HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-02-03, Page 6Z, "a J 0 -4 ap T (ICE. _011 ja 4.w M, o ftep wox _J f, TO y1f); 4 e9V w1hi0 WWA* N -Mr. ap4p, Mrs, T6iq 14 00nery, Mau 0 FRY, a e c 40P4.— of her, A Atgo J gap miwq 40 1 N'"id *tate 1A1eW.* 4 'Jf,� ac 1%, snow removal operations, the public 101�,Vlr� Wte hQ1 the- home of e Wednesday afte of last w eU Mr ,Is requested not to park cars or vehicles on Stan Oomi4ift'"r, Slid spoke mainly of food and qg. P.. onIQ lish recipey An English firuit, er,,�vlsitell with Mr. is roadsides during the Winter months. B. Lain Carthy. cake, bread - and pies she had toricAl Research an& Current Ev, Poyd Mc made, were sampled by the mem- ehts, Mrs. A. ffetherlugt6n;� Qom� Mrs. rgs�# J-4 OR WSW. AND NOTICE is hereby given that the bers, Activities and Pubj* *1 W-11 _1c Re,. g -sggl Mr, K�nx "a'pletu Mrs, C. ci;tnn�;'. topic �'Hjis- Roll' call wa., or con- _qwnshiN will not be responsible for any damag- tribution, to the Tweedsmuir His-, Research and currents Ev- lielly, 9f 1%.Fli ese, w erome!s dw if. ""es cau se to such vehicles as a result of snow- tory." The motto, "in youth we ents'" with Mrs. S. Mitchell in chener, visited at their nomes. Mr. and Mrs. aa Bruxer vis - learn, in age we unclerstand," was charge - flowing operations. taken by Miss Doris Elford. Mii;. William Hunkin favored itled witg'.M".1 a'111146. Dill, 9 v - Achievement Day will be held at with. a solo and Mrs. Jack Coates ans at Me Seaforth -District High School on gave selections on the -accordion. At a D E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, utefi, auction -on a blanket, March 16. The project will be, 11 ALLr WW" Township of Tuckersmith "What Shall I Wear?" Mrs.. C. Down was the lucky wiW LOrSDON'S H & N "NICK CHICK51l A very interesting 'letter from ner. Mrs. F. McPhaitter, of Owen .. rhe group upheld the resolution Sound, provincial president, wa endorsing the campaign for more ful. drastice court action against sex read at the Meeting. Mrs. J. EXPOSITOR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Phone 41 deviates. Future-��Elifitinatie,' Kirkland gave the hospital -report. �5 Chance 'b9m 0 & N "'Nick Chick" L 00 rat 1111111dor St. Ma'Ws, Dublin, eg 0-19) '-.Theo 4yo-'sood re or v --7 11110110, Aiw two. Tb6 have won every three year all P111211180% MW irage PROFIT Awartl brus ondies PWMA S se I.Tha. 8. I.Pip, ", ... *"&&,� by New York and �k =g_, ��. Hold Annua 111121.00M,4 . - . ........... * -him Random Sample Teds ova t K won—ady of thdw a" Invest now in lAgstion's hiamy &dim whwi 2ri - 4 so 4Mck7 Z Reviews Past, Year 1;T Chick" Legborns Whicib esom ad& 'Allift on IdeaWal [a goaft v rewpo M Sydow! U IN befse annual mee m- ­ , ­­� - W11 tini of the me! � a' MIRW NK & N Legborns; in ad Rala., -of St.'Mory � Anglican'Church, el� R -dem Sample Tests. iiheo, follow. TWs Not anywhere near as expenshre as it looks, -Z., Dublin, was h ining, Q Monday eve January 22. The Rev., J. firs Killing, M 114101111159 because the --------- -H-..JarAes Cheffy Creme filling and frosting PWO infer ventact us for tem lt!l± FAW bides" go isnod mesa areone recipe madc with evaporai6d-milk! preside& The -following, t -officers Inaum, prices anif Open dates. . j�. -; 0`111g§' ............... were elecWd:- Frsirik,Mdore; peo. N ple's wardea; Albert Rock� - ixeas- Ibis economical form of pure milk saves A& 1W Dews laiiiii" Pa at LOGSDON BREEDER HATCHERY pennies while it enriches your urer; Mrs. Albert Rock, recording "lone 320 hlillenlmrj�,,, s retary; Mrs- Dub -Walterbeek, auditor. C. R. Friend. -was re-ap- cooking. Desserts taste creamier, soups . . . . . . . . . . . are richer, gravies turn out smooth as .. .. . pointed rector's warden. velvet. Evaporated milk is useful Reports of the church year were _,d E�, N.M" read by Mr. A. Rock; financial re- gn, dozens of ways. Keep it handy, ... port of Ladies' Guild by Mrs ..... ........ ............ . . . . . . . . . . . Rock; report on activities of Jun - and be a better cook. f TOWN 01 S,EAF, 0 *7':'H ior Auxiliary. given by Mrs, Chas. FOR 1956, Friend. It was decided to paint W, %0`, CANADA" 117IMMY the exterior of the church as soon , e4 t gg till asTcossible. Tax, Prepayment Rake" INEXPENSIVE EVAPORATED MILK MAKES THE FILLING AND FROSTING i congregation moved a vote IS SYMBOL OF. CRIPPLED- C 010 H for, 1956 of thanks to Mr. James for -nib very active part in the re -roofing A bright-eyed, crew'cut 12 -year- ter Seal Service Clubs, to ensure % & Of The church, also to the friends old youngster who was born with that'not one . Canada's handi- The Town of SeafOrth will pay 4% per annuM, of who � assisted. a spina bifida. condition, and to -day capped children will be without A social hour was held in the walks with two canes after three help. to August 31, 1956, on all Prepai'll.vaXes. UP Sunday School. room at the end operations and several months in of the meeting. a wheel chair, will be Canada's Ask Certificates and full narticulars mnu be obtain - ,a 11 Church Gi d Meets ... fimmy" for 1956. Cut a slice from the Meantime. pour I A cups Beat in 1, tbsp. grated Chill, folding occasionally, EAST MCKILLOP A meeting of the St. Mary's As symbol of all the crippled ed at the Town Clerk's Officilelin the Town Hall. 1 top of an angel cake. in evaparatid milk into lemon rind and �J cup unfit mixture holds its Guild. Dublin, was held Tuesday children in Canada who benefit meeting Of Zion cake, Cut. trough l%' refrigeralpt freezer tray. I -on juice. Gradually shape. Spoon into trough Charles Friend. The meeting was nual sale of Easter, Seals ... Chris Evangelical Chureb,,'McKillop, was D. H. WILSON, Treasurer deep, leaving %I walls. Freeze oil crystals line beat in I cup sugar, then in cake. Replace top slice. afternoon at the home of Mrs- from the work provided by the an The annual Wssolve I pkg. cherry sides to Y21 depth. Turn the partially thickened Frost'cake with remain. h Id F id e on r ai; Ja*uary 27, at the i��.Ucup into chilled bowl and ell.Y., B at unlkl'l mixture ing mixture. Chili till firm. y Mrs. Friend- It Martin -pupil' of 'Markham "Public ho fib, I., s:f pea presided over b beat until stiff. was decided to hold a sWng bake School,'is looking forw me of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koch- A� V� N 'A' 'N "A ard to being ler, with, Rev- 11 Brox, pastor, in More woodedW roc4im I Writ* for hicirie Fraser's now Evqwatod Atilk Rocipe Rookht: arge. sale and fall bazaar. Other busi- the chief guest at the Sports Cele�' 'h ness policies were decided upon. brity 'Dinner, February 2, which The reports loven , showed Mrs. Joe Dill was named -press officially opens the annual sale of n secretary. A reading was given Eastei�� Seals. good financiat sta ding. ' Election by,Ws. -Dirk, Walterbeek. A quilt Cbri' is anxious to'Xneet Johnny of officers were as follows: Fred was completed. � Ffiends from the, s Roie,'iedretary; Elmer-,Xoehler, village were invited.for tea. treasurer; William Koehler, Mis- -ICE BUREAU with the Brooklyn Dbdgeisjit that ? DAIRY FOODS S�ERV Podre;, left-handed. pitching star Nk T[C E sionary - treasurer; ; Ndkain Eg- Sol-. dihner-�:bee. Use The Huron Expositor'cla' 1u4­Bi0.6Wyn­is'My, gert,�, secrietary-treasurer church 41 DAIRV FARMER.S'OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto IRPd ad' columns riagularly team." That very, wish reveak board. Trustees are Irvin Rock, Township, of Hibbdrt the kind of lad 1�b 'A becomes the Elmer Koehler aLud Harry. RegPle, gi�6 i6. WOresent Can� Fred 'Rose, sun' � 'School super- �During the Witter. mon'ths, the pub1i;J!q.,F t&tfi boy ehe ada's handicapped children during inten In Ontario the ca - -4ent; Irvin Rock, `.assiAtant; the, campaign. m-' Mrs. Harry Regele, Sunday School ed not to park cars or vehicles on roadsides where paigri is conducted by The Ontario treasurer' pianists, Mrs. William Society for Crippled Children, i 'snow remova IA. Koehler, Mrs. Hagry, Regele and they will interferemith.' L association with more th an 210, Diane Rock as Sunday School pian- eal' ist.' Service Clubs. The Easter S owns -NOTICE is her6�.,,&611'that the T e program of Campaign finances th It was decided to buy ne hymn treatment and tilhining directed by books. A new table and. cha' cau irs I forl will not be responsible for any, damages the Society. Chris will never ad- the kindergarten class had been to mit that his condition has ever t pi purchased. such vehicles as a result of