HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-04-13, Page 4•tt 'QSITOR, SEAFOR,TJI; ONT i. APRIL 13, 1956 • P. e,` Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards oo Thanks, In Memoriam Noticea, Coaxing Eventa-1 cent per word - 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. "Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free'of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc,—Rates on application 4,81 40 ^ Ads Inserted At '7Foit, SALE, WANTED„ LOST AND lat Week 2nd Week New Low Cash Rates FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: - 1 Cent % Cent Srd Week ee Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Minimum, Coming Events Auction Sales THE LADIES' GUILD of St. Thomas' Church is holding a rummage Bale in the Parish Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, April 28th. 4604-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery and Livestock, at Motor Cars For Sale Lot 32, Concession 13, Grey Township, 1 mile north of Moncrieff or 8 miles went of Monkton, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18th, at 1 p.m.: Full line of farm mach- inery, including Fordson Major tractor ith Horn manure loader and buck rake; Farman Cub tractor with scutlier and mower on hydraulic locker arm shaft; McCormick -Deering 15 -run fertilizer Beed drill with power lift: 3 -furrow plow spring tooth cultivator; culti-packer; dou- ble disc; hay loader; binder: Cockshutt FOR RENT --One three-room apartment; manure spreader: Case 24 -inch threshing 1 one -room apartment, Apply ORE'S machine; 5 -ton rubber tired wagon; Surge BILLIARDS. 450342 two -unit milking machine and pump; pip- ing for 25 cows (new type); also poultry FOR RENT—Modern brick residence on equipment; bay and grain; Wisconsin motor, 18 H.P. Terms—Cash. No reserve, farm sold. VAN ALPHEN BROS., Pro- prietors; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P Chesney, Clerk. 4604-1 FOR SALE --1951 G.M.C. Y, -ton truck with turn signals, stock rack, loading chute and tarp ; low mileage. EMERSON COLEMAN, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 r 11. 4604x1 For Rent Adam Street, one block from Public School. J. W. THOMPSON A.R. 2, Sea - forth. Phone 833 r 31. 45054f Help Wanted FEMALE HELP WANTED for ofl'tce work in Seaforth, business. Experience Preferred. Apply to Box 526, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4604-2 Property For Sale FOR SALE-17ee acres of land, con- sisting of 12 acres of buah and tops. Ap- ply to W. STILLAR, Listowel, Ont. Phone 973.11. 4604x2 ESTATE FOR SALE One lot with six -room insul brick -cov- ered cottage in Village of Hensall, . Ont. Hydro, hard and soft water, sun porch, storm dome' and windows; full basement; double garage. Apply to DAVID DIGNAN, Executor, Mill St„ Hensall, Ont. AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, Lot 28, Concession 4, Morris Township, 1%,t north of Brussels, I utile west, on THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, at 1 p.m.: STOCK -7 cows, Derhams, with calves at foot: 2 2 -year-old heifers ready for market; 7 year-old steers and heifers; 11 pigs 7 weeks old; 150 hens IMPLEMENTS -1 Ford Tractor, plow, Pulley; Massey -Harris binder, 7 -foot, in trued shape: P McCormick -Deering ser' tug fertilizer drill, nearly new: McCormick -Deering siderake, nearly new: Cockshutt stiff tooth cultivator; Frost & Wood 6 -foot mower: McCormick -Deering drophead hay loader; set 4 -section diamond harrows; disc har- row; 2.000-1b scales; International ham- mer mill; Massey -Harris cream separator and motor attached: fanning mill; rub- ber tired wagon ; rack and gravel box ; quantity of lumber; buggy; manure spreader ; 40 steel posts; emery and motor; 1/3 H.P. motor, heavy duty, nearly new: 4602-4 team harness; road cart; ladders;. pig crate; steel pig troughs; 200 feet snow fence: forks, shovels, chains, etc., FEED ---600 bushels mixed grain ; 7 tons mixed hay, baled. No reserve. farm sold. Terms ---Cash. RUSSEL CURRIE, Proprietor; 33.00 PAID for dead hoarsen and cows; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- higber prices paid for sick and disabled nay, Clerk. 4604-1 horses and cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153 collect. 4598-12 Livestock Wanted Farms For Sale FOR SALE -40 -acre farm. Lot 23, Boun- dary Grey and Mcliiilop, east of Walton. Apply JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 60 r 4, Brussels. 