HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-08-03, Page 4WHERE MORE PEOPLE DO MORE BUYING AND SELLING.: xfied' 'Ads Inserted At New Low Case Rates OR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word; est Wvgk 1 Cent Mrd Weekm charge, each inbertion, 5„Cent d .,-. . 3rd Week `. _ - aa Cent Cents ,Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards. of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application Coming. Events ENJOY DANCI,NG 'from 30 to 1 at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, Friday nights 'with Don Robertson and his• Ranch Boys. 4617-8 "SHARE - 'THE - WEALTH” BINGO — Legion Hall. Hensall, Saturday, August 4, r 9 p.m., jackpot 595.00 in 59 calls ; 55.00 °added each week until jackpot won ; 14 regular games, 10e a game. No admis- a on. Spunsured by Hensall Legion. �' 4620-1 Help Wanted WANTED—Cook for Riverside Rest Home, Miteheld, Permanent position. PHONE 69, MITCHELL. 4620x4 WANTED ---Practical nurse for River- side Rest Home, Mitchell. Day duty. Permanent position. PHONE 69. Mit- chell. 4620x4 ,HELP WANTED—Women, girls or boys to pick- canning factory beans at 24._c per pound; weighed and paid, in field every day. Start to pick August 13th. Amply to Box 566, HURON EXPOSITOR. WANTED—Housekeeper companion for a refined Christian lady, in a comfortable home, with oil furnace. Apply to Box 567, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4620-1 WANTED --A Ruwleigh dealer for the Townships of Tu.ekersmith, McKillop and Mullett. Anyone interested pleade write MR. GEORGE J. ERNEWEIN, Mildmay, Ont, or THE W. T. RAWLEIGH CO. LTD, 4005 Richelieu Street, Montreal, P. Q., Canada. 4620x2 Experienced Furniture Finisher and one youth to learn a good trade. Al- so experienced woodworking machinist as assistant to our Millroom Foreman. We are expanding and need good men. Pleas- ant working conditions, good wages, very s£eady employment, group insurance, etc. Write or. after August 7, see JAMES COLE FURNI'1-URE COMPANY, Ingersoll. 4620-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed for installation of an oil furnace in S.S. No. 2, '-McKillop School. Applica- tions will be closed un August 10th. Plans may be seen at the Secretary's 0). home. R. E. McMILLA*, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4620-1 TENDERS WANTED COAL AND FUEL OIL TENDERS TUCKERSMITH SCHOOL AREA NO. 1 For Rent Auction Sales 'Births FOR RENT Ground floor heated apart-. meat, in east end. Elderly tenant prefer- red. Apply to DR. E. A. McMASTER. 4620-1 FOR RENT — Three-room apartment, downstairs; unheated. Immediate posses- sion. PHONE 250-R. Tenders will be received up to noon • August 6, 19x.0, for 24 tons No. 1 best quality haul furnace coal. delivered to four Area Schools. Tenders will also he received up to same date for supplying fuel oil to three Area Schools, 1956-1957 term. Any tender not necessarily accepted. W. P. ROBERTS, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont. 4620-1 TENDERS 4617-tf APARTMENT;FOR*RENT-::Five„ rooms and bath; heat and ,gwate 4. .5. a11able August 1. Apply J. C. CRI9H. 4617x4 FOR RENT—Well furnished apartment, downstairs; self-contained ; modern bath, kitchen ; heated. Large lawn. Box 565, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4619-nc 'APARTMENT FOR RENT—Self-con-• tsined' oil -heated apartment:• ava lable August 1st. Apply MRS. J, BESSE. phone 583-w. after 6 p.m 4619x2 Poultry FOR SALE -300 Red Rock cross pullets, five months, now laying, JAMES BARRY, phone 668r15, Seaforth. 4619x3 POR SALE -150 pullets, starting to lay. JOHN GLANVILLE, R.R. 2, Wal- ton. Phone Seaforth 848 r 4. r 4620-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed - envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail - Oreder Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton. For Sale FO,R SALE--M.-H. 7 -foot binder, No. 5. ROY LAWSON. Phone 669 r 16, Seaforth. 4620x1 FOR pounds. SALE -10 chunks, about 70 PHONE 64 r 10, Dublin. 4620x1 FOR SALE—Modern Findlay range, 51`0 for quick sale. PHONE 120, Seaforth. 4620-1 FOR SALE --Duro' shallow well pres- sure pump. Apply MERVIN NOTT, Sea - forth. 