HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-06-01, Page 1-
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- OP ens, Court. House -
I Hurmi County citizens joined Wawanosh Township. -
With rovincial officials and local Other speakers were John V.
. , p i
dignitaries 01, Tilesday'to. official- Fischet, W ardeff of Huron,; R. E—
ly open . the new Tilesday
court 5y
representing Canadian
House at Coderich Pooley,
a,h "Mayor J. E.
Legion br 0e
The actual• act . of declaring the Huckins. ,, .
new building open was performed Mayor Huckind. officially pushed
,by Premier Leslie Frost, who was a button ,to sound the chimes of
assister by the Chief Justice of On- the new tower clock in the court
tario, Hou- J. -C. Ruer. . I hoqse%
The modern three-stokey build- The. building
inclpdes a chapel,
ing replaces the
histori furnished by Legion branches.
- . - -
destroyed by fire two years ago.
The earlier building, begun in,
. 1854, for a hundred years was a Work On Pool
landmark in the centre of G,ode-
Tich. . Advances;
Visiting officials were entertain
edat an official Itincheon 'whue, '
. their wives attended a similar Agree on Garges
function at Knox Presbyterian
Church. . Fees which will go into effect
Two, Bands - the Cariadian on the opening of, the new Lions
Guards Band from Camp Borden, Pool were approved at a meeting
visiting there, and the Goderieb,of the Lions Club Monday evening
Girls' Trumpet Band -played be- 'in the Community,- Centre. 'rhe
fore and after the official ribbon- schedule of fees had, been recom-
cutting ceremony. .1 mended by the park committee
Premier 'Frost, who was *Intro- I and 11id board of directors.
,duced by Thomas Pryde, M.L.A, : In giving consideration to the
paid tribute to. the county and 'matter, members were informed
. said: "This portion of Ontario is the proposed fees were arrived at
, 'the mother of other provinces. following a study of charges made
The opening of the west can be at similar pools, in Mitchell, Gode-
_?ttributed to men and women who rich, Elmira and Monktom The
came from these parts." Seaforth scale, it Was believed, in -
The new court house, he said, is corporated the better features of
&.a monument to the.justice, sta- the scale in effect in other cen-
bilmr.y and progress of this coin- tres, and in every category were
moony" . % equivalent or lower than other
He'streos6d the need for chit- places.
dren to be taught what, the new The scale is as follows: Chil-
building-. stands for and to this dren under ,high school age, 10
end -amid scattered shouts of juv- cents or $1.00 per season; fourth
enfle approval - he proclaimed and following children's season
June 4 a holiday for school chfl- .tickets in one family, free; S.D.H.S.
dren in Huron, County and urged pupils, 25 cents, or $3.00,per sea-
rcials to take youthful visitors son; .adtdts, 25 cents, or .00 per
n *guided tours of the. building. season.
'.You have had a vision of the Reporting for the parks commit -
future of Huron, of the province tee, chairman A. Y. McLean said
and of the country, for the cen- work of completing the pool, While
tury which Ties Ahead," he said. . progressing, had not advanced as
'"The chfldf�n. in' our schools Ear ,as had, been anticipated be -
will be responsible ,for. the coun- cause of. wet weather. Work was
try during that - time, and they. being Advanced, at -every oppor-
should. remember the'opening of tunity, and it -was hoped would be
this building and what it stands completed within three weeks.
Aw!ol � . Ross. Scott was chairman of the
. mr,stfee Menuer, who was meeting, and Was assisted. by C.
Ju I A.was :
introduced by Judge Frank Fing- E. Smith and McLean. Nom-
. land, outlined duties of judges. and. mations .for the various offices
sketched the judicial system of were received. '
. Canada. � I . It was agreed that the club would
"This building is dedicated as co-operate with the Arena Com-
a ball of justice," he said. "We mission and Hockey Club in a
have fought two ireat wars to en- series of binkos. The matter was
sure we would not be deprived of raised by J. E. Keating of the
our rights and liberties-" arena commission.
InvocatiQn and dedication of the The club approved the purchase
building was performed by the of. a reading instrument to assist
I Rev. R. G' MacMillan, of Knox the blind in reading. Guests at the
Presbyterian Church:.,
: ., . meeting included Evan Hoffman,
Chairman of the official lunch- I Seaforth, and Earl Munroe, Lon-
. eon and subsequent ceremony was don.
