HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-06-15, Page 8.I.,•..': ,I: , -,:.,1 h .. ,..,.. .:1 -Y: '-'Y,V fl - ...1 J-A,A':. ll, A
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,1TT� 3 1 ='' June m• 0 :r �, , t P. a .r a t
Member's of alae baa ta. Atu 'tie ing �Yai #.. atPaa1
Mos, Mr. a. d S: B rt 1VIc a . ` . "''�'G�Y�.14�1.�F . `.` s.
- ,., o h rsd ban,. on we. s June ,a4 M, Y, P . , - ��. .
„ ar t . co t, .M os it anet . n. ur ..,aY air , rn da ... 9-
I ,-._.... iii. Y P -t.. a t! a1 $ ;,. "T +
-, _ ,r r.. c .'iFda silent rS.uiict .visiting„ rel-
reed their elo�ing aneetang a n„in , tae char h baseitaeilk lir . a rs.. „6eor D e
,� _ , u•: Vii'.., M g& undas .r ceivesl
y�; .. I Penteeo al Tabernacle. Tue4 a>1 ids., dere ,. Y.. m:,: ,;a, •„ u
;}, E IAN ear m Ba end da eve ood. attendance. The resident ,
.,:: r r . ,_., ,. r, . y YB TUe inn g l? word on' 114onday . morriang ,of, the
,,,ry r da 8 .m., Bible Study and Pray. ;, Saeramp t will",,tie. hel in tlae
„I ,,,;. • y> P ,Mrs. Walters, took charg0 . The *t
:r:•• 1 Mr. sone Mrs. Harold MelYab P death of her eleteS.t' s>stPr, . Mrs. "
.,, rN r •> , ,. H er; Fr S .m, Y,P.S.' Sun- m 4h reh on 5, . a 17
.1m, r, Y �, ��, n” ,. ; , . Friday, P , o with, tgd u iiaidaYi J''uaA ;,R x `'
h the W .• 'mot Willla Millso. n, formed elle c .
r J,1,. ,._,r<,,,yia, ,t,5:.r,,,.: at' nneetuag opened qa y,
�•...: d 10 m. Sued drool 11 Kitchener, were here Sunday R- with ' r :ra, qr . serve a d'a
,at a Campbell ay, a Sunday S It kia...t .Y o 'ri Y 1 ,
to, and Bible reading, 11th.:,,,.salm,Rl l' <
�` ;, * a ha ,. ,:.? •3 ni, tending the funeral of the late Alex "' Johnston,Joluistondaughter Of the. atq Mr. a 8i 0 ' 1 k , R E G E N T H WIfi9i T E . • T ' fi
;l ;r i i n µ i ll ;,i , .., , _ter a.m., Merniug Worship, 7. 4 P by 'Mrs. BroadfoRt, Mrs, ,alters and Mrs, o night _,t ,. 8.,_ a c, oc . iAM . �I.1 I:.. . I� l
3t:, .."fr 1 " Evan elistic Service. All services Mamab. idrevX J hnston, v 1iQ . Mr, and ;Mrs. Mae Wilsan and . ^.
�, 13 r 4 , rp.,a: r r, .i":..., - g give: a reading' on the .11th rXi* lm. _
will be he d in the Church,—Rev. Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael said at one time were residents qt Walt Mr., Anil ll4 ';S: borne Wilson, ent i,
4w u,ll, A t fA'; SUNDAY. t Theme song was sling wit' Mrs. ton. Mrs. Neilson resided with her sP SD Y F IDA n U A a(,: -~ 5.2
+ 1' ,� 3rl? H. Kendrick, Pastor. Karen of Corrie, visited with Mr. J. ins at the • ia' o fa lowed Sunday .with 114x« and Mrs.. 7'$UR ,:A 6 . -X a. d S,AT .,RD Y June ,4 1. G
� :4k' "'t %r . , �'` i'.;a; ;X €tt0 4•;- Mcl=o Pastoral C h a r g e— and Mrs. H. E. Smith. Biy' n , , X daughter, Mrs. Robert .,.pouben- Stackrijuse. Mors, W; Stackhouse. cc
by prayer, The seeretary s report mire, of Cleveland. She was ui her TAZA;, $ON OF COCHISE
, til B. pool Bible Class Preparatdry service, Friday night, pe vas read and a proved and thank- returned home with them. 1
� L,�� Dr. J. De F'a is m Myerston, p 84th year and bad not enjoyed very: ROCS HUDSON BARBARA ItU�58
��, r ph"�'yy ra,,e as our guests 3.30, Bethel Church; Sunday Ser- pa, this week attending the What- you notes froin Mrs. W. Bewley,1.
