HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-05-04, Page 4B, SEAFORTH, o144NAY: 'tr If44 Aids Inserted At New Low Cash Rates la SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -- Per Word: he week• 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent Srd Week i. Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. ligneuiries may' be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 clays of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted tree of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. Corning Events Teachers Wanted • "LAND OF FANTASY"- A dance re- view is being presented by Mrs. R. Brode- rick and pupils in the Town Hall, Hen- sall, Thursday May 24th, at 8:15 p.4. 46667_1 Hibbert Public School Area No. 1 re- quites for September a Protestant teacher --- for Grades 5. 6, 7 and 8. Help Wanted Apply, stating salary expected, by May TEACHER WANTED '•,41 GIRLS WANTED—Two girls for res- 12 to: '.+t`„• taurant work. Apply BUD FISHER, Mit- chell. 4606-2 Two evenings each week, to clean of- f--•-- fice, floors and windows. 'd SEAFORTH MOTORS 4602-2 CLERK - TYPIST IVAN McDOUGALL, Secretary, R.R. 3. Mitchell, Ont. 4607-1 For Sale or Rent FOR. SALE OR RENT—House has eight rooms with basement; electric lights and Required for part-time work, in Sea- water; also a garden and garage • Im- forth office. Apply in own handwriting, mediate possession. MRS. JAMES BAR - indicating times available, to Box 639, 4607x2 HURON EXPOSITOR. 4606-2RON. Telephone -195-R, Seaforth. YOUNG WOMAN for household work. To take charge of convenient, first -floor apartment and assist polio active in busi- nese. Excellent situation for New Cana- dian wishing to learn English. Apply or write to MISS DOROTHY CLARK, 66 Britannia St., Stratford. Tel. 2004. 4607-1 CABINET MAKER Woodworking machinist, furniture polish- er—one each. We are expanding and need good experienced men. Pleasant working conditions, good wages, very steady employment, group insurance, etc JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY 'Ingersoll. 4606-2 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER as secretary to Genera) Manager of pro- gressive manufacturing company. Must have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and dependable. Modern office, pleasant working conditions, permanent position, group insurance, etc. Salary $200.00 to capable girl. Kindly write full particulars in own hand to Box 540 Huron Expositor 4606-2 Poultry For Rent For Sale FOR SALE—Quantity of baled hay. SIRS. LESLIE BEUEAM.ANN, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 81 r 3. 4607x1 FLOWERS FOR MOTHER'S DAY—Pot- ted plants: mums in yellow, white. red Pink, 53.00; Mixed Peens. eight different plants, per pot, 52.00; Gloxinnias, $3.00. WALLACE ROSS, Agent for Mitchell Nurseries. , , 4607-1 FOR REN'r--One. three-room apartment; 1 one -room apartment. Apply OKE'S BILLIARDS, 4607-tf FOR Adam School. forth, Property For Sale FOR SALE—White ' frame house op West William Street; three-piece bath and, oil furnacePHONE 5634.• 4806,8 FOR SALE—Frame house and small been, on seven acres of land:. 2i1 miles west of Egmondville and 2 miles south. Contact JOHN SMITH- Phone 651 r 2, Seaforth- '••N 4607x8 RENT—Modern brick residence on Street, one block from Public J. W, THOMPSON R.R. 2, Sea - Phone 833 r 31. 4607-tf FIVE DOLLARS down, up to 24 months to pay for a genuine Surge Milker Unit - Best investment to protect ,good udders. Contact LOVELL McGUIRE. Phone 693, Wingham. Surge Dealer ; in shop Satur- days. 4600x16 FURNISHED APARTMENT—For rent, available end of May: self-contained; modern. Box 543, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4607x3 FOR SALE---All-wool gabardine topcoat, lined throughout with rayon satin; size 08. Taupe in color. Good as new. Coat too small for owner. Price 510, Can be seen at DALES PRODUCE STORE. 4607x1 TWO APARTMENTS for rent. Apply to DR. 5 A. MCMASTER- Telephone 26, or GEORGE BRIGHTRALL, Telephone 1. 4606-2 Lost and Found ROOM FOR RENT—With or without breakfast. Close to Main St. Private home. Apply Box 538, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4607.1 Corby, Clerk - LOST—A set of keys lost in the vicin its, of Co-op Feed Mill, Stedman's or Cleave's B. -A. PHONE 852 r 23. 