HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-03-23, Page 4s srinT7I74•7477. XPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MARCH 23i* - WHERE MORE PEOPLE DO MORE EllIYING AND SELLING! lassified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates kOlit SALE, WANTED, LOST AND•,FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2n4 Week % Cent 3rd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts an one word. Cards a Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. E`nquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 centa extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Ete.—Ratea on application - Coming Events BE ON HAND for a good time at Mit- chell's Crystal Palace Ballroom on Fri- day night, with Clarence Petrie's Night , Hawks. 11,598,45 HOME BAKING SALE and Tea, Satur- day, April 7th. from 3 to 5 p.m., North - aide United Church Schoolroom. Auspices Group 4 ofthe W.A. 4601-1 Lost and Found LOST—On Goderich St. West, one black kid glove. PHONE 836 r 12, Seaforth. 4601-1 For Rent • FOR RENT—Three-room unfurnished apartment, Immediate possession. PHONE 250-R, or days 146. 4598-tf Motor Cirs For Sale TRUCK FOR SALE—'49 G.M.C. 3 -Ton stake with hoist and P.C.V. •. new rubber. Write or phone DAVID OESCH, Zurich, Ont., R.R. 2. Phone 79 r 5, Zurich. 4699x3 Help Wanted WANTED—Girl for general housework, To live in or out. Apply Box 622, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4600-2 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED — Wanted housekeeper for light housework. No out- side work. Conveniences. Box 521, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR 4600x2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED GRAVEL TENDERS WANTED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned on or before April 9, 1956, for crushing and hauling 8,000 cubic yards of „crushed stone, gravel to pass through a %-inch screen. Material to be used will be from the West Venner pit, Hensel], Ontario. Tender to show price per cubic yard for crushing and also a flat rate price per cubic yard for hauling anywhere in the Township of Hay. Contractor to suppls crusher and truck; Hay Township to supply truck. Gravel to be placed on roads on or be- , ' foreMay 20, 1956. ... . Livestock Wanted A marked cheque for 9200.00 is to ac- company each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 93.00 PAID for dead horses and cows; higher prices paid for sick and disabled All work and material to be to the horses and caws. PHONE ATWOOD 158 satisfaction of the Road Superintendent. collect. 4598-12 Contract to be signed as soon as tender is let. Wanted WANTED—Junior size girl's bicycle. PHONE 124, Seaforth. 4601x1 WANTED—Two gentlemen boarders. MRS. NOBLE McCALLUM, Seaforth. Phone 187-R. 4600-3 JAMES MASSE, Road Superintendent, R. R. 2, Zurich, Ont. II. W. BROKENSHIRE, . Clerk, Zurich, Ont 4601-2 WA34TED-1 will pay $3.00 each for young dogs, 25 pounds or over, delivered SEPARATE to me until further notice. Phone 683 DRAINAGE TENDERS r 11. ALBERT W. SHIRRAY, RAI. 2, Henson 4599x3 Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED Teacher required for rural school, near Seaforth. Good salary according to quali- fications and experience. W. P. ROBERTS, See., Tuckersmith School Area, R.R. 3. Seaforth. 4601-2 TEACHER WANTED A qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 4, McKillop. Duties to commence September, 1956. Apply, stating certificate, Inge and name of last Inspector, to Secre- tary-l'reasurer: KENNETH STEWART, RR, 5, Seaforth. 4600-2 Farms For Sale FOR SALE -40 -acre farm, Lot 23, Boun- dary Grey and McKillop, east of Walton. Apply JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 60 r 4, Brussels. 4601x6 100 ACRES, close to No. 4 Highway (Brucefield); good brick house and barn, hydro throughout. Soil 'is fertile clay loam, suitable for grain or cash crops; 8 acres fall wheat; 70 acres ploughed, balance newly seeded. Good water sup- ply. Price $12,500.00; immediate poases- (don ; terms. C. V. PICKARD, Realtor, Exeter 9601-2 Personals HYGLF.NIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton, Notices RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of wadies, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, apposite Dick novae, Seaforth. Phone S47-13, 4698-tf GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 12 per foot on contract basis. Al] work guaranteed, Contact 850 r 33. Sea - forth. 