4601x6 FOR SALE --Frame house and .small barn, on seven acres of land: 2ne miles west of Egmondville and 2 miles south. Contact JOHN SMITH. Phone 651 r 2. Seaforth. 6404x3 FARM FOR SALE ---771e acres of good elay loam soil: bank barn and frame house, driving shed and drilled well: 30 acres fall plowed, remainder in grass and Pasture. Apply GEORGE FOX, R.R. 1, Walton. Phone 83e r 13, Seaforth, 4604-1 Wanted WANTED—A used baby's crib. State price. Apply Box 531, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4604x1 WANTED—Pasture for a few head of cattle. JOHN BELL. Phone 847 r 4. ,Seaforth. 4604x1 WANTED- Used Hydr-Flep power take- off: tractor chains: saw, Apply EMER- SON COLEMAN, R.R, 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 r 1I. 4604x1 Notices NOTICE --Seed grain cleaned and treat- ed- Location: two blocks west of Seaforth Creamery. LOUIS LECHNER. 4602-8 RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, opposite. Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 147-11, 4598-tf GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 12 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed, Contact 850 r 33 Sea - forth. 4598-tf NOTICE, POULTRYMEN --For highest prices for fowl. (hens or roosters), con- tact MEL DALE or G. MOLLWATN. Phone Seaforth 590-W, or 841 r 14 after 6 p.m. 4503-4 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice, Phone 393, ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Gleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 459841 ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 — Prompt, eourteons collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides.' Call eollect ED, ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, or 235. Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 459842 LAWN MOWER and Small Engine Ser- vice. We specialize in sharpening, over- hauling, parts and repair service on all makes of lawn mowers and small en- gines- CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797. 4602x6 ,SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—Sep. tic tanks. cesspools, etc, pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment.. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation, LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels, Phone 42 r 6. Brussel[. 4600x10 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m„ Mill St., Hen- sall Bring your livestock. Always a good ttaarket price, HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Hensall; VICTOR HARGREAVES, 685 r 11, Cliritan. a 4591x12 ATTENTION CAR BUYERS Our Low Cost Financing and Insurance plan still help yon make .a better deal. BEFOREyou buy talk to us, W.• C. OKE INSURANCE done 458 Seaforth WATERLOO CATTLE I31EEDING ASSOCIATION drtiflife Better EMUS Are heed" al Iitddm%ttlttlo11 &leeks for al • dpi' cattle Eror Settled or Inlformal- iffy: pbdrio CIANTON 242, redact, be, idkil '75811 and 1106 a.iir. 495 treelr dolts d'1' 06; end'. 0 80 nM? -oti 8t3nH8iwe.4080 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects, at Lot 21, Concession 14, Grey Township, 214 south of Brussels, 6 miles east, or 614 chiles west of No. 23 Highway, on TUES- DAY. APRIL I7th, at 12 o'clock: CAT- TLE -1 Durham cow due to freshen .June 22; 2 Jersey cow due to freshen July 5: 1 .Jersey cow, recently fresh; 50 Durham and Polled Angus steers, 950 pounds. PiGS-12 York sows 'Turnbull breed. four with litters, balance due May and June: 1 York hog. IMPLeeMEN9'S--Cockshutt 30 tractor with live .power takeoff, in A -I condition; new 3 -furrow Cockshutt plow: Cocltshutt'tractor disc: John Deere 17 -run drill; John Deere tractor spreader; In- ternational spring tooth cultivator; 8 -foot McCormick -Peering hay baler. Tike new: t0 -foot Smoker elevator and 1 H.P. motor; new litter carrier bucket; 40 -foot exten- sion ladder ; steel tire wagon ; rubber tired wagon, heavy duty; 16 -foot hay rack ; John Deere power mower, 7 -foot. with three knives; 6 -section diamond har- rows; 1 set chain harrows: Cockshutt one- way dice: Cockshutt power siderake (new); 10 -foot culti-packer; 7 -foot Mas- sey -Harris binder; 1 stock trailer; 1 im- plement trailer; (all these implements are in like new chapel ; steel water trough; e600 -Ib. scales; 18 -inch power lawn mow- er: 500 feet snow fence; 50 (tee) posts; 25 cords hardwood : pile cedar wood; 20 rads woven wire: 1(.: tons nut coal ; bug. Y:+: cutter: good single harness; pig ,.its , quantity haled straw and baled bay : 2 Beatty cars : 2 forks. ropes and Pulley : 900 bushels Clinton oats, fit for seed; 200 bushels wheat: forks, shovels, chains, tools, etc., found about a farm; •5 chicken crates; 2 range shelters: stone - bout: number of harrels; plank and lum- ber; 8 8 -gallon milk cans; steel nig troughs: iron kettle: 75 cedar posts; num- ber of tedar eon -a. HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS- Quantity of household effects, such as Spartan radio; electric roaster; dishes ar,d kitchen utensils, Everything listed must eo, as farm is sold, Terms— Cash. SELWYN RAKER, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk, Lunch booth on grounds. 4604-1 Estate AUCTION SALE of Farm, Farm Stuck, Machinery and Household Effects, at Lot '27. Concession 2. Stanley Township, 114 west and 1 mile south of Radar School, on Friday, April 13th, at 12:30 p.m.: HORSES --Matched black Percheron team, 1400 lbs., CAT- TLE -1 Durham cow due time of sale; 1 Durham cow, due in ,lune: 6 Durham cows, fresh, and calves at foot; 1 Dur- '° ham bull 2 years old ; 2 steers ready for market: 1 heifer ready for market; 4 Hereford and Durham steers, rising two Years old; 2 Durham heifers, 850 186. ; 5 Durham steers and heifers, 1 year old. HOGS -2 York sows, bred 2 months: 24 York chunks 00 Tbs, MACHINERY— Oliver 77 Standard Tractor, fully equip- ped (like new) : Oliver 2 -furrow plow: Mc -Deering 3 -farrow "plow,: ,John Deere tractor disc.; 24 -inch Dien threshing ma- chine (like new), shredder and drive belt; McCormick 15-discfertilizer drill (like new) ; manure spreader on rubber; Mc -Deering siderake (like new) ; 8 -foot mower; airing tooth cultivator: 3 -drum steel roller. 9 ft. ; 5 -section diamond har- rows; M. -H. 7 -foot binder in good con- dition ; M, -H, hay loader: sulky rake; 6 - foot mower; 7 -foot Cockshutt tractor mower with power Lift: rubber tired farm wagon: flat hay rack ; scalier: set of farm sleighs and rack; set of scales; Renfrew cream separator with motor: fanning mill with motor; Gehl hammer mill (new); grain thrower and pipes (new) ; exten- sion straw blower pipe; root pulper: grain grinder with 3 R.P. motor: power em- ery; rip eaw ; circular saw ; aluminum wheelbarrow (new) ; quantity of syrup equipment: colony house 12' by 12? (like new); brooder; quantity of used steel roof- ing ; new steel poets; cedar posts; steel water trough: 1,500 feet of 1 -inch hem- lock lumber: quantity of 1 -inch and 2 -inch elm; carpenter tools and other tools. GRAIN --Quantity of mixed grain ; quan- tity of grain suitable for seed: timothy seed e 300 bales of mixed hay and some loose hay; quantity of body hardwood; also Limb wood; pile of cedar rails. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -2 stoves, range Jewel: day bed; 5 chairs: arm chain; cupboard; 3 rocking chairs; card table; spinning wheel: complete dinner set; pu- iowa ; 2 bedroom !mites; new spring mat- tress; toilet set; dining room table; milk cans. FARM—At the same place the farm will lee offered for sale at 8 p.m.: 150 acres: frame house with all modetm- conveniences; ' new two -cur garage; Lr bank barna with good stabling and we.. ter ; excellei 1' water ettpply ; 180 acres for crop and Pasture; 20 nava of littrdwgod bush. Termq Chattels, Cash; Propertee— 10% doom balance In 80 days. Reserve bid, ESTATE O' WILLIAM SINCLAIR; Harold .dasiriidii. FtSctioildr r ; E. P, 'CIt'etti hey, Werk 4502-2 Notices To Creditors For Sale NOTICE to CREDITORS FOR ApplySAMRS. A. BETHUNE,,, ]e new. MRS. Spar ling St. Phone 382-W. 4604-1 In the Estate of FRANK JOSEPH BECHELY All persons having claimp against the Estate of Frank Joseph Richely, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Dental Surgeon, deceased, who died on the 2nd day of March, 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 611 day ef- May. -1956,-s€ter. which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seaforth, this 10th day of April, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, FOR SALE—Some baled hay, timothy Solicitors for the Executrix. seed and Beaver oats. Phone 833 r 31. 4604-3 JOHN W. THOMPSON. 