Orval E. Taylor, reeve of `East; . I
. . I
Plans Advance'
For Rosary, Rally ,
Most Rev. John - C. Cody, D.D.,
LL.D., Bishop of London,• is spon-
soring The Family Rosary Crusade
in conjunction with the marking
. ,of the Cehtennial celebrations be-
ing held throughout the Diocese
I of London. this year. Under the
direction of Rev. Patrick. Peyton,
CS.C, a series of ten Rosary ral--
lies will be held throughout the
. diocese..
St. James' parish,- Seaforth has
been chosen as the headquarters
. for one of these rallies, which
be held at "Agricultural Park
' �
Friday,- June 'S,
at 7:3o p.m., and
will be host to 12 parishes in this
northwest part of the diocese. -
-rather Peyton, who some eight
years ago. began. the crusade to
restore family prayer to'all homes
in the London Diocese,will be re-
membered by all who participated MICHAEL BECRELY, Sea -
in the -Rosary Crusade at tbrit fokth, Who graduated- from
time,. and the present Crusade will University .of.,Western Ontario
.. afford an opportunity for New last week in Honor Psychology,
Canadians to join in the practice receiving second-class honors.'
of the daily' family rosary and the He is a son of Mrs. F. J.
renewal of the rosary pledges. , BecWy and the late Dr.
According to pubTlefty chairman Bechely.
Leo Hagan, committees are in the I � "I
process of arrangement, and
everything possible is being, done
to accommodate the thiongs t1iat
are anticipated for the Rally."
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village s are darict team won .Out .
o#er the SeA10
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tiddlers . , 911� y6kg of age and � ;
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over, Was won by Bill Collins, Sea -
forth. Runners up Were Herb Mil- . ,.
ligen, Iona Station, and iowy X�
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Across Canada the population the extent to,which the population . ii� :,_�'I�`.. ��.::,
11 or.,�' - 1iA
1 during the past five years is be- increase is a[ factor here. Cli�iton, cen I' 'I " *' " '� '
. �qus d � iloner :1 , .,
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lieved to have increased nearly The current census, which gets Nitron. . .- � q I �
. H . ,,.�:,�', I.
$2,000,000. In Huron, Canada's tiadeiMay Friday, is much simpli- The ifi. po �4 ,.'�6' I I" ,�','t,
I I importance il U, the 14410TT114,x, , '_.
o � . I , , -.4
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: first five-year ,census will get un- fied as con.ripared to the 1951 cen, tion to be gltanedk�, 5 ro . 4.. 11
der way Friday morning,"when 55 suss. It deals in the main with I . A- 'gug O.C�.-,; .; . . . . . .
_ -
the farm survey as InRcat'd �'bl,�V, . ,
. e . -, - -P -5.
�.4 I., Vl�
:::: .. enumerators across the ridingwillpopulation, in addition to emphasis the fact that farm leaders - ihtlu(�6 -1--4�:,4,1'
, begin their rounds to determine, on farm changes and population, Ing H, ith �, .. -
� I H. H-annon, pre,sid-Aut 61 � ".�..
" I �, , "g,ig
I Canadian Federation of Agricul-' I -, .;,
. ture, has .urged 411 farmers to co-
S.D.H.S. Athletes . operate as .fully 94% possible,
ssible, Mr.. I
. I . . .... I.,
. .... ,.:, �::: Snell pointed out. . . . '.
. I . . . . . . . " -11�111111*1111111� 'd in the rural I census, .vy,L.y
I 101� ii*'ii,.""� . -)
1:. 1a&..-'.:;�,x -,,�%�._.To aid I,- '"..,
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�,1�1�11',.�.1111'�-,: .
Have Field Day; ..-..-,-,> '111, .g:: I
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a, ".1. farmer' has received an advance . .
:.,;,.�,,,,-.-;�.;.:.:.:;,K.I ' .,,:Tr,
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, . __ *�.;:;*;T�! copy of the questionnaire', so. that. 4
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Name Champions I �.",�,,.��, �i,�..,-,I,f,...,..,'.;
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. Bad weather recent weeks .. � available when the census enuM*,
forced postponement on two occa- 1-1.1� "' 0: erator calls, I .,;. .. . ,
.. .., f-�'�-I'�"!k."*lr��l",�.'�'.i Th I
", ,�`-% ..!!.:� e agricultural questionnaire ..
cions of the S.D.H.S. sports meet.. ..... - .
