HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-03-02, Page 4"177i sl.:tOsrineOrs R, SEAVARTII, ONT„ MARCH 2, 956• WHERE MORE PEOPLE Pi MORE BUYING AND SELLING I Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates aux, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: -let Week 1 Cent Ond Week % Cent 3rd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each basertMn26 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cat'da of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events—I cent Per word. Minimum, oo cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 15 cents extra. • • Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. HArths, Marriages and Deaths inserted tree of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on applicaelao, rkv. Coming Events . For Rent Auction Sales BE ON HAND for a good time at Mit- chell's Crystal Palace Ballroom on Fri- day night, with Clarence Petrie's Night Hawks. 4598-5 MODERN and Old Tyme Dancing for aB at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mit- chell, every Friday night. Music by Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. 4591-12 DOMINION LIFE CHOIR, Kitchener, and the Harbouraires, Goderich, will present a concert in Ontario Street Unit- ed Church auditorium, Clinton, on Friday, March 9, at 830 p.m. Sponsors: Happy IDoubles Club. Admission 50 cents. 4598-2 ONE -ACT COMEDY Play, "Sure As You're Born," and several other numbers, Mensall Town Hall, March 9, at 8:30. Presented by the Seaforth Junior Farm- ers. Sponsored by Kippen East Women's Institute. Admission 50 and 25 cents. 4598-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goode), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton. Livestock Wanted $3.00 PAID for dead horses and rows; bigher prices paid forsick and disabled borses and cows. PHONE ATVVOOD 153 collect. 4598-12 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE—House has eight rooms with electric lights and town wa. ter.. Possession March 15. MRS. JAMES BARRON. 4597x2 FOR SALE—Seven-room frame house in Seaforth; automatic oil heat, bot wa- ter, new bath, built-in cupboard,s. Apply FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment PHONE 254-J, Seaforth. 4598-1 FOR RENT—Three-seems unfurnished apartment. Immediate possession. PHONE 250-R, or days 146. 4594-tf FOR RENT—Four-room apartment with private bath. Immediate possession. Ap- ply to HARVEY MCLLWAIN, Seaforth. 4598-1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES NOLAN All persons having claims against the Es. tate of James Nolan, late of the Town- ship of McKillop, in the County of Hur- on, Farmer, deceased. who died on the Sth day of January. 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 16th day of March, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of February, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4597.3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of GLADYS WESTON Al) persons having claims against the Estate of Gladys Weston, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on. Married Woman, deceased, who died on the 5th day of January, 1956, are here- by notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 16th day of March, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- . v . Box 515, HURON EXPOSITOR, DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of 4596-3 February, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4597-3 INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE Five -family apartment house, fully furnished; good location. Excellent in- come- Easy terms. Owner will sacrifice for inunediate sale due to ill health. Good pay -for -itself -home for working man or retired couple. Act now. PHONE CLIN- TON 73-J. 4598-2 Poultry FOR SALE -30 pullets laying 80 per cent. BERT CHRISTENSEN, Seaforth. 4598-1 FOR SALE—Day-old mixed chicks, cockerels, pullets. Order now for April; some started chicks in brooders, Ames -in - Cross Hybrids. J, E. STACKHOUSE, Wil- ton Grove, Ont. • 4597x4 Help Wanted WANTED—Lady wants work in etore or restaurant in Seaforth. Experienced in restaurant work. Apply Box 519, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4598x1 OFFICE HELP WANTED—Three days a week. Apply TOM RAWLING'S PEAR - SON MOTOR SALES, Zurich. Phone 33. 