4604-1 FOR SALE—Roto Hoe, complete and with rotary mower attachment; original cost $200.00. Will sell for $125.00. H. G. 1KEIR, Seaforth. 4604x1 FOR SALE—Good clean alfalfa seed and timothy seed. Apply WM, MARTIN. Phone 690 r 13, Hensall. 4604x2 FOR SALE—Quantity of good baled hay. Apply- NORRIS SILLERY, . R.R.- 8, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 628-J-4. 4604x1 FOR SALE—A Durham heife., due in a few' days ; also a quantity of baled bay. ARTHUR VARLEY, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 650 r 2. 4604-1 FOR SALE—Riding type garden trac- For Sale; tor. 7 H.P., complete with plough, drag 1 harrows, cultivator and disc harrows. Us- ed one year. CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797. 4604-2 FOR SALE—A quantity of Beaver seed oats, grown from registered seed. Apply FOR SALE—Double lots for g4tick sale. ! to LARRY WHEAI'LEY. Phone 849 r 14, Apgly Box 530, HURON EXPOSITOR. Seaforth. 4604-1 ,4609x21 54FOR SALE—Quantity of timothy seed, ,50 per bushel; also sweet clover seed, FOR SALE—Timothy seed. Apply to E6.00 Der bushel. WILFRED COLEMAN, LOUIS BOLTON, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone R.R. 9, Seaforth. Phone 552 r 14. 840 r 22, Seaforth. 4503x2 4604-1 FOR SALE—A good part Hereford calf. Apply to W. D. WILSON, Brucefield. Phone 668 r 33. 4604-1 FOR SALE—One furnace blower in Fe FOR YOUR LAWN AND GARDEN— good condition. TELEPHONE 134-R, Sea- I rtilizer, garden peat, bone meal, sheep forth. 4503x3 tee Manure, liquid fertilizer and soil condi- ners. Lawn roller, lawn sweeper, fer- zer spreader for rent. CROWN HARD - ARE. Phone 797. 4604-2 FOR SALE --A number of glees show- wt cases, LARONE'S STATIONERY STORE, Seaforth- 4503-2 ' F011 SALE — Clean, bright fuel oil, FOR SALE --Collie pups. MISS DON- Sarnia's best from Government tested coal, toof vat screened 1; and each de - NA CHOMTCKI, R.R, 4, Walton. Phone livery, WILLIAM M, HART, 839 r 24, Seaforth. 4604x1 ( 4598-tf FOR SALE—Red cedar posts, all sizes. SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, 510.00 BORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2, Sea- per load, approximately 2'4 cords; mined forth. 4503.8 wood, 58,00 per load, approximately two FOR SALE—Piano in good condition; cords, Prompt delivery. FRED J, recently overhauled- CALL 392-R for HUDIF Phone Clinton 862. particulars. 4604.3 I 4594x12 FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet; single FIVE DOLLARS down, up to 24 moths bed, springs and mattress, In good condi- to Day for a genuine Surge Milker Unit. tinBest investment to protect good udders. tion. P HO 331- W l� 4604.1 Contact LOVELL McGUIRE. Phone 593, FOR SALE—Timathe seed, cleaned; Wingham, Surge Dealer; in shop 'Satur- 54.50 a bushel. JAMES DRUMMOND, , days, 4600x16 Hensall. Phone 690 r 15. PLANT HURON COUNTY'S most pro - 4602x3 fitable grain crop. Be sure you use the GLAD BULBS -10 for 75c, or 10 for ' best seed corn available for either grain 90c ; packaged. 25 for 90c. ERIC MILNER, corn or ensilage. Phone 658 r 23, Sea - FLOWERS. Phone 393, Seaforth. forth, for your supply of Funk's G Hybrid seed corn. W. A. HAUGH & SONS, 4503-tf. Brucefield, exclusive dealer for Tucker FOR SALE—Old-fashioned library table smith. 4602-3 with solid walnut top and a good finish • MRS. W. H. GOLDING. Phone 205. 4604x1 ONTARIO'S GIGANTIC 8th Annual ORIGINAL OLD-TIME Fiddlers' Contest will be held for the Free Press Trophy and Hensall Chamber of Commerce Junior Trophy, in the HENSALL ARENA Friday, June 8th FOR SALE -5 H.P. Simplicity garden tractor, three forward speeds and reverse, with lights and stand, wheel weights and counterweight ; 10 -inch plow, cultivator, disc,' scraper, snow blower, seeder, roto mower; used one season. Also 71,11-, H.P. Firestone outboard motor: both in excel- lent condition. Apply MAX CARTER, Eg- mondville. Phone 459-W after 6 o'clock. 4604x2 Too Late' To Classify FOR SALE—Girl's C.G.M.'bicycle; cheap. for quick Bale. Apply to MRS. T. O'LOUGHLIN, $igh St, Seaforth, Spreat'a Apts., or Phone 197.W. 4604_4 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goode). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25n; 24 same (Lieu 51.00. Mail - Order Dept. T.78. NQV,'a-RUBBER CO., Hoz 01. $smllton, Cards of Thanks SHEERAN and RICKY BURDGE thank everyone who so kindly remembered them with cards and treats while they were ill, 4604xl MRS. JAMES W. GRAS(, Brucefield, wishes to thank friends and neighbors, al- so Women's Association of the Brucefield United " Churcl➢;'--for' 'cards,--'flowers--and' kind wishes during her recent illness. 