HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-06-29, Page 4'S tE i; ssi$ed Ms Inserted At New Low Cash Antes OR SALE, WANTED, LOST 'AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: kat Week 1 Cent 2nd Week %Cent 3rd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Bqx No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. iF.'ifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 daya of date of final insertion. . Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events For Sale "SHARE - THE - WEALTH" BINGO - FOR SALE -Beatty washer ; used only Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, June 30, a short time; reasonable. PHONE 654 r 9 p.m., 570.00 jackpot in 54 calls'; 65.00 33. Seaforth. 4615-1 added each week until jackpot won ; 14 regular games, 10c a game. No admis- FOR SALE -Boy's bicycle, 28 -inch rim, Bion. Sponsored by Hensall Legion. in gond condition Reasonably priced. 4615-1 PHONE 652 r 14, Seaforth. REGULAR BINGO will be held as us- ual this Monday evening, July 2nd. Jack- pot games are 670.00 on 59 numbers ; 15 regular games for 65.00 ; five door prizes. Auspices of Mitchell Legion Sports Com- mittee. 4615-1 GODERICH PAVILION -Dancing Sat- urday night, Don Downs and his orch- estra; Sunday midnight, music by Bill Stuart. Every Friday, July 6th to Aug- ust 81st. ,Teen-age . Record ?;wing with Johnny Brent of CKNX Master of Cere- monies. 4615-11 Help 'Wanted HELP WANTED -Practical nurse for day duty, full or part time. RIVERSIDE REST HOME, Mitchell. Phone 69. 461 1x4 WANTED 4615x1 FOR SALE -16 acres mixed hay, stand- ing. Apply JOHN LANE. R.R. 5. Sea - forth. `Phone 46 r 15, Dublin, 4615x1 FOR SALE -Three bunches of young gigs. six weeks old. Apply MRS. WM. MALONEY, south half Lot 6, Concession 6, McKillop. 4615x1 FOR SALE -Two heifer calves, one Hereford and one Jersey. LESLIE Mc- CL'JRE, North Main St. Phone 320-W, Seaforth. 4615x1 Warded, LADY TO TRAIN to earn worthwhile income. For appointment, write MRS. NARGANG, Box 561, Huron Expositor. 4615x8 Poultry PULLETS - A number of pullets 5'%,S months old. starting to lay. MARTIN MURRAY Phone 28 r 9, Dublin 4615x1 Has for prompt shipment -Pullets -day- old, and started, including Leghorns and Ames. For mixed chicks, broilers, let's have your order in advance. Ask for complete list. Agent : MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Brucefield Phones: Clinton 618 r 23 ; Seaforth 659 r 23 4615-1 Property For Sale FOR SALE -At Bayfield, Lake Huron, 8 -roomed cottage, completely furnished. Large lot. Apply to MISS M. E. HOD - GINS, Bayfield, Ont. 4615-1 FOR SALE -1%, storey asphalt roof frame 7 -room house ; brick garage, barn and one-half acre of land. Situated in the Armitage Survey, Egmondville. Ap- ply ROY RAU. 4611-tf Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Property. and Household Effects, from the home of Mrs. Charles W. Riley, in the Village of Constance (formerly Kinburn), on TUESDAY, JULY 3rd, at 1 :30 p.m., the ;following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -2 studio couches; chesterfield chair and footstool; Lazy Boy and stool; 2 china cabinets; dining rootd table and 6 chairs; 4 rocking chairs; 2 kitchen tables; several kitchen chairs; 2 kitchen cabinets ; 2 end tables ; coffee table ; day bed; single bed, springs and mattress; -•three-qua-ter-•bed;-springs--and--mattrear: dresser ; child's crib ; organ stool ; Mir washing machine: baking -ahinet ; Clare Jewel enamel range; 2 Quebec heaters; 12 gauge shotgun: copper boiler; trunk; crock ohurn ; butter bowl ; 4 -frame uni- versal honey extractor: 2 -frame universal honey extractor; full line of bee equip- ment ; 2 lawn mowers ; iron kettle; iron stove pot; oak barrel: colony house; brooder stove ant_ hoover ; 2 mink pens ; 40 rods chicken wire; roll of barb wire; uantity of lumber: 50 sacks; tools; lamps dishes; cooking utensils, and nutn- erous other articles. PROPERTY - One acre, of land, more or less, on which is situated a 5 -room roll brick siding cot- tage with hydro ; a small barn ; a one -car garage, and a greenhouse. Terms on household effects -Cash. Terms on Pro- perty -10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 days. The property will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. MRS. CHARLES RILEY, Proprietress; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4615-1 'FOR SALE -Asphalt and steel roofing PROPERTY FOR SALE Foi for immediate delivery. For prices, phone ground BORDEN BROWN, Kinburn. Phone 841 Eight -room frame house on James St. Shared r 2. Seaforth. 