HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-05-04, Page 54 ti DR i LIMITED CLINTON - , ONTTARIO Next to the Community Park TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY (Rain or Clear) Box Office Open 8:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 3 and 4 "Susan Slept Here" (Color) DEBBIE REYNOLDS (Two Cartoons) • DICK POWELL SATURDAY and MONDAY May •5 and 7 "Race At Dawn" (Color) RANDOLPH MALA SCOTT POWERS (Two Cartoons) TUESDAY and WEHNESDAY May 8 and' 9 • "Clash By Night" (Adult -Entertainment) MARILYN BARBARA MONROE STANWYCK (Tyco . Cartoons) Thursday and Friday May 10 and 11 "The Best Years Of Our Lives" Virginia Mayo Frederick March Dana Andrews and Myrna Loy (Cartoon) Children under 12 in cars -FREE Use The Harm Expositor classi- c fied ad columns regularly. ti ;4 r 4 1 1. • , v $ 1 t• J • (By SHEILA McFADDEN) This Friday night, May 4, is go- ing to be another busy night at the school. It is the Open House night, and the teachers and stu- dents are busy cleaning the rooms and thinking up new ideas which might-interestthe friends and par- ents of the students. The school has not been open like this for a couple of years, and this night gives everyone an excellent chance to view the school at its best. The rooms will stay open till around 9:30, and the gym will then n DON' ' PLUmRER (OoD FOLKS;, WE HAVE 40 ' ANOTHER MISSION; I' REMEMBER ; NOW, WE SON WOOD; PLUMBINUaHEATIN6 SEAFORTH TITITITITITITITyTyT T TsT,LTSTyTd 1 It's New! It's Here! Topnotch Steer Fattener With Diethylstilbestrol • MORE GAIN • LESS` FEED • MORE PROFIT Twopounds of Topnotch Steer Fattener per head per clay balances your grain with regard to pro- tein, minerals and vitamins, and supplies the re- commended amount of stilbestrol for the most efficient gains. FOR FULL DETAILS ENQUIRE AT OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Seaforth — Phone 15 TyTyTyTyTyTZTyTyTyTZTyTyTZTyT�" be the place of entertainment, where a small program will be shown. In the Home Economics room the girls are busy working to finish toys and other articles which will be sold at a bazaar at night. A quilt, under the watchful eye of Miss Elford, has been stitch- ed together and tickets may be bought at night for the raffle, in which the lucky ticket: holder will go- home with 'a new handmade quilt. Next Wednesday, weather per- mitting, is the annual track and field meet. The classes for this display of athletic ability -are as follows: If you were- 14 or under on or before Sept. 1, 1955, you com- pete in the Junior Class; if you were 15 or 16 on or before Sept. 1, 1955; you compete in the Inter- mediate Class; if you were 17, 18 or 19 on or before Sept. 1, 1955, you compete in the Senior Class. With all the muck and water around, it has been next to impos- sible to try to limber your muscles up outdoors, so, if by field day you still haven't broken yourself in, better by some liniment and make the most of it. Of course, Cadet drilling i,s doing its share to help you loosen up, • Like last year, the elections for President, Secretary and Treasur- er of the Students' Council will be held in the spring in order to avoid the confusion of elections first thing in the fall. It was also difficult for the Grade 9's to know all the Upper School students and it wasn't really a fair election. The ballot box has been placed in the hall and nominations may come from next year's Grade 13 or 12 for President, and next year's Grades 13. 12 and 11, for Secre- tary -and Treasurer. Question of the week: Well, Bob, do you find it difficult living m town. while Donna lives in the country? Special Prices on New and Used Power Mowers 2 Used Reel -type Power Mowers, like new; cheap 2 Used Rotary -type Power Mowers A number of Used Rubber -tired Hand Mowers; cheap. — Also — 1 Used Oil Floor Furnace (cheap) 1 Used Conversion O i 1 Burner (cheap) 1 Used Space Heater, blonde, (cheap) 1 Used Coal and Wood Furnace, New Idea 22", with Blower (Steel); like new! 1 Used Draft Blower with 1/4-H.P. Motor and Thermostat, $15.00 Barn Ventilators GERALD GINGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE Heating - Lighting Plumbing Air -Conditioning We specialize in MOTOR REPAIR & REWINDING Eavestroughing Receives Prompt Attention Zurich, Ont. Phone 34 -Cut Fertilizer Costs e PERI "1'1 by using high analysis Co-op Fertilizer You get more total fertilizer nutrients per dollar when you buy a high analysis. You have less fertilizer to handle, and you are more likely to give your crop full nour- ishment. Seaforth UNIiE0.•OI Farmers Co - operative »"eiw Eggs and Poultry , Feed and Fertilizer 4..