4607x1 Auction Sales FOR SALE -11/2 storey asphalt roof frame 7 -room house; brick garage, barn and one-half acre of land. Situated in the Armitage Survey, E4gaondvine. Ap- ply ROY RAU. 4607-tf REAL ESTATE Furnished house for rent, good location. A cumber of other homes for sale; 7.5 - acre farm, 60 acres plowed. Contact: HAROLD JACKSON Phone 474 or 266 — Seaforth FOR SALE HOUSE — LOT -- LAND Brick dwelling, good location, modern conveniences; three-piece bathroom, kit- chen cupboards, oil furnace- Floors are COMPLETE hardwood or linoleum -covered. On atan- • ills- and Mrs, ,,Iizrt. McCully and family, of Stratford, visited with at the home iss f Mr. andah Crai) ast Mrs. Gorweekdon Schwalm. Sunday guests with Mrs. J. W. Bonthron were Mrs. Norman Pep- per and Mrs. Edgar Peppier, of Hanover, who were returning home from a vacation spent/at. Roches- ter, N) . Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith and Danny, of Embro, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke, Rev. and Mrs. A. Price, of Han- over, visited on Friday of last week with Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Kippen East W.I. held a success- ful bake sale in Drysdale's hard- ware store last Saturday, and • re- alized over $50. Miss Marguerite McDonald, of London, called on Hensall friends on her way home from Arizona. Mother's Day will be observed in the United Church Sunday, May 6, and special baptisms will be held. Sunday, May 27, a district Masonic service will be held, when Rev. C. D. Daniel, district chap- lain. will deliver the sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family spent Sunday in Ridgetown visiting the former's mother, Mrs. George T. Mickle, who is 92 years of age. Mrs. Lydia Doig and Janet re- turned home this week from Grand Rapids, Mich., where they have spent the winter months. - Mr. Ian McAllister, who has been holidaying at home, has gone to Chatham, where he has been ap- pointed assistant agriculture re- presentative for Kent County. DISPERSAL SALE of Grade Angus and Hereford Cattle.— Dennis & Wildfong, Auctioneers, have been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auction at the premises, Lot 44, Concession 14, of Hullett Township, 80 rods south of Village of Auburn, on WED- NESDAY. MAY 9, at 2:00 p.m.: COWS --1 4 -year-old black cow. fresh in De -I cember, bred January 27: 1 7 -year-old black cow, fresh, bred again; 1 6 -year- old black cow, fresh in December, bred , February 9: 1 4 -year-old black cow, fresh in December, bred March 1; 1 4 -year-old Hereford cow, fresh in December. 'bred February 6: 1 15 -months -old Angus herd -sire. (The cows listod above are all bred to this bull). YOUNG CATTLE -3 black yearling heifers; 2 black yearling steers; 1 Hereford yearling steer. CALVES -5 black bull calves; 2 black heifer calves. PIGS -1 York sow with 9 pigs, 7 weeks old day of. sale; 1 York sow, just bred; 9 sucker pigs, 9 weeks old at time of sale. IMPLEMENTS—I Cockshutt No. 5 grain and fertilizer drill, 11 -run: 1 De Laval No. U-12 600 -pound capacity cream sep- arator; 1 2 -horsepower Fairbanks gasoline engine. TOOLS—A good selection of car- penter's tools, including saws, hammers, squares. levels, etc. Terms of Sale—Cash. No reserve as owner is dispersing herd because of ill health. and everything must go. WELLINGTON GOOD, Proprietor; Dennis & Wildfong, Auctioneers; A. W. 4606-2 FOR RENT—An unfurnished apartment, CLEARING five rooms and bath. Immediate posses- sion ; $40 per month, with hydro and water paid. Apply HARVEY McLLWAIN. PULLETS FOR SALE—Three months , old each week. All kinds available. Old IFOR SALE -1947 Dodge 4 -door sedan, hens taken in exchange for pullets. in good condition. ROBERT SMITH, John Phone 60.34, Tavistock. TAVISTOCK St., Seaforth. 4607-1 POULTRY MARKET. 4606-6I FOR SALE—'51 Chev. Sedan : very low FOR SALE -5.000 Sussex X Red gul- lets, 9 weeks old; wiIl sell these birds at mileage. Apply Box 544, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4607x1 any age; 2,500 laying pullets for sale in May, Red X Rock, Sussex X Red, Red X Sussex. Mortality in these birds is only one-half of 1%. ANDREWS POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 647 r 3. 4606x3 AUCTION SALE Phone 112, Seaforth. 