HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-09-07, Page 1t /' tip 07' 4 4 77314, •t!, et' k • -4r•fa4,41441.1n. aatt „ IVIOCliYaSOVetatjt Year , WO*, Ntimlaer 4624 •. • .ortgmofl 4 Tnekersinitir Council, at a meet- ing in Seaforth Town Hall Tuesday amain& took initial.ateps to pro- vide water in certain Egmondville areas when a decision to drill a lama was taken. At the same time, approval was given to .have township engineer S. W. Archibald prepare a plan and present a re- volt to provide for servicing an 2rea with water: All members of ,conneil were present, and Reeve raine Doig presided. LLder discussion for a number of years, the need for the provi- of adequate water to Egmond- witle residents has been recognize ecli for some lime- Drying up of et:tasting welLa resulted during cer- tain seasons of the year made the problem acute and resulted in a number of meetings being called lay interested ratepayers in an ef- fort to arrive at a solution. Outcome of a movement this _spring was the servicing of sev- eral resadents by an extension of a Seaforth P_U C. rnain. This, however, failed to solve the prob- lem Of residents further south, 90 Students At Dublin Schools vi le Area and it is to assist this afea that the present plan is being advanc- ed. While no definite dectaion can be reached pending receipt of the engineer's report, it is expected the proposed system will serve about 25 families. along the county road and south and west of Eg- moikalyllie chutch. Location. of the prolibegat well will likely be at a high point in the area to -be serv- ed, possibly near the Barry pro- perty. The reeve and clerk were auth- orized to apply for interim road subsidy from January 1 to August 31. A delegation from the Brucefield Fire Department attended, the meeting and requested financial assistance toward the purchase of an alarm system and other equip- ment. A grant of $200 was made. Cohncil acknowledged a petiticui for drainage work from Winston Workman, Alex McGregor, Stanley Jackson, Cecil Pullman and John McCloy, and the engineer will be asked to report On the same. The reeve will consult the district en- gineer with regard to installing a new floor .in the Crich bridge, and it is expected tenders will be call- ed at a later date. Accdunts passed included: dump- ing ground, $25; relief, $25; schools $3,098.07; fire protection, $232; hos- pitalization, $2.37; salary and al- lowance, $232.16; income tax, $9.50; roads, 05,588.90. Council adjourned ,to meet Oct. 2, at 8 p.m. Dublin Separate School reopened Tuesday morning with an atten- .dance of 40 in the junior room, with Mother Mary of the Incarna- tion in charge. The, senior room has an' attendance of 30. with Mother St. Andrew as principal. Starting in grade one are: Jo Anne Goettler, Marion Looby, Marion Van Loon, Joanne Landsberger, Mary Helen Ducharme, Mary Lou McLaughlin, Michael Stapleton, Eonaventurt Loomans. The Continuation School reopen- ed with an attedance of 20 in Grade 9; and a total attendance of 55. Mother Angela Merici, is principal, with Mother M. Sheila and Mother M. Anastatio as as- sistants. Rev. John L. McConnell, MM., Maryknoll, New York, is vacation- ing with his mother, Mrs. D. Mc- Connell. Rev. Harry F. Feeney, C.R:, St. Jerome's Junior College School, Kitchener, visited -his mother Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. He was• by Rev. Father Doran. CJta Father Zetteli, C.R., and Father La Flanmea .11.„ who spent the al7a day at Huroni , the Resurrection- ist summe _ me at Kingsbridge. don Dill, Windsor, call - Rev. teal 911 friends here during his va- cation. Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Brick, of Detroit, :visited with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Miss Theresa Eckert, New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckert, of Timmins, visited with Mrs. Ther- esa Eckert. Mrs. M. Schulman was in Buffa- lo, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtin, Patri- cia and Douglas, wervin Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krauskopf of Fendale, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, of 'London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf. Mrs. Peter Dill, Larry and Mar- lene; of Detroit, and Mr. Robert Byrne, of Hamilton, visited with 'Miss Monica Byrne. Mr. and Mts. 'Fergus Reynolds, Detroit, visited with Mrs. Joseph Carpenter. ' Miss Phyllis Butters is in Lon- don where she will be a nurse -in - training at St. Joseph's HoSpital. • Mr. Arthur Murray, Mr. Neil Stapleton, Mr. Kenneth Feeney, Mr. Fergus Kelly and Mr. Kenneth Stapleton are at St. Jerome's Jun- ior College. SchOol, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dantzer .and son, of Windsor, visited with Mr. Billie Dantzer and Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle. Mr. Gordon Costello, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter 'Ctrosech and children, Of London, .with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Maloney, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Len- nie •Feeney, Stratford, with Mrs. Logan Assessment Is $3,122,503, Council Told Seaforth Dastrict, • 'MO School students have been awarded schol- arships and bursaries valued at $2,850, it was announced this week by Principal L, P. Plumsteel. Heading the list of awards were payments of • $500 each from • the •Scott Memorial Scholarship fund to senior students: William Scott, On 01 'MT. *di' Mrs, James M. Scott, RA. v.peatartii; will, son Of Dr and Mrs. John A. qorwill, Seafertla and Peter Spit- te1. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bra Spftta4 Seafortli. These awards 'became avail- able, in recent Yearn as a resit. of bequeasts, established in the will DECLARE SWIMMING CHAMPS AT ANNUAL LIONS PARK MEET While continued Ink weather this week resulted in the Lionspool being in operation Tuesday and Wednesday -afternoons, the season came to an end officiallY over the Labor Day weekend: Highlight :of the swimming seas - 'on was the final in a series of three swimming meets which was held Saturday afternoon. Cham- pions were declared in each of nine classifications and received season tickets for admission to the pool next. year. Top' swimmer was Tom Dick, Logan Council held its regular meeting in Bornholm on Tuesday with all members present, the reeve presiding. Road accounts amounting to $6,183.12 and general accounts totalling .$1,190.07, were ordered paid. The road superin- tendent reported there had been $33,667.90. spent on -township roads from January 1 to August 21, and aindicationais Oahe- made..tdathe Department, of Highways for sub- sidy -on this amount. Clerk K. J. Reaney was appointed treasurer and' tax colle,ctor, and resigned ag assessor. The 1956 rates by-law was given its final reading. The 1956 assess- ment roll was accepted by coun- cil, showing the assessments as follows: land, $1,752a88; build- ings, $1,351035; business, $19,480, a total of $3,123.503, and a popula- tion of 2,180. A notice was received stating the Cook Municipal Drain was out of repair. and Robert Dawson, P.Eng., is to be ,notified to examine the. 'r ;n and raped; back to council. Council adjourned to meet again for a special meeting on Sept. 12 at 2 p.m. Catherine Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McDougall and children, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowland, of Toronto, Visited with Mrs. Win- nifred Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newcombe and Jimmie, of Port Credit, and Dr. and Mrs. Frank •Stapleton, of Galt, visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Greems and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart, Toron- to, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart. Mrs. Andrew Dantzer and sons have returned