4620x1 AUCTION SALE Of Household Furnishings in Town of. Seaforth, Saturday, August 4th, at 1:00 p.m., at the residence of Malcolm Mc- Derznid, Goderich St. West: Cherry drop- leaf table; Motfat mince; kitchen chairs; 6 cubic foot Frigidaire (like new) 2 utility cupboards; antique walnut side- board; dining room chairs; sofa; antique wr-itine desk; number of small tables; sectional bookcase; number of rockers and. occasional chairs: sewing machine; hell tree; mirrors: antique settee; wal- nut oval table: antique living room table; 2 antique walnut occasional chairs; spool bed, springs and spring mattress ; 2 other beds, springs and spring mattresses ; chests of drawers ;' swipe mirrors; dressers, washstands;' cot; quilt boxes and trunks: quilts, blankets and bed linen; 2 Beatty washing machines; clocks; electric table lamed; toaster ; irop ; Eureka vacuum cleaner and attachments (new) - Axmin- ster rug, 9x101/, feet; scatter mats; porch furniture; dishes and ornaments; drapes; curtains; books; 24 -foot extension ladder; step ladders; tubs; sealers and crocks; 1937 Dodge Coach in good condition. Terms --Cash. HAROLD JACKSON, Auc- tioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4620-1 FOR SALE --A quantity choice baled hay. timothy and alfalfa. RUSSEL MILLER, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 662 r 23. 4620-1 FOR SALE—Asphalt and steel roofing for immediate delivery. For prices,` phone BORDEN BROWN, Kinburn. Phone 841 r 2, Seaforth. 4609-12 FOR SALE—Cement bricks, in stock at SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS; 535 per 1,000. PHONE 740, Sedforth. 4613-8 FOR SALE -Drain tile. all sizes. Or- der now. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRO- DUCTS. Phone '740, Seaforth. 4613-8 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Effects and Crop. J. L. Ii.yan, auc- tioneer, has received instructions from the- Executors for Mrs. William Maloney, to sell .by public auction on SATURDAY. AUGUST 4th, at 1 o'clock p.m, on South Half Lot 6. Concession 6, McKillop Town- ship, 114 miles west of Dublin and 3 miles north, half -mile from Separate School and 4 miles from High School, the followings: FARM—The farm consists of 50 acres of well -drained land and good fences ; bank barn 40x56 with straw shed 20x40 with all cement stables; driving shed 20x40 with hip roof and hen house above; 11a storey house, new, with bath, hot and cold water, on tap, built-in cup- boards and pressursystem ; house cov- ered with insul brick. This is a model farm, no weeds or dirt, in a good neigh- borhood and good farming conditions. Farm will be 'sold with or without crop, subject to reserve bid. COWS—Hereford caw, due August 29; Hereford cow due Sepgember 30; Ayrshire cow due Nov. 5 ; grey cow due January 11; 6 yearling calves, Durham ; 3 heifers and 3 steers. PIGS -4 York and Tamworth sows, bred three weeks; 4 shoats; Landrace hog, year old. POULTRY -150 Sussex and Red hens, year old. IMPLEMENTS—New Idea manure spreader ; Massey -Harris mower, 6 -ft. cut; 36 -ft. extension ladder; 2 -wheel trailer ; set sleighs with fiat rack; set 2,000-I6. scales; self -feeder for pigs; rout pulper; cream separator; 15 -gallon barrel molasses; Massey -Harris hay load- er; new hay rack with sliding car; rub- ber tire wagon ; ear, ropes and pulleys; fanning mill: mail box; 11/2 H.P. mower; 3 chicken shelters : double set harness; bags, sacks; forks and shovels; gravel box; lawn mower; wheelbarrow; 1937 Chevrolet Coach with good tires; Case 'S' tractor with new rear tires, starter and lights; Case 2 -furrow "tractor plow ; Mas- sey -Harris binder. 7 -ft.; Massey -Harris grain drill, 13 -run; Massey -Harris horse cultivator; 12 -plate horse disc; turnip seeder; electric brooder; gas engine, H.P.; scuftier; Walker plow; cutter; set a -section harrows with steel pole; land packer, 8 -ft.; Massey -Harris side rake. HAY and GRAIN -3 tons mixed hay in rnow ; 40 bushels mixed grain: 8 bushels wheat. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Leon- a,d refrigerator. 8 cubic foot; Harrison range cook stove; Simplicity • washing machine; kitchen extension table. Terms: Cash on chattels ; on Farm -10% pur- chase money on day of sale. balance in 30 days, all subject to reserve bid. Auc- tioneer's decision final in case of all dis- putes: MRS. MARIE MALONEY, Pro- prietress; ro- prietress; Joseph L. Ryan, Auctioneer ; Wilfred Maloney, Clerk. 4620-1 BARRY ---At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Barry, Egmondville, a daughter. BRADY--At Victoria Hospital, .London, on 'Thursday. July 26, 1956, to Dr, and Mrs. Paul L. Brady, Seaforth, a daugh- ter. Barbara Elizabeth. A sinter for Brian, Robert, Bruce, 'Stephen and David. ' 13ROOME--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Broome, Seaforth, a daughter, MOONEY—To Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mooney (nee Winnifred Savauge), of Massey, Ont, a son, MURRAY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murray, R.R. 1, Dublin, a don, SOMERS—At Scott Memo'ial Hospital, on July 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Somers, Seaforth, a daughter. TALBOT—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Talbot, of Hayfield (nee Margaret Reid) are hap- py to announce the birth of their sen, Harry Edward, 7 lbs. 10 ozs., at Alex- andria Marine & General Hospital'„Gode- rich, Friday, July 20, 1956. A grapd- son for Mr. and Mrs. Norva Reid, of Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Talbot, Bayfiield. FOR SALE—Approximately 1200 feet of a. x 6 bevel siding, in good condi- tion. PHONE 66-W. Notices To Creditors 4619x2 FOR SALE --Good Holstein sew, due NOTICE to CREDITORS first week of August. Apply to R. J. J DOIG. Phone 849 r 11. Seaforth. 