HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-02-10, Page 3• Passers er 8HA4$O "4.09 :. sell that unneeessar Piece of r u>t'Itf iuiture through a ron Expo$ -,: F G1ass;lf?ted Ad.. - Phony 41. >41a ` ysr bf fI A.CYr sPenC otbo wemd s11t1iliti nwAit `par*' eats, Mr. and vs.. Bussed T Irwaln! Jiilios1p f,the Teacheret, College, $tretfofd: vi.;iited with lids parents, r,,and ;Mrs. Frank John stop over ti a Weekend; Canada's, famed Welland Canal was opehed in 19.3 ESI- - NOTICE -- - Township of Hibbert During the Winter -months the public is request- ed not to park cars or vehicles on roadsides where they will interfere with snow removal. - NOTICE is hereby given that the Township will not be responsible for any damages caused to -such vehicles as a result of snow plowing operations. ' ROY BURCHI1.L4 Clerk TAXI FARES - Due to the increased costs, the un- dersigned Taxi Operators of ,Sea - forth, Ontario, give notice that they are increasing their fares, effective the 1st clay of February,, 1956, from .35c to .50c on local calls, and after midnight .75c. ALL outside calls will be charged at the rate of .10c a mile. DE LUXE CAB — M. H. • Hoff LEMONS TAXI — C. J. Lemon - LEMON'S TAXI— D. Lemon VETERAN'S -CAB -, L. Legate NURSING ASSISTANTS with the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps are now serving at the Churchill ,Military . Hospital. The hospital services a large area of Northern Canada, as far north as Resolute Bay and northeast to Thule, Greenland. Here, three of the young assistants start their morning duties at the hospital by feeding., three Eskimo babies. Left to right: Cpl. Ev- elyn Wenzel, of Oyen, Alberta, (near Calgary), with baby Dorion; Pte. Joan Weatherall, of Ot- tawa, Ont., with baby Neepan, and Pte. Elaine Almas, of Bird River, Manitoba, with baby Pow- derhorn, nicknamed "Gunpowder" by the girls.. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Musselman and daughter, Miss Audrey, of Water - leo, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich. Mr. Lloyd McBride, of Detroit, was in the vicinity recently. FOR THE PERFECT MEAL! Order a Delicious , Oven -Ready Capon PHONE 6454.1 William Henderson Valentine DANCE EUCHRE and DANCE Hensall Town Hall Friday, Feb. 10th JOINT GATHERING FEATURED AS EGMONDVILLE GROUPS MEET 8:30 p.m. MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA . Lucky Lunch Prize Ladies please bring Lunch. Admission 50 Cents Sponsored by the Kippea East W.I. SEND -MG MONEY out of town? For your convenience in sending money out of town or abroad, use our money orders and foreign remittances. For details, call at our nearest branch we have more than 700 to serve you. THE CANADIAN BAN K OF COMMERCE SEAFORTH BRANCH: G. C. Brightrall, Manager The joint meeting of the Eg-' mondville W.M.S. and WA. Socie- ties was held in the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Milroy on Wednes- day with a good attendance of members and several visitors. Mrs. Durst, WA. president, was in charge of the opening service. Mrs. Hay read Psalm 130 and Mrs. R. McGeoch took the topic, "Our Hope." Mrs. E. Stephenson and Mrs. S. Jackson sang a duet, "Teach Me To Pray" The devo- tional part of the, W.A. was con- cluded by singing, "0 Spirit of the Living God." During the business period Mrs, Durst read an amusing poem, "The Ladies' Aid.. A committee, composed of Mrs. Hay, Mrs. A. Routledge, Mrs. A, Forbes and Mrs. Durst, was appointed to pur- chase chairs and silverware. Thank -you notes were read from Mrs, McMillan Mr. R. McGonigle and Mr. W. J. Finnigan. The mem- bers decided to have a bazaar in the fall. Mrs. Hay, WA. treasur- er, reported $175.00 had been clear- • , rom the agricultural banquet het. in January. Mrs. • epper, president of the W.M.S., was in_charge of that part of the meeting. Mrs. Norman MacLean took the devotional part of the meeting, which was opened by singing, Pass Me Not, 0 Gen- tle Saviour." Mrs. MacLean's topic was entitled, "Unless. You Deny Yourself," and suggested that it is good for us to do with - .LOGSDON'S H & N "NICK •CHICKS" Don't Gamble Your Future Eliminate Chance H & N "Nick Chick" Leghorns have won every three year av- erage PROFIT Award offered by New York and California Random Sample Tests. Invest now in Logsdon's H & N "Nick Chick" Leghorns which areidentical. in quality with H & N Leghorns in the Ran- dom Sample Tests. Contact ns for complete infor- mation, prices and open dates. LOGSDON BREEDER HATCHERY Phone. 