HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-03-16, Page 47-•:A" ;'• .11 , grOK, SEAFORTH, OJ CH 1,6, 'MO :et jied AliS Inserted At New Low Cash Rates SALEC WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: - lotWeek 2nd,. Week 3rd Week Minimum charge, each insertion... 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards. of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Event3-1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. ,Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., 0/0 The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 • days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted tree of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on apPlication- 1 Cent Cent 1/2 Cent Coming Events DANCE in Mitchell Town Hall on Wed- nesday, March 21 Music by the Blue Rangers. Admission 50c. 9600-1 BE ON HAND for a good time at Mit- chell's Crystal Palace Ballrocrra on Fri- day night, with Clarence Petrie's. Night Hawks. 4598-5 Teachers Wanted A qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 4, McKillop. Duties to commence September, 1956. Apply, stating certificate, age and name of last Inspector, to Secre- tary -Treasurer: KENNETH STEWART, R.R. 5, Seaforth. 4600-2 Lost and Found LOST—On- Main Street, a black wallet containing valuable papers. Finder please contact MRS. RUTH WEBER. Phone 313-W, Seaforth. 4600-1 Help Wanted WANTED—Girl for general housework. To live in or out. Apply Box 522, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4600-2 HOUSEKEXPER WANTED — Wanted housekeeper for light housework. No out- side work. Conveniences. Box 521, ITURs ON EXPOSITOR. 4600x2 WANTED A telephone lineman for McKillop Mun- icipal Telephone System, to service 440 rural telephones. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by March 19th. J. M. ECKERT, Secretary, ER. 1, Seaforth, Out_ 4599-2 BE YOUR OWN BOSS in Seaforth and surroundings. Sell products needed in every home; 'high commission. Write now for details to; FAMILEX: 1600 Delorimier, Montreal 4600-1 HELP WANED Modern Industrial Manufac- turer requires the services of a Private Secretary immediate- ly. Ideal working conditions, with all up-to-date benefits. Apply by phoning PERSONNEL MANAGER 1470 Goderich 4600-1 Men — Women A well-known Western Ontario com- pany requires the services of men and women, regardless df age, for part- time selling with excellent pay. This is a perfect opportunity to increase earnings without interfering with present employment. Ideal for housewives, retired men, or anyone who is not afraid to meet the public. Fur further information, apply giving name and addres to: BOX 523 HURON EXPOSITOR 4600 71 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- Plea $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Notices RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, Opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R, 4598 -ti GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 23, Sea - forth. 4598-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 298, ERIC MILNER• FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady ° Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. 459841 ATTENTION, FARMERS!" — Prompt, emirteotts collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call aolleet ED, ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - !forth, or 286, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4598-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—Sep- tic tanks, ceaspools, etc, pumped and cleaned with 'smeltery modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brume's. 4600x10 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St., Hen - gall. Bring your livestock. Always a good market price. HARRY SMITH, Phone In, Mensal); VICTOR HARGREAVES, 635 r 11. Clinton. 4591x1.2 CAR BUYERS Or Financing Service, at Low Cost, will help you make a better deal. Ask ea NoW before you buy. 4 W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 459 Seaforth r• WATERLOO CAT 13 P EEDING TION 'O Bett4 BOB! Art Noted" Asi . iieitatin10:41, seroice for alb tit ail ',11.41Oli : tatedem Or irlfernta- ' i • bl- '2421 t011itte, se 9t - ;•10. an' 10:00,1lidit':Ott:,Weelk Ors Intil 404,440 "ii.eiV'xitiltdidri, 4$98-41 1,i''eAkkg.k? Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements and Household Ef- fects, on Tuesday, March 20th, at 1:30 o'clock, on the fartn of Bert Riley, on Concession 12. Lot 20, Hibbert Township, 211/2 miles east of Chiselhurst, or 14 miles south and 1V4 miles west of Cronutrtv, the estate of the late James Howe, the following: One Massey -Harris binder. 