HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-03-09, Page 4, • • J3TXPOSITOR, SEAFORTI5f, OnT4.. •4041,049,194 tatri :Ostfied Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: lat Week 1 Cent 2nd, Week % Cent Brd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion... 25 Centn Each figure, initial and ,abbreviation c,ounta as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Conning Eventa-1 cent per word. Minhnura, 50 cents per week. *Ilettiries may be directed to a Box No., cio The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events BE ON HAND for a good time at Mit- chell'a Crystal Palace Ballroom on Fri- day night, with Clarence 'Petrie's Night Hawks. 4598-5 EUOHRE AND DANCE in Hensel] Town Hall on Friday, March 16th. Murdoch's orchestra. Ladies are asked to please bring lunch. Sponsored by the Kippen East W. 1. 4599-1 MODERN and Old Tyme Dancing for all at the Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mit- chell, every Friday night. Music by Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. 4591-12 DOMINION LIFE CHOIR, Kitcherier. and the Harbouraires, Goderich, will present a concert in Ontario Street Unit- ed Church auditorium, Clinton, on Friday, March 9, at 8:80 p.m. Sponsors: Happy Doubles Club. Admission 60 cents. 4598-2 Farms For Sale FOR SALE -100 acres, more or less, Lot 25, Concession 6, McKillop, on High- way 3% miles north of Seaforth; also 5 fresh cows. If not sold by end of March will be sold by i;uction. with full line of farm implements, Watch for date. Easy terms on farm. Apply CARL DALTON & SONS. Phone 4814, Seaforth. 4598x3 FARM FOR SALE -Lot 30, Coneession L.R.S., Tuckersmith ; 100 acres, more or less; 6 . acres bush, rest good workable land: 1',,2 storey frame house; good build- ings; good water. Also 15 acres land, part Lot 31. Con. I, L.R.S., Tuckersraith. Apply WILLIAM NESBITT, R.R . 1, Brucefield. Phone 668 r 5, Seaforth. 9599x2 FOR SALE Fifty acres on County Road,,•fi've miles north of Seaforth, all in grass, 8 acres bush; frame house and small burn. Apply GEORGE MICHIE, R.R. No. 4, Bruesels. Ontario. Executor William J. Kinney Estate. Tel. 15 r 13, Brussels. 4599-2 Help Wanted HELP WANTED GIRLS AND MEN Permanent wor k ; five-day week. Also part-time office help. Apply SEAFORTH SHOES 4599-1 WANTED • A telephone lineman for McKillop Mun- icipal Telephone System, to service 440 rural telephones. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by March 19th. J. M. ECKERT, Secretary, RR. 1, Seaforth, Ont. 4599-2 WITH EASTER ahead you have greater sales possibilities, Sell finest line of house- hold necessities and cosmetics in your sur- roundings, Highest commission. Ask for free details. FAMILEX: Dept. A. Box F. Station C, Montreal Motor Cars For Sale TRUCK FOR SALE -'49 G.M.C. 3 -Ton stake with hoist and P.C.V. ; new rubber. Write or phone DAVID OESCH, Zurich, Ont., 'La. 2. Phone 79 r 5, Zurich. 4599x3 Livestock Wanted 23.00 PAID for dead horses and cows; higher prices paid for sick and disabled horses and cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153 collect.4598-12 Notices • WILL PERSON or persons please re- turn skates belonging to Gordon Muir, taken from Junior Hockey Room at Sea - forth Arend. 4599x1 ANYONE KNOWI/IG of a photograph Or picture of the late Col, Anthony Van Esmond, kindly notify DR. F. G. NEED - LER, 33 St. Germaine Ave., Toronto. 4699x1 RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radbas, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaford,. Phone 247-10, 459444 auT YOUR sewage work done now. Only 12 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed, Contact 860 r 83, Sea - forth. 4594-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393, ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Latindeteria Ltd.. Exeter. 459441 ATTENTION, FARMERS! - Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect ED, ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea. forth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with, Darling & Co„ of Canada Ltd. 459443 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St, pen- man. Bring Your livestock. Always a good market price. }TARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Heenan ; VICTOR HARGREAVES. 635 r 31, Clinton. 