4597x2 WORK WANTED—Student wishes work after 4 and on Saturdays. Woman wieh. es work by the hour. Apply MRS. SIM. Market St., Seaforth. Phone 145-R. 4598x1 SALESLADIES WANTED Managers and salesladies for full or• part-time work. Your income depends on :What hours you work. Earn 550.00 to 1$100.00 weekly, showing guaranteed pro- duct. Knitwear orlons nylons, lingerie, dresses. Car necessary. Do not miss this Opportunity. Write: MRS. GLADYS FIDLER, liyalkerton. Ont. Notices RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 1147-R. 4594-tf GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 52 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed, Contact 850 r 33 Sea - forth. 4594.tf COMPLETE LAUNDE'TERJA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser - ice. Phone 393, ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. • 4694-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! — Protnpt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call aolleet HD, ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea. forth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 459443 NOTICE—Anyone wishing to ship hogs to, the Hog Marketing Board, please call on Monday nights. I am shipping on Tbesday of every week. HARVEY Mc- ELWAIN, Seaforth. 4598-1 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St., Hen - sail. Bring your livmstock. Always a good ' market price. HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, „Ififensell; VICTOR HARGREAVES, 685 r al, Clinton. 4591:12 CAR BUYERS • Orir Low Cost Financing Plan will help You make a better deal. See us for details tiow BEFORE you bur. W. C. ORE INSURANCE . Phone 458 . Seaforth • .WATERLOO • CATTLg 13REtDING- ASSOCIATION "Where Better Halls Are 17seer Inseattnatfon seririce for e� a tattle, Poi settle° et Inform- Otione WINTON' 242collet, be - 1t20 and 10:00 teras on: we& days 0104 440 an& 0:311 n.16- eri &Ma* gt‘if NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of E51MA READMAN All persons having claims against the Estate of Emma Readman, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Spinster, deceased, who died on the th day of February. 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of February, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors tor -sates Executors. 4597-8 For Sale FOR SALE—Three springer cows and four calves. Phone 661 r 4, DALE NIX - ON, Seaforth. 4598x1 FOR SALE—African Violets. 41.00; regular $1.50. All named varieties. ERIC MILNER, Seaforth_ ' 4597-tf FOR SALE --Coal or wood cook stove in good condition. PHONE 236, Seaforth. 4598x1 FOR SALE—Seven chunks. Apply to JACK RIVERS, North Main St., Sea - forth. 4598x1 FOR SALE — Walden & Broadfoot, wholesale and retail, stove oil and furnace fuel oil. F -I -N -A, finest in North America. PHONE 854. Seaforth. 4594-9 FOR SALE—Honey, clover 42.00 and Amber $1.75, 8 -pound pails only. Apply WALLACE ROSS APAIRIES, North Main St., Seaforth. 4598-1 FOR SALE — Clean. bright fuel oil, Sarnia's beet from top of vat No. 1; and Government -tested coal, screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART. 4594-tf SLABS FOR SALE--Flardwood, 410.00 Per load, approximately 2% cords; mixed wood, 48.00 per load, approximately two oords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. Burma Phone Clinton 862. 4594x12 FOR SALE—Flowers for all occasions; Potted Plants Gloxinias 43,00; Hydranges 45.00 and up; Raster Lilies $2.00 and up; Carnations, any color, 44.00 a dozen. WALLACE ROSS, agent Mitchell Nurs- eries. 4598-1 Farms For Sale FOR SALE -100 acres, more or less, Lot 25. Concession 6, McKillop. on High- way 8% miles .north of Seaforth; also 6 fresh cows. If not sold by end of March will be sold by auttion, with full line of farm implements. Watch for date. Easy terms on farm. Apply CARL DALTON & SONS. Phone 481-J, Seaforth. 