4598-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA In Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393, ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. 4598-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! — Prompt, eourtemni collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call eollect NO. ANDREWS, 861 r 11, Sea - forth, or 235, Exeter. Asigiciated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 459848 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL-.-Seps tic tanks, cesspoola, etc, pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels - 4600x10 HENSALL SALES" Every 'Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St, Hen - Nall. Bring your livestock. Alwaye a good market price. HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Jibnasil; VICTOR HARGREAVES, 685 r 21. Clinton. 4591x12 FINANCING A CAR? Before you bus' ask about our tow Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 458 Seaforth WATERLOO CATTLE I3RE-EDING. ASSOCIATION . ',"Fibere itetter 80116 Are time ' tiniesaltiatiria iservieti for Ill ttle.- For tieintita Oh 10024- :',oUltr014 t40,,tomiati ota 10:00 el.r. bat Wawa *10100 etiti.c,,Mt itint Township of McKillop for the construction and repair, according to Engineer's profile and specifications, will be received until April 2nd. 1. Hamilton DraM, 6,700 lineal feet to dig, lay and backfill of 16, 14, 12, 7. 6. 5 and 4 -inch tile, 3 catch basins and field stone protection. 2. Ristner Drain, 12,150 lineal feet op- en work, excavating and levelling ma- terial. 3. Swamp Drains. 6,852 lineal feet. open work. excavating and levelling ma- terial; 4,275 lineal feet, to dig, lay and backfill of 14, 12, 10, 6 and 4 -inch tile, 1 catch basin and 4 field stone protec- tions. 4. Bennewies Drain, 1,520 lineal feet, open work, excavating and levelling ma- terial and field stone protecticia. Township to supply tile and piping within approximately one mile of work. A marked cheque for 10 per eent with a minimum of 9100.00, to accompany eac.h tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender to state when work will be done. Plan, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop Township, R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ont. For Sale FOR SALE --Quantity alfalfa seed and timothy seed. WM. L. O'ROURKE. Phone 36 r 25, Dublin. 4600x3 FOR SALE—International No. 64 com- bine, 3 years old. PHONE 695 r 2, Hen- sel). 4601x2 FOR SALE—Beatty washer, in good condition. Apply AIRS. 11T/GH ALEXAN- DER, Seaforth. 4601-1 FOR SALE—Freshened and springing Durham cows. MARTIN HIEGEL, RM. 2, Walton, •4601x1 FOR SALE --Used Easy washins, mach- ine, in A-1 condition, one year old. Ap- ply BOX FURNITURE. 4601-1 FOR SALE—African Violets, $1.00; regular 61.60. All named varieties. ERIC MILNER, Seaforth. 4598-18 FOR SALE—Kiddie car and 2 pairs of shoes, size 5. in good condition. Phone 237, Main St. South. HARVEY HEUER- M ANN. 4600x2 FOR SALE—Two Registered Shorthorn bulls, one year old; also 11 pigs 12 weeks, old. FRANK FALCONER. Phone Clinton 615-J-3. 4600-2 FOR SALE — Walden & Broadfoot, wholesale and retail, stove oil and furnace fuel oil, F -I -N -A, finest in North America. PHONE 354, Seaforth, 4594-9 FOR SALE—China cabinet, good as new, and white corner cupboard. MER- TON KEYES. Phone 656 r 11, Seaforth. 46011111 FOR SALE—White enamel electric Ren- frew cream separator. Apply to JAMES BLACK. Phone 665 r 13, Seaforth. 4601-1 FOR SALE—Six young Durham cows, just freshened : also four to freshen soon. RUSSEL COLEMA,N Phone 665 r Seaforth. 4601x1 FOR SALE—Registered Hereford bull, one year old, from an accredited herd. ART FINLAYSON. Phone 651 r 3. Sea - forth. 4601x2 BALED HAY FOR SALE — Quantity tirnothy and red clover. LORNE ROE, Walton, RR. Blyth. 4601x1 FOR SALE—Quantity of timothy seed. Apply to BERT THOMPSON, Kippen. Phone 678 r 24, Hensel', 4601x2 FOR SALE—A registered Tamworth boar, 2 years old. JACK McIVER, St. Columban, Phone Dublin 22 r 21. 4601x1 FOR SALE—Oak dining room furni- ture, including five chairs and large buf- fet. In excellent condition. PHONE 309, Seaforth. 4601x1 FOR SALE—One good Holstein cow, due within one week. R. J. DOIG, RR. 1, Dublin. Phone 849 r 11, Seaforth. 4601-1 FOR, SALE—Some baled hay, timothy seed and Beaver oats. JOHN W. THOMP- SON. Phone 833 r 31, Seaforth. 