4606x2 Of Farm Stock, Machinery and House - FOR RENT — Three-room apartment, hold Effects, at Lot 5, Concession 5, Grey partly furnished: private bath and private Township, 114 miles north and 1 mile east I WISH to thank all those friends and entrance. Available June 1. Apply to.Pf Walton. on FRIDAY, MAY ath, at 1 neighbors who were so kind as to remem JAMES KELLY, George St. North. a.m.: COWS—l0 cows due in July, Oe- ber me during my illness and while I was 4607x3 tober and some fresh; 16 head of year- a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. ling heifers and steers. PIGS -1 sow and4607x1 ROBERT BROADFOOT 8 pigs, 10 weeks old. POULTRY -152 Red -ROCK pullets, 4 months old, IM- I MR. AND MRS. NORRIS SILLERY PLEMENTS—Cockahutt 30 tractor (row wish to gratefully thank the Brucefield crop); Massey -Harris 'double disc (8;%s -ft.); and Clinton Firemen and neighbors, who cash, 1950 3 -furrow International plow on rubber: responded to the call last Tuesday night. Apply J. `et harrows; walking plow: dump rake;, 4607x1 4607x1 hay loader : Massey -Harris No: 5 binder • ' land roller : fanning mill; cutting box; 1'045. FAMILY of the late Mrs. John hammer mill (Fairbanks -Morse) : 14 -foot T. Mitchell wish to express thanks and hay rack with rolling rack : trailer with appreciation for , kindness and sympathy. rack ; 16 -foot grain auger; 4 five -inch shown them during their recent bereave - grain pipes: 5 -inch flexible elbow; forks; went, with special thanks to Rev. C. D. shovels:. 3 chicken shelters: chicken feed- Daniel, Dr. Goddard and Mrs. Pearl Pass- ers; water contaainers: 2 brooder stoves more. 4607-1 and pipes; turnip pulper; cutter; buggy; poultry fence: steel posts; cedar poste; I I WISH to thank all my friends and ' whifletrees; oil barrels; gas tank with neighbors who visited me, sent treats, pump; pig crate; McCormick mower: 2 cards and flowers while I was a patient rolls snow fence: set single harness; set in Scott Memorial Hospital. Thanks to breeching harness: 2 collars; wheelbarrow; Dr. Gorwill, Rev. J. R. Holden and Mrs. -r; feeders; 14 H.P. motor; set scales; Dunlop, and to the nurses and staff of the 200 bushels Beaver oats; two -unit Co-op hospital for their kindness milking machine; Massey -Harris cream ,5604_1 JAMES MORRISON separator with electric motor ; manure boat; Massey -Harris side delivery rake; sleigh with flat rack ; rubber tired wag- on with flat rack and grain box. Terms --Cash. CLIFFORD J. CARDIFF. Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4606-2 dard lot, 66/ x 120/ with lot beside 66/ x 120/. Land -2 2/3 acres directly behind house and lot. One acre of this is black marsh land, which has been used for gar- dening. Sold either separately or to- gether. GERALD GINGERICH Phone 134 Zurich, Ont. 4607-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS ills will t0g0,74Mrt, twqut- me of 'I whom are u44ek ght yearn of age. Plan Wiener Roast ,Hensall-Chiseihurst Y.P.U. met in Chiselherst United Church Sun- day. Lawrence Eyre read Scrip- ture passages. "Charles )(fickle of- fered prayer, and meditation by; Nelson McClinchey. Mr. Don Dodds showed slides taken at the 17th Juadrennial Student Conference on' the Christian World Mission, con- ducted last December at Athens, Ohio. It was decided to hold a wiener roast May 25. Lunch was served. The meeting closed with "Taps." Complete Year At O.A.C. Three district youths at the O. A. C., Guelph, Harry Jacobi and Don and Bill Brock, have complet- ed their. academic years and are working in their summer positions, Harry Jacobi with the Dow Chemi- cal Co., South Haven, Mich.; Bill Brock, at the OA.C. for the Agri- culture Engineering Department, while Don Brock is training in the Naval Reserve as a University Cadet at Halifax, NS. The May meeting of Hensall Wo- men's Institute will be held in the Legion rooms on Wednesday, when members from Crediton and Elim- ville Institutes will be guests. Mrs. R. Cameron and Mrs. W. Bean are hostesses. Institute members are asked to bring .sandwiches. In the Estate of JOSEPH E. DRUAR All persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph E. Dryer, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 6th day of April, 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the llth day of May, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 18th day of April, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Soil-icitors for the Executors. 