HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-04-27, Page 4EXPOSITOR, SE .QRT . ONE, AIT41. 47. 9$f /AIL IN lar 41/0241 S". WHERE MORE PEOPLE DO MORE BUYINGi AICD•. SELL1F4G 1 ,. (SSled Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates von SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 2nd Week Ord Week 1 Cent &' Cent % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion... 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word, Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Na, c/o The Huron Expositor. for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors. Eta -Rates on application. Coming Events - For Rent THE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY are hav- FOR RENT -Modern furnished residence ing a May Day Tea on Friday, May 11, en Goderkh St. Available May 1. PHONE from 3 to 5:20. Ml the public are invited 186-w. 46064 to come and make a our of the Hospital. •FOR RENT -One three-room apartment; 4606-1 l one -room apartment. Apply OKE'S BILLIARDS. 4503-tf Farms For Sale FOR RENT Modern brick residence on Adam Street, one block from Public school. J. W. THOMPSON R.R. 2, Sea - FOR SALE -40 -acre farm, Lot 23, Boun- 'urth. Phone 833 r 81. 4503-tf dary Grey and McKillop, east of Walton. Apply JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 60 TWO APARTMENTS for rent. Apply r 4. Brussels. 4601x6 to DR. E. A. MOMASTER Telephone 26, .or GEORGE BRIGHTRALL, Telephone 1. FOR SALE Frame house and small 4606-2 barn, oat seven acres of land; 2% miles west of Egmondville and 2 miles south. FOR RENT -50 acres of land in Tuck - Contact JOHN SMITH. Phone 6564r 28 ersmith Township. Apply to HARVEY Seaforth. McLARNON, on Saturday ,wening. Phone 651 r 25, Seaforth. 4606-1 Personals Poultry i Wanted PULLETS FOR SALE -Three months WANTED -31,000.00 first mortgage at old each week. All kinds available. Old 6%, on residence in Brucefield. Apply hens taken in exchange for pullets. Box 537. HURON EXPOSITOR- Phone XPOSITORPhone 60-3f Tavistock. TAVISTOCK 4606x1 POULTRY MARKET. 4606-6 WANTED - Grass for the season for FOR SAL'II-,-5,000 Sussex X Red pul- five head of yearling steers. JOHN lets, 9 weeks old; will sell these birds at PETHICK- Phone 884 r 15, Seaforth. any age; 2,500 laying pullets for sale in 4606x1 May, Red X Rock. Sussex X Red, Red X Sussex. Mortality us these birds is only STORAGE ROOM WANTED - Small one-half of 1%. ANDREWS POULTRY room required for storage of quantity of FARM, RR 8, Seaforth. Phone 647 r 3. furniture Apply Box 541. HURON EX - 4606x3 POSITOR. 4606x1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the Village of Hensel', WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd, at 1 o'clock D.S.T., the Estate of the late Mrs. Alice Blacktvell: Rangettg: kitchen stove; coal pr wood heater; hot plate; bed- room suite; odd beds; mattresses; studio couch: bedding: linens; feather tick ; kit- chen taable and chairs: rockers: -ound centre table; writing desk: kitchen cab- inet: kitchen cupboard bookstand trunks; silverware: dishes; sealers; kit- chen utensils: mats; linoleum; di -epee; sten-ladder. and other articles. Terms - Cash. DAVID DIGNAN, Executor; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4606-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE FOR RENT -An unfurnished apartment, Of Farm Stock and Machinery. at Lot 30, Coneession 2. L.R.S., Tuckersmith Township. 1 mile east of Brucefield, or 5 miles southwest of Seaforth on THURS- DAY. MAY 3rd. at 1 p.m,: CATTLE- Gurnsey cow (fresh): red cow, due in June; 2 -year-old Gurnsey cow due in Set' - fire rooms and bath. Immediate posses- sion , $40 per month, with hydro and HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), ,nater paid. Apply HARVEY McLLWAIN. mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope Phone 112, Seaforth. 4606x2 with price lint. 6 samples 25e; 24 sam- ples 61.00. Mail - Oreder Dept. T - 73, NOVA, -RUBBER CO;, Box 91, Hamilton. Help Wanted For Sale CALF FOR SA E -Apply to W. D. WILSON. Phone 6 8 r 33, Seaforth. GIRLS WANTED --Two girls for res- 4606-1 taurant work. Apply BUD FISHER, Mit- FOR SALE -Used Astrol refrigerator, °hell. 4606-2 in good condition. Apply BOX FURNI- TURE, Seaforth. 