HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-02-03, Page 4a t.lserted At New Low 'Cash`Rates ?SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: fat Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. 9f Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 oenta per week. Het may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 16 cents extra. �lfteen cents additional will be charged if ado in above clava are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. %iggtion Sales. Noticee to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events For Rent MODERN and Old Tyree Dancing for FOR RENT -.-Three-room unfurnished on at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mit- apartment. Possession February 1stshell, every Friday night. Music by PHONE 250-R, or days 146. Clarenoe Petrie and bis Night Hawks. ; 4594-tf 4591=12 A VALENTINE Supper, sponsored by the W.A. of Northside United Church. will be held on Wednesday, February 22. Admission: adults $1.00, children under 12, 40c. 4598-2 A SERIES of prenatal classes. spon- sored by the Huron County Health Unit, will begin Tuesday, February 7th, 1956, at' 8:00 pan-, at the Post Office, second floor, Seaforth. Please use side entrance. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are in- vited to attend on the above date; or Phone either the Health Unit, Goderieb 1050, . between 9:00 a.m.-5.00 p.m., or the Public Health Nurse, Seaforth, Phone 4?8-W. between 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 4594-1 Property For Sale FOR SALE=•Fully insulated red brick and stucco house, Main St, Henson; hall- way, kitchen, dining room, living room with fireplace, and small porch on first floor; three bedrooms, bath, deck and sleeping porch on second floor Nearly pew automatic oil -fired hot water furnace in fall basement. Good lot with private drive and garage, Apply WILLIAM KYLE. K]ppen. 459352 Notices RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of "radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 447-R. '4594-tf GET YOUR sewage work done low, Only 12 per foot on contract basis. AM wor. guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33, Sea- forth4594-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 398 ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeterfa Ltd.. Exeter. 4594-tf ATTENTICIII, FARMERS ! — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and bides. Call co/left ED, ANDREWS, 861 r 11, Sea - forth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4594-tf ANNUAL MEETING The annual nseetin Aid Society of Huron County will be held in the. Court House, Goderich Wed- nesday, February 8th, at 3:00 p.m-, to which the public is invited. 4593-2 g of The Chddren'e HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St., Hen- son. Bring your livestock. Always a good market price, HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Henan; VICTOR HARGREAVES, 635'F 21, Clinton. 4591312 ATTENTION CAR BUYERS Our Low Cost Financing and Insurance Plan will help you make a better , deal. BEFORE you buy talk to us, W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 458 Seaforth WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Hulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or informa- tion, phone CLINTON 242, collect, be- tween 7:80•'Sifd•.-1'01-00-'a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:80 a,m, on Sundays. 4594-tf TWP. OF USBORNE NOTICE' OF FIRST SITTING OF ASSESSMENT, COURT OF REVISION Ratepayers are hereby notified that a Court of Revision will be held in the Township Hall, Elimville, on February 18th',. at 4 p.m., when all appeals against 1955' taxes (dogs, buildings destroyed, etc.) will be heard. • ]4 H. G. STRANG, Clerk, Hensall, R.R. No. 1. 4593-2 McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Annual Meeting Notice is hereby given that the' Annual Meeting of the members of The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held • in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ont, on Friday, February 10, 1956, at 2 o'clock itan,,'•for general business, adoption of re- ports, and the election of three directors. All members are invited to be present. 'The retiring directors are H, McEwing, E J. Tra4vartha and IL Fuller. IN A. REID, Secretary. 4594-2 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Usborno Rc 8ibl Mutual Fire Insurance' Company *ill be' held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 6, 1960, at 2:00 .