;;. ," Y Y Idrs, Walters nue Mrs. Faa The good health for a number of years, - - - " Thrilling as America's most dale fir.
ij tti .., memhrs of the Wo vices: Bethel 10 ani., Sunday ma er Poultr Health and Nutri- . . .- 11 ous days•'al,,�
}N �' " enr, Auxiliary of the lo- School it a.m. Cavan, Sunday tion School. treasurer's re ort was given b'y Surviving, besides.. her daughter- FGMO�TDVI1,Ir�
",r4�,,"� "j brancr of the Canadian School 10 a.m., Communion ser- Rev. John Zimmerman, of Pem P Jean, are five grandchildren Gild
Mrs. A. Coutts; committee for
five sisters: Mrs,. Agnes Henry and MONDAi, TUESDAY and WEiItNE�"DAY -.,: `Jude ',.18 -18. -Z0
'V11,, , "* h. vice 11:15 a.m.; Duff's, Sunday broke, and Mrs. Louise Zimmer- church parlor, Mrs. Love, Mrs, 1Vfi s Frances'' Houston has re- cc „
f�,i a ,,. School 1:15 p.m., Communion ser- P Mrs. Janet Frederick, of Stec$ton,
man, of Milverton, spent the week gen McDonald, Mrs. T: Du, ndas turned home from a pleasant visit TRIAE • (Atiul ElltertainmEnt)
_, t 11:00 AM. California; Mrs- Caroline Staples,
�'Fg ° I !`GOII'S CALL TO WOMEN" vice 2 p.m.; Young Peoples Union end with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. and Mrs. Achilles. Reports of the Winnipeg, Mrs. Maud E, Dennison �� friends in. Brantford. GLENN FORE? DORQ7'iIX McQUiXtE
;' meeting at 8 o'clock,—Rev, J, R. Smith. Galt, and Mrs. George Dundas, Mrs. Chari'otCe Lindsay was a The entertainment experience everyoag will talk about. ,
Huron Presbytery, which was held
" Holden, Minister. Mrs. Herbert Childs, of London, at- Clinton, morning session' was Sunday visitor with friends in .
k E mondv>t11e United Church— Walton. A brother, Robert Joha
y'. g was a guest at the home of Mr. and given by Mr's. T. Dundas, which Stratford.
. Ston, predeceased her three years
l0 a.m., Church School; 11 a.m., Mrs. K. 1. McLean. Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Broadfoot THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY — ,Jivae 21- 22:2'3
We Specialize 'in ,, was very interesting; the :after- ago. This is the first break of the s. '
i„; Morning Worship; sermon, Fath- Recent visitors wo Mr. W. J. noon session was given b Nis. of Walton, werb weekend visitors cc 31i . -
