HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-04-27, Page 7. i aa , • , k i9 e ` 1iA ` rx t ,F :' ,G 4, t t m �� e •'` +!. TQ 'of or "�collol a�til'Ti4 ills rVas°itis "subieet,.for ttscytseton'at, the nn&� mg its We E eturrHensll y{gnjen'�y. ra c"" of m e old' Cb�isliaiy fie, .pe Fr . N"G T.. YLI � NT SA��. t�le,.haute of airs' ,�� DA ., µ Exeter, Tuesday., ?fte-rdpoik, There The Council, of- Town' of, Seaforth has are, 1,� ��hoitcs oil a4 avera�fa in Canada for every 1.00,g00"perso4la s 'AYLIGHT SAV- over twe years of .-instructed ine to d6clare D tario, Quebec and British Columlita ,;ING TIME, 'adopted for the Town of. Sea exceed this average. forth, durin the elk'lOd Of An alcoholic employed in busi- g p ness loses four tinges as many hours as others. A Canadian ex - Mand A rii 30#h pert in industrial efficiency says t Qyr p the cost of alcohol to Canadian in- dustry is $80;000,000 per year—as at 2:00 a.m. much as it took to repair the Mani- toba flood a few .years ago. t0 -- -Four thousand alcoholics are be - prod ing uced each year, besides sundoya September 30th f !,� the 49,000 which are already Vic - tins. The concensus was that e& ucation on the bad effects of at 2'00 a.m. liquor should be given in schools and churches, and that the law nd res ectfull request the citizens to p y q concerning they sale of liquor to �Obser�e the same. teen-agers be enforced. PIans werrl discussed for a pos- ter contest for the public schools DR. E. A. McMASTER, Mayor of Exeter area, with prizes to be awarded. "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" Mrs. C. W. Down, president, con- ducted the meeting and was as- sisted in the devotions by Mrs. E. Geiger, of Hensall, and Mrs. W. J. sitor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 Pybus, of Exeter. All officers .,tor 4%• L ,: } WE,t IFN,• '} �1/ }f of . �:� r ff� • • �:.�! %� Vic''+ i"'' ;°%; . •y >.%�'sf' � � P ' ,:.!' err t������,,':�• �:�, <s;;x•,i?+k j/.vfls{�f.,'.Gj`lhr�i�; •✓5: crag �',H <:r �%• HUW 6 EN - MA tt W HEAD OFFICE`J LONDON, ONT. • District Representatives: • F. G. Bonthron, Hensall — Watson & Reid, Seaforth • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IN THE''HOME sldlsd Wilutes of meetiW}gs adoeod9sasmre eadd. e d That By rLa fr No - 'A, 156, of the `township of flay {Pt p 0 00 lv 0stima d expen.. ifture i being $30,000.00 ¢ $ 0.00, of for road m'a'intenance, and $10,- hf action be b r cons 3 �4a :00 for road tr , given third reading and sent to the Department of Highways for to approval That we" given permission to the rc Zurich Lions Club to erect a build- ac ing on the easterly limits of the vc Community Centre grounds, this to be on a rental basis of $1.00'per L year for a five-year term, building C; to. be placed at the northeast end $1 corner of the giounds. That a request be made to the $j Department of Highways to trans- J, fer, $3,000.00 from construction of B bridges to construction roads, and $1,000.00 from maintenance bridges cl to maintenance roads on—the 1955 $. G the fiscal year were re-elected to L office, with Mrs. Down heading the S presidency,c, Officers are: president, Mrs. C. S W. Down, Exeter; vice-presidents, C Mrs. E. Geiger, Hensall;, Mrs. W. A 'Cook, Exeter; treasurer,` Mrs. F. $ Gunning, .Exeter; recording secre- $ tary, Mrs. H.. Powe, Exeter; Evan- gelistie and Christian Stewardship, s Mrs. E. Geiger, Mrs. W. Cook; drugs and narcotics, Mrs. W. C. f Pearce, Exeter;. Flower