HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-07-20, Page 1ad' ‘,S !p. .•• , 1 r Wilde Number JTJLX,20, 1956 asaddad.,• idelY Known • • Leo Step:::04,06 Dies 51th Year 'Med death---oalliriirstlal- „afternoon, July 12, of 'Leo Stephen - eon, well-known Seaforth resident, fallowing an illness of two months. He was in his 58th year. Born in Hallett, he was the son of Mrs. Stephenson and the late Bert Stephenson, Educated at Einhorn, he condueted the general store there for twenty-one years. Following- the waa-die was in busi- ness in Seaforth for a number of years, and when the Seaforth Arena and Contrininity • Centre were opened in 1949 he became the first manager. During the summer be was manager of Sea - forth Lions Parkd',. In these activities tie -came in- to.contact with the public over a wide area. The ceaddentious man - rimer in which he, Carried out his •duties and his friendly co-opera- tive nature and 'willingness to be of assistance, copttibuted to bis being held in high regard by those whoin he served. Interested in athletics, he play- ed football as a youth and was active in the manageinent of Sea - faith and district hockey and foot- ball teams for many years. He played a, Iarge part in the ar- rangement leading to a reunion of the former Kinburn football team held here Iast summer. Mr. Steplrenson had been in ap- parent gpod health until about 10 weeks ago, when he was stricken with a heart, attack. Following several weeks inlaispital here, he appeared to have made. excellent progress and was able to get about in his car. However, a sec- ond attack about two weeks ago necessitated bis return to hospi- tal. In 1926., he married the former Effie L43gan, of Blyth, who sur- vives, together with two sons, Don- ald, of Ottawa, and William,. .of Toronto. Also surviving are his mother, Mrs. B. Stephenson, and a grandchild. He was a member of Northside United' Church. Largely attended „. funeral ser- vices were held it•thei.,GIA. Whit- -vey Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Saturday,. conducted by Rev. B. Hall, assisted by Rev. J. C. Brit- ton,, of Forest. Interment followed in Maitlandbank cemetery. Pall- bearers were Walter Scott, How- -ard Armstrong, Harvey Taylor, William' Jewitt, William Dale and, Boss MacGregor. alton Readi ILA Apk or morris %Antennae! , • An enthusiastic meeting was committee; Harvey Johnston, Airs. Selund Mond Ted ...McCreathMrs_blelson_Beid day evening with the section well Mrs_ Harvey Craig and Mrs,„ -.Wal - represented, to make plans for ter Bewley; welcoming: Joseph the Morris Township CentennialRyan, George Dundas; par - to be held August 4, 5 and 6. W. ade, Stewart Humphries, Nelson Sholdice, chairman, spoke Marks, Mrs. Ted McCreath and briefly, after which Frank Kirkby Mrs. Nelson Marks;, decorating, was elected vice-chairman, and Mrs, William Humphries, Torrance B. Achilles, secretary. Dundas, Mrs. Ralph Travis, • Mrs.' On Saturday, August 4, a par- Nelson Marks, Mrs. Ernie Stevens ade will open the afternoon activi- and William Thamer; program, ties, commencing at 1 p.m., after Harry Bolger, Ralph ,Travis, Mrs. which a short program will be pre- Ted. McCreath, Mrs. Ian -Wilbee, seated by local talent at the Wal- Kenneth Ryan; booth and refresh - tori Public School. ment committee, Mrs. Torrance A picnic lunch will be served by Dup.das, Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mrs. Margaret Humphries and others the ladieS of the section in the course of the afternoon. A booth, to be appointed; finance commit - under the auspices of the • McKil- tee, Rbnald Bennett, -Harvey lop group of Duff's United Church, Craig; sports committee, Herb will be on the grounds. All guests Travis, Barry Marshall, Ken Ale - are requested to register and will be given a tag inscribed with their name. Committees are: registration Presentation To Mrs. Adam Ast On Monday evening a surprise party was held at the home of Mrs. Lyle Bache, honoring Mrs. Adam Ast, prier to her departure to Strathroy. The evening was