6- foet cut; 1 Deering mower, 5 -foot; 1 Mas- sey -Harris drill, 11 -hoe; 1 hay rake; 1 roller; 1 Case hay loader; 1 Oliver 3 -fur- row tractor plow, on rubber; 1 3 -section harrows; 1 4 -section harrows; 1 Oliver scuffler and bean puller; 1 disc; I set of scales; 1 fanning mill; 1 riding plow; 1 Massey -Harris manure spreader; sleighs and flat rack; 1 stiff -tooth tractor culti- vator, 7 -foot; 1 wagon, nearly new; hay rack and shifter car and draw rope; 1 Vega cream separator; 1 set double har- ness; horse collars; extension ladder; forks, shovels, etc., and a qqantity of household effects; also 1948 Plythouth car in good running order. Terms—Cash. ESTATE OF LATE JAMES HOWE; Har- old Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4599-2 AUCTION Of Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot 18, Northeast Boundary, Usborne Town- ship, 6 miles east and 2 miles north of Exeter, 6 miles southeast of Henson, 21/2 miles south and Y. mile west from Crom- arty, 6 miles north and west of Kirkton. Tuesday, March 27th, at 1 o'clock sharp: REGISTERED HEREFORDS -7 cows, re - bred; 7 calves ranging in age from May to January (2 good bull prospects, 2 ex- cellent 4-26 Guinea prospects, 2 heifer calves, 1 bull calf) ; 1 bred heifer. HOL- STEIN COWS -1 cow freshened February; 2 due time of sale: 1 due April; 1 due in June; 1 due August; 1 heifer due July; 2 open heifers: 4 calves, 600 to 700 lbs.; 1 month and a half old calf. PIGS—A number of weaner pigs. MACHINERY, ETC.—Case manure spreader, nearly new; rubber tired wagon and rack; 7 -foot Mas- sey -Harris binder; McCormick -Deering seed drill; Letz grinder 1/2 -ton truck rack: 2.unic Universal milker with pipes; scales; farthing mill with motor; work harness: colony' house, 10 by 12: quantity of baled hay, oats, and several tons of cob corn. Catalogues for cattle may be obtained from proprietor or auctioneer. ROBERT HERN, Flensall, Proprietor; W. S. O'Ne(l, Denfield, Auctioneer; Richard Etherington, Clerk. 4600-2 AUCTION Of Farm Machinery and Household Ef- fects, at Lot 24, Concession 8, Morris Township, 114 miles north and 11/2 miles west of Walton, on Tuesday, March 27th, at 1 p.m.: IMPLEMENTS—'49 Ford trac- tor and plow ; manure loader. Ferguson I new): McKee Harvester, 2 years old, with pipes; 7 -foot Deering binder: 75 sap pails and pan; 2 -wheel trailer with rack; steel water trough; scuffier ; M. -H. 6 -ft. mower; circular saw; walking plow; John Deere hay loader; set sloop sleighs; dump rake; set scales, 2.000 Ms.; grain roller with motor; 3 -furrow disc plow; drag har- rows, 3 -sections; colony house. 10'x16'; grain blower; fanning mill; 5 tons mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD Eletee,CTS — Kitchen cabinet; day bed; table (electric) lamp; sealers; kitchen table; kitchen curtains; tin churn; good rug, 9x91/2; some lin- oleum; porcelain sink, never used; cook stove (Renfrew), all -enamel, good ; some cooking utensils; 3 dressers ; 2 wash- stands; iron bed; mattress and springs; davenport; 2 tables; 7 or 8 kitchen chairs; cupboard curtains; dishes; chicken drink- ing glasses: electric plate; floor cover- ings ; 2 end tables; 2 stools; deep freeze, emu -0x. 24 -ft.: Frigidaire, 9 ft.: side- board; 2 sets toilet dishes. Terms—Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE JOSEPH BEWLEY; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. , 4600-2 AUCFONIr EXTENSIVE Of High Quality Shorthorns, Horses, Hogs, Tractor, Truck, Thresher, Farm Machinery. Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous n the premises, Lot 6, Cencession 2, Stanley Township, 3% miles north of Hensall or 114 miles west of Kippen and 114 miles north.—The undersigned auc- tioneer, received instructions to sel by public auction on Friday, March 23, 1956, commencing at 123:0 o'clock p.m., sharp: HIGH QUALITY SHORTHORNS—Roan cow, carrying fourth calf. due in April; red cow carrying second calf, due in April; red cow carrying third ealf, due in May; roan cow carrying second calf, due in May; roan cow carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow carrying fourth calf, due in May; red cow carry- ing second calf, due in May: red cow carrying fifth calf, due in April; 5 Dur- ham steers ready for market, averaging 1,250 The each; 2 baby beefs averaging 500 18s, each; 3 steers rising 2 Years old: 9 heifers rising 2 years old 5 Durham Yearlings purebred Shorthorn bull rising; 3 years old. This is a very choice herd of cattle, all in market condition. HORS- ES—General purpose team, true and re- liable; Clyde mare 8 years old. HOGS - 10 York •pigs averaging 1845 lbs. each. TRUCKS, TRACTOR and THRESHING MACFIINE-1950 Chev. half -ton pickup truck, very low mileage, in all around new condition. TRACTOR—McD. Super "W" 6, fully equipped, used one season, like