«,, PHONE 13 PHONE 9 MAU PACKED GRADE LIZERS 44,1 VAR stdr:44k. fgmrly; . t�o44on, speutr' end *.t4 Mr, and Mrs Haase. ss +;w, Ga)r and MiBob Bettiesells, of NewBettiesHofawbw )t; encs. spent the weekend with their #4.1'. Mr. Sam Bethick has returned:' from London, where he spent'he` past ten days. He was aeeotpa i- ied home by Mr. and Mrs. Thi.omas' Pethick,, of London. VARNA The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Ernest McClinchey Wednes- day evening with 23 ladies present. The meeting opened with the theme song and a hymn. Mrs. Charles Reid read the Scripture lesson. Mrs' Pitt read a story and followed with- prayer. Mrs. Robert Taylor, the presi- dent, presided over the business period. The minutes were read by Mrs. Murvin Johnston. Roll call for `May jS "a verse we learned when we went to school" It was decided to send $15 to the Ca,nver Fund. WA. Presbytery is to be held in Clinton on May 9. The meeting closed with W.A. prayer. ZION Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Yeo and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mercer a n d Carollynne, Toronto, visited with Mrs. James Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. D. Malcolm and attended the 40th wedding anniversary of their brother, Mr. George Pepper and Mrs. Pepper, at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams and family, of Burford, visited with her mother, Mrs. B. Barker, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker, on Sun- day. Miss Gwen Britton, who has spent the past month at her home, returned to London on Sunday. Saturday and Sunday evening visitors with Mrs. James Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. D. Malcolm were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Donna and Barry, Mrs. Mabel Hig- gerson and Peggy, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hardin, Toronto, Mrs. Will Murdie, Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Glynis and Bruce, Fullarton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Williams. DUBLIN A large group -of friends and neighbors' gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meagher on Monday evening to honor them prior to their departure from the farm. An address was read by 'Wilfred Krauskopf and the presentation of a television chair and a leather travelling bag were made to Mr. and Mrs. Meagher, and a compact to Phonsine was made by Joe and Jimmie Delaney. Each made a fitting reply. The evening was spent inlay- ing euchre and dancing to the Ry- an and McQuaid orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly and children were in Toronto, Mrs. Delmar Cameron and twins visited in Kincardine with Mr. and Mrs. C. Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary and Miss Joanne Evans, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, London. visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smuck and girls visited with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Pugh and Glenn visited in Clairmount. GROUP 1. OF NORTHSIDE W.A. Mrs. E: Ellis was hostess for the May meeting of- Group 1 of the W.A. of Nothside United Church. Mrs. Con er bll presided for the 'bus- iness part. Minutes were read and the roll call was answered by 25 members. Volunteers were asked for the mother and daughter ban- quet on May 16, and for a work bee to clean cupboards in the church kitchen. Miss R. Fennell presided for the devotional part. Th e hymn, "Come, Let Us Sing Of a, Wonder- ful Love" was sung, followed by prayer by Mrs. E. H. Close. Mrs. C. Walden read the scripture from St. Matthew's Gospel. Mrs. H. Snell was the guest speaker and chose "The Bruce Peninsula" as her topic, which was most inter- esting and enjoyed by all. The rlosi"e hymn was, "All the `r-•• "-. c •' •._ r -ad, " end all rrr' atr'' the Mizp ` 1-^Tlecl`rf'n*l. A. drvr.i-11, by Mrs. Johnson ant/ „irs. Connell, s;ssisted by the hotess. MR. AND MRS, JOHN JOSEPH FLYNN are' shown follow- ing their recent marriage at St. Joseph's Church, Clinton. Mrs. Flynn is the former Mary l)onalda Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alynn Dale, Owen Sound, while the groom is a -son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn, Hullett. They will reside in Hullett. Photo by MacLaren's) WALTON N Choose °ft orn tl}e n��ies1 weaves, silk anti >7a,00l m' silver fleeks WV' WPrs'te(ll nets„ in a •braa4 ns PRO it Spring fashion favniirites; Expertly tailored suits in Popo.- lar two and three button simgle� breasted styles, with the new slim look lapels and centre vents. Suits that look "like a • million" and will hold their press and shape indefinitely. SIZES 35 to 44 ONLY, AT 4 9.50 Extra Paants $10 • I rL•al��d'�s, WS 0F' THE WEEK Miss Irene Corlett, of 'tchener, and Mr. Ron Stanton, of ort Stan- ton on Sparrow Lake, ere week- end guests at.the hom of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Corlett. Mr. and Mrs. George -Dundas spent the Weekend with relatives in Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Humphries, YIr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett and :>?r. and Mrs. Herb Travis were weekend visitors in Toronto. Mr. Robert Young has returned home after spending the past few weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Percy Spencer and Mr. Spencer, Detroit. Mrs. M. Humphries