Fitially, however, on Friday ideal : -- will ask such things as the loca-
".", - I
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" , "... 1�i!��i�!ii�i;�,i",i��]�..,' tion and size of a farm, the con
.1 conditions prevailed. :. ':'.�.:$.:,:.:,.
, 0
I I -1 . . . . . . . . X: dition of the farm and crop. land:
The outstanding record of the , * .I'11
j: � I .... I .: sown or to be sown for harvest 1. .
I day was chalked up by Bill U'tows- . �, , ... , i �_
. �
ki of the senior boys' group, who __ ..i � in 1956, what various uses land is-:. I. -ii)
. being put to. thpr number and I �; I v.�A
- — ------ all e events
. ------- � ,,i.,'r kinds of livestock �n a f arm, what ,...�.:.:
U. , '"idlEAS, w....the Seaforth Farmers Co m�Gueipn area I power equipment is in' use, farm 11
DISTax I• k _6'per&6v,e s h,si, toured ' for a total of 45 points. He ran . I
.... I .1
� .
last week and visited the new Ontario Co-op mixing plant. ,,Shown hr. -,this group during a visit to the 100 -yard dash in 11.1 seconds. ;..- � expenditure in 3.955, and questions , .,
the O.A.C. are: Left to -right: standing. R'. Winch, of the United operatives; Wallace Ross, -El- Runner up was Bill Scott with 16 ..... on the number and kinds of em. � ��' , '�
I liott Walters, Verne Alderdice, Jack Davidson, Ernest Whitehouse. Seated: left ,to right, An points; Vic Uhler was third with. --
''•r3':`: <.•:; *�*:. -i:;.� . :�
I . �,.:, . ployees; . I �
drew Doig, James Aitcheson, Joe Menary, Leslie Price and Elmer Townsend. I IQ. points. '1.1.�: I 1.
.. . I I .� . ...:,., . . . . . . . ... Field supervisors assisting Mr. . �11
_. _ I . - . C . . In the boys' intermediate class, I Snell are William Elston, R.R., - � 111
, N ' Ken -Thompson scored 24 points. R. M. SOUTHGATE, former Wipgham, and Dennis Bedard, Zur- �,�*N.
,O followed by Lawrence Eyre with , ,'f�,,
. 14, and Bill Strong with eight. Bob well-known Seaforth resident, ibb. . * - .1, il;l
. For Nearly Everyone' ., Bennindyke headed the juniors who has been appointed as There w)R be five questions in . ,.�', . assistant in charge of a the 1956* census of population in- .. �11
with' 17 points; Bob Govenlock "'
second, with 14, and Paul Mc-
newMc—new office being opened by stead of the 29 asked in 1951. These . .."1
the Workmen's Compensation are age, sex. marital status, Tela- I ...'� 1
As St. Colurn. .babofts Has Penny Salei Master, third, with 12. -Board to serve Western On- tionship to head of household, and
had ,..i
' . . Events in the girls' classes tario. He is a son of Mrs. whether living on a farm. Iufor�
The St. Columban penny sale frigerator and oven set, Mrs. Alex bage can, Joe Murphy, St. -Colum- closer scores. the.