to North Bay af- Wr spending the summer months in Dublin. Murray and Glenn Holland, of Windsor, visited with Mr. Matt Murray. Mr. and Mrn. Fergus Stapleton visited. with Mr. and Mrs., Hugh Pugh at Clairmount. Mr. and Mrs. High Kelly and children are spending two weeks in Toronto. WILLIAM C. SMITH, Hensall, chairman of the Bean Queen Committee of the Hensall Bean Festival, is shown plating the crown on the head of .16 -year-old Greta Pfaff; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff,- of . Cromarty, who was selected as Bean Queen at the Labor, Day festi- .val. In attendance 'are runners-up for the award, Fran Morris, of Goderich, and Gladys Baker, of ,Hensall. (Photo by Phillips) ans Supreme t Hensall Fes 1 Perfect weather featured the third annual Bean Festival in Hen- sall on Labor Day. The weather was alp good that many district residerirs, who otherwise , would have been present to take part in LARGE ATTENDANCE FEATURES CROMARTY CHURCH PICNIC The annual congregational and Stinday School picnic waii held at Mitchell Park on Frrday with a Marge attendance. The children en. Jived the swimming pool until the races began, which were won as f,ollovvs: girls, five and milder, Brenda Kerslake, Karen Scott; boys, five and under, Allen Cole- man, Glen Elliott; girls, eight and under, Joan Coleman, Anna. Scott; bays, eight and under, Alex Scott, John Coleman; girls, nine to 12, Dorothy Scott, Margaret McDou- gald; boys, nine to 12, David Scott, - John Scott; young Indies. Margaret Coleman Alice Sorsdahl; young boys, John Scott,. David Scott; , wheelbarrow race, John Scott, der - Ty Scott; pie plate relay, Donald Coleman, Fred Robinson;-4SPOOla and peanut race, Vred Robinson, Larry Gardiner. Huh Scott's teats won the rubber and goloSh \race and alsofilling.the Water bot - tie race Supper yeafthen- seryett by the-SUM:lay kebob teachers.' Mr. and /Wstli '? : de. Balfoat ur • returned...le' their hone' Sitar -Ste:, Marie after visiting: With VOL And Mrs. Whitton aud relatives ' Mr.T•Avid001:401 at Ridgetown. "We used to think the capital. of Beal -down was down in Kent County, but you peo- ple have gradually moved it to Huron. The crop belongs to the second most important family in the fun, couldn't leave harvesting agriculture. The greatest bean pro - operations. ducing ' country. in the world is As it was, however, there was a .Brazil, with the United States com- good crowd present to participate ing second. in the festivities, which began "In Ontario, Kent still produces with a parade early in the after- the greatest number of beans but noon. It was the third annual fes- Huron runs a very close second. tival sponsored by the Hensel]. These two counties produce 70 Kinsmen Club. per cent of all the beans grown 'Nfunicipal and government offi- cials were on hand for the offi- cial opening in Hensel]. Commun- ity Park where the midway and sports program were already un- der way. A supper of home baked beans, prepared by the Hensall Kinettes, was served to nearly 4,000 people, It was preceded by the Ontario Horseshoe Pitching Championship, won by Fred Harburn, of Staffa, and. a girls' fastball game between' the Stratford Kroehlers and Gode- rich Dodgers. Something of the importance of the bean was related by Prof., J. C. Steekley, directorrof the West- ern Ontario Agricultural College Zirk, of London, were holiday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace on Monday. Mrs. Grace Wren called on, friends in the village on Malley. Mrs. Harry Elliott, of Parkhill, spent a week's holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wal- lace and family. Mr. and .Mrs. Andrew MbLach- Ian attended the cott picnic on Saturday. We are sorry to reikirt Mr. Os- wald Walker having the misfortune of falling and fracturing his hip. He is a patient in South Huron Hospital in Exeter. Mr. William_Leemingf of Sea - forth, visited in Monday