4591x12 ATTENTION CAR BUYERS Our Low Cost Financing and Insurance Plan will help you make a better deal. BEFORE you buy talk to us, W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 458 Seaforth WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING '• ASSOCIATION • ere,Itetter hunt Are Used" iflcr nilereinriticar semdett for all •of Cattid; Vox service di Infetnifte MINTON 242, collect, he- ,erue utid 10100 fin reek &tie Istio sod 2120 cre, �fl 5badit22, 422442 For Rent FOR RENT -Unfurnished apartment. PHONE 2544, Seaforth. 4598-1 FOR RENT -Three-room -unfurnished apartment. Immediate possession. PHONE 250-10, or days 146. 4599-tf FOR RENT - Three-room apartment, partly furnished; oil heated; heavy wired: three-piece bath, hot and cold water. TELEPHONE 331-J, Seaforth, 4599-2 Wanted WANTED TO BUY -Kitchen cupboard: also bedroom dressers. PHONE 851 r 4, Seaforth. 4599x1 WANTED -A good used crib, preferab- ly a wooden one; to buy or rent. Apply Box 520, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4599-1 ,WANTED -I will Pay 48.00 each for young dogs, 25 pounds or over, delivered to me until further notice. Phone 688 r 11. ALBERT W. SIURRAY, R.R. 2, Hensall 4599x3 WORK WANTED -Store work, house- cleaning, housework, town or country, by reliable woman. Apply to MRS. MUR- RAY MeCRERRY, Fink Apt..., Hensel]. Phone 5, Heenan 4599-1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITOR In the Estate of JAMES NOLAN All persona having claims against the Es- tate of James Nolan, late of the Town- ship of McKillop, in the County of Hur- on. Farmer, deceased, who died on the 8th day of January, 1956, are hereby notificid&to send in full particulars of their clhims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 16th day' of March, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of February, 1956. McCONNELL & FLAYS, Seaforth Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. 45974 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of GLADYS WESTON All persons having claims against the Estate of Gladys Weston, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Married Wonsan, deceased, who died on the 5th day of January, 1956, are here- by notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 16th day of March, 1966, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceiVed. DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of February, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 45974 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION PALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Machinery, at Lot 34, Concession 13, McKillop Town- ahip, 1 mile south and 2 miles west of Walton, on Thursday, March 22nd, at 1 p.m., the property and 'a full line of ferns machinery and stock will be offered for sale. GEORGE FOX, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer:" E. P. Chesney, Clerk, 4599-1 AUCTIONSALE Of Registered Hereford Cattle, Holstein Cows, Several Pigs and Farm Implements, etc., on the premises, Lot 18, North East Boundary, Township of Usborne, 8 nailed east of Exeter. The undersigned auction- eer is instructed to sell by public auction on Tuesday, March 27th. Complete list of sale in next week's paper and catalogue for cattle may be obtained from either Proprietor or auctioneer. ROBERT E. HERN, Proprietor, R.R. 1, Hensel], Ont.; W S. O'Neil, Auetioneer, Denfield, Ont. 4599-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Liveatock, Tractor, Farra Imple- ments, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous It- ems. on the premises, Lot 2, Concession 13, Tuckersmith Township, 13 miles east of Hensall and 1 mile south. The under- signed auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on Wednesday, March 14th, 1956, commencing at 1.00 o'clock sharp: LIVESTOCK - Holstein cow, milking,, carrying third calf, due latter part of May; Holstein cow. carry- ing third calf, due March 130:1; Holstein cow, carrying second calf, due before sale date; Holstein cow, carrying fourth calf, due April lith; Brindle cow, due latter part of March; Durham cow, carrying third calf, due March 15th; part Holstein and Angus cow, carrying third calf, due March 10th; Jersey cow, carrying fourth calf, due before sale date; Durham heifer, milking, fresh six weeks; 2 Holstein heif- ers, bred two months; Durham heifer due in April; 2 part Hereford and Durham yearlings; 2 steers rising two years old; pure-bred Hereford bull, 15 months old. IMPLEMENTS and MISCEL.LEANEOUS ITEMS -Tractor, Allis-Chalmers "0" "A", fully equipped with stuffier„ cultivator and bean puller, all in brand new condi- tion ; 13 -run McDeering fertilizer drill, like new; McDeering" side delivery rake; McDeering mower, 5 -foot cut; hay loader; M.