new; Waterloo 28x45 thresher, fully equipped with cutter, grain blower, etc., in A-1 condition; 2 140 -foot Klingtite 7 - inch drive belts, like new; 200 -foot heavy cable with blocks and tackle. FARM MACHINERY—McDeering binder 7 -foot cut, like new; McDeering mower 6 -foot cut, like new; McDeering hay loader; Oliver 3 -furrow plow, like new: Cock- shutt 4 -section spring tooth harrows; Mc - Deering drophead hay loader; McDeering horse-drawn manure spreader on rubber; McDeering spring tooth cultivator, 8 -foot cut, equipped with extensions; Fleury 82. platetractor disc; 3 -drum steel roller; 10 -foot dump rake: 4 -section diamond har- rows; all -steel wagon; rubber tire wagon: 16 -foot hay rack, brand new; 2 gravel boxes; International tearn scuffier and puller; 100 capacity Spraymotor, com- pletely equipped, like new; M. -H. 13 -run grain drill with fertilizer attachment; single scuifier ; sling ropes and chains; Renfrew electric cream separator; root pulper ; Renfrew platform scales, 2,000 - pounds capacity; 95 -gallon steel drum ; fanning mill; set of britchen harness; backhand harness; bag truck; 40 -gallon copper apple butter kettle; cutter; quan- tity of lumber; quantity of stove wood; grass seeder; anvil; forge; drill; numer- ous carpenter and blacksreith tools; 7 -ton hydraulic istak ; crosscut saw; wheelhar- hydraulic jack; crosscut saw; wheelbar- row; electric motors; hay fork; extension blower pipes; chicken feeders and water cans; chains feria.; shovels; Oliver scat- tier and puller, and many articles too numerous. to mention. HAY and GRAIN —200 bales *nixed hay; 8 tons loose hay: 150 bushels mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Complete dining mom suite; 5 complete bedroom suites; kitchen table and chairs; kitchen stove; coal and wood heater; condbitation bookcase and writing desk; tug 9Sc12 feet; smell tables; rodsing chairs; cheat of drawers; occasional chairs; ice box; sealers; large torale peel- er; etc etc. No reserve as the fartn is sold. Due to extra larghart,. selling will start sharp on time. s—Caah. YIN McBRID,Z Proprietor; Rosa Love, Mgt; Arvin Willie, Anatianeer. 46094 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm. Farm Stack and Machinery, at Lot 34, Concesaion 18, MeKillop Town- ship, 1 mile south and 2 miles west of Walton, on Thursday, March 22nd, at 1 p.m.•.CATTLE-3 Durham eows, fresh and due to freshen time of sale: 4 Dur- ham cows, milking and re -bred; 1 Dur- ham 2 -year-old heifer, bred; 1 Registered Durham bull 3 years old (Manning breed); 2 Durham heifers rising 2 years old; 2 Durham -heifers 1 year old; 4 young calves. PiGS. -13 York chunks, 125 tbs.; 12 York chunks, 8 weeks old; 1 York sow. MACHINERY—'S' Case tractor, new in 1954. hydraulic pump, power take -off; Massey -Harris 2 -furrow plow; Massey - Harris 6 -foot mower Massey -Harris 6 - foot binder; Massey -Harris 11 -run fertil- izer drill; Massey -Harris grain grinder on speed hick and belts; Frost & Wood hay loader; chunp rake; 8 -section diamond harrows: rubber tired wagon; flat rack and sliding rack; 135 feet hay fork rope; Beatty hay fork and pulleys; Chatham fanning mill with bagger: set heavy dou- ble breeching harness; wagon box and stock rack; fork*; shovels. whiffletrees; Viking cream separator with motor; pig crate; 1,200-15,. scales; Cockshutt manure spreader; Stewart clipping machine; male Collie dog. PROPERTY -77 -acre farm; frame house; bank barn: drive shed; 57 acres of workable land: 30 acres fall plowed, balance in hay and pasture. Terms—Chattels, cash; Property, 10% down, balance 30 days; sold subject to re- serve bid. GEORGE FOX, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. 4600-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Machinery, on Fri- day, March 16th, at 12 o'clock sharp, at Lot 5, Concession 12, Tuckersmith Town- ship, 3 miles east of Hensel]: CATTLE - 4 Holstein cows due latter part of March; 3 Holstein cows, milking and re -bred; 6 Jersey cows. fresh: 11 Jersey cows due time of sale; 1 Guernsey cow, fresh; 1 Registered Hereford bulls 2 years old; number young Hereford solves; 12 Dur- ham and Hereford heifere and steers one year old. MACHINERYS—Model D Case tractor; Model LA Case tractor; above tractors in good condition; 3 -furrow trac- tor plow; 714 -foot stiff tooth Cockshutt cultivator: 8 -foot tractor disc; 3 -section drag harrows; 3 -section harrows; Mas- sey -Harris 10inch grain grinder; 7 -foot Cockshutt binder; Cockshutt 4 -bar side rake (new); Massey -Harris silo filler; New Idea 7 -foot tractor Mower (cut 20 acres); 15 -run power fertilizer drill "(like new); 3 -drum steel roller; 2 manure spreaders on rubber; 1 all -steel rubber tired wagon; 16 -foot hay rack; electric