HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-04-13, Page 8,4 7 FrX QS OR. SgAt'UaTI I, Q T„, APRIL ,L% FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister NEXT SUNDAY: 11:00 a,m. "TO ESCAPE A LIVING DEATH" 7:00 P.M. "MAN AS A PERSON" We Specialize m All Lines of INSURANCE NEW,. COMPOSITE DWELLING POLICY " offers full fire and liability cover- age at l0% below regular rates to home owners. For full information, ask us. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate Phone 214 Seaforth OWN Your Own HOME FOR SALE New two-bedroom one -storey Brick Dwelling. just complet- ed. Oil heating. Low down payment. Balance on monthly payments. Churth vatice s Pentecostal Tabernacle: —"Tues- day, 8 p.In„ Bible Study and Pray- er; Friday, 8 p.m., Y.P.S.; Sun- day, 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; 7:30 p.m., Evangelistic Service. All services. will be held in the Church.—Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor. McKillop Pastoral Charge—Beth- el Church: service 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.; Cavan Church, Win- throp, Sunday School 10 a.m., Ser- vice 11:15 am.; Duff's Church: Sunday School 1:30 p.m., Service 2 p.m.; Cavan Church, 8 p.m., C.G. I.T. Re -affiliation Service.—Rev. J. Bolden, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - 9 a.m., Holy Communion; 10 a.m., Sunday School, Confirmation Class- es; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, Be- ginners' Sunday School; 3 p.m., Ev- ening Prayer, St. Mary's Church, Dublin; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer.— Rev. J. H. James, Rector. Northside United Church --Sun- day, 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., Morn- ing Worship; sermon topic, "The Anatomy of Believing"; Toddlers' Group and Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Evening Worship; sermon topic, "A Good Word For Jesus"; 8:15 p.m.. Y.P. Union.—Rev. Bruce W. Hall, Minister. Egmondville United .Church.— Thursday, Church—Thursday, April 12, at 8 p,m., Mis- sions and Evangelism Night, two films supplied by Huron Presby- tery. All members and adherents are urged to attend. Friday, April 13, at 8 p.m.: Preparatory Service and Official Board meeting. Sun- day at 10 a.m., Church School; 11 a.m.. Holy Communion; 7 p.m., Evening Praise; Thursday, April 19.. at. 7:30, Mid -week Service.— Rev. W, E. Milroy, Minister: ZION Miss. Ethel;• Snafu+,, 140on, spent * 4 ,and NUL C the weekend-ert with hear. parents, Mr., ncil Agree THE )RU1'ERTIES ALSO Miss .San Roney ,'oney visited with LISTED her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roney, last week. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE : Phone 214 LEMON'S TAXI and PARCEL SERVICE All Passengers Insured PHONES: CECIL DAVE 675 676 OUTBOARDS Motors and hulls will be in the water before long. Now is an excellent time to re- view your insurance. The premium cost is moderate, including theft and loss over- board of motors. GENERAL INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 Res. 540 MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH OA and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth gr. George Telford, Elmira, w,as (Continued from -'all .. with lois parents, and Mrs.. appointed, further considjatiin the Fred Telford, ower' the weekend. iziade Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McClinehey should be given and inquiries in other municipalities as td the and Jerry, of Bensall, spent Sun- action that is being taken. day with Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Approval was granted. for the McClinchey. construction of a garage on the Mrs. Robert Blair is in Scott property on West William St., own - Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. ed by Syd. Dolmage, in an amount Miss Mildred Fraser, of London, of $800, subject to it being determ- spent the weekend with her par- ined that the garage was not to ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser. be erected on land which at any Mr. and Mrs. Errol Banting, of time had been• designated as a Barrie, spent