1 Y six sisters.
°;h /� �' L1f1@S IaT er At Home.” Evening service Sims were: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. with Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Henderson.' BORDER RIVES
!y Walters and also proved very in- in favor of the Crusade Freestone and his brother, Roy teresting. After the business the Recent visitors with Mrs, Jas. JOEL JOEL McCREA YVDNNE De CARLO
for Christ at Zurich.—Rev. W. E. Sims, all of Toronto. Mr. Sims meeting closed with the W.A. CONSTANCE Finlayson were Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Milroy, Minister. who fell and injured his knee three theme prayer. Hayter, of Webberville, Mich. Mrs. _. Coming — "TROUBLE IN THE GLEN"
Northside United Church,—Fri- weeks ago, is out of hospital and Congratulations are extended to Mr. Ross MacGregor received Lydia McKinley, of Stanley, call- `
NWW COMPOSITE DWELLING' day, 8 pm., Preparatory Service; recuperating at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. William J. Humphries the sad' word last week of the ed on -Mrs. Finlayson on Sunday:
Sunday, 10 a.m., Church School and —
. POLICY daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and on the gift of a son, born Satur- death of his uncle, Mr. Elliott Miss Laura McMillan, of To -
ers full fire and liability cover- Adult Bible Class; 11 a,m., Morn- Mrs. Lorne Dale. day, June 9, and to Mr, and, Mrs. Spooner, who died in Kindersley, ronto, spent the weekend with her.
agg at 10%b below regular rates to mg Worship; Sacrament of the Mr. and Mrs. Will Greenley and Ronald Bennett, the gift of a Sask., on May 27, at the age of 75 mother, Mrs. 'W. F. -1V FMillan. 1. I I -
home owners,Lord's Supper; Toddlers' Group Dorothy, of Swift Current, and Mr, daughter, born Monday, June 11. years. One sister remains, Mrs. Mr,. and Mrs. Wm. Scotchmer J
For full information, ask us. and Junior Congregation; 4 p.m., and Mrs. Don Smith, of London, Mr. John Ritchie left on Friday' Martin Richmond, also of Kinders- and Mrs. J. S. Watson attended H E E S ®N E'Y - S ' N
Cars will leave church for annual visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. for Zealandia, Sask., to visit with ley. the funeral services at Goderich
outdoor supper and service at the Smith.
WATSON & REID his two brothers and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Blown and on Friday of the late7 Wm. J., Wat-
lsi. A. REIT) - Proprietor
Goderich Summer School grounds. Mr. and Mrs. B, M. Francis, of Master Gary Bennett is holiday- Elaine attended the open house of son, 68, native of Stanley Twp., N i W S !
—Rev. B. W. Hall, Minister. Exeter, spent Saturday with Mrs. ing with his grandparents, Mr. and Hobbs Hardware in London Wed- who, died at Rosetown, Sask. He
Insurance & Real Estate -- H. Lawrence. Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Clinton. nesday. was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
PhSeaforth ANNOUNCEMENT Miss Margaret Hutton, Kincar- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie Mrs. Thos. Adams, of Londes- John Watson, of Bayfield. Although we- had the "most success -
one 214
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Broome wish dine, one of 17 nurses graduating and Larry, of Egmondville, and boro, spent last week with Mr. and Representatives .of the Christian »
to announce the engagement of from Woodstock General Hospital, Business Men's Committee from ful Sale in the history of our store
- their youngest daughter, Margaret P , Mr, and Mrs. o C. Ennis, Cathie Mrs. Charles Dexter.
was presented with the James A. and Beth, of London', visited with Mr. and, Mrs. ', Wm. Jewitt at- Stratford, addressed morning and
OWN YourOwnHOME Elizabeth, to Murray Albert Noble, Vance award for general profici- Mrs. E. Ennis on Sunday. tended the London Conference of evening services at Egmondville We still .have' more Is'hoes on our shelves
son of Mrs. John Clayfield, Kit- ency. Among those attending the Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser and the United Church last Thursday Church on Sunday.
FOR SALE. • chener, Ont., the wedding to take graduation exercises and reception family, of Stratford, visited at the afternoon and the impressive ord- and also the stock rooms' a the back than
Cottage on High Street— place quietly June 30. were her grandmother, Mrs. M. home of the former's parents, Mr. ination service in the evening, you would see in most towns with twice our
stucco, bath and furnace. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. er utton, Kincardine; Mrs. F. R. and Mrs, Malcolm Fraser. when there were six men and one EAST MCKILLOP
announce the engagement of their Cantelon, Clinton, and Mrs. J. Mr, and Mrs. David Murraynd lady ordained, as well as setting I population.