Scott led the W. E. Southgate, of Seaforth. motion on the other questions ask-
drawing was held Tuesday in the i McMichael, Clinton. ban; blouse, Mrs. Alex Muir, Sea- seniors with 20 points,ed by - , I 1�111
parish hall, resulting as follows: Girl's dress. Ted Doyle, St. Col- forth; pillow cases, Mrs. Sheila Doris Johnston with 17, and Yvette - . ed in 1951 has not the same dei '
. . I gree of urgency; in fact, some of I I I
Pyrdx pie plate with silver holder, 6fiiban; centrepiece, Gordon Ken, King, Seaforth. Van Poucke with nine. I
Mrs. Earl Healy, Dublin; bath nedy, StratfQrd, pair vases, Doro-� Cake saver, Jack Dalton, St. With 21 points, Ruth Sills led the the characteristics of the popqlk- . ".3;
W.C.B. Promotes tion such as religion, origin, ecu- I I
. �-AAl,
towel set, Kenneth Papple, R.R. 5, ,thy Dalton, St,'Columban- flannel-, iColumban; ornamental vase, Mrs. intermediates, followed by Barbara .: '1�
I I . cation, and citizenship change on- I . � ��!tii
Seaforth; ornament and fern, Mrs. ette blankets, Mrs. Mae Dorrance, •IFrank Doyle. Toronto; pillow cas- Boyd with 17, and Ruth Crozier ly slowly and an enumeration of t'.,
John Flannery, Dublin-, two pairs Seaforth; towel and child's over. -'es, Mrs. Thomas Hodgert, Sea- with nine. Seaforth Man them once in 10 years is adequate. . 1:,�
hand-knit socks, Mrs. Angus Ken- alls, Mrs. Ross Gordon, R.R. 1, Sea -'forth- towel, Mrs. Mae Chesney, Faye Love scored, 19 points to I
nedy, St. Columban; pillow cases, forth; neeklance and earri 0""I , Seaforth; groceries, Mrs. Joseph lead ,the juniors; Marion' McLl- The appointment . of R. Duncan The agriculture, questionnaire ,.- 1; ".". ,
gains . -�
- ow Car Will have 26 questions as a t -111,
Mrs. M. West, Seaforth; flannelette Mrs. Bill Little, Seaforth; vz� .-penter, Dublin; bath set, Mrs. �
wain second with 14, followed Royeroft ,as Kitchener -Waterloo, approximately 290 in 1951. As is _11
blankets, Mrs. Frank Sills, Sea- cases,.Monica Roach, Dublin; duf- Be1ji Hodgert. Seaforth; Pyrex pie closely by Joan Bach with 13. district representative, and R. Me- ,the case with all census Evork, all ,
Sr.,I . .. ";
. '
forth; water set, Mildred Ryan, SL fle bag, Teresa Lynch, St. Colum- plate' Mrs,' Junior Storey, Sea- .
' Leod Southgate, as assistant, was census enumerators are worn to
Columban; thermos jug.; Mrs. ban; case of corn and peas, Jack forth; pillow cases, Mrs. Beth announced this week by E. E. strict secrecy and the Dominion . ..
. ,.
. . -
Michael Doyle St. Columban; or'n- Toronto; towel set, Mrs. Hodgert, Seaforth; salt and pep- Winthrop Ho!ds Sparrow. chairman of the Work- Bureau of Statistics is forbidden
amental ash tray Mildred Ryan, Joseph Lane, St. Columban.; bion- Pers, Mrs. Raymond Nott, Eg- . . � -
men's Compensation Board. by the Statistics Act to dis-Close ,;:.
St. Columban; i;i��d's suit, Mrs. J. ket, Mrs. Frank -Murray, R.R. 2, mondville; child's dress, Betty Lou The Kitchener -Waterloo district any . -
� V P Anniversary ,, information which would re- - . W��., N
I 0 off * veal
11 VA
H. Dorsey, Seaforth. Walton; magazine rack, Mrs. Her- Peth,lek, Dublin; towels, Mrs. Ross office of the 'Workmen Compen- paiticulars relating 'to, any . . .11 .
. � ...;..,
Card table, Mrs. Marie Melady, ry Nesbitt, R.R.-Ij Seaforth, tele- -SavWge, Seaforth. . sation Board Will start operating indliddual' ptrs6if 6r''bu?iness. � ..
St. Columban; pillow cases, Joe vision lamp, Mrs. Frank Lamont, The president and executive of .Young People's anniversary ser- I October. Enumerators responsible for the � ?
ices were held in Winthrop Unit- in : --'�11
Flanagan, Jr., SL ColumbAn; Seaforth; wall plaque, Mrs. Fer- the C.W.L. wish to extend sincere v Mr. Roycroft and Mr. Southgate census in Huron have each -com- I.