spent playing genies, after which Miss Julia Flannigan read the ad- dress: Dear Ella.: It is with pleasur and regret that we meet here to- night, pleasure in this merry so- cial gathering of fellow -workers, and regret that in a couple of weeks Ella will no longer be here. We are glad that you are not go- ing too far away and 'will look for- ward to:seeing you now and then. You have, been a real friend and fellow worker, and it is a small token of our appreciation that we ask you to accept this gift. May It be a reminder to you of your friends of Seaforth Shoes. This comes to you from all of us, especially meant to show that ive all think a lot Of you, as surely you must know. And if just half the wishes that were wishing you tomes true, a lot of happiness will fill the days -ahead of you. - From Your Fellow Workers. Miss Fiore Bream and Miss Muriel Hudson presented IVIrs. Ast with an electric clock and brace- let set. on behalf of .the friends from Seaforth Shoes. AIso Miss Cheryl Ast received a friendship bracelet, and bath made suitable replies. A delicious lunch was served, with Mitts Julia Flannigan winning the prize for the lucky cup. - S.D.H.S. Cadet Leaves For Banff Donald, Donald McDonald; seat- ing committee, Allan McCall, Ken- neth Ryan, Jim Bolger, Robert „Stevens, Mack Sholdice, Herbert Kirkby, Jr.; grounds committee, Harvey Craig; publicity commit- tee, Roy Bennett, Lloyd Porter. Those who were in charge of collecting names and filing ad- dresses for the centennial were Mrs. R. Achilles and Mrs. Harvey Johnston. Everyone in .the section Is in - i vited to come to the school Thurs- day evening, August 2, at 7:30 o'clock, .to assist in preparing the grounds and decorating. Any hav- ing old School pictures or antiques are requested to bring them to this meeting, so that they can be ar- ranged by the decorating com- mittee. All business places in the vil- lage will be closed at 12 o'clock Saturday, August 4th, and remain closed until Tuesday morning, August Rh. On Sunday morning, August 5, at 10:30 a.m., there will be a CKNX • broadcast. Visitors may attend the church of their choice. A drumhead lervi ce and parade will be held at Brussels Commun- ity Park on Sunday -at 2:30 p.m. A special Centennial Mass and following: blessing at the newly -erected sta- Fred Twiss, Brantford $10.00 tue of St. Michael by the Most Seaforth Women's Institute25.00 Rev. 3. C. Cody, DD., Bishop of Seaforth Home & School 25.00 London, in• St. Michael's ceme- tery, Morris Township, will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 ,p.m., Sunday evening there will he a band concert in Victoria (Par, Brussels, Brussels, at 8!30 p.m. 'A monster parade of the :orris 'Township School Area will b held in Brussels on Monday, comm)enc- in gat 12 o'clock sharp. In the af- ternoon there will be public speak- ing by Morris Township Old Boys, tug -of -War, ball game, old time machinery display ' and beatfty contests open to Morris Township only. Evening dresses- will be worn by the girls entering this contest, Monday evening a program will be presented in Victoria Park, fol- lowed by a fireworks display, two 'dances and a shirt tail parade. MRS. JAMES RIVERS, well- known Seaforth resident, cele- brated her 92nd birthday at her home on Wednesday. Mrs. Rivers lives alone and is thor- oughly active, and enjoyed visits from many friends who called to 'offer congratulations. Seaforth Student Obtains First -Class Vocal Honors Miss Betty Simpson, R.R. No. 2, SeafOrth, successfully passed her VIII Vocal of the Toronto Con- servatory of Music with first-class honor. Win 'Prizes At General Coach Open House • In a contest conducted in connection with the open house held by General Coach Works of Canada Ltd., at Hensall a week ago, prizes were won as follows: first, Mrs. Goldie Gra- ham, 13rucedield, Coleman cooler; second, Mrs. Etta Hog- - gart, R.R. 1, Clinton, Coleman camp stove; third, Mr. and -Mrs. William Lamport, R.R. 1, Hensall, Coleman gas lantern. Large 'Entry Features: Doubles