last Sunday with Mr. street allowance. Council also con - and Mrs. Beverley McClinchey. firmed approval which had been Miss Helen Blair returned to given for the erection- of a garage London to resume her studies at on Goderich St. by the Cities Ser - Teachers' College, after having vice Oil Co. spent the Easter holidays with her Reporting for the street com- parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert it man of CtouncE. illor t: Close, aid Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McConkey, that drains on West William St., London, spent a few days at their High St. and Marie St., have been cottage here. repaired. Seven tons of cold patch Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stewart, have been used on the streets, and Dale and Sherry Lee and Mr. Cam- the streets, on the whole, were in eron Stewart spent Sunday with good shape. He asked that the Mr. and Mis. John Boyes. Reeve bring to the attention of Mrs. Charles Scotchmer return- the County Council the condition ed home after having been confin- of Seaforth's Main Street, for ed to Clinton Community Hospital which the County was responsible. and St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- Certain grading had been done don. and several loads of stone used. It Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Weston, of was intended that specialists in London, spent the weekend with oiling and tarring streets would Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Weston. look over the work need and, as a Francis Anderson, Science Hill, result of that examination, would spent a few days last week with determine the extent to which oil his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. application would be necessary this Ed. Sturgeon. year. At the same time, the com- Mr. and Mrs. L. Duggan and mittee proposed to examine the Patsy, Stratford, spent Thursday sidewalk situation and would de - at their cottage here. termine whether or not repairs Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sturgeon would be done in cement or in spent the weekend with their asphalt. It was the opinion of the daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and committee that asphalt had stood 1Irs, Frank Anderson, Science Hill. up quite well, and that it was eas Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren and lei to repair. iMiChristine, of Port Elgin, spent the Discuss Parking C it di ded as to step Harbord ON Mr. :root. McMichael has re- turned home after undergoing an operation in Victoria Hospital, i London. Charles Shannon has re- turned to Toronto after spending Easter with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon. Mr. Geo. Kirkby, Ian and Bever- Iey. of Burwash, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kirkby and other relatives last week. The I7th and Boundary group held a crokinole party in the base- ment of the church Wednesday ev- ening, April 4, with 16 tables in play. Ladies, most games, Donna Smith; consolation, Brenda Hous- ton; men, most games, Ronald Smith; consolation, Bill Corlett. A program followed: piano duet, Catharine Buchanan and Norma Hoegy; instrumental, Ann Cardiff; 1 solo. Joan Hamilton, accompanied by Joyce Hamilton; instrumental, Graham Craig; solo, Nellie Boan; instrumental. Ruth Ritchie. Rev. W. M. Thomas acted as chairman for the evening, also favoring by singing the Welsh National An- them. followed by "The Queen." Lunch was served. JOSE`'R'BINEI E. McDEltlllil The death 'occurred in Scott DQemorial Hospital on Wednesday morning of Josephine R. McDer- mrd, wife of Malcolm McDermid, in her 87th year. While not in good health for several years, she had been in hospital but a few weeks. Born in' Paris, Ont., she was the former Josephine Tufford, and moved to Seaforth as a child with her parents. She was rparried to Mr. McDermid 39 years ago. They resided in Hullett until retiring to Seaforth about ten years ago. Her husband survives, A member of Northside United Church, funeral services will be conducted from the Whitney Fun- eral Home by her minister, Rev. Bruce