-for the pa roots of receiving the re- lmltttl' of the Directors and Auditors for 6 d*Mt year, for the election f- two {;irs for n three-year' term Of YAfifbitera, and any other W81114441 that tltlry in the interests • of the Cominny.'. hectors whose sarin Of ofll* ex- laytiin Colquhoun led Alen' ohde og,.vihtim are eligfhte for A",""b'• ,, 1 tY11 s t" Presi'deat S'k1 tJfSL"iC . Secret,ary-Treanroi''or 459134 FOR RENT—Apartment, $25.00 per month; self-contained; on John Street. Apply A. W. SILLERY for information. 459452 For Sale FOR SALE -21" Admiral TV 1956 mod- el, used only four months. BOX FURNI- TURE. ` . 4594-1 FOR SALE—Large number of store shelves. Apply to DR. E. MASTER, Seaforth- grocery A. Mc - 4594 -1 FOR SALE—Nine little pigs, six weeks old. J. J. NIGH, R.R. 4 Seaforth, Phone 662 r 12.4 459451. FOR SALE—Angora rabbits, for wool or meat. Priced for quick sale. PHONE 670 r 4, Seaforth 4594-1 FOR SALE—Pure bred German Shep- herd pups, males and females. Apply WARD KNOX, R.R. 1, Blyth. Phone 23 r 12. 459452 CHIX—For quality chix of all ages, capons, broilers, etc., leave your order at DALE PRODUCE early and receive price reductions. 4592x3 FOR SALE-17.inch Phillip's '55 model television set. Reason for. sale is, I won one. HAROLD CONNELL. Phone 44, Seaforth. ,459052 COPPER TOOLING — Do -It -Yourself Copper Kit, 39c up.; No skill required. ERIC MILNER—Flowers. Phone Seaforth 393. , ' 4594-tf FOR SALE— Clean. bright fuel oil, ' Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1 ; and Government -tested coal, screened each de - 1 livery. WILLIAM M. HART, 4594-tf FOR SALE --.Part Hereford calf, five weeks old. Apply to STEWART WILSON, Brucefield. Phone 658 r 21. 4595-1 FOR SALE -1 Registered boar for sale or free service home. JOHN DIETZ, Walton, 2. Yorkshire for good R.R. No. 4594x1 FOR SALE — Walden & Broadfoot, wholesale and retail, stove oil and furnace fuel oil,. F -I -N -A, finest in North America. PHONE 354, Seaforth. 4594-9 INEXPENSIVE wrought iron novel pihmer and cocktail glasses.: ERIC MILNER, Flowers, Variety Gifts. Art Supplies, Pet Supplies. Phone Seaforth 393. 4587-tf gifts, SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, $10.00 per load, approximately 21/• cords: mixed wood, 58.00 per load, approximately two cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. • 4594x12 WEDDING INVITATIONS In All the Newest Styles A RECEPTION CARDS CAKE BORES , PAPER NAPKINS MATCHES, COASTERS The, Huron Expositor Auction Sales UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Exe- cution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, to me directed. against the lands and tenements ')of William C. Mont- gomery, the defendant, in and to: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, and being com- posed of the South halves of Lots 24 and 25, Concession 10. of the said McKillop Township. All of which said right, title, interest andequity of redemption of William C. Montgomery, in the said lands and tene- ments, I shall offer for sale by public auction at the above-mentioned farm, on Monday, February 13th, A.D. 1956, at 2:30 in the afternoon. .� Terms—•25% cash; balance In 15 days from day of sale. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. NELSON HILL, Sheriff, County of Huron. " 4594-2 Tenders Vkuted TWP. OF McKILLOP Tenders For Cement Tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 2:30 p.m„ Friday. February 3, 1956, for four carloads of cement or 4,000 sacks, to he delivered by April 15th; also 600 pounds of Poggolith, two care to be de- livered to . Lot 25, Concession 8, Robert McFarlane; two cars to be delivered to Lot 2, Concession 11, Henry Weiterson. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILLIAM J. MANLEY, Road Superintendent, Township of McKillop, R.R. 2, Walton. 4593-2 TWP. OF USBORNE TENDERS .FOR.WARBLE FLY SPRAY- ING—Sealed tenders, plainly marked, will be received up to 3 p.m. Monday, Febru- ary 19th, for the contract to spray cattle in the township for warble fly. A guar- antee of $75 is required, TENDERS POR SUPPLY OF WARBLE ,FLY SPRAY POWDER will 'also be con- sidered, at the same. time. arriacA FOR A OF WARBLE F Y INSPECTOR forltthe coming season will alto be eotisidered, H. IL G. STRANG, Clerk, Hensall, R.E. No. 1, 4593-3 ti Help "''anted. VEMALA 1IEI;3t WAly'1'E11--41,ave fun while you earn selling Stanley Rome Pro- ducts. Weekly earning* average 230k448, Car essential,; Aeltly CARR19 'KIRK WOOD, 93 Madieou Ave,, London. Phone 31934.4 4594-3 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF ROBERT WILLIAM EBERHART All persona having claims against the Estate of Robert William 3lberhart, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 3015 day of December, 1955, are hereby notified to send them in to the undersigned on er before the 23rd day of February, 1956, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 24th day of January, 1956. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 46834. NOTICE to .CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF ANNIE E..MILLBON McLEAN .111 persons having. claims Inst the Estate of Annie E. Milson :Mn, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of December, 1955, are hereby notified to send them in to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of February. 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims- then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 24th day of January, 1956. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. /4593-3 NOTICE to .CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN D. CAIRNS All persons having claims against the Estate of John D. Cairns, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 4th day of December, 1955, are hereby notified to send in full particulars _of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of Februarq; 1956, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 3lst day of January 1956. MoCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. • 4594-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM -DAVID SMITH All persons having claims against the Estate of William David Smith, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Merchant, deceased, who died on the 3rd day of November, 1955. are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 24th day of February, 1996, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 31st day of January, 1956- McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4594-3 • Births BENNEWIES—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Jandary 25, to Mr. and Mra. Edwin liennewiea, Seaforth, a daugh- ter. JENNER—At Women's College Hospital, Toronto, -.on January 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Jenner (nee Kathleen 'Holmes), a daughter—Karen Elaine. MEIR At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Meir, Seaforth, a son. MCDERMID—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on January 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold MCDermid Seaforth, a daugh- ter, REITZ—.At St, Michael's Hospital, Toron- to, on January 31, to Mr. and Mra. G. Reitz (nee Karen Kiddh a daughter— Heidi Lynn. SMITH --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, R,R. I, Bornholm, a daughter, WEBSTER—At Clinton Community Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, January 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webster of Hensall, a 6015. !anted FARli4 WANTP43 To RENT 60-,ecoe e or` lean iq QliotdnSeaforth areea�,G buildings. Apply Boxor, 312,U,ON 'E• POSITOR QGt! +d',. WANTED 4 Woald like a typewriter ,sur rent for abont six months- Apply GLEN KERR. Phone 838 r 5, Seaforth, 4594-1 WANTED --Used metronome, must lie In goad condition. State price to. Box HURON EXPOSITOR. 4598.2 LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead stock, 58.00 for dead borate and cows• blitherprices for old,' 'eick and disabled horses and cows. PHONE. ATWOOD 158, col. feet 4585=33 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goode), nailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope xith price list. 6 samples 25e: 24 ISM - ales $1.00.' Mail,. Order Dept, T43, NOVA -RUBBER CO\ Box 91, Hamilton,' Cards of. TO THE ELECTORS of 'Rensall: r appreciate and 'thank the electors .of Hensel! for the support which they gave meat the polls on Monday when they elected me as Councillor.,. 45944, JOHN, 4: H5DER.SON I WISH to thank my` friends• and neigh. bora for all the cards, flowers. 