4605-3 Cards of Thanks Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE ••- Cheap for G.M.C. panel, fair condition C. CRICH, Seaforth CROMARTY Irs. Charlie Mills and Mrs; Jack Thompson, of St. Marys, vis- ited their uncle, John Robertson, Newlyweds Honored on Tuesday. • Mrs. Heber Schute, of Science hill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. - Dave Gardiner last week. Mrrss. Eldon. Allen entertained a number of guests at a steel dem- onstration on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diechert, of Zurich, visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Bob Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laing visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Lam- port on the Boundary. Mrs, M. Houghton, accompanied by Mrs. Lin McKellar and Mrs. Verna McKellar, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Houghton on Fri- day in Stratford. Miss Olive Speare was in Mit- chell with her sister. Mrs. E. Mac- Donald, and- with Clive MacDon- MRS. LILLIE JOHNSON aid and family. HENSALL—Mrs. Lillie Johnson, We are sorry to report Miss 73, of Hensall, wife of the late Wil- Margaret Walker is under the doc- liam Johnson, died Tuesday in tor's care. We wish ber a speedy - South Huron Hospital, Exeter, recovery. where she had been a patient for Mr. and Mrs. George Walz, of two months. St.. Marys, visited with John Rob - She was born in Clinton, the for- ertson on Sunday. mer Lillie Moore, She moved to Church service will begin on Sun- Hensall twelve years ago from day, May 6, at 11:30 a.m., D.S.T., Brantford, and was a member of with Sunday School at 10:15. Hensall United Church. Her hus- band died a number of years ago,.. Surviving is one daughter, Mrs, Dorothy Gallienne. of Hamilton. The body is at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall. where ser- vices were conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial was in Clinton cern -. tery. MRS. JOHN T. MITCHELL . A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wildfong (nee Mary Web- ster) was held in the Town Hall Friday evening, attended by a large crowd. The young couple were presented with an end table and lamp, honors going to Homer Campbell. Murdoch's orchestra furnished the music for the dance. Mrs. R. Broderick and pupils will present "Land of Fantasy," a dance review, in the Town Hall, Thursday, May 24. Thirty-two pup - WHAT'S YOUR LINE? In poultry. Eggs. Broilers. Bray Hatchery has standard breeds, crosses, hybrids. Ask for their complete spring list. Broiler cockerels. Pullets, day-old, started. (Order July broilers now), Agents— JOHN LUBER. R.R. 2, Seaforth Phone 845 r 12 1 MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Brucefeld Phones: Clinton 618 r 23: Seaforth 659 r 23 4607-1 Personals For Sale FOR SALE --450 eight -inch clay tile, LLOYD LOVELL, Kippen. 4607x1 FOR SALE -17 -inch Motorola TV set, with base and aerial. PHONE 77, Sea - forth, during day. 4607x1 FOR SALE—Red cedar posts, all sizes. BORDEN BROWN: Phone 841 r 2, Sea - forth. 4503-8 CANNA ROOTS. Tuberous Begonias, j Glad Bulbs. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS. ' AUCTION SALE Phone 393. 4607-tf - •I Of Farm Stork. Implements. at Lot 30, FOR SALE—Timothy seed. Apply to Concession 5, Morris Township, I mile JOHN W. THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 31,north of Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, MAY Seaforth. '4607x1 9th, at 12:30 p.m.: IMPLEMENTS—W-4 I McC.-Deering tractor, 2 years old ; McC.- FOR SALE—Two buzz saws, one to fit ' Deering plow, 3 -furrow ; McC.-Deering a Ford tractor. Apply WILLIAM HOL- cultivator, 8'- ft. ; 13 -disc seed drill; 5- T.ANO: "Clinton, 46006x2 , section harrows: disc : wagon and hay HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). FOR SALE—Five tons mixed wheat, rack; sleigh; hay loader; side rake: dump mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope oats and barley. Apply to MRS. HARRY rake; mower; manure spreader: MeC.