with Mrs. Houghton: - Mrs G. Carey" and her mother, Mrs. Taylor, attended Toronto Ex- hibition on Thursday Mr, and Mrs. Ross Hou'ghtn. and **end " Mrs. Kolibri* Their, who had spentsummer holi. gislitklga,gratittniather,, retftrii.;• Monclre,Wittyttleti to stratiofd 00 •tt Expositor Prizes Are Won At Bean Festival Prize winners in a contest conducted by The Huron Ex- positor at the Hensall Bean Fes- tival Monday were: personal- ized stationery, Mrs'. Mitchell McAdam, Clinton; Pat Bell, R.R. 2, Hensall; Mrs. R. Pat- erson, Hensall; subscriptions - Mrs. William McLachlan, R. R. 3, Kipen; Gerald Gingerich, Zurich; Mrs. Nelson Pfaff, R.R, 1, Cromarty; Joe McCully, Brucefield, and Mrs. Vera Lammie, Centralia. eaper Drive On October 3 test. Each man pitched 50 shoes in the qualifying rounds for a pos- sible 150 points. Fred Harburn. of Staffa, logged 123 points; Jack Boa, on Hensall. scored 120, and Harold Blackman, of Toronto, 108. Results were: In order of finish for Class "A" doubles: Jack Boa and Fred Harburn; Roy Wilkinson and Pat Ginnboth of Toronto; John Smmorais. af Muncey, and Wilson Dodge. of Lucan; Harold Blackman, of Toronto. and Graham Mawson; Court Kerr and Ed.' Dav- ies. both of Goderich. • in the province." Class "B" doubles: George Boa, Prof. Steckley declared the fes- Staffa. and Herman Fisher, of R. tival officially open after welcomes R. 2, Clinton; Basil Preszcator and were extended by President Wm. Amos Darling, of Exeter; Elgin Mickle, of the Hensel' Kinsmen; Reeve Norman Jones, of Hensall. and Elston Cardiff, M.P. for Huron. Floats and marcher' in the par- ade were paced by the London East Lions Boys' and Girls' Band, the Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band and Exeter Legion Pipe Band. Greta Pfaff was crowned first Hensall "Bean Queen" after a con test which saw Fran Morris, 17. of Goderich, and Gladys Baker, 17. of Hensall, selected as runners-up. Others in the contest were Joan Morris, of goderich; Catherine Doig, of Seaforth; Phyllis,. Lostell, of Kippen, axed Catherine Ander- son, of Hensall. Gate prize winners at the Festi- val were: case of canned goods, Wes. Ryckman., Exeter. Geral- dine Parker, -Hensall; Max Hud- son, London; Bill MacDonald, God- erich; Dennis Mock, Hensall, and June Lorraine, Hensall, each won a gallon of ice cream, donated by Silverwoods, of London. The 400 -pound pig, donated by Mr, Field of tne Maitland Club. was won' by Mrs. Byran Kyle, and the door prize at the arena, a case of canned goods, was won by R. Iii Middleton. The crown worn by the "Bean Queen," MissaGreta Pfaff, Crom- arty, daughter :Of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff, when she was crown ed, was Made and donated by Mrs. Harold Simpson, of Exeter, (nee Dorothy Daters, formerly of Hen- sall). One of the festival 'highlights was the horseshoe pitching con - The annual fall paper drive Of the Seaforth Lions Club will, be held on Wednesday, October 3,it was announced this Week by Lion president J. Scott; CluH. The public is Urged to co-oer- ato in gearing and Making avail able paper on collection daY. Vo7egy Of McMinn), J. olittage Wilts Car Winner at an auto at the retitle National Exhibition •Was ityena: old S. W. Damage, Vancouver. Mr. 'Mini:We, A nail)* -Of 'Moral - *60' Township, doesn't ; atit; a 'eer and "bus never won anything Constable Ferris Is Posted Constable Gordon Ferris, who has been in charge of the Seaforth O.P.P. detachment for the past five years, has been posted to Wiarton, it was announced this week. He will be succeeded here by Constable T. E. Johnston, who comes from Owen Sound. 