'letters,' treats and visits during my stay in rfhe: Hospital. Special thanks to TIC. Staple-. ton, Rev. Holden and the 'Nure(s£ for their kind attention. It' Was all •.appl•eelatgd� 459451 MRS. GEO. R. CAMPBELL TO THE ELECTORS of Village'of salt: I would like to take••thia opportun-, ity of expressing• my sincere, thanks for• electing me as Reeve for 1956 at the elections on Monday. At all times I shall try to do my utmost to fulfill the con- fidence placed in me, 4594-1 NORMAN H. JONES THE FAMILY of the late Mrs Eliza- beth Fisher wish to thank their many friends and relatives in the Hensel] and Stanley Township areas, who on the occa- sion of the passing of a devoted mother, made the trial so much easier to bear by the kindly expressions of their sympathy. personal. card letter, floral, etc, and to Mr. Daniels. Their Kindness will belong appreciated and remembered.. , 4594-1 Deaths' FORTUNE—In Seaforth, on Sunday, Jan- uary 29, Albert F•astune, in his 78th Year. ZION Mr. Morley Lannin spent Wed- nesday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Stacey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bur= chill and family visited with Mr: and Mrs. George Robinson Satur-.. day evening. Mrs. George Graham, • Mitchell, Visited •)over the weekend . with Mrs. James Malcolm and accom- -paned Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mal- colm and family and Mrs. J. Mal- colm to Mr. and Mrs. Ross- Gor- don's dti Sunday and 'Celebrated Barry's' ' second- birthday,...• .4^7 Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake;'.; Exeter, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hannon and David spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. -David Watson, Wal- ton. , Mrs. Robert Burchill; Sr., is. Spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill and with Other friends around her old home. A young : soldierwent into a colonel's office without knocking. Annoyed, • the colonel barked: "Can't you read that sign? It says, `Private. Keep out'." "Didn't think it applied'to me," answered the soldier. "I'm a cor- poral•." , Madge: "The captain is going to have me sit on his right hand at dinner tonight" Marge: "Huh! What's he go- ing to stir his coffe with? His toes?" Canadian production of printing inks rose to an all-time peak total of 25,735,017 pounds in 1953. F -A -R -M -E -R -S ! 1956 BARLEY CONTRACTS We are Agents for Canada Malting Company Ltd. Contracts are now available W. G. THOMPSON & 'SON Phone 32 - Hensall OUR GRAIN, CHOPPING and BEAN ELEVATORS will be Closed Saturday Afternoons during the Winter Months commencing Saturday, Feb. 4, 1956 - GEC. T. N I KLE & SONS LTD. Heist 11, ;, Ont a f` •Bets r M41e4 alb reramia, of Toronto, , ttende Victoria Hospital znur es' re r their classi `at a diene Sal y eveJtln$ in Lando; , LIessrsy:, 1:40d 00 ! r and MOO jConsltt retil $ � y after a pleas.. s , , vacs p w tater spent ill wir i 3 Hensall W," i � i , , I,�►car Fc:Tr� man., a fon Rall WedncFe,b. 8; ,The cDmn l • . t riunity and Pub lie Rtela„lt :4111' have_t charge of the .progra ,:.,Mrs. 'A..Orr is the convener. Ilutsb ands of members are to be entertained at this ineet- ing, the men furnishing musical numbers. ,Euchre and other games Will be played, followed by refresh- ments served by .Mrs, E. Norm- inton, Mrs. S. Roobol and .their committee. Roll call is, "My fav- orite newspaper column." United Church Notes On Sunday morning, Rev. C. D. Daniel gave a challenging dis- course on "Ability vs. 'Responsi- bi'lity." The choir sang the an- them; "Seek Ye the Lord," in which' Miss Mary Goodwin took the Obligato solo. Miss ' Greta Laramie presided at the- organ. Mr. 'S. Rennie is choir leader. 'Flowers' were placed in loving District: Obituaries WALTER MILLER , ZURICH.—Walter R. Miller, :61,. who had farmed all his life in Hay Township, died -:suddenly, from a heart attack on Tuesday at his home, •concession 14. Surviving besides his wife, the former Louise .Regier, are two sons, Hubert and Joseph, Hay Township; and seven daughters; Mrs. Robert Rooney, St. Marys; Mrs. Samuel Bryan, Ml's. Joseph Judge and Agnes, of London; Mrs. Daniel Wemple, in California; Mrs. Russell Oesch, Stanley Township, and Mrs. Bert Fagan, Toronto. Resting at the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich, until Friday morn- ing, when Requiem High + Mass will be sung at 10 a.m.,. St.' Boni- face Church by the Rev. Father M. D. Monaghan, Interment will be made in : the parish -cemetery. JOHN McLEAN BELL HENSALL. — John McLean Bell, of Usborne Township, died sudden- ly Monday, Jan.' 30; at thehome of his sister, Mrs. Thomas Drover, where he' arrived only on Sunday. He was up and around when he was stricken with a heart attack,' and was dead' upon arrival of an ambulance to 'take him to hospital. He was in his 72nd year and was unmarried. Surviving are fwo sisters, Mrs. William Brintnell and Mrs. Drover, both of, lhlipert; and • one brother, Earl Bell, Of Seattle, Washington. Public : funeral services were held from the Bonthron funeral home;: Hensall, Wednesday, Feb. 