Tourney ' Intermittent "rains farted the„: elimination of the thiid game the annual Westinghouse -double,* tourney held by the Seaforth Lank; Bowling Club Wednesday after+:, noon, The tourney was arranged in co-operation with Box Furniture store. With 30 enlxies, the tourney was one of the largest held in some time, and was won by a Seaforth pair, F. C. J. Sills and F. E. Wil- lis, with two wins plus 20. Other prizes went to: E. C. Shantz and E --Engler, Waterloo,, 2 wins plus 18; J. E. Koch and Arn- old Gibson, Listowel, 2 wins plus 15; W. Newcombe -and Carl Drap- er, Clinton, 2 wins plus 14; 'J. Dorsch and Moyer, Waterloo, 2 wins plus 1_3;' S. McIntosh and R. McIntosh, Ailsa Craig, 2 wins plus 11. Junior Farmers Church Service The eighth annual interdenomin- ational Jueior Farmer Church service will be held on SundaY evening at 730 p.m., in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wing - ham. All Junior Farmers, their par-; exits and friends are encouraged to attend this :annual service. The address will be given by Rev. 'Alexander NiM111Q, minister at St. Anrew's Presbyterian Church. Junior Farmer members from the county will be taking part in the „service, and there will be a Junior Farmer choir. Receive Donations To Lions Pool Fund Donations to the Lions Pool build- ingrfund continue to be received by Treasurer J. E. Keating. During the past few days 'dona- tions received have included the Name Omitted From List of Successful Pupils In a report of pupils of Mrs. William Collins, who were success- ful in recent music examinations, the name of Miss Janet McKer- cher was. inadvertently omitted. Miss McKercher was among the - successful Grade 3 pupils. MISS PEGGY WILLIS, daughter of Postmaster F, E. Willis and Mrs. Willis, who sails the end of this month for England, where she is on teacher's exchange. District Groups Picnic, Hold Annual Reunions Bell Reunion One hundred attended the 33rd annual Bell reunion held in River- view Park, Exeter, attended by members from Detroit, Sarnia, London, Toronto, Seaforth, Hen- sall, St Marys and Acton. George Elliott, Thedford, was awarded the prize for the oldest grandfather, and Daryl Penhale, youngest baby 'Present. Howard Weir, Detroit, came the' longest distance. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole directed sports. Glenn Bell, of Hensall, will car- ry on for next year as president, with Vera Watson, secretary. Among the 107 Royal Canadian Army Cadets who left Camp Ip- perwash by rail for Banff. Alta., on Thursday to attend the Nation- al Cadet Camp. was Cadet Lieut. Franklin Bryans, of Seaforth dis- trict. He is a son of Dr. and Mrs. R. Bryans, of Seaforth. The trip is a reward for be- ing judged Ontario's outstanding Cadets over the previous year s training. To qualify for the trip, - the cadets must have attained the standard of "Cadet First Class" or 3114"ster Cadet, must he 16 years of age and must have their par- ents approval,' In addition. their character and academie standing is taken into account. They must be recommended by their. school principal, the chief (instructor of their coma and the Area Cadet Officer. For the peat two weeks the cadets- have undergone refresher training ;iand," have been, outfitted with altropic'Worsted Olfdriiiip for the 1110 • 1116 party was ittaw,teti;hxItrig. all 0., on mar( -0AlieWA'A• Orr Reunion ' - The Orr reunion was held Sun- day at Riverview Park, Exeter. Members of the family met for dinner and spent the rest of the day, including supper, at the park. Members of the clan attended from London, Parkhill, Berdie, Pine RiVer, Ripley, Teeswater, Elmwood, Sandusky, Mich., Kin - lough, Wingham and Hensall. especial collection was taken purchase a birthday gift for an 11 -year-old absent member, spending his birthday as a patient in Kincardine Hospital. Conveners were Mr. and Mrs. James Orr, of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, Wingham. Marshall Family The Marshall family held a re- union on Sunday at Seaforth Lions hers ofthe