Mission, Mrs. W. Pybus, Mrs. W. Welsh, Ex- v eter; medal contest, Mrs. Powe; Temperance in Sunday Schools, e Mrs. Geiger, Mrs. Powe; pianist, $ Mrs. Pybus; press reporter; Mrs. ruwe. A RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES &ective Sunday April 29th 1956 Full Information from agent, i_ loot mwwoa In this year, 1.956, Ontario ity 'Cannot, in some way, be Hydro's Golden Jubilee, the of assistance. modern home is not only light- Truly, today's living is mea - conditioned, but work -condi- sured in kilowatt-hours . . . o tioned by electricity. Electrical and these are servant -hours. servants, many of them fully No matter where we look, elec- automatic, have made possible tricity is at work making life 1906 1956 easier and more enjoyable. a higher, more comfortable Hydro will continue to provide �o standard of living for all. They an adequate supply of elec- p 1VTA4 cook; refrigerate; wash; dry; tricity to meet the power s0 M iron; polish and clean. It is requirements of the proving YE49S OF PROGRESS ,# difficult to name ,, a routine .. power that means be;` I ' r household task where electric- Hiving for all in Ontario. N1 N Y 0 R 0 FAMILY ASSURES YOUR EEE.CTRICAL FUIIIRE rain tt4e Zurich Police .Trustge tn•'tile people cauea',O.n. -•1<ne and to be , -agowed to give a les of `Turner's church held a ant of $540.00:, towards the cost quilting in the church , base MOO : �} x the Zuric • Centennial to be on -Tuesday, App 14, when two : I Id- from ,." J.u.l`Y`i't to 4h' we he e: quilts Were quilted and a ten -cent rov-of ths ranttea was serv8d.a Pkt a• 12.50 be made On Wednesday evening, April 1-, the Dashwood and fo 1956. Turner sWA. and ie u4gPeOPla PCGOUntSfor Hay met With Ontario Street cnngTegar -)n to see two very fine itlAS on a4d Hay Township general ho counts were ordered paid as per the National Evangelistic Missio uchers presented. Following this the -regular month. /,: ,,�f,:,; r,if,%s"'�s✓%y,��1n, r °,,���.•r�,,-x: i.,za;�,.:L.�,`r�%�.:'•f '`>�>�::-,.Q�..>�s`.,>• /. ' t,. r `� �,�" N<,':.'t ��,:. ^3�'' l;•y^.v, ;' r � .;_'`; •! h�1�,� .�,t,3s ,',.v,r'L l,.fil,;,t ,r,�^ru ', '•�. �f: •�dwk '�t.ti yG�t ,F<z �" n r;ywt.ry> •. , t f 3N�„iIII�I� ly meeting was held at the home Roads—Jannes Masse, $258.50; g Of Mrs, A. G. Eagle, with Mrs. ,uis Ayotte, $135.90; Homer Ernie Crich as co -hostess. The impbell $15• Maurice Masse, 4,84 James Wright 8c Co., $18.75; roll call was answered by a verse �'"'` ' j , , ?"E t of an Easter hymn. Mrs- W. Rog- Crich Garage, $4; Sunoco Service,erson • , F3 cxr 0.59; Hensall Motor Sales, $5.92; Mery read the. Scripture and ye . h Mervyn Falconer led in prayer. ,hnston Patterson, $74; H- W. �'�' t Mrs. Fred McGregor gave an in- st ms $ifs; Domin Dominion Mach r s. Frankg Falconer s ng stersagsolo, e. A ac- Imery Co., $17.50; Peter Masse, companied by Mrs. Fred McGre- Exeter, Nbeoame �iR�s ;16.60; Harold Campbell, $7.50; PHE FQICIVIE)rt IRENE FfCt1.1�TGES si►!f?r$; arfield Denomme, $425; The gOT' the bride of Roy Fluker Pepper, Sippers, m a recent ceremony . t 'I' ondon, Free Press, $2520; Alopp's ^Mrs. Elmer Townsend conducted at James St. United Church parsonage, Exeter. They will reside, the business. Questionaires were on the groom's farm near Kippen. (Photo by Jack Doerr). f aper Service, $27.41; Jim's Ma- handed out to be filled in by theah r' iine Shop,$3.25; Desjardine Auto , apply, $ members regarding the National 8.55; Hensall District s„ angelistic campaign. The W.A. IS YOUR BARN DISAPPEARING? f' o -op Inc.,.