HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-06-01, Page 57. xsa M; i MalvAughton of sfi at ford, the greet of lice Bowe Arier ;te'Weeke i1: Mrs gegers, of MoOwie jaw, Sault, and Mrs•' DroWii, of Lethbridge, Alta„ were guests, of Mr anis, Mrs, "T. L, Scott on Monday, A rnunte ' eery}ce, was held -non' Sway 'eonduqted by the' R,ev. S. Kerr. At the, preparatory ser;,yice •on Friday evening, 17 .new mem- BAYFIELD - PAVILIAN• Dancing Every Friday Night men Wilbee's Orchestra —• Popular • Admission. REC`EP"T10N For Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Riley (nee Grace Forrest) Hensall Town 'Hill Wednesday, June 6 Norris Orchestra ladies please provide .lunch. L7. 0er5'; w re:.recOwe4 ftp grega,'non krs, Jae Ctirrie,4, and itttIa.: daughter visiteit with 74 , and Otto Walker over the weekend Mr, and Mrs. Bob. Hobart visit, ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. if arry Neale. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamont, of London, accompanied by Mrs. i,amont's mother, Urs. Jessie Mac- Lean, visiite44 on Sunday with Mr,. and Mrs: Lloyd Sorsdahl., Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace spent a few ,days last weep at• Carlingford with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. William Johns, of Winchelsea, visited with -Mr. and Mrs, Calder 1VtcKaig. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rolph and family, Miss Irene Kemp and Rob- ert Uniac, of Mitchell, visited at the home of Mrs. Houghton on Sunday evening. On Wednesday morning a new house was trucked from London to the home .of, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. This house is built and fully equipped with builtin cup- boards and bathroom, all ready to set right up, and will be occupied by the owners in a few days. MONCRIEFF SUPPER CLUB The seventh meeting of the Mon- crieff Supper Club was held at the home of Wilma Mahan. Miss Eva Harrison gave an interesting talk. on table setting and serving. The members made tea biscuits and brought them to .this meeting, and an interesting discussion was held. A treat was served by the hostess. TyTyTyTyTyTyTTTyTy:Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty TyT j EFF.ICENT PRODUCTION- • Maintain RODUCTION- Maintain 75%'Average Production • On 4.3 Pounds of Feed ,Per Dozen • For a Feed Cost of Less than .15c per Dozen These are.Art McNaughton's actual re- cords for the 7 months just finished, start- ing when the birds were six months old. You, too, can maintain this efficient pro- duction, by feeding Topnotch 20% Laying Crumbles ,and Scratch OPNOTCH FEEDS The Most Value For the Farmers' Dollar SEAFORTH PHONE 15 yTyTy'T�TyTyTyTyTyTyT;; TyTjTjTf lei R�=lniilhur;,lrxpg Peer'' .Alberta; ca/led °at sev bRtnento the village Recently AXi ,Armstron'gts . Mather was , a (I iu tlk abort ' t5zr ye age :and livedin the reaidenc,� occupied, by Mr. and Mrs: •Ronald':. Bennett. Mrs. Lewis Kirkby, of Windsor, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Somerville. Mr. Norman Sheppard and Mr. Edward Reid and son, Murray, of Clinton, were recent guests at the .home of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Bar- rows. "Mrs, 'Dime Jdl'mston is at pres- ent ,visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Litt, Stratford. Mr, William Bolton; of Roches- ter, New York, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Margaret Humphries, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Hum- phries. . Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull and Mrs. Fern Patterson spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Lawless, Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ennis, Cathie and Beth, of London, were Sunday visitors at the home of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. E. Ennis, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge, of London, were weekend guests at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett and Mrs. M. Humphries. The exterior of Duff's United Church is being redecorated at the present time. Mission Band Meets The monthly meeting of the Gleaner Mission Band was held in the schoolroom of the church' on Sunday morning with a good at- tendance. Shirley Bolger and Di- anne Kirkby led the devotional period. ' The service was opened with Hymn 114, "Jesus, Son of '� God Most High," followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Hymn 243, "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus," was sung, after which Di - i GRACEFUL DANCERS featured the presentation of "Land Of Fantasy," which .played in Hensill last week before a capac- ity audience. Shown here is Peggy Goddard, Hensall, curtesying before Sharon Blacks of Zurich. DISTRICT SANGSTER JONES HENSALL.