-15. binder, 6 -foot cut; Oliver 2 -furrow tractor plow; 32 -plate tractor disc; 2 - drum steel roller; manure spreader; rub- ber tire wagon; 2 sets 3 -section diamond harrows; 15 steel posts; large steel water trough; Letz grinder, like new; 50 -foot rubber endless hammer mill belt; quantity of lumber; 6 milk cans; new aluminum grain shovel; hay fork rope; sling ropes, 10 bags 2-12-10 fertilizer; 7 bags 33% nitrogen ; shovels, ferks, etc.. etc. HAY and GRAIN -250 bushels Clinton seed oats; 5 tons cob corn; 8 tons mixed hay. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms - Cash. DOEKE M. DAMM, Proprietor; Ross Love, Clerk ; Alvin Walper, Auc- tioneer. 46994 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farms, Farm Stock and Power Machinery, at Lot 8, Concession 11, Tuckersmith Township, on Tuesday, March 13th, at 12:80 p.m.: CATTLE -3 Durham and Hereford cows, this time of sale. MACHINERY -Oliver 88 Diesel tractor, adjustable front axle, (1954 model) ; John Deere M tractor; nianure loader and scuffier; Oliver 60 row -crop tractor; 1 T.D. 6 International bulldozer, complete with hydraulic angle dozer, in A-1 condition; Cockshutt combine. No. 132. 10 -foot header and fully equipped; Keck-Gonnerman pick-up bean combine, used one season : Gehl forage harvester, fully equipped for corn or hay: Gehl for- age blower; 1 Smalley forage blower; 3 forage boxes: 3 good rubber tired wagons; 814 -foot international stiff tooth cultiva- tor. hydraulic; 4 -furrow International olow, hydraulic (new) ; 3 -furrow Massey - Harris plow ; 10 -foot tractOr disc, Inter- national hydraulic (new); 12 -foot John Deere spring tooth drags: John Deere one-way disc: 15 -row double disc inter- national fertilizer drill (like new); 2 sets diamond harrows; 2 culti-packers: 1 steel roller; Gehl 10 -inch hammer *mill; Eber- soll 1500-11), feed mixes; International 7- foot power movver ; International 9 -bar NOTICE to CREDITORS side rake: Innis bean windrower and side conveyor complete (new): Gem electric oat roller; 75 feet 7 -inch drive belt; Uni- versal milking machine pipe line double unit; McCormick -Deering cream separa- tor (like new); 2000-tb, scales; fanning mill; power emery; electric welder; 1 fer- tilizer sower; air compressor; sugar beet lifter to fit 'Oliver 60 or 70: set farm sleighs; Case tractor; manure spreader; grain elevator; tools; chains; host of other articles. G3OAIN-1000 bushels good mixed grain. Also heat houser for '55 Maasey; 12 -foot Internation swather; 1948 Ford 3 -ton dump truck with stock racks and grain box. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- Clare Jewell all -enamel cook stove hot water front (like new). FARMS -Farms will be offered for sale if not previously sold. Parcel 1: Lot 8, Concession 11, Tuckersmith Township; 100 acres, more or less; large bank barn; good stabling, steel drive shed (new); frame house with all modern conveniences; good water sup- ply. Parcel 2: Lot 10, Concession 9, Tuckersmith Townehip, 100 acres, 96 acres of workable land, 5 acres bush; good wa- ter supply. Both farms are in good state of cultivation. Terms: Chattels -Cash; Property -Made known day of sale. Sold subject to reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE HARRY CALDWELL; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 9598-2 In the Estate of EMMA READMAN All persons having claims against the Estate of Emma Readman, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Spinster, deceased, who died on the 6th day of February, 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of February, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 45974 For Sale FOR SALE -2 calves. Apply GORDON REYNOLDS. Phone 667 r 24, Seaford).* 4599-1 FOR SALE- Af rican Violets, 85.00; regular 31.50. All named varieties. ERIC MILNER, Seaforth. 