Viking cream separator; double cylinder Universal milk- ing machine with 4 single units; number of 8 -gallon milk cans; milk pails and strainers; 40 feet of grain blower pipes; 02 -foot extension ladder; root !sniper; 9 - foot 3 -drum steel roller; 190 feet drive belt; 70 -foot drive belt; 30 -foot drive belt; vise; power emery; work bench; oil barrels; 2 electric fencers, poste, wire; 2 rubber tired feed carts; rubber tired milk cart; horse rake: oil bath pump jack; rotary pump with 1/2 H.P. motor; 200 feet of plastic and galvanized Pine; quan- tity of hemlock lumber and rock elm plank; forks, shovels, tools, logging chains; large galvanized water trough; shallow well pressure water unit; colony house. 12x12, like new; 500-eapacity elec- tric brooder; 7 foot by 16 foot outdoor granary; steel chicken and pig troughs; poultry equipment; 2 rolls snow fence; steel rails 18 feet long and Pipe; oil pump for barrels; 15 -ft. extension pipe for thresher; 1/2 bushel 606 seed corn; number bags of Corn King mineral; 200 bushels ofoats; 2 barrels molasses; 2 tons bran,: IA ton beet pulp. Quantity of household effects—Tables, chairs,buffet, bedroom suites; studio couch; sealers; clock; Co- lumbia Victrola; music chest; extension table; kitchen chairs. . No reserve, farm sold. Terms—Cash. GLEN SLAVIN, Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Lunch booth on grounds. 4698-8 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Choice Holsteins, Frorsets, Hogs, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Feed and Household Effects, on the premises, Lot 25. Concession 9, Hay Townehirs Blind Line, % mile east of Zurich and 1 mile north.—The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auc- tion on Wednesday, March 21st, 1956, com- commencing at 12:3Q o'clock p.m., shorn: CHOICE HOLSTEINS—Cow, fresh one week; cow, fresh 3 weeks, with heifer calf at foot; cow carrying third calf, due in May; cow carrying third calf, due before sale date; cow carrying third calf, due in April; heifer, fresh two weeks with calf at foot; heifer carrying second calf, milking, due latter part of May: cow carrying second calf, milking, due latter part of May; cow carrying fourth calf, milking, due latter part of May; cow with calf at foot, fresh two weeks; cow carrying second calf, milking, due first Week in June; cow carrying second calf, milking, due in June; heifer with calf at foot, fresh two weeks; heifer carrying first calf, due in June; part Holstein and Angus heifer, due April 8; 2 Holstein heifers due in mid -summer; 6 Holstein heifers, rising 2 years old; part Hereford end Durham cow. due May 11; 3 Hereford steers rising 2 years old; Here- ford heifer due in August; puresbred Holstein bull, 10 months old. Holstein cows are of exceptional good quality and high producing blood lines. Cattle are all T.B. tested and vaccinated. HORSES —Percheron mare; Belgian gelding— good work team. Hogs—Yorkshire sow with litter of eleven, 5 weeks old at time of sale; 2 goats; good Collie dog. TRAC- TOR and FARM MACHINERY — John Deere model "M" tractor, completely equipped, hydraulic lift, with 2 -furrow plow, in gnaranteed A-1 condition; Inter- national 13 -run fertilizer drill; Deering mower, 5 -foot cut; M. -H. spring tooth cultivator with tractor hitch, like new; John Deere tractor spreader, like new; International 3 -bar side rake, like new; rubber tire wagon; 16 -foot flat hay rack; 2 steel time wagons; hay rack; gravel box; grain box and stock rack; 2 rubber belts 80 feet long; M. -H. binder, 6 -foot cut; walking plow; 2 sets diamond har- rows; M. -H. bean puller and snuffler; large steel water trough; Maxwell hay loader; 3-drurn steel roller; 10 -foot steel dump rake; Hinman 2 -Unit milking ma- chine, completely equipped, like new; set �f sleighs with bunks; pea harvester; Ren- frew electric cream separator; 250 capac- ity electric chick brooder; ehicken feed- ers and shelters; 50 lbs. binder twine; electric fencer; 75 electric fence poste; quantity cedar posts; 40 -gallon feed cook- er; sap pan and buckets; cedar butcher tub; ecalding trough; sausage grinder and press; electric motors; Starrup pump; 500 capacity electric brooder; copper apple butter kettle; quantity inmber and barb wire; 2 40 -gallon sap tanks; 25 -foot grain Pipe and elbows; Stewart horse clipper, has new plates; circular saw; sling ropes; gear for 2 -wheel tritiler; 2,000-15,. capacity platform scales; bag truck; fan- ning mill, complete with sieves; cutting box; snow fence: extension ladders; Ham- ilton heavy duty fence stretcher; eager kettle; single barrel shotgun ; rifle; log- ging chains; block and tackle; sledge; vises; harness, quantity of bags; large assortment of carpenter