4609-12 Mudern kitchen, bath and oil furnace. Immediate possession. Terms. FOR SALE -Flowers, Shrubs, Fruits. Number of other houses for sale. i Free replacement guarantee.) Orders taken now for delivery next Spring. ERIC MILNER. Phone Seaforth 393. 4611-tf Experienced office Sirl; knowledge of FOR SALE -1 purebred Shorthorn bull bookkeeping and typing. Apply to '2 years old; 1 Keystone hay loader; 1 electric cream separator. JACK Me: SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS !VER, St Columba,. Phone Dublin 841 Phone 740 Seaforth4615-1 r 2i. 4615x1 CLERK - TYPIST FOR SALE --Cement bricks, in stock at SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS; 0.3.5 per 1,000. PHONE 740, Seaforth. ' 4613-8 Capable girl with typing ability requir- ed part time for Seaforth office. Apply FOR SALE -Drain tile, all sizes. Or- in own writing to Box 562, HURON EX- der now. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRO- POSITOR. 4615 -no DUCTS. Phone 740, Seaforth. 4613-8 WE REQUIRE A young lady or young man for office work. Must have a good knowledge of bookkeeping and typing. Apply in writing or person to GEO. T, MICKLE & SONS LTD., Hensall, Ontario. 4614-2 UPHOLSTERER Experienced FIVE DOLLARS down, up to 24 months to pay for a genuine Surge Milker Unit. fest' investment to protect good udders. '"on tact LOVELL McGUIRE. Phone 593, Wingham, Surge Dealer; in shop Satur- days. 4600x16 SIDEWALKS AND PATIOS -The mod- ern manner is to pave .with flagstones. In a choice of 49 different sizes and col- ors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be iaid in designs that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth concrete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated in a manner that makes them water- probf and stronger than other makes. 1 They are guaranteed for 5 years. Made only by SEAFORTCONCRETE PRO - 1 SEAFORTH CONCRETE DUCTS. Call for free estimates. Phone 4613-8 Or youth to learn this trade. Pleasant 710, Seaforth. working conditions, good wages. very steady employment, group insurance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. FOR SALE OR RENT -House has eight 4615-2rooms with basement; electric lights and water:, also a garden and garage. Im- mediate possession. MRS. JAMES BAR- RON. Telephone 195-R, Seaforth. Can be yours. Join our dealers. The 4614x2 line sells itself. Write for free cata logue to Dept. D. For Sale or Rent FAMILEX, Station C., MONTREAL. 4615-1 INTERESTED IN WHAT GOES ON? We are looking for a young lad who is interested in newspaper work, who has a command of English, who can express himself, and who likes to meet the pub- lic. Steady employment and an oppor- tunity to become informed regarding an interesting career. Apply-- In your own handwriting, indi- cating age and education to: THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4615-1 Applications Wanted Applications wilt be received from boys and girls interested in serving on the Life Guard Staff at the new Seaforth Lions PooL Applicants should indicate age and swimming and Ilfe-saving training. SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB PARK COMMITTEE 4614-2 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK WANTED --Cash paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses or cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153, collect. 4598-12 Notices MASONARY, Cement, Chimneys repair- ed and built. 8, CHRISTENSON, Con- tractor, Seaforth. 4614-6 RADIO REPAIRS - For ail kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R. 4611-tf 'GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 82 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 88, Sea - forth. 4611-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4611-11 A'll'e,NTION, FARMERS - Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farztI animals and bides. Call Collett, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea. forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Lt. 4611-11 SANITAIIY SEWAGE. DISPOSAL--Sep- 116 tank9, 'cesspools; etc, pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brunets , 'phone • 42 r 6; Brunets. 