HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-08-03, Page 8•I• ON EXPOSITOR, S4AFORTII; ONT., Atl'iaM 13, 1$ ;Specialize in Lines of NSURANCE COMPOSITEDWELLING POLICY ' ers fail, fire and liability cover- ilEe at 10% below regular rates to *Me owners. For full information, ask us. WATSON & REID Ari- A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real?Estate Phone 214 Seaforth OWN Your. Own HOME FOR SALE 11 storey, three-bedroom dwel- ling; hardwood floors, fireplace, nil heating; new garage. Nicely located. Loyd taxes. Additional /-acre may be purchased with same. Early possession. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE One -storey two-bedroom frame ° dwelling on James Street. Oil heating, three-piece bath, fire- place. Early possession. OTHER PROPERTIES ALSO LISTED M. A. REID REAL ESTATE - Phone 214 LEMON'S TAXI and PARCEL SERVICE All Passengers Insured CECIL PHONES: DAVE Il 0 and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone. 784 Seaforth IS YOUR INSURANCE. UP TO DATE? ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 Res. 540 MAIN ST, SEAFORTH Something to sell? Something to buy? Phone 41, Seaforth. The :classified ad section is result-get- ting esult-get-ting and is economical too. Church Notices McKillop Charge. --Services will be withdrawn on Sunday in Me- Killop pastoral charge. Egmondville Unite[) Church, -- 11 a.tn., The Public Worship of God; guest preacher, Mr. Morgan; 10 a.m-, The Church School; 11:00 a.m., Nursery School; 11:30, Jun- ior Congregation. Always wel- come at our church—Dr. J. Sem- ple, Minister: Union Summer Services —First Presbyterian Church and North- side United Church co-operating: 11 a.m., Rev. D. Glenn Campbell preaching in Northside United Church. The SundaS Schools will) meet separately at 10 a.m. in their respective church. Northside Tod- dlers' Group and Junior congrega- tion at the regular times. Pentecostal Tabernacle -All mid- week services will be discontinued until first week of September; Sun- day, 10, a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; 7:30 p.m., Evangelistic Service. All services will be held in the Church,—Rev. 11, Kendrick, Pastor. SEAFORTH W. 1. The regular monthly meeting of the Seaforth Women's 'institute will be held at the home of Mrs, H. J. Doig on August 14, in the eve- ning. The hostess will be Mrs. Ross Gordon. Mrs. J. F. Scott and Mrs. J. Davidson will be in charge. Roll call will be. "How I can pre- vent fire in the home. The motto will be, "A divine moment is a present moment." Members of the local fire de- partment will speak and demon- strate on how to prevent fires. As this is an evening meeting, the men are' invited to attend. Lunch committee will be: sandwiches, Mrs. Allan Nicholson, Mrs. John Kerr and Mrs. Andrew Crozier; relish, Mrs. Elmer Cameron. .••••••101.011131MINo EGMONDVILLE Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston. were Mr. Eric Coward and daughter, of New Westminster, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson, of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Roy and family of -Trenton, are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston. Mrs. Peter • Lindsay has return- ed from a pleasant visit with her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. David Millson, of Constance, and other friends. ' Miss Jessie Finlayson is enjoy- ing a holiday with friends at Wing - ham and also at Collingwood. - Miss Laura McMillan has re- turned home after a trip as far east as Gaspe, Quebec. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Semple left on Wednesday to spend the month of August at their summer home, Sauble Beach (Hepworth), Lake Huron. FOR SALE 7 -ROOM FRAME—On James St. Newly decorated. Priced for quick sale- s.� _ • CALL W:, C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE in the QUEEN'S HOTEL We Gave You CREDIT When You Asked For It! The time has come when we must have money to keep our credit good ! If YOU have an account at this Store. IT MUST BE PAID NOT LATER THAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 4th, or it will be placed in other hands for collection, which. of course, will add costs. ° • WILLIS SHOE STORE The LITTLE Store with the BIG Values — SEAFORTH Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 OF SUMMER JEWELLERY Regular Values $1.00 and higher t. 1 ALSO A GOOD SELECTION To Clear at .29c All Regular $2.00 and $3.00 ry •. Summer Costume Jewellery To clear at HALF PRICE This Jewellery will not last long at these prices! Macke your selection now. IJGE'S .04 fluo.'