Possession arranged. youngest daughter, Mildred, to Grummett. y
family, of Wingham, were guests apart of ,two ladies as deaconess. Mr. and �iVhrs. ,Wilfrid Tremeer
OTHER PROPERTIES ALSO Ronald R, MacGregor, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Doherty and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Dr. and Mrs. R. Campbell, of and children, of Kippen, and Miss .
LISTED and Mrs, William MacGregor, Kip- family, of Toronto, were weekend Such being the case ,
don Murray. Guelph, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mary Jackson, of Seaforth, visited
pen, the wedding to take place in guests with. Mrs. H. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot William Dale on Saturday. with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert//
M. A. REED St. Paul's United Church, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lamont, are visiting at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Youngblut, of last week. We will ''continue our Sale// until
early m July. of Galt, spent the weekend with and Mrs. John Henderson, Sea- Londesboro, spent Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seebach, of e�
REAL ESTATE Phone 214 The engagement is announced of his mother, Mrs. Archie Lamont. P 10 p m Saturday, June Lard
forth. and Mrs. Charles Dexter.' Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Menno
Jean Marie, daughter of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Stephen- -Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of Mr. Wm. Jewitt is attending Fisher, of Fullarton, were Sunday •I /
George Vivian, RS. No. 2, Mit- son, of Woodstock, spent Sunday Blyth, visited at the home of , Mr. County Council at Goderich this visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
and the late Mr. George with friends in town. and Mrs. Edward Dougan on Sun- week. Koehler.
LEMON�,�/� Vivian, to William Joseph Ross Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Leslie ®— — — — e — — — — — — — ~ •
'S TALI p Y, day. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mr's. Steve Eckert, of 4
McLellan, son of Mrs. Wm. Klein, spent the weekend in Welland. Miss Muriel Schade, daughter of Riley on Sunday were Miss Grace Timmins, and Miss Theresa Eck -
and SPECIAL PARCEL SERVICE Mitchell, and the late Andrew Me- Mrs. Margaret Hutton, Kincar- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schade, was Riley and Miss McCready, Guelph, ert and Mr-. George Coville, of
All Passengers insured I,,ella'ii, formerly of Seaforth. The dine, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, one of the nurses who graduated Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley and Les- Brooklyn, N.Y., were Saturday vis -
CECIL PHONES• DAVE marriage is to take place at the. Joseph Grummett, and Mr. Grum- lie, of Cromarty. itors with 'Mr. and Mrs, Joseph � ON WEDNESDAY MORNINGS' �'
6'76 675 end of June. mett. RED CROSS NOTES,' The Golden Links Mission Band Eckert.
Mrs. James Hill has returned All Red Cross sewing and knit- held their June meeting in the Miss Mary Jackson, Seaforth, _
home after spending the past six ting is requested to be left with Sunday schoolroom "and opened and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McNicol _ • — —•
nd s with
weeks with her son in Simcoe.
Miss Greta Thompson at the. Lib-
rary on or before Friday, June 15,
so as to be included in the June
shipment to Toronto headquarters.
Red Cross rooms will be closed un-
til September. , . \ '
with the Mission Band Purpose.
Minutes of the last meeting were
read and adopted .and it was de-
cided to sell candy at the W.M.S.
open meeting. 'The collection was
taken by Margie Whyte. The scrip-
ture was read by Margaret Me-
and the story in the study
book was read by their leader,
Mrs. William Dale. The meeting
closed with prayer.
and children, of Blyth, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Eggert.''11"s
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Chappel and
children, of Kippen, and Mr. Sam
Kechnie, of Blyth, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Rock last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Stoskopf at Fullarton.
We are pleased to know 'Mrs.