-D. with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sem- � CALDWELL. R.R. 2, Kippen. Phone (new), McC.-D. binder; 2,000-16. scales; pies 01,00. Mail- Oreder Dept. T-73, Seaforth 657 r 14.4607-1 steel water trough: pig crate; pig troughs: NOVA -RUBBER CO„ earBox 91, Hamilton.wheelbarrow: atoneboat; fence posts; 4607-tf; HONEY FOR SALE—Amber only; 8- lumber; harness and other articles. Imole- pound pail, $1.75; two 30 -pound pails, 86.00 ments one to three years old. LIVE- .,ach. Mt.ALLACE ROSS APIARIES, Sea- STOCK—Cow fresh 6 weeks; cow fresh forth, ' 4607_1 4 weeks: cow due before sale; 6 Hereford steers, 1050 Ibbs.: 3 roan steers, 1000 lbs.; FOR SALE--22-inch Goodison thresher; 7 Hereford steers. 1000 lbs.: 5 Angus priced reasonably. T. P. MORRIS, R.R. steers one year old; , Durham steers 1 year old; 11 Hereford steers 1 year old : 1, Staffs, Phone 43 r 2, Dublin. 4607x1 heifer due in June; Durham heifer ris- ing 2 years: 3 calves; 10 pigs 11 weeks old; 2 sows due before Bale: 150 hens 10 months old ; 200 pullets 10 weeks old, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Oil space heat - 4607x1 er ; 6 kitchen chairs; power lawn mower; bedroom suite: refrigerator; linoleum rug, and small articles. 'terms — Cash. WILLIAM REED, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P, Chesney, Clerk. 4607-1 Notices RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R, 4607-tf GET YOUR sewage work done now. FOR SALE --Man's Super Cyrle bicycle. Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All nearly new, in excellent condition. Box work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33, Sea- 542, HURON EXPOSITOR. forth. 4607-tf NOTICE, POULTRYMEN—For highest prices for fowl (hens or roosters), con- tact MEL DALE or G. McLLWAIN. Phone Seaforth 590-W, or 841 r 14 after 6 p.m. 4503-4 NOTICE—Get your orders in now for Year top soil ; also cement gravel, 011 and crnehed stone. Apply to JACK or HAR- VEY McLLWAIN, Seaforth. 4606x2 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4607-tf A'1-TENTION, FARMERS — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. LAWN MOWER and Small Engine Ser- vice. We specialize in ebnrpening, over- hauling, parts and repair service on all makes of lawn mowers and small en- gines. CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797. 4602x6 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSA .Sep- - tic tanks, cesspoola, etc, pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LORIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels.4600x10 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 pm., Mlll St., Hen- sel!. Bring your livestock. Always a good market price. HARRY SMITH, Verne 187, Hensall; VICTOR HARGREAVES,4F6g15 r 21, Clinton. WATERLOO C4T L1 BRtEEDING ASOCIA.TION FOR SALE --A quantity of mixed grain. Apply EDWIN P. CHESNEY, or phone 652 r 31. Seaforth. 4607x1 FOR SALE — Self-propelled reel -type lawn mower: excellent condition. 'Primed reasonable. HAROLD 0. FREE. Phone 366, Seaforth. 4607x1 'lettere Bettor Bulls Are Used" - o artiticldi ituunnination information ei*:'116400froM all br••eeda,o battle,• Phone thy, te# ods Cattle ceedl ' . Aastb atiors C NT ON 1113'', , 2.11441, between 7:30 0 MM V4 Korot alt breed,' )wait- jtYatiiy at Ioty td�a FOR SALE—I1 Hereford steers, weigh- ing about 750 pounds. STUART WILSON. Phone 658 r 21, Seaforth. 4607-1 �il:,a3t. [::oi FOR SALE --Mixed gladiolus bulbs; 50 large $2.00; 50 medium, $1.50. MURRAY E. TYNDALL, Brucefield, Ontario, Phone Clinton HU. 2.9831. 4607-1 FOR SAi3J--Boston Bull Terrier pups, purebred but not registered. Well mark- ed. Apply to ROSS GORDON. Phone 849 r 21, Seaforth. 4606-2 FOR SALE—A number of used TV seta, in good condition. A money -saving opportunity. BOX FURNITURE STORE, Seaforth. 4606-2 FOR SALE—Electric rangette, used on- ly three months ; automatic controls. A real,' buy. BOX FURNITURE STORE, Seaorth. 4606.2 FOR SALE — Clean, bright fuel -oil, Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1, and Government tested coal, screened each de- livery WILLIAM M. HART. 4607-tf FOR SALE—Few articles, including wood and coal cook stove, 3 years old; linoleum, congoleum rugs; buffet and few other articles. PHONE 346-R, afternoon or evening. 