$52.33; Exeter Times= s t decided to be responsible for the , 1= dvocate, $3°,30; Earl Zimmer, stationery and mailing of litera- 1.15; Department of Highways, tare during the campaign. CHECK FOR POWDER POST BEETLES } 0.83; Hayter's Garage, $5.61. r ; Cards of thanks were read from General Accounts — Hay Town- those receiving Easter boxes and Many barns and farm buildings the ppotection of buildings and the i iip School Area, $1,000; Hensall those receiving get -well cards. are being slowly destroyed by a eradication of this .beetle, Care w ,istrict Co-op, $157.32; If. Glenn Mrs. Ed. Layton thanked the lad- small insect known by the appro- should be taken "in using this a ays, Q.C., $7.00; Exeter Times- ies for an Easter lily, and Mrs. A. priate name of powder post beetle,w dvocate, $9.05; Treasurer Dash= spray, since it is irritating to the y G. Eagle for the box of fruit. Plans says Prof. R. H. Ozborn, of the •ood Band, $12.50; Zurich Hydro were made to invite Ontario Street Department of Entomology, O.A.C. eyes and skin. The use of a re- rubber:lectric System, $17.10; Treasur- and McKillop Charge W.A. to the Often the damage is so gradual spirator, gloves, and rub- . r Hay ,Township School Area, visitors' meeting on June 13, when that 't is not noticed until the her clothing is advised. _^ 6,000; H. W. Brokenshire, $197.34; Mrs. A. G. Eagle will be guest This spray should be applied at speaker. whol structure is endangered. W. Haberer, $433.52; Richard low pressure (20 -to 30 pounds) at Vilcox Ltd., $7.56; Treasurer Zur- The beetle bores into solid tin - Vi Band, $25; Hay Municipal Tele- Following the business a very bers, frames, and flooring, leaving the rate of one gallon to 70-100 §' P interesting hat parade 'was staged tunnels filled with wood powder. square feet of surface. Special j. hone System, $5,000.00. when hats were modelled, dating The resents of this beetle can fire precautions should be obsery-i The meeting adjourned to meet from L. to 1946. This was in the P ed with the use of this spray, as .gain on Monday, May 7, at 1:30 be detected by tiny holes the ,size form of a contest, when all Pres- the oil base makes it inflammable. of a pi{i bead on the surface of I.M. ent guessed the year the hat mod- what looks to be perfectly solid' The premises should be ventilated elled was worn. Following the after treatment.. wood. Sometimes there may he a 3 Young People's meeting at On- In case of infested homes a two ;,_l small amount of powder near the WINTHROP tario St. Church, they joined with woad, but this is usually blown per cent oil solution of copper the ladies for lunch. away. Whitewash often hides the naphthenate may be used with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley re- The next meeting will be held holes, and makes the wood look equal effectiveness. urned from London Saturday, af- on May 9, with Mrs. W. Rogerson better than it is. Beneath the sur- ? ei?' spending the winter months and Mrs. Ed. Layton hostesses. face of the wood are hundreds of i+ here. They returned to London, Roll call will be: The name M a small tunnels filled with powder. where they will spend the next two good citizen of the Bible. Mrs. sAC K�� H weeks. Ken Rogerson will give the topic. The eggs are laid in the old holes, or- in cracks in the woad in the early summer. The young lar- • HURON HOLSTEIN BREEDERS lar- vae begin to tunnel