4598x3 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Machinery on Tueeday, March 6th. at 1 pm.. at Lot 30, Concession 7, Hibbert Township, 3% miles south and 2% east of Seaforth: CATTLE -4 Hol- stein cows, fresh and due to freshen time of sale; 1 registered Holstein cow, due time of. sale; 3. Holstein heifers one year old; 1 Holstein heifer (bred). 2 Holstein WWII due in April; 1 Herefor'd steer 700 lbs.; number of young calves, PIGS --13 York hogs 150 lbs.; 8 York chunks. 75 lbs.•, 50 Hybrid 1 -year-old hens. MACHINERY— Model '5' Case tractor with adjuetahte front axle in No. 1 condition; 2 -row Case scuffler for tractor; 1951 Ford 1 -ton truck in A-1 condition, racks, and good tires; Cockshntt all-ateel push bar hay loader (nearly new); 1 Horn Buckrake, lite all Horn manure loader(like new); Messes. Harris 2 -furrow tractor plow; Oliver ham- mer mill Massey-fterris binder; SileCor- mick mower; 6 -foot Crete aide rake (new); 2 rubber tired teem. wrigone; 10 -foot fiat hay reek ; B-Seition Inteihational, drag harro*..„ /sA guy. Sowing engine; I0400t GiIIAIN7;t-160 10, 000 'WOWS „wcifdpit. bilSretf(„igerdire TOrtheines Cash BLOAAPCO' anKozn8014, tor; Harold, .diielfeen, 4-akiiteal E, 1%; Chesney, OTetlt,: • ,• 450/4 • .•'..- .. . . . • . , . ., s s s. . s. , .,,,,,,, ,......,,,,•,.;,....,,,........ „,„„,,,,,i,... ."',....,)., -4;•,,,,,..•,.,.r.,,,,',•,i.1 4, .,:,;('',•-•,r1..4,:',,...0)6:1X'4,;...'4,1:';',ei4.,..1.1 r, ,...1w,,,,I,,,,,,,,,,t,„ „,„ ..,.., •,...,..;,,c.r.,•,;t:„.',,`,.,•••;•....:,,,,,.• -.,0'..,, ,••!..: ..,..'.-, --,•:' ' ,.,,.;,,, DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE Of Shorthorn Cattle and Hoge on Wed- nesday March 7th at 2 pm. Lot 89 Con- cession 2 East Wawanosh Townalsip, one mile north of Blyth and 14 west of No. 4 Highway: 88 head of Shorthorn cattle— /. bull, 2 years old, Royal Jake, sired by Royal Sort 2nd. 311914, Dam Rosewood Gem 359194; 4 fresh cows; a eows due time of sale; 2 cows due in May: 2 cows due in June; 2 cows due in September; 2 heifers due in June; 2 steers two years old ; 2 heifer2 years old 3 steers one Year old ; 6 heifers one year old 4 steer calves; 4 heifer calves; 1 bull calf, elig- ible for registration; all cows TB tested and vaccinated; 1 grey mare; 4 York sows bred five weeke; 19 chunks; 1 Internation- al cream separator, No. 2; 1 sleigh; 1 cutter; 1 buggy; 1 Massey-FlaFris man- ure spreader No. 7; 1 set of brass -mount- ed team harness; 1 set single harness; horse collars; 3 good horse blankets: 15 term loose hay ; 6 or 7 hundred bales of hay; 4 or 5 bushels of timothy seed with some alfalfa in it ; 1 1938 Dodge coach, in good running order. No reserve. Terms --Cash. ORVAL MoGOWAN, Proprietor; Harold Jackeon, Auctiopeer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk, 4598-1 DISPERSAL SALE Of All Breeding Stock 58 HEAD DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS Wed., March 14th, 1956 Herd on R.O.P. Felly Accredited All Females Over 6 Months of Age Vacs in ated TYPE IS REPRESENTED with big rugged matrons, good udders, good breed- ing eondition, backed with RO.P. milk and fat records. These cattle are typical TWO-WAY propositions — MILK AND BEEF. Bulls in Service and Selling; SANFORD SALTPAN MONEDEN APPOLO These sires are rich in the blood of the breed's top producers. These bulls will sell. LOCATION—Sale at the Farm, High- way, No. 8, one mile west of Seaforth. TIME -1:30 p.m. sharp. Phone 851 r 4, Seaforth, for catalogue, Thornton Hall Farm James F. Scott (Owner) SEAFOItTH, ONT. 4598-2 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farms, Farm Stock and Power Machinery, at Lot 8. Concession 11, Tuckersmith Township, on Tuesday, March lath, a; 1210 p.m,: GATTLE,---s Durham and Hereford cows, due time of sale. MACHINERY—Oliver 88 Diesel tractor, adjustable front axle, (1954 model); John Deere IM tractor; manure loader and scuflier ; Oliver 60 row -crop tractor; 1 T.D. 6 International bulldozer, complete with hydraulic angle dozer, in A-1 condition ; Cockshutt combine. No. 132, 10 -foot header and fully eeuiPPed; Keck-Gonnerman