4610x12 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., 1l1li'St., Bea. Pal. Bring your livestock. Always a good market pr[ce„ HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Hetinall; vtorron HARGREAVES, HU. 24511* OTintpll, 4603=12 heli Are tfpdd' 531 i#f til�eitlti48 i6 iftfor iatint frd3fl lilt 111rk8a of altlttai, f'ho e YAtert0 sdatild'i hg kin d/ta * liettyfi 7y89 y,)alf b1(seitti *tad. Notices To Creditors TENDERS WANTED For transportation of pupils in Town - ;hip Area No. 1, 'Hibbert. Duties to com- mence September 4, 1956. Tenders to be presented on or before July 14. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to: IVAN McDOUGALL, Sec.-Treas., Mitchell, R.R. 3. 4615-2 NOTICE to CREDITORS in the ESTATE OF JOSEPH CARLIN :111 persons having claims against the Rotate of Joseph Carlin, late of the Town - snip of McKillop, in the County of Hur- on. deceased, who died 'on or about the 5th day of June, 1956, are hereby notified to send them in to the undersigned on or before the '7th day of July, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 11th day of June, 1956, ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4613-3 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL TENDERS FOR AGRICULTURAL BUILDING Sealed tenders will be received for con- struction of Agricultural Building at Hi'eh School up to noon, June 29th, E.D.T., by M. A. Reid, Secretary. Plans and specifications may be seen at office of Secretary.' The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . M. A. REID, Secretary. 4614-2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed on or before July 5th, for the in- stallation of four flush toilets, basins, septic tank, soil pipe, etc., at S. S. No, 2, Hibbert. Plans can be seen from Secretary. Work must be completed during sum- mer vacation. Lowest tender not neces- sarily accepted. JOSEPH L. O'REILLY, Secretary Union School Area S.S. No. 1, McKillop, Hibbert 2, 3, 4, 11.11. 2, Dublin. 4615-1 TENDERS WANTED We the provincial committee appointed by the Hog Producers of Huron County, call for applications for the position as manager and suitable buildings for as- sembly yards at Blyth, Clinton and Hen- sall, according to the policy laid down by the 1 Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Board. Also applications for the picking up of liege at thd producers' premises when re. glinted and delivered to the assembly ydith, State Pike eitliN ted for yards, Managing and •Prclettet: All allplfcatrond to be in the bands of a Secretary ,.fit titer than July loth,. Atititttti CON Chelrmalt, iIliF EI1E wA_ 2 Et1, eeor'et y, • tc attYfiePd( Cat y' 1' tn1'`Y v 46164 m.....,.a HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth. 4615-1 Cards of Thanks MR. A. C. ROUTLEDCE wishes to ex- press his appreciation to all who remem- bered him during his illness and par- ticularly to the nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital. 4615-1 MR. MARSHALL S'i'EWART wishes to thank alt his friends and neighbors who visited him and sent towers, fruit and cards during his illness and while he was a patient in London Hospital. It was all appreciated. 4615-1 I WISH TO EXPRESS my appreciation to all my , friends who remembered me while I was a patient in Beck Memorial Hospital, London. MRS. AUBREY BAKER 4615x1 THE KIND thoughtfulness and deeds of our neighbors and friends at the time of the sudden passing of our dearly beloved son. .John, will never be forgotten. We wish to express our appreciation to them and we also thank Rev. J. H. James, Mr. G. A. Whitney, Provincial Constable H. Snell. members of the Rebekah Lodge, Mrs, Ross Hamilton and Mrs. John Card - no; also all who sent floral tributes, cards, betters and other messages of sympathy. SIR. and MRS. JOSEPH GRUMMETT, DAN and MARGARET (Mrs. F. R. Cantelon ). 