1, c9ndilcted by Rev. C. D. Daniel. Interment-': was in McTaggart's dmeterj'. . •• MRS. WILLIAM GRAY BLYTH,—Mrs. William .Gray, a lifelong resident of this commun- ity, died unexpectedly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Mc - Nall, and Mr. McNeil. Mill Street, Blyth, on. Monday evening, in her 85th year. Mrs. Gray was formerly Miss. Martha Manning, daughter of Ed- mund Manning and • Ann Leach Manning, of Hullett Township. Fol- lowing her marriage to William Gray in 1896, they took up farm- ing on concession 13, Hullett, where Mr. Gray died in 1933. Since his death she had lived on the Gray farm with Mr. and Mrs. McNall until last fall, when she went to Blyth with Mr. and Mrs. McNall, who had bought a home there. She bad been an invalid for several years. Surviving are two sons, Albert Gray. principal of Blyth public school; Ephriam Gray, principal of Palmerston school; two daugh- ters, Mrs. Edwin (Hattie) Wood, concession 13, Hullett Township, and Mrs. Leonard (Mildred) Mc - Nal; eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, - The body was at the Tasker Memorial- Chapel until- 'Thursday, when a, public funeral . service was held at- 2:00 p.m. in Londesboro United Church with Rev: J. T. White, minister of the church, of- ficiating, assisted by Rev. A. W. Watson, minister of Blyth United Church. Burial was in Blyth Un- ion cemetery, WINCHEI.SEA' Winchelsea euchre party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walters' on Monday night, prizes going to Mrs. Jack Hein, Mrs. Isabel Sugden, Mr. Joe Bailey and Mr. John Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe and family, of Thames Road, were Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Walters. Mrs. Ivan Brock was hostess on Friday evening for a British Knit demonstration, Me. and Mrs. Bill Walters and Danny were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wib Glanville, near Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan and Randy, of Exeter, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Walters were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern on the Sun- shine Line. Miss Wilma Walters, of London, was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wal- ters, , Mrt•and Mrs. W. F. Batten were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and" Mrs. It.. E. Pooley in Exeter. Mr itbnald Gunning,, of London, Called on Mr, and Mrs. Newton Clarice and ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clar'he on .Sunday. Fol' t'hd first eight Months of 1954' 1 Gdl;Iddialiotitonlobile•. ship mens Were iiown 19.,pet eent. ;0.. er, Service'Solid` ' f444, usual,;iS0.014'41$0, 8s. 10 m, .church :rat 1 a'�tr witl> 'ftey C Dagie1 n charge. Time ,o `'Ghise]liurst warship is .'3 o'clock, unday ,School at 2 o'clock. s glans are ill:Progress to hold the , an ual eougregational meeting pin 'Monday evening Feb. 6, ' at 7 p.in., R'ensall `United' Church -.44 formerly, a pot -luck supper is tali- ; lag place, The arrangements are i�uR the hands of the Evening Aux- iliary,. The Chiselhurst cengrega- tional meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Feb. 7, an eve- ning meeting. St. Paul's Church Officers The following officers were .elect- ed for the 1956. slate at the annual Meeting of St. Paul's:' Anglican Church, which was chaired by Rev. N. B. Knox: Vestry clerk, R. H. Middleton; wardens, peo- ple's, T. Lavender; minister's war- den, Jolie Henderson; lay dele- gate, T. •Lavender, Jack- Hender- son; sidesmen, F. Ellwood, C. Fi- ford, Tom. Lavender, Bill Laven- der; auditors, P. Ellwood, C. Fi- ford. Tea and' sandwiches were served by the ladies.. Anyone wishing to come to the regular Sunday services will be most wel- come.Sunday School is, from 11:30 to 1!s. 15 a.m S.S., No: 10, Tuckersmith Friday, February 3 8:30 p.m., sharp ' EVERYONE WELCOME Ladies please . bring Lunch Sponsored by Pupils of ,the, School Valentine -DANCE EUCHRE and DANCE Hensall Towai Hall Friday, Feb. 10th 8:30 p.m. MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA Lucky Lunch Prize Ladies please bring Lunch Admission 50 Cents Sponsored by the Kipper East WI. LOW COST FOR CAREFUL ONLY (( • • CONTINUOUS POLICY • SEMI-ANNUAL PREMIUMS 1 • PERSONALIZED SERVICE LOW PREMIUMS Rock -bottom rates—bq aimingto insure only careful "len expensive" drivers. Savings -by issuing just one "continuous policy" as bong as you keep the same car. Two easy -to -budget --payments instead of one big yearly bill. Service- 8,000 agents and claims repre- sentatives epro-sentatives to give you fast friendly help anywhere you go. 1t pays to know your STATE FARM Agent 4i 1 JACK - STEVENS Phone 108-W - Seaforth low is; it Rl Hopei,H pa 'mens. Gelithm SEAF Needlecraft' i ,.. All work must be new. ' Prizes are 75c, 50 ?land 25e, esiemt-w otherwise shown. QUILTS , 1. Pieced cotton quilt, with separate binding.2; . a cotton applique, no embroidery. 