..chitut A IS '•.j EXCHANGE VOWS—Mr. and Mrs, Murray A, Garrett were married recently in a double ring ceremony in Brucefield Unit- ed Church recently. The bride, the former Margaret Emily Col- lins, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Collins, and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvanley Garrett, •all .of R.R. 2, Seaforth. After a honeymoon at the Thousand Islands the couple will reside in Clinton. CONSTANCE NEWS OF THE WEEK Misses Laurel,Wilma a n d Deanna Dale spenholiday last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. McMichael, of Gode- rich. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnette, of Weston, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldby. There will be no church or Sun- day School during the month of August while Rev. and Mrs. White are on holidays. Everyone is to remember the first Sunday in Sep- tember which will be observed as Harvest Sunday. Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley, of Cromarty; Mr. and Mrs. William Stephenson and son, of Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stone and Mrs, Edith Mc- Farlane, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mcllwain, of White Rock, B.C., visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllwain last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William McKenzie and Grace, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt on Sunday. Miss Mary Mcllwain spent the past three weeks with relatives in Goderich. Mrs. Manley Walcon and Elaine, of Elbow, Sask., visited at the homes of' Wilber and William Jew- itt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boag, San- dra and Terry, of Newmarket, re- turned home after spending a• few days with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. test acid reading by Mrs. Hulley. A presentation of a bride's book made by the ,group of ladies was presented. A gaily decorated wagon was brought in by Mrs. Fred McGregor and Miss Audrey Hulley. The gifts were opened by Grace and passed around the group. Miss Riley very ,fittingly thanked everyone for , their gifts, after which lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants: LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. J. R. Spittal, manager of the Toronto -Dominion bank.,hei:e, will leave next week for a four weeks' .visit to his family in Scotland. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Mrs. Campbell and Anne have returned after holidaying in Rodney. Rev. Douglas Stewart, of Ottawa, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boussey and William have returned after spend- ing holidays in Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vallett, of Quebec City, visited Mrs. Leo Stephenson Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Allan- Reid' Ieft for their new home in Waterloo on Wednesday. Mrs. Andy Reekie, Brantford, was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Leo Stephenson this week. Mr. Thomas R. Cluff, Montreal, was a visitor at the home of his father, Mr. A. F. Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns are 4Ve were sorry to learn that Ron- in Quebec, where Mr. Burns is tak- nie Jewitt had the misfortune to a r' rtrn several race meets in hurt his ankle and after spending that province. anince. p e Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Hart are the past week in bed has improved spending their holidays at their greatly. Everyone in the commun- cottage in. Bayfield. ity wishes him a complete recov- Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McMillan and ery. family, o f Tillsonburg, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and spent Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boag and fam- Me McMillan with Mr.cand Mrs. leaves ily spent Sunday at Kincardine, M. McMillan. Mr.cMcMillan Mrs. Volette, of Quebec City, the this week for Pickering, mart hey former Miss Frances Downey, call- has a appointed ofccommer , ed on Mr. and ` Mit: Frnn ,_-RR. the Canadian Bank Commerce. � �-•-Mr`:`and Mrs: Bruce" Gehan and on Tuesday.. Frank Riley entertained at family moved to Waterloo this a trousseau tea in honor of her week. Mr. Gehan is manager of a daughter, Grace, who is to be store in KiMrener. Lon - married on August 8. On Wednes- Mr. and •Mrs. hBvisitorsi Barry, Sat- dayLon- evening, guests from the Sum- don, were Seaforth on merhill community, in whic'"h school urday. Grace taught for two years, wereMr. and Mrs. John McKenzie, of received by the hostess and her