pick-up bean combine, used one season ; Gehl forage harvester, fully eqvipped for corn or hay; Gehl for- age blower; 1 Smalley forage blower; 3 forage boxes: S good rubber tired wagons; 8% -foot International stiff tooth cultiva- tor, hydraulic ; 4 -furrow International Plow. hydraulic (ncw) 3 -furrow Massey - Harris plow ; 10 -foot tractor disc, Inter- national hydraulic (new): 12 -foot John Deere spring tooth drags; John Deere one-way disc; 15 -row double disc Inter- national fertilizer drill (like' new) ; 2 sets disonond harrows; 2 culti-packers; 1 steel roller; Gehl 10 -inch hammer mill; Eber- soll 1500-18. feed mixes; International 7 - foot power mower; International 4 -bar side rake; 'Innis bean windrower and side conveyor complete (new) ; Gem electric oat roller ; 75 feet 7 -inch drive belt; Uni- versal milking machine pipe line double' unit; McCormick -Deering cream separa- tor (like new) ; 2000 -lb. scales; fanning mill; power emery; electric welder; 1 fer- tilizer sower; air compressor; sugar beet lifter to fit Oliver 60 or 70; set farm sleighs; Case tractor ; manure spreader; grain elevator; tools; chains; host of other articles. GRAIN -1000 bushels good mixed grain. Also heat. houser for '55 Massey; 12 -foot Internation swather; 1948 Ford 3 -ton dump truck with stock racks and grain box. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Clare Jewell all -enamel cook stove bot water front (like new). FARMS—Farms will be offered for sale if not previously sold. Parcel 1: Lot 8, Concession 11, Tuckersmith Township; 100 acres, more or less; large bank barn; good stabling, steel drive shed (new); frame house with all modern conveniences; good water sup - p1'. Parcel 2: Lot 10, Coneession 9, Tuckeremith Township, 100 ricees, 95 acres of workable land, 5 acres bush ; good wa- ter supply. Both farms are in good state of cultivation. Terms: Chattels—Cash; Property—Made known day of sale. Sold subject to. reserve, bid. ESTATE OF LATE HARRY CALDWELL; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer ; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4598-2 CLEAR/NG AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Machinery, on Fri- day, March 16th, at 12 o'clock sharp, at Lot 5, Conceesion 12, Tuckersmith Town- ship, 3 miles east of Hensall: cArrix- 4 Holstein cows due latter part of March; 3 Holstein cows, milking and re -bred; 6 Jersey cows, fresh ; 11 Jersey cows due time of sale; 1 Guernsey cow, fresh; 1 Registered Hereford bull. 2 years old; number young Hereford calves; 12 Dur - hem and Hereford heifers and steere one year old. MACHINERY—Model D Case tractor; Model LA Case tractor; above tractors in good condition; 3 -furrow trac- tor plow; 7% -foot stiff tooth Cockshutt cultivator; 8 -foot tractor disc: 8 -section drag harrows; 3 -section harrows; Mas- sey -Harris 10inch grain grinder; 7 -foot Cockshutt binder; Cockshutt 4 -bar side rake (new) ; Massey -Harris silo filler ; New Idea 7 -foot tractor mower (cut 20 acres); 15 -run power fertilizer drill (like new); 3 -drum steel roller; 2 manure spreaders on rubber; 1 all -steel rubber tired wagon; 16 -foot hay rack; electric Viking cream separator; double cylinder 'Universal milk- ing machine with 4 single units; number of 8 -gallon milk cans; milk pails and strainers; 40 feet of grain blower pipes; 12 -foot extension ladder; root gulper; 9 - foot 3 -drum steel roller; 140 feet drive belt: 70 -foot drive belt: 30.foot drive belt; vise; power emery; work bench: oil barrels: 2 electric fencers, poste, wire; 2 rubber tired feed carts ; rubber tired milk cart ; horse rake; oil bath pump Jack ; rotary pump with ',2 H.P. motor; 200 feet of plastic and galvanised PiPe; quan- tity of hemlocic lumber and rock elm Plank; forks, shovels, Mole, logging rhains; large galvanized writer trough; shallow well pressure water unit; colony house. 