320 ent; �ml ;der Smith pre%dPd" 00.r alit' 1ltteres1 e it!*.1 i, `Wed .1, sig program 11040 the baud;; nese. period M.''ta. Tall wast game to the Cbri,stittn ' B404004 Coxa- mittee. Mrs. Wij tarn Alexander read an article on "Stewardsb,ip" after which Mrs,, T. Kettles recexv ea the. collectio>i . • An interesting feature of the program. was the presentation of life memberships to Mrs Robert .McClure and Mrs..Ethe1 McDougall in appreciation of their untiring services in the past xcars. Mrs. W. T.. Dodds made the presenta- tion. Mrs.- George Case• was in charge of the devotional period in which she was ably assisted by Mrs. James McClure, Mrs. Art Art Alexander an0 Mrs. Oscar Cuthill, " The study book this year is on the interesting subject of Indians in Canada. Twenty thousand of these people attend the United Church. She told of the Cogna- wogna at Montreal and Rice Lake, Ontario, and this. book should be of great interest. The meeting closed with Hymn 510 and lfinch was served. The WA. of Cavan Church, Win- throp, met with Mrs. Art Alexan- der in charge of the, meeting, and Mrs. T. Betties as secretary, who called the roll and read the cor- respondence. Mrs. W. T. Dodds was named member of the Chris- tian Education Committee. A new_ committee, named "Family Help- ers", was appointed as follows: Mrs. J. R. Holden, Mrs. R. K. McFarlane, Mrs. Louis Bolton and Mrs. Art Alexander. A quilting was announced for February 9 in the church. Tyre will also be a sale of articles. out sometimes. True freedom and happiness can not be known until we discipline our actions. Mrs. Lindsay led- in prayer and also gave her Temperance secre- tary report, stressing the fact that each person, each home, and each church, should stand firm regard- ing the liquor situation. Mrs. Aikenhead brought out the idea that stewardship is an hon- or, God entrusts us with every- thing. Mrs. Leonard Strong read interesting articles on the Martin Luther film, `Billy Graham's Crus- ade in India" and "Missions in Korea." Mrs. D. Stephenson, Com- munity Friendship secretary, re- ported several calls to shut-ins had been made. The singing of the hymn, "Work, For the Night is Coming," and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting, Lunch was served by Mrs. Clair Haney's group, and the hostess was thanked by Miss Mae Smith. Millersburg, Ohio a Fertilizer with ONLY HALF the Moisture Content of Ordinary Fertilisers! "NEW PROCESS" SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZER • PROVIDES SUPERIOR D2ILLABILII'Y • PREVENTS HARDENING AND CAKING • •, COSTS 'IOU KO MORE Here's important news about the first major advance in fertilizer manufacture in many years. "New Process" SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer, through a special- ized process, has excess moisture removed down to exceptionally low, levels. With "New Process" SHUR-GAIN, you now can get a fertilizer that has only half the moisture content of ordinary fertilizers, thus eliminating the chief cause of harden- ing and caking. 