIti1S Mrs. W. Dougall.and (heir commit- Southeast Asia and Korea;" us- re'tary, Mrs. Jolfn Soldan. "2li beau=
Livestock Wanted I tee, ing a, , map to illustrate her re-
ho§tosses. Mrs. L. Chapman tiiul quilt was presented by Mrs. SALES and SERVICE .
FOR SALE -Barn 13x20 with mow ; i iv1LLIS-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on marks. Northey, of Cameron, Qnt., and
OLD HORSES WANTED at 3 y teats i one jacket heater. - GORDON SIU1R, Rail- Sept. 14, to 11 r. and Mrs. 'Kenneth The meeting C10Sed With the W. `
pound, and dead cattle at value. If dead, i Wray Sc. Phone Ia. 4626-2 � wiliis, Seaforth, a daughter. - has been Sold.,• the proceeds going Heating. g - Plumbing
M. S. Prayer and the.R4iz ah Bene- g. Lightin
Phone at once. GILBERT BROS. M]NK' RUSTON-.At Scott 1'(emorial Hospital. • • P to the Various organizations of the '
RANCH.. Phane collect 1483 J 4 or l FOR BALE--- Three -roam ail heater. like on Sept. 1S, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank District Obituaries diction. church. Bills brought before the Electrical - Repairing
I 1483 J 1, Goderich. 4624x10 new•. PRUNE , 93-R, Seafortbr Ruston, 296 Ontario St., Stratford, a
4626xl I daughter. _ meeting were to be paid, The next
WINTHROP meeting will be held on Tuesday Motor Rewinding
FOR SALE -Three choice York chunks- l JOHN PLEATZER evening, Oct,. 9. A
Notices chose A. R. DODDs, s33 r la. seaforth. Mr. D. G. McFarlane, Miss Jean Immediately after the 'business, PHONE 34 ,
• 4s2s-1 Name Hensall- Winners HENSALL—The death occurred Zurich Onto
in Detroit on Sept, 6 of John Pleat- McFarlane and, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Rev. Donald MacDonald was call-
NURSERY STOCK, shrubs, fruit trees, FOR SALE -la weaners. Apply to l Winners at Hensall Legion bingo .. McFarlane, of Almof�te, are visit- ed u . i
Phone Perennials, H. C. ER,v am. Nursery Co. ' JACK McIVER. Sc. Colum ban. zer, 82, after a short .illness. 'Born pen t0 give a travelogue of his
Phone ERIC iV1ILNER, Seaforth 3s3. 4s2sx1 last Saturday. were: Mrs. Fleis- lil Hallett Township, son of the ,Ing with Mr, and Mrs. R. K.' Mc- trip to the British Isles by T.C.A.
4x24-tf I-chaur; Mrs. 1Vm: Brintneil, Mrss late Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Pleatzer, Farlane. This was very interesting and
ORDER c, T FURNITURE from stock
Doug he was the last of the Pleatzers. Mr.'and Mrs. Don Horne are re- greatly appreciated by,the group. RADIO REPAIRS -For a12 kinds of lin EIedtric. TV s•a•icel chairs in stock g Jones. Clinton; Mrs. Bruce ' p. '
l. radios. At TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC, Walker; Clara Dutot, Brucefield; Surviving are his widow and two =e in, the residence they pur- Courtesy remarks were 'extended READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS: It's a Profitable pastime
847-R.te Dick House, Seaforth. Phone Dublin. 4626-1 Mrs. Robert Baker; Mrs. Ray Fos-. daughters; two nieces, Mrs, Annie chased recently north of the vil- to Mr. MacDonald and Mrs. Bon -
847 -R. la e.
. 4624-tf FOR SALT Frame barn about •20x40, ter; Mrs. Fleischaur• Mrs. Minnie Saundercock, Hensall, and Mrs. g thron by Mrs. Beverley Beaton. T T T T T T T T T T .'j' 'j` 'j`
corner of ,fill and nelson Sts., Hensall. Sangster; i]4rs. Fleischaur; Mrs, I Rose Russell, Exeter, and one Many people are finding red and Luncheon and a happ hour com- Z ,L Z 1 ,L tri IZ Z J, Z ,t . LL y T,L TyT-
COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea- Apply to MRS. GRACE HARPOLE. Hen- black r-aS berries
Porth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- call. Phone 131-J• 4626-1 Leo Meidinger, Zurich; Clara nephew, Robert Paterson, of Blyth. P in their gardens, pleted the evening. '
vice Phone 393. ERIC MILNER Dutot; Tom Brintnell; Mrs. Leo Funeral services were held from _
FLOWERS, Seaforth. agent for Brady FOR SALE --One''• Uxbridge organ, in 112eidinger• Jack Brintnell' Mrs. j the J, Winekowski funeral home, i
Cleaners & Laundeterfa Ltd„ • Exeter. good shape, wanted -baby carriage in _. �•
t 4624-tf good condition, Apply to JAMES 10EI,L 1 IaBruce Walker; Mrs. Baird, Bruce- ! Detroit, With interment in Forest —
SMALL ENGINE service; all makes, George St. North. 462$x1 field; Jack Brintneil; Mrs. Robert' Cemetery. Attending the I -tel
Clinton, J acabsen. Iron Horse, Power FOR SALE -Used G,E. range and used Baker; Mrs, Austin, Seaforth; Mrs. funeral were Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred �( *! _ .
Products. Briggs and Stratton, etc Auth- C.E. refrigerator; both in excellent condi- Doug Jones; Henry, Adkins. The Freeman, Clinton; Mrs. Annie See �4/r Display.,o■
orized Iron. Horse and Jacobsen Service tion. BOX FURNITURE, Seaforth. jackpot on Saturday will be worth Saundercock, Hensall, and Mrs.
depot. Lawn mowers sharpened and re- 0 0
?wired, CROWN HARDWARE.- Phone 4626-2 $90 ill 58 calls. I Rose Russell, •Exeter;
4623-6 FOR SALE -Lanese cheat for seed, +, •.. I �f'M�
grown from registered seed JAMES I Jack: "IS that your last year's Money.
Saving.,TwATTENTION, FARMERS Prompt, LA ne 665 rOUG$ R.R. 3 , Seaforth. An employee Sat at the table af- suit you're Wearing?" edido
sbleus collection of all dead and phone ss5 r ls. 4625x2 ter breakfast, engrossed in his I Fred: "Yes; and it's my next �� //
disabled farm animals and hides. Call
collect, ED. 'ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea- FOR SALE --A na newspaper for over an hour. Final- I year's, too." 9 / '
17 loath, Associated with Darling & Co., oP y all-weather coat, • `
Canada Lt crease resistant, with plaid lining; navy c he asked for another Cup Of + Time
, I
' 4624=tf blazer, fully lined, size 1'2, in like new coffee. I Doctor.- "Madam, your husband Saving.
.candition. PHONE 388-J. "Coffee!" yelled his Wife. "Look I must have absolute rest."-•`' !' �/ l
as2s-t at the time, Aren't }
HENSALL SALES,. b• SLABS FOR SALE -•Hardwood, $10.00 the office today?" you 'going to Wife: "But, Doctor, he won't :
Aer load, approximately 2y4 cords; mixed Y?�� listen to me." - �-
�. ' Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St., Hen.
wood. $8.00 per load, approximately two , "Office?" exclaimed the man. Doctor:. "A very good begin- .
Ball. Bring your livestock. Always a good cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. "Heavens! I thought I was at the ping, madam; a very good begin- '
enatket price. HARRX SMITH, Phone 187, HUD1E. Phone Clinton HU. 2-66-55. office." ping,"
Hensall; VICTOR, HARGREAVES, HII, 4622-8
I . f C I \ .
2-75Ii CI• t
to on. 4616-12
FOR SALE --Registered Polled Angus
bull, quiet and right every way. will
take about meat price. Apply ROY
LAWSOM Phone G69 r 16, Seaforth.
FOR SALE -Coal or wood burning
ranee, deep fire box, water front, reser-
"ViHere Better Bulla Are Used"
,air, high back shelf. WIL FRED COLE-
MAN. Phone 652 z 14, Seaforth
• � For artificial insemination information
or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone
, the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association
----- -•--.-----
at CLINTON HU- '2-3441; between 7:80
grid f1 :30 a.m. we hale all breeds avan-
t'' lkble-top quality at low cost.
,` 46244f
sellar cosmetics. Phone Seaforth 293.
4624-tf '
P��y �t
,: .L
mailed postpaid in plain, sealed 'envelope
Tw of Tuekersmith
with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 Sam-
Ales $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, j
NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, 8amfltoa.
"�' Telephone Debentures
- -
Tenders Wanted
dor particulars apply to:
R. P, Chesney,.
Clerk .
�,t Tawxia in of Tuokersmith.
r �f�, $eafotth.
t 4k ; 4626-1
' i s•
f' �
It > N(�TIC
Drain tenders will be received by the
undersigned until 8:00 p.m„ MONDAY,
ln' \
vat �5i T4�rnshl� of Tuckey' ixlith:
1, 1066.
(I) On $taffy Drain, for excavation of
�", '.f�lie 176vmship of Tadlter§tnith
8,000 lineal feet approximately (670 cubic
`;, (hell Dli tlrpult' 'Ground, si tilh-W rm'e-half
yards) open drain.
,,,f Welt of Lgfiloridi�ill�, Cntt< 8, F%RS„
ithe °per °ri'll' to ratepayeYft of the
(2) On 1Lamaey brain; in Cromarty,
;�i ry '1'o sli'lp of Tooker tb-4 .dn WedlldsdoY
SSO lineal feet 10 -inch tile, 260 lineal feint
8-fneh tile, 965 lineal feet
vR t rlfi' $atnrddlr tifteraaoijA frstit fila hour's
6=inch tile.
ti A J� ,y y.�
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sass. .: ,:
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. N It's New! It's Here! . `
MachlineryTopnotch Steer_ ���, . I
DODGE CARS and TRUCKS . FattOner ...... -
o-. I I
at ..the With !Diethylstilbestrol ,
Seaforth Fair • 'LESS FEED
Two pound of Topnotch Steer Fattener per
Friday, 'head er� t� �� da p y balances your grain with re
. gard to protein, minerals and vitamins and ,
LL • -'�`— supplies,th`e recommended amount Of-stilbes'
-'-trol.for the most efiicibnt gains.. :-
, . II �oSaAft I I .
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