ed Church on Sunday with Larry �
chocolates, Kaye Stapleton, Dublin; gus Feeney, St. Columban; pillow appreciation to all those who made will shortly move with their fam- pleted a course of instruction to
possible, to those Wheatley, the president, in charge.;
duraware dishes, Mks. John Moy- cases, Mrs. Lawrence Jacklin, R. this penny sale poss , ilius to Kitchener. , familiarize them with the prob-
I Ian, St. Columban- 'pillow cases, R. 2, Brussels. who donated the articles, to Mr. L. P. Plumsteel, Principal of Sea- "Mac" Southgate, a former resi I
, forth District High Schbol, was . I- lems of the survey. Previously, ,
Mrs. Vin&nt Lane, St. Columban; Ovenware, Mrs. J. A. Westeott, IR. S. Box for use of his die- ldent of Kitchener, was born, rale- each had written a selection test
guest speaker in the morning. 1,
cold pack canner, Jimmie Cronin, Seaforth; shaving case; Ken Lane, play window, and to all those ed and educated in Seaforth. Hav- ,as a result of which the enumera- t ,,
St. Columban; bedroom lamps,' Toronto; B.B. gun, Joseph Twy- who patronized the sale, both in Speaking to the parents and young Ing been a member of the board's tors were appointed. I 'i
Mrs. Lillian Wright, Seaforth; pil- ford, Seaforth; Pyrex pie plate, Seaforth and, St. Columban. people, he pointed out some of the I- audit department for the past 10 Those serving in Huron are: . t
low cases, Mrs. Roy Rau, Sea- Mrs. Maurice Melady, ,St. Colum- - problems that parents have with years. Mr. Southgate spent much Donald R. Dunbar, Ethel; Miss E.
forth; bath towels, •Art Wright, ban; 10 pounds sugar, Mrs. Frank young people today. On behalf of time conducting firm ,audits in the, Rhea Hall. Blyth; Joe . O'Keefe, . I
Seaforth; bookends, Cecelia Kraus- Sills, Sr., Seaforth; set of ash trays . Cattle in Demand the younger generation, with Whom Kitchener area. iKintail; Wilfred R. Hackett. Dun- . 1;
� , he is working. be upheld their �iarried with two children, I I
kopf, St: Columban; Esmond blan- and cigarettes, John L. Malone St cause and laid the blame partially . ganron: Louis J. Phelan, Blyth; r
. . � Woodworking and showing horses --P. Hallfahan. gelgr�ive; ..
1et, Mrs Betty Felkar, Centralia; Columban; pair vases, Mrs. Malone,
At Hensall Sales ,SimbW J. -
on the parents. are his hobbies. He is also a Russell Kernighan, rich: E'arl .
sugar and flour, Mrs. Sara Mc- gus Horan, DulAin; lazy Susan. 0. Don Dodds and Laverne Godkin Gode " I
Iver, Seaforth; work shirt, Ed- Weston, Seaforth; cigaraties, Ken- Prices obtaining at Hensall Coin- . veteran of the Canadian Army, Anderson. Brussels-, Mrs. Ila E. �
__' assisted Larry Wheatley in the 'I .
ward Rowland, St. Columban; fe-�,neth Murray, R.R. 2, Walton; gar- munity Sale were: weanling pigs, ass' . . . Godfrey. D,lngannon; Oliver An'- .%
"O to $10; chunks. $12 to 1-416; sows. morning service. Miss Betty Axt-
.1 mann, on behalf of the Young Berson, Blyth: James T. Scott,
$60 to $85; Holstein cows, $125 to an en Istruck By Tractor, .Senforth: J, Finlay MacDonald. . I
HENSALL SPRING SH1011 FRODAYT 'r- $175; Holstein ..calves, $10 to $15; People's Class. presented - I ll,ucknow: Robert M. Simpson. Kin-
, Hereford calves, $25 to $40; D rolment plaque for the Sunda.N, , . :
Dur- ures Shou" ' I - e
0 school to W. T. Dodds, super -n- 1� Fract er tail; Ernest J. Bo-gi . Goderich.
ham cows. $150 to $165. School. The I Andrew J. Bremner. Listowel; J. .
