HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-06-29, Page 5• 1• r , f 1. s, 4 1�. 11 t. r 5 .'. n,-r<'t tqhs..,, ftf�•!4 1(.1949 For gla Q1 Traitor 1 NO: 7 1V. rise' -Harris Drophead " Load (like net) 2 "Massey Harris 6: foot ' Binders 1 Massey -Harris -Spreader, 1. Massey Harris Horse Mower.. 1 19.52.-Chev. Sedan \. BOYES FARM SUPPLY r 'one 110 Seaforth • �! /%r///i � . %/' /% i% // /!%ai /i%//i ~ji/r.////ii%ice) „': • e / / ' 1955 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 9,000 miles 1953- CHEV. DEL AIR Radio; Powerglide; 16,000 miles 1953 CHEV. SEDAN 1952 DE LUXE CHEV. SEDAN A Premium Car y 1952 FORD SEDAN 1951 FORD ' COACH 1953. FORD 1y TON PICKUP 1950 CHEV. 3/4 -TON PICKUP NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chev. - Olds. Chev. Trucks OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 Belted with a' gift from the i�;. co . gregation, fiid alt address, 'express tng' appreetafaon Jor their, faithful ministry dtlriag ,their three •rears. pastorate here.Also sift was pr.;esented to Mr, ' Mity' by the choir.,in, recognition of his efficii- ent. leaders lip in.the service of song Best wishes go 'w;itli theAm to their new charge. The new minister, Dr- James Semple. and Mrs. ,Semple have moved into the manse and are getting settled this week. The in- duction service will be held on Friday', June 29, at 8 Rein., when Dr. and. Mrs. Semple would be glad to--meetgregation. all the -friends of -the- con - Mr. ,and. Mrs. Norman Milne, of Hamiota, Man., spent a few day with Mr. and Mrs. James Hay. Miss Jean Watson, RegN., of Toronto, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. J. S. Watson. We are glad to see Mr. A. C. Routledge home again after his recent operation in Scott Memor- ialHospital. ° A_ number from here are attend- ing the South Huron Crusade for Christ, being held in Zurich. -. RECEPTION BAYF'IELD PAVILION Monday, July 9th for Mr. and Mrs. Merton Keyes of Seaforth (nee Elsie Storey) NORRIS ORCHESTRA EVERYBODY WELCOME! NOTICE! OFFICES will be closed July 1-15 while on holidays. Return Monday, July 16, in Clinton Office. J. E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist SEAFORTH CLINTON .zasx��rN; a fa SALAD DRESSING During the Summer Holiday season look for the familiar IGA oval where you are assur- ed of quality foods at the lowest possible prices." Let IGA help make your holiday a joyous one. Remem- ber, IGA is everywhere! Miracle Whip J6A ClIs ZS 45c ANGELOS Marshmallows 1BAG-LB. 29c IGA Potato Chips 14 -OZ. 4 BAG 9( BEADY -TO -EAT MAPLE LEAF SMOKED PICNIC PORK SHOULDERS Ib. 43c IGA FRANKFURTERS No. 1 35c Cello Pkg. IGA TABLERITE :#ZINCED STEAK fresh every hour 59c lb. * jFruits and Vegetables SNbBoir 0 IRAN G E S 5 -Ib. Bag 59c JilmBO CANTALOUPES 2 /35c BANDED BANANAS • 2 /35c IGA WHOLE CANNED CHICKEN 3114 -LB. $i .39 TIN - SALADA TEA BAGS 120 -BAG- $1.39 SIZE - iJ)1 �XF�{C n{{kir• e v la fS: t 'E? s1krr)o?�'1�z^rr,oa.i ><:fnma 4 �Zk e ;2G f$r and 'iff rsEmmerson ;wpx,e C 1 ert, ,of or , vistted recently. Mrs. SWOOP, . Tek . Merle Mrs and Mrs, Blstonr Dow,son visited on7iursday with their} daughter and.. son-in-law. Mr:. and Mrs ,Ellin Kerry of Winthrop Mr. and Mrs Orville• Workman, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Wil fred; Kelps, Visited in Wroxeter re' gently. • Mr. and Mrs. N. Long, Mrs and Mrs. John Long; of Owen Sound and Mr. Robert Thomson visited Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, of Staffa, on Friday evening. Mr. and-- Mrs Norman--Dickert spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl, of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, of London, visited Sun- day afternoon with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore, Mr._and Mrs. Cudmore returning with them for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Long, Owen Sound, were weekend guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mrs. Margaret.. Johnson, of To- ronto, visited over the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law,. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Sunday visitors of Mrs. Amelia McClymont included her daugh- ters, Mrs: Alice Cook and friend, of London, and Mrs. Jennie Schil be, of Exeter. .rs Sunday gt the hoiae - and �dlaughte vin l v, dr.. an 'rnmomson '14.3110; ..Mraa, Arnold attended' the Donat Fosse ding 'on Saturday in East' Plains" 'united Church in Aldershot; and "then spent, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Foster at Alder: shat. , -. Miss Merle Dickert is assisting in the post office at Exeter for a month. Newlyweds Honored tfi 114 On Monday evening a large num- -her of friends gathered at the Bay- fied Pavilion to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ray Consitt, who were mar- ried',one week ago. They were ask- -ed-to- come forward and -were pre- sented with a gift of money. Ray and Marg thanked everyone and dancing was enjoyed by all in at- tendance. Desjardine's orchera furnished the music. The address was as follows: To Marg and Ray: Tonight we are gathered here as you stand on the threshold of a new life, to wish you both the very best of happiness and joy. To Ray, we are very glad you are going to stay on the home farm in •-Tuck ersmith, as somehow the "fourth" just tvouldn't seem the same with- out You, and we welcome --you, Marg, to our community, and we hope you will soon feel, as we all do, that there's no community like our own.—Signed on behalf of your Friends and Neighbors. CROMARTY NEWS OF THE WEEK Anniversary services were held on Sunday with Rev. J. Barr, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian' Church of Stratford, as guest speaker. The choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Ken McKellar, sang an anthem at each service, also the male quart-, ette sang several selections. A school section picnic was 'held at No. 6 School on Tuesday eve- ning. A cafeteria lunch was served at 7 p.m., followed by gabes and sports. A program, consisting of readings, duets and choruses, were given by the pupils. , The sports were as follows: pre- school children each received a balloon; kindergarten to Grade 2, .Linda Houghton; Grades 3 and 4, John Scott; boys, Grades 5 to 8, Twenty Receive First Communion --- At St. James' Twenty children of St. James' parish, Seaforth, received their First Holy Communion Sunday morning. Large bouquets of peonies decorated the main altar for -the occasion. Mrs. Stiles, organist, and the children's choir sang appropriate, hymns, during the morning Mass, with Antonette Van den Hengel as soloist. Rev. Father Weber held a short question period for the children' as a test of their knowledge in regard to the preparation for re- ceiving this great sacrament. Following are the names of the communicants who received their first Communion: Phyllis Feeney, Geraldine Willems, Johnna Rov- ers, Alice Bannon, Pauline Row- land, Dolores Maloney, Mary Ec- kert, Connie Rovers, Patrick Mur- ray, James Phillips, Fergus Quinn, Kenneth Verbakel, Bruce Pretty, Garry Bannon, Dennis Walsh, Harry Mero, James Etue, Ray- mond Devereaux, William Mc- Grath and Anthony Van den Hen - gel. Returning to the school after Mass, the communicants were pre- sented with First Communion cer- tificates, which were made avail- able through the Catholic Women's League of the parish. Those in charge of the class were St. Julia - Marie and Rev. Father Weber. Mother, Daughter 'Night Feature At Turner's W.A. Turner's W.A. held a very suc- cessful mother and daughter ban- quet on Monday evening. Fifty- four mothers and daughters were served a delicious supper by Geo. Turner, Stanley and Gordon Johns, Bob Lawson, Alex Townsend, Ross Crich, Reg Smith and Doug Lay- ton. Mrs. Howard Johns said Grace. The basement was beautifully decorated with pink and white peonies, while the tables had pink streamers and tapers and small pink and white bouquets. Mrs. Elmer Townsend was toast- mistress. Barbara Falconer pro- posed a toast to The Queen, Mrs. Ken Rogerson proposed a toast to the Church and Mrs. A. G. Eagle replied. Barbara Layton, a toast to the Mothers, with Mrs. Fred McGregor replying. Mrs. John Turner, a toast to the Daughters, with Helen Turner replying. The program consisted of a sing- song, led by Mrs, A. G. Eagle; piano solo by John Rogerson and Ruth Crich; solos .by Eileen Gar- retti accompanied by Mrs. W. Rog- erson, and 114ildred.. Crich aceom- panied by her Mother. Joyce Fal- coner gave a recitation and Janet Falconer presented Mrs. A. G. Eagle With a birthd'ay' gift, while "Happy Birthday" was sung. Lyn and Susan did an action song. A short address was ''wren by Mrs. titin Whitmore. Rtitli Brown thanked the boys far •'serving, George Turner as oepted the thanks tin behalf of the boys., Elizabeth Townsend thank- ed -^all those taking part. The ban- quet came to a close by everyone repeating the benediction. An enjoyable time was had by all ii resent. First Maid: "Yes, my master's