4615-1 Births DUCHARME-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on June 23, to Mr, and Mrs. Urban Ducharme, R.R. 1, Hensall, a daughter. F LANNERY-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on June 26, to Mr, and Mrs. John Flannery, Seaforth, a son. FEE_NEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on .lune 22, to Mr. and Mrs, John L. Feeney. R.R. 2. Dublin, a son. HANNON-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on June °1, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Han- non. R.P.a 3. Mitchell a daughter. HEPDEN--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hedden. 't. Catharines. announce the birth of their son, Michael Dean, at St. Cathar- ines General Hospital. on Sunday. June 24. 1956, a wee brother for Robin : grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hedden, St. Catharines• and great-grandson for Mre. Catherine Hedden, Hensall. McAP.THUR-F/O and Mrs. Ralph Mc- Arthur (nee Elaine Beer). announce the birth of their son• Ralph Duncan, at Clinton Community Hospital, June 15, 1556. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McArthur, Winnipeg. McBRIDE-In .Zurich. on June 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith McBride, of the Goshen Line. a daughter. A grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride, she being their first. granddaugh- ter. SPROAT-Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Sproat are happy to announce the birth of their son, James William (Jamie), at Wind- sor, on June 21, 1956, a brother for Janet Elizabeth ; a grandson for Mrs. Earle Sproat, Hensall. STAPLES -At Scott Merhorial Hospital, on June 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Staples, R.R. 2, Clinton, a daughter. STAFFEN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Staf- fen. Seaforth, a daughter. Deaths PLATT -In Stratford, on Sunday, June 24, John Arthur Platt, of Tuckersmith, in his 43rd year. For Rent RENT -Heated 3 -room apartment; floor; furnished or unfurnished. bath. PHONE 42. 4613-tf FOR RENT - Four -room unfurnished apartment, with bath and modern kit- chen. Apply to BORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2. 4614-tf HOUSE FOR RENT -Four -room house on Market St., Seaforth; furnished or un- furnished. Immedia te.osseseion. A,ly CARL KNIGHT, 296 Tolton Ave., Hamil- ton, Ont. 4614x2 FOR RENT -•7 -room house in Egmond- ville. Possession -1st of July. Apply AL - VIN H. BEATON, 5067 Maplewood, De- troit 4, Mich. Tyler 7-8965. 4612-8 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES, (Rubber Goods)„ mailed 'postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail - Oreder Dept. T - 73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. 52nd Band Social Held At Brodhagen The 52nd annual social of the Brodhagen Band took place on the school grounds. Band leader Al- bert Hinz estimated about 2,000.. were in attendance.' At midnight the draw for tickets was held, with Russell Sholdice and Donald Wolfe in charge. Win- ners were: bedroom suite, Ross Pepper, Dublin vacuum cleaner, Frank O'Rourke, R.R. 1. Dublin; electric drill, Mrs. Chris Leon- bardt; tires, Ray Davidson. Mit- chell; steam iron, Mrs. Louise Mor enze, Mitchell; mirror, Fred Smith, Listowel; sugar, Carl Hinz, Monk - ton. t Mr. and M. poi Bow ,aid Pat attended `tbe Itoaye MP*, bead at Innerkift 'last $Igt Matthew Tumey, 3t n of Oop stable and Mrs. Homer Tinney, t Marys, who. suffered two fraetur ed arms, a fractured collarbone, and concussion, is resting comfort- ably and improving in St. Mary's Hospital. Matthew 'stlfered the in- juries in a ear accident over a week ago in St. Marys. Injured While llhepairing Car Percy Webster, of .Hensall, was admitted to Clinton Community Hospital suffering leg injuries. Mr. Webster was working underneath his car which was pulled }{p with a chain hoist fastened to a limb of a tree, and when the limb broke the car fell on him. His son-in-law, Ken Wildfong, who was helping 'hum, lifted-the-car'off"hfm—uvitli bumper jack. His condition •at hos- pital was stated as good by hospi- tal officials. Mr. Webster is em- ployed at Thompson,s Mill, Hen- sall. Dr. J.C. Goddard attended. Brownies Hold Meeting The closing meeting of the Brownies was held Friday evening in the Town Hall, Hensall, with parents of the children present Miss Jean Lavender, Tawny Ow , is leaving the pack, as she will e leaching in Hamilton this fall, and she was presented with gifts from 'the local association, and also a gift from the Bownie Pack. Four Tweenies, Donna McCreary, Don- na Wilkinson, Dianne Reid and Barbara Schwalm, were enrolled. Lunch was served by the Hensall Guides. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sangster and Sandra. of London; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton and Peggy, of Lucan, and Mrs. Minnie Sangster, Hensall, spent Sunday at Ipper- wash Beach, with Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane, who have a cot- tage there. Bayfield Pavilion, filled to ca- pacity, was the setting Monday ev- ening for a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Consitt. During the course of the evening they were presented with a purse of money, Harold Caldwell ding the honors. BRUCEFIELD - Mr.,3 -Parson, of Winnipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Whiteman, of Belg r$abe, spent Sunday with Mr. Joseph lVtcCully. . Mrs. H. Dayman's sister, of De- troit, is visiting with her for a few days. Mrs. E. Rankin, of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Hargreaves. Mrs. Rankin is Mr. Hargreaves' grandmother. A large crowd attended the memorial service at Baird's cem- etery on Sunday. Those taking part in the service .were: ' Rev. S. S. Davison, Rev. T. Pitt, Varna; Mr. • John Broadfoot, Mr. Archie Mustard and Mr. Percy Campbell, of Hensall. ' Don't forget to attend the dress- ed ham and strawberry supper at Brucefield United Church on July 4. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. A good program is being prepared. - WALTON NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson, San- dra and David spent Tuesday in Toronto visiting with Miss Leona Watson, who flew in from Van- couver for a two-day stopover. Miss Watson is a hostess on Trans- Canada Airlines. Mr. William Watson underwent an operation in Clinton Hospital recently. Mr. George Jackson is at pres- ent a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas visited at Lorne Park, near Toron- to. with the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. George Dun- das accompanied them to Galt and Oakville, Mrs. Dundas visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Dennison, Galt, and Mr. Dundas with his daughter and son-in-law,' Mr. and Mrs. R. Pickering, Oakville. Mrs. Ethel Ennis and Mr. and Mrs. R.' Cunningham, Karen and Rickey spent Sunday with Mr. Gerald Dressel at Wilsonville, near Waterford. Mr. Lunday McKay, of Auburn, OPEN N spent Sunday with his brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkby. Mr. Robert Kirkby is .at present at Ottawa with his race horses. Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron and Carole, of Sarnia, aye visiting with Mr. and Mrs, =James Coutts and other relatives in the vicinity. Mr., Mrs. McGavin 25 Years Wed Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin, widely known McKillop residents, were honored on Sunday on the oc- casion of ' their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. McGavin were pre- sented with a number of gifts at a gathering of their relatives and friends, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Among those present were Mr. McGavin's fath- er, Mr. John McGavin, who is 92, and Mrs. Richard Cardiff, 187,. an aunt of Mrs. McGavin. OUSE The public is cordially invited to visit our new - enlarged plant and see how GENERAL MOBILE HOMES are manufactured. We are holding Open House on SATURDAY, JULY ith from 3 to 9 p.m. GENERAL COACH WORKS of CANADA LIMITED HENSALL ONTARIO Eby Ponald Macilolia14, minis- ter Of Cali, pu' ,!Icesrf,an Ctuurch left orll'uesday of s weeks from Maltan aimed, to fly to Scotland tq visit: vvjtt relatives', ll<ewill bye,' a i ay until the end ot August,. Mr. and Mrs.. Eugene Goon , of Detroit, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper, Mrs. Cronyou is a daughter of Mrs. Pep - Per. A reception for Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Clark will be held in Bay- field Pavilion Wednesday of next week. p rs, Isabelle McKinnon, of -TIT/ - erten, is spending this week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. Bill Kerslake, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, has accepted a position with Middlesex Cream - err -at -Widen, n; and-c-oirifuen ed -du -- ties last