HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-05-11, Page 5• .11. 1955 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN Radio, Powerglide, Two -Tone, Low Mileage • 1952 FORD SEDAN 1950 CHEV. SEDAN 1950 FORD SEDAN 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN with radio 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1949 AUSTIN SEDAN Special at $160.00 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED — at Seaforth Motors Chev. - ' Olds. Chev. Trucks OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 Table 1116k MI44 .(By SHEILA McFADDEN) Last Friday morni the school looked like it did e day. w - ever, during the day e were many changes, 'all for the better. All the desks received a shiny coat of polish; bright gay posters, dis- playing the students' work, were tacked up on the bulletin boards, and blackboards received an ex- tra polish, along with some decora- tions. By ..the 4 o'clock bell the school had received a new "face," in order to display its better side to the public at night. From T:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., it look- ed like .only a feW parents and friends were going to view the building, but Mtn. 8 o'clock on, events changed rapidly and there was a record crowd who showed up td appreciate and compliment both the teachers and students on their fine work. The rooms closed at 9:30 in order that all who de- sired to go to the gym were free to do so, in order to watch the Fresh'n Tender Pan Ready IGA TABLERITE LARD c1-1,LNS. B. 35c IGA CATSUP 110Z. BOT. - 23c IGA just melt your mouth! GRADE A THREE LEGGED OR TRIPLE BREASTED lb 49c ,FRESH 1%/ TENDER IGA TABLERITE Mi FRANKFURTERS „a Cell1cgs.$1 SWEET PICKLED PEAMEALED _COTTAGE ROLLS YOUNG, TENDER BEEF LIVER E PIIISBURY CHOCOLATE FUDGE 7 %. . JOHNSON'S HARD G LOSS znt$11, ih DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION og or Cut ECONOMICAL DAINTY •- 'RICE 1 -LB. CTN. DELICIOUS KRAFT DINNER 2 PKGS. 29c IGA CHOKE PEAS 2 '&23c Cleary's 164 Market program. On the program there was a wide display of talent, from singers to sewers in the fashion show, to dancers, and to all muSi- eians who took part. One note of interest to all those who bought tickets on the quilt, made by Grade U, the winner was C. M. Smith, of Seaforth. § § The election campaign is on in full swing. There are so many propoganda signs deeorating the halls that it is next to impossible to. try to read them. Nevertheless, along with the running for the offices, some poets have been found in the nominees. Everyone has one or two or more campaign managers, and as each day rolls by the competition becomes keen- er. For the job of president, two girls and two boys are contesting for the honor—Sally Nott, Alice Christie, Charlie Dungey and Ron Scoins. In the field for secretary there are also four candidates, all girls (as far as I can make out)— Beryl McFarlane, Ruth Sills, Faye Ross and Marion McLlwain. For the position of treasurer, the girls also dominate the field—Barbara Boyd and Beatrice Siemon. Al- though the -boys were nominated to the positiions, they just seemed to make a quick dash to the bulletin board in order to strike out their name. Sfirely the boys aren't that shy! • §- § The field day has., been cancel- led from this Wednesday to next Wednesday due to many condi- tions, mostly weather. It is still too cold for shorts; the race track and rugby field are still so wet and muddy that you sink to your ankles in the "goo", and perhaps next Wednesday it won't rain and it will be warmer. Who knows? The weathermen don't! • § § • This Friday •night has been set aside by the,.Students' Council to allow everyone to loosen up their muscles for Wednesday. The lim- bering exercises are to be in the form of dancing to the top bands of the day. Please notice that I said "bands", not "band"; there- fore I shall confirm your guessing that the dance is a record dance. 