4604-1 THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Letitia Sangster wish to express their gratitude and thanks for kindness extended to them in the sudden bereavement of their mother, for messages of sympathy and floral tri- butes. Special thanks to the Ladies' Aux- iliary to the Legion, 4604-1 In Memoriam DOLMAGF,—Ip memory of Mrs, Sidney Dolmage, who passed away inSeaforth on April 13, 1955. Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guile; Deep trust in God that all was right, Her joy to make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she knew, Some gentle act of love she'd do; No thought o3 self, but of "the other"; 1 know Re said. "Well done, dear mother," —Lovingly remembered by her Husband and Family. 4604x1 Births DRIVER—To Mr. and Mrs, Bill Driver (nee Marilyn Ritchie), a son, born April 4, 1956, in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Both doing well. D'KROON At Scott Memorial Hospital. on April 4, to Mr and Mrs. Paul D'Kroon, R.R. 2, Dublin, a eon, ' ELLIOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, ' o8 April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Seaforth, a daughter. FLEAR—Don and Betty Flear, (nee Arm- strong).of Grand B end are ha to announce the birth of their son at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Monday, April 9, 1956, A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear, Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs, George Armstrong, Hensall. RYAN—In Leamington, on April 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ryan, a daugh- ter --Mary Claire. A sister for Paul and Maureen. Deaths JOHNSON --In St. Mary's Hospital, Lon- don. on Tuesday, April 10, Thomas Patrick Johnson, formerly of McKillop, in his 71st year. RILEY—In Constance, on Monday, April 9,• Charles W. Riley. in bis 72nd year. MULLEN—In Seaforth, on Friday, April 6. James Gibson Mullen, in his Slat year. HENSALL NEWS OF THE WEEK Rev, C. D. Daniel was guest min- ister on Church of the Air over CKNX, Wingham, on Wednesday morning of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nichol and Miss A. P. Nichol. of London, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark, Sr., on Saturday. lMrs. Isabelle McKinnon, of Tiv- erton, spent last Friday with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. Miss Margaret Bell. Mrs. Mary Howlett, Harold and Don Bell, of Toronto, were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. O. Rarhpson are getting nicely settled in their home they recently purchased from Miss Alice Kyle on Main Street. They were formerly of Londesboro. Mr, and Mrs. E. Bell, of Toron- to. were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell and family. Jack Adkins has purchased the property of the late Mrs. Alice Blackwell. Mr. and Mrs. George Hess spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy. Toronto, their grandchil- dren, Cathy. Jimmy and Christine, who spent Easter week with them returned home with them. Services in Chiselhurst United Church on Sunday were conduct- ed by the minister, Rev. C. D. Daniel. Holy Communion was ad- ministered, Joining the church by profession of faith were Shirley Elizabeth Ferguson, Geraldine Ruth Parker, Dorothy Lila Parker, William Douglas Brintnell,`Carol June Munn and Marily Joyce Munn. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church held a successful hot sup- per in the church schoolroom on Saturday and realized $100. Varied colored pots of African violets adorned the' centre of the tea tables. NOTICE TO CREAM PRODUCERS As of this date, you will receive a good price for your cream. The floor price for Butter is set at 58c, which price is established for two years, to April 30, 1958. OUR PRESENT CREAM PRICES ARE: TRUCK: Special Grade .63c First Grade .61c DELIVERED: Special Grade .66c First Grade .64c SEAFORTH CREAMERY Phone 80 Harvey Leslie, Proprietor Town of Seaforth .ry - NOTICE -- REGARDING - REGARDING TAX ARREARS We have at present $27,000.00 in tax arrears which is an added burden on the Taxpayer. In fairness to all taxpayers, we intend to collect all