4620-1 In the Estate of ELEANOR MULCAHY FOR SALE -10 timber joists in good All persons having claims against the condition, 15 feet and some close to 20 Estate of Eleanor Mulcahy. late of the , feet long, rock elm. Apply to W. L.Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- MELLIS, Kippen. Phone 694 r 3, Hen- ; on, Spinster, deceased, who died on the 29th day of June. 1956, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of August, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 17th day of July, 1956. . McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. 4618-3 S, Egmondville. Ont., to plans and speci- FOR SALE—Rangette. used heavy duty ' fications prepared by Riddle, Connor & 4-1urner range: used 21 -inch Motorola sail. • 4620x1 FOR SALE --Dinette or kitchen set, table and 4 chairs, almost new. At frac- tion of original cost. Contact ROSS HAMILTON. Phone 35-W after 6;30 p.m. 4020x1 Sealed firm price tenders will be re- FOR SALE-- A Goodison threshing ma- c:ived by the Secretary -Treasurer, Tuck- chine with cutter. 36 inch cylinder; good se smith School Area No. 1, R.R. 3. Sea- belts and drive belt. Apply to LORNE f.•rth. Ont., u' to 12 o'clock noon, E.D.T., WILSON, Brucefield. Phone 659 r 12. ,A• u goat 6 1956for construction of one- Seaforth. 4620x1 r�m addition and alterations to S.S. No. Associates, 422 Wellington St., London. TV ; used washing machine; used elec- tric rotary mower.. -'Apply CROWN Plans and specifications may be ob-, HARDWARE. 4620-1 tained from the Secretary upon deposit) of 500,00 in the form of a certified' FOR SALE--Ford-Dearborn pickup 6 - cheque, made payable to the School foot combine, motor driven ; practically Board, , flbkersmith. School Area, No. 1, new Priced for quick sale. Apply fo which'"'will he released upon return of ELGIN NOTT, R,R, 4, Clinton. Phone plans and specifications in rood condi- 8.17 r 5, Seaforth,' 4620x1 tion within three weeks of the date of the closing of tenders. W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. No. 3, Seaforth, Ontario. 4619-2 Notices RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TF4:RY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R. 4616 -if COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS. Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. 4616-tf Al'taNTION, FARMERS -- Pcompt; courteous collection - 'of' all dead -and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea- ferth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Lt. 4616-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—Sep- tic tanks, cesspools, etc, pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. A11 work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLAZE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4610x12 CUSTOM THRESHING—Will do cus- tom threshing; new machine with cutter, shredder, grain thrower and 16 -foot ex- tension on thrower. Help with our harvest and threshing would be wel- come, to help pay your threshing bill. Apply B. REIHL, R.R. 2, Walton. Phone Dublin 24 r 9. 4620-2 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St., Hen- sall. Bring your livestock Always a good market price. HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Hensall VICTOR HARGREAVES, HU. 24511, Clinton. • 4818-12 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING EDING ASSOCIATION �,„✓ 1e4r ]Teed. "VGhere Better„^Bji�s�r, e Odi *Areca] inset rf¢>18tt Infornintion ni.,,Ifirytete from �ll,liimilt of cattle lyhrliYe tkel V iiterlljfs, fin ini l0('!Okrindtidik ei foO per N' I w -91.111, blfteen 2 >o; frit; 'lite? vaAlt Uinta rivlll4+ lir 0414 a-10$ toot ;11 FOR SALE --international l0 -foot power hinder in good working order: priced 5225. Apply J. H. ALDERSON. R.R. 1, Thamesford. Phone 4 r 4, Kintore. 4620x1 FOR SALE- Grain box.' 125 bushel ca- pacity, good as new. Also reasonable rates for trucking grain. Apply to MERTON KEYES. Phone 656 r 11 Sea - forth. 4620-2 FOR SALE„—Flowers. Shrubs, Fruits. (Free replacement guarantee.) Orders taken now for delivery next Spring. ERIC MILNER. Phone Seaforth 393. 4616-tf FOR SALE—A steel frame couch; will pull out for bed. with mattress ; a set of three steps in good condition ; also a num- her of quart fruit cans. Apply to MRS, R. BOYES, Egmondville. 