4597-tf FOR SALE -Bull calf. Apply BOR- DEN RIEHL, R.R. 2, Walton, or phone Dublin 24 r 9. 4599-1 FOR SALE --Six young pigs, 13 weeks old. CARL VANDERGON. 4599-1 FOR SALE -10 to 15 tons mixed grain. Apply KEITH KELLY. Phone 661 r 33, Seaforth, 4591001 FOR SALE -Part Hereford and Hol- stein calf. Apply STUART WILSON. Phone 658 r 21, Seaforth. 4599-1 FOR SALE -Frame ,barn, 20x30. Ap- ply JAMES AITCRESON, Goderich St. West, Seaforth. Phone 743-3. 4599x1 FOR SALE -Four sets of cottage shut- ters and a .12 gauge shotgun, full choke and ejector, in first-class condition. TELE- PHONE 3314. 4599-2 FOR SALE - Walden & Broadfoot, wholesale and retail, stove oil and furnace fuel oil, F -I -N -A, finest in North America. PHONE 364, Seaforth. 4594-9 FOR SALE -,Beaver seed oats. RUS- SELL, BOLTON, R.R. 1, Dublin. Tele- phone 840 r 41, Seaforth. 4599-2 FOR SALE -One front quarter of 2 - Year -old Durham beef, weighing 99 pounds. Apply ORVAL GR,EER. Phone 655 r 24. Seaforth, 4599x1 FOR SALE -Mrs. Joseph Melady has a quantity of mixed hay to sell. FOr fur- ther information apply to EDWARD MELADY, Dublin. Phone 22 r 10. 4599-2 FOR SALE -Quantity of alfalfa seed and timothy seed; cleaned with Govern- ment graded machine. Apply to CLEM KRAIJSKOPF. Phone 40 r 21, Dublin. 4599x1 FOR SALE -Clean, bright fuel oil, Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1; and Government -tested coal, ecreened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART, 4394-tf SLAVS POE SALE --Hardwood. $10.00 Per load, approximately 21/2 cords: mixed wood, 28.00 per load, approximately two cordir. Protapt delivery. •FRED J. Whilh, Phone Cllidon 862. 462442 4) a CLEARING AUSALE Of Farm Stocic and Machinery, on Fri- day, March lath, at 12 o'clock sharp, at Lot 5, Concession 12, Tuckersmith Town- ship. 3 miles east of Hensel]: CATTLE - 4 Holstein cows due latter part of March; 3 Holstein cows, milking and re -bred; 6 Jereey cows. fresh; 11 Jersey cows due time of sale; 1 Guernsey cow, fresh; 1 Registered Hereford bull, 2 years old; number young Hereford calves; 12 Dur- ham and Hereford heifers and steers one year old. MACIIINERY-Model D Case tractor; Model LA Case tractor; above tractors in good condition; 3 -furrow trac- tor plow: 71/2 -foot stiff tooth Cockshutt cultivator: 8 -foot tractor disc; 3 -section drag harrows; 3 -section harrows; Mas- sey -Harris 10inch grain grinder; '7 -foot Cockshutt binder; Cockshutt 9 -bar side rake (new) ; Massey -Harris silo filler; Nee Idea '7 -foot tractor mower (cut 20 acres); 15 -run power fertilizer drill (like new); 3 -drum steel roller; 2 manure spreaders on rubber; 1 all -steel rubber tired wagon; 16 -foot hay rack; electric Viking cream separator; double cylinder Universal milk- ing machine with 4 songle tfnits; number of 8 -gallon milk cans; milk pails and atrainers; 40 feet of grain blower pipes; 32 -foot extension ladder; root pulper; 9 - foot 3-drurn steel roller; 140 feet drive belt; 70 -foot drive belt; 20 -foot drive belt; vise: Power emery; work bench; oil barrels; 2 electric fencers, posts, wire; 2 rubber tired feed carts; rubber tired niiiis cart; horse rake; oil bath pump jack; rotary pump with 1/2 H.P. motor; 200 feet of plastic nnd galvanized Pipe; quan- tity of hemlock lumber and rock elm plank; forks, shovels, tools, logging chains; large galvanized water trough; shallow well pressure water unit; colony house, 12x12, like new; 500 -capacity elec- tric brooder; 7 foot by 16 foot outdoor granary; steel chicken and pig troughs; poultry equipment; 2 rolls snow fence; steel rails 18 feet long and pfpe; oil pump for barrels; 15 -ft. extension pipe for thresher; % bushel 606 seed corn; number bags of Corn King mineral; 200 bushela of oats; 2 barrels moInsaes; 2 tons bran; % ton beet pulp. Quantity of household effects.-Tablea, chains, buffet, bedroom suites; studio coudh; sealers; clock ; Co- lumbia Victrcda; music chest; extension table; kitchen chairs. . No reserve, feria sold. Tonle -Cash. GLEN si.,Avril, Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Alletitaieer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk, Lunch tooth tin grounds, 4924 'Auction, Spies AUCTION SALE, Of Farm Implements and household Ef- fects, on Tuesday, March 20(31, at 1:80 o'clock, on the farm of Bert Rile.'