tax arrears. It is suggested that those in arrears be given Thirty Days to pay same, or declare their inten- tions to do so. If after the 12th of May, 1956, no attempt -or arrangements have been made to pay arrears, the Municipality is left with no other alternative than to collect by a tax sale, Regarding Arreas in Dog Tax For 1955 If not paid by May 12, 1956, action will be taken through the court to collect. FINANCE COMMITTEE of the Town of Seaforth ST. THOMAS' LADIES' GUILD The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church was held Tuesday after- noon in the Parish Hall. The presi- dent, Mrs. J. R. Spittal, was in charge and the meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer, followed by prayers for the parish, Min- utes and treasurer's report were read, followed by roll call. During the business discussion, it was de- cided to hold a rummage sale on Saturday, April 28. The collection was received. and dedicated, and the (meeting adjourned with bene- diction. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the HURON COUNTY TB Association will be held in the Board Room, Department of Agriculture CLINTON Monday Evening APRIL 30 at 8 p.m, The public k invited to attend. MRS, J. B. RUSSBL1,, Executive Secretary - _F. E. 1VCADILL President feenefeesesell Mr, and Mrs Norman : iikett visited on Sunday with Mr. Dick- ert's mother and a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Dickert, of Harr`iston. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart C,udmore and Lorne, of London, were Sun- day guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudanore. Mrs. William Winder returned home Tuesday, after being a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, for seven weeks. Mrs. Stanlake, of 'Exeter, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Elston Dowson, Sunday visitors of Mr. Robert Thomson included: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes and Larry, of Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cornish and._.family, .of.. Gnderich; Mrs_ Stanlake, of Exeter. Miss Kathryn Anderson spent a few days during the Easter holi- days with her cousin, Miss Gloria Rumball, in Clinton ZION Misses Donna and Betty Ann Barker spent their Easter holidays with their aunt and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McPhail. EUCHRE & DANCE WINTHROP HALL Friday, April 13' Sponsored by the Farmers' Union EUCHRE AT 8:30 p.m. A local orchestra will furnish the musk. • • Ladies please bring Lunch EVERYBODY WELCOME *NAM[N'UIEE'- F 1500 Evergreen Treeii'.Atving Next Week FROM HOLLAND • Savin Juniper -- Pfitzeriana--..i4Iughp k?tno,— I irks .Yew,. Pyramidalis = and others. GORDON C. NOBEL »r Phone 793,R Railway S�t�, Seaforth Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable Pastime The Dennis Electric are starting a WASHER REPAIR SERVICE If you are having trouble with any make of Washer or Dryer, just CALL 467 — SEAFORTH Farmers! Plant the Best Clover Seeds - Grass Seeds - MA SEE US FOR: Number One Quality and Purity. Seed Oats - - - - Excellent Quality Contract Barley - We offer you a minimum of delay - v when unloading your trucks at har- vest 4 unloading pits. SEED OATS CONTRACTS Fertilizer - _ CIL Brand — Very competitive cash paces. Seed Corn ~ - Funk's and Pfister NEW SEED' CLEANING PLANT — Modern Machinery To Clean and Treat Your Seed. W. G.Thompson and Son Ltd: Hensall Phone 32 Our priCeS are the lowest. •• �U`.Yo`fv'Ftza.am7/Aasiz �3'ifa i+/pwom a" ,., - .r.G'ii�a:'ica%'s air �g c, USED CARS. 'Huron County's finest Used Car Market 1956.CHEV. BEL MR SEDAN BELOW Powerglide with V-8 Engine LIST 1955CHEfullyeq equipped SEDAN 1895 1954 f HEV. DE LLUUXE POWER GLIDE 1650 llly equipped 2-1954 CHEV. SEDANS 1495 fully ,equipped 1954 CHEV. BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE 1953 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1995 1395 1295 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 0410 1951 ClikeV. COACH De Luise 900 1949 CHEV. COACH 695 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS . 495 405 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN TRUCKS 1947 DODGE 1 -TON PICKUP - 3 A Written Guarantee for 60 days on an Late Model Cars --Many Other Models to Choose From - BRUSSELS -- ilwe'itione bf j irL=tt l ifse&;.4r ' ONTARIO PEN E ERI1 EVENtwo it •'t ir