1 "New Process" SHUR:GAIN Fertilizer provides superior drillability at all times, ensuring you better, .more uniform' results in the field. And with the advanced SHUR-GAIN -manufacturing process, every granule is better balanced with plant food than ordinary fertilizer. "New Process" SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer is now available at the Toronto Plant. See your SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Dealer about your requirements of "New Process" SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer. 11s'aIUIII111i1A 9lU�I „� n,nliulnlnwu i111111 1111111111111111111111 i111 This illustration shows the elaborate system of driers and coolers at the SHUR-GAIN'Fertilizer Plant in Toronto. Here, fertilizer ingredients are thoroughly milted and blended, and excess moisture is quickly driven off. The result is "New Process" SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer—with superior drillability. CANADA PACKERS LIMITED ER" ILIZEIL DIVISION.. TORONTO ' District . Obituaries is regUes >�roadses ,STD T.,QTIC�K Is :'`hereby Township 'w;M not be responsible. es caused to such vehicles as ,a plowing operations. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. Township of Tuckers e LADIES' LEGION AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion of Seaforth was held Wed- nesday evening with a good at- tendance. • President Comrade Olive Little opened the meeting with the de- positing of the colors by the stan- dardbearers, Comrades Watson and Fraser, and "0 Canada" was sung. One new member was installed, Mrs. Helen Allan, of Seaforth. Comrade Dora Taylor was pre- sented with the past president's. badge and medal. Plans were started for a penny sale, to be held in the spring at a social meeting. The mystery prize was won by Comrade Betty Dennis. A draw on an apron was won by Comrade Leona Huisser. Comrades were re- minded to bring fifty cents to the March meeting, instead of having a baking sale. The meeting closed with the re- tiring of the colors and "God Save the Queen" A social half-hour was spent playing bingo, after which- a delicious lunch was serv- ed by the committee. WILLIAM B. CROSS HENSALL—Residents of Hensall and district were shocked to learn of the sudden passing of William Anson Cross, 64, former manager of the Bank of Montreal, Hensall, for 15 years, and prominent Hen- sall resident for 21 years, who died suddenly at his home on Thursday afternoon, February 2, with a heart attack. Mr. Cross had called at the post office at noon for his mail and had been in his usual health, but was stricken after lunch and died suddenly. He retired from the bank seven years ago. His early life was spent at Chesley, and he came to Hen- sall from the Manitoulin district. He served at branches in Chesley, Watford. Delhi, Hanover, Flesher - ton, Guelph and Manatowaning. During his banking career here he was secretary -treasurer of Hen- sall Chamber of Commerce, and was a former town assessor. Dur- ing World War II he was an ac- tive member of the War Service Committee. An active member of Hensall United Church, he served on the M. and M. Committee. Surviving, besides his wife, the -former Leola Pearce, Chatsworth, are one daughter, Mrs. Donald Robinson (Goldie), London, and one brother, E. R_ -Cross, of Clif- ford. Public funeral service was held at the family residence Friday eve- ning, February 3, at 8:00 p.m., conducted by Rev. C. D. Daniel, thence to the Emke Funeral Chap- el at Cbesley, where a public ser- vice was held Saturday. Inter- ment was in Chesley cemetery. VARNA CONTACT,. GEO. T. MICKLE &:F for The New .Malting Barley Contra we offer: , 1. Improvement in Price. The new contract in- . sures the farmer a higher average price than: formerly. 2. Choice Seed. Supplied to you in quantity ample enough to seed your acreage. 3. Fertilizer. We will supply fertilizer of your required analysis at competitive prices. We. will give credit on fertilizer if desired. If interested, call, phone or write us. We will then contact you. GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS LTD. Iensall, Ont. Phone 103 Ladies' Aid, Zurich, Meeting Thursday The Ladies' Aid of the Evangeli- cal Church, Zurich, convened in the church schoolroom Thursday evening, February 2, with Mrs. John Hay in the chair. Guest speaker, Mrs. Lorne Eiler, of Hen- sall, delighted all with her de- scriptive talk, enlarging on her experiences in