4606-1 CLERK - TYPIST Required for part-time work, in Sea - forth office. Apply in own handwriting, indicating times available, to Box 589, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4606-2 CABINET MAKER FOR SALE -Red cedar posts, all sizes. BORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2. Sea - forth. 4503-8 FOR SALE -Two buzz saws. one to fit a Ford tractor. Apply WILLIAM HOL- LAND, Clinton. 46006x2 FOR SALE -Timothy seed. Apply to JOHN W, THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 31, Seaforth. 4606x1 Woodworking machinist, furniture polish- FOR SALE --Shallow well pressure Duro er-one each. We are expanding and system; in good condition. JOHN need good experienced men. Pleasant EISLER, Egmondville, 4.606x1 working conditions, good wages, very steady employment, group insurance, etc. I FOR SALE -A baby buggy. Like new, ELGIN NOTT. Phone 847 r 5, Seaforth. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY 4606x1 Ingersoll. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER FOR SALE -Well bred young York hog, disease free. Also some timothy seed. 10c as secretary to General Manager of pro- per pound. Apply to JOE CARLIN. Phone gressive manufacturing company. Must 661 r 24. Seaforth. 4606-1 have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and dependable. Modern office FOR SALE -Home freezer and frig.. pleasant working conditions, permanent combination; 161k cubic feet. Reason - position, groap insurance., etc. Salary able. PHONE CLINTON, 332:. $200.00 to ca'pable irl. Kindly write full 4606-1 particulars • in own hand to 4606-2 GLAD BULBS -10 for 75c, or 10 for 90c : packaged, 25 for 90c. ERIC MILNER, FLOWERS. Phone 393, Seaforth. 4503-tf Box 540 Huron Expositor 4606-2 MEN NEEDED To help take care of our expansion program. Ages 26 to 60 with car, neat appearance and good character. If your present earnings are not enough for present-day living costs. and you are ambitious enough to be willing to do something about it. we can offer you the Opportunity of earning at least 5100.00 per week. as many of our men have earn- ings well beyond this figure. Why not take one day off from your present job to investigate. It could -easily affect your whole future. Apply for personal interview to: BOX 532 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4605-2 Notices NOTICE -Room for rent, with or with- out board. Apply Box 538, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4606-1 FOR SALE -Holstein heifer. fresh. good milker and quiet. Apply to GORDON ELLIOTT, Brucefield. Phone 659 r 11, Seaforth. 4606-1 FOR SALE. --30 Hereford steers. weigh- ing from 600 to 700 pounds. Apply to MAC WILSON. Phone Clinton; Hunter 2-9945, or Seaforth 656 r 21. 4606-1 FOR SALE. Boston Bull Terrier pups, .purebred but not registered. Well mark- ed. Apply to ROSS GORDON. Phone 849 r 21. Seaforth. 4606-2 FOR SALE -A number of used TV sets, in good condition. A money -saving opportunity. BOX FURNITURE STORE, Seaforth, 4606-2 FOR SALE -Electric rangette. used on- ly three months; automatic controls. A real buy. BOX FURNITURE STORE, Seaforth, 4606-2 FOR SALE --Mixed' gladiolus bulbs: 50 large. $2.50; 50 medium, $1.50. MURRgbY E. TYNDALL. Brucefield, Ontario. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9811. 4606x1 FOR SALE- Clean, bright fuel oil, Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1, and Government tested coal, screened each de- livery WILLIAM M. HART. 4598-tf FOR SALE -1 wine colored chester- field: 1 dark green sofa bed: 1 writing desk. Apply to MRS. J. L. BELL, Phone 336 r 32 Seaforth. 4606x1 RADIO REPAIRS - For all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, FOR SALE -Ornamental trees: Savin opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone Juniper, Pfitzeriana Mugho Pine. Hicks 347-R. 4598-tf Yew, Pyramidalis, and others, Apply to GORDON C. NOBEL, Railway St.. Sea - YOUR sewage work done now, forth. Phone 793-R. 4606x2 OnlyT 52 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33. Sea - forth. 