into the wood MaybeWarn�nq as soon as they are hatched, and � feed for a year or two, when they Backache is often caused by lazy kidney PLAN PICNIC AT LIONS PARK Pupate and become adults. These action When kidneys get out of order, adults bore right through to the excess acids and wastes remain in the The directors of the Huron and Bruce Wallace, Gorrie; were surface, leaving the exit holes system Then backhehe,av disturbed rest County Holstein Breeders' Associa- accepted. This makes amember- that can be readily seen. or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling tion, at a meeting Thursday, ia- ship in the county of 117. Although the beetle can be con- may soon follow. That's the time to take trolled by fumigation, farm build- Dodd's Kidney lydla. Dodd's stimulate sided to hold annual county Black G. W. Montgomery, agricultural ings are too open for this treat- the kidneys to normal action. Then you and White Show at the Blyth Fall representative for Huron County, ment. Prof. Ozborn recommends Feel better—sleep better—work better. Fair this year. It is expected announced that 47 boys and girls the use of a 5 per cent solution of Get Dodd's Kidney Pills.now. 51. that there will be an entry of over I are enrolled in , 4-H Dairy Calf Pentachlorophenal as a spray, for 100 head. Simon Hallahan offered Clubs, preparing their calves for a prize of $10 for the cow with exhibition at county shows, includ- the best -developed udder. ing many Dutch Canadians. He - said that some other boys and %�ry�yyFAMILY Previously the "Premier Exhibi tor" has been awarded a trophy, girls who would like to prepare Acclaimed to be held for only one year. This Holstein calves for 4 H Club ex- DETROIT9S �A1J winner now will receive as well a hibition .have been unable to ob- , framed certificate bearing his tain the animals. ' No Charge name. which he may keep. Gordon Bell, Holstein -Friesian for Children fieldman for Western Ontario, vol- bGJnnnn}• • • t 12 and Under It was agreed to donate $45 to unteered to help obtain suitable the champion Holstein show at the calves for those desiring them. Western Fair. A mixed bus trip to Kent Coun- y The membership fee was in- ty was set for June 6. A joint One Of the country's most popular creased by $1.00. This will be giv- Huron -Bruce Holstein breeders' en to the provincial .association for picnic will be held at Seaforth on �T T���� i club purposes. July 19. motel U ' Applications for membership by Fourteen members of the board $O� RGON William Allan, Woodham; John D. were present at the meeting, with Lindsay, Clinton; Jerott Ynja. Kip- president Bert Dunn, of Bayfield, .. featuring convenience, comfort, WITH BATH pen; Wilfred Pentland, Dungannon, I in the chair. quality I A cosmopolitan atmosphere in home -like setting: from $%Jr In the center of all 3 USBORNE AWARDS CONTRACTS; downtown activities. Newly decorated. [Titre modern, comfortableguest rooms . • • GA$AGE and excellent food at moderate prices in DETERMINE ON FLY CONTROL WORK our moderncoffee shop and cafeteria. PARKING LOT Radio and Television in ro•wt. Usborne Council met on Monday orable report on control as shown qtr Conditioned roarwa In seasort. afternoon , with Reeve Clayton by survey; City of London, re reso- Smith presiding and Councillors lution re further control measures Harold Jeffery, Harold Hern, Hugh on Upper Thames Watershed: fil- FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK Love