4601-1 FOR SALE—Quantity of Beaver oats; also Montt:aim seed barley. Apply PEAR - SON CHARTERS. Phone Hensall 679 r 21. •4601x1 FOR SALE—Girl's spring coat, size 14, colored beige; used a short time; girl's tricycle, large size. PHONE 135-J. 4601-1 FOR SALE- Floor model electric sew- ing machine and stool; 2 chests drawers; 1 china cabinet; 1 dining room table; 1 Quebec heater. Apply THE EXPOSITOR. 4601x1 FOR SALE—Two service age bulls, 1 Hereford, 1 Shorthorn; also Rodney oats and Montcalm barley for seed. Apply ROBERT E. McMILLAN. 46410x2 FOR SALE — Clean, bright' fuel.. oil, Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1.,; and Government -tested coal, screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART, 4598-18 SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, $10.00 Per load, approximately 2% cords: mixed wood, $8.00 per load, approximately two cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDLE. Phone Clinton 862. 4594x12 FIVE DOLLARS down, up to 24 months to pay for a genuine Surge Milker Unit. Best investment to protect good udders. Contact LOVELL MeGUIRE. Phone 593, Wingliam, Surge Dealer: in shop Satur- 4601-1 days. 4600x16 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM T. THOMPSON All persons having claims against the Estate of William T. Thompson, late' of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of February, 1956, are here- by notified to Bend them in to the under- signed on or before the 9th day of April, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 9th day ofMarc),, 1956. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4600-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT B. ROGERSON All persons having claims against the Estate of Robert B. Rogerson, late of the Town of Seriforth, in the County of Hur- on, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of February, 1956, are hereby notified to send them in to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of April, 1966, after which date the asseta will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., thia 9th day of March, 1956. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4600-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of SARAH ANN TROUT, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above-narned, who died on or about the 14th day of February, 1956, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of April, 1956, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only to tlainia of which notice has then been re- ceived. DATED at Stratford, this 9th day of Marth, 1956. By The Sritiah Mortgage and Trust Corporation of Ontario, Executor. BY its Solicitors herein: dittICIORY, ANDERSON, ElaGONTZ & BELL go DOWnie Street, Stratford, Onturio. 460041 ORDER YOUR FLOWERS "now for Easter. Potted plants, hydrangee, 91.00 Per bloom; Easter Lilies, 75 cents per bloom; Gloxinias, $3.00; Mums, all col- ors, $3.00. WALLACE ROSS, agent for Mitchell Nurseries, 4601-1 CUT FLOWERS for Easter: Cali Lilies, 98.00 per dozen; Mums, all colors, 93.00 per bunch; Carnations, all colors. 95.00 per dozen: Tulips, all colors, $2.00 per dozen; Daffodils, 92.00 per dozen. Flowers wired to anywhere in Canada and United States. WALLACE ROSS, agent for Mit- chell Nurseries. 4601-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 28, Concession 3, Ea-st Wawanosh Town- ship, 2 miles north of Auburn, on THURS- DAYS APRIL 5th at 1 p.m.: Full line ' of farm machinery, including Ford -Fergu- son tractor in good condition. Ferguson plow, Maasey-Harris binder, side rake, manure spreader, drill disc, rubber tired wagon, 10 -ton choice baled hay, 6 cows due to freshen from June to Marc),, 6 young cattle, some household effecta. Terms—Cash. ERNEST PIICKINGBOT- TOM, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer ; E. P. Cheaney, Clerk. 4601-2 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock and -Machinery at Lot 6, Concession 6, Logan Township, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, at 1 p.m., 3% miles: north of Mitchell and 2% east: Model Inter-, national tractor with new motor, live hy- draulic pump; 2 -furrow International plow; A-21 John Deere combine with grain bin; Wisconain air-cooled motor, 18 M.P.; 4 -row beet and bean stuffier, fully equip- ped; Lundell all -crop forage harvester (like new); 10 -ft. John Deere spring tooth cultivator on rubber; 16 -run double disc; John Deere fertilizer drill on rub- ber; Papec silo filler, finger feed; Gehl hammer mill with cutter head (like new); Pollard siderake, wheel type; John Deere power mower (like new); International manure loader; 12 -foot chain harrows; 4 - section diamond harrows; 5-sec8ion diam- ond harrows; 8 -foot cultiprihker; John Deere tractor diac; International binder; Ford dump truck; buckrake; 3 H.P. elec- tric Motor (never used); John Deere tractor manure opreader:: Cockshutt push bar hay loader; feed mixer; water trough; circular saw; drive belt, 50400t endless; 2 rubber tired wagons; set farm sleighs; fanning mill; stoneboat; Viking cream separator; 2,000 -lb. Renfrew scales; weigh- ing pletform; grapple hay book; haY fork; rubber tired. Wheelbarrow; pig trough; woven wire stretcher; 4 logging chains; forks, shrivels and other, a Joint too numerous to mention. CA'IT year -Old Here.fOrd riteeris and Welfare: 5 2 - year -old Hereford steers and htdfatit. Household Effects, including, cbitir 'etoe. Term—Cash. LORNE SNELL,' Thin" e - tor; Harald Jiteltson, Anat.:Meer; E: P. Cheariey, Clerk. Lflnch booth on, grOunda., 46014 Auction Sales AUCTIONSALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot la. Northeast Boundary, Uaborne Town- ship, 6 miles east and 2 miles north of Exeter, 6 rniles southeast of Hensall, 214 miles Routh and 4/2 mile west from Crom- arty, 6 miles north and west of Kirkton, Tuesday. March 27th, at 1 o'clock sharp: REGISTERED HEREFORDS -7 cows, re - bred; 7 calvee ranging in age from May to January (2 good bull prospects, 2 ex- cellent 4 -II Guinea prospects, • 2 heifer calves, 1 bull calf) ; 1 bred heifer. 1101„.. - STEIN COWS -1 cow freshened February; 2 due time of sale; 1 due April; 1 due in June; 1 due August; 1 heifer due July; 2 open heifers: 4 calves, 600 5.0 '100 tbs.; 1 month and a half old calf. PIGS—A number of weaner pigs. MACHINERY, ETC.—Case manure spreader, nearly new; rubber tired wagon and rack; 7 -foot Mas- sey -Harris binder MeCormick-Deering seed drill: Let. grinder; 14 -ton truck rack; 2 -unit Universal milker with pipes; scales; fanning mill with motor; work_ harness; colony house, 10 by 12; quantity of baled hay, oats, and several tone of cob corn. Catalogues for cattle may be obtained from proprietor or auctioneer. ROBERT ETERN, Hensel], Proprietor; W. S. O'Neil, Denfield, Auctioneer; Richard Etherington, Clerk. 4600-2 AUCTIONSALE- 08Farm Machinery and Household Et. facts, at Lot 24, Concession 8, Morris Township, 114 miles north and 114 miles west of Walton, on Tuesday, March 27th, at 1 IMPLEMENTS—'49 Ford trac- tor and plow; manure loader, Ferguson (new); McKee Harvester, 2 years old, with pipes; 7 -foot Deering binder; 75 sap pails and pan; 2 -wheel trailer with rack: steel water trough; scuffle"; M. -H. 6 -ft. mower; circular saw; walking plow; John Deere bay loader; set sloop sleighs; dump rake; set scales, 2,000 lbs. ; grain roller with motor; 8 -furrow disc plow; drag har- rows, 8 -sections: colony house, 10'x16'; grain blower; fanning mil]; 5 tons mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Kitchen cabinet; day bed; table (electric) lamp; sealers; kitchen table; • kitchen curtains; tin churn; good rug, 9x9%; some lin- oleum; porcelain sink, never used; cook stove (Renfrew), all -enamel, good; some cooking utensils; 3 dressers; 2 wash- stands; iron bed; mattress and springs; davenport; 2 tables; 7 or 8 kitchen chairs; cupboard; curtains dishes; chicken drink- ing glasses; electric plate; floor cover- ingS : 2 end tables; 2 stools; deep freeze, approx. 24 -ft.; Frigidaire, 9 ft.; side- board; 2 sets toilet dishes. Terms—Caph. ESTATE OF THE LATE JOSEPH BEWLEY; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 4600-2 AUCTIONSALE Of High Quality Shorthorns, Horses, Hogs, Tractor, Truck, Thresher, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items, on the premises, Lot 6, Concession 2, Stanley Toamsbip, 3% miles north of Hensel] or 114 miles west of Kippen and 114 miles north.—The undersigned auc- tioneer, received instructions to sel by public auction on Friday, March 23, 1956, commencing at 123:0 o'clock p.m.. sharp: HIGH QUALITY SHORTHORNS—Roan cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow carrying second calf, due in April; red cow carrying third calf, due in May: roan cow carrying second calf. due in May; roan cow carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow carrying fotirth calf, due in May; red cow mim- ing second calf, due in May; red cpw carrying fifth calf, due in 'Ariril ; 5 Dur- ham steers ready for market, averaging 1 250 lbs. each; 2 baby beefs averaging 500 tbs. each; 3 steers rising 2 years old; 2 heifers rising 2 years old 5 Durham Yearlings