Monday. Murney Twitchell left for a trip to Calgary, Alta., last week, and may take in the Calgary Stam- pede. Mrs. E. R. Sbaddick spent a few days in Toronto last week. Summer services will be held in the United Church during July, starting next Sunday, July 1. Daily vacation Bible School starts in the United Church on Monday, July '9. Record crowds- are reported at South Huron Crusade for Christ, held nightly at Hay Township Com- munity Centre, Zurich. An attend- ance of 1,500 was reported at the Sunday evening service, with the attendance increasing at every ser- vice. Evangelist Cedric Sears, of Wheaton, Ill., IS leading the cru- sade, and Wes Aarum, of Buffalo, N.Y., the service of praise. The crusade concludes on Sunday, July 1. Choir Has Get -Together Mrs. Robert Cameron was hos- tess and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren co - hostess Thursday evening 'for a get-together of the Carmel Church choir following choir practise. Mrs. McLaren conducted some contests and Rev. Donald Mac- Donald, minister of the church, was presented with a travelling case prior to a vacation in his homeland—Scotland. Mrs. Camer- on presented the gift and Mr. Mac- Donald, completely taken by sur- prise, thanked the choir. Mrs. Edith Bell, church organist, wish- ed the choir a pleasant vacation and thanked them for their kind co-operation the past few months. A bountiful lunch was served by the hostess. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clark, Hensall (nee Joan Walsh) BAYFIELD PAVILION Wednesday, July 4 Norris Orchestra. Booth in Hall EVERYBODY WELCOME! ln! uct 'Minister At ABefid Greenway Rev. A. E. Holley, of ,London, will be inducted into the charges of Grand Bend and Greenway United Churches on Thursday evening. Rev. N. D. McLeod, of Kippen, will induct and address the new min- ister, and Rev. C. D. Daniel, of Hensall, will address the congre- gation. Mr. Holley is a graduate in Arts from the University, of Western Ontario, and a graduate in theology from the University- of . Toronto (Emmanuel College). He has served with the church in Sault Ste. Marie, Dunbarton, a suburb of Toronto, Pearen Memorial Unit- ed Church in the city of Toronto, _and, Main- St. Unites. Church. Exe- ter. DRESSED HAM and Supper Strawberry y Su er Brucefield United Church Wednesday, July 4 Supper served from 6 to 8. A good program is being prepared CHILDREN (School Age) 50c ADULTS $1.00 G R A NiDancing starting. Friday, Jane 29 CLIFF SCA OH - and ,.. His Orchestra Midnite Dane THIS WEEK -END! THE NEW fastest freeiing action k000! " There's one big difference in freezers -the speed of freezing action. It is thisspeed that locks in the natural flavor of foods. It is this speed that cuts electricity costs. And the pew Revco now brings you the fastest freezing action known in the industry. You'll want to see the amazing demonstra- tion that enables you to see as well as feel this sensational Revco advantage. We have this freezer test set up to show it to you -it takes just two minutes! The 1956 Revco Freezer is by far the most beautiful freezer you will see anywhere. Come 'in today and see our selection -.a full range of styles and sizes to fit your needs and budget. GetRevco's FasterfYeezing Action -it costa no•more for this added and proven supe- riority. • Thi, roomy 17.2 et. ft. freezer w10 hold 600 lbs. of food and is yours for only $499.95° ublin Electric PHONE 70 DUBLIN Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1955 PONTIAC POWER GLIDE ,,,,,,SEDAN -Fully equipped 2095 1955 SEDAN wily 192`5 1955 CHEV- 1895 fully equipped 1954 CHEV. DE LUXE POWER GLIDE fulily equipped 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1952 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE POWER GLIDE -Fully equipped . 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1650 1095 1495 950 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN fully equipped 44.4.1144•4._ 85 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS '46 BUICK COACH - TRUCKS'- . 1952 CHEV. 1 -TON PICKUP . ,..:.w 1952 INTERNATIONAL 1 -TON STAKE with racks »»: O��iL 1950 DODGE -TON PANEL , 250 A Written Gloarantee for 60 daft* -on all Late 1V[bi el Cars-lwtany Other Models to Clio Wim', S:: Yr • „0 . it i x`.1lti% 1„ t