has return- ed home after spending a week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge, in London. Mr. and Mrs. George McArthur were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur, St. Marys, on Sunday. A clearing auction •sale will be Meld for Mr. Clifford J. Cardiff on the 16th concession of Grey, on Friday, May 4. Mr. and'Mrs. Car- diff have 'sold their farm to Mr. A. Peters, of Milverton, and have purchased a house in Brussels, where they intend moving shortly. Service in Duff's United Church, Walton, was conducted by Rev. W. M. Thomas on Sunday morning. The subject chosen for his dis- course was entitled, "Guidance." The anthem. "His Love Declare," was sung by the choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Harvey Brown. The Young People's Union will hold their anniversary on Sunday morning at 11:30, E.D.T., with Mr. L. P. Plumsteel, principal of the Seaforth District High School, as guest speaker. Members of the Y.P.U. will have charge of the service and will provide special music for the occasion. Hold Reaffiliation Service The Canadian Girls in Training and the W.M.S. held a reaffiliation service in the school room of the church on Monday evening, April 30. The worship service was in charge of the president, Audrey. Hackwell, assisted by Ruth Wal- ters and Katharine Buchanan. A duet was sung by Faye Love and Ruth Anne Ennis. Those taking part in the affiliation service were: Mrs. the W.M.S.; Barbara Turnbull, rs. Robert McMichael, president Mary Kirkby, Audrey Hackwell, Joan Hamilton, Anne Achilles, Nor- ma Hoegy and the two C.G.I.T. leaders, Mrs. Ted McCreath and Miss Edna Martin. A piano solo was played by Aileen Williamson. Rosemarie Bolger introduced the guest speaker, Miss Florence El- ford, of Seaforth, who gave a very enlightening talk on the Indians across Canada. Miss Elford taught in Indian Schools in Quebec, Mani- tou, Northern Ontario, Simpson and Bella Coola on the west coast, and Christian Island in Georgian Bay. Following her talk, many articles made by Indians were put on dis- play and snapshots were shown. These were very interesting and greatly enjoyed by all. Mrs. Ted McCreath thanked the speaker for her splendid talk, af- ter which she was presented with a gift by Lois Fox. The offering was received by Shirley Bosman and Donna Smith.' The C.G.I.T. Purpose, was repeat- ed and a hymn sung by the girls. Following the closing hymn the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Thomas. Lunch was served by the ladies of the W.M.S., and a social half-hour was enjoyed. ST. JAMES' C.W.L. The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held in the school with the president, Mrs. M. Etue, in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. M. Williams, and the treasurer's re- port given by Mrs. J. Bannon. Mrs. J. J. Cleary and Miss Rose Dorsey were appointed visiting committee for the month of May. The C.W.L. convention will be held in London on the 14th and 15th of May. and Mrs. M. Etue and Mrs. Allan Pretty were chosen to re- present the Seaforth Subdivision. The annual fee will be taken up on Sunday, May 5 and 12. At this time the Diocesan Centennial Seals will be,listributed also. It was de- cided to have a booth and serve lunch at the sale of Mr. Joseph Devereaux on May 22. The meet- ing closed with prayer. CONSTANCE NEWS OF THE WEEK Last Wednesday friends here re- ceived word of the death of Mr. Lorenzo Proctor; of Halifax. He was born and grew to manhood south of this village. He had lived in Londonfor a number of years, but had spent the past 30 years in Halifax, The death of Mrs. Ed. Wendorf, Clinton, shocked the community, as Mrs. Wendorf taught music to a number of the school children. Her tribute and regard for music will be missed greatly. and her mem- ory will linger with persons of this community for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Babcock and family have moved to their other farm, formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs, Dubbs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hulley and son, Seaforth, have moved to the Babcock home. Mr. and Mrs. George McLlwain and family attended the surprise anniversary celebration held last Thursday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bettles.-on the occa- sion of their 40th wedding anni- WINCHELSEA NEWS OF THE WEEK Mrs. Lorne McKellar visited on Friday with friends in Stratford, Brampton and Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock, of Exeter, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock and family. Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK WANTED—Cash paid for dead, old,•eick, or disabled horses or cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153, collect. 