'The changes are effective Sat- urday. While Constable Ferris leaves Saturday, Mrs. Ferris and family will remain here until ac- commodation has been arranged. Kipfer and Lloyd Guenther, Dash- wood; Cyril Blommacrt and Jim Hennessey, of Exeter; Harold Rodd and Jim Squires.. of Exeter. Class "A" singles: Fred Har- burn. Jack Boa, Graham Mawson, Roy Wilkinson. Len Spence. "B" singles: George Boa, Basil Preszcator, Cyril Blommaert, Lloyd Guenther, Elgin Kiefer. Playing, On Logs, Lad Breaks Leg Allan Wilbee, 4 -year-old •son of Mr, and Mrs. William Wilbee, frac- tured his leg on Sunday while play- ing on a pile of lgs. The lad was 'visiting at the farm oa Mr. and Mrs. Alex MeGrgor, Tuckersmittn When ,the aetident 'occurred. Young Tommy was asked by his teacher it he knew what a person In that& of A library is called. rila'ant" he replied, "a r ; , ' ' ' ••••. aa: : • • . 4 ' Walton School Begins New Term Schools reopened for the fall term on .Tuesday morning with the following teachers in charge: Mrs. Ted McCreath, SS. No, 12, Grey; Mrs. W -C. • talankwella S.Sa Na, 125 Morris; Mrs. R. Griffiths, of Blyth. at S.S. No. 11, Walton; Mr. G. Wil- lis, at Leadbury; Miss, Edna Mar- tin, Harlock; Miss Audrey Debus, 3runner. at SS. No, 9, McKillop. Miss Ione Watson will be teaching at Etobicoke, and Miss Clara Buchanan near Millbank. Mrs. Donald Buchanan will teach at the Seaforth District High School The following beginners started to Walton Public School on Tues- day: Carole Shortreed, Helen Searle, Linda Travis; Sheila Flood Mary Bewley. Bryan Pollard. Mur ray Blake and Billie Hellinga -Miss Yvette Vanpoucke left on Tuesday to begin training at Kit- chener -Waterloo Hospital. meg; eer in June Haekwell and Miss Verda aoseph Raid Watson will train at Stratford Gn- eraaaHospital. who not satisfied in being top man in intermediate boys' events, with 78, went on to capture the senior boys' championship as well, with 86 points. • ful. These included Wayne Jos - sortie. Corinne Smith, Marie Row land, Garth Flannigan, Judy Crich and Gene Nixon. Successful in an advanced 'course were Ron Ennis and Jim Crich. Individanal Championships Beginners-lst,' Cheryl Moore; 2nd, Marg. Maloney; 3rd, Ronnie Hildebrand. Junior Girls-lst, Julie Chapple; 2nd, Kendra Moore; 3rd, Ann Sills. Junior Boys-lst, Benny Akker; 2nd, Gord Maloney; 3rd, Ken Bed- ard. Intermediate Girls-lst. Bonnie Weiglund; 2nd, Perry McLean; 3rd., Phyllis Bryans. Intermediate Boys lst, Tom Dick; and, Ted Lamont; 3rd, Garth Flannigan. Senior Girls -1st, Gene Nixon; 2nd, Marion MeLlwain; 3rd, Judy Crich. Senior Boys-lst, Tom- Dick; 2nd, Bob Dinsmore; 3rd, Ted Lamont: Adult Women-lst, Gene Nixon; 2nd, Marion McLlwain; 3rd, Judy Crich. Adult Men-lst, Ken 'ling; 2aid, Irvin Schneck; 3rd, Frank Bryans. Winners in various'imdividual ev- ents incladedf Beginners -Cheryl Moore, Clar- ence Little. a. Junior Girls -Mary Crich, Ken- dra Moore and Julie Chapple. Junior Boys -Benny Akker, Ken BeIdnaterrdm. Girls - Bonnie Weiglund, Perry McLean, Corinne I -Smith, Margaret Maloney. • • Intermediate Boys -Tom Dick, John Patterson, Ted Lamont. Senior Girls -Marion Mailman, Judy Crich, Gene Nixon. Senior Boys -Ted Lamont, Tom Dick, Garth Flannigan. . Adult Womena-Marion McLlwain,. Alice Anne Nixon, Gene Nixon. Adult Men -Ken King, Frank Bryans. hesults released this week indi- 'dated that those taking the special course in life saving were success - k,4 voiAT:frsihiatoym 9LsfitTot.ftlyont1,01100,LtrititetrU,,: Hugh Gorwili enteta.V 3t:fWteV,Ontario in m einead:Pe Spittal wiliei h4ti:a1:°ff.l?I course at %C. He left t ;Yor tht Awadsayabeu: er the D inion-Proarincial, Scliola#1,41 7 rangement includedanieunts $250 each, whichwentto Seapa ' af a T. Beuermann, daughter of ' fm Tolecla0130euueermdaannuifer.ol, Drt Betty diopa, Mrs. E. B. Goudie„ Seaforth; Jan of metr.Ta.nEd Mrs.e GRossI'eg°r McGregor; daughter R. 2, "Seaforth; Lois Jean ROC;, daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. 