Laverne Hoegy has made satisfac-
tory recovery from her recent ill-
Children's Day will be observed
in the Evan elical Church here on
Sunday, June 17, at 8 p.m.1.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Liss and
children an& Mrs.. Nellie Feeney,
of Kitchener. were Sunday visitors
'with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Eckert,
Among those who attended the
' Shoe Store,
The LITTLE Store' With the BIG Values — SEAFORTH
Mrs. Margaret Broadfoot spent
a few days with her brother, Mc- Mr.
John McClure, and Miss Ethel
Rev. W. F. Smith, of Sarnia, call-
ed on Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Holden
on Friday. Rev. Smith was a for-
mer minister of the McKillop
A number of ladies were enter-
tained by the WA. of Turner's
Church, Tuckersmith.
Mr. George Wheatley is erecting
a barn on his farm south of Win-
throp. _
• l �' .
� `-� -.
For nearly 40 years a familiar
and highly respected resident,
Alexander M. McNab, 79, died sud-
denly Thursday evening. Until
five years ago he conveyed the
mail daily between the Post Office
and 'C.N.R. station. and in earlier
years had operated a bus and dray
Born in McKillop 'township. he
farmed there, coming to Seaforth
in 1917. During the years he car-
ried the mail he was proud of the
fact that he never missed a train.
former Margaret McPherson. and Mrs. James Malcolm visited her and Mrs. J. Hay, Seaforth.
two sons, Ross, of Bay City, Mich.. � J,
Fergus Horan, Mrs. Jerry Doerr,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and
Donna and Barry visited with Mrs:'
James Malcolm Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and
familyvisited with .Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Williams and attended
flower and bird service.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin
were in Stratford on Monday. •.
Mr, -and Mrs. Lawrence Barker
, had as their guests on Sunday,
! Mrs, B. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Al-
xxrm;a eau hte of
// "'//ii/ / rH/
%I / /////�. ��% ��
/ '� �y��'�����w!�
- '.'
a, �•..�
, i : c ' ''
Mr: and Mrs, Clifford Hoegy and
Mrs. Henry Hoegy. of"Grey.
I Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Batten, of
I London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Batten, of Exeter, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bat-
I Mr. and Mrs: Bill Gilfillan and
Band and Miss Donna Gilfillan,
of Exeter visited Suada Mr
,ra vin 1 i ms a g i Y • funeral of the late William F.
Seaforth, June 12, 1956.
and of the rebularlty with which Burford; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bar- and Mrs. C. GilfWau.
he made his trips, ker and family. and Mr,, and Mrs. Mrs. C. Gilfillan and Barbara
Koehler at Stratford on Saturday
Were Mr, and Mrs, Koehler,
Editor, The Huron Expositor:
He is survived by his wife, the Earl- Barker and family. Ann visited Wednesday with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koehler, Mrs.
Dear Sir: As spokesmen for the
former Margaret McPherson. and Mrs. James Malcolm visited her and Mrs. J. Hay, Seaforth.
two sons, Ross, of Bay City, Mich.. � J,
Fergus Horan, Mrs. Jerry Doerr,
Radio Two -Tone
delegation representing the pro-
perty owners of Goderich St. West,
cousin. Mrs, James Elliott. Sea- Mrs. Hicks and infant return-
and John. of Toronto. A brother. forth. on Thursday, ed from. to the home of
Mr: and Mrs, Clifford Hoegy and
Mrs. Henry Hoegy. of"Grey.
1954 FORD COACH -1%,000 miles -
! •'
may we avail ourselves of your
Harold. of Kitchener, also survives. I Mr, Fergus Lannin was in Galt Mr. and Mrs. F. Walters, where
Funeral held
At the services in the Evangeli-
column to thank the Town Council
services were at
the Box Funeral Home, on Sunda on Moa.day.. they plan to stay a few days.
y Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm Miss Kay Horne, of London, vis-
cal Church here on Sunday, Carole
Norleen, infant
for their courteous reception yes-
terday evening, and to commend
and were conducted by. Rev. D. , and sons attended the Gibb reun- Red with Mr. and Mrs. F. Horne
Glenn Campbell. During the ser-
p g
daughter of Mr,.
and Mrs. Norman Eggert. was bap-
them for their action maintaining
ion in Bimini on Saturday, over the weekend.
vice James T. Scott San g, "Just As ;
the present width of Goderich St.
and retaining the boulevards.