vim!, were present Park when; 80 were*attendance.. trent Niagara 'Falls, Toronto, In - Results of races were as follows: under six years, Billy Denham; six M nine, -FIGS Vance; nine to 12. Murray.s? Vatine; „ 12 M. 16, Nor- ma Vance. Grace Terry T boys 12 to 16; David. Loy, Hugh Parker; Parker; girls 16 to 20, Grace Levy, Marie Levy; boys de, o-'25, ,..Har.old„TeriinParker; relaY:!rah0; passingWie,olfitee.64154%,tri rchie Jim Pae:er's side; laughter con- test, Walter Levy, Beverley Biek- ell; folding chair relay, Beverley Sicken • and Carman Craig; bal- loon race, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Rourke; youhgest baby, Linda Marie Irvine; most buttons on dress, Betty Levy. McKay and Hodge Picnic The annual McKay and Hodge family picnic was held Sunday at Seaf&th Lions Park with 60 in attendance. The purpose of the picnic was 'to gather_ and meet Mr. Angus McKay, of Strasbourg, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Penny, of Indian Head, Sask. Rel- atives were present from Guelph, London, Burford, Atwood, Wing - ham, Brusiers, Ethel, Monaieff, Monkton, Dungannon, Gadshill, Bluevale, Clinton, Goderich and Port Albert. Among the senior members pres- ent were Mr. Alex McKay, of At- wood, Who is 91 years 'old, and Mr. Rory McKay, of Wingham, who is 81 years old, and one of the guests of -honor, Mr. Angus McKay, who is 79 Years old. • A very pleasant time was spent by all, and Onus were made to make this a yearly picnic. lifeArthni Reunion The annual McArthur reunion was held recently at Riverview Park, Exeter, for which Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing, of Exeter, were host and hostess. Fifty-five mem Orson, Thatimsford, Blenheim, London, Owen Sound, Zurich; Hen. sall and .Exeter - A full" line of sports were run oft,-diree0d by Mr, and Mrs. Boy Lamont and 30. and Mrs. Melv. Elfiott, „.thrich, and Mrs. Frank Boyd, Niagara Falls. the 190 Minion will be held at Sintigbatatt Officers for 1957 were elected as follows: president, Mr. Ray Reid, Owen Sound ; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Hen- sall; sports, Mr. anal Mrs. James McArthur, Ingersoll, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mender, Thamesford. • SETITNG THE PACE for the Orange Walk here Saturday was Frank Johnston, R.R. 1, Dub- lin, drummer of Winthrop Lodge 813. The occasion, also marked the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Winthrop Lodge who, with Seaforth Lodge, were hosts for' the day. The com- mittee in charge was headed by Ken Betties. Secretary -treasurer was Borden Brown. Commit- tee members •included Harry Johnston, Roy Elliott, John Oldfield and Andrew W. Dunlop. ark Glorious Twelfth Here 8,000 Attend Orange Parade e 'largest crowd hi Seaforth in pany years, with, the exception of the Civic holiday crowd at the Seaforth Old Boys' last_ summer, celebrated the 266 anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne here sat- urday. The attendance was esti- mated at more than 8,000. The Glorious Twelfth, celebrated Seaforth for the first time since 1942, .iso Marked the 100th anni- versary of the founding of Win- throp L.O.L. 813. Previous occa- sions on which marches were held here were in 1922 and 1906. Frcim the time the first_lodge arrived on Main Street about 8 o'clock Saturday morning, until late that evening, there were but few moments, without an im- promptu parade or program. Park- ing was at a premium, and so great was the press of visitors that streets, well removed from Harris Family The members of the Harris fam- ily gathered in Mitchell Park on Saturday for their 29th annual re- union. After a noon lunch, 100 members Were present for the af- ternoon activities. The president, Frank Curtis, of Stratford, conducted a business meeting, at whi it was decided to hold the 1957 rePark, Seaforth. in Lions The officers for 1957 are: pr dent, Mervyn Lobb. Clinton; vice- president, Alden Williams, Fuller- ton; secretary -treasurer, E d i th