Hall, on Friday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. Interment will follow in Maitlandbank cemetery. THOMAS PATRICK JOHNSON The death• occurred in London on Tuesday of Thomas Patrick John- son, in his 71st year. He had been in ill health for some time. Born on the 10th concession of McKilkoi:,• 'be was the son of the late Michael Johnson and Mary O'Loughlin. He was educated at S. S. No. 8, McKillop, and farmed in McKillop for a number of years. Later he resided in Flint, Mich., returning to London seven years ago. He was unmarried, but is sur- vived by a sister, Mrs. Peter Mc- Iver, Seaforth. He was a member of St. Columban R.C. Church. Resting at the Burke Funeral Home until. Friday morning, when Requiem Mass will be sung in St. Columban Church by Rev. Thomas McQuaid, Toronto, a cousin. Inter- men.t will follow in St. Columban cemetery.. weekend wthMisses E. and J. ounc was v is A. C. DICKS6N 61 Stirling, which might be taken to.elirninat� ,�liegiate Institute teacher, died Archie C. Dickson, , Mss Judy Weston. London, spent the traffic confusion that eS?sts on ,t his Fairlawn Ave. Toronto home week with her grandparents, Mr. Main Street as a result Of parking. suddenly Friday. Head of ,the nd Mrs. E. Weston. Some favored parallel parking, school's guidance department, Mr. Mr, and ]fat's. James Cruickshank while others felt that the only sola- Dickson joined the staff in 1927. and Berthena and Miss Margaret tion was the installation of meters. fie handled classes regularly until Sturgeon, Of Port Dover, spent In an effort to arrive at some de- Easter. Saturday with Mrs Wm. Sturgeon. cision and clear up the problem, Mr. Dickson was a member of Mr. and Mrs. E. Featherstone Council decided that the opinion of the Anglican Church of St. Timothy spent the weekend at their home the citizqns would be req ested as and an active Mason. He was past n the village. to whether or not meters would master of the Huron -Bruce Lodge Mrs. Lulu Burt, of London, was meet with favor. It was recalled No. 611, a member of the Scottish in the village over the weekend. that when a decision was taken Rite and belonged to the 67th Uni- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davison, of some months ago to install meters, versity Battery. Stratford. were at their cottage opposition at that time had been Born in McKillop, he was the here over the weekend. raised by merchants. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ad - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brisson Reporting for the property com- am Dickson. He was a graduate of spent a few days at their cottage mittee, Councillor Habkirk told Seaforth Collegiate Institute. here. Council that it had been necessary He leaves his wife, the former Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Hovey are to close the town dump because Zeta Bruce; a daughter, Mrs. Nich- vacationing in Florida. Mrs. John the access road was impassable olas Tate; two grandchildren, Al - Lindsay, Mrs. James Cameron and from mud. ison and Constance; a sister, Mrs. Miss Berthena Sturgeon are man- Fire Chief J. F. Scott will go to Helen Hutchison, and three broth - aging their general store in their an annual Fireman's Training erg, Charles in British Columbia; absence. Course late in April, it was indi- Alexander, Fredonia, N.Y., and LAC. V. Bennett ,and AC. Bill cated when Chairman B. F. Chris- John, also of British Columbia. Carmichael, of R.C.A.F. Station, tie, of the Fire and Water Commit- Funeral services were held Mon- CIinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and tee, told Council of the Course and day in St. Timothy's Anglican Mrs. Arthur Le Gros. the benefits which would flow from Church, Toronto, and interment Mrs. Beverley McClinchey was the Chief's attendance at it. followed in Toronto. in Clinton Community Hospital on Reporting for the Sewer Com Friday and Saturday. mittee, Councillor Leslie said• that CHARLES W. RILEY • Mr. William Parker, Windsor, assurance had been received that s. Charles W. Riley, a a Use The Huron Expositor classi- fied ad columns regularly. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allan Wed., April 18th Community Centre SEAFORTH Music by Hank Norris' Orchestra EVERYBODY WELCOME! :BRI Mins Sylvia, Cull nupga. of $rat n lastwee . with .M , t1 oxd; sPe. t . , ;k . lr an :t1 Mfrs.\ Jahn. Cummings. - and I4rs, C'L., $ristow, et. Royal Oak, Mich., were guests`of Mrs; Wilbert Webster ever: the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd 3antzi and Anna Mae, of Welland, Ont., spent last ,weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Aarop Jantzi and family. Mrs. J, •G. Taman and Lynn re- turned to their home in Port Hur- on, Mich., after visiting- with, Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Close, to await the arrival on April 14th of her hus- band VS J. G. Taman, homeward bound after spending 18 months in O'Kinawa- and Japan. Thdse from here attending the funeral of Monica Loretta Klink- hamer, RN., in Detroit, were: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Manley, Mrs. Charles P. Sills, Miss Ruth 'Sills, Miss Mary Lou Sills, Mr. Ronald C. Sills and Mr. George Hays. Mr. Edward Row,cliffe, of Mid- way City, Calif., spent Easter week with Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Row- cliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson and Ruth Ann spent the weekend n Markdale with Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wyvill, who were celebrating their thirty-fifth wedding anniviersary. Wayne and Allan spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wyvill and. returned home on Sunday. Easter Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Shera and son, Warren, were her sister, Mrs. J. R. Cross and Mr. Cross, B.A.,; son, Keith, London, and. Mrs. Preston Dallas and son, Jimmy,. - Mr. and Mrs, C, L. Moore 'and family, of Prescott, returned to their home after spending a week with Mrs. H. Lawrence, Goderich .. St. Mr. and Mrs. George Cowan, of Boston, Mass.,'were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling and Mrs. F. J. Bechely spent the week- end in Birmingham, Micb. Mr. Neil Beattie spent the week- end with his parents here. Mrs. William Skinner, Detroit, who was visiting her mother, Mrs. R. S. Hays, has returned home. Mrs. Jerry Meir and family, who have resided with Mr. H. G. Meir the past year, left last week' to join P.O. Jerry Meir, of H.M.C.S. Labrador, at Halifax. Mrs. Russell Dallas, Mrs. P. Dal- las and son, Jimmy, Mrs. Harold Shera, with Mr. and Mrs. Cross and Keith, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson and little . daughter, Dorothea„ Goderich, also Mrs. Ida Jackson and son, Donald. In the evening they attended Brucefield United Church, where Mr. and Mrs. Cross had a few Minutes' vis- it with Rev. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson, Mr. Davidson having been their minister while they re- sided at Leamington. Mr. Robert McGonigle, who has been seriously ill for some months, was able to be down town this week. 1 rl Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith left Thursday morning for a week's vacation, and will visit London. Milverton, Niagara -on -the -'Lake and Youngstown, N.Y. Misses Maud and Olive Laidlaw who spent the winter in Toronto, returned to their home this week. Miss Florence Laidlaw has also returned after a two months' visit in Honolulu and Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. -Alex Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Campbell, Mr Alex Smith, Mr. Archie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton, Mrs. Mac Scott and Mrs. Chester Henderson were in Toronto Monday attending the funeral of the late Archie Dickson. Mr. Joseph Ball has returned from a visit to his grandmother in Varna. Mr. a'Rd Mrs. Roy McGonigle spent the weekend in Brantford. Mr. Fred Lawrence, Goderich, visited in Seaforth on Friday. Mrs. F. C. J. Sills has returned from a month's visit:to her home in England. Miss C. Holmes has returned from a visit to Toronto, Miss Ann Lawrence and Mr. Garry Lawrence, of Hensall, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oke. Mrs. G. G. Elliott and daughter, of Toronto, visited friends in town over the weekend. ALL NEW PRODUCTION Crossroads '56 Thursday - Friday April 12th and 13th Seaforth District High School Auditorium Curtain at 8:30 p.m. SEE YOUR FAVORITES IN : • NEW SONGS • NEW DANCES • NEW DRAMA A SHOW FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Get Your T` i ckets Now ! ADULTS - - 75 CENTS STUDENTS - - 50 GENTS CHILDREN (under 12) - 35 CENTS RESERVED SEATS ... 