4598-tf NOTICE; POULTRYMEN -For highest prices for fowl, (hens or roosters), con- tact MEL DALE or G. McLLWAIN. Phone Seaforth 590-W, or 841 r 14 after 6 p.m. 44503-4 NOTICE -Get your orders in now for your top soil; also cement eravel. fill and crushed stone. Apply to JACK or HAR- VEY MCLLWAIN, Seaforth, 4606x2 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393, ERIC MILNER FLOWERS. Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4598-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS -- Prompt, courteous. collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11. Sea - forth, or 235. Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4598-tf LAWN MOWER and Small Engine Ser- vice. ;We specialize in sharpening, over- hauling, parte and repair service on all makes of lawn mowers and small en- gines. CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797. 4602x6 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -Sep- tic tanks, cespoola, etc, pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2; Brume's. Phone 42 r 6, Brassels. 4600x10 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 pm„ Mill St-, Hen- salL Bring your livestock, Always a good market price. HARRY SMITH. Uhone 187, Hensall ; VICTOR HAR.GREAVES. 635 r 21. Clinton. 4.591x12 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" 1l'or artlflcial insemination information otY sdrviee from allilbreeds of cattle, Pboite hole Viratet1"oo Cattle • Breeding -'Association I b ICS iN'tObt HE. 2$441, between 7 :30 lard filth) Wm. We hale* all hreeda dvail- ti i -top gtfaiite at 100 cost. 4598-tf that linnecehaary pieee of through a Huron Expos'. &WO Ault t'11u I • FOR SALE -Purebred Registered Polled Hereford bun; also some baled hay and orchard grass seed. Apply to LU 1 HeR SAUNDERS, R.R. 2, Seaforth, Phone 833 r 12. 4606-1 FOR SALE -All -wool gabardine topcoat. lined throughout with rayon satin; size 38. Taupe in calor. Good as new. Coat too small for owner. Brice S10. Carl be seen at DALE'S PRODUCE STORE. ' 4605-2 FOR SALE -Well pump, tin mail box. white plates. 2 washstands. spring -filled mattress, 2 house doors, 2 spring doors, 6, kitchen chairs and 6 dining room chairs. CLARENCE REEVES, Seaforth 4606x1 tdmber; 2 cows, milking: 2 fat heifers: v fat steers; 2 two-year-old heifers; 5 Yearling steers and heifers: 1 calf. POULTRY -95 Leghorn pullets: 50 year- old hens. MACHINERY -Massey -Harris binder, 6 -ft.; Mower, 6 -ft.; Massey -Har- ris 4 -bar siderake on rubber (like new) ; Fleury -Bless] spreader on rubber (like new) ; 2 -drum steel roller : cultivator ; bean cultivator: 4 -section harrows; plow; scuffler ; disc; 13 -run fertilizer drill; rub- ber tired wagon and rack ; 2,000 -ib. scales; wagon box : stock rack; fanning mill; Vi- king electric cream separator with motor; 10x12 colony house: shelters: cedar posts: 30 rods woven fence; barb wire; grain bags; forks, shovels, ropes, pails. harness, horse collars, bag truck, 3 steel barrels, churn, robes; some household effects. Terms -Cash. No reserve, farm sold. WILLIAM NESBITT. Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney. Clerk. 4605-2 COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE of Grade Angus and Hereford Cattle. - Dennis & Wildfong, Auctioneers, have been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auction at the premises. Lot 44, Concession 14, of Hullett Township, 80 rods south of Village of Auburn, on WED- NESDAY, MAY 9, at 2:00 p.m.: COWS --1 4 -year-old black cow, fresh in De- cember, bred January 27; 1 7 -year-old black cow, fresh, bred again; 1 6 -year- old black cow, fresh in December, bred February 9; 1 4 -year-old black cow, fresh in December, bred March 1: 1 4 -year-old Hereford cow, fresh in December. bred February 6: 1 15 -months -old Angus berd sire. (The cows listed above are all bred to this bull) YOUNG CATTLE -3 black yearling heifers: 2 black yearling steers 1 Hereford yearling steer, CALVES -5 black bull calves: 2 Mack heifer calves. PIGS --1 York sow with 9• pigs, 7 weeks old day of sale; 1 Yurk sow. just bred: 9 sucker Pigs 9 weeks old at time of sale. IMPLEMENTS- 1 Cocksbutt No, 5 grain and fertilizer drill.. 