12/12, like new ; 500-enpacity elec- tric brooder; 7 foot by 16 foot outdoor granary; steel chicken and pig troughs; poultry equipment; 2 rolls 'snow fence; keel rails 18 feet long and Pipe oil IsuulP frit herrels; 15 -ft. extension pipe for thresher ; I/2 bushel 606 seed cern; number bags Of Corn King 'mineral; 200 bushels of oats: 2 barrels moiasees; 2 Mite bran; 1/2 ton beet pulp, Quantity tif heusehold effects—Tables, chair,,, buffet, bedroom suites; studio couch; sealers ;enleck ; Co- lumbia Victrola ; tmeile cited; extension table; kitchen chairs. . No ;rellefv_ in for* sold. Torms--Cosh, ottiv sT.A.V1/4, Pro- nrioter ; Harold Seidman, Attetioneer; B. P, Ohetney, Ole*. Ltulehi booth on grounds. 4084 Cards of Thanks I WISH to thank all neighbors tin* frieda who have been so kind to •me since IC have been with cards and treats. Good wishes. 4598-1 MARGARET MCQUEEN I WISH to thank my friends and neigh - beers for the cards and treats sent tos,Me while a patient in Victoria Fie:Vital, Lon- don; also them who came to Bee Me or helped in any way at home. 459851 MURRAY DALTON THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Fred Reeves wish to express their aPPreciation to their friends and neighbors who fon. warded curds and flowers and W110 re. membered them in other wave on the oc- casion of their recent bereavement. 4598x1 THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Walter Fairbairn wish to express their apprecia- tion to all the friends and neighbors for their kindness at the time of their be.. reavesnent Special thanks is extended the Rev. Norman McLeod, Dr. .7. C. God- dard, Bonthron Funeral Home and those who sent flowers and cards or helped in any way. 4598-1 TECO FAMILY of the late R. .7. Scott Bolton wieh to express their aPPreciation to all the friends and neighbors for tbeir kinliness at the time of their sad bereave- ment. Special thanks is extended to Dr. Stapleton, Mr. Whitney and Mrs. Ross Hamilton, and those who sent flowers and cards and those who helped in any way. 4598x1 MRS. JOHN L. HENDERSON wishes to gratefully acknowledge the many kind re- membrances of cards, flowers, fruit and candy while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, and since returning to her sis- ter's, Mrs. Sproat's home in Melissa and regrets very much that it is not possible to acknowledge each one individually. Al- so to Drs. Goddard, Hession, Gibson and Wilson, the Sisters of St. Joseph's and nurses, on the third floor, and special thanks' to the Kippen neighbors, 4598x1 Deaths IRELAND—Id Tusford, Sask., on Feb. 18, 1956, Mrs. William Ireland, the for- mer Ellen Hays, daughter of James Rees of McKillop, in her 92nd year. Buried at Climax, Sask., on Wednesday, February 22. MOCARTHY—In Logan, on Monday, Feb. 27, Catherine Gormley. beloved wife of John McCarthy, in her 49th year. POWELL—In McKillop on Sunday, Feb. 26, John H. Powell, in his 90th year. REEVES—In Seafortb, nin Saturday, Feb. 25, Mary G. Shade, widow of the late Frederick Reeves, in her 77th year, Blue and Scott In New Business Announcement was made this week that Johnnie Blue and Robert Scott are taking over the mechani- cal department of Clarke's Gar- age. The new arrangement com- menced on Thursday, March 1. Mr. Scott is well known to the many customers of Clarke's Gar- age, where he has been. in the mechanical department for the past three years. Mr. Blue has op- erated the John Deere agency in Egmondville for the past five years. Since a disastrous fire wip- ed out his shop a year ago last summer, he has operated the ag- ency from temporary quarters ad- jacent to his residence. Under the new arrangement, the John Deere agency will be handled at the gar- age, where a full line of parts will be maintained. John Deere equip- ment will be on display both at the garage as well as Mr. Blue's lot in Egmondville. Associated with them in the me- chanical department will be James McGregor, who has had many years' experience in both motor vehicle and tractor work. The new arrangements will not affect the sale of gasoline, this de- partment being retained by Mr. Clarke, who has operated the sta- tion since it was erected ten years ago. Mr. Clarke is also continuing to handle car sales. Family Honors Mr., Mrs. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters were honored on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary when members of their family ar- ranged a surprise dinner party to mark the event, on Saturday. The dinner was held at the home of their second eldest daughter and son -iii -law, Mr. • and Mrs. Allan Campbell, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Walters were mar- ried on the 16th of February, 1916, by the late Rev. Allin, in the par- sonage in Clinton. The attendants were Mrs. Jack Horton (Sadie Walters) and Fletcher Townsend. Mrs. Walters was the former Ila Townsend, daughter of Mrs. Eliza- beth Townsend and the late Amos Townsend. Mr. Walters is the eld- est son of Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, of Clinton, and the late Edward Walters. They have five children.: (Doro- thy) Mrs. George Twyford, Toron- to; (Beatrice) Mrs. Allan Camp- bell, Seaforth; Lloyd, of London; (Eileen) Mrs. Murray Culver, of Brantford, and (Amy) Mrs. Don Horne, London, and 13 grandchil- dren, all of whom were present for the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Walters were presented with a rest rock- er from the family. ARENA Community Centre COMING EVENTS: Thursday, March 1st 8:00 p.m. FOREST vs. SEAFORTH BANTAMS Friday, March 2nd' 8-10 -- SKATING Saturday, March 3rd 1:30 • 3:30 — SRAM% P.M. --LEGION HOCKEY 3 Genies Monday, March 5th 0.10 — SKATIMG irin610000**1111.41400o*se • • t',1*.asingfter.Graqa`rptann. ex- analfia;ge ,11` 403'41 COOSerVOCTY Xaq,ie. With it040rS4 hteXr' 2R. a 141,P11 Of Miss Greta LAMMie.,.. • Mr. Fred Nichells, nt Bel* Manitebat has returned home after a pleasant two ,weelcs' visit with Mr. and Mrs, /Louts Clark, Sr-, and Ilgr. and /Mrs. Gordon Wren, Mrs. Clark is cousin and IVIrs. Wren a neice of Mr. Nieholls. He also visited with friends in the district. timmommmanemeimemime District Obituaries BENJAMIN PEARSON BAYFIELD.—Word was receiv- ed here of the death of Benjamin Pearson, 80, who died in Alexan- dra Hospital, Goderich, on Febru- ary 21. He spent his early life in Goderich Township, and farmed at Harbor Springs, Michigan, until re- turning to Goderich 15 years ago. His wife, the former Rebecca Har- rison, died in 1922. He was a member of Victoria Street United Church, Goderich. Surviving are one son, Albert, of Stoney Creek, one daughter, Mrs. Fred McCullough, Goderich, and one brother, John, Bayfield. Interment was made on Thurs- day at 2 p.m. in Bayfield ceme- tery. MRS. WILLIAM JOHNSTON WALTON.—A large number from Walton and vicinity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. William Johnston at the Ball and Mutc'h Funeral Home, Clinton, Thursday afternoon, February 23. „ The former Margaret Davidson, she Was born in McKillop Town- ship. Subsequently she lived in Walton and Blyth, and for the past four years in Burford. In 1937 she married ' Wiliam •Johnston, who died in 1946. Her first husband, William Murray, died in 1923. She was active in Women's Auxiliary and Women'd Missionary work. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Margaret) Cole, of Clinton; two sons, James Murray, Aurora, and John Murray, Sarnia; two stepdaughters, Mrs, Arthur (Laura) Dobie VanCOUver; Mrs. A. M. (Peen) Fox, Burford, and seven •grandchildren. A daughter, Jean, died in 1941. The pallbearers were Gordon Murray, William Murray, EllwoOd ;$1iortreed, R. Achilles, Stanley Hil- len and Crant Sperling. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. MRS. WALTER FAIRBAIRN KIPPEN.