. 'on Concession 12, Lot 20, Blibbert ToWns1417, 21/2 miles east of Chiselburst, or 14 miles south and 1% miles west og cross:sets, the estate of the late James Howe, the following; One Massey -Harris binder, 2 - foot cut; 1 Deering mower, 5 -foot; 1 vas- sey-Harria drill, 11 -hoe; 1 hay rake; roller; 1 Calm hay loader; 1 Oliver 8 -fur- row tractor plow, on 'rubber; 1 8 -section harrows: 1 4 -section harrow.,; '1 Oliver scuffier and bean puller; 1 disc; 1 set of scales: 1 fanning mill: 1 riding plow; 1 Massey -Harris manure spreader; sleighs and fiat rack; 1 stiff -tooth tractor culti- vator, '7 -foot; 1 wagon, nearly new; hay rack and shifter; car and draw rope; 1 Vega cream separator; 1 set double har- ness; horse collars; extension ladder: forks, shovels, etc., and a cinantity of household effects; also 1948 Plymouth car in good running order. Terms -Cash. ESTATE OF LATE JAMES HOWE; Har- old Jackson, Auctionee.r ; El. I". Chesney, Clerk. 4599-2 DISPERSAL SALE Of All Breeding Stock 58 HEAD DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS,' Wed., March 14th, 1956 Herd on R.O.P. Fully Accred,. All Females Over 6 Months of Age Vaocinated TYPE IS REPRESENTED with big rugged matrons, good udders, good breed- ing condition, backed with RO.P, milk and fat records. These cattle are typical TWO-WAY propositions - MILK AND BEEF. Bulls in Service and Selling: SANFORD SALTPAN MONEDEN APPOLO These sires are rich in the blood of the breed's top producers. These bulls will sell. LOCATION --Sale at the Farm, High- way No. 8, one mile west of Seaforth. TIME -1:30 p.m. sharp. Phone 851 r 4, Seaforth, for catalogue. Thornton Hall Farm James F. Scott (Owner) SEAFORTH, ONT. 4698-2 Lost and Found FOTJND-In Seaforth, a sum of money. Owner may apply at McGONIGLE'S GRO- CERY, Seaforth.- 4599-1 LOST -Pair of ladies' black kid gloves, on Monday, on Main Street in Seaforth. Anyone finding them please leave at EX- POSITOR OFFICE. 4599-1 Poultry FOR SALE -Day-old mixed chicks, cockerels, Pullets. Order now for April; some started chicks in brooders, Ames -in - Cross Hybrids. J. E. STACKHOUSE, Wil- ton Grove, Ont. 4697x4 BRAY BROILERS For April - May 'should be on order. Ask for prices. Also on Pullets (some started), Mixed Chicks, Cockerels. Quick delivery. Hatchery has specials also (Ames In -Cross, etc.). Full information from agents: JOHN LUBER, R.R. 2. Seaforth Phone 845 r 12 MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Brucefield Phones: Clintun 618 r 23 ; Seaforth 659 r 23 - • ^ Property For Sale EIOUSE FOR SALE -House has eight rooms with electric lights and town wa- ter. Possession March 15. MRS, JAMES BARRON. 4599-2 INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE Five -family apartment house, fully furnished: good location. Excellent in- come. Easy terrns. Owner will sacrifice for immediate sale due to ill health. Good pay -for -itself -home for working man or retired couple. Act now. PHONE CLIN- TON 78-3. 4598-2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept, T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton. Cards of Thanks I WOULD like to thank those who sent cards, treats and flowers and the visits from so many; also for the thoughtfulness of our neighbors while I was in London Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Gorwill, MRS HARRY M CHESNEY 4599-1 I WOULD LIKE to thank Dr. Gorwill and nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital, W.A. of the United Church, Explorers, and all those who sent cards and treats and visited me while a patient in the hos- pital. 4599-1 LINDA Mac(DONALD THE FAMILY of the late John Powell wish to thank all those who remembered them in any way and who forwarded flowers and cards, or who loaned cars on the occasion of their recent sad bereave- naent Special thanks to Dr. John A. Gor- will, Rev. D. Glenn Campbell and James T Scott, 459001 We WISH to extend a very sincere "thank you" to kind friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during the illness and at the time of the death of a beloved wife and mother. Everything is gratefully acknowledged and deeply ap- preciated. .JACK McCART1TY, TERRY and MARGARET 4599,11 In Memoriam KNIGHT -In loving memory of Thomas