11 -run : 1 De Laval No, U-12 600 -pound capacity cream sep- arator: 1 2 -horsepower Fairbanks gasoline engine. TOOLS -A mood selection of car- penter's tools. includine saws hammers, snares. le tIs. stc. Terms of Sale -.Cash. • reserve as owner is dispersing herd 1.- rause of ill healthand everything must ca WELLINGTON GOOD. Proprietor: ennis & Wildfong, Auctioneers: A. W. "orby, Clerk. 4606-2 FIVE DOLLARS down. up to, 24 months to pay for a genuine Surge Milker Unit. Best investment to protect good udders.. Contact LOVELL McGUIRE- Phone 593, ' Wingbam, Surge Dealer; in shop Satur- days. 4600x16 MILKING MACHINE -De Laval Speed- way magnetic, stainless steel. 2 single un- its complete: in excellent condition ; also McCormick -Deering cream separator, hand or power driven. Apply ALEX G. PEP- PER, RR 3, Seaforth. Phone 656• r 41. 4605x2 Teachers Wanted SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for S.S. No, 3, Hul- lett Township, in the Village of don - stance. Duties to commence September 4, 1956. Single -room school with all mod- ern conveniences. Apply stating quali- fications and salary expected, to W. R. SCOTT, Secretary -Treasurer. Seaforth, R R. No. 2. 9605-2 TEACHER WANTED Tuckersmith School Area CLEARING AUCTION SALE WANTED TO BUY -A number of beef type steers, from 400 to 500 pounds, suit- ! able for grass. Apply to WILFRED COLEMAN, R.R. 4, Seaforth- Phone 652 r 14. 4606x1 Of Farm Stock, Machinery and House- hold Effects. at Lot 1, Concession 5, Grey Township. 11{ miles north and 1 mile east of Walton, on FRIDAY, MAY 4th. at I p.m.: COWS -10 cows due in July, Oc- teber and some fresh: 16 head of year- ling heifers and steers. PIGS -1 sv and fi pigs. 10 weeks old. POULTRY -152 Red -ROCK pullets. 4 months old. IM- PLEMENTS-Cockshutt 30 tractor (row crop); Massey -Harris double disc (8?.. -ft).: 3 -furrow International, plow on rubber; set harrows; walking plow: dump rake': hey loader: Massey -Harris No. 5 binder; land roller; fanning mill : cutting box: hammer mill (Fairbanks -Morse) ; 14 -foot hay rack with rolling rack: trailer with rack; 16 -foot grain auger; 4 five -inch grain pipes: 5 -inch flexible elbow; forks: shovels; 3 chicken shelters : chicken feed- ers: water contaainers : 2 brooder stoves and pipes: turnip pnlper: cotter: buggy; Poultry fence; steel posts cedar poste; whiffletrees; oil barrels: gas tank with pump: pig crate; McCormick mower; 2 rolls snow fence: set single harness; set breeching harness : 2 collars: wheelbarrow ; pig' feeders; V4 H.P. motor: set scales: 200 bushels Beaver oats: two -unit Co-op milking machine: Massey -Harris cream separator with electric motor; manure boat; Massey -Harris side delivery rake: sleigh with flat rack : rubber tired wag- on with flat rack and grain box. Terms --Cash- CLIFFORD J. CARDIFF. Pro- prietor: ro- prietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4606-2 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock. Implements and Household Effects. at Lot 35, Concession 3, Logan Township. 114 miles north of Dublin, on FRIDAY, APRIL 27, at 12 o'clock: CATTLE -1 pure bred Hereford bull, 14 months old; 6 Durham mows, fresh three weeks: 4 part Holstein cows, fresh four weeks; 1 Dur- ham cow, due time of sale: 2 part Hol- stein cows, due last of May ;, 1 heifer, part Holstein and Hereford, due last of May: 1 black cow, fresh three weeks: 1 heifer, part Holstein and Hereford, fresh one week: 5 Hereford steers, 800 to 900 pounds; 10 Hereford heifers, 700 to 800 pounds; 1 fat Hereford steer, 1,000 pounds; 1 fat He4eford heifer, 800 pounds; 12 Herefords and Durbams, year and a half old; 10 Durham year-olds: 7 Hol- stein selves, aix months old; 8 Hereford calves, four weeks old. (Young cattle will be fed till May 10th). PIGS and POULTRY -15 pigs. 160 pounds; 150 year-old hens. GRAIN -421, bushels Reg- istered Rodney seed oats: 75 bushels Beaver seed oats: 200 bushels mixed grain. !MPLEMENTSs -1 Massey -Harris. tractor. Model 44, thfitie years old: 1 He4•gott threshing machine with shredder, 2 years old; 1 Fleury -Bissell 3 -furrow plow 1 John Deere power lift 10 -foot cultivator, 2 years old; 1 6 -section of harrows. steel pole; 1 McCormick -Deering power double disc drill, fertilizer and grain, new: 1 6 - foot one-way disc : 1 Massey -Harris hay londer, new; 1 John Deere side delivery rake, new: 1 Case binder. 