snow.. owing prevented him from doing any- Appreciation was voiced for the o rations. thing. lovely plag I ue and motto present- pe -An 6'nly child of Mr. and rs. ed to the church by Rev.' ROY BURCH IM and Mrs., HJ,,, Clerk new gh§mour William Martin, of 222 Main Street G. L. Gross, of Port Elgin. After i in Markham, Chris' father is em- the business was transacted, lunch ployed as an engineer with The was served by the ladies. Bell Telephone Company and is rn with Vis GOI currently working in lqorthe Que bee on the McGill Fence project ..... ..... Chris had his first operation when he was three weeks old and last mer underwent two more. He sum ....................... ...... now walks -quite well with the aid His sojourn in hospital last sum - of a short brace on each leg and with the help of two canes. _v mer prevented him from attending oil the Blue Mountain Camp near Col - F lingwood which is owned and op - 'J'; crated by the Society, however the two summers previous he attend - This dazzling new Dodge with' the Forward Look ed and is looking forward to going ->,brings' again this suifffner. "It's really Jw-k nice at camp," says Chris, "it's new Flight -Sweep beauty to the lowest -price fieJd real great to be in a place where all kids are the sameAand nobody ............ rMere's a,,grand new way to travel. It's the push-button -PowerFlite* sets in motion the -is 'different'." '56 Dodge! nimble getaway of new Dodge 6 and V-8 engines His, principal, Mr, L. J. Ab - In skyward -soaring lines that set the trend for with up to 200 h.p. You discover new zest in ernethy, of Markham Public School, has this to say of the new -tomorrow's cars—in every beautiful inch motorin as you thread your way smoothly of this, 9 Timmy: "He is an exceptional the longest car in the lowest -price field— through crowded city streets, glide safd� ovet student, with a pleasing personal - Dodge Flight-Sweop styling provides you and the open road. And the whole family will appine- fty, wh6 is very popular with his your family with a glamourous' setting for ciate the wide range of new Dodge safety fea- fellow students and fits in nicely 4 motorcar travel. tures that bring new confidence to your driving. with the- school programme." As 10 we were talking to Mrl, Abernethy., And everyone will love the roominess of Dodge Yes, here's glamour and go , 56 Dodge style. we looked out the window to see interiors—the wide, wide seats that let you ride Visit your Dodge dealer soon 4nd learn firsthand Chris playing goal for his class in rest&l. comfort. how easily this great new car can fit into your fl6pr, hockey team. Once"behind the w`,heel, a push,of a button, a famill,&,budget. The Lions Club of Markharif and Unionville� send him to camp each touch of youk,toe, and you're on your way. New *Push-button PowerFlite optional at extra cost. summer and now Chris wants to help them and allithe other Eas- MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLE . R CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMMD .Dodge Mayfair -8..�, -Door�Sedaff. WatchSlimax—Showerof Stars oklyanTV. Check your newspaper fdrd4e andlinte.- STAFFA 0 "My New Year's Res6lutionto was the roll call response of the Staffa Women's Institute. held in the Hall with the'liresident, Mrs. W. Glanville, 4n the chair. Mrs. John. Wallace dealt with the' mbtto ' "All of us ate going to do better to-morro*; we would, too, if we started to-day.11 The program was in keeping with Robbie Burns' Da�. Mrs, R�g, Elliott sang a Scottish, tune, ac- By, companying herself on the guitar. Mrs. James Howe gave a reading, "All That." Little Bi?enda Kers- R­ ---- lake, dressed in kilts, beautifully g. A sang "My Ronnie Lassie." DVERTISINQ The topic based on "Community "R W Activities and Public Relations was capably taken by Mr. A. Dai- nard. Miss Vera Hamblo� had REGULARLY charge of "Current Events," and Mrs. James Howe gave "House - business portion of the Ifiedthig 9 motion was passed 1 ui '04' 6 6, ftew sink fbr the r as kltd tri and to" alid a committee, Agar, Mrs. "A e6wr sifig r� �"S RP M", " M Mkkiftg,�, and Mrs. R. D. 4 t6 lbbk A OT 0 �bre',,t OpbInted if THE HURON EXPOSITO*R 0, of We baseiiai ON; Tf,,ARJO�­ Noww Party, on Pet t �,7 7,"' 41": 1,5,