a naval surgeon." Sdcond Maid: "Really; Well, ey "tl speeid'ifte tttese,d''yb,.don't. seilf'A r'' I,Yf trY fI' Laurie McKellar and David Scott; ladies, Grades 5 to 8, Sandra Ram- say, Joyce McLaren; young ladies, Wanda McLaren; young men, Bob McKellar. Two relay .races were conducted by the committee in charge, Mrs. H. Dow and Mrs. M. Dow. Floyd Dow acted as chair- man for the concert in the school. Several choruses were given by the pupils with Mrs. Sturgiss, the music teacher, assisting. Duets were sung by Carol Ann Dow and Connie Sorsdahl and Marlene and Joyce Dow; solo by Bruce, Dow. The juniors took part in a nursery sing -song. with a recitation by Laura Chappel. Mr. and Mrs. Don Swindall and son, Billie. of London, and Miss Patsy Scott, of Russeldale, and Ron Patterson, of Munro, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller on Sun rs. race Wren, of Seaforth, pent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laing, and also called on other friends. Mr. Grant and little granddaugh- ter, Ann Gillespie, of Komoka, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie and family, from Roys, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Alf Ross and family vis- ited with Mrs. Frank Allen on Sun- day. Visitors with Mrs. Houghton on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Rose and John, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rose, Susan, Barbara and Katherine, of, Mitchell, and Gordon Houghton, London; Irene Kemp and Gregory Rolph and Bob Uniac, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley and Leslie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig on Sunday. Judge Holsteins At Joint.- Meeting A joint meeting of the Seaforth and Brussels 4-H Baby Beef Calf Clubs was held at the farm of Ephriam Haase, Winthrop, Thurs- day evening with 48 members and eight visitors present. A class of five Hereford cows was judged by the members, and reasons for their placing were tak- en by Robert Campbell, Jim Smith, Bill Strong, Catherine Campbell, Beryl McFarlane and Ron Smith. The final placing was given by Eric Anderson. Arnold Campbell thanked Mr. Haase and Mr. Horne for the use of their farm and livestock and for the time taken to get the class ready for the members to judge. Those wishing tickets for the train trip to Niagara Falls are to get in contact with their club lead- ers as soon as possible. '7747177.717,7k. b d . . . Your Favourites, Too, For Sun pier's Hottest Days. See Our Bevy of So Cool Styles in Bright Summer Prints Cool Charmers Choose from -a wide range of floral print glazed cottons, cool voiles, plainspuns, fine cotton prints, in floral, check and stripe patterns and cool ehantungs. Of course, the color range is wide. Yours for 9:95 Only• • •.,• . See our big showing of cool sleeveless dresses, sun dress- es, bolero dresses and cotton t..iored casuals in a wide choice of best Summer shades. Stewart Bros. Bride -Elect Honored By McKillop Friends A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Stanley Hillen on Monday, when about 50 friends and neighbors met to hon- our Miss Mildred McNichol, bride - elect of this week. Several contests were conducted by Mrs. Charlie Boyd, Tennie Den- nis, Mrs. William Roe and Mrs. Hillen; readings by Mrs. Gordon McGavin and Mrs: William Roe. A mock wedding was held with the bride's part being taken by Mrs_ Ed. Regele; the groom, Mrs. Ross Leeming; bridesmaid, B e r n i c e Glanville; groomsman, Mrs. Ev- eritt Beuermann; bride's mother, Mrs. William Roe; bride's father, Mrs. -Dave Watson; clergyman, Mrs. Percy Dalton; soloist, Mar- garet Hillen. Jean Roe and June Hillen drew in a C.N.R. express train, filled with shower gifts, and Tennie Den- nis read the address. Mildred op- ened her gifts and expressed her appreciation. A delicious lunch was served and ,a social time spent. ANNOUNCEMENT! Scott Memorial Hospital In accordance with a decision taken on the occasion of the Annual Meeting in March of this year, and as a result of the in- creased operating costs with which the Hos- pital is faced, new room rates will be intro- duced. Effective July 1st, 1956, Room Rates will be as follows: Wards - - Semi - Private Rooms - Private Rooms Babies - - $7.00 per diem 8.50 per diem - 9.50 per diem 3.00 per diem SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, 11; -age selectio CTC SPECIAL SO -ft. Vinylite GARDEN HOSE 2.39 a See Our Complete Stock of Sprinklers and Hose Accessories 5}v A ;ij