9h, well, at least at a record dance you can shut the music off if it • fails to satisfy your rhythm. § § Question of the week: Are you interested in a banker, Connie, or is it the other girls? iversary The ,,regular meeting -pt St An- drOW's united Church loons X' 0,1e, was held Monday minister conducted the devOtie with; hymns, scripture and praYe and a short talk on "Two Ways of Life,". Bonnie Kyle led in the busi- ness part of the meeting which was concerned with plans ft* the Young People's anruveraarY ser - Vices on May 20, when Rev.,Alex Rapson, BA., will be guest minis- ter. Pat Lovell read the minutes. Those chosen to take part in the service were Bonnie Kyle and Keith Love; ushers, Braun Bin, nendyk, Wayne McBride, Lloyd Turner, Kenneth Faber and Har- old Parsons. After a half-hour of games, lunch was served. Harold Parsons was in charge of the lunch committee. Wins At Festivals Advance Plans For S. Huron Crusxde The Snuth Huron Crusade for Christ met in. Zurich Monday with 45 present. The chair was taken by Rev. C. D. Daniel. ..- The meeting accepted with re- gret the resignation_ of Crusade chairman' Rev. H. E. Roppel. Rev. ,C. D Daniel, of Hensall. was ap- ,poiinted to office of chairman. A vice-chairman is to be appointed ' at a Jar date.. Reports Were giv- ert by the 61-1;11n-LatOf rtisar. 1 committees. Rev. J. E. Watson Thirteen -year-old Audrey Elaine Priestap, of Mitchell, granddaugh- ter of Robert Thomson, of this vil- lage, continued in her honours won at Stratford Festival, by winning first prize in piano solo, any age, and won the silver rose bowl giv- en to highest senior piano pupil at Mitchell Festival. On Thursday el/ening the ladies of St. Andrew's United Church are payking a bale of used clothing to be sent to the needy families in Korea. The neighbors of Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Hendrick, of Stanley Town- ship, gathered on Friday evening at their home to get acquiainted. Seven tables of euchre were in play, and lunch served at the close of the evening. Visitors during the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dow - son included Mrs. Arthur Keyes, of Varna, Mr. Cook, of Goderich; Mr, and Mrs. John Keyes and family, of Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winder and Miss Margaret .Winder, of London. Mr. and Mrs. C. Haist. of Zur- ich, called on Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore on Monday afternoon. Messrs. Tom Kyle and Donald McLellan. of Chiselhurst, motdred last week to Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford. accompanied Mrs, Dins - dale home on Saturday, after hav- ing visited a short time with them. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hutchi- son, of St. Thomas, and Mrs. Gib- son, of Wroxeter, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 1Viellis: Mr. Emmerson Kyle, accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle, spent Monday in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl, Lis- towel, visited over the weekend with the latter's brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dickert. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thomson.! John and Mary. also. Mr. Robert Thomson. visited Friday afternoon with the latter's daughter and son- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. • Robert Stokes, of London. Miss Margaret McKay and Mr. Oliva. McKay, accompanied by Mr. Norman Long, visited Tuesday in Hillsburg. with Mr. and Mrs. itoss McKay. Mrs. William Kyle. Kippen, and; Mr. L. Lloyd and Miss Eleanor, Venner, of Hensallattended the funeral on Tuesday of an mint, the late Mrs: Mary Charlton, of Park -1 hill. Mks Etta Jarrott 'spent a few days recently at her home on the London Road, 1V1r. and MDF. ;limb Vanclanberg and famiily, of ilritish C aumbia 1,ave moved into Mr. John 1, Hen, rieron's house nn the London P . n'Elrattil:11i,,lis are extended to Mr. and Mrs, 1..pcm::rd Lovell, for Ireported everything was in reaki lhe Iness for the counsellor and advis- May 5, at C,11;.,1h( pia ory sessions being held each Tues-; Special Moth( U.- ft scrvi.T will day night in Zurich Mennonite be held in St Andrew's United Church, Rey. E. Gingerich re- Church on at 11 a m . and ported for the prayer c,immittee !the Sacrament ot Holy 'Baptism and said there were 19 prayer will be' administered. groups in the area. The : On Saturday Mrs. A Gaol:stet- r,»rim'tteo after the re.•,•dar meet-Iler. Gail and LYnn attend,. the iruz decided to order 1 VO bumper !‘vedding of their consul stickers as part of their advertis• (l:11..(11111y.bity. • ling campaign. • leing performed in the • al 'United Lir. thren Church in i'rcditon. 'Vr:051511, TAN . 0'1 a4=Inszammvarmmasasr-rometiszaziaws.e2xstcloassfosmawatorgaggar get hies * 19r9.9.99.=.991.9.''..99Z=1910.