4620-1 FOR 'SALE-7=foht portable walnut wardrobe with two lock doors, each hav- ing a 4 -foot bevel mirror; top shelf is 10 inches high; bottom drawer is 5A inches deep, clothes closet 41,4 feet high with a hanging bar and tie rack; interior 4 feet wide and 16 inches deep ; also a bundle buggy for carrying groceries MRS, D. S. RYAN, Box 131, Seaforth. Phone 471. 4620-1 SIDEWALKS AND PATIOS—The mod- ern manner is to .pave with flagstones. In a choice of 49 different sizes and col- ors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in ' designs that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth concrete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated in a manner that makes them water- proof and stronger than other makes. They are guaranteed for 5 years. Made only by SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRO- DUCTS. Call for free estimates. Phone 740, Seaforth. 4613-8 HAY FOR SALE Approximately 15 acres atanding hay. Estate Joseph Carlin, located about 2t/2 miles east of Seaforth, on No. 9 Highway. Apply A. W. SILLERY, Solicitor, Seaforth. 46x0-1 Deaths PRESANT--Died in Wellesly Hoailital, Toronto, on July 26, Philip, Henry' Pi'eSant, in his 81st year father of Philip Present, Mitchem. 3' ineisal se's vices held at McDougall & IiroWn Fttn- eral Hone, Toronto, July $00 *illi in- tern -fent in St. John's Noteitid, Ccha- oto. •id fYn,t NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN FREDERICK HILLEBRECHT All persons having claims against the Estate of John Fre(leriek Hillebrecbt, late of the Township of McKillop, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased,_ who died on the 3rd day of January. 1956, are herehy,r notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on 'di• before the 10th day of August, 1056. after which date thb assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived • DATED at Seaforth, this 17th day of July, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. . 4618-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOSEPH PATRICK ROACH All persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph Patrick Roach, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, deceased,'Who' died on the 18th rlay of December, 1915, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to theundersigned on 0!," before the 17th day of August, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 24th day of July, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4619-3 Cards of Thanks In Memoriam WRIGHT—In loving :memory of a dear husband and father, James Wright, who passed away six years ago, August 10, 1950. THE FAMILY of the late Elmer Web- ster wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives and neighbors for their kind- ness and sympathy extended to them dur- ing their recent sad bereavement, for beautiful floral tributes, cards, letters and help in the home. Special thanks to the special nurses, the doctors and staff of the Clinton Public Hospital. 4620x1 Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear, But always a beautiful memory Of one we loved so dear. —Ever- remembered by his Wife and Family. 4620x3 HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs, Laird Hetdriak, Af ` near Grand Bend, v44490: a11Sun day with the former's nephei a and niece, Mr. and Mra, Hugh :Beni Brick. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family attended the Ferguson re- union at Springbank on Sunday( Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.. A. Gackstetter were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Gackstetter, of near Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gackstetter, of near Hensall, and Mr. Edward and John Gackstetter of near Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl, • of Listowel, were weekend guests 1 of the latter's brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert: Miss Marcia Little,rof Hensall, is enjoying some,.>holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Long.. The service at St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday, August 5, will be held at 10 a.m. Rev. Davidson, of Brucefield, will con- duct the service. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mopsseau spent Friday •ill London, Marilyn returning with them for the week- end. Wednesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dowson included; Mr. and Mrs. Good, of Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Britton, of Mitchell, Mrs. Bowerman, of Listowel, vis- ited last week with her mother, Mrs. William Workman, and ber brother and sister -ill -law, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Workman. We are pleased to report Mr. Lorne McBride, who is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, of Miss Doris Lear, of St. Cathar- ines, spent the weekend at the home,Of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear. Mr. Watson Reid was away fish- ing over the weekend. Mr. Robert Reid. of Burlington, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reid. Miss Mary Lou Roe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe, spent the weekend at her home here. She is attending Teachers' Summer School in Toronto. Mr. and "Mrs. James . McEwing and Kathleen motored to Port Dover on Sunday.' The Sunday School picnic of Burns' Church, which was to be held on Tuesday night, wets can- celled due to the rain. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lloyd and - family, of Harriston, who spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McEwing, left for Niagara Falls on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watt and family, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt, Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall and other rela- tives.here, left.on Friday to return to Quebec. They were going, to stop off at Oshawa to visit Mr. and Mrs, Donald Watt. Church services and Sunday School are cancelled at Burns' United Church for- this Sunday, as Rev. T. and Mrs. White are going on holidays for, the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Russel MaeBeath, of London, visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Watt. for a few days last week. WE WISH to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to those who helped in any way during, our recent bereavement. Special hank a p e I t s to Father McCaw 1 Father u k D el , Ffo I es r. Gorwill and the nurses on the hospital staff and an those who visitedor sent card's or treats while' a Patient in Sedtt Memorial Hospital ; . also to all the neighbors and friends who adsiated in any wily during his sickliest and death. 'istALONE't FAMILY 4820x1 BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, of London. spent the weekend with relatives in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Wilson vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Knox for a few days in Sarnia. Miss Louise Allen, Hamilton, and Mr. Robert Allan, Jr., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen.' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird, Mrs. D. Toughand Miss Mary Gor- don, Goderich, spent a week up North. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas McBeath, of Windsor, were guests at the home 'of Mr. McBeath's parents over the weekend, celebrating -Mr. and Mrs. McBeath's 25th -wedding anniversary. A number of ladies from Bruce - field attended a shower for Miss Margaret Zapfe at the home of Mrs. Austin Zapfe, Byron, last week. Mrs. William Douglas and Mrs, Consitt had as their guests Mrs. Hudson. Pontiac, and Mrs. Beck, of Applegate, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Somme, of Hamilton. • Sunday School Picnic The Brucefield Sunday School picnic was held on Thursday at Bayfield. The attendance was not as large as usual on account of the busy season, but a good time was enjoyed by all who attended. The following is the program of races: six and Lender, girls, Gail St. Louis, Bxenda Ann Hargreaves, boys, Lawrence Elliott, Rickey Burdge; 8 years and' under, girls, Patsy Rathwell and Bonnie Dal- rymple (tied), Sharon Burdge; 8 years and under, boys, Jimmie McDonald, David Parker, Brian Triebner; 10 years and under, girls, Gaye Elliott, Betty Ann Laz- enby, Barbara Rathwell; 10 years and under, boys, Cameron McDon- ald, Douglas Parked„ Brian Trieb- ner; 11-12 years, girls, Carolyn Ross, Rose Mary McDonald, Phyl- lis Lobb; 11-12 years, boys, De- wayne Elliott, Billy Rathwell, Ralph Triebner; 14 years and un- der, girls, Jean Rathwell, June Turner, Olive Aikenhead; 14 and under, boys, Garry Triebner, Jack Broadfoot; married ladies, Mrs. Bob Allan, Mrs. Slade, Mrs. Ken Scott; measurement guess, Garry Triebner, J. Broadfoot; married men, Bob Allan, Mel. Graham; three-legged race, Olive Aikenhead and Betty. Ross, Jean Rathwell and June Turner; tire relay, Eonnie Dalrymple, Barbara Henderson, Rose Mary McDonald; girls' is shoe scramble, Janet Henderson, June Turner, Evelyn Turner; boyS' shoe scramble, Sinanly McDonald, Doug- las ]Bounce; ladies kick the slip- pett, June Turner, Amy Hunt, Bet- ty Woolly; treasure hunt, Mrs, William] Burdge, Esti ilton,i visit )r Alit] Mrs. Gor doll Wren o the weekkend, Ali ttel^,and Joan 'returninghome wi ..h, them, from a pleasant holi- (Jay; , Mir- aiad Mrs, Ivan Wren and daughter;t1f Milton, were week -end guests!, also. Mr. Arnold Gackstetter, Guelph, spent the weekend with bik