and Harold Hunter in attend- ed. I I - e e Mae e ante. Current accounts s the amount BETROITMICHIGAN �-In response to a request from of $1,164.42 were passed for pay-eOee' ithe Department of Labour and in ment on motion of Hunter and Jef- peseoeeC 2 Eery. o�•oeet conformity with the Trench Ex- Harry E. PaUlaen o a on a 13C. n cavators protection Act, council o � o e n e passed By -Law No. 5, 1955, ap- General Manager �_- pointing William J. Routly as in- Sell, that unnecessary piece of spector: to enforce the provisions furniture through a Huron Exposi• of the act, on motion of Jeffery •or Classified Ad. Phone 41. 91 and Hern_ Weed spraying tenders were clos-' - HURON COUNTY ACHIEVES `HONOR ed and the spraying contract was awarded to Fred Harburn, of Dub- ' lin. at his tender price of $1.50 per mile per one side of road, on mo- tion of Jeffery and Love. No other tenders were received. Supply of 2,4-D Amine spray material was':, awarded to L. V. Hogarth, of Exe- ter. 100 gallons at $3,68 per gal - Ion, on motion of Hunter and Jef- fery. Other tenders for the supply of material were: Graham Motors 6A.•<:'•.•':>i;" is :.::,. $4. Horton McDougall $3.84, F. Harburn $3.85.`::`.•..;.'•>!€ ,# The treasurer reported receipt«;;.<.::><. of $13.821.16 since March 12 meet-'`"`'` 4• 'n including the balance of the subsidy from the On- fig*," 1955 road s Y of Highways of tario Departmentg ":.�'.. $12087.86; balance of cash of $8; r, 752.40. The road superintendent's:� w'•� � report including road accounts, yF ' moa ntin t o a total voucher of a, r� a g 1,263.A�wa ssed on motion of$ The tax collet-n..e Lov taxes1955 for re743.41 of still outstanding after having col- `< lected $2,380.53 since January 1. W Reneway of floater insurance on township machinery with W. H. Hodgson at the annual premium of $300, was accepted on motion >a. of Hern and Hunter. Confirmation of spraying liability insurance at an annual premium of $80 was al- so given by Mr. Hodgson: F v`a• Comes ondence was read and fl dealt with as follows: Town of Ex -?f•: eter, statement of debenture debt re South Huron District High YM:•...?,::;:: k>. Huron Distrt a$F...z .::.... x :r'�:::,<�•:. , .. ,;.•.,;�;;<•>:.>;.:. , filed; South W.r,„:< .>r,�..;•�'�>.•r.• ..;.�.. <:.,:,;<»:asvt<?:..:>;.;• School: «;:«•v .?"�.,;> .;:•�.,., «:.�,:> y< :'Y'+:F, •L,:,,.. ;C,f:'. •s:`Ch`vi:>S:Fi.S,,•;. v' .s:a..r::;:>:y :.,J: ., `9 requisition for ;•`'.,,n,.;:, �'�> „�. �.s:n; �. High School, req 1955,Sable s;s:u.<: ..,.>MY,•.w`�'''{;.�F;�� x ucw�<' '� � `: ' 10 78580: filed a Augable .t 7 mills, $ • : a , S River ConseFvation Authority, :_<;><..>...�s:.... �'^•.<. .•�-•:. �'';•cb;�ada1�.:'B:k:MSw�C:;»:.'. `,,:.,:.'�4fRoi�i„•.u•>,s,.sss.:..'•: •,:;:.: �:<n•.:::.: � sessment of $665.59 for 1956 pass- ed for payment; Ontario 'Munici.- president of the Ontario -Federation of Agriculture, Lloyd Jasper, Mildt'nay.rdsents a plb ltd pal Board, forms and directions re to Charles Coulter, Beigrave, member of Huron County Federation of Agricultux ;.<insutan'ce cum- r applications to the Board:, filed; ton1tiCh , e Coult recognition lg Htirnn County achieving 2,000 Co-operators Insurance, A§s tciatiold-mitl►iYidz• , Office of the Fire Mar';hal, re bile policies in force. Mr. gasper, who is a director of the Company, iitiade the preseDtaitdlt �d • r training course: filed; County Ag- I the annual meeting of CIA in Toronto,•--(xx). ,r?:, j hy`l ricultut[aI l3epresentative, re fav- • u