4607-1 FOR SALE—Two purebred Yorkshire boars, age 10 months and 2 years, re- spectively. Both proven, Apply GLEN ROSE- Phone Seaforth 662 r 13. 4607 72 AUCTION SALE BRUCEFIELD wwwwwenn District Obituaries Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison at- tended the golden wedding of some friends in Bowmanville on Thurs- day of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mustard and Miss Marjory Mustard and Mrs. Mustard's sister, Mrs. Young, of Hamilton, left on Sunday for a two weeks' vacation in Florida - Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neal, of Glencoe, spent the weekend with Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Whiteman, Belgrave. Mr. Lawrence Smiley, of Erin, visited with his cousin, Mrs. H. Berry, over the weekend. Mr. Don Gray spent the week- end with his family here. Mrs. A. Hohner was in London 'on Sunday to see her sister-in-law, Mrs. William Hohner, who is , a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Victor Hargraves attended 'the funeral of Mrs. Har- graves' cousin, Gordon Sha'w, in Ingersoll, who was killed in a silo tor accident on Friday. Group No. 1 of the WA. enter- tained Group No. 2 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Davison on Monday evening. Mrs. Davison had charge of the devotional. Mrs. W. Broad - foot, Miss Swan and Mrs. J. Mc- Naughton conducted several con- tests. A -dainty lunch was served. Of Household Effects, on John Street, in Town of Seaforth, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th, at 1 p,m. • General -refrigera- tor: Hotpoint electric stove; Princess Pat cook stove; kitchen cabinet; kitchen table and chairs; fireplace basket: fireplace irons; 9 -piece dining room suite (table, chairs, buffet and glass china 'cabinet); small oak writing desk;•amall tables and smokers; number rocking chairs and oc- casional chairs; pedestals; couch; mantel radio; 3 -piece chesterfield suite; 6 walnut occasional chairs; floor lamps; table lamps; antique parlor lamp; butt wal- nut living room table (good) ; matching hall and living room rugs, 9x12 and 5x7, also pads; hall mirror; runners and scat- ter mats; Wilton rug, 7x9; 4 -piece Wal- nut bedroom suite, in good condition; springs; spring -.filled mattress; 3 other furnished bedrooms; bed linens: blankets; quilts; pillows ; quilt boxes; fernery ; kit- chen clock; kitchen dishes; antique china; ornaments; ,vases; Bridal Wreath Lim - ogee ; $ tea plated; 10 'fruit „Wreath 4 cups and saucers: kitchen utensils; house plants; Beatty washing machine; tabs; erodes; sealers; lawn mowers; steplad- der ; garden tools; carpenter tools; other articles too numerous to mention. Terms —Cash. ESTATE OF LATE JOHN P. HE'LL; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4607-2 FOR SALE—Ornamental 'trees: Savin Juniper, Pfitzerlana, Mugho Pine, Hicks Yew, Pyramidalis, and others. Apply to GORDON C. NOBEL, Railway St., Sea - f orth. Phone 798-R. 4606x2 FLOWERS Volt 4410'[x8 BR'S DAYS-C8t flouters, catnatione, red, *hitt, pink, dor- rogated, 18.00 per dmzen; Snapdragons, yellow, pink, red, white, 60100 ser dozen. WALLACB 140S$, Agent for Mitchell l3irrserleil 46074 In Memoriam HUGILL—In loving memory of James .T. Hugill, who passed away April 28, 1954. Ile is gone but not forgotten, And an dawns -another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always near. Dave of Badness will conte o'er us, Friends may think the wound is heal. ed; But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart cella algid. —Ever remembered by Rio son, Josephs 4607 4 , HENSALL. Funeral services for the late Mrs. John T. Mitchell, 85, who died suddenly April 25 at her home in Hensall, were conducted Friday at 2:30 at the Bonthron Funeral Home, by Rev. C. D. Dan- iel; of Hensall United Church. The former Mary E. Rice. of Cromarty, she came to Hensall 28 years ago with her husband from their farm in Tuckersmith. In December, 1955. they celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. She was a member of Hensall United Church. Surviving besides her husband are three daughters: Mrs. Jarvis Horton (Olive), of Hensall; Mrs. Melville Traquair (Edna), of Tuckersmith; Mrs. Carl Stoneman (Gertrude), Hibbert, and one son, Stanley, of Tuckersmith Township; also six grandsons and one grand- daughter and ten