OUTSTANDING FEATURES PLANNED ) There was a good demand for tendent of the Sunday Scho
. choir sang special music under, When he slipped as he was,ba*�.w' Douglas Hem'rgway. Brussels; �
A I H that is needed to make the Ing reported by members. accord.�' rass---cattle; 2.50 pigs and 50 the direction of. Miss Mary Den- i ing a tractor to a plow at his ' James H. Currie!'." Wingham; Ken- 1
head of cattle were sold. "
1956 Spring Show of the South Ing to Jim McGregor. of Kipp.,n..l - nis. Joan and Lois' Ann Somer- father's farm on the Mill Road, r-etb McL(,an. Moncrieff; Herl�ert . .:
Huron Agricultural Society, being the club secretary, Reports from I Ville sang a duet, "Back of the Monday afternoon. Neil Haugh, 17:JGarniss. Wingliam; Ben Walker, I
held in Hensall on Friday, an out- ,boys and girls in the club indi- I . . TV DEBUT Clouds." at the morning service, I was painfully injured. He suffered i Brussels: Ernest Gaunt. Lucknow;
standing success is good weather. tate good gains generally,_- Club Sharon Strong, daughter of Mr. and Mary Dennis favored with Ala fractured shoulder and bruises J. Cairns. Lucknow; Mrs. Margar-
I according to fair officials. officials expect members will make and Mrs". -Leonard Strong. R.4. 2, solo at the evening service. as the tractor knocked him do%�-n. "t Whyte R.R. 2. Seaforth; Mrs.
I One of the highlights of the fair a profit on their venture this year, Dublin, "'will appear on. Circle 8 Rev. R. J. Holden was the speak-, .Laura Forbes. R.R. 1. Clinton; Mrs. 11
is the Hensiall Feeder Calf Club, -since beef prices have advanced Ranch over CKNX-TV on Thurs- er at the evening service. with I Eleanor Bradnock, Auburn; J, M. .1
when more than 50 members will recently, and may be higher by day evening at 10, o'clock. Catherine Campbell and Mae Bol- ShGwer Honors Jamieson. Londe4boro. R.R.; Gor-
compete for championship honors. fair time, he said. t6n assisting Larry .Wheatley. doo'Scotl. Seaforth; Dominic Mur- . I
Gains of over 500 pounds are be- In addition to the Feeder Calf Those acting as ushers Were To . ray. Walton: R. J. Murray, Sea-
— Club, keen competition is promis- London Shower Somerville .and John Alexander. Koppen Bride forth.
ed in cattle and horse classes. The church was beautifully dee r- I, Don Denni!,. Walton: Martin .
I Aliss Maja Roobol was hostess Klinkhamer. Dublin: Mrs. Kath- . �.
, Queen's Badges To The show gets underway with . , For Ki en Bride ated with Spring flowers r I s for at her home Monday evening for leen Sorsdahl. Cromarty; Mrs. Li-
parade of school children and , services. . . I a Dres,!rtation for Miss Marie Pull- I, McKaig, Cromarty�: Roy La- . I
Seafo�th Scouts bands. Exhibits of farm machin- A:.Ilseellaneous shower was giv- ,
man, bride -elect of this Saturday. .mont, Zurich: Lyle Hillj. Varna:
ery and a midway will be fea- en an Friday evening at Mrs. Hel- with -Miss :Marilyn Eyre acting as John T, McAsh, Varna; Robert ,
tures on e grounds. Another Move To Huntsville. ' Horner. R.R.. Zurich;' Bruce
Seaforth Scouts were 4onored.g en McGlynn's home. 441/i Byron . mistress of ceremonies. It was a
week ago when two of th6r num- highlight, and one of the popular ..