—A quiet Spring wed- ding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie•' MacGre- gor on Friday, when Rev. Donald MacDonald united in marriage Ed- na Mae Jones, Hensall, daughter of Mrs. Edna. Corbett, Exeter, and the late Fred Corbett, and lames Rosswell Sangster, of Hensall, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster. The bride wore a beige suit with natural accessories and corsage of yellow mums. Mrs. A. MacGregor attended her sister, wearing a navy suit with white accessories and corsage red carnations. The groom was attended by Archie Mac egor. - For the re eption, the bride's mother received werillg blue crepe with matching accessories, and corsage of pink carnations. TOZER – CALDWELL KIPPEN.—A charming Spring wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William J, Caldwell, Kippen, Saturday, ' May 25, at 3 p.m., when . their daughter, Jean Elizabeth, became the 'bride of Harry William Tozer, of Lon- don, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Tozer, of ,Dorchester. Rev. N. Mc- Leod, minister of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, performed the double -ring ceremony under an arab of blossoms and Spring flowers. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a ballerina length gown of white Chantilly lace over taffeta with accessories in white. A coronet of orange blossoms held her shoulder -length veil of French illusion and she carried red roses 'and pink and white Stephanotis. Mrs, Marie Muir, of Seaforth, was bridesmaid, and ch --a ose gown of blue nylon, ballerina length, with which she wore a white hat and accessories in white, and' car- ried a bouquet of yellow roses and pink and, white Stephanotis. Mr. George Tozer, of London, attended the groom. The reception for fifty guests was held at the home of the bride's parents, Kippen. For receiving the bride's mother wore a dress of dusty rose late over taffeta, with accessories in white. The groom's WEDDINGS a sit - ansae 'iiirikby read the Scripture mother chose navy sheer over tat- i from Psalm 23, The minutes of feta with navy accessories. Both wore corsages of white mums. A three-tier wedding cake cen- tred the bridal table, with pink and white color schemes completing the decoration's. Serving were Mrs. Wilmer Adkins, Mrs. Keith McLean, Mrs. Clarence Ruston and Miss Gladys Chapman. For a wedding trip to Montreal and points east, the bride donned, a green and white glazed cotton dress, over. which was worn a green coat. Her accessories were in white, and she wore a corsage of gardenias. Guests were present fr�om To- ronto, London, Dorchester, Hen- sall, Kippen, Seaforth, Clinton and Cromarty. The young couple will reside in London. the last me,afing were read and adopted. The_ children were re- minded to bring their mite boxes to the June meeting. It was also suggested that the boys andgirls could help in giving to the bale by bringing buttons of one kind strung together. also stamps. The classes were then formed. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benedic- tion. ANNOUNCEMENT -Mrs. Mabel Sutherland wishes to announce the engagement of her eldest daughter, Mary Ellen, to Mr. Harold Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Watson, Galt, the marriage to take place in St. Pat- rick's rectory on June 23, 1956. CONSTANCE NEWS QF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. L. Rands, of Mit- chell, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ad- ams, of Seaforth, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carter, of Gode- rich and Mr. and Mrs. R. Bloom- field and family, of Port Hope, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke on Sunday. Mrs. Bloom- field, Paul and Brine are reinain- ing for a visit. j Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Nott and family in the loss of Mrs. Nott's father, Mr. T. Ferguson, who passed away last Saturday morning., 12311- Muriel Dale is hone after having completed . the Normal. School Course in Stratford, and has been fortunate in securing a schen].t M aa-ltoir,• Ont.;-Wtth duties to commence in September. Miss Mary Whyte is at home' af• ter having successfully completed a diploma course at Macdonald Hall, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs. William Dale at- tended a luncheon and reception in honor of Premier Frost, and the opening of the new Court House in Goderich on Tuesday. Mr. James Curry, formerly of Bazemore, Sask., now of Atwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. •William Jewitt and family last Friday. • The W.A. of nstance United Church will hold a penny sale at their regular meeting on Wednes- day evening. June 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt. The ladies are urged to make this Hope,' We specialize in the finest of Heawy,Fireproof, Non -Warp 'ASPHALT SHINGLES. Your choice of many different colors! While the weather is good, it is tirne to get that old roof ready for next Winter's bad weather See Our Illustrated I3ociktet I or eo1orS and itiatteins Bali --Macaulay, Ltd.4 Builders' Supplie's- . Sash - Doors Linie ';'Ceme t SEAFORTH' CLINTON Phone 78'? - Phone 91 4 i a .worthwhile project. Mrs. Kenneth Thompson enjoy- ed a lovely trip on Tuesday to To- ronto, sponsored by the Tucker - smith ladies. They visited Fort York, Royal York Hotel, Bank of Commerce—highest building in Toronto—and St. James' Gardens. Mission Band Meets The Golden Links Mission Band held their May meeting on Sunday in the Sunday schoolroom with 12 members present. The meeting opened with the Mission–Band-Pur pose. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and adopted. The scripture lesson was taken by Mary' McGre'gor and business took place. The story, "Sidewalk Kid," was 'read by the leader, Mrs. William Dale. The collection was taken by John -Jewitt, and Mrs. Dale closed with prayer. Canada's wool production in 1955 amounted to 8,041,000, some 40,000 pounds off from 1954. "You promised you wouldn't buy another new dress," moaned the husband. "What on earth made you do it?" "Dear,:' replied the modern Eve, "the devil tempted me." "Yost should have said, 'Get three behind, Satan,'" "I did" she replied sweetly, "and then I heard him say, 'It fits you just beautifully at the back!' " GREAT SALE OF NYLONS Here's your chance to stock up' on first quality Supersilk and Gotham Nylon Hose at a big bargain. All the new Spring and Sum- mer shades in Iwo popular qualii- ues: 60 GAUGE i5 T N'IER 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER Save 52c on Every Pair Sizes '9- to 11. REGULAR 1.50 SALE 98c Pr. WOMEN'S SIZES ' SUMMER DRESSES These popular half-size Wo- men's Dresses are featured in r grand range of Nylon Trico, emberg, Wondersilk, Nylon lesse and Celanese fabrics, in a wide choice of Summer prints ar pi; in, shades. Classic arttton-front styles for bigger womnin.. Sizes 141 to 52. SPECIALLY PRICED FINALSPRING CLEARANZE COATS AT HALF PRICE 28 only, all this season's full- length Spring Coats in full back or semi -belted styles, in tweeds, boucles or cashmeres. Colors — Rose, grey, powder, fawn, bei "n' -~ ^ YavµM. Sizes 111 to 201, REG. 39.95 REG. 4995 � x.95 to x.95 5 81" x 100;' WABASSO COTTON SHEETS Good Weight, fine quality Cotton Bed Sheets, in gener- ous 81" x 100" size; three-inch wide sewn hems. You save $1.50 on every sheet when you stock up at this low price. SPECIAL 2.75 EACH REMEMBER — FATHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, JUNE 17th STEWART BROS. • BARBARA KIRKMAN MEETS The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church held their May meeting on Tuesday ev- ening, Mrs. Keith Sharp presided and opened the meeting by reading a poem, "The Way We Go," fol- lowed by the, hymn, "God Will I Bless All Times." Mrs. Sharp led in prayer.' The minutes were read and collection taken up by Mrs. Elmer Rives.