great-grandchil- dren. The pallbearers were the six 'grandsons: Stuart Horton, Valley- field, Quebec; Jack Traquair, Hen- sall; Murray Traquair, Tucker - smith; Arthur Traquair, Wood- stock; Robert Traquair, Sarnia, and Benson Stoneman, Hibbert. The great-grandchildren acted as flow- erbearers. Interment was made in McTaggart's cemetery. BICYCLE REPAIRS All Makes C.C.M. PARTS and ACCESSORIES IN STOCK C.C.M. Bicycles Available on Request 1 USED GIRL'S BICYCLE CHAS. PINDER SEAFORTH KIPPEN Anhydrous Ammonia The form of nitrogen best suited to wheat growing operations and other crois. Application equipment available. ASIC FOR DETAILS FRANK KLING Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, of London, visited Sun- day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam Cudmore, Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore returning with them for a few days. We are pleased to learn Mrs. Robert McLean, who had a -severe heart attack, has' shown signs of, improvement. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Lydia Doig and daughter, Janet, who have spbn.t the winter mouths in Grand Rapids,- Mich., returned home Sunday, accompan- ied by Mrs: Doig's son, Mr. John Doig. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell included the Tat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parker and son, George, and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Miller, all of Chat- ham. - Mrs, Robert McBride, who spent the past week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Beattie, of Wingham, returned to her home on Sunday, the Beat- tie family accompanying her home. Mr. and Mrs'- Eldin Kerr, of near Winthrop, visited Sunday with' Mrs. Kerr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. El- ston Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Hel- en and Terry, of Stratford, visited recently with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss M. Whiteman. , Mrs. Dinsdale is visiting a cou- ple of weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and -Mrs. Ed- die Taylor, of . Stratford. Mr. and. Mrs,. William Botteltla motored to. St. Thomas Monday to meet Mr;r. Ilottema's Inother,Mr9. flatlet who atriVed froth 'Holland. Shein e>icls:. visiting 'her three dsughterst r` lio, reside lin Canada: PHONE 19 SEAFORTH cools. ALWAYS FRESH ! Available at Cleary's I GA Seaforth - Ont. 1954 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1954 CUSTOM DODGE SEDAN 1954 DODGE SEDAN 1952 DODGE SEDAN 1952 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1951 BUICK SEDAN 1950 DODGE SEDAN USED TRUCKS 1947 CHEV.i/ETON EXPRESS 1946 G.M.C. /2-- 1950 G.M.C. 3/4 -TON EXPRESS 1948 CHEV. PANEL 1949 DODGE 1/2 -TON EXPRESS Now available at RO W CLIFF E MOTORS Dodge De Soto Dodge Trucks Phone 267 : Seaforth J. I. Case Farm Implements • ONLY 10100 DOWN WILL BUY ANY ONE OF THESE FINE RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED USED CARS '55 DODGE SEDAN '54 METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN '54 PONTIAC SEDAN '53 BUICK SEDAN '50 PONTIAC SEDAN '48 PLYMOUTH SEDAN TEXACO GAS 38 9/10c Come in to -day! Let us tell you for how little you can bay a Reconditioned Guaranteed Used Car at Anson Gilbert Motors Pontiac - Buick G.M.C. Trucks Phone 461 : Seaforth • w s w • of* 7,:e•zweirma.wAtosegy,mg Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1954 CHEV. DE LUXE POWER GLIDE 65 fullly equipped 2-1954 CHEV. SEDANS. 1495 fully equipped 1954• CHEV. BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE '1995 1495 1295 1195 950 1951 CHEV. COACH 900 De Luxe A 'nirntttain Guarantee for 60 days 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN - 1952 CHEV. COACH fully equipped 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1951 FORD SEDAN 895 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 050 fully equipped 1950 FORD COACH 695 1949 CHEV. COACH 695 1947 DODGE 5 -PASSENGER 425' 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS 495 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN .495 1952 CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICKUP 755 on all Late Model Cars—Many Other Models to Choose From tELS MOTOR'S - ONTARIO PHp 73 X -"Tire Home of Better ttsed' Chihli OPEN: AVERT EVENING.