dents, Wallaceburg, former -Seaforth- resi- daughter. Baskets of roses decor- dents, and Mrs. oJThompson and ated the rooms and the linen-cov- wereIr. Douglas Thompson, Toronto, ered table was centred with the Seaforth L Lvaudenbach h Tuesday. wedding cake and an arrangement Mr. Louis Laudenbach is visiting of rosebuds. i his daughter. Mrs. Peter Preston,. ' Tea was poured by Mrs. Tom St. John, Quebec. Riley, aunt of the bride, and the meet in the SeThe SeaforthSeaforthHigh Poultry Clubwill guests wereserved by Mrs. Ken . District Hulley and Mrs. Joe Riley. Dis- at 8:30. School . Thursday evening, Aug, 2, playing the trousseau and linen was Miss Audrey Hulley; shower Mrs. Harold Free and daughter, gifts, Mrs. • Robert Grimoldby; Dunne Lynn, haveereturnedyvfrom china, crystal and kitchenware, visitingiial where they have been ,Mrs. W. L,• Whyte. with Mrs. Freers mother, On Thursday evening the trous- Mrs. Greenwood, and relatives and seau was held for the ladies of friends. Constance community. Tea was Mr. and Mrs. George' Fox and Isoured by Mrs. Joe Riley, aunt of weeko. of Walton, returned home last the bride, and Mrs. Borden Brown- frafter a rfelavetives weeks' Michigan, gan, . Serving the guasts were Mrs. Tom New and nd atives l niahigan, Riley and Mrs. Ken Betties. Dis- New York and Pennsylvania. playing the trousseau was Mrs'. Mr. and,a Mrs. Herold on edl, a£ Robert Grimoldby; the linen, Mrs. dayoofo, were guests lien, Mervin Godkin;day of Mrs. James gG.o Mullen. gifts and shower Dr. S. A, MacGregor was visit - gifts, Mrs. William Jewitt; china. ing his aunts, Mrs. D. S. Ryan and crystal and kitchenware, Mrs. •lien Miss E. Martin. alley' Guests at the home of Mrs. !A, On Saturday afternoon aunts and McCuaig were: Mr, and Mrs. D. ousins of the groom were receiv- Bell, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Y. by the bride-to-be and her Y. McDonald, Lois and Joan Clark, other, The Misses Joyce Jewitt of Zealandia, Sask., and Mrs, Ag - and Marie Brigham assisted in nes Davidson and Mrs. Kate Far - splaying and serving, 'while Mrs. quharson, of Calgary, Alta• Joe Riley poured tea. Miss Joyce Mr, and Mrs, Frank Farrow of Brown • attended the bride's guest Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce book throughout' the afternoon. Hodgert, of Seaforth, spent the Mrs.' Ken Hulley entertained,.on weekend in Detroit and Royal Oak, Tuesday evening at a shower in Michigan. honor of Miss Grace Riley, prior Mr. and Mrs• Norman Lloyd and o her approaching marriage. The family and Mr, and Mrs. John living room was beautifully decor- Brown and family, all of Harriston, ted with pink and white stream- called at the home of Mrs. Alex ars, balloons and summer flowers. McEwing on Sunday, The bride -elect and her mother Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Reid, of ere seated in decorated chairs, Walton, and Mrs. Alex McEwing, The program onsisted of a read- of Seaforth, visited with Mr, and ng by Mrs. G. Smith, and a con- Mrs, Elgin McKinley and Mrs. Jean McKinley on Sunday evening. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams during the week included: Mr. and Mrs" H. L. MacDonald, of Toronto; Mr. Ah' Bert Smale, ., of Staffa, and Mrs. Annie.. Henderson and daughter,, Gladys, of Mitchell. MissEileen Atkinson, of .London,. visited at the' honie of Mrs, Leo Stephenson on Monday. Mist N. O'Neil has returned tci Windsor after visiting at the hoiii'e Of ills iIlia>it F'auikner. s 1Vii $° Victoria AThiera, it S8' 1[i' dj�rt�llo. Yist d,F.."'M>tva:..,,F;stfii H c ed m Far - displaying t a w WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs Erwin Trewartha and family and Mr. 'and Mrs. Zack McSpadden attended the funeral ()f their. cousin, Elgyn Waters, of Arthur. Mrs M. Miles, who has, been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Wilson Lit- tile, has gofie to Brampton to visit Mr. and firs Sid "Gibbons; Mr. and Mrs, .Frloycl Armstrong`, S?f ;Eurlelt, Wall f 'kith" S t, c Fitt, Me(71tt'i�e: .- BAYFIELD 'NEWS Oi THE WEEK, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson, and family, of St. Clair Shores, Mach;, are at their cottage. -. M,. and Mrs. Eric Earl, , Lon.- don are speeding their vaeation at Their cottage. The garden party sponsored by the Altar Guild of Trinity Anglican Church was a huge success- in the garden of Mrs. R. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wills, of London, spent a few days at their cottage, "Dingleton." Miss Mildred Fraser, London, -is spending her two weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Fraser. Mr. Donald McLeod, who is fish- ing in Port Dover, was home over the weekend. The Bayfield Lions Carnival, held Wednesday evening, was a big success, prizes going to Mrs. Rose Baker, London; Mrs. Jack Parker, Bayfield; Mr. Warner Payne, Bay- field; Mr, Ross Scott, Brucefield; Mr. Mustard, Toronto, and Mr. Fitzgerald, Stratford. Miss Ethel Blair, Lodon, s nt the weekend with her paren Miss Barbara Bassett, 'London, spent the weekend with her moth- er; Mrs. A. Bassett. Mr. Glen Sturgeon, Guelph, was home over the weekend. DUBLIN Mrs. Frank Burns and Joe, and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Smith, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Burns at Parry Sound, Mr. and Mrs. William Feeney in Toronto. Miss Catherine and Cecelia Feeney at Grand Bend. Miss Joan Hollis, of Guelph, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Flan- nery, Wilson Family Has Picnic Here The family of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, of Brucefield, held a picnic at the Lions Park, Sea - forth, on Sunday, July 22. Despite a shower during the dinner hour, an enjoyable afternoon was had by those present, including Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Hazel) McGonigle; Mr, and Mrs. James Devereaux (Eth- el), Neil and Nancy; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wilson and Brian; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mason (Dorothy), of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wil- son and Randy; Mr. and Mrs, Mac Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrill (Evelyn) and Ruth, Mar- garet, Sandra, Billy, Janette and Mary Lynn. Mr. 'and Mrs, Douglas Andrews (Marion) and family, of Clinton, were unable to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Simon McKenzie, Bruce - field, friends of the family, were also present. Stephenson a week ago, was kill- ed in a car accident at Cooksville on Tuesday. Dr. J. G. De Pape is in Kingston this week. Miss Anne Lawrence and Mr. Gary Lawrence, of Hensall, are visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Orville Oke. Miss Helen Larkin, of Michigan,ib daughter of a former minister of First Presbyterian Church here,' and Mrs. Morrison, of Kincardine, called on Seaforth friends Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Francis, of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis, of Exeter, were guests of their sister, Mrs. Herald Lawr- ence, Goderich St. West. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Then .and Connie, of Grand Blanc, Michigan, spent the' past week with their aunt, Mrs. Mary Pollard. They al- so spent a few 'days visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard, Stratford. Mr. and. Mrs. Bernard Galligan and family and Messrs. Ron and George Stevens, all of Chicago, are visiting with Mr. Pat Murray, McKillop. Miss Donelda Adams and Miss Helen -Phillips left Monday morn- ing on a motor trip through North- ern Ontario. Among those who were rescued when the Andrea Doria was sunk in the Atlantic last week, was Alderman Frank Clifton, of Toron- to. He is a brother of Mrs. G. D. Ferguson, of town. • Mrs. Gordon Stewart; Daie hod'., Sherry Lea, R,1ncardine, and Mr} Cecil, Colley,, LOndon, -spent Thurs day with Mx, and Mrs. liyrd Stur; geOn• Mrs. Vance and boys, Toronto, are at their cottage. 'Mrs. John' Sturgeon, Sr., has re- turned home after visiting for two weeks with her sister in St. Thomas. We are pleased to report Mr. Charles Rogers is improving nice- ly after his accident. Mr.. Lloyd Makins is able to be, around again after having to take a week's rest due to a back injury received a few" weeks ago.' Mr. and Mrs G. Miner and'chil- dren, of Detroif£,`are at their cot- tage in Jowett's Grove. Mr, and Mrs..Millsop and daug i. ter, London, are at their cottage in the Highlands. Friends and neighbors of the, Blue Water Highway and Bronson Line gathered Thursday evening at the home of Mrs.:Charles Scotch - mer to honor Miss Anna Porter, bride -elect of Saturday. Cards were played during the evening and Anna was presented with a bedspread and tablecloth, after which she thanked the ladies, and a ldvely lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Flagg, Lon- don, are spending two weeks' va- cation at their cottage, "Flagg - Haven", and have had Mr. and Mrs. Herman Flagg, Sarnia, as their guests for a week, and.their son, Edward, of London, spent three days with his parents. 