=119.9.99999931 c SNQBOY CELLO LE ONS• 6/ CELLO SPY APPLES Florida NE SPUDS lbs. CELLO CARROTS -20. oz. ROBIN HOOD F,LOUR 74b. bag "P ••-. • CLINTON - ONTARIO • Park - box Or on p FIRST SIR/1\ AT DUSK Thursday and Friday May 10 and 11 "The Best Years Of Our Lives" Virginia Mayo Frederick March Ijaria.-.Andrews and Myrna Loy (Cartoon) Saturday and Monday, May 12 - 14 'Darling How Could You' JOAN (Color) FONTAINE ,x JOHN • LUND MONA FREEMAN (Two cartoons) , Tuesday & Wednesday—May 15-16 "French Line" (Color) JANE RUSSELL (Adult) ' (Two Cartoons) Thursday and Friday --May 17-18 "Americano" (Color) GLEN FORD •(Two Cattoons) 'URSULA MISS LOVELY GIFT TOWELS • Big size, heavy weight, very absorbent bath towels, in plain shades, bordered ends, check or floral patterns. A lovely gift for Mother. • GIFT BOXED AT 1.25 to 1.65 GIVE NYLONS All the best makes of nylons in all gauges and weights, in. the very best Spritrg and. S'ummer shades. Each pair gift boxed for Mother. 96c to 1.75 NEW PATTERN LUNCH .CLOTHS Beautiful "Fruit of the Loom", fast color lunch cloths in a gor- geous range of colors and pat- terns. Colors are clear and sharp. GIFT BOXED 51 x 54 x 72 $2.95 $3.95 •• • `§/11,::;,i NEW HANDBAGS • SHE'LL LOVE Leather, plastic or patent bags in navy, black, brown, red, green and tan. All shapes and sizes to suit Mother. 3.95 to 45 • ••'. • • -1';'fr• DAINTY BLOUSES . FOR MOTHER Styled in cottons, ginghams, crepes or nylons in either long or short sleeve sty ies. There's a big choice of colors to suit Mother, at 2.95Nfto 4.95 GIFT .95 .9 SLIPS 2to SPRING GLOVES A TIMELY GIFT New nylons and chamoisuede gloves in shortie or standard lengths, daintily styled in 20 different Spring shades, 1.00 to 1.95 St 14 0 s KIPPEN W S L The W.711 S. of St Andrew's 'Unit - ('(1 Church. Kippen. met on Wed -1 .nesday evening at the home of 7lrs,lohn Cooper. Jr., with a good! attendance. The president. Mrs. j rue F.-,cris.!::i.ethn;dretro:rorsnur,,\‘0‘.kat .17 bby re(;tha l ;1 no .118 in uni:•on, l\ Ti'. BONI.; "ANC' was in f the deve- ti(mal period 1c ''_' wns re„id from :ht. pro clr partner. Miss Ada who sivirCv on tui•lote.ih' l'he auxiliary ;in invi!..tim front the 1,4 to :411 44] their nteet- try.• 29. '`.1rs M(4.0,, Ian and Faller give renor,,s the Pr,..,1i.ktori1 which .they re- er pttendcd in Jaiiies Street United Chinreli, Nirs 11 ;haw, reported for the vlsitini: • / .1? r •- •l( 19 7.1 S 1,4 4 NA VISIT! ST. THOMAS' WA. Committee. Mrs, McLeod and N•A'Tiarsy. E. 'Kyle are the visilors for It was decided to pack A bale I May 17 donations to. no 1,•ri viti-or f tho st1r4'•5 th, The IA V ;Al 0.; ;1114lVerbil MTh (Irk, —1.0“!," VI rs Jail!! The rcgular morthl...• meetingof-' the Women's Auxiii•ory of St. Thc.mas' Church Ssaforth. was held on •Tuesday tft.e.rn•ov.ti in, the parisin hall with •.• •ti••nd nttend_ (loorat• r1avin pre - 5,:/(( The neT Wtrl "t1C1: .T.01.11 reialing .the ,,;niclair favc.;:ed viiiii tv.•,, i\lother •;, ••" • - • , • • • • • • — Day porn. ,mrs uoci 1,,,von ,,, „,.. r.alothl: Parke goNe ilitoresting re- in (..hiii-in of i'le study, it •,:r4.1. it 1,y .." r"•• il He s.i.siif,' • ii iTing held ;Mrs. Kle, Mis. '‘IeLeri. mr, .1, ir London VI '''' l' S othgate. knders'ni and 'Mrs. 'AccAritrtric 'S'. 1rd [Ill'. A " ": r''• dIsPialil- 'Mrs IlaTph Turner i 'tended c'd the articles of .' ' 'eg for the i thanks In tht. hot'. ant (.,1.'11,s, • ' ' •-!' f . r. 'I'he »ale tess, The closing hymn v ii:, 3:tr. • ";cs 011r".4(1 •EVII''‘'''''.1 r .' rheetrri, and Mrs .Vid,.,r•oa pr,..noiii., •.ri 1...,. i'''''' PHI' - ' ' ' • . ' for the • •.' benediction. A nainty !Ohl:. V. .14 . .. to bo . served, li.ld '`.1;•. Pi in ,.l.-• .. vi -h hall. sariw: P• , . - • -'ina, will' The 1990 err, .,, .ho.i.t d :•l', •• t n ' livid iii Ptti• : ""l'h, aolli-in Cniinclian-liorn rt -. •', ztu• H' .nc 1110011M; w I" ' t ,T1T-R, 5, th• United Stliiis. i.- the form rif 1 1, •••••! ' -".Tper . „. ......._:,.. -,,,Ii.,..`,.. • ',,, ; . • I • / di /'• r • • 1/- • //' -' .. ' 119- ... -.......Irk .......... .9 ' . 4. - ,,i ,, • 1 .-------.41 ' . if '*.it, 'r,. • 4 \ '• - • i I 1 i! — r:.' 1 f (1 0 We specialize in the finest of Heavy, Fireproof, No - ASPHALT SHINGLES. Your choice of m ny different colors! While the weather is good, it is time to get that old roof ready for next Winter's b ,farp - See Our Illustrated Booklet for Colors . and Patterns Ball II Macaulay Ltd. Ots-411,Vg Builders' Supplies Sash - Doors Lime Cement SEAFORTH CLINTON Phone 787 Phone 97 0i d weather lwfd,* 4,'WHA