Norman, Knight, who 'passed away one year ago, March 8. We little knew when we awoke that morn The sorrow the day would bring; The call was sudden. the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. Sometimes it's hard to underetand Why aotne things have to be, But in His wisdom God line planned Beyond our power to see. God gave us strength- to fight it, And courage th bear the blow; - But what it coat to lose him, No one will ever kncrw. -Ever remembered and Bridle missed by Wife and Family. • 459001 Births SEGEEEN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Sebastinan Segereit, R.R. f &AEA, a daughter. BENDER - WOREMAN VARNA.-Varna United Church parsonage was the setting "of quiet but pretty wedding on Sat- urday, February 25, when Phyllis Elizabeth Workman was united in marriage to Lloyd Edward Ben- der. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Percy Workman and the late Mr. Workman, and the groom is the son of M. and M. Gordon Bender, of Dashwood- The Rev. T. J, Pitt, of Varna, officiated. The bride wore a street -length dress of blue brocaded silk with Panama accessories with red car- nation. She was attended by Miss Katherine Miller, of Clandeboye. Mr. Howard Cunnington, of Kirk - ton, was best man. BENSALL Buy your Dinnerware at Sav- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Complete 94 -piece sets (Service for 12) as low as $24.95. 'Entire stock of jewellery, diamonds, clocks and watches, and china at sale prices throughout March. SAVAUGE'S, Seaforth.-(Advt.). Mrs. C. L. Jinks, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, sufferingwith a fractured hip, was removed to South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Sunday. Miss Helen Boyle, RegN., Tor- onto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. The CP & T fund committee -of the IOOF and Amber Rebekah Lodges held a euchre party in the lodge hall Friday evening with pro- ceeds for welfare work. Euchre winners were: ladies, Mrs. W. R. Dotrgall; gents, William Parker. Luncheon was served. Mr. Bill Mickle left Saturday on a conducted tour of St. Louis, Mo. Miss Margaret Buchanan, who has been a patient in Clinton Hos- pital has returned home .Mrs. Frank Shaw and son Jack, Toronto, were weekend guests of Frank , Mousseau, Margaret and Wilfred. The members of the Missionary Society of the United Church held a quilting in the church school- room Tuesday and Wednesday af- ternoons, quilting a number of quilts. A pot -lunch lunch was serv- ed. Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Spencer, Gwen and Greg and Miss Mavis Spencer' spent the weekend in To- ronto, Mrs. Robt. Reid, Kincardine,. and Mrs. J. Helm and family, Tiverton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Reid and family. Mrs. Geo. Hess will be in charge of the program on Citizenship and Education at the March meeting of the Women's Institute on Wed- nesday in the Legion Hall. Hos- tesses are Mrs. H. Horton and Mrs. Fred Beer. Roll call is "A famous person I have always admired." ACIPPEN - • Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore included their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, also Mr. and Mrs. Ce'cil Oke, all of Lon- don. • We are pleased to learn Mrs. Harry Chesney is home from Vic- toria Hospital, London, and is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider, !Judy and Paul, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Priestap and family, of near Mitchell, visited Sunday with Mr. Robert Thomson. ,Mrs. 'Elston Dowser' has been confined to her bed for a few days, Dr. Goddard attending her. Miss Velma Hepburn, London, was a weekend guest of her friend, Miss Merle Dickert. Mrs. W. R. Cooper is visiting her sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Lawson, of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacques, of Clifford. ; ..41;09k to.. ,AonmL,"ripow.o.e4t. ',0.4; P...g OO ...„ plOcg4Ots IserWe:fiir I 12), .1.o.yo's.aS. $24.05., Entire stock *of ,jevrellery,-4104onffs,, cloc4 and watChes, and china at sale prices throughout Ma h. SAVATJCiE'S, Seaforth;-(Adva Mr. Alex Gardiner is 'on a two - weeks' holiday vacation to the Southern States. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. Grace Scott and Mrs. Moore vis- ited on Saturday with Rev. R. G. MacKay and Mrs. MacKay at Thamesford. We are sorry to re- port Mr. MacKay is not enjoying good health. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bachler and son, of Zurich, accompanied by Mrs. Sarab Schmidt, of Prud- homme, Sask., visited with Mr. an.d Mrs. Donald Scott on Wednes- day. Mrs. Schmidt also called on Mrs. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Storey, Lor- ena and Marlene visited on Sunday with Mrs. Storey's mother, Mrs. T. Guest, at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg McKellar and two sons, Gary and Paul, vis- ited with Mr. and Airs. Idn JV1e- Kellar on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kemp- and Audrey, and Mr.' and Mrs. Ken Rolph and two children spent Sun- day evening with Mrs. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Margaret Ann, of Carlingford, vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brooks and George spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl was hostess to the members of the Women's Missionary Society for their regu- lar monthly meeting on Thursday. Mrs. Grace Scott presided and al- so had charge of the devotional period, assisted by Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. Moore. The roll call, "What is our duty toward our church?" was answered by four - District Obituaries MRS. WILLIAM JOHNSTON WALTON.-Funeral services for the late Mrs. William Johnston were held last Thursday afternoon, March lst, from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton. Conducting the service was the Rev. Howard Pentland, Hamilton, assisted by the Rev. A. W. Watson, Blyth. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were William and Gordon Murray, Walton; Ellwood Shortreed, Blyth; Roily Achilles, Walton; Grant Sparling, Blyth, and Stanley Hillen, McKillop Township. The late Mrs. Johnston passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, Brantford, on Tuesday, February 21, in her 73rd year. She was the former Margaret Davidson, daugh- ter of James and Flora Davidson, and was born in McKillop Town- ship on December 15, 1883. In April, 1913, she married William Murray, Walton, and they lived on Concession 9, Morris Township. Mr. Murray died on February 14, 1923. In June of 1936, she married William Johnston, Blyth, who pre- deceased her in 1946. Since that time, Mrs. Johnston has resided at Burford.. She was a member of Blyth United Church, and while living there was active in the work of the Woman's Missionary Society and the Woman's Association of that church. Surviving are two sons, James Murray, Aurora, and John E. Mur- ray, Sarnia; one daughter, Mrs. Robert W. (Margaret) Cole, Clin- ton; two step -daughters, Mrs. A. M. (Fern) Fox, Burford; Mrs. Ar- thur (Laura) Doble, Vancouver, B.C. One daughter, Jean, prede- ceased her in 1944. One sisters, Mrs. E. (Flora) Thompson, lives in Regina, Sask. Persons Attending the funeral I came from Hamilton, Burford, I Oshawa and Sarnia, as well as1 Blyth and the surrounding district. BRUCEFIELD NEWS Buy your Dinnerware at Say- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Complete 94 -piece sets (service for 12) as low as $24.95. 'Entire stock of jewellery, diamonds, clocks -'and watches, and china at sale prices throughout March. SAVAUGE'S, Seaforth.-(Advt.). . Miss Marie Elliott is spending some time in Hayfield with her aunt, Mrs. Menenary, who is ill. Mrs. John Cornish received word of the death of her brother, Mr. John Hill, of Moose Jaw: Mr. Hill attended the funeral of his broth- er, Mr. Jambs Hill, at Stratford in December, and spent Christmas with his sister here. Mrs. Elsie Forrest, of • London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Me - Queen and Margaret. A number of young Oeople held a surprise party for Mr. Gordon Elliott, who had a . birthday on February 29. Miss Donna MeBride, of Strat- ford General Hospital, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Too Late To Classify APARTMENT FOR RENT -Available March 15. Apply B. F. CHRISTIE. 