purebred Shorthorn bull rising; 3 years old. This is a- very choice herd of cattle, all in market condition. HORS- ES—General purpose team. true und re- liable; Clyde mare 8 years old. 110GS- 10 York pigs averaging 185 lbs. each. TRUCKS. TRACTOR and THTLESHING MACHINE -3950 Chev. half -ton pickup truck, very low mileage, in all around new condition. TRACTOR—MD, Super "W" 6, fully equipped, used one season, like new; Waterloo 28x45 thresher, fully equipped with cutter, grain blower, etc., in A-1 condition; 2 140 -foot Klingtite 7 - inch drive belts, like new • 200 -foot heavy cable with blocks and tackle. FARM 1 MACHTNERY—McDeering binder 7 -foot I mit, like new; McDeering mower 6 -foot ; cut, like new; MeDeering hay loader; Oliver 3 -furrow plow, like new; Cock- shutt 4 -section spring tooth harrows; Mc - Deering drophead hay loader; McDeering horse-drawn manure spreader on rubber; McDeering spring tooth cultivator, 8 -foot cut, equipped with extensions; Fleury 32 - plate tractor disc; 3 -drum steel roller; 10 -foot dump rake; 4 -section diamond har- rows; all -steel wagon; rubber .tire wagon; 16 -foot hay rack, brand new; 2 gravel boxes; International team scoffer and Puller; 100 capacity Spraymotor, corn- Pletely equipped, like new; M. -H. 13 -run gioain drill with fertilizer attachment; single scalier; sling ropes and chains; Renfrew electric cream separator; root pokier': Renfrew platform scales, 2,000. pounds capacity; 95 -gallon steel drum; fanning mill; set of britchen harness; backhand harness; bag truck; 40 -gallon copper apple butter kettle; cutter; quan- tity of lumber; quantity of stove wood; grass seeder; anvil; forge; drill; numer- ous carpenter and blacksmith tools; 7 -ton hydraulic jock; crosscut saw; wheelbar- hydraulic jack, crosscut saw wheelbar. mw; electric motors; hay fork; extension blower pipes; chScken feeders and water cans; chains; forks; shovels; Oliver scuf- fler and puller, and many articles too numerous to mention. HAY and GRAIN 200 bales mixed hay; 8 tons loose hay; 150 bushels mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Complete dining room suite: 5 complete bedroom suites; kitchen table and Chairs; kitchen stove; coal and wood heater; combination bookcase and writing desk; rug 9x12 feet; small tables: rocking chairs; chest of drawers; occasional chairs; ice .box; sealers; large apple peel- er; etc., etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. Due to extra large sale, selling will start sharp on time. Terms—Cash. AL - VIN McBRIDE, Proprietor; Ross Love, Clerk; Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. 4600-2 Cards of Thanks I WISH to thank everyone for cards and treats and those who came to visit me while I was a patient in the hospital. 4601-1 KEN MeLLWAIN A VERY SINCERE THANKS is extend- ed to our friends and neighbors for the Mass Cards, flowers and acta of kindness during oar sad bereavement. MRS. J. MATTHEWS AND FAMILY 4601x1 O WISH to extend my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered me with cards, let - tern and treats, and those who visited me white 1 was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, alao since I returned home. 4601-1 JOHN F. MURPHY MR AND MRS.' CARL STONEMAN wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the lovely flowers, lettere and carda received during her illnees in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Brady, Dr. McMaster and the nurs- es. 4601-1 WISH TO THANK all those who re- membered me while I was a 'Patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, td the doctors, and especially to the nurses, who were so very kind to Ine, and to all those who sent cards, boxes of fruit and fiowera. It was all arrpreciatert 4601 ROBERT McGONIGLE I WISH TO THANK the doctors of Seaforth Clinic, Mies Drone, the nurses and entire staff of Scott Memorial Hos- pital for their kindness th me. Also all the kind friends, relativesand neighbors for the beautiful flowers, gifts, visite and loVely dards sent me during my recent illneath 1 ettaire yob it has been all deeply anpretiated. MRS. JOHN "Wo MODELAND 4,201a1 Don't miss the many HALF- PRICE SPECIALS at Savauge§ March Dimnerware Sale. Side closes March 31st. SAVAUGE'S, Seaforth.—( Advt.). ' Mrs. D'insdale, Miss Mabelle Whiteman, Mrs. Brownlee and Miss Jean Ivison were in Goderieh recently, attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Charles McPhail, -al- so visiting some relatives. Recent visitors of MY. and Mrs. Elston Dowson included: Mr. Cook and Mrs. Horton, of Goderich, al- so Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr, of Winthrop. Miss Lois McLellan, of London, was a weekend guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLellan. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mr. A. Gackstetter included: Miss Ina Ropp, and Mr. Samuel Ropp, of Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blan- chard and Linda of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cann, of Clinton.. Miss Velma Hepburn, of Lon- don, was a weekend guest of her friend, Miss Merle Dickert., Mrs. James McClymont spent Saturday evening with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme, of Dashwood. Mr. Gerald Parsons, of. Thames - ford, visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle included. Mrs: Kyle's mother, Mrs. Kyle, of Clin- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dal- rymple and daughters, of Bruce - field, on the occasion of Jimmie's fifth birthday. Mr. Wesley Paisley, Chemainus, B.C., his son, Mr. Charles Paisley, of Barrie, and a son-in:law, Mr. McNicholl, of Seaforth, visited on Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. A number of Kippen ladies vis- ited Mrs. William Winder in South Huron Hospital last week, who hopes to be home before long. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, of London, visited Sun- day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore. Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar, Mrs. Alex McBeath, Mrs. Wilmer Jones and Mrs. Allan Johnson spent Sat- urday in London. Miss Alice Pfaff. of Exeter, spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robt• Elgie. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of Cairo, Mich., visited over the week end with Mrs. Love's father, Mr. Robert Cooper,. and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowler, of Toronto, visited Sunday afternoon with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson. On Friday afternoon last week, Mr, Glenn Slavin held a most suc- cessful auction sale at his farm. We are sorry to report Mr. Lorne Hey had an operation last week and has been in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mrs. Harry Caldwell had a very successful auction sale last Tues- day. The W.A. of St. Andrew's United Church had a booth on the grounds and realized the sum of over $60. Miss Ina Ropp, of Zurich, spent the weekend with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, Mr. Bud McLeod, of Ottawa, was a weekend visitor of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Norman McLeod. Mr. Arthur Anderson returned home Sunday after being hospital- ized in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. The family of Mr. Robert Coop- er gathered at his home on Sun- day to celebrate his birthday. • Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wothi, ir nIdec. antj'.?"10s, Jint'Va*K04Ce-aild'. $0 Jattielt.M.M;!,Mre: AnstM WoIfeand Grant; :of Melbourne,' and and Mrs:- Oliver Jacques, of Word. Honored Prior To Departuie An enjoyable time wes spent on Friday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alvin McBride, when their friends and neighbors met to honor them prior to their 'depar- ture to live in their new home in Exeter. Euchre started the even- ing, prizes being won by: ladies first, Miss Donna McBride; sec- ond, Mrs.. E. Grealis; gents, first Alex McBeath; second, Alvin Me - Bride. The following address of presen- tation was read by Mrs. Nelson Hood: Dear Alvin and Rena: We live in a world of changes. Most of us like to pursue the even tenor of our ways. However, changes must be accepted, so it is with re gret that we meet tonight to say adieu to you, our friends of such long standing. "New friends we cherish and treasure their worth buLold friends to us are the salt of the earth." You are leaving af- ter m'eny- years spent in beautify ing and enriching your farm which should be a satisfaction to both of you. You have also launch ed Stuart and Donna on worth wlule careers. Now it is time for you to enjoy some leisurely years Alvin, we expect that this com- ing harvest season you will at times, no doubt, be lonesome for "Waterloo Nellie," and Rena, you'll wonder why you have so much spare time when you no longer have to make so many phone calls trying 'to placate the housewives for delays in the arrival of "Wa- tersl000meNwiellishee.'s' are just for a moin- ent, and some linger throughout the day, but the heartful of things we wish you, are blessings that linger and stay. We wish you, not one day of gladness, but a lifetime of joy and good cheer, with the hope you receive God's blessing on every day of the year. Now we ask you to accept this remembrance, with best wishes for your future health and happiness. Your Friends and Neighbors. Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar and Mrs. William McLachlan presented the firt—a pair of table lamps. Lunch was served later. Shower For Bride -To -Be Miss Merle •Dickert entertained 15 girls from London, Seaforth and district on Saturday evening to a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Isabel Caldwell, a bride-to-be, who was seated in a decorated chair with a trellis of pink and white for background in front of the fire- place. The -address was read by Miss Ruth McLean_ Isabel replied with a few words of thanks to the girls and invited them back to the house to see her trousseau. Mrs. Harold Caldwell, of Hensall, and Miss Ruth Mc- Lean had contests for entertain- ment, also music on record play- er. Lunch was served later. Hold Crokinole Panty The Young People of St. An- drew's United Church held a very succv,ssful crokinole party Tues- day evening in the Sunday School room of the church. Ten boards were filled and- the competition was keen. Bonnie Kyle, club presi- dent, assisted by Pat Lovell, was director of activities. When the games were over, a delicious lunch of coffee, sandwiches and cake was served. The president, on behalf of the club, lhanked the guests for their support. It was a very en- joyable evening for young and the not -so -young. HENSALL NEWS Don't miss the many HALF- PRICE SPECIALS at Savauge's March Dinnerware Sale. Sale closes March 31st. SAVAUGE'S, Se aforth.—( Advt.). Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and family spent the weekend in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kerr spent a few days this week with relatives in Monetville, in North- ern Ontario. •0 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hedden and Mrs. P. Balfour and family, Wood- stock, visited on Sunday with Mrs. C. Hedden and Herb. Mrs. Cecil Vanhorne is a patient at Clinton Community Hospital, in the interests of her health. Poultry BRAY HATCHERY has full line chicks. Pullets (limited quantity ntarted) cockerels, dayold. Broil- ers for April -May should be on order now. Ask for weekly lists of Bray "specials" available. Hatchery also has special strobe aa Babcock Leghorns, ete. Full information, agente. JOHN LUBER, R.R. 2. Seaforth Phone 845 r 12 MRS. ALEX PATERSON', Brueefield Phones: Clinton 618 r 23 Seaforth 669 r 23 Property For Sale FOR SALE -50 acres grass land; drill- ed well, windmill; in McKillop, between Walton and Seaforth. Box 524, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4601 2 FOR SALE—Property consisting of five acres of land; brick house, 7 rooms; Innen barn, garage. Situated on paved highway, 6 miles north of Seaforth. Close to church,' school and general store. Im- mediate possession. Apply MAR. Hum ALEXANDER, Telephone 698-M, Seaforth, Smith's Apartments. 4601-2 Births BARBER—In Kiteliener-Waterloo Hospi- • tal, on Friday, March 16, to Mr. and Mre. Donald Barber (nee Pauline Mat- thews), a daughter—Patricia Lynn. MeNAUGHTON—At Scott Memorial Hos- hital, On March 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNaughton, R.R. 4, Seaforth, a la 800. RITCHIE-41r. and Mrs. Robert Emmer- son Ritchie, Surrey. England, (formerly Of Seaforth), are happy to announce the birth of a .daughter, on January 4, '1956. ,A sister for Nicholas. RYAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on 1VIttreh 12, to. Mr. and -Mrs. Maurice RYan, R.R. 8, 'Dublin, a daughter Deaths td018,411. SOtitOtih,. 15(1, 1.114di,it fgarCh 20/00.11d W.00150)14 t#14togo , tato SintMeantolis. ii • OF THE WEEK Kippen East W.I.. sponsored a booth at the auctioh sale of Mr. Glenn Slavin on Friday. last and realized a _nice sum of money. On Saturday morning, March 24, at 11:15 a.m. the kiddies' studio party program over CKNX, will be presented by a groupof boys and girls from this district, pupils of Miss Greta Lammie. • Discuss Spring Supper Carmel Church Ladies' Aid met in the basement of the church on Monday for their regular monthly meeting. Mrs. J. Soldan's group was in charge of the devotional part of the meeting Opening hymn was 419. Mrs. G. Troyer read the scripture passages. Mrs. J. Soldan read a number of art- icles from "Chin Lifters," and al- so led the group in prayer. Hymn 494 closed the devotional. Business included a report from Mrs. Clarence Reid, assistant sec- retary. A letter from the Cana- dian Foundation for Poliomyelitis Ontario Chapter was read and a collection which followed for the foundation amounted to $3. Bills brought before the meeting were ordered paid by motion of Mrs. W. R. Bell. Details for the Spring supper, to he held April 7, were dealt with by Mrs. 114.