wife and family. Mr. David Cooper, a former resi- dent of Kippen, and now of Los Mantis, Colorado,- attended the Howick Centennial recently and visited last week with his cousin, Mr. R. J. Cooper, and old friends in the village. A number from Kippen attend- ed the concluding program of the Bible School at Cromarty Friday evening, 113 pupils being enrolled for the second week's course, spon- sored by the• Mennonite Church of Zurich. - Miss Joyce Hood is holidaying two weeks with her cousin, Diane Perkins, of London. Mrs. Fowler, of Aurora, visited the past week with her brother-in- law, Mr. John L. Henderson. a Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parker;; 'of Chatham, -visited with the latter's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell, last week • - Miss Pat Lovell is visiting in Chatham this week, the guest of Miss Carol Civilier. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell, ac- companiefl. by Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can Cooper and --Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Bell, spent Sunday in and around the Chatham district. Miss Donna McBride, Reg N., of Stratford, is visiting her friend, Miss Merle Dickert and relatives in and around the village: HENSALL NEWS OF THE WEEK The Hensall Library will be closed August 4th to 21st, all books due on 4th of August. Mrs: R. J. CAMERON, Librarian.—(Advt.). Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys and family have returned home after vacationing for a few days' with the latter's brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stephen- son, of Scarboio. Mrs. Earle Sproat had as guests friends from Sarasota, Fla., Toron- to and Grosse Ile, Michigan. Mrs. Sproat returned with them to Grosse Ile, also visiting with Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Sproat and family in Windsor. Biggar Reunion Poplar Hill proved an ideal set- ting on Sunday for the annual Big- gar reunion with one hundred members of the clan present from Flin Flon, Man., Hanover, Galt, Hamilton, Washington, Ont., Ancas- ter, Tillsonburg, Port Dover, Wat- ford, Forest, Sarnia, Inwood, New Hamburg, Baden, Plattsville, and Hensall. A full line of sports were ZION Carl Roney accompanied his cousins, Dianne and Pat Cudmore, home to Clinton on Friday and will spend a few holidays there, Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and Mrs. James Malcolm spent Monday with • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Sea - forth. Mrs. Herb Britton, Joan and Margie spent Friday in Stratford. Mr. Graham De Clute and Miss Ann Thompson, Toronto. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and accompanied them to Ipperwash 'on Sunday, where they were met by Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham and family, Keith and Bruce going home to Sarnia with them for the week. Miss Pauline Broughton, of At- wood, is visiting her aunt and un- cle, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin. Alan and Jimmie Roney spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Williams. 'Miss Marjory Belfour visited in Mitchell recently. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Tubb and Lloyd visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Annis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pepper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker visited at Bim- imi on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. • Ross Pepper and Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper visited in Formosa on Sun- day. . CROMARTY run off under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Blue' Sarnia, and Mr. 'and Mrs. William Clark, of Strathroy. Prize for the oldest couple went to Mr. and Mrs. Coxen of Plattsville; youngest, Billy Sut- ten, of Ancaster; coming the long est distance, Mrs. William Long- more, Flin Flon, Man. A delicious picnic 'supper was served. The 1957 reunion will be held at Poplar Hill. Sports committee named for 1957 were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Blue and Mr. and Mrs. William Zenick, Sarnia. Announcement 114r. and Mrs. Earle Thomas Rowe, Hensall, formerly of Toron- to, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy lane, to John Arden MacDonald, son ,of Mr. and Mrs- Orlin Chester MacDon- ald, of Toronto. The marriage will take place on Tuesday, August 21, at 7:30 o'clock in Kingsway Lamb - ton United Church, Toronto. WINCHELSEA Miss Kay Horne, of London, is vacationing at the home of her parents, : Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne.. Mrs. Walters, of London, is vis- iting with her son, Mr. Fred Wal- ters, and Mrs. Walters. We, are. glad to hear Mrs. James Horne was able to be moved from London hospital to the Heywood Nursing Home in Exeter. Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilfillan were Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton, from near Hensall ; Mrs. D. Brodhagen and Brenda, of Palmerston, and Mrs. Bill Gillfil- lan' and Randy, of Exeter. Winchelsea Euchre Club picnic was held Thursday evening at Riv- erview Park, Exeter, with Mr, and Mrs. Elson Lynn and Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hern in charge. All report an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walters and Danny visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wib Glanville, near Staf- fa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and Mrs. B. Walters and daughters vis- ited over the weekend at Chesley Lake. Mrs. C. Gilfillan, Donna, Grant and Barbara Ann and Grant Skin- ner picnicked on Sunday with the Hay and Horton family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten, of Exeter, visited on . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. • Higb-speed drain pump. • Washer Timer.-... • Full size 'por- celain tub. • Safety release wringer. • 6 min. washing action. • Direct drive ball- bearing mechan- ism. • Rust -proof finish. DELUXE WASHER Exactly as illustrotbd s174° REDUCED TO NO mum DOWN ONLY $1.75 per week DENNIS ELECTRIC Phone 467 Seaforth for Carefree TV WATCH WESTINGHOUSE The Westinghouse MOROCCO Model 2V9T $19995 Now you can enjoy all the great engineering advancements of Westinghouse in a low price, televesion set! You can enjoy television performance that is second to none! Performance that will keep its high standard over the years with an absolute minimum of servicing! COME IN T6 -DAY ! Easy terms on all Westinghouse Television Sets. As low as $10.00 per month. for Carefree TV SEE Dublin Electric Phone 73 Dublin Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamont, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton and son, Peter, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Houghton and with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family. Mrs. Jennie Wilson, of Toronto, accompanied by aer--son from De- troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family and with Mrs. E. Moore. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Coleman and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing. • Mr. and Mrs, Mac Lamond vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bell, at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Storey visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs: Eli mer Storey at Winthrop. Mr. Ron Deutcher returned. to London: on Friday after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow. Mrs. E. MacDonald and Janey, Timmy, Mary Beth and Sharey MacDonald, of Mitchell, spent the weekend with Miss Olive Speare. The C.G.I.T. held their regular -meeting in the basement of the .. church Monday evening. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob Hubert, of Stratford, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris., Mr. Wilson Alien, of Swasteeka is Visiting with his brother anis sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, A- enticed was held Friday eve- ning at S.S. No. 6, Hibbert, under the 'supervision of Mr. Albert Mar- tin,a been tin w'o has I; two weeks' course in Eibie studis,'' A: 'Vett'` fine display Of work ' Vas done by the different grades. The. average attendance was over $0.. pupils. A mixed quartette of folic Of the, teachers,was touch enjoyed Huron Coun 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 PONTIAC POWER GLIDE SEDAN—Fully equipped 1955 CHEV. SEDAN fully equipped 1955 CHEV. fully equipped 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN 1952 CHEV. DE LTJXE SEDAN 1952 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE POWER GLIDE—Fully equipped 's Finest Used Cain Market 1895 2095 1925 1895 1495 1095 149( 950 950 495 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ry 1951 CHEV. SEDAN 1950 CHEV. STATION WAGON BRUSSELS,': PHONE 7a x—'rn9e U9lne of Benet tis , Cara” 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN ey0 fully equipped - »» Oi1W 596, 1949 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN ......... .:... 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS — TRUCKS — 1952 INTERNATIONAL 1 -TON STAID with racks 495 895 1959 DODGES -TON PANEL .......-».._. ».. La"Ili 1949 CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICKUP 1949 CHEV. 3/4 -TON PICKUP ......... »...»»... 300 1946 CHEV. TON' PICKUP »., ,.,30Q. A Written Guarantee far' se 11a A cis � » Model Cars—Many Other Model, to Chew Was— TORS ONTARIO OPEN EV$tir Immo sr,50 N;2 aka„;. i 4N'rj 4 i;jW i'. • t.F4 r • 1