Harris, Mitchell; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fanson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney; lunch, Mrs, Roy Butson, Mrs. Basil Schooley. The sports program and a ball game were under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butson and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Walkom. Winners. were: foot races, Joyce Rolph lizabeth Fanson, Bruce Walkom, Jim Roney, Connie Butsbn, Judith Million, Donald Williams, Allan Roney, Phyllis Lobb, Barbara Docking, Harold Williams, Dick Lobb, Grace Pym, David Williams, Bruce Lobb; kick -the -slipper, Paul- ine Walkom, Connie Button. The oldest person presidia was Edw,in Curtis, Mitchell; ybungest person, tido-month-old Deborah Jane Har- ris, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Harris, London. Taylor Picnic The eighth Taylor family reun- lett was held at Seaforth Lions Park with 74 present. Sports ,and irages were condUcted by - Mrs „Hebert Riley, lirs. Mansel Cook ' (Contintied on Page 5) Ark with; Mr. and„„Mrs: Relit „ the parade route, were parked ' with cars. Perfect summer wea- ther added to the occasion. •' Highlight of the day was the mile -long parade of 39 lodges, and seven bands, which left Victoria Park at two o'clock. Last-minute changes in the parade route took the parade along Main Street to James Street, west on James to Church, south to Market, and along Market, Main, George and Vic- toria, back to the park. Lloyd HernWoodham, county secretary, was in charge of the program in Victoria Park. Rev. J. R. Holden, Meldillop, invoked blessing on the assembly. Reeve Norman Scoins extended a civic welcome to the visiting lodges on behalf of the Town of Seaforth. Elston Cardiff, M.P. for Huron, spoke briefly. and Brussels Pipe Band played a selection. OPEN $40,000 LIONS PARK POOL; RAIN MARS CARNIVAL FESTIVITIES The County Master of South Huron, Joseph Caldwell, Grand Bend, introduced the speaker, Rev. E. E. Kent, of Chatsworth, Grand Chaplain of Ontario -West. Mr. Kent stated that to be an Orange woman or man, one must have a The interior „of'.a 1955 -'model ca just bought a pig, weeks o03r ,44y Fred ,Glanville, 101PlokTeMrt ship, was destroyed b3 fir Fri day night, after the, dashboard, burst into flames'While 'Mr. end Mrs. Glanville were returning home from Seaforth.„ I • Mr. Manville noticed„ the - fire., just north of Wiatbron: He at- tempted to extinguish it VIMa blanket but Seaforth 'unteer fire depaAMent wee called 11.9, a householder.' near „Allem the car stopped. No one was hurt. Insurance was carried, Car Hits Culvert John H. Kurron, about 40, of Hamilton, suffered possible arm . and leg fractures about, midnight Friday when his 'car slid off a township road and crashed into a culvert in Hibbert Township south of Dublin. He was taken -to Scott Memorial Hospital; Seaforth. Provincial Police from Stratford detachment, who were called to in- vestigate the accident, could not locate the injured man for Several hours. He had' been removed to hospital by ambulance before they arrived and no information was left for the officers. • Clinton Boy Injured Egbert Kolkman, 11 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kolkman, R.R. 1, Clinton, is in Clinton Hos- pital with lacerations and other possible undetermined injuries re- ceived when he was in collision with a car driven by Lorne Hunk- ing, of R.R. 1, Auburn, Saturday afternoon. Provincial Constable Don Trum- bley. of Goderich detachment, in- vestigated the accident on High- way 4, about two miles north of Clinton. Local Teacher on British Exchange Miss Peggy Willis, daughter of Postmaster F. E. Willis and Mrs. Willis, sails from Montreal on the Empress of •France, on' July 31. She is on a one-year teachers' ex- change. great conviction, "The Orange. Seaforth Willis, who was. educated Order is not anti," he said,Seaforth schools and Stratford pro in its stand for things that "butTeachers' College. has taught at mean a great deal to men aid South Easthope, Seatortn Public Scaldedaidi ea rdadiayears at Guelph Public Schools. While