I Am." Interment was in Mait-
landbank cemetery. Pallbearers I DUBLIN NEWS 0 F THE WEEK
Passes in Stratford
William Frederick Koehler, 40
• •
Yours sincerely,
were Nelson Cardno, Clarence Wal-
Downie St., Stratford. died in the
den, W. M. Hodg,ert, Wm. McPher- Gordon Costello, Jerry Stapleton, C.W.L. Meets
Stratford General Hospital Wed -1950
son, Wallace Ross and Malcolm Louis McGrath and Mrs. Mary The June meeting of the Dublin
McKellar. Flowerbearers w e r e Feeney spent the weekend in Subdivision of the Catholic Wo-
nesday afternoon, where he had
been a patient for the past five
`blue coal
Hugh McPherson. Elmer Cameron, Windsor and Detroit and attend- men's League was held Monday
weeks. He was born in Oakville
Will Cameron, Lg'wre'nce Wasman I ed the Rowland -McCann wedding evening at 8:30 p.m. in .the Dublin
Nov. 11, 1904, and .lived in Strat-
and Allan Pretty, I at Detroit on Saturday. High School. Mrs. John Flannery,
ford for the past 161 years, being
WILLIE DUNDAS Miss Pearl O'Rourke. of Dundas, the president. opened the meeting employed as a stationary engineer
' Champion stove and Furnace oil Sell that unnecessary piece of visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton with prayer •and'a hymn was sung, with the C.N.R, He was a son of
DUJNDAS • &. LONEY ruraiture through a Huron Exposi- ,Looby. Mrs. William • Feeney, the secre- the late Henry Koehler, and is sur- Sea
Phone 573 .or 138 'or Classified Ad. Phone 41 Mrs. Thomas Kelly. Stratford, tary. read the minutes of the pre- vived by. his mother. He served in Motors
spent a few day's with Mr. and vious meeting and took the roll the Second World War and, was a
�____ __` � Mrs. Joseph E, Feeney. call. r• member of the Veterans' Associa- •
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney, of Miss Kathleen Stapleton gave •tion and of Stratford Lodge, A.F.
Kitchener'. visited with Mrs. Cath- the treasurer's report. There are and -A.M.
0 '� • Q Pel s t Brine Feeney. 93 members. No correspondence Also surviving are his wife. theAmflazzo1w Chev. Olds. (a'
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Steinberg had been received since the pre- former Gladys Quipp; one son, Chev: Trucks
FASTER R �� / � � / / and children. of Kitchener, visited vious -meeting, Mrs. Flannery and Stanley, and one daughter; Mrs: 1
with Mrs. Joseph Druar. !'Mrs, Feeney gave a very interest- D. (Ruth) Stevens, of Kitchener;
FREEZING �� 0 .n/fr. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart. of ing report of the Diocesan Con- one stepson. Douglas Litz, of Port OPEN EVENINGS • PHONE 541
Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. vention held in Londdn May 14-15. Colborne; three grandchildren;'
ACTION I 11 S � 'i I Stewart. Plans were then discussed about four sisters, Mrs. Andrew Stein'
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and holding a garden social on the aker, Stratford; Mrs. Wm. Koe- T T T T T T• T T T T T T T T %T,1.