7 -foot, nearly new: 1 Fleury -Bissell manure spreader, 90 bushel, nearly new: 1 rubber tired wagon. complete with rack ; 1 Fairbanks - Morse hammer mill, 10 -inch; 1 fanning mill: 1 scales, 2 000 porinds : 1 small saw frame; 2 wheelbarrows, steel; 1 Massey Harris cream separator, new, with motor; 1 1946 G.M.C.-ton truck with rack; 1 electric chicken brooder, 400 capacity; 1 An attractive rural school near Helena], electric pig brooder; nnmeroue amount Ont., equines a teacher, commencing Sep- of small articles found around a farm, temi>e Ist. This school is well-equipped: HOUSEHOLD Ecoal s ov , Findlay dies- with preseflt pupil enrolment less than 'nation rid chair ; stove, new;, i Chea- ter6eld and chair: 1 extension dining average. Write, giving experience. quail- room table and chairs: 4 bedroom ,suites, $cations, name of Inspector. to: complete with mattresses: 1 mahoogganit' Wardrobe, new ; several small -table% etocka sealers, etc. 1'ertrta---GAsb.• JOH11 1VIEAf4HER, Proprietoriia4g14 JadIc o t,, Auctioneer: E. P. Cheatin CIei1 Property For• Sale FOR- SALE --White frame house on West William Street; three-piece bath and oil furnace PHONE 5631. 4606-3 • HOUSE FOR SALE -)louse has 8 rooms with electric lights and town water. Pos- session immediately. Apply to MRS. JAMES BARRON; Seaforth. 4605-2 REAL ESTATE Furnished house for rent, good location. A number of other homes for sale; 75 - acre farm, 60 acres plowed, Contact: HAROLD JACKSON Phone 474 or 266 - Seaforth Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK WANTED-- Cash paid for dead- old, sick, or disabled horses or cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153, collect. 4598-12 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOSEPH E. DRUAR All persons having claims against the Estate of. Joseph E. Dryer. late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 6th day of April, 1956, are hereby notified to .send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 11th day of May, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to• claims then ..ee- ceived- DATED at Seaforth. this 13th day of April, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, 46054 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of FRANK JOSEPH. BECHELY All persons having claims against the Estate of Frank Joseph 1lechely, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Dental Surgeon. deceased. who died on the 2nd day of March, 1956, are hereby notified to -send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of May, 1956, after which date the assets will e distributed, having regard only, to claims then receiv- DA I'B,D at Seaforth, this 10th day of April, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, See forth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 46043 Cards ®f Thanks I WISH to thank all neighbors and friends who visited me and sent flowers. fruit and cards while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital recently. Special thanks to Dr. Gore•ill and to nurses and staff of the Hospital, Yours sincerely. 4606x1 MRS. WM. NESBITT' THE FAMILY of the late Alvin L. Hunter wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the floral tributes, cards of sympathy and for the kindness shown in their recent bereave- ment, MARGARET. JEAN AND THE HUNTER FAMILY • 4606-1 Births McLACHLAN-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. on April 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Robb McLachlan, R.R. 3. Kippen, a son. 'NESBITT-At Meyer's Nursing Home, Brussels, on Tuesday, April 24. 