—The funeral of the' late Mrs. Walter Fairbairn was held from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, on Sunday, Feb. 26, at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. Nor- man McLeod, Mrs, Fairbairn was formerly Mary Ellen Robertson, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Rob- ertson and Ann McGregor, and was born on the second concession of Tuckersmith. After her mar- riage to Walter Fairbairn in 1903, they farmed on the Town Line, west of Kippen, until 1937, when they retired to Hensall, where they resided for 19 years. On account of ill health they came to live with their daughter, Mrs, Ross Love, where Mrs. Fairbairn passed away on February 22. She was a faith- ful member of Kippen United Church and a life member of the W.M.S. of that church. Surviving, besides her husband, are one daughter, Mrs, Ross Love; three grandchildren; three great- grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Grace Habkirk, of Regina, Sask. Two sons died in infancy. Mrs. Bruce McGregor and Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner sang a duet, "Sweet Hour of Prayer," accom- panied by Miss Jean Ivison. Pallbearers were William Fair- bairn, Hensall, W. R. Bell, Winston Workman, John Anderson, Robert McGregor and Archie Parsons. In- terment was made in Hensall Un- ion Cemetery. MIs. flab* ie Be rof TWO** upent).„ he Parents, NC* UM Laird tcIIe and family. lifrs- C. L. /IWO. a Patient a% VietOria ileSidtak odon, who re- cently traetnred her bp * afaU on the ice, is improving nicely. The stitches have been remcwed and She was able to sit up m a chair on Sunday. Present Rano Program Pupils _of Miss Greta Lammie presented a delightful program on the Kiddies' Studio Party on CKNX Saturday morning, and included the following numbers: piatio"trio, "March,", Margaret -Marion and Kathleen Porter; reading, "The Little Artist" Mary Scene; piano solo, "Yellow Butterfly," Gail Farquhar; violin solo, "The Blue Bells of Scotland," with variations, Keith Anderson; piano duet, "En - route March." June' and Joyce Munn; song, "Open Up Your Heart," Jimmie Hamilton; piano solo, 'Tambourine," Marion Por- ter; recitation, "The Rural Mail - Man," Bob Munn; piano solo, "Peasant Dancer Peggy God- dard; vocal duet, "Were I a Bird," Mhrgaret and Kathleen Porter; piano duet, "Little Boy Blue," Margie Elgie and Sharon McBride A different group of Miss Lam- mie's pupils will present the pro- gram at CKNX on March 17. Transportation to Wingham was provided by Mrs. Beatrice Munn and Messrs. Bob Elgie and Elgin Porter. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. r.j. McMichael and Evelyn, of Goderich, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dale on Tuesday. BRUCEFEELD Mrs. Roy Brock, of Exeter, spent a few days last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K Cornish. Mr. Robert Mustard, of the Roy- al Bank, Chatham, visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mustard. Mrs, Clara Dutot, of London, and Bessie were in the village over the weekend. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. James Berry fell in her home, in- juring her arm, but fortunately no bones were broken. Mrs, Wesley S49.141.9l1n is spend- ing some time with iter SNI,J, E, Stackhouse, Willow Grove. Owing to the storm there was a small attendance at church on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. G. Beecroft, of Bel - grave, spent Monday with Mrs. Beecroft's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Watson are not as well as their many friends would like to see them. The Lobb trio of brucefield sang over CKNX-TV on Thursday even- ing, which was much appreciated, Dick, who is 9, also contributed a solo, "She's My Bonnie Lassie," which everyone enjoyed. Miss Eleanor Snelling, of Port Colborne, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling and Mrs. Mary Crawford. Mrs. Lorne Wilson entertained Group No.. 1,for a -social evening on Monday night. Eighteen at- tended, and a program consisting of contests, birthdays and a spell- ing match was held. A delicious Iunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. D. Wilson and Miss M. Swan. Mr. A. Paterson received word of the serious illness of Mrs. Wm. Paterson. Mrs. Paterson visited in Brucefield at various times. Births DOWNEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 29, to Mr. and Mrs, Rich- ard Downey, E.R. 5, Seaforth, It son. JEWITT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 26, to Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt, R.R. 1, Clinton, a son. VOTLLIANIS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Wliliants, R.R. 4, Clinton, a son. KIPPEN NEWS Mr. Ross Faber, of Ridgetown, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rochus Faber. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor on their 25th wedding anniversary on February 27. Miss Marilyn Mousseau has ac- cepted a position in London with the London Life Insurance Co. We are pleased to learn Mrs. Winder, who is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter,, is slowly improving. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Walter Fairbairn and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and family in the loss of a wife, mother and grand- mother, the late Mrs. Fairbairn. Mr. Fred Nicholls, of Birch Riv- er, Man.,returned home Monday after spending a month with rela- tives. Mr. Havercamp and family, for- merly of Kippen, have sold their farm on the London Road and are Moving to Dunnville, where he purchased a farm. We are pleased to report Mrs. John L. Henderson is home again much improved in health. Honored on Wedding Anniversary On Friday evening about thirty friends and neighbors of Mr. and 1VIrs: Robert McGregor surprised them by gathering at their home prier to their 25th wedding anni- versary on February 28. Euchre was played and a delicious lunch served. On Sunday a family dinner was given at their home. Those at- tending were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson, Seaforth; Mrs. Chapman, Egmondville; Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Routledge, Egmondville, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crich, Seaforth. Former Kippen Couple Married Christan Reform Church, Exe- ter, was the setting of a pretty wedding Friday evening at 7:30, When Willyte laietstap mad Peter Ileve.reamp •egehanged vows. The bride eirde,,eS her wedding edirte • nefkWertln, and carried a Unkiiiet, Of Whitt toSeS,•"ROY OF THE WEEK J. Hoytema, of Exeter, officiated, and a reception was held latter in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. The happy couple will make their home in Dunnville. .FotAis QUALITY:-. • ,• CHICK sr To Produce a Better_ This Year Use,, Co-op Chick Starter • Seaforth Farmers Co-operatives Ego and Poultry Feed and Fertilizer PHONE 13 PHONE 9 RillEsnalliallmwillallawalli.1111100111111111umiaMmesMEEnewsillnimmell (1 LEGION HOCKEY Saturday Evening, March 3rd 3 BIG GAMES Legion Squirts at 7:00 p.m. Pee-Wees at 8:00 p.m. 'AND BY POPULAR REQUEST - A Repeat Performance by The Old -Timers at 9:00 p.m. See the entertaining Army, Air Force aria Navy Pains in action once more! ADMISSION — 25 CENTS ANNOUNCEMENT Effective March 1st The Mechanical Department of Clarke's Garage WILL BE OPERATED BY JOHNNIE BLUE and ROBERT SCOTT who will have associated with them JAMES McGREGOR Offering Guaranteed Repairs to All Vehicles, with Special Attention to Ford Cars and Tractors The John -Deere Agency, until now located in Egmondville, will be located at CLARKE'S GARAGE, where a full line of parts will be .3 available and the latest in John Deere equipment will be on display PHONE 146 — SEAFORTH SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USEDCARS 1956 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN BELOW Powerglide with V-8 Engine LIST 1955 CIEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1995 fay equipped 1954 CHEIT. DE LUXE POWER GLIDE 1650 AIMS' equipped 2-1954 CHEV. SEDANS 1495 fully equipped 1954 FORD CUSTOM LINE 1495 with radio 1954 CHEV. BEL' AIR CONVERTIBLE 1953 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHEV. COACH • De Luxe 1995 1395 1295 A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model CarsMany Other Models to diodes nob 1951 MONARCH fully equipped 950 1950 PONTIAC DE LUXE COACH 995 power glide, fully equipped 1949 CHEV. COACH 695 1949 CFIEV. 1 -TON PICK-UP ....... .... 495 2-1848 PONTIAC SEDANS 495 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ' 495 TRUCKS 1949 FORD 1/2 -TON PICKUP 450 1947 DODGE 1/2 -TON PICKUP 395 • BRUSSELS MOT ORS •BRIISSEIS —4 ONTARIO nab= 13,x-alim, Home 44 !Mier libred Care OM% EVERY lil'ilikilkilta 77 • sesse• •sti:.:)SSeSS)ses.SsSTS,Sess,S.S.c.(ajir • r