- Dougall. The meeting closed with prayer by Rev. D. MacDonald. The April meeting, an evening meeting, will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Soldan, of the Parr Line, with Mrs. Clarence Reid's group in charge. ZION' Mrs. George Graham spent the weekend with Mrs. James Mal- colm. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and family visited in Zurich on Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Paul Corriveau. Mrs. Albert Roney Visited on Sat urday with Mrs. George Baker, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murdie, of Seaforth, visited with Mrs. James Malcolm Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper visited her aunt, Mrs. Harvey Robinson, hi Stratford Hospital, on Sunday afternoon.' Mr, and Mrs. James Gibb and soils, and Mr. ,and ,Mrs. Ronald Gibb visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mal= Customer: "I would like some alligator shoes, please." Clerk: "Certainly. What Site &deg yoor Amiga& weait" ' 4 ,.,4 • ''11/01.110010101111.1111111.11.11111111.11 • it;;;' ustru "es E5314, ROS,5 $ MrrCHEIJ,.—Earl fixts$, 65, lige, long resident of Fallartolt,„,,To*n- ship, died suddenly Tuesd0y in Stratford General Hospital: He was a member of Mount Pleapant United Church. ' Surviving 'besides his wife, the, former Mary Wright, of Cromar- ty, are two sons, Lorne, Ptillarton Township; Howard, at Home; two sisters, Mrs. Ben Ruston, Russel - dale; Mrs. Charles Heinle, Kirk - ton, and seven grandchildren. Resting at the Heath Funeral Home, Mitchell, services were held Friday at 2:30 p.m. by the Rev. J. IL Anderson, of Kirkton United Church. Intern -lent was made in Woodland cemetery, Mitchell. CONSTANCE Don't miss the many HALF- PRICE SPECIALS at Savauge's March Dinnerware Sale. Sale closes March 31st. SAVAUGE'S, Seaforth.=--(Advt.). The Golden Links Mission Badd held their meeting Sunday after- noon in the Sunday schoolroom, and opened by repeating the Mis- sion Band Purpose. Roll call was answered by 21 members. The collection was taken by Donald Jewitt and amounted to $123. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and- business transacted. The story in the stu- dy book, "Sidewalk Kids," was read by Mrs. William Dale. Of every 100 Canadian house- holds, 55 owned cars at Septem- ber, 1954. Receptio •for ' Mr. eit,lt Mrs..11t1 Caldwell Friday, iiktirc'h 23 all Ei"s.yfga liSTRA Ladies :gxgntVE moil xm -USED CARS -4 '55 Dodge Hardtop '53 Chev. Sedan '53 Dodge Sedan 2-'52 Dodge Club Coupes '51 Dodge Sedan '51 Dodge Suburban '51 Buick Sedan Rowcliffe Motors Dodge - De Soto Case Farm Implements PHONE 267 : SEAFORTH liensall 5c to $1 Store MARCH 26th - 31st NEW LINE OF SPRING COSTUME JEWELLERY EASTER BASKETS CHOCOLATE tr, 85c NOVELTIES 15c Children's 29c T-SHIRTS TRAINING PANTS 19c White or colored CHILDREN'S VVHITE corroN EYELET SLIPS Sizes 2 - 12 Ladies' COTTON DRESSES 1.98.,„.3.98 NEW SHIPMENT QF BOYS' AND MEN'S SOCKS, SHIRTS AND BRIEFS GOOD SELECTION OF CHIL- DREN'S SOCKS, VESTS and POLOJAMAS First Quality 51-Guage sec NYLONS TERRY 5 c. WASH CLOTHS each STRIPED BATH TOWELS 35c 17 x 33 corroN DISH TOWELS 15 x 25 each 10C Extra Large • 39c DLSH TOWELS, 25146, ea. WATER GLASSES •7c each WHITE CUPS and SAUCERS Large Bottles of CREAM HAIR OIL, AFTER- SHAVIE LOTION and SHAMPOO ..._ 29c 29c /111111111111111111111.1•111111111111111111111111111M. Just Arrived— AT GOODWIN'S HENSALL A New Shipment of WASHABLE CREPE, POPCORN VISCOSE and ACETATE DRESSES In full and half sizes for the Ladies. ALSO MEN'S SUITS WITH TWO PANTS At prices that will amaze you and MEN'S MATCHED SETS OF SHIRTS and PANTS, in Grey, Green and China Tan. Open until 10 p.m. Saturday Night • W. 0. GOODVVIN Phone 16 : Hensall ' FOR A BETTER CROP PLANT COOP •SEED cactt4 — Ontario Adapted — High Germination — True Variety -= Properly Cleaned — Reasonably Priced YOU WILL fIND CO-OP ZAMA" PACKED IN CO-OP BAGS Seaforth Farmers Co - operative .tgga and Poidtty ‘`clied atift Pertilit lz• xa PHONE a