- -Tlre June meeting -1 is to be in charge of Home Help- ers/ Miss Norma Jeffery gave the treasurer's report. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Dale Nixon and the hymn, "Look For the Sphere •of Endless Days" was sung. Mrs. Wallace Ross read the Glad Tidings pray- er. Elizabeth Habkirk, Alice Ann Nixon and Gene Nixon sang a trio, "A Taste and See," which was much enjoyed. The Scripture, Psalm 96, was read by Mrs. M. Dorrance. Mrs. J. Broome gave the current events. Mrs. Orland Johnston, who at- tended the Synodical at Thorold, gave an excellent report on the meetings. The theme for this year was, "Now is the accepted time," Mrs. Reg Kerslake thanked Mrs. Johnston,' and the meeting closed by singing "Softly, Now the Light of Day." The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. KIPPEN NEWS Mrs. Alex McGregor spent the holiday weekend in Detroit. Mr. Du sford, of Marlette, Mich., called Saturday afternoon on Mrs. Albert Anderson, formerly of Mar- lette, Mich., at Mr. and Mrs. bow - son's home. We are pleased to report Mrs. Frank Plumb is home again after being a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and is much im- proved in' health. Miss Katherine MCGregor spent the weekend with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley, Seaforth. Mrs. Cudmore was admitted to Victoria Ho ital, London, last week. She is eported as improv- ing slowly and her friends and neighbors ish her a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hewlett, Karen and Marlene, of Toronto, visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Alex McGregor. Mrs. James McClymont return- ed home last week after spending a fen, weeks with her daughters, Mrs. Alice Cook, of London, and Mrs. Jennie Scbilbe, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and Mr. Walter Val bairn spent last week at St.' Catharines, Niagara Falls and Toronto. On Wednesday they attended graduation at Convoca= tien nall, University of Toronto, at whin time •their ,Sen, I'ttibert, teived' his B.Mc , gradtxating.t$th ;n. OF THE W -EEK first-class honors from the Faculty Applied Science and Engineering, specializing in engineering and business. Rev. Norman McLeod was guest speaker at Hackett's United Church in Ashfield on Sunday. Rev. Dickenson, of Hackett's Church, spoke at the morning service at St. Andrew's United Church. n Mr. Edward Gackstetter, of near Zurich; Mr. and Mrs.' Bob Denomme, Jean Anne and Willie, of Exeter, and Miss Ina Ropp, of Zurich, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold . Gackstetter. Ulr. Bob Love, of St. Catharines, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love., Mr. and Mrs .Arthur Ashworth and Carol, of Denfield, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter and daughters, of Mooresville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr. and MrS. Clarence Hutchi- son, of St. Thomas, spent the week end with the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. Mellis, We 'ire pleased to resort Miss Etta Jarrott, who was involved in a car accident, iS able to be horse again. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Diekert` 'visitbd relatir'es in Melbourne on Sunday. SEAFOR'i`H AUTO BODY CLINIC Located at Hoff's Texaco Service, Main St., Seaforth Specialize in all types of BODY and-FENDE REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed PRICES REASONABLE Call in and see us to -day! SEAFORTH AUTO BODY CLINfC Jack Burleigh, Prop. — Seaforth 1955 DODGE COUPE 1954 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1954 CUSTOM DODGE- SEDAN 1954 DODGY SEDAN 1953 CHEV. COACH 1952 DODGE SEDAN 1952 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1950 DODGE SEDAN 1948 DODGE SEDAN USED TRUCKS 1946 G.M.C. 1/2 -TON EXPRESS 1950 G.M.C. 3/4 -TON EXPRESS 1948 CHEV. PANEL 1949 DODGE .1/2 -TON EXPRESS Now available at ROWCLIFFE MOTORS Dodge De Soto 'Dodge Trudeg Phtjne 267 It"; l 7, 41 �,i