4598-12 Births ARTHUR --At Seott Memorial Hospital, on April 28, to Cpl. and Mrs. Arthur, Seaforth, n daughter. CLIFTON --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 1, to Mr. and Mrs. George Clif- ton, A.R. 3, Irippen, a son. DAVIDSON--Shirley and Allan Davidson. of Port Colborne (nee Twitchers), take Pleasure in announcing the arrival of their chosen son, Brian Ross, born March 30, 1956. HORAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on April 28, to Mr. and Mrs. James Horan, R.R. 1, Dublin, a eon, MALCOLM—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Malcolm, Seaforth, a eon. NICIIOLS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 38, to Cpl, and Mrs. Roderick ' Nichols, R..C.A-F. Station, Clinton, daughter. Mrs. Fred Walters and Judy and Mrs. Martin visited friends and relatives in London on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Morgan and sons,,near Hur- ond ale. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten, of Exeter, and Mr. Clayton Batten and Mr. Charlie Motz, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Batten. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Horton and Patricia, of Seaforth, and Miss Lois Cottle and Donna Gilfillan, of Exeter. Mr. Bill Martin, of near Toron- to, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mrs. Stanley Martin returned home with him, having spent the past week with her sister.- Mrs. Walters. Miss Wilma Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks., of London, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wal- ters and daughters. Little Peter Gartenbl.lrg, of Sun- shine Line, visited Saturday with his chum, Larry Lynn. Miss Kay Horne and Mr. Jerry Gruble visited over the wee tend with gr. and Mrs..Freeman Horne and fainl;y, • versary. • The 'electrical storm which came upon the community suddenly at noon last Friday, struck the home of Mr: and Mrs. Luther Saunders and broke all the windows on the east side of the house and barn, also blowing fuses and disconnect- ing the telephone. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Millson was al- so struck, but little damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley had din- ner with Mrs. Grace Patterson and Peter Patterson in Goderich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dodds, Lon- don, visited over the weekend at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley at Cromarty on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley, To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Riley and family, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mrs. Chas. Riley and Ronnie. Mr, and Mrs. George Weis, Lin- da and Larry, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lamont and Judy, of Elmwood, and Miss Inez Brown, RegN., of Guelph, visited, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bor- den Brown and family. The ladies of Constance W.A. and W.M.S. are invited to the home of Rev. and Mrs. White; of Londes- boro. for their regular meeting on May 9. All ladies are urged to attend. Church service starts on Day- light Saving Time this week, May 6, with the following time chang- es: Sunday School will commence at 1 o'clock and church service at 2 o'clock. Mr. Ken Buchanan, of Williams Lake, B.C., flew by T.CA. to To- ronto on Monday and visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan and Fred here. Ken- neth is unable to stay longer as his business demands that he re- turn, and he expects to motor back over the weekend. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Leo Stephenson, of Seaforth, suf- fered a heart attack Monday eve- ning while at the supper meal. He was removed to Scott Memorial Hospital. Friends in the commun- ity hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Luber have 'spent the past two weeks iti New York. Mr. Luber has returned home, while Mrs. Luber is remain- ing emaining in the eity for a *bile. Famous "Towne Hall" READY-TO-WEAR SPRING SUITS Everyone of these new Towne Hall suits are from their regular 69.50 and 75.00 ranges that we bought at a reduction and have squeezed the price down to this unusually low figure. If you want deluxe tailoring, finer imported worsteds and down- right good looks, then choose from this famous Towne Hall range now! SIZES 36 TO 44 FOR REGULARS AND TALLS 5930 OTHER SUITS FROM $29.58.. NEW SPORT SHIRTS New wrinkle shed "Linene" ef- fects and slub or fibrene weaves, in blue, charcoal, mint, powder and yellow. Sizes: small, medium , and large, to fit from 3 141/ to 161/2 collar. A Special Value at .95 Stewart Bros. HURON COUNTY Music Festival Goderich Public School Auditorium MAY 3rd to MAY 10th OPENING at 8 p.m., THURSDAY, May 3 MORNING — AFTERNOON — EVENING Mornings—Silver Collection. Afternoons—Adults 15c, Children 10c Evenings—Adults 25c, Children 15c FINAL CONCERT — Friday, May 11 at 8 p.m. ADULTS 35c CHILDREN 15c Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 NOTICE Town of Seaforth The Town Dump will he closed except on Wednesday after- noon, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and then open for Town residents only. PROPERTY COMM' i; (ki