in England she• will teach; a nursery class at Culham Manor Infant women who have gone before." He urged his audience to demon- strate good daily living. Oliver Jacques, Hensall, thanked School. Hillingdon, near Uxbridge. the speaker for his address. Oth- Marking her impending depar- ers on the platform who spoke ture. a picnic was held at 'Lions briefly were Thomas Prycle, MI. Park Saturday, attended by mem- A., and A. Y. McLean. Bannock- bers of her family and friends. burn Pipe Band entertained with a selection. Hullett Pupils In the evening the crowd was entertained at the CKNX Barn Dan.ce in the arena. when a ca- pacity crowd of over 1,600 took part in the fun. Seaforth stores were particular- ly busy throughout the day. Meals were served in Northside United. Church schoolroom and by tile Legion Ladies' Atixiliary in the Steady ram forced the cancella- ming and diving and life-saving former Fuhr shop on Main Street. tion of the opening night perform- techniques by members of the Contests were held in the after- ance of the two -night Lions Sum- R.C.A.F., Clinton. The display was noon and prizes were awarded as iner Carnival, and cool damp wea- incharge of Flight Lieutenant follows: fife and drum band, Clin- ther reduced the attendance at the Archie 'Bowen, Seaforth, and Fly- den and Woodham, tied; best man Thursday night perfornaance. ing Officer Bud Hayter, Clinton. fifer, Thomas Sherritt, Hensall; The opening of the new Lions The exhibition indicated various best lady drummer, Miss Bruce. pool, scheduled for Wednesday, swimming and diving styles and Belgrave;; best man drummer, was postponed until Thursday. Tak- showed methods of ensuring safe- Harry Graham. Bethel; best dress- ing part in the ceremony were ty in the water. Interspersed be- ed ',lodge. Amberley L.O.L. 1328; members of the Lions Club, who tween the exhibitions were hilar- largest lodge, Murphy No. 710. had been active in the club when sous numbers. in which members Clinton; best dressed ladies. Bete the park was first conceived in of swim teams in costume, bur-lah, L.O.B,A., Listowel, which was 1928, officials of the club and lesqued the various feats. L. the largest lodge; L.0.L. corn - members of the club park corn- The outstanding program includ- mittee. ed several acts by Canadian and ing farthest, Kincardine; LO.B.A. Hazel Ann Shanahan and Eddie coming farthest, Fordwich; oldest Appreciation of the support giv- European artists, featuring aerman pr se o- e nt in the Order, Alband Patricia Medd; shoe race, jun- en Spencer: seniors. Lorraine Dale eit the project was expressed by batics, tumbling, balancing and Maynard. 85. Kincardine:- A. Y. McLean, parks committee music. Bands included Seaforth Bands in the walk at Seaforth iors. Hazel Ann Shanahan; sen - chairman, who told of the growth Highlanders a n d Bannockburn were: Seaforth Highlanders Brass iors. Lorraine Dale; time race, Hazel Ann Shanahan. of the park during its nearly 30 Pipe Band. Eric Munroe was , Band; Listowel Canadian Legion years history. He referred to master of ceremonies, Results of events for children of ' pipe band; Brussels Pipe Band; , age: • John - the co-operation and assistance Dr, J. 0. Turnbull won a draw Belgrave Pipe Band: Bannockburn pre-scaool running race. given by the contractors, Frank for a portable TV set, while a Pipe Band of Varna; Exeter Can- ny Shanahan; ladies' events were: Kling and Peter Christensen and bicycle was won by Tony Phil- adian Legion Pipe Band; fife and potato pealing, Mrs. Sam Spencer; the- engineering consultants, Geo. lips. Dick Thompson, of Listowel, drum band of the Clinton lodge. flower naming, Mrs. Joseph Flynn; kick the slipper, Dorothy Flynn; running race. Thelma Dale; birth- day nearest the day of the picnic,, Mrs. Lloyd Medd. Youngest mem- ber was Charles Shanahan. A ball game followed the races. Make Presentatoon At the close of a picnic held by pupils of S.S. 2, Hallett a presen- tation was made to the teacher, Miss Dorothy Dillon. who has taught in that school