85 CENTS EAC11, on sale at KEATING'S PHARMACY Auspices: - A 'OI TH 'AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY vC91 11 any work necessary at the disposal72, who died spent the weekend with his par- Plant would be taken care of by et his home at Constance Monday ents. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey ret Parker. p right, had Lived there all his life. Mrs. Thomas Bailey returned to the contractor. There had been no He had been ill for a week. For her residence at the Ritz Hotel af- damage by spring floods. many years he was a stone mason ter recuperating at the Kelly Rest It was indicated by Mayor Mc- and later worked as a cabinet Dome. Master that two firms were inter maker, until retiring in He Mrs. Angus McRae, of ' London, ested in locating here, and he was was member of Kinin 1954. United spent a few days with her par- continuing to explore the situation was ah and of Britannia United ents. Mr. and Mrs. William John- Council viewed with some con- o g stop, cern the fact that tax arrears are The Bayfield Fire Department now totalled more than $27,000. It was called out this week to extin- was agreed that the public would guish a grass fire which spread from behind the Albion Hotel to the road by Arthur Brissons. Spring fishing is now underway at the harbor. Many fishermen have their nets set and the catch of perch is proving very reward- ing. 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS Champion Stove and Furnace Oil DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 138 be informed that if action was not taken by those responsible for the arrears immediately, arrangements would be made for a tax sale. Dif- ficulty was also being experienced in collecting dog tax, and as yet but a third of the dog population was tagged- Here again the dog owners were warned that unless tags were bought immediately court action would be taken. Aklavik, the largest settlement in the Canadian Arctic, has a popu- lation of about 400 whites, 250 Eskimoes and 125 Indians. NATIONAL HARDWARE WEEK PAINT SPECIAL ALL PAINTS — 15% DISCOUNT Until Saturday, April 21 CROWN HARDWARE Phone 797 Seaforth TIT/ ITS,TIT,,TIT,,T,,TITI,T jT jT jT,,T jT CONTRACT BARLEY New contract this year should bring higher price per bushel than pricing basis on former contracts. Both Montcalm and Kindred Seed Barley Available. FERTILIZER AVAILABLE FOR CONTRACTS OPNOTCH FEEDS LI1virrED Seaforth`jam! y��! Phone 1 5, T000 L d e Seaforth. Surviving besides his wife, the former- Mary J. McCall, are three sons: Bernard, Kitchener; Fred, Toronto; Alvin, Seaforth; one brother, John, Brussels. and one sister, Mrs. Robert Grimoldby, Seaforth. Resting at the Whitney Funeral Home, services were conducted Thursday at 2 p.m., under auspices of Britannia Masonic Lodge, by his minister, Rev. J. T. White. In- terment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery. MONICA L. KLINKHAMER Monica Loretta Klinkhamer, RN., formerly Monica Loretta Eckert, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Conrad J. Eckert, passed . away suddenly at Wayne County Gen- eral Hospital, Eloise,,Michigan, on Wednesday, April 4. She had been a nurse at this hospital for the past 18 years. She is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. Allan (Nelcey) Bowness, also four grandchildren; one broth- er, John M. Eckert, Seaforth; five sisters, Mrs. William J. Manley, Walton, Ont.; Mrs. William J. Mc- Kay, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Thomas McKay, Galt, Ont.; Mrs. Gordon Hays, Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Charles P. Sills, Seaforth. The body rested at