1111111111111111d11I111111111111111I11111111111 WEDDINGS IIII11111111111111 IDDIDIMIDDIDIRMI REID — EYRE Candelabras with blue and white floral decorations adorned Bruce - field United Church on Saturday at 12 noon for the marriage of Verna Allison Eyre, Brucefield, and Dav- id John Reid, Clinton, in a double - ring ceremony. , The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, Brucefield, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Reid, Owen Sound, The Rev, S. Davidson, of Brucefield, officiated, and traditional music was played by—Mrs. John R. Murdoch, Bruce - field, and Miss. Marilyn Eyre, of Hensall, sang "Wedding Prayer" and "I'll Walk Beside You." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a waltz length gown of white bridal satinwith double nylon overskirt and panels of Chantilly lace. A matching Lace jacket with long pointed sleeves and semi -Elizabethan collar, was worn over her strapless gown. Her finger-tip veil was held with a tiara of seeded pearls and ir- rediscent sequins, and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Mrs, Arnold Keys, Varna, was her sister's maid of honor and was gowned in a waltz -length blue ny- lon tricot over net and taffeta with matching headdress and gloves. She carried a bounuet of pink car- nations. Miss Jean Cole, little two-year- old cousin of the bride, was flower girl in a yellow nylon dress, with yellow headdress, and carried a nosegay of white baby mums. Mr. Douglas Jones, Clinton, was est man and ushers were Arnold Keys, Varna, and Howard Grealis, Clinton. .For a reception ,at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother, receiving, wore a figured aqua gown with white accessories and"a corsage of white carnations. The groom's mother, assisting, wore a teal blue gown with pink accessories. The waitresses were Misses Jane Hartley, Audrey Oli- ver, June Manning, Barbara Ford and Edna Lightfoot. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. J. Cairns and Mrs. W. Richards. For travelling, the bride donned a yellow figured nylon dress with white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. On their re- turn from Northern Ontario add Michigan, the couple will reside in Clinton. HOLIDAYS ! 'Office will be closed July 28 to August 7 WILLIS DUNDAS EENT T_} ,This is . your Theatre Guide ,..., .. l -• y s. for August: August 1—"The Square .Jungle" ,, TONY CURTIS ERNEST BORGNTNE Aug.. 2, 3, and 4—"To Catch a Thief" CARY GRANT -GRACE KELLY' Aug. 6, 7, 8—"Value For Money" JOHN GREGSON DIANA DORS. Aug. 9, 10 and 11—"The Spoilers" JEFF CHANDLER ANA BARKER Aug. 13, 14, 15—"Three Stripes in the Sun" ALDO RAY PHIL CAREY Aug. 16, 17, 18 -- Double Feature: "Uranium Boom" DENNIS, MORGAN PATRICIA 'MEDINA and, "Saginaw Trail" GENE AUTRY Aug. 20, 21, 22—"Miracle in the Rain" - JANE WYMAN VAN JOHNSON Aug. 23, 24, 25—"Court Jester" DANNY KAY GLYNIS JOHNS Aug. 27, 28, 29—"The Strathon . Story" JAMES STEWART JUNE ALLYSON Aug. 30, 31—"Red Sundown" RORY CALHOUN MARTHA HYER LOAFERS FOR GROWING GIRLS - Brown, Black, Burga:idy Regular $3.95 —.° NOW $2.95 MEN !— We are selling a SISMAN Brown - Leather Work Boot, with Gro -Cork $6e45 Soles, at a Pair It's a Good Buy! WILLIS SHOE STORE The LITTLE Store With the BIG Values •— SEAFORTH LEGAL ADVICE? Whenyou need help in planning your insurance program, you'll want the help of a professional ... one who makes insurance his career!. It pays to know your STATE FARM Agent VVVVV 1111.1111 IM�1 Ken Etue Phone 233 SEAFORTH TyTyTyTyTyTyTyTyTy Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty,TJE % /;,,;V �///%%/2' / /7/i '/ ,7" 1955 Pontiac Sedan 1954 Chev. De Luxe .Coach 1953 Chev. Sedan 1952 Chev. Sedan 1952 Nash Rambler Station Wagon 1951 Meteor Sedan - 1951 Ford Sedan 1949 Chev. Sedan 1946 Chev. Sedan 1952 Chev. 3/4 Ton Pickup 1953 Ford 1% -Ton Pickup NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors 4 . . I Chev. - _• Olds. laev. Truck r Watch Your Egg Cheques Grow When You Feed i To Hatch 2 o Lay (rumbIes Your birds are about- fully grown, ready to be housed and changed to laying feeds. Topnotch 20% Laying Crumbles are high in energy con- tent, have the proper balance of proteins, min- erals, vitamins; and contain antibiotics and 3 - Nitro to sustain a high level of egg production over a long period of time. There is such a heavy demand for these crumbles that they are made FRESH daily. You are invited to visit your local Topnotch Mill and talk over your feeding needs with men who are qualified to to give you• sound recommendations, -• • ' iNINGS he 1Vlast 'Value Fog the Farmers' Dollar ..<l?�fifllkfl li • •i!('rr, �111 P1 t, r.i