features in fairs In previous years, Ave., London, to honor Miss Jean I surprise shower. when some fif Klopp, R.R.. Zurich; Milfred Schil-
her were presented to Lieutenant- will be the baby show, when South Caldwell, bride -elect. daughter of Couple Honored I teen girl friends of the guest of be, Zurich;..Gordon ,Sargras. Zur-
Governor Louis ,.Breithaupt, at Huron's best babies will vie for Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell. . : honor -met to present her with ich: James McAllister. R'PL' Ziff-"
a ceremony in Stratford, and re- prizes. Kippers. Fifteen girls from the of Friends- and neighbors` of Mr. ,many lovely gifts. A preserqation ich: Donald McKinnod. Hensall; :
Elmer Webster is president . I -re. and the gifts were brought , Exeter. I �
The Seaforth Scouts were Peter t of fice"of nip�rial Fuels Ltd.. where and Mrs. John Stevens, James St..' address was read by Miss Marilyn 1 Glen Mickle, Exeter; Stanley Love
ceived their Queen's Scout Badges. i
the society, and Alvin Kerslake is Jean was employed. attended, and gathered on Wednesday evening to E� I I
Spittal and William Scott. spent by playing present them with a G -E frypan. in in a decorated basket and pre-. Mrs. Mabel Johns. Woodham;
Over the holiday ,week, A Sea- 0., the evening was
forth Patrol took part in a C . "Act Past." The gifts were pre- A social evening was spent. Mr. sented by Miss Roobol and Miss Mrs. Jean Hodgert, RR_'Exeter; I
. sented in a prettily decorated bas- and Mrs. Stevens will be leaving! Greta Pfaf. Pink and white color Ed Westcott. R.R.. Exeter: Mrs. :
aree at Duncan )Lake, near Coning- Jonathan Hu ,ill ket, after which Jean thanked ev- Seaforth to make their home in schemes were used for the chair Marjorie Broadfoot, Brucefield; . .
wood, when two pennants were won. . 9 eryone. A buffet lunch followed, Huntsville. Miss Laura Mold read i decorations. A sing -song and piano Joseph Devereaux. R.R. 4, Sea- I
About 400 Scouts- were in attend with a small bridal cake and the address and Mrs. Vera Mc- � duet by the Misses June and Faye forth; Mrs. Roy Bell. R.R., Hen- I
afice. The Seaforth Patrol in Escapes Injury candles decorating the table. Donald and Miss Laura Mole I Ross, and contests highlighted the sail ; Winston Sbapton, R. R., :.
charge bf Jim Crich, included I affair, Luncheon was served, Exeter; Irvine Finkbeiner. Cred- ,
Roy Dungey, Craig Willis, Glen On Tuesday evening. May 22, a served lunch. I I . ".
Johnathan Hugill, 06, R.R. 2. miscellaneous shower was given I . iton: Leo Regier. R.R.. Dash- I
Colitts, Stan grown, Edward Seaforth, escaped injury when the wood; Isaac Bestard. R.R., Park-
, James, Ray Scoins and Ron Myatt. vehicle he was driving was in col- Miss Jean Caldwell at the home , � hill-, William Love. Grand Bend. .4
. ,..f,� . .1 '. lision With a car driven by Don. of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. I
aid Badertscher, 16, of Hanover Caldwell, Xippen. It was "arranged I .1
Toronto Graduate -9outb of Exeter, Saturday after-' by Mrs. Robert Eigie, Mrs. Mor- .. I ,���_.. BRUCEFTELD GIRL 1:
noon, 11adertscher was admitted ley. Cooper and Mrs. Robert Me- I ... __..�i: 'i
unconscious to South Huron Hos- Gregor Fifty neighbors and I �,, . ..
. I . .�., Patricia Anne Lane. Brucefiel I
� To Join Ferre Here. friends attended. Many beautiful ..... ... I ,. ....... .. -X . ; I.,
�, - I - ..,. , :
pdtal, Exeter, with head and facial . 1: ...; , and Janice Mary Regiei, Zurich:
�i . and useful gifts were received. ,;,;:,:,;��4'%�..;. : . 1, J
Ffed (Ted) Savauge has su6- Injuries. I . The evening was spent by playing : 1: . were among district students who I f, ��
I :
� :X'31.,�,.�.:��::: .1 graduated from St. Joseph's Hos-
cessfully completed his two-year bingo •,nd conducting contests. ". :��
::: pital School of Nursing, in a coloN
I 11.
watchmaking course at the School C a The presentation address was �"."i ! fol ceremony in Thames Hall, Lon- .
of Nero es Par• y Prices read by Mrs. Robert Elgie as fol- � : . - �,'�
16gy in Toronto. He Is en- Sees it : . don. last week, Each of the 71 ours- . �-, �1
tering into business with his " lows, Dear Jew We can tell b 11-a es received a bouquet of red roses. I I ,4.,R
father, and will bi in charge of •the glow on your face that you :1.18'il'
the watch repair department of Election Factor are appy as you should be, and . .V,
.. ow that you will make a . . . . . . '.. - - , �13;11
'i .:.� �.,,,� 1.