the Leonard A. Turowski Funeral Home until Saturday morning, April 7, when Requiem High Mass was celebrat- ed at 10 o'clock by Rev. Father C. J. Gagley at St. Suzanne Church, Detroit, Mich. Burial fol- lowed in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. The pallbearers were, Joseph Mc- Kay, Ronald C. Sills, John Tribble, Jim Reeves, Richard Tate and Harvey Bryan. WILLIAM THOMAS SHANE William Thomas Shane, 70, of 484 Niagara St., well known Win- nipeg businessman, died Wednes- day, March 28, in Winnipeg Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. Shane had been director and secretary -treasurer of Strong -Scott Ltd. since the for- mation of the Canadian company in 1933. - Born in Seaforth, Ont., Mr. Shane went West about the turn of the century and had lived in Winni- peg since. He was for many years an active member of Riverview United Church, and served as a member of the Session. Latterly he had attended St. Andrew's Riv- er Heights United Church and was a member of St. Andrew's AOTS. He also belonged to the Canadian Club. He is survived by his widow;, Catherine Eleraiior• his daughter,. Mrs W: R Etfilie a tea, Walter R., Winnipeg; three 'grandchrldrelt; three,, sisters, Mrg S. Mulholland; itlrs W "Haehnel, Mrtaheti, Oflt , 3V['rs A%'partridge, Monktetb, Ont Finneran S+sttheeS Ware held 28 1Vtapeii alld Wig upas In Gamy' Q ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Alynn Dale, Sea - forth, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Donalda, to Mr. John Joseph Flynn, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Flynn, R.R. 1. Clinton, the mar- riage to take plaice •April 23 in St. Joseph's R.C. Church, Clinton. G, tl� DQIIBI�ki; B- Thursa1 41y{ iesY f RQi, B.il cc t PAUL HEN;DRI ,S' PI11 A44ES OF TRYP O � *TRICIA MEDINA See the underwater fight for sunken" treasure l See the sack of a whole pity! See the Armada sink In flames! See the theft of a Priacese-the most danger- ouh; game of all! " BILL WILLIAM$ " APACHE AMBUSH ALEX MONTo A Apa"-' fury rides the trail to Abilene! Blazing thrills in the wildest Indian raid. of the wild frontier. ,Monday, Tuesday -and Wednesday " KING RICHARD AND THE CRUSADERS" REX HARRISON VIRGINIA MAYO From the. 'farthest corners of the Western World tumultuous. theu:ands faced the Eastern hordes behind their lion-hearted shields. The epic pages" of Sir Walter Scott's "The Talisman" fill the screen with love and adventure. Thursday, Friday and Saturday "YOU'RE -NEVER TOO YOUNG" DEAN MARTIN . • . JERRY LEWIS Coating -- "THE ETERNAL SEA" $5.95 a Pair Here they are THE BEST VALUES YOU EVER SAW IN WORK 'BOOTS GRO CORK ,or LEATHER SOLES • "Hurry" at this price; they won't last long ! WILLIS SHOE STORE The LITTLE Store With the BIG Values - SEAFORTH USED MACHINERY FOR SALE 1 COCKSHUTT 60 ROW CROP TRACTOR 1 MASSEY-HARRIS 20-A POWER DRILL 15 -disc 2 MASSEY - HARRIS 11- RUN FERTIL- IZER DRILLS • BOYES FARM SUPPLY Phone 110 Seaforth BICYCLE REPAIRS • All 'Makes C:C.M. PARTS and ACCESSORIES IN STOCK - C.C.M. Bicycles Available on Request CHAS. PINDER SEAFORTH .rte■ We have A. COMPLETE LINE OF FER'TI LIZERS Available for immediate pickup or delivery_ -at— SPECIAL SPRING PRICES • Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative, Eggs and Poultry Feed and Fertilizer PHONE 13 ` PHONE 9 FOR SALE New 5 -Room Frame in Eg- Inondville. Modern. Six -Room Frame with bath, in Egmondville. Low down payment. �• A real buy on North Main, with apartment upstairs. An 8 -Room Frame on Goderich Street East, - A .Restaurant iii..Grand Bend,; fully ett lipped ready tok ge. i„ CALF; Nit. IOKE r�(y��Y1R C'ti One �458 {�j� e 4Li 7 NNS RO swap ap DOWN WILL BUY ANY ONE OF THESE FINE RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED USED CARS '53. PONTIAC PATHFINDER SEDAN '51 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN SEDAN—Two-tone '51 PONTIA.0 PATHFINDER SEDAN '47 KAISER SEDAN '53 FARGO PANEL Come' in to -day! Let us tell you for how little you can buy a Reconditioned Guaranteed Used Car at Pontiac ;Ewe 461• •W lul231it:1;s, r;l 4ri��l 115 ..ql IP[ rt.iik"e n':H'9 it 1�Y