� 1cf. daughter. Jo -Anne, of Merritton. school grounds the last week of bier,' McK4llop, Mrs. Jack Banks, 'L `I' '](i '1' `L 'L ►L Z ►I. Z Z Z . Z Z
I 1=99 visited with Mr, and Mrs. Frank ~June. The meeting -was adjourned Regina. Ad Mrs. Hugh Purvis, _ 3
Evans, I by Mrs. Frank Burns and closed Milestone, Sask. The funeral was
-- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corman with "O Canada" and "God Save held on Saturday at 2 p.m., with ENSU;KE PROPER DEVELOPMENT
/ ONLY$10".-OODOWN and Ella Louise, of Hagcrsville,,the Queen." burial in Avondale Cemetery. f
/..-i .st were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Joe!
��,�_• •� Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoclil�and
WILL BUY ANY ONE OF THESE FINE family. of London. visited wiTh Mr. \
and Mrs, Harold Meagher, r�-
'f�• Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Nagle, /�
,i y '
.; 1 • USED CARS Bobbie and Linda. of Stratford. • '
'F '�i5' '50 MERCURY with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nagle., I NOTICE T® HYDRO -USERS: TOPNOTCH ..,GROWING. : - PELLETS �
Mr. and Mrs Norman Kramers
'50 CHEVROLET and daughter, Catherine, spent the The. Ideal Feed For'Your'B'Yrds on Range
'51 MERCURY SEDAN -Loaded, weekend in Orangeville. ,
Miss Ann Murray, of Galt, with)•• - -a; • ,GF
with extras; 28,000 original miles • Mrs. Catherine Krauskopf. I N • No sortie Of feed
1e A1C differene a Mrs. Ed, O'er at has left t. Hydro'
'S1 CHEV• 12;943 Mies spend the smmer at Mattawa. Ont, tg pp s
• No billin out of ho er
in .,.
freezers. One Owner — Name on Request "
q ST. COLUMBAN In the •Less feed waste
You can judge a frezingac by '50 PONTIAC The monthly meetin of St., * More economical • f
,the apA1 of its freezing action g
Columban C.W,L. was held in the i
FasterfFeexwgmeanatheflavor 48 G.M.C. 1/2 -TON r
And freshness of your foods are' • parish hall Monday evening. The, "
sealed in, 56 . VI.C. 1 TON r-- New resident, Mrs. Joseph Kale, o -� • Balanced d'et in eve bite
/� cued the meeting with prayer. T e Town o ea crrtl
fastest freezing action. known, minutes were read by the record- �' .
Vire can ptbve it in a two- TEXACO GAS 3;8 9/1tDc ing secretary, Mrs. Albert Cron ii>i; — RESU TIN IN 1V[C1R 'LJNI `OI IVL'
minute teat you should see-- Mrs.' Joseph Eckert and Mrs. GIN 4i' •
. and f"L You'll see why experts Come in to•dayl Let us tell you for how little you Chu buy a Murray were appointed to care icor .-. +on ` - `
hail ttevc6 as the beat freezer, Reconditioned Guaranteed Used Car at the altars during the month of DEVELOPMENT I11,
'yI fare July. It was . decided to hold a
` �. bingo and tea the latter part of -
cu, ft. unit
holds 516 lbs, of g
• . June. _ _..: ...iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillililillillilm . ,
"' ,.". ,
Ro': Deli'Vel" for .
�. Mrs. Sale and Mrs. Cronin
.., WAS e 17 1 1 -
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AB :,•, , ,,, rt „ ; interestin re rt y�1!1�, H -
a r >. g leo sof the Dioce Wotos �•� � � �.u�
!`orf,"�}° i 'I . I !, _K
3�blt a Y>rn !;: , „ an Convention, Which was held .1 r 1
rr A,; r w 11, .:;' " London in May Plans were dis- '
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Y r i. , .,'011tI$e w Ii1UCk Cussed for the annual supper er arri 1 �■`y■
j n.•t ,. 'Ii ..1, t. C. ;. ,y,� aY ,_,q:..., i -,,, ...: •. PP ■ •.■.` r
,€ �J F fir, . ,, ;,, social, Which is to be lie
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Tickets were sold on a C ,
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