'Wesley? Roe, R.R. 1, lalyth and Rospag„ SAinenInnee pn.dliugron, rafR.R.M27t'114dl toWalton; These bursaries are awarded ato': pupils attending Teachers' . Cola; lege this "fall. The Grade 13 Award was won, „. by Marion Hemingway, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Carl Hemingway,.' R.R: 3, Brussels, Seaforth Bowlers VVin • Prizes • Seaforth bowlers were busy ov- er the holiday weekend taking part in district tournaments. B. F. Christie and M. McKellar won first prize at LuclmOw on Monday. Also taking part were Alvin and Lorne Dale, Dr. P. Brady and William Ball, who -won 7th prize, and H. Connell and Eric Munroe. Dr. Paul Brady and Eric aqua - roe. . captured the PuritY, Flour trophy in Goderich last week with four wins. • A tit bee was aeized in Sunda'y visitors at the home of quan y Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis were: a raid at the Lakeview Boit Club 7•Ir arid Mrs W J Zobger Carrie, at St. Joseph Saturday night. On- . Pauline and Dorothy. of Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Clarke, Kenneth and Nancy, of Hollywood, California. High Street Home Sold The residence on High Street, owned by B. 0. Muir, has been sold to Mrs. Helen Reeves, through the office of M. A. -Reid, • tario Provincial Police Constable Cecil Gibbons. of Exeter detach- ment, said the seizure was made in a Saturday night raid on the club. Officers from Exeter. Gode rich and Seaforth took part. Constable Gibbons said charges under the Canada Temperance Act are pending. The Club, operated by Harry David Field, of Hensall. is about half a mile from Lake Huron. IN -their ehanipiatiShipliibliOnk\ Concluded Saturday, are'',ShO*, 41;'Bonny' Weiglund prid Toni Dick; front, efcndueted fo,..00:nning:iestruetor : • a t A1 6tiny Ake, o�flrdeL'nag :d in N 04;tate.to iqie meets 300 Vitt by Phillips) Trousseau Tea ;Hoors Bri.4e-tobe Mrs. A, Sanierville „entertainek at a trousseau tea at their borne •• a, in honer of her elaest •daughter, Miss Joan Rutherford Somerville, whose marriage to Mr. Kenneth campbell will take place this week in Cavan 'United Church, Win- throp. Guests were received during the afternoon and evening by the hos- tess, bride -elect and mother ntf the groom -elect, and were direct- ed from the living room to the various rooms by Mrs. Ernest Toll. White and pink asters and white tapers graced the tea table which was covered .by a cut lace table- clth. Mrs. Carson Allen and Miss Minnie Somerville, aunts of the bride-to-be, presided at the tea, table during the afternoon, and Mrs. William Somerville, . grand- mother of the bride -elect, presided throughout the evening. , Serving in the dining room in. the afternoon were Mrs. Toni Kirk- by. Mrs. Gilbert Smith and Misa Shirley Kirkby, of London, and Mrs. Gilbert Smith, Mrs. Torn Kirkby and Mrs. Leonard Strong in the eaening. Also assisting ifa regard to the dining room were Mrs. Les, Pryce, Mrs. Ed. Miller, Mrs. Ross Dris- coll, Mrs. Ivan Shannon, Mrs. Walter Somerville, Mrs. Ralph Mc- Nichol and Mrs, Lew Kirkby, Of Lohdon, In charg,of the shower gifts was 'Miss Lois. Roe, atid in charge of the wedding gifts was Miss Jes- sie Little. Brussels. The trousseau was shown by Miss Muriel Schade, alisa Barbara Trewartha, Miss Elizabeth McGavin and Miss Lois Ann Somerville. At the register were Miss Diane Kirkby. miss Eileen Smith and Miss Linda Somerville. Many lovely gifts. were received at the door by miss Jane Somerville and Miss Joan Pryee. A number or"pre-nuptial showers have been held, honoring Miss Somerville. • London Shot .." Wins At Kippen At the Kippen trap shoot, held at Eippen on Labor Day, Cbales Parkinson, of London, broke 95 out of 100 16 -yard targets in the 50 -bird handicap for the Moen trophy. Jack Burns, of WOodttnekt was high with 45 on the 50 tar- gets. Parkinson was ':ah with 140 out of a possible 150l , • ' Shooters were posent r oni. Kit-' cheater. Woodatock, London Cat. ham, St. Thomas and Goerih. t. , Successful 111 Skati roy4 Seaforth Figure. returned has hien; attenthng tan Siiinine She successfnli Silver derietily. tot • - • , • ;4 • • ' -