the Yukon. Contributing to the program were piano solo, Elizabeth Johnston, of Zurich; accordion solos. Mr. Bow- man, Zurich; vocal duet, Mrs. G. Hess and Mrs. W. Fuss, Hensall; solo, "Bless This House," Mrs. William Fuss; vocal duet, Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Eiler; piano solo, Miss Gladys Luker, of Hensall. Ac- companying the Hensall ladies was Miss Gladys Luker. Mrs. L. Hoffman. president, took the chair and conducted the busi- ness session of the W.M.S. Mrs. Gascho read thank -you notes. Mrs. Hoffman expressed' thanks from Mrs. McAdams. A nominating committee was named to appoint a new slate of officers, consisting of Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Gascho and Mrs. G. Koehler. Refreshments were served. Cour- tesy remarks were given by Mrs. Hey to all who provided the pro- gram. The January meeting of the W. A. was held in the church Wed- nesday afternoon, January 25, with 19 ladies present. The sales com- mittee were in charge of the de- votional period. The meeting op- ened with the theme song. Mrs. Orr,in Dowson read the scripture Iesson. Hymn 662 was sun, and thoughts on the lesson, "Our Con- fidence;" were taken by. Mrs. Robert Stirling and Mrs. Charles Reid. Mrs. Orrin Dawson follow- ed with prayer. Mrs. Fred Mc- Clymont gave a reading entitled, "The W.A." Hymn 681 was sung. The president, Mrs. Robert Tay- lor, presided over the business per- iod. Thank -you cards were receiv- ed from Mrs. Louis Taylor, Mrs. Ings, and Mrs. Bruce Johnston, The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Murvin Johnston. Miss Rachel Johnston gave the treas- urer's report. It was decided to pay off the debt owing on the Building Fund of the church, and $50 was donated to the Sunday School. The meeting closed with the .WA. Prayer. The cottage door had needed re-, pairing for many years, but the occupants were quite satisfied to else it with a hatchet whenever it jammed. There was a discreet knock at the door, and a head was popped out of the window to see who had arrived. The owner of the head 'quickly Withdrew, and in a voice ,the entire village must have heard, .yelled. \ !;uick it's the new vic- r! Cet'tbe hatchet!" Valentine SUPPER Held in the Sunday School Room Northside United Church Wed., February 22 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults Children, under 12 $1.00 40c Sponsored by the WA. of Northside United Church —MENU— BAKED HAM (JSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIR E INSURANCE CO. READ OFFICE — EXETER, Ont. President, Martin Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin; Vice -President, E. Clay- ton Colquhonn, R.R. 1, Science Hill. DIRECTORS—Harry Coates, R. R. 1, Centralia; William A. Ham- ilton, Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton; Alex J. Rohde, R.R. 3, Mitchell. AGENTS—Thos. 'G. Ballantyne, R.R. 1, Woodham; Clayton Barris, Mitchell; Stanley Hocking; Mit- chell. SOLICITOR — W. G. Cochrane, Exeter. SECRETARY-TREAStainte .W- mthnr Eraser, Exeter. INSTALLATION Let our skilled workmen install new light fixtures in your home. Add beau- ty and proper lighting. CALL -TODAY! QUICK SERVICE — REPAIR WORK LOW RATES DENNIS ELECTRIC Phone 467 Seaforth SKY -HI SKY -HI SKY -HI 310 312 314 Canadian Approved Why not start a flock with a better chance to make money_ Choose your high production layer from the three Swift's Sky -Hi varieties—No. 310, No. 312, and No. 314. With goo& farm management, Swift's Sky -Hi layers will give you: . More eggs ... feed -to -egg conversion that is rarely equalled. • Hybrid vigor ... from scientifically -tested matings. . . High livability ... both as chicks and as laying hens. • Quiet flocks ... easy to manage, a pleasure to handle -1 • Quality appearance ... white,with "quality flecks" '•in the No. 310 and No. 312, white feathering in No. 3144. Ask for free full-color booklet on Swift's strain*fed layerst ... the Pick of the Nation's Bloodlines. ELGIN NO R.R. 4. CLINTON 4 'I cg