tools, etc. HAY and GRAIN -10 tons choice quality mixed hay; quantity Cartier oats and mixed grain; 71/2 bushels Clipper seed beans; 80 bushels Mountcalm seed barley; 1 bushel timothy seed; 8 bliabels alaike seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -s -,Kitchen stove; chesterfield ; dining room artension table; chairs; buffet; kitchen cabinet; 2 cup- boards: bedstead; sideboard: kiMben chairs; rockipg Anita; arm chalk; ;sham.. graph; 8 fein standEi;" "couch; pictures; antique bureau; quantity of dishes; seal- ers; Daisy char, etc4,eto. NO reacinkt as the farm is gold. Due to extra large,sate, selling Will start Amp on Brae.. Term r -Cash. BEI4B,Y CLAUSJUS: Promletor; Stade & VJeidoi, Ciente WO Wein Aactioneer, ow. , • - •4. Poultry FOR SALE—Day-old mixed chicks, cockerels, pullet. Order now for April; some started chicks in brooders, Ames -in.: Cross Hybrids. J. E. STACKHOUSE, Wil- ton Grove, Ont. 4597x4 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM T. THOMPSON All persons having claims against the Estate of William T. Thompson, late of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of February, 1956, are here- by notified to send them in to the under- signed ,on or before the 9th day of April, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 9th day of March, 1966. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont.. Solicitor for the Estate. 4600-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT IL ROGERSON All persons having claims against the Estate of Robert B. Rogerson, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of February, 1956, are hereby notified to send them in to sthe undersigned on or before the 9th day of April, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then reeeived. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 9th day of March, 1956. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for tbe Estate. 4600-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE NATTER OF the Estate of SARAH ANN TROUT, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. Creditorand others having claims against the estate of the above-named, who died on or about the 14th day of February, 1966, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of April, 1956, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which notice has then been re- ceived. DATED at Stratford, this 9th day of March, 1956. By The British Mortgage and Trust Corporation of Ontario, Executor. By its Solicitors herein: GREGORY, ANDERSON, EH.GOETZ & BELL 29 Downie Street, Stratford, Ontario. • 4600-3 For Sale FOR SALE -300 bales of timothy hay. Apply ARNOLD KEYS, Varna, • 4600x1 FOR SALE—Pure-bred Border Collie pups. Apply BILL CAMPBELL. Phone 849 r 31, Seaforth. 4600x1 FOR SALE—Ten young pigs 8 weeks old. IRWIN TREWARTHA. Phone 840 r 33, Seaforth. 4600x1 FOR SALE—Six young pigs, 13 weeks old. CARL VANDERZON, North Main Street, Seaforth. 4600x1 FOR SALE—Quantity alfalfa seed and timothy seed. WM. L. O'ROURKE, Phone 36 r 25, Dublin. . 4600x3 FOR SALE -10 tons mixed grain. KEITH KELLY. Phone 661 r 33, Sea - forth. 4600x1 FOR SALE—Four good calves. Apply to W. D. WILSON, Brucefield. Phone 658 Apply GEORGE MICHTE, R.R. No. 4, r 33, 46004 Brussels, Ontario, Executor William J. Kinney Estate. Tel. 15 r 13, Brussels. FOR SALE—African Violets, $1.00; 4599-2 regular 51.50. All named varieties. ERIC MILNER, Seaforth. 4598-tf shoes, size 5, in good condition. Phone FOR SALE—Kiddie car and 2 pairs of Cards of Thanks 237, Main sSt. South. HARVEY HEUER- MANN. 4600x2 I , Mrs. Frank NcGreger sPeat. the we,elrend with her eoliSitt, Mrs: Al- ton Johnston in Seafortb - Mrs. Mac Wilson visited:a few days with her, sister, Mrs. Stanley Neals in Glencoe. Mrs. Stackhouse returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie, St. Thomas, spenty with Mr. Se... and Mrs. S. McKean . Rev. and Mrs. S. Davi on are in Toronto this week. Mr. Davison is attending a United Church meet- ing. Group No. 1 of the Woman's As- sociation held a quilting bee at the home of Miss Marie Elliott last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Bain, Strat- ford, spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. W. D. Wilson. Mrs. T. Hamilton, Auburn, is visiting this week with her broth - For Rent FOR RENT—A.partment for rent. Im- mediate possession. Apply B. F. CHRIS - TIE. Phone 272 4600x1 FOR RENT—Three-roam unfurnished apartment. Immediate possession. PHONE 250-R, or days 146. 4598-tf FOR RENT — Three-room apartment, -partly furnished; oil heated; heavy wired; three-piece bath, hot and cold water. TELEPHONE 8314, Seaforth. • 4599-2 Wanted WANTED TO BUY — A secondhand bookcase. Apply STEWART DE vnics Phone 208-R, Seaforth. 