for the past two years. Rev. J. W. Graham, of St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, ad- dressed the gathering. compliment- ing the teacher on her work dur- ing the last two years. An ad- dress was read 13V Lorraine Dale and the preseptation of an electric lamp was made by Leo Medd, At the picnic. refreshments were donated by Father Graham and Eddie Florian Results of parents' events: running race. juniors, Claire Dale; seniors. Lorraine Dale; three-legged race, 'Lorraine Dale; wheelbarrow race, juniors, Humphrey and Ken Clawson, of M. M. Dillson Co,. and introduced members of the park committee. including Dr. J. 0. Turnbull, C. M. Smith, F. Kling, A. W. Sillery, Past President M. r. Clarke, and Presi- dent-elect J. Scott Cluff. J. E. Keating spoke on behalf of charter members John Beattie, H. te C. A. Barber, J. A: -Stew- . J. Duncan, and called r. who cutting a rib - entrance, declared a on bon a the pool o T'receedingnin s'a ' - monies the I ge interesting exhi t't'l Mr., Mrs. J. 'IcAsh Wed Forty Years won a Yorks ire sow. Mrs. Chas. and Woodham flute band, Brugger guessed the weight of a In, addition. almost every lodge horse at 1,733 pounds, only two on parade had its own bass drum - pounds short of the actual weight. mer and fifer marching with the lodge; Trowbridge L.O.L. had what amounted almost to a band. with two bass drums. tarn snare drums and three fifes carried, and used, by the lodge members. • Lodges taking part in the walk were: Kinloss L.O.L. 898, with two bass drums; Amberley L.O.L. 1328. with bass drum; Bethel, West Bruce, L.O.L. 1226, with bass drum; Kinlough L.O.L. with two bass s; Milverton L.OL. 45, with rum; Listowel Beulah L,T.B. towel L.O.L. 370; Wallace twood L,O.L. with bass wbr' .0L. 662, with two bass dr ms; Britton L.O.L. 677, with b s drum; Maple Leaf L.O.L. 1999, ith bass drum, snare' drum and piper; Brussels L.OL. 744 with bass drum; Blyth L.O.L. with bass drum; Londesbord L.O. L. with bass drum; Belgrave L.O. L. 462; Dtingannon L.OL. 324 with bass &um; Wingham L.O.L. 794, with bass drum; Gonrie L.O.L. 767; Gorrie L.O.B.A. 810; nrdwich L.03,A. 131; , Newbridge LOL. 775, with bass drum; Varna L.OL.. 1035; Varna Future Lodge; lien:, sail L.O.L.. 783; Goderich. L.O.L, 182, With bass draft; Clinton L.O. BA.; Murphy L.O.L. 710, Clinton; Bayfield L.O.L. 24, With bass drain; Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh, of Varna, will be at home to their friends on the occasion of their 40th 'wedding anniversary Friday, July 20, from 3 to 5 and 8 to 10 Mr, and Mrs, McAsh were mar- ried in Seaforth by Rev. J. M. Keyes, assisted by Rev. James Foote. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys. The grient is a son of the late Mr. atiirligrs. Thomas J. McAish, of Varna. Following the ceremony. Mr. and - McAsh returned to Varna. Where Mr. McAsh conduct- ed general store. Por 40' years been.Posmaster•-at. ;Varna', „ • . ' COUNCILLOR E. H. CLOSE, well-known Seaforth business- man, who for fifty years has been in _business oil Main ',St., Celebrated:his /7th birthday on Wednesday*. A number of .his friends marked the occasion with presentation to him, bass 411; L.O.L.; drum; T WOOdham I.O.L. 482; Winthrop L. 813, With We bass drums: Seaforth /02, With , bass drum ..Seaforth L.OEB.A. 712. Winthrop Ties Clinton WFA Team Winthrop football team played Clinton WF.A. 'B' team to a tie in a recent game in Clinton, It is expected 5 return match will be arranged to be played at Winthrop shortly. DRAW NUMBERS FOR HOME BINGO Numbers drawn up to and in- cluding July 12, are: 1-0-67; 2-1-25; 3-0-65; 4-0-60; 5-G-48; 6-0-58; 7-B-14; 8-0-66; 9--0-74; 10-0.64; 11-1-29; 12- 0-46; 13-G-55; 14-1-19; 15-0-52; '"- 27126-0-0::-53.509; ;;17-28_,0211.„320:-61:7; 1122-,4811;29-N44..,11t)---: Igst2it; 1-20; 24-4-16; 25-04P;„ „'2,&-N-39; 3114-450; -5331;-°35180461 . .'„ 4' „kBto.„4,4 i1/41441t-dirB,;:23s7;2;,:lt.,2;44,B; ,,.„,;•, 7444 4 31; 4&-bly-34.;,,,,,.4 •„.' 143; 38-0-721 8914-14ft , o 0 "a? 1 55--N-44; 13.44,6 d',S1 al r7,