Savauge's . stole. re. Predicting that -parity prices we t More Bingo .... 1"o-;jl
I I charming bride on Saturday. We I " . I. �� ........ . I 'A
Would be a factor in the next elec- ;�?N
_11 11".. .
iL,4 n are gathered here tonight to share i i-'.��.',,�.'?.3 iY:'1.5 . ..a,
. tion, Walter Miller, first vice -pre ;� �--�-: �,., '.. ": �.,
10re s'" in your happiness. Our hope for "., �',I: , .
�:..�".".�',",��,11 R�N� _', ;� ,
" -:1., ."
" � .. a 11
,:;,,�A�,�,.: �.�,�.,,77.-." 'Itil
.. il"LL"I'li: 11-"�'?, .
0 !"I" �i�Bl � *� �,
, 4ptize Ch dent of the Ontario Farmers Un- .x Numberi Or _Wft
ion, told a Clinton meeting o
your future is that your friends 1.11il-111.1 111`7 1, '. � ; "I .. �,
f dis- may be added, your sorrows sub. ;��.--,.,:`Q�:�i'. � I ::�,�'gi..'l,%,- gi - , "St . I; I,,
At First Church . trict farmer, on Wednesday even- .11.11 A.�!! , 11 Draws made during the
� I I
:�;?.; �, �.,`,"KiT.!�Maya,Mai,
trac' ;.:��::�� ., I'll
; . fted, your riches multiplied and i :g �,�.?!� I .
I � �.11. pw, Og week- ,Were:4i :1,26 -
I ing, that it was necessary for ". 111 '..� �, .. .
.. Those baptized at First Preft- farmers to organize to set a price your sorrows divided. We have ''.k pn��i 2-5, G -49P X9 1 ___ �:� ,'f�,11,1
brought with us small gifts for -, ITSTA
&.11" 1,48. .-_J ; `MV
Uriati Church ou.SundAy Were: - ori their products. A ..k� ,_,.-; 30, V4
your new home, and we hope that , I.... ' I 'A 11 11-
.. . � ,-gumber k � !, � - �
,, &k, evidus- ,�.. I Vl�)
, ,# r� "':.:",
# Al- "ThOe is only one way to im- be re- , � fl, I
Lydia ... �Agyte# , And . Lawrene 171 . 'i.1 AP I
N.. , lobidut parity prices, and that's use them you will ,& I I - N
t tw-Ins of r. and Mrs Harry end and � I � tAh
- . , -
I WWAN� 18-6h' 6f Y ,90Vel I .1
I .
. tl A 19, mment b6gislation," went = of your Kippen friends
.1 V.. neighbors. AMON4, L 1. -11111 "I. ...... �, I ,,,, 1, ... .
� ......
, ,
� I ,'gn.d Wd _1301i, CAthodhan* ft the O.F.U. ,Official, "Cost of The decorated batket of gets "6919 , h "I - d 1, .- ... . A I 1�` , •tVSA� W',�
9 . 'M ",
ir ZM4 lateeials are kept high by t', "
� soh of Mr. . Ala ,. I Whyte A� 'I %,"d6th , thbiti Par—, tW ut" �hd Vfg. * 11 . M
,t I dt " ". , .RALZI - W
11 I I . .1 Oil by 10gislAtIbIt"10, 006te W**?�,piogented W M ld 0 opdr, Mary ,. 6:: I ', "IM 1% V
: ... :. .
,�, I I v , - M ,, % A �-X,40fe'd . 4ab,' Wt. JU, I . :, V
��,i� � I 4 rb *[Y Jft;:�&�,�,PtdtecTe& Md, , X, A � ffhyte, Xr, Whyto , ��-.. Nui � 011106* 1'0;�, iFj�'4 , " §-.,gw',- -q
. 191, Aw. 'in � � 161ha wirge, " M , �
6 ; :� � ,, t� , , 4 ,_.."., , �
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,,, ., � . "r,
,, .� � OA;C., G0610h. '*bi - 0.1, , 0111. R t " mqv -A , ,
,411d 'A."; -040,16"o ._�, . , .1 1,111111- � .,� &� � , , �4,
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