4600-1 WANTED—Two gentlemen boarders. MRS. NOBLE McCALLUM, Seaforth. Phone 187-R. 4600-3 WANTED TO RENT — Garage frore April lat to December 1st. JACK BUS - TON. Phone 664 r 5, Seaforth. 4600x1 WANTED -3 will pay $3.00 each for young dogs, 25 pounds or over, delivered to me until further notice. Phone 683 r 11. ALBERT W. SHIRRAY, R.R. 2, Hensall 4599x3 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1953 Pontiac, in good con- dition. ED. ARNOLD, Dublin. 4600x1 TRUCK FOR SALE—'49 G.M.C. 3 -Ton stake with hoist and P.C.V. ; new rubber. Write or phone DAVID OESCH, Zurich, Ont-,, R.R. 2. Phone 79 r 5, Zurich. 4599x3 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE—House has eight rooms with electric lights and town wa- ter. Possession March 15. MRS. JAMES BARRON. 4599-2 Livestock Wanted $3.00 PAID for dead horses and cows; higher prices paid for sick and disabled horses and cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153 collect. 4598-12 Farms For Sale FOR SALE -100 acres, more or less, Lot 25, Concession 6, McKillop, on High- way 3% miles north of Seafbrt,h; also 5 fresh cows. If not sold by end of March will be sold by auction, with full line of farm implements. Watch for date. Easy terms on farm. Apply CARL DALTON & SONS. • Phone 481-3, Seaforth. 4598x3 FARM FOR. SALE—Lot 30, Concession L.R.S., Tuckersmith; 100 acres, more or less; 6 acres bush, rest good workable land; 11/2 storey frame house; good build- ings; good water. Also 15 acres land, part Lot 31, Con. 1, Is R.S., Tuckeramith. Apply WILLIAM NESBITT, R.R. 1, Brucefield. Phone 658 r 5, Seaforth. 4599x2 FOR SALE Fifty acres on County Road, five miles north of Seaforth, all in grass, 8 acres bush; frame house and small barn. FOR SALE—Oak dining room furni- ture, including five chairs and large buf, fet. In excellent condition. 'PHONE 309, SEAFORTIL 4600-1 FOR SALE—Used 17 and 21inch TV Admiral, • Flalicrafter and Westinghouse. BOX FURNITURE, Seafonth, 4600-1 FOR SALE—Two Registered Shorthorn bulls, one year old; also 11 pigs 12 weeks old. FRANK FALCONER. Phone Clinton 6154-3, 4600s2 FOR SALE—Four sets of ccittage shut- tere and a .12 gauge shotgun, full choke and ejector, in first-class condition. TELE- PHONE 8314. 4599-2 FOR SALE—Simcoe seed oats, grown from registered seed last year. WILLIAM DENNLS, Walton. Phone Seaforth 843 r 3. 4600x1 FOR SALE — Walden' & Broadfoot, wholesale and retail, stove oil and furnace fuel oil, F-IsN-A, finest in North America. PHONE 854, Seaforth. 4594-9 FOR SALE—Beaver seed oats. RUS- SELL BOLTON, R.R. 1, Dublin. Tele- phone 840 r 41, Seaforth. 4699-2 FOR SALE—Custom radio for 1989 Dodge; excellent condition ; wonderful tone. Apply RUSSELL MILLER, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Telephone 662 r 28. 4600-1 FOR SALE—Two service age bulls, 1 Hereford, 1 Shorthorn; also Rodney oats and Montcalm barley for seed. APPIY ROBERT E. MeMILLAN. • 46004 FOR SALE—Mrs. Joseph Melody has a quantity of mixed hay to sell. For fur- ther information apply to EDWARD MELADY, Dublin. Phone 22 r 10. 4699-2 FOR SALE—Four Hereford and Ayr- shire calves; also one Registered Ayrshire cow 7 years old, fresh and good milker. ELGIN NOTT, Lot 6, Concession 1, Hal- lett, 4600x1 FOR SALE— Clean, blight fuel oil, Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1; and Government -tested coal, screened each de. livery, WILLIAM M. HART. ,4598-tf FOR SALE—Girls' navy, rayon, gabar- bine coat; red corduroy jacket; Pink pique dress, all size 12; pink nylon plisse dress, 14; several others, various sizes; good condition. MRS. JOHN WOOD, Kippen; G72 r 83, Seaforth. 4600x1 SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, 1610.00 Per load, approximately 2% cords; inked wood, 18.00 ver- load, anPrdaltnatell two oords. Prompt delivery. FRED ja HUME. Phone Clinton 362. 4594142 FIVE DOLLARS down, tip to 24 month, to pay for a genuine Stirge 1Viliker Unit. Ret Inver:talent to protect good udders. COnt40 Lows% McGUIREI. Phone 598, Wingliaieo Burge Dealer; in Shop Satur- ant* 440046 THE FAMILY of the late Patrick Feeney wish to extend their sincere thanks to friends for Mass cards and kind - toss shown them in their sad bereavement. I WISH to thank Dr Stapleton, the Nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital and all the friends and neighbors who sent cards while I was a patient in the hos- pital. 4600x1 MRS RICHARD DOWNEY A VERY sincere thanks is extended to our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness dur- ing the illness and at the time Of the death of a beloved husband and father. Everything is gratefully acknowledged and deeply appreciated. MRS. JOHN S. WATSON AND FAMILY 4600-1 In Memoriam • McIVIURTRIE—In loving Memory of a ,beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother,' Hugh Mckfurtrie, who departed ,this life on March 23,. 