459001 Deaths BECHELY-In Seaforth, on Friday, March 2, Dr. F. J. Bechely in his 62nd year. BELL -In Stratford on Monday. March 6, Margaret n. Rolph, widow of the late John P. Ben, 01 Seaforth, it her 82nd year, FEENEY-In Hibbert, on Sunday, March 4, Patrick Feeney, in his 91st year. GARTZMEYER-In Detroit. • on Monday, March 6, Clara Gaetzmeyer, formerly of Seaforth. WATSON-1n London, on Friday, March 2, John S. Watson, in his 78th year. CARSWELL-At Toronto, on Sunday eve- ning, March 4, 1956, Reverend David Carswell, husband of the late Jean Pa terson and dear father of Mrs W. Moon (Jean), Mrs. Marvin L. SdlStiltz (Helen), and ,,the late Gordan Carswell, loving grandfather of Bill Moon and Sohn Schultz. Resting at the Funeral Chapel or Wm. Sneers, 2926 Derides( St., Toronto. Service in chapel. Wednesday afternoon with' tritornrent in Ayr deme - OF THE WEEK Mrs. Alvin McBride. Mr. James Allan, son of Mr. Ed- gar Allen, left on Sunday for York. Mr. Allan is on the police force. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith, of Bluevale, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wickstead, of Brussels, spent Sun- day with Mrs. H. Berry. Mrs. C. Ham returned home. on Monday after' spending six weeks with her son, Mr. Wesley Ham, at Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Vivian and Carol Ann, Mr, George Viv- ian and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Viv- ian, of Staffa, , visited with Mrs. John Cairns )on Sunday. WANTED Good man, capable of mixing cement for silo building. Will hire by the month or by the year. Apply to JONATHAN miGux 3 nules west of .Seaforth on Ifigh- way No. 8, or phone 667 r 13, Sea - forth, or 616 r 13, Clinton. IMPORTANT MEETING! Monday kight March 12th 8:00 p.m. TOWN HALL SEAFORTH It is imperative that all who are interested in hockey in Seaforth be resent. Hockey Association Seaforth k.•;„ . • . '`!' • • ten 1.40M.P..ert0144.I:04e! votforimm;, t. 4.41i.o 0144 U*44 0.0r, wasgiVeu by mrp, .144.1*s,:"SOOM, The chapter frOin the .$4,1r: book, "New Reach Per 'Life," vs read by Mrs, John Wallace. A debate entitled, '"What does it mean to he' ,A member of the church'?" With Mrs. Sorsdahl As leader, was discussed with the fol- lowim 'taking part: Mrs,. T. L. Seat,' Mrs. J. Scott, Mrs. AL La- mm, Mrs. Wm. Miller And Mrs. Laing. Mrs. Harburn gave cjw, rent events from the Glad Tid- ings. An interesting feature of the meeting was the presentation of two life membership pertificates. The address was read by Mrs. T. Scott and the presentation was made by Mrs. T. L. Scott to Mrs.. Frank Harburn and Mrs. Frank Allen. Each member of the W.M.S. has been presented with a life membership certificate. Mrs. membership certificate.- Mrs. Grace Scott closed the meeting with prayer. . NOTICE! For Sale By Tender Remains of building on pro- perty at corner of East Wil- liam a d Side St. Purcha er must clean up property J to satisfaction of WHEY. • Bids will be received in writ- ing until March 10, 1956. Highest tender need not be accepted. J. C. CRICH SEAFORTH 11,40,00 tractor soa"Idied rsinalthilisgs NEW SPEED CASE -soar New Powr- To rq ENGINES ... Gas and Diesel The CASE Income Payment Plan makes It easy to bey tale mestere 3 -plow tractor- • ROWCLIFFE MOTORS Dodge De Soto Case Farm Implements PHONE 267 : -SEAFORTH Everybody is Invited! SEAFORTH HOCKEY ASSOCIATION End -of -Season BANQUET AND DANCE Community Centre THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, at 7 p.m. The banquet -buffet style -will feature Spare Ribs and Pig Tails with all yeu can eat! TICKETS $2.50 EACH DANCING ONLY 75 CENTS Come out and share this end -of -the -season get-together. Members of the Hurons and Bantams will be guests of honor. GIRLS REQUIRED For Plastic Moulding Shop permanent positions open for day and evening shifts in machine shop and assembly plant. Apply - MR. WALTER ROSEDALE PLASTICS INTERNATIONAL LTD. SEAFORTH, ONT. You Dan% Have to Buy It To Try It! Try Soft Water For 14 Days FREE! Then - and Only Then - You'CAN Decide on 1. Our 7 - 14 or 28 day service. 2. Purchase of a 10 -year guaranteed softener. (with free yearly inspection) 3. Rental of a SELF SERVICE Softener (you can do your own re -generating) Our service charges start at $3.60 per 28 days. Our home -owned units are priced from $129.00 up, and our Self -Service Softeners can be rented for as little as $3.00 per month. SOFT WATER IS OUR BUSINESS Culligan Soft Water Service Goderich, Ontario : Phone 402 .5'