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt, a son. ' TIM:MERMANS-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital. on April 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Timmermans, RR. 3, Kippers, a son. VAN DYKE -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Theorus VanDyke, RR 3, Seaforth, a daughter. • W. P. RO'BF.itTS; Sec: Trdtter; RR 3, Seaforth, Ont, 460'6.1 Deaths PORTEOUS-In Seaforth, on Thursday, April 19, Caroline Sonch, widow of the late Adrian Porteous, in her 81st year. Canada's labor income reached an all-time peak of $11,900,000,000 in 1954. British Columbia's occupied farm land is only two per cent of the province's total area. Specio .: Service Featured • At Brucefield W.M.S. 11? FEATURED IN A Tommy orf Seaforth activities, arranged by a Toronto daffy, was Mayo! E. . A. McMaster, shown here With tour- - year-old David Brady—(Telegrat 1 photol. At the April meeting of Bruce - field Woman's Missionary Auxil- iary there was an impressive Eas- ter service of worship on the theme, "Rejoicing in Hope." The meeting opened with quiet music. Mrs. H. Dalrymple and Mrs. L. Wilson were in charge. The re- sponsive Scripture reading was taken from Matthew, chapter 28, verses 1 to 9, followed with pray- er. The •president, Mrs. S. Davison, took the chair for the business and read' the Legend of the Dogwood Tree, and there was on display branches of ',blossoms from this tree. It was from the Dogwood Tree that the Cross of Christ was made. The roll call was answer- ed with an Easter message, and the treasurer, Mrs. W. Jr McBeath, reported the thankoffering as $85.35. Miss i4 I. Swan gave the visiting committee's report. Mrs'. 'J. Cairns gave a splendid report oe morning session of the • Presbygytterial held in Exeter, and Mrs. R. Allan~ told of the af- ternoon session. Mrs. Ham and Mrs. T. B. Baird were in charge of the missionary program. Mrs. Ham read an Eas- ter story: "Lo! I am with you always," and Mrs. Baird from the Mission Tides. The meeting clos- ed with the Mizpah benediction. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross, of De- troit. spent the weekend with the McDonald family. Mr, and Mrs. Donald McKenzie, of St. Thomas. were guests at the home of Mr. McKenzie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie. Mr.. Robert Davison, Toronto, spent a few days with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Davison. Mrs. George Pinkney, Walker- ton, visited on Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Pepper. Mr. Robert Mustard, of Chat- ham, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mustard, over the weekend. Mrs. W. Smith, of Exeter. spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. Hohner. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Baird were in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rushcall, of Trenton, is visiting with Mrs. Rush - call's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott. Mr. Robert Mustard spent the weekend with friends., Mr. and Mrs. A. Mustard. 4-0 BABY BEEF CALF CLUB Ross Hennigar. manager of the Seaforth Farmers Co-op. was guest speaker at the April meeting of the Seaforth 4-H Baby Beef Calf Club. held in the High School on Monday evening. Bill Strong presided, and the minutes were read by Miss Jean Scott... Roll call was answered by 30 members. Eric Anderson, _con- ducted a quiz on 4-H Club work. Robert Campbell introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Hennigar, who spoke on "Feeding Your Club Calf." He was thanked on behalf of the members by Donald Moylan. KIPPEN NEWS Mr. Eddie McBride is confined to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Marilyn Mousseau, of Lon- don, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. _Elzar Mousseau. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and sons visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Abthur Ashworth, of near 11- derton. Mrs. Robert McBride and Lorne were Sunday guests of the for- mer's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie, of Wing - ham. Mrs. McBride remained a few days. Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Mrs. Bob McGregor were in London on Saturday. Mrs. Alex McBeath and Mrs. Nelson Hood visited Friday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grealis, of Clinton. Mrs. William Horney and Mrs. Gordon Cudmore, of Exeter, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. Mr. Frank McGregor, of Clinton Air School, spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Deitz. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and Lynn attended the funeral on Thursday of a great-aunt of Mrs. CROMARTY NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr- and Mrs. Albert Deichert and son. of Zurich. visited with Mr: and Mrs. Robert Laing.' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolfe and children. Robert and Ken, of Mt. Clemens. Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Treffry. Anita Sorsdahl spent the week- end with Shirley Rowland. Roy Luxton and niece, Mrs. El- sie Dosier. of Woodland, Califor- nia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. - Lloyd Sorsdahl on 'Saturday. Mrs. Verna McKellar, of. Win- chelsea, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lin McKellar. We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Laing to the village, having pur- chased the home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glossop, who have moved to London. Mr. Arnold Storey called on friends in the village on Satur- day. LAWN ROLLING SERVICE SEAFORTH and DISTRICT Reasonable Rates Ray Potter, Clinton Phone Clinton HU. 2-9997 ROL LYN SHOP SPRING CLEARANCE SALE Thursday - Friday - Saturday ALL OUR SPRING DRESSES Reg. 9.95 to 495 `O /o e� 0 Off Silks, Crepes, Spring Shades BLOUSES s- - 1.98, 298, 3.98 SKIR - x. 20% Off Wools, Checks, Tweeds—Reg. to 12.95 SWEATERS' - CARDIGANS 20% Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick and family, of London. visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamont and daughter, Isabelle, of London, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl on Sunday. The Big Four euchre party en- joyed a chicken dinner at the home of Mrs. Houghton Tuesday even- ing. A social time was spent, af- ter euchre was played, which brought the season's entertainment to a close. OF THE WEEK Gackstetter's, Mrs. Lucy Brown, of Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Morton visited over the weekend with friends in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Bob penomme, Jean Anne and Willie, of Exeter, visited Sunday with the Gackstet- ter family. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson included Mr. and Mrs. Ewasick, of Stratford, and Mrs. Richardson, of Hensall. Mr. Bob Love, who has been at- tending Toronto University, is HENSALL Mrs. George Hess is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, in the interests of her health. Rev- A. D. Boa, minister of Em- press Avenue United Church, Lon- don, will be guest speaker at the anniversary services in the Unit- ed Church Sunday, June 10. Mrs. Robert Reid, of Kincardine, spent the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family. spending three weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. He has accepted a position in St. Catharines. as near as your telephone A COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE 1N WESVERN ONTARIO Call • RAYE B. PATERSON, Truss Officer Ilensall, Ontario, Phone 51 For • Estate Planning and Wills • Real Estate Services • Investment- Management and Advisory Service • 31/2% Guaranteed Investments • 21/2% on savings—deposits may be mailed Or Contact Any Office Of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor �• Niagara • Falls • Sudbury • Sault Ste. Marie Calgary • Vancouver Huron ' Co Used Cars s Finest Used Car Market 1955 FORD 9 PPS CUSTOMLINEPOC SEDAN , 1995 FORD SEDAN 895 1955 CSpa.E a. SEDAN l C pt 1950 fully Tequipped 850 1954 fullly`lV. eq DLUXE POWER GLIDE 1650 1949 CHEV. COACH ... 695 2-1954 SEDANS pped 1495 1947 DODGE 5 -PASSENGER 4a95 fullyy equipped 1954 CMS. BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE 1995 2— a PONTIAC SEDANS 495 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1295 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN __. 1295 1195' 1953 CHEV. SEDAN 1952 Cii uiV. COACH fully equipped 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 950 1951 CHEV. COACH 6D{2 De Luxe 900 1947 DODGE %-T)N PICKUP A'Written Gra rantee for 60 dhys on all Late MOdeLCars—Many Other Models to Choose Prom .BRUSSELS MOTORS B1UWSSEts OlmoTARIO pRoilE off; E ttit Vied Cars" 1952 CHEV. 2 -TON PICKUP 1949 FORD 1/2 -TON PICKUP 1949 C:flEV. 3A -TON PIC$UP 795 450 395 395 OPEN EVERY EYEN/00 , • 1