1.955 "To litre in the hearts of those we love Is not to die." 4600x1 •—HIS FAMILY CODIVIORE—In loving memory of our dear father, Roland Cudmore, who passed away in Hensall on March 16, 1928. • —DAUGHTERS AND SONS 46001 COCHRANE—In loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, who passed away in March and November of 1985. "Oh, happy days we once enioYed. How sweet their memory still." 4600x1 —TYLOIR FAMILY McALLISTER,--In loving memory of a dear sister, Mrs, Ellen McAllister, Hen- ault, who passed away March 16, 1955. Her memory le a keepsake With which we will never Part; Though God has her in Ms keeping, We Ain bye her in our hearts. —Ever remembered by her brother Bob and Family. 4600x1 Births - HARRISON—In Calgary; Alta., on March 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harrison, a son—Donald Brock. A brother for Joann and Sheila. HENDERSON—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal,- on March 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Henderson, Mitchell, a dough. ter. PANE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 8, to Mr. end Mrs. Warne PAyme, Bakfiteldr a daughter. - ./A Degas SAVA-004k tea,V.Ortiti,',4'41.*Oir MAME, 1E. 'OOMPIYMittheWklaili.la",34ti Po. 14. wasion. Hear Lenten Talk. The Ilareb Meeting of the Wo- man's Association of the Bruce - field United Chard' was held in the school room on March 6, with 48 attending. Mrs. Jas. Thomson and Mrs. Goldie Graham had charge of the devotional exercis- es. The opening hymn was No. 270. The scripture lesson- was taken from Psalm 51 and read by Mrs. Thomson. Mrs. G. Graham took as her topic, "Penitence in Lenten Season.' Hymn 662 was sung and the WA. Creed, repeated in unison. The president, Mrs. Baird, then took the chair. Mrs. McBeath gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Berry the treasurer's report, and also received the offering. In the absence of Mrs. L. Wilson,, Miss M. Swan read a thank -you note from Miss Marge McQueen. Mrs. D. Triebner reported for the sick calls, and Mrs. W. Moffatt -report- ed for the manse committee. A letter from the March of Dimes was read by the president. It was moved by Mrs. Dawson and sec- onded by Mrs. J. Broadfoot, that the treasurer send 110 to the so- ciety. The meeting closed with the singing of the WA. hymn and prayer. Group two had charge of the program and lunch. Mrs. Geo. Armstrong gave a very humorous reading, and Mrs. John Broadfoot and Mrs. Ed. Allen conducted con- tests, after which a delicious lunch was served. WINTHROP . Rev. H. E. Livingstone, of Lon- don, formerly the minister ,of the McKillop charge of the 'United Church, will preach at Cavan, Duff's and Bethel Churches this Sunday. Rev. J. R. Holden will take part in the anniversary ser- vices of the Coldwater United Church, of which he is a former pastor. The WA. and W.MS: of Cavan Church met Wednesday afternoon, with an attendance of twenty-two. Mrs. Gilbert Smith was in the chair and opened the meeting with a Lenten Meditation. The passing of Rev. David Carswell, a former minister of this. charge, was an- nounced, and a few minutes of sil- ent prayer observed in his mem- ory. Mrs. Wm. Church gave the citizenship paper and read an art- icle by Rev, W. A. Young, of the 0A.C., Guelph. Mrs. G. Blanchard received the collection. Mrs. Wm. Dolmage conducted the devotion- al part of the meeting and read the parables of the lost coin, the lost, sheep and the lost son. Mrs. W. T. Dodds and Mrs. Blanchard also read scripture passages. Mrs. Dolmage told the story of the In dians in Southwestern Ontario and Manitoba, which was •interesting. Mrs. Dolmage concluded the meet- ing by reading a story of a mis- sionary from Hamilton who went to the West as a missionary. The Helping Hand Mission Band opened with the Mission Band Pur- pose. The president, Sharon Som- erville, conducted the business per- iod during which the secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and the roll call taken. It was de- cided to send $10 to the Presby- terial treasurer as part of the al- location. It was also decide'd to give ao-infr of fruit and candy to Jane Somerville, who was absent through illness. Mrs. Dodds read the chapter, "The Borrowed Camp" from the study book. Mrs. Holden conducted the worship period, dur- ing which Joan Boyd read Psalm 33. "A Little Seed Lay Fast Asleep" was sung. Elaine Somer- ville took up the offering, after which "God Sees the Little Spar- row Fall" was sung. Mrs. Holden closed the worship with prayer. The theme of the meeting was "Fun in the Outdoors." BLENHEIM HERE S.D.H.S..and Blenheim will meet for the first game in W.O.S SA. hockey finals in Seaforth on Thurs- day afternoon at 2 p.m. Bicycle Repairs ALL MAKES Charles Pinder SEAFORTH Mr- and Mrs. E. SlIaddleit PTO leaving Friday for rigriqp, Where they will spend a three weeks' Va- cation: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pilling, IVIiss Bernice Pilling and Mr. Dav- id Freckieton, all of Sarnia, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mag. Mrs. Lillian Johnston was tak- en by ambulance on Thursday to South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Her condition at date of writing is ser- ious. M. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan were in Goderich /on Saturday at- tending the funeral of the late Bert Fowler. Miss Margaret Evans, of Kit- chener, is visiting her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLar- en. Mrs. Nellie Buchanan returned on Saturday to Windsor after spending a few weeks at her home. The annual birthday party of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church will be held in the church auditorium Friday evening. The guest speaker will be Miss Grace Patterson, of Thamesford, returned missionary from India. To Hold Skating Party The Evening Auxiliary held their March meeting in the schoolroom of the United Church Monday eve- ning, chaired by the president, Mrs. E. Chipchase. Mrs. H. Mc - Ewan was in charge of the devo- tional period. Sacred passages were read by Mrs. L. Chapman, with prayer offered by Mrs. H. Elder. Minutes, roll call and correspon- dence were read. The group ace.. cepted an invitation to be guests' of the W.M.S. at their annual birth- day party Friday, March 16. Dis- cussion centred around purchasing tables, but nothing definite was done. It was decided to meet with the property committee. A skating party will be held Monday, March 19, at the local arena. The presi- dent asked 100 per cent co-opera- tion at the TB Clinic May 25. Mt. L. Mickle favored with a lovely piano solo and Mrs. R. H. Middle- ton gave an interesting art dem- onstration. The April meeting was set for April 10. Guests for the oc- casion will be the Arnold Circle and WM.S. of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church, Hensall. Play Well Received A one -act drama, "Sure As You're Born," was presented in the Town Hall, Hensall, Friday ev- ening to a fair crowd owing to weather and road conditions. Pre- sented • by the Seaforth Junior Farmers and sponsored by Kippen East Women's Institute, the play was well feceived by an apprecia- tive audience, each member of the cast F e4orvoenrxet g 4a0drsaertrSteirpi1;1_, 7:" lp, 0 was enjoyed, 14Fe.;, wthaesc'4dirstewptregpattyPita-'nkfienc_,:ed4411 4* CaugheI,aoianwsQnOer xW7plp4piti,vaiprdy Wheatley.Aetet4 Lavern :Gedk.Lcra:slet. • mn4ndnr:uoydAng 4437.; -irC4iSWitegPd4'1W'' iotfh qtrheiren'griAnapilfaa'-5thetali-r, Min 410 Kgclutre. EUCHRE & DANCE - Friday, March 16 HENSALL Town Hall MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Ming Lunch Admission 50 Cents Sponsored by the Kippen East WI_ aningamallIatomolllilams111111amollillim Bulldozer For Rent Excavations, Land Clearing, Levelling, Backfliling Heavy Winch Service Joe & Garth Postal PHONE: CLINTON 702-J-4 OPEN EVENINGS for the convenience of its Customers The Shell Service teflon will remain open each evening during Spring and Summer. • -NEIL C. BELL SHELL SERVICE STATION SEAFORTH Goderich St. West 1956 CONTRACT BARLEY With exports of grain to Europe increasing, so is the price of CONTRACT BARLEY. Contact us and have the new barley contract explained to you. Top Quality SEED & FERTILIZER SUPPLIED COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. PHONE 24 : • HENSALL SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1958 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN Powerglide with V-8 Engine , 1955 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN fully egnipped 1954 CNEV. DE LUXE POWER GLIDE fullly equipped 24-1954 'ClIEV. SEDANS fully equipped BELOW LLST 1995 1650 • 1954 FORD CUSTOM LINE • with radio 1954 CHEV. BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE 1953 CliEN: BEL AIR SEDAN " 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1495 1495 1995 1395 1295 1951 CHEV. COACH 0 De Luxe A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late 1951 MONARCH fully equipped • 1958 PONTIAC DE LUXE COACH power glide, fully equipped 1949 CHEV. COACH 695 1949 CHEV. 1 -TON PICK-UP 2-4948 PONTIAC SEDANS 495 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN — . 455 TRUCKS 1949 FORD 1/4 -TON PICKUP ... . . .... -..„. 1947 DODGE 1/2 -TOE PICKUP 395 Model Car—Many Other litodelivto Choose Frei WEN MTh= INVIIMING lha Issass,s, Its •