3:uilt best quoting. 4. Quilt, • child's, nursery design, any `work on cotton, 36x48. BEDSPREADS 5. Bedspread, crochet or knit. 6. Bedspread, candlewick, designed on white cotton. 7. Bedspread, quilted, colored. AFGHANS—$1.00, 75e, 50c 8. Afghan, crocheted._ 9. ,.Afghan, • !witted.' MATS 10. Mat, braided from ;rags. 11. Mat, "hooked from rags. -. 12. Mat, hooked from wool; yarn Living Room Furnishings CUSHIONS ' , , 13. Satin cushion, complete. ' 14. , Embroidered cushion, not. satin. 15. Needlepoint cushion. .PICTURES and DOMES 16. Needlepoint picture, framed, 8" x 10" 17. Petit -point picture; framed, 8" x 10" 18. Tatted doiley, 12"' or under 19; Crocheted doiley, 12" or under. Dining Room Furnishings TABLE COVERS and CENTREPIECES 20. ,Crocheted tablecloth, 54" x -72" 21. Embroidered tea cloth, 45" x 45" 22. Bridge cloth, white, 36" square, crochet trim. 23. Four place mats and runner, any' work, white or colored_ 24. Card table cover, felt. 25.__Centrepiece, 18" in diameter, crochet, • 26. Centrepiece, 15" in diameter, tatted. 27. Buffet set, 3 -pieces, crochet, white. 28. Buffet set, 3 -pieces, embroidered, colored. Bedroom Furnishings PILLOW SLIPS and VANITY SETS 29. 1 pillow slip, embroidered, all white. 30,' 1 pillow slip, embroidered; colored. 31. 1 pillow slip, crocheted edge. , 32. 1 pillow slip, colored, cross-stitch. ,' 33. 1 sheet, 1 pillow slip to match, monogrammed. 34. Vanity set, 3 pieces, any work. - 35. Fancy pin cushion. Knitting and Crochet — Wool 36. Ladies' knit gloves, plain. 37, Ladies', knit mitts, fancy, . • 38. Stole, knit or crochet, 39. Men's knit gloves, plain. 40. Men's mitts, knit, fancy. 41. Men's mitts, double knitted. 42. Men's fine sox, fancy. 43. Men's work sox. 44. Girls' pullover sweater, 5-10 years. 45. Boys' pullover. sleevelss, 5-10 years. 46. Ski mitts and hat to match, knit or crochet. 47. Baby's set, knit, 3 -pieces, jacket, bonnet, bootees. 48. Baby's set, crochet, 3 -pieces, jacket, „bonnet; bootees..49: Carriage cover, knit or crochet.' 50. Fancy tea apron. 51. Cobbler apron. 52. _ Christmas apron, 53. Ladies' house dress, most practical, sample attacked. 54. Ladies' cotton skirt. 55. Ladies' wool skirt. 56. Men's pyjamas, sample attached: 57. Men's plaid sport shirt. 58. Child's wool jumper, 6-10 years. 59. Girls' dress, smocked, 2-5 years. 60. Child's sunsuit, any age. - 61. Little boy's trousers, 2-5 years, 62. Three articles made from sugar sacks. MISCELLANEOUS Sewing 63. Grandmother's birthday gift—gift-wrapped parcel to be judged; also the gift left outside the box; gift to be scarf, OR one pair gloves, OR two handkerchiefs with different edgings. OR apron. 64. 1 bath towel, narrow edge. 65, 1 linen towel, embroidered_ 66' 1 guest towel, cross-stitch, 67. 1 tea towel, any work. 68. 1 huck woven shopping bag: SPECIAL 69: '1 Christmas table cloth $2.00, $1,00 — 54" x 72" NEW CANADIAN SECTION --$1.00, 75c, 50c 70. 1 pair fancy knitted mitts, 71. 1 large crocheted doiley. 72. 1 child's dress, machine or hand -made. SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market — for — USED CARS 1956 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN BELOW Powerglide with V-8 Engine LIST 1954 CHEV. ELUXE POWER GLIDE 1659 fullly equipped 1955 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN fully equipped 1954 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN fully equipped 2-1954 CHEV. SEDANS fully equipped 1953 CIIEV. BEL AIR SEDAN - 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEV. SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POWER -GLIDE SEDAN 1995 1595 1495 -1395 1295 1095 95.50 1951 CHEV. COACH De. Luxe 1951 MONARCH fully equipped, two-tone 1950 CHEV. SEDAN DE LUXE fully equipped 1949 CIHLV. COACH 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN * ' TRUCKS 1952 G.M.C. 1 -TON PICKUP 1947 DODGE 1 -TON PICKUP 900 950 850 695 495 495 „ 795 395 A Written Guarantee for '60 days on all Late .Model Cars—